• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,951 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter XII: The Winding Road

Chapter XII: The Winding Road

Previous Chapter Recap: Having escaped the Realm of Nightmare, prior princess; Luna, has become determined to ensure the mistakes of her past no longer bleed into the future. With the aid of fragmented memories of the dream, stolen from various nightmare guards, slowly the path to Twilight is becoming more clear. As Twilight Sparkle struggles to make sense of her own direction, perhaps she can find the answers she seeks even in the most unlikely of places. But will she even get the chance to prove her worth?

"Now everypony, it is time to recite the Princess' Creed!" Gleefully, a feminine voice exclaimed.

A wide array of fillies and colts all opened their muzzles, anxious to sing, before they all broke out in sync.

"Light of the moon unveil unto me, provide me with purpose to keep us all free."

"Purpose of life unveil unto me, the path to contribute to all fellow ponies."

"Ponies at my side unveil unto me, the harmony and history of the Princess' great deeds."

"Princess Nightmare Moon unveil unto me, the starry night sky you blissfully bring."

"Eternal night sky return unto me, the light of the moon I desire to see."

Hoof stomps echoed, as merry childish giggles rippled throughout an enclosed space.

The feminine voice returned exclaiming soundly, "You are all... dismissed!"

Both Twilight and Captain Jack stood before the black gate leading into the Nightmare Guard grounds. Twilight appeared more observant in comparison, seeing as Captain Jack had been familiar with this setting for years. Captain Jack glanced over at Twilight, smirking. "Sure is something ain't it? Maybe a bit harder on the eyes."

Twilight's eyes were focused on the blue flames which emitted at the top of the gate. "What're those?"

Captain Jack blinked a few times before glancing up at the blue flames as well. "Ah, them the flames of High Commander Spitfire." She glanced back over at Twilight in concern, "Ya don't ever want ta touch those."

Twilight frowned and gulped, "N-Noted." High Commander Spitfire. She sounds familiar... interviews with Neigh News? I think she even was with Shining when he was deployed to the north. Could she still be here in Equestria?

Captain Jack nudged her head in Twilight's direction before they proceeded further on towards the gates.

Two of the stallion guards posted just beyond the gates appeared bored, well until they noticed who was coming. They then looked to one another, sweating, before another turned and ran deeper within.

The remaining stallion guard gulped, smiling. "C-Captain Jack. We uuh, weren't expecting you."

Captain Jack tipped her hat at them. "I tend ta uh, like to capture things in their natural state." She removed her hat before placing it against her chest and smiling at the guard. Her accent shifted, more akin to that of a noble. "I hope that doesn't bother you. Might you all be hiding something?" She raised a curious brow at him.

The guard blushed and smiled nervously. "No Ma'am! Uh... r-right this way." He opened the front gate.

Twilight looked to Captain Jack in wonder. "Your high society accent..."

Captain Jack snickered at her. "Shucks, still got it down, don't I? Did pretty much spend my whole life in Manehattan. So I tend ta get a little homesick now and again." She nudged her head in Twilight's direction again, signaling her to come forward. "But, Manehattan... or High Society, as it tends ta go by, has changed." She frowned subtly at her, "I hope it can someday return to the way it once was. Was my home afterall."

Twilight made no comment as the two proceeded inside. Once Twilight got an initial look at the main grounds, she felt all sense of focus leave her for a moment, taken in by what she saw. Despite the ominous black gates which surrounded the entirety of the grounds, once within... it truly was beautiful. Gem crafted bridges which led over intersecting streams all throughout the grounds. Signs which pointed the way to different sectors, as well as a fountain which sat at the center in front of what appeared to be the main building. Various guards, some wearing the most basic attire, all roamed about intent on accomplishing their tasks or duties.

Captain Jack didn't fail to notice Twilight's reaction. "Nice ain't it?" She smiled, looking ahead. "I know what I said earlier... but 'Lady Rarity' worked alongside Princess Cadence and High Commander Shining ta help build this place. Even after Princess Celestia was banished, the idea of comfortability and homeliness still lingered within them I imagine." She now turned directly towards Twilight, "Speaking of which Private, I guess this is also where we part ways for now." She smirked, "But I'll be in touch... so don't you fret alright?" She tipped her hat again.

Twilight flinched, as she hastily looked to Captain Jack in shock. "N-Now? You're... you're leaving now?"

Captain Jack leaned her head back, amused with half-closed eyes. "Is that a problem dear?"

That accent change again, and it actually flustered Twilight. "App-..Captain, this... this isn't a joke!"

Captain Jack placed a hoof against her chest. "Nor did I say it was... Private." Suddenly her expression became serious as she looked Twilight firm in the eyes. "Ya been acting funny for awhile now, actually no... since the beginning. I see it here and there, that panic in you peeking through." She sighed, frowning at her. "And ta be honest, I really don't think I'm helping you any, actually... I might be making it worse." She seemed sympathetic towards Twilight. "Twilight." She paused, "Whatever happened; happened. But I need you ta be ready."

Twilight's eyes were wide, and soon her expression distorted into one still of further confusion.

Captain Jack smiled at her, ensuring to rub her head some. "See... that's more honest. Ironic I say that, considering our... circumstances." She chuckled but eyed her earnestly again. "But the most important thing to always remember is stay true to yourself Twi. The time ta act always presents itself so for now, slow down." She pat Twilight's cheek twice. "That includes you, not trying ta carry the weight of the world on yer shoulders like some hero, and punish yourself all the same. We take it steady, and... ya let me work ta give us a headstart for now."

Twilight gave Applejack a subtle glare. True to yourself? What is all this we're doing then Applejack!?

The setting sun still loomed in the background, beyond the scape of Everfree Forest, and between the clouds.

Twilight was silent for a long while, and as she stood there eying Applejack... eventually she turned her gaze down towards the grass, her upper face covered in soft shadow. "You, you just don't understand Applejack."

A flock of birds soared overhead, roaming freely above the clouds.

Twilight kept her gaze downward. "There's... I need to be unmoving on this. Otherwise, I'm... I'm not-"

Applejack interrupted; a serious and firm look upon her. "Strong? Capable? Reliable? Good enough?"

Twilight flinched again, as the moisture in her eyes shined. But she kept it at bay, and looked away.

Applejack continued. "That's what I need ya to realize Twi. That self you're hiding away-" She used a hoof to delicately turn her head towards her again, before placing a hoof atop of it. "That's who I want as my partner."

"Oh my oh my oh my! TWO prestigious guests in one day. S-Surely a welcome surprise."

Both Applejack and Twilight turned now towards the direction of the noise.

Applejack winked at Twilight, attempting to reassure her further.

Whereas Twilight just eyed her temporarily, still in contemplation as she turned her gaze back downward.

Hastily approaching them was Sassy Saddles. "A-Ah! Forgive me Captain Jack! Didn't realize you were coming!"

The gate guard who'd retreated earlier nodded to Sassy Saddles before saluting, then departing.

Captain Jack gave her a subtle hoof gesture. "I like ta surprise Sassy, ain't no issue."

Sassy Saddles was sweating, as she used a handkerchief to wipe away some from her forehead. "O-Of course. Lady Rarity ensured to surprise me earlier as well." She soon glanced over at Twilight, eyes widening some with enthusiasm. "Oh and who might this be? A friend of yours? Truly it must be so, given her appearance."

Twilight looked to Sassy Saddles in confusion. Ponies seemed to make mention of that recently. Yet was it truly so noticeable when she took care of her mane, brows, and coat? What about her blank flank?

Captain Jack snickered. "Ya can say that. But for now she's just any other plain recruit."

Sassy Saddles smiled, "Oh is that so? Well, fellow up and comings always do enjoy more company."

Captain Jack adjusted her hat atop her head. "Uh, so Sassy... ya mentioned Rarity was here?"

Sassy Saddles nodded plainly. "Yes, though-" she raised a hoof to her muzzle and glanced back in slight concern. "She doesn't seem to be here... anymooore. Odd, seeing as she was just in the medical ward."

Captain Jack looked to her in bafflement. "The medical ward? What in the hay did she go there for?"

Sassy Saddles frowned in deep concern. "F-Forgive me Captain Jack, I'd thought we sent word to you."

Meanwhile at Captain Jack's mansion, Big Mac stood at the door, peering down at a pony blankly.

A pegasus nightmare guard stood there with a rolled parchment in hoof, eyeing the ground. "Daw... nuts!"

Sassy Saddles continued. "I must admit, it has been difficult to get a hold of you lately."

Captain Jack nervously rubbed at the back of her neck. "Ah shucks, really? My apologies. Ya know me! Up and about, often everywhere but where I should be. Rarity mentions it too, but what can I say? I like ta be moving."

Sassy Saddles chuckled, "That you do Captain Jack. B-But... to go further into your prior question, it seems we've had some recent attacks on our outposts. Nothing inherently dire, if we exclude the overall span of the attacks. No armies, or ragtag groups of rebellious individuals from reports... but more so, the methodology behind them. The ponies were all found sleeping... and those that wake are in a very... well, odd predicament."

Captain Jack chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Well, what ain't been odd these days?"

Sassy Saddles nodded with a smile. "True. I cannot deny we've been having our fair share of surprises."

Twilight continued to listen intently, but attempted to appear more casual. S-Sleeping? Her eyes widened as she looked to Applejack in dire inquiry. "Applejack that's-" but she found a sudden and abrupt hoof from Applejack suddenly block her, as if dismissing her concerns. She glanced down at it in skepticism. "Huh? What're you-"

Captain Jack smiled at Sassy Saddles. "Hey Sassy, mind if I go take a look at these patients as well?"

Sassy Saddles nodded, "But of course Captain Jack." She turned towards one of the bridges. "Right this way."

Both Sassy Saddles and Captain Jack began to trot, whereas Twilight attempted to remain close behind.

Captain Jack glanced back at her, "Oi Private, where ya think yer goin? You best get to your barracks."

Twilight's eyes widened as she squinted at Captain Jack, standing there idly in bafflement.

Sassy Saddles paused, "Ah yes, that would be ideal." She raised a hoof and looked to one of the many ponies who roamed about. "You there!" She nagged a random guard nearby, "Escort this new recruit to the barracks."

The guard nodded before making her way over to Twilight in silence, nodding at her.

Twilight remained standing in place, temporarily looking to the guard still with that baffled look.

Captain Jack smiled to Sassy, "Now... shall we continue on Sassy? Maybe we'll find Rarity too."

Sassy Saddles nodded again. "Of course Ma'am. Let us get moving." The two pressed on again.

Twilight watched Captain Jack depart, before frowning and squinting at her in annoyance.

Minutes later, both Twilight and the guard now stood in front of an open door leading into a barracks room. It was a comfortable size built for two, with a bunk bed and two separate dressers. There was a window which gave sight to some areas of the rest of the grounds as well as a small fraction of Everfree Forest. Majority of the furniture was some shade of violet and a hard black, while on rare occasion, brown. Twilight glanced to her right down the long hall which also had doors leading to other guards' rooms. She then glanced down the opposing side, which also continued on endlessly. She then looked back in her room, before trotting inside.

Her escort remained outside, wearing a stern frown. "What do you have with you?"

Twilight glanced back at the satchel she'd brought with her. "J-Just a couple of books."

The guard frowned further. "Let me see em, open it up and dump it out."

Twilight turned and then dumped all the contents of the satchel on the carpet. It truly was nothing but books.

The guard's eyes widened before she rubbed at the back of her neck. She then looked back to Twilight sternly. "Well, your suitemate should be here shortly. She'll fill you in on where you need to go! For newbies, things are pretty straightforward." She glared at her then, "You got any sort of questions for me? Make it quick!"

Twilight was already organizing her books atop one of the dressers, "Um yes... can I know where the nearest-"

The guard snapped at her. "Good! Now sit here and don't do nothing!" She turned and began trotting off.

Twilight blinked a few times before frowning and exhaling with a deep sigh. "L-Library... is." She used her telekinetic magic to shut the door, wearing now a look of both contemplation and uncertainty as she organized the books upon her dresser. She couldn't help but notice perfectly white aprons neatly folded atop the other.

What has changed Twilight Sparkle? Why're you sitting here wasting your time?

The thoughts came in her voice, spoke like her voice, yet even so... they didn't feel authentic. She tried to push them back and simply organize her books. She needed to distract herself somehow. She needed to focus.

What about Moondancer? What about your mother? Father? Sister? Brother? What about all of them!?

Twilight went over to sit at a small table near the center of the room. She brought a book with her to read. It was a black glassed table, and her reflection was faint due to the intensity of the shade of black. She set her book down in front of herself to block her reflection, it labeled 'Realms of the Between'. She'd been reading it back at the mansion, and it focused on the more mental combinations to achieve some magical fields. The author known as 'Infinity' actually brought up some in-depth concepts. She was surprised it wasn't in Canterlot.

Since you got here, all you've done is go to the spa! Read books! And cozy up with the very ponies who've taken everything away from you! You should be out there fighting against them! Now Captain Jack has you twiddling your hooves, doing nothing... accomplishing nothing. Useless. Is that what you want to be? Useless all over again?

Twilight turned towards the first page, her expression worsening some. "I... I am doing something."

And what's that Twilight? Following orders like you did with Moondancer? Sitting around waiting for things to go wrong all over again? Too afraid to take action!? What has changed with you!? Nothing has changed!

Twilight began to tremble as she couldn't concentrate on her book. "But Applejack, the orange star... she-"

An excuse! Another blatant excuse! Blah blah blah! You've not changed one bit. You're still scared, still weak, still can't commit. Too afraid to even admit what you are! Too stupid to understand the magic you wield. Too pathetic to-

Twilight's head lowered as she muttered. "Shutup..." the air around her began to distort and heat.

What answers have you found? None! What progress have you made? Zilch! Nothing, nothing, nothing!

Twilight started to tremble as her mane began to rise and writhe steadily within the air. "Please, shutup..."

Still a follower! Never a leader! Face everything and rise? Or forget everything and run? Fear... fear... fear.

A blue flaming aura began to flicker around Twilight's eyes... as this time she said nothing.

The thoughts paused only momentarily before stating, ...Should've let me finish the job.

The image of Captain Dash in her hooves, drenched and unresponsive above the clouds, flashed in her mind.

Twilight rose, the very epitome of rage as her horn sparked and she roared. "That's enough!"

With only an instaneous burst, both the table and her book evaporated, vanishing in a swift second.

Three consecutive knocks came upon the door then, before it slowly opened.

Twilight was knocked from her trance, an expression of surprise overcoming her as she looked to the door.

As the door fully opened, standing there fully adorned in nightmare guard armor along with a cooking apron was a dark orange mare with violet eyes. She wore a white headband to keep her puffy fuchsia mane consisting of darker shades, pushed back. Her demeanor was hesitant, and almost frightened of Twilight as she was uncertain of what to expect when opening the door. "H-Hello there. Might you be my new suitemate?"

Twilight's demeanor calmed further as she sat, chuckling nervously. "Ah.. ehem.. uh, I, well-" she gulped, pausing as she glanced around before focusing back onto the mare. "I-If you sleep here, then... yes."

The mare proceeded inside as she also still seemed quite nervous. "I am Saffron Masala. I too have just recently joined the guard. I'd hoped to speak to a recruiter in Canterlot but... the city has been closed down temporarily. So I decided to commit here in Ponyville." She smiled and proceeded closer to Twilight before sitting down in front of her. "Pardon me if it's personal but I must ask... a-are, are you alright? I'm quite certain I heard you shout earlier, yet I am the only one here." She paused, leaning forward. "Is something troubling you?"

Twilight's eyes widened at the mare as she looked away in a reluctantly contemplative manner. She knew the answer was obvious, yet speaking it was an entirely different matter altogether. Yet as she thought back to the darker thoughts that stirred within her mind, she looked down in defeat. "Yes, but I don't know if I can fix it."

Saffron Masala raised an inquisitive brow, before questioning her earnestly. "What is it, if I may ask?"

Twilight looked back to her hesitantly, then back towards the ground. "Anger. Frustration. Sadness. So many things I feel but can't rid myself of. They keep piling and piling, and... I fear they may now be too heavy."

Saffron Masala frowned at her... before smiling. "When bad things happen, it is hard to not feel anything. But maybe you can turn the bad into the good? Use what you feel to learn, and accept. Not ignore, never ignore."

Twilight looked to her in skepticism. "How can you accept those emotions, without becoming them?"

Saffron Masala paused for a second, blinking... then she glanced down herself. "I think it can be... our perception of things. I, if you haven't noticed, my accent stems from Saddle Arabia. A land quite far from here."

Twilight blinked a few times herself, before frowning. "I did take note but... um, refused to comment."

Saffron continued, "Before the Subspecies-Act first commenced, many races retreated to our lands. It brought much war to our citizens from both sides. In these times of great violence, my father and I were separated. For years after, I searched for any sign of him... but found none. I remain hopeful we will find each other again someday. But I must also continue to live on, and that is best done here in Equestria, and not my homeland."

Twilight's brows furrowed in sympathy as she glanced down again. "I apologize about my regrettable inquiry."

Saffron shook her head. "No, I speak it cause I wish to." She looked earnestly again to Twilight. "I felt much anger... frustration... sadness, as you do. Yet in time, I turned that anger into passion. My frustration into focus. My sadness into motivation. I did not hide them because when I did, they often made way to find me again."

Though the answer did not cure her of her doubts, she was grateful. She looked back to Safrron Masala, feeling if anything... maybe she could at least start moving in the right direction, even if slow. Applejack, I still don't really understand what you expect from me here, but as your... friend, I will trust you. She smiled at Saffron. I will try to keep my perception bright, even if it feels we're moving towards an immeasurable site. "I... I think I get it."

Saffron Masala clapped her hooves. "Oh good good! I am very grateful! You seem uh... very kind."

Twilight blushed as she lowered her head some. "You.. uh, you too, have proven to be kind and your assistance with my emotional troubles is much appreciated." She reached out a hoof, "It's very gratifying to meet you."

Saffron Masala looked at her hoof, then instead gave her a hug. "You are very sweet suitemate. Thank you!" She soon pulled herself back and tilted her head to the right. "Also, might I ask you some other things?"

Twilight straightened her posture some as she nodded twice. "A-Anything! Shoot! Fire away!"

Saffron Masala chuckled, before inquiring. "First, may I have your name suitemate?"

Twilight nodded and hastily responded, "Twi-..iiiiiiiiiiiPurple!"

Saffron Masala blinked a few times. "Twipurple? What a strange name."

Twilight frowned and blushed further as she lowered her head again, "No... I just meant um, Purple."

Saffron Masala's eyes widened with surprise. "Oh? Even stranger! Strangely simple, but sweet."

Twilight glanced up at her, smiling nervously. "You uh, you mentioned a second question?"

Saffron Masala nodded simply, still smiling. "Mhm! Uh.." she glanced around, "Have you seen our table?"

Twilight flinched at the back of her neck, rubbing it nervously. "Uh yeah, about that... I can explain."

A waste of time Twilight Sparkle. A road to nowhere, a pitfall towards an inevitable disaster.

Twilight closed her eyes, quieting her thoughts for but a moment. No... not nowhere. A winding road to somewhere, a pitfall towards the unknown. I made it this far. She smiled wider now at Saffron. I at least know that.

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