• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter VII: The Children of Sanctuary

Chapter VII: The Children of Sanctuary

Previous Chapter Recap: For the time being, all has gone quiet. Twilight Sparkle has oddly enough found herself with some time. Time to get used to the position she has found herself in, and more importantly ... time to piece together the circumstances which surround her. A purple pony among many, thankfully she has acquired some reprieve under Captain Jack. But still, the burdens on her mind linger, for the fate of all her family is uncertain. Her goals, still so distant. Complacency is an old friend, but an unwelcome one.

Twilight Sparkle once again stood on the surface of the dark dimension she had recently, often found herself in. However, fear nor worry concerned her ... this was simply a learning experience. She glanced around observantly and with purpose, focused on identifying anything she could to get a better understanding of things. The rocky surface was cracked and reflective, almost like glass. She only briefly glanced down at her distorted reflection, before pressing on cautiously. The skies were black and distant. Nothing here seemed positive. Eventually she exhaled, "Nothing again." She glanced upward in disappointment. "Just useless."

"I wouldn't be so sure."

Twilight flinched, completely thrown off by the sudden unexpected voice. She turned around swiftly.

Behind her now was a random foreboding mare, wearing a dark hoodie upon a coat of sapphire. Twilight didn't recognize her beneath the hood, yet the turquoise shine in her eyes felt all too familiar. "I've found you."

Twilight gasped, wheezing as she fell back into the present. Her eyes were wide as her heart raced and she glanced around absently from within a barren yet comfortable room. She eyed the bed, the dresser, the small table at the center near where she sat, then the window with the light of the setting sun still pouring through. Her gaze slowly turned down towards a book she was reading, titled, 'Realms of the Between' as the author was only represented by an infinity symbol. She steadied her breathing before exhaling slowly. "Well ... p-progress is progress I guess." Twilight raised a hoof to her muzzle with interest. "Though not the most welcome result, it was something different." She paused, lifting the book and eyeing it observantly. "Nopony may have properly documented the aspects of this magic, but bits and pieces are there. All spread about in fractions from tale to tale, perspective to perspective. They'll all align eventually." Twilight attempted to keep a hopeful smile, but her eyes signified doubt. At least ... I have to believe that. She eyed another book atop the table now, in complete silence. 'Duality of Spirituality' by Zecora the Zebra. She squinted, "If only I could talk to you myself somehow."

Suddenly the door to the room swang open while standing in the open space was a familiar yet not so familiar pony. Daisy, who appeared more than displeased with the mare. "Hey recruit! Stop hiding up here!"

Twilight rose steadily, as she smiled warmly at Daisy. "Ah, hiding? I apologize, I was simply looking into-"

But Daisy interrupted, stomping up to Twilight, getting in her face abruptly. "Yap yap yap yap! That's enough! This ain't preppy little Canterlot! What're these books anyway?" She glanced down atop the table and spread them out, raising a cocked brow. "Magical mumbo jumbo?" She glanced back at Twilight impatiently. "I understand that the Captain personally vouches for you, but in this squad our primary focus is food. So unless you can multitask, I suggest you drop the magic studies and get into the culinary craft recruit. Now come downstairs, Mister Big Mac made some muffins." Daisy turned away from Twilight in silence, making her way back over to the door. She glanced back one more time, "Also! Fix your face, it's annoying." She headed out.

Twilight stood there blankly, blinking a few times before raising a hoof to her face inquisitively. "Hmmm."

As Big Mac maneuvered back and forth between the stove and counters, Twilight, Caramel, and Daisy all sat. Daisy kept to herself with a grumpy expression, stuffing her face with muffins. Meanwhile, Caramel enthusiastically eyed Twilight, filled with much curiosity. Twilight however seemed a bit more focused on Big Mac. Caramel continued, "A unicorn ... I mean, that's so cool. All the others are being moved to other bigger projects around Equestria, especially with the lockdowns taking place and all. Many of the cities need all the magical prowess they can get. But Captain Jack has a lot of push and pull, so I'm not surprised she managed to grab us one of you guys. Must've helped that you've just joined the guard and all as well. So so exciting!"

Twilight, however, remained observant on Big Mac, eyeing him with wide attentive eyes.

Caramel gave Twilight now a slightly crooked and nervous smile. "Uh ... so um, what's your name actually?"

Twilight soon exclaimed, "Mister Big Mac, could I assist you with the cooking?"

Big Mac paused before eyeing Twilight in curiosity, and a tray in his mouth. "Yep?"

With her cheeks stuffed, Daisy gave Twilight also an inquisitive and almost annoyed stare.

Caramel continued to observe, uncertain of where Twilight's sudden enthusiasm came from.

Absently Twilight took hold of the many of the trays that were still spread about the kitchen with telekinetic magic. This along with the utensils, bowls of batter, diced apple, and other accessories such as sprinkles that were gathered. She seemed inherently focused, methodically following the steps Big Mac conducted just prior, with precise rhythm. The others watched in bewilderment as the very kitchen became a fantasy of dancing once inanimate objects all going about their duties as if they were truly sentient. Daisy ... was at a loss.

Now as the objects continued going about assisting Big Mac, Twilight turned her attention to Caramel happily. "I'm also very excited with the aspect that I may be of great use to you all. Tons of mumbo and jumbo."

Daisy immediately rolled her eyes, turned away and continued to eat some muffins in bitterness.

Caramel blinked a few times before letting off hushed laughter. "U-Uh ... you never said your name."

Twilight's horn remained ignited as she unconsciously continued going about helping in the kitchen, to Big Mac's surprise who in the background wandered about rubbing at the back of his head, he himself now feeling quite useless. Twilight remained silent, as her thoughts drifted elsewhere, back to a more recent memory. Her eyes saddened as her gaze drifted downward in contemplation. So A-Applejack hasn't said anything yet.

Captain Dash grinned fiercely, her forehooves trembled against Twilight's arcane bubble as she continued to push. "Our dance has finally started Alicorn. Or should I say, Twilight Sparkle?" A rapid wind pressure had become apparent on the tip of her lance as she increased momentum. "Lets see who buckles under the pressure first."

There was a drawn on silence as Caramel and even Daisy, though subtly, focused on Twilight.

Twilight seemed oddly hesitant as she soon glanced over at Caramel. She thought back to a distant time at Joe's Bakery when she'd conversed with her three mare friends. "It's uh..." She smiled confidently, "Purple Smart."

The once silent Daisy abruptly spit out her muffin, before going into a hacking cough.

Meanwhile, at the Princess' castle ... more dire business stirred.

Captain Jack had finally arrived, peering out a stained glass window from a higher level of the castle which gave a grand and spacious view of the open fields and even the outskirts of Everfree Forest. She could make out the merchants who had gathered there, the media ponies, and even those still going through inspection. Even though she was casually observing, she was also recollecting, forming pieces she'd need for the future.

Rara placed on her shades, signifying the ending of their conversation from earlier.

Applejack looked to her with both a sense of regret and innate care. "Will you be sticking around, Rara?"

Rara glanced back, smirking. "Yeah, but not around you AJ." She gave a playful shoo gesture. "Too many guards and other nonsensical mess. If you need me however, I'll be staying at the Prancing Pony for a few cycles."

Applejack smiled as she then watched Rara take off without another word, not as if another was needed.

As Captain Jack reflected, another figure appeared at her distant side. "Ya alright Captain?"

Captain Jack closed her eyes with a smile. Yes, back to business. She glanced over at that individual warmly.

Standing there was a light brown earth mare, with a pale yellow mane. Her Cutie Mark depicting a hammer, with a trail of lightning behind it. Her eyes bore a bright gold shade, but her expression and overall demeanor was almost that of a carefree child. Despite being decked from head to hoof in nightmare guard armor, there was little intimidation in her character. Even if holstered at her side was an actual hammer along with a spool of rope. She continued, "Ya seemed a little focused! Glory and conquest maybe? Shall we be heading out to appease the earth ponies of old? I am ready!" She pranced around in a circle with joy, "Let me at em! Let me-"

Captain Jack raised a hoof with a chuckle, "Simmer down, there'll be no conquest today Mjolna."

The mare revealed as Mjolna only frowned as her brows furrowed. "Aaaaaw." She lowered her head.

Captain Jack closed her eyes with an amused snicker. Afterwards, she put on a more serious yet still carefree demeanor as she glanced about the area they stood in. Behind the stained glass window she once peered out of, there was an even grander pair of double doors. Perfectly polished and carved, with a violet rune at the center, there was an atmospheric tension accompanied by grace. Such attention to detail, and so dramatic.

Eventually, the rune upon the doors started to shine vibrantly before a subtle pop echoed briefly throughout the room. Following, the doors slowly started to creak open, as both Captain Jack and Mjolna stood patiently.

There stood Lady Rarity, devoid of expression. "It's about time darling. It's quite rude to test one's patience."

Captain Jack rubbed at the back of her neck before trotting forward, "Ah shucks Rarity, I didn't mean ta."

Lady Rarity squinted at Captain Jack as she trotted up to her. "What did you mean to do then?"

Captain Jack shrugged lightly. "Well, ya see, due to this here lockdown business going on, I actually happened to stumble across a new recruit. One wholly inspired by current events, a real keeper. It was quite distractin."

Lady Rarity gave her a look of skepticism. "There are far more important matters one of your status should be distracted by, a new recruit not being one of them! But nonetheless, this entire operation is a mess on a grand scale." She sighed, before turning around and glancing back, "So another fault is regrettably unsurprising. However, yours is far less severe than others, which is forgivable." She nudged her head forward slightly, "Come, we have much to discuss in regards to the future. I have a big task for one of your particular skill set."

Mjolna remained outside the room beyond the doors, as she peered out the window in a curious manner.

Within the room at a small table, both Captain Jack and Lady Rarity sat across from one another. Lady Rarity had ensured to prepare some tea, as she took a casual sip while eyeing the surface of the substance within tiredly. "I doubt you'd know, considering I've ordered the guards who witnessed it, that it be kept under wraps, but Captain Dash will no longer be aiding us in our endeavors for the time being. She too has run into some, distractions." She gave a serious stare towards Captain Jack. "I urge you to remain cautious from now on."

Captain Jack jugged down the entire cup of tea in one gulp, "Distractions? What sort of distractions?"

Lady Rarity continued, "Captain Dash was severely injured only hours ago. Canterlot was an absolute disaster, one we've managed to salvage as best we can but a disaster nonetheless. I'm sure even amidst your little recruitment adventure, you didn't fail to notice a vibrant light in the dead of the night. Is that correct?"

Captain Jack smiled wide as she shrugged in a playful matter, not feigning ignorance. "Shucks, I thought that was just part of the spell or whatever in the hay ya'll gotta do to get this thing ta work." However, beneath that confident smile, a deep concern stirred within the mare. But Dash was injured? W-What? How'd that happen?

Lady Rarity nodded, "I know you lack a sense of seriousness when it comes to these matters Captain Jack, but I'd urge you to remember you're a leader in all this. That playful nature of yours is bound to not only endanger yourself, but those beneath you as well. This is no laughing matter, and that alicorn aims to see that we're punished for whatever self-righteous motivations she may have. You've noticed the inspections, and word amongst the guard has already spread of my speech. We are on high alert for this alicorn, and even if we may not draw her out of hiding, it'll ensure our own remain vigilant and attentive." She took another brief sip.

Captain Jack continued to smile but raised an abrupt hoof. "Hey there now, let's rewind a second here. Ya said Captain Dash was severely injured ... how bad we really talkin here? Haha, scrapes? Bruises? Sudden cold?"

Lady Rarity cut into the matter with immediate annoyance. "Enough with the idiocy, Captain Jack."

Captain Jack's smile disappeared as she gave Lady Rarity a look of slight concern now.

Lady Rarity continued once again, "She is now comatose. Whether she'll ever wake is even uncertain."

Captain Jack's eyes widened as she slumped down in her chair, overtaken by the news.

Lady Rarity glanced down at the surface of her tea once again. "If order is to be met with violence, regardless of what we believe, there is no certainty this violence will breed the desired result. It is oppression all the same for those who have grown weary of it all." She paused and closed her eyes, "We may not all agree with the state of things here in Equestria, but with time and patience, even the Princess has her means of diplomacy. You know that better than anypony, isn't that right Captain Jack?" She glanced over at her. "Afterall, it was both you and Princess Cadence who negotiated the matter of the sun. You two have proven that nothing was beyond negotiation, well perhaps until now. If we allow this to continue, Captain Dash won't be the only one."

Captain Jack bit her lower lip, now showing signs of conflict within herself as she squinted and trembled.

Lady Rarity continued, looking at Captain Jack plainly. "These rebels and this alicorn hide among us, that much is certain. They realize their disadvantage and are merely buying for time." Lady Rarity glanced down with a blatant sigh. "These alicorn inspections are just silly, to rely on appearance alone in a world of magic against an alicorn supposedly destined to defeat the princess is absurd but ... precautions." She glared now at Captain Jack again, "This alicorn will reveal herself with time, whether it be by mistake or intentionally, there is something we know she must rely on from her muzzle itself." Lady Rarity paused with a gentle smile, "Friends, and the moment they overstep their bounds again we shall be ready." She leaned a hoof on a cheek with an actual snicker. She closed her eyes and smiled, almost playfully in an innocent manner. "I know you'd understand Captain Jack, after all ... we both have much to lose here in our little community. Those we must protect, right?"

Captain Jack regained her demeanor as she gave Lady Rarity a closed eye smile. "R-Right."

Lady Rarity gave Captain Jack another look of slight skepticism. Soon she rose, trotting over towards a grand shelf of neatly assorted scrolls in the corner of the room. "Now then, onto what I originally called you over for. You've always been a pony of the citizens Captain Jack, both you and Princess Cadence." She continued to absently sort through these scrolls and eventually found the one she was looking for. "It is what I desired for myself but alas, destiny has had other plans for me. That doesn't change the fact that is what's most important to me." She paused, "The Princess' orders are absolute, I realize this. But without a happy populace of subjects, her purpose is at risk. Should that be at risk, then it is no different than losing everything." She glanced back at Captain Jack. "I will be departing for Canterlot as soon as I've taken care of some final preparations. The citizens and media ponies will not remain complacent for long with the complications we've experienced there. We have friends, family, and of course traitors who've been caught in that blast all associated with some of our citizens here on the outside. I aim to control the chaos swiftly, so we can have Canterlot be properly contained under the appropriate lockdown measures." She exhaled slowly, "I will also be conducting the dream sweep."

Captain Jack frowned at Rarity then. "With that dangerous magic ya never be showing anypony?"

Lady Rarity's eyes widened as she glared back at Captain Jack. "Feel blessed you don't possess a horn Captain Jack, lest you be in the same position." She glanced down at the scroll she held, "Magic is dangerous and unpredictable. Any form of it can be manipulated to suit one's needs. It is world renown yet we still know little to nothing of its full potential. I have witnessed some of the darkest crevices of magic and regret doing so." She looked back to Captain Jack emptily, "So has Captain Dash apparently. We are up against dangerous magic Captain Jack, so do not judge me while you sit there from your earth pony comfortability and culinary duties."

Captain Jack looked to her tiredly. "I ain't judging ya at all. I'm worried about ya Rarity. Contrary ta what ya might believe that's all I worry about. Your safety, the other guards, the citizens, and even now Captain Dash."

Lady Rarity kept that same expression, interjecting. "She has been taken back to Cloudsdale, so don't bother."

Captain Jack smiled sadly down towards the carpet. "I figured as much. It tears at me that I didn't get ta see her before then." She paused, showing hesitation in her expression. "Do ya really think ya can contain everything that's happening right now Rarity?" Then her tone became more serious, "Do ya really think the direction we're heading is the best one to contain? That it'll ensure things get better rather than worse? Ya really think that?"

Lady Rarity huffed. "You act as if there is any other obvious choice... Captain Jack."

Captain Jack swiftly rose, swiping a hoof angrily. Her expression twisted into one of concern, and deep passion. "Why ya two always gotta be so darn stubborn about this mess!? I'm tryin ta help ya alright!?"

An eerie silence spread between them as in that moment, the tension in the air rose.

Lady Rarity looked up tiredly. "Your beliefs are as clear as the midnight sky Captain Jack. I know the path destiny has chosen for me to follow, but it seems you're still struggling to find yours." She smiled back at her warmly then, "Whatever path you find that fits those beliefs, that bridge will be crossed eventually and either I will be standing beside you or across from you." She made her way back to her seat. "I hope you'll be ready."

Captain Jack looked to her with half-closed eyes, tiredly amused. "Why're you always such a poet Rarity?"

Lady Rarity exhaled before using telekinetic magic to pull a file from her desk. "I'm many things darling." She opened it, sliding it across the table to the front of Captain Jack. "As you will be, during my lengthy absence."

Captain Jack skeptically eyed the unicorn before peering down at the words of the file herself. She muttered, "Yatta yatta, recruit camp coordinator." She cocked a brow, "Midnight Moon Celebration supervision?"

Lady Rarity tilted her head to the right, now amused herself. "Is something the matter darling?"

Captain Jack seemed confused. "Rarity, ya really think this needs ta be top priority right now?"

Lady Rarity continued with a nod. "Of course darling, we move along accordingly despite the setbacks."

Captain Jack persisted a little further. "Weren't ya worried about the alicorn?"

Lady Rarity nodded again. "Yes but then again," she paused, "We still press on. Even I have family I must attend to, and other priorities to keep my head clear. We're not savages, our way of life remains intact. Besides-"

I am curious to learn about this alicorn myself, through my own methods.

Twilight Sparkle sat outside on the front steps leading into the mansion, reading again with an empty stare.

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