• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter X: Beloved Black Sheep

Chapter X: Beloved Black Sheep

Previous Chapter Recap: In time Equestria will return to the way it should be. Twilight mustn't allow herself to believe otherwise despite the circumstances. Yet as Captain Jack observes her, she worries her newfound companion might be putting too much pressure on herself. Perhaps a problem she can remedy in the near future. Meanwhile, as more ponies are found under the effects of a mysterious dream magic, Lady Rarity presses on in her own investigation. For surely... it is only a fluke with the reports.

"Rarity..." her name had been echoed many times by Princess Nightmare Moon.

How many times had she been down this road? It all felt so indifferent now.

Endless expressions of Lady Rarity had waned over time until her demeanor was as still as concrete.

In the beginning, she was no different from any other mare caught between the chaos of the war with the changelings. A mare without any sort of semblance to the Princess' rule. But she knew her purpose, even since that fateful day she'd finally been granted permission to approach the throne amidst one of the first eternal nights. The Castle of the Two Sisters had nowhere near the amount of decor it had now, so she nervously traversed the vacant hall leading towards the Princess herself. The moonlight pierced through the untouched dusty windows fully, exposing her and giving her no comfort within shadows. But still, she pressed onward.

Rarity's kept her composure even then. She was adorned in working clothes and a blue nametag, while upon her back was a brown leather satchel. "P-Princess Nightmare Moon?... I thank you for this meeting."

Yet despite the trotway being fully exposed, the Princess was still masked in absolute shadow upon her throne. Her gaze lingered upon the mere working mare before her with skepticism. "While the rest of your peers work tirelessly to ensure Ponyville is in a presentable state, here you are with me. This best be important."

Rarity nodded, letting off hushed nervous chuckles. "Oh, I assure you, Princess, it is... you see I've uh, noticed that though you mean well with your beautification efforts-" her telekinetic magic pulled from her bag a various assortment of blueprints as she laid them out on the ground. "You lack vision and organization."

Light cackles emitted from the throne as they only echoed louder until they'd became obnoxiously voracious. The Princess couldn't contain herself, "To think a mere working mare still had the audacity to say such things to me. It seems I've not been harsh enough!" She glared back down towards Lady Rarity but even so, wore an absolutely joyous smile. "I will enjoy making you an example." Slithering black tentacles struck towards Rarity.

Rarity trembled yet stood her ground. She closed her eyes and yelled, "Do you not wish to be adored!?"

The tentacles immediately ceased in their movements, all lingering around Rarity in a now hesitant manner.

Princess Nightmare Moon was gravely silent then, as she squinted at the mare. ".....Go on."

Rarity slowly opened her eyes as she trembled further, and began to sweat. Yet she still stood in place, doing her best to keep her composure. With telekinetic magic, she spread each of the blueprints out upon the ground. Atop one the title was labeled, Architecture. Another was labeled as, Culture. Whereas the third was labeled as, Design. Buildings detailed architecture, and various bullet points detailed culture, whereas many illustrated clothing variants were upon the design blueprint. "I... I wish to organize these things for you, Princess." She looked back up towards her, "To ensure your rule i-is both successful, and beautiful."

Princess Nightmare Moon leaned her head back upon her throne some. "An appealing gesture, but what makes you so capable of this? I have another Princess who could tend to such things. I have an endless legion of newly committed servants I can choose from. Why choose some nameless little mare from Ponyville?"

Rarity glanced downward, thinking about it for a moment.

Within her mind, she saw something more precious to her than anything.

Huddled up against her, sleeping soundly was her dearest sister... Sweetie Belle, so much smaller than today. Their living quarters were tight and compact, a fair space considering how many ponies were still attempting to recover and find their place in this changed world focused on power and usefulness. Rarity pet Sweetie Belle's head affectionately.

Rarity glanced back up, looking towards the Princess. "Because there is importance in beauty Princess, and I see you desperately trying to capture what defines you in a manner that does not truly capture that beauty." She glanced around at the black tentacles which still stirred and writhed, and then back up at her. "I have seen this, and have come here to address it." She now stood more defiantly. "But I doubt anypony else has."

Princess Nightmare Moon's eyes widened ever slightly, piquing her interest.

Rarity continued. "Perhaps others have recognized it Princess, but none know better how to define that beauty than me. Which is why I'm confident that I'm the first to approach you with a plan to set your rule into motion."

Princess Nightmare Moon continued to listen, surprisingly attentive.

The tentacles which surrounded Rarity slowly began to retract themselves. Rarity still trembled but inched forward bit by bit, placing a hoof upon her chest as if in a declaration. "If you truly wish to have your image resonate with the ponies of Equestria, you must establish a sense of beauty which captures who you are while not disrupting the lives of the subjects who would love nothing more than to adore you. Princess Cadence though beloved, is the polar opposite of what you desire. A blend of both is necessary to succeed." She squinted, "If you allow me to help guide you on this endeavor... I promise you I shall succeed. If not, then of course, I will accept whatever punishment you deem fit." She gulped, and lowered her gaze again, "And I will not protest to Princess Cadence should it be... beyond cruel." She eyed her again. "This I solemnly vow."

Princess Nightmare Moon was wrapped in shadow and disappeared, only to reappear right in front of Rarity, head lowered, eyes wide and attentive with a childishly fierce grin. "What a deeeeal, what a deeeeal. Such confidence! I am having quite a lot of fun with this. Well then..." she stood straight and smiled warmly down at Rarity. "Little white mare of Ponyville, I will entertain your... talents. But I am curious," she lowered her head again and ran a hoof slowly up Rarity's neck to directly beneath her chin to tilt her head up at her. "Why such dedication? Surely there is some sort of ideal reward you're expecting out all this? Perhaps... status?"

Rarity shook her head up at her, only smiling warmly. "No Princess, simply a mere act of... generosity."

The Medical Ward, Lady Rarity couldn't recall the last time she'd visited, if ever. This place was reserved only for the guards, but even she preferred to keep Captain Dash nestled away in the Ponyville hospital. She was glad the guards who'd found her made the same assessment... for morale's sake. Perhaps the only time was when it'd first opened up ages ago. The front reception counter was in the shape of a horseshoe, and all receptionists were adorned once again in Rarity's attire. Upon their uniforms instead of the eye of nightmare moon was instead a purple heart. The ward held an ultimately calm atmosphere, which is exactly what she needed.

Her world as of late felt non-stop, to be expected when both Princesses were away. But on the bright side, she received no word of any sort of dire state between the other cities. Her eyes cast a bitterly solemn glow... for she preferred it that way. The less she had to interact with the other leading figures of Equestria the better. Momentarily her gaze went to the ground as she couldn't help but feel amused in her silence, for she missed Captain Dash. Their heated arguments, that idiotic mohawk, and that unnerving confidence. Lady Rarity did not feel the comfortability of this position as Dash had, nor did she resonate with the troops as much as her or Captain Jack. She knew her position, and she'd come to accept it. So now nor ever was a time to feel pitiful.

But Captain Dash and herself also led completely differently. Those were the consequences the Princess would simply have to accept, and oddly enough... she felt the Princess already knew that. Princess Nightmare Moon, outside of the alicorn, had already found what she was looking for in the Dragon Lands. She already had the advantage and could fix this mess in Canterlot in an instant. So why in Celestia's name hadn't she returned? It frustrated Lady Rarity to no end the more she thought about it. Just what was keeping the Princess attached to that place for so long? Surely the dragons were no such threat. Or perhaps... she found something else?

Nonetheless, Lady Rarity pressed forward towards the reception desk alongside Sassy Saddles.

Sassy Saddles eyed down at Rarity in curiosity. "L-Lady Rarity, where is Captain Dash?"

Lady Rarity commented absently. "Unfortunate circumstances have taken Captain Dash back to Cloudsdale."

Sassy Saddles frowned at her in surprise. "A-Ah I see. The alicorn situation is far more widespread than I assumed then." She glanced down in slight distress. "So many of our recruits have been deployed to Canterlot to help with the situation per your coordination Lady Rarity... it just seemed odd Captain Dash has had no involvement thus far." She glanced over curiously, "I'd heard that a newly appointed overseer had been placed for the Canterlot Dream Sweep. But even that has changed since? The briefings were a bit... broad, I'd say."

Lady Rarity glanced over at Sassy Saddles abruptly. "Patience is key darling. To achieve something truly beautiful you must be delicate, and craft your work piece by piece. The result I assure you will be stunning, it is something I've learned and must continue to learn due to our current... predicaments." She looked ahead again as they'd reached the pony at the head of the counter. Captain Dash and Tantabus, despite his true motivations, were both reckless and impatient. They were blinded by their pent-up desires and thus achieved an ugly result because of it. Though I have my moments... I will not end up like them. I have all the tools I need to succeed.

The front desk receptionist seemed distracted as she sorted through files momentarily. She didn't even take the time to acknowledge Lady Rarity as she spoke in a lazy manner. "Ma'am, please take a seat in one of the chairs alongside the windows and you'll be called up shortly." After a few seconds of noticing through her peripheral vision those who stood in front of her didn't budge, she glanced up in annoyance. "Ma'am I said-" and then came an immediate halt as she shrieked and fell back in her seat. "L-Lady Rarity! Miss Sassy Saddles!"

Lady Rarity showed no expression to the mare, not even impatience nor annoyance. Just... nothing.

Sassy Saddles, however, glared at her the entirety of the time with a firm wrinkle upon her nose.

The mare struggled to get up as she chuckled nervously the entire time. She situated her seat back up and calmly sat within it before blushing intensely, looking to both mares despite her eyes being closed. "Had nooooo idea you were coming! S-Sorry, busy day and all! I mean... ya get stuck in the motion of things."

Lady Rarity paid no mind to her antics and went straight to business. "The arrivals from the outpost. Do you know what area they've been situated in?" She squinted, "I'm on a schedule, so time is of the essence."

The mare nervously sorted through papers. "O-Of course Lady Rarity of course. Uh! Y-Yes... erhm." Her eyes widened in relief as she gulped and then raised a paper, looking over it. "Says here we've placed them in Hall D, Room 15." She smiled wide as she closed her eyes again, "That's where you'll find them at Ma'am."

Lady Rarity immediately pressed on in stride past the desk. "Thank you."

Sassy Saddles remained behind for a second to glare at that mare still. "Janitorial duty after this!"

The mare at the desk only sighed and frowned, looking towards the ground. "Aw jeez..."

Many onlooking recruits with varied reactions eyed her, some in particular snickering.

Sassy Saddles let off a huff of frustration before pressing on to catch up with Lady Rarity.

Upon reaching Hallway D, Lady Rarity stood before the closed door of Room 15.

Sassy Saddles leaned forward in a hesitant manner. "Uhm... Lady Rarity, shall I leave you for now?"

Lady Rarity nodded absently. "Yes, I'll be fine from here Sassy. Thank you for accompanying me."

She nodded in satisfaction. "Of course Lady Rarity. It is always a pleasure to see you. I wish you luck in acquiring the answers you seek." She turned and made her way back down the opposing direction without another word.

Once alone, Lady Rarity slid open the door and trotted inside, ignoring any onlookers who happened by.

Lady Rarity slid the door shut again behind her delicately with a hoof, willingly choosing to forgo magic.

Many beds were lined up, each with ponies who'd been stripped of their armors and placed in gowns. However only one nurse was present, and she'd been tending to a pony who was awake. Surprise gripped her when she'd glanced back, only to notice the prestigious guest who was visiting. "Lady Rarity! This is a surprise!"

Lady Rarity turned towards that bed in particular and casually strode on over. Her gaze was entirely focused on the pony leaned up, staring both tiredly and absently at the nurse, then soon enough her as well.

The pony leaned up in the bed continued to focus on Lady Rarity, her mane was black and her coat was pink.

The nurse frowned at the patient. "The report states that she and her two fellow guards were sent to an outpost at the outskirts of Ponyville, the eastern side. They were some of the most recent arrivals there, but everypony you see here is a victim." She squinted in concern, "What could've done this Lady Rarity?"

Lady Rarity's horn lit up, "That is what I'm about to find out." She tore the blanket from the bed, eyeing the now revealed pegasus mare up and down. She had no wounds at all, and her cutie mark seemed symbolic to knitting. Lady Rarity's eyes widened as her brows rose, "Hm... she is unharmed." Odd, but not shockingly so. She became a little sterner in her demeanor, glancing over at the nurse. "This is good, please leave us for a few minutes." She focused back on the patient, "I must ask the patient some questions regarding her predicament."

The nurse bowed her head. "Yes, Lady Rarity." She turned and left out the door then without question.

As she focused back on the only mare who laid awake, she frowned. "I assume you remember nothing?"

The mare shook her head at Lady Rarity blankly, eyeing her with a curious expression.

Lady Rarity frowned at her, "Not even me then." She paused, "You are already damaged beyond repair... but I can at least investigate remnants of what has passed. You are in good enough health for no concern."

The mare smiled wide with a chuckle. "I... I um, feel pretty good actually Ma'am. Really good."

Lady Rarity flinched, taken aback somewhat. "Hm? Good? Surely you are mistaken dear."

The mare rubbed at the back of her neck, curiously optimistic. "I feel as free as a filly Ma'am."

Lady Rarity's nose wrinkled as one eye twitched. "That... is not possible."

The mare looked to her with a wide satisfied smile, still oddly optimistic. "Oh, how come?"

Lady Rarity's horn sparked as suddenly a black aura rippled around her yet made not a sound. Her posture became more aggressive as with a pop, her coat once again was wrapped in black. Unexpectedly, Lady Rarity had snapped. "For I know this magic and there is nothing good about it!" C-Calm yourself! What're you doing? As she wore a fierce snarl and glaring gaze, confusion gripped her. Why does such a thing disturb me so?

The mare upon the bed seemed unphased by Rarity's display. "Hm? Maybe it's different magic then?"

Lady Rarity's expression twisted into one of utter annoyance. What sort of nonsense is this? She trotted up to the mare, placing a hoof at the side of her head and allowing her magic to emit onto her. No such effects exist.

"What makes this trivial... handicapped pony so special anyhow?"

Trixie trotted around impatiently within the living room of Rarity's mansion, flicking pieces of armor and furniture lightly with her magic as a method of dealing with her angst. She snarled, huffing periodically back and forth as she trotted. She looked to Twinkleshine upon the couch who still appeared dazed. Trixie glared at her in disgust, "Some pitiful little traitor from Canterlot should be banished! Why are we spoiling her?"

Diane sat atop one of the pony mannequins with her chin resting atop its head. "Because she knows things."

Trixie rolled her eyes before leaning her head right down beside Twinkleshine's with a squint. "Well why not simply beat that meddlesome head in further until she tells us! It has worked for Trixie in the past!"

Diane began rocking back and forth atop the mannequin. "Because the Princess' magic tells us the truth, duh." She rested a hoof atop her cheek, eyeing Trixie in a plain manner. "But the Princess' magic can be scary for most ponies, some ponies never wake up." She made some circular motions with a hoof before glancing up casually, "Or you knooow, their brains are scrambled like scrambled eggs. Cottage cheese. Those things."

Trixie blinked a few times at Diane blankly, before squinting back at Twinkleshine. "That still doesn't explain why we must play nice with her. If she's disposable regardless, then let's pick her brain and be done with it!"

Diane continued to rock back and forth. "That's what the Princess likes about all of us silly." She propelled herself into a casual spin, with the top of her head now upon the floorboards as she continued to rock the pony mannequin while upside down. "We all have our ways of going about things. We think of things differently."

Trixie scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "And what is wise about sympathizing for a traitor?"

Diane raised a brow at her. "Preserving pony values, all that stuff." She propelled herself into another casual spin and landed the mannequin back upright as she sat upon it, "The Princess sees Rarity as somepony willing to consider things she doesn't, while still doing everything she wants. Not even Princess Cadence will listen to the Princess all the time but she's a teeny tiiiiiiny bit harder to force anything upon, but Rarity always seems to find a balance." She looked up and raised a hoof to her muzzle, with a slightly intrigued expression. "The Princess would probably scramble Twinkleshine's brains, but then again, if she does she might lose a lot of that yummy info." A baby crocodile popped out her cloak as Diane blinked and smiled lazily back at it. "Oh... hey there Gummy, forgot you existed. Here, have a rock." She pulled a rock from her cloak then fed it to him.

Trixie groaned, lowering her head. "Well is she always like this? Trixie doesn't want to be here forever."

Diane now pet the baby alligator absently as she spoke. "Not always... no."

Trixie's eyes widened as she glanced over at Diane, actually surprised.

Diane continued, her tone shifting to a more solemn one. "Sometimes Rarity can get really... upset."

Lady Rarity stood within a peaceful landscape, one nestled away in mountains she did not recognize. The sky was a deep bright blue while the clouds were full and white. Birds flew in flocks as the trees' leaves all bristled casually with the wind. She stood upon an outstretched plain with rolling hills in the distance. At the center not far off, the pegasus from earlier sat within a wooden chair, knitting at her leisure. Lady Rarity stood there, her expression more so one of shock and dismay as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "This... this is beautiful." She flinched as she looked down momentarily at herself, noticing her blackened form crack and pop. Most importantly... she felt the pain. Further shock gripped her as she eyed the consistent damage.

The knitting mare called out to her. "It is isn't it? I think I must be dreaming!"

Lady Rarity looked back to her, still in shock as her brows lowered... in envy. "D-Dreaming."

The knitting mare nodded to her. "Something so beautiful has to be a dream, right?"

The two found themselves now back within the hospital room.

Lady Rarity felt herself jerk back as she'd instinctually reacted by pulling herself away from the mare. She was breathing heavily now as smoke emitted from her horn. She'd been sweating, and she eyed the mare upon the bed still with shock and at a loss for words. Her mind is pure, and she is able to dream freely even after being affected by the Princess' mag-... no, this... this is not the Princess' magic. This is something else. Something- Lady Rarity dared not finish her train of thought. She tried her best not to. She only stood there, trying to piece herself together. Despite the pain, something stirred within her, and her heart ached because of it.

The pegasus mare continued to eye Lady Rarity comfortably. "Ma'am?"

Lady Rarity looked to her now more questionably. Still unable to piece together her confusion.

The pegasus mare frowned, "Are you sure there's something wrong with me?... I feel great."

Lady Rarity's coat wrapped in black hastily as she leaped through a makeshift rift once again.

My dearest Rarity... The past echo of Princess Nightmare Moon's voice rang out in her head again.

In her panic, she'd turned up in a completely deserted area free from commotion on the outskirts of Ponyville. Lady Rarity found herself trembling as she looked at her black hooves and like a stain, it all stuck to her. This unquestionably foul form that wrapped around her, empowered her, protected her, had also burned her only moments ago. A dream so undeniably beautiful had harmed her. Lady Rarity wrapped her hooves around herself as she lowered her head, allowing her forehead to touch the grass. She was now, only deathly silent.

How many times? She thought. How many times... had she been down this road? She'd solved numerous issues for the Princess, and each and every time, she felt as if she could find the beauty and balance in the situation. Yet this time the magic she witnessed only told her one thing, and there was no balance to be found. Somepony or something possessed a magic that invaded the mind, erased fragments of memories, yet purified dreams. Lady Rarity ached with turmoil, as she wrapped her hooves around herself tighter. The Princess would never approve of such magic that could nullify her own in such a manner. She felt no peace in this. She felt the polar opposite, she felt rotten. For she wished not to destroy this magic at all... she wanted it, for herself.

The memories of the past only latched onto her further. You will remedy this for me, won't you?

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