• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter VII: Defenders in the Dark

Chapter VII: Defenders in the Dark

Chapter 6 Recap: The plan has been shattered. Amidst her visit to Canterlot City in a hasty attempt to track down a lead on the mysterious alicorn, Captain Dash has instead found herself in a more troublesome predicament. Supervisor of Canterlot City, Tanta Dreamweaver, otherwise known as Tantabus, has fled from his responsibilities with little to no warning, and scarce a reason as to why. Now, forced to take on the burden of ensuring the LD goes as smooth as possible, Dash must gather her wits and come up with a solution to the problems laid out before her. Was Tantabus planning to abandon his duties from the beginning? Could the alicorn have already escaped? And what other threats are still out there, laying in wait while prepping for their oppurtunity to strike?

Shortly after the sirens had already begun, another group of ponies was also busy gathering their wits. As the Lockdown swept across majority of Equestria, not all ponies were overwhelmed with fear. Some had been waiting for this moment, for a long long time.

The night was eternally young, and amidst the chaos which stirred in Canterlot, not all were ignorant to what it might mean. Within a dome shaped room, worn from years of not being used, and absolutely vacant of furniture, a group of white draped individuals stood patiently waiting to be addressed by one of their leaders. The leader stood at one end of the room upon a small series of steps with an oval shaped platform, while her hood was raised, masking majority of her appearance but not her eyes of sea colored hue. She was graced by what little moonlight penetrated through thick black curtains which hung over the windows surrounding them, before she began addressing the rest of her fellows in a distinct manner. "The time has finally come for us to act everypony. The time for change starts now."

Another of the hooded figures stepped forward. She cut in with an objection, sleek like a knife as her voice was sharp and filled with obvious disagreement. "Says who Minuette!? If we act now, then we'll just be doing what they want! Putting ourselves out in the open!"

The leader known as Minuette nodded to her ally seriously, taking her perspective into consideration. "I agree Lemon Hearts, but if we don't make a move, then we'll only be digging ourselves into a bigger hole." She took a second to glance around at the others nervously. "I know you're all nervous and afraid. But we made this group to remind ourselves where we came from! Princess Celestia was loving and took care of us diligently! Now more than ever, we need to fight for her memory, and to hopefully, bring her back to us someday..."

Lemon Hearts gritted her teeth, and despite her words she looked down towards the floor and said nothing. She knew Minuette was right, and despite her fears this is what she signed up for. She held back any further complaints she had for the time being.

Another mare, pure white with a curly bright pink mane made her way up beside Lemon Hearts, comforting her in silence.

One anonymous pony amongst the group raised a hoof, calling out to Minuette. "Minuette, so what's the plan? Do you have any idea what's happening out there? I'm all for finally making a move but, running out there blind doesn't seem like the brightest idea."

Minuette smirked as she turned around and raised a hoof, bringing forth an abnormally large piece of parchment and unrolling it with telekinetic magic. She displayed it for all in the room to see, as it was a basic overview of Canterlot City, divided into four pizza shaped sectors. "Duh! I mean sure I don't really have a total idea on what's going on but I do have a bit of a clue." She glanced back at the others as she spoke, referencing to the map at times during her briefing. "As you all know, if our inside source knew anything about this she'd have warned us a long time ago, which means whatever is happening out there was hastily drawn up by Princess Nightmare Moon. This is a pretty good thing, since it probably means she doesn't have all her angles checked either. This gives us a chance to gather some information first and foremost, and muster up a defense if need be." Her expression sunk worriedly as she remained in thought for a split second. "And listen everypony, the last thing I want is for any of you to get hurt." She turned around to face them fully, "If you find yourselves in a dangerous situation, I can't promise I'll be able to help all of you. We're just a small group of ragtag ponies who still remember what it means to be from Equestria." She placed a hoof over her chest in a form of respect, "Let's give them a reminder, but be careful too okay!?"

Then in response, the rest of her comrades draped in white cloaks all placed hooves over their hearts.

Minuette chuckled and raised a hoof to the air. "Who are we!?"

The entirety of the group raised their hooves to the air in a similar manner. "The Celestial Defenders!"

Minuette closed her eyes, inspired obviously as she cried out. "And what do we say!?"

They all chimed in with a chant. "Never forget! Never surrender! As a defender we'll always remember!"

Minuette swiped her hoof with a cocky smirk. "Now let's go show them what Canterlot ponies are made of you guys!"

The rest of the group began eagerly stomping their hooves, letting off a vibrant thunderous applause for their leader.

Back in the present time-frame during the Lockdown, Minuette stood alongside the crowd at the far southern sector of the city. She was blended in as she glanced over at one similarly dressed as her, who didn't fail to catch her gaze. It was none other than Lemon Hearts, who gave her a brief nod. With that Minuette gazed back ahead, focusing on a speaker who was currently answering questions in regards to this regime Nightmare Moon was instilling. Minuette's heart sank as she realized that what was happening was far worse than she realized. This Lockdown that was happening, truly was meant to draw out any who might be conspiring against the princess, which they obviously were. Once they enacted to raise a magical dome to lock the citizens in, they'd have to fight their way out regardless. Minuette had to make a decision about what to do next and she knew it. The rest of her defenders were all spread about the city, also gathering as much information as they could, but she had to give them warning. She glanced on over at the pegasus who continued to address questions merrily, like this was some sort of game. Minuette knew who this Lieutenant Dust was, as well as the prodigy pegasus Captain Dash as well.

As she stood within the crowd, Minuette glanced about discretely to count how many of her fellows were nearby her, also listening in. She counted about four others hidden in this particular group. She gritted her teeth and looked back down towards the purple cobblestone worriedly again, as sweat coursed down the side of her head. For some reason Captain Dash had decided to depart towards another part of the city, along with that weird abnormal colt who'd planned to address them earlier. There was so much Minuette didn't know, but even so now was a better time than ever to attempt retaking the train station back from the Nightmare Guards and ensuring they wouldn't be trapped in here for the dream sweep regardless. Bundled in a crowd like a mass of ants, Minuette knew she could also use the chaos they'd ensue to their advantage, and perhaps inspire the citizens to escape this city as quick as possible as well. The mare chuckled a little while deep in her thoughts, never imagining that her future as a unicorn might lead to her being involved in some resistance against an alicorn tyrant who'd emerged from the moon, only to banish their previous princess. She smiled and closed her eyes in amusement thinking about it.

But Minuette had made her decision. Despite how controversial it would be, she knew somepony had to do it. As one of the ponies who'd always remained silent about her thoughts regarding their new princess, she would break the silence on this night. Enough was enough, and for years they had lived quietly despite their true feelings, but no more, a conflict would escalate on this day. Minuette closed her eyes, letting a final thought drift as she prepared herself for her next course of action. Sorry my fellow defenders, please do your best to escape from this city. Suddenly, the mare raised a hoof to the air, as Lieutenant Dust continued to address questions. "Who are we!?"

Meanwhile, manifesting himself atop a nearby roof, Tantabus giggled merrily as he touched down upon the flat tiled surface of an anonymous house. "Ahahaha! Idiot Dash! Gosh!" He placed two hooves upon his cheeks in surprise, while standing on his hind legs. "Who would've thought I could escape Captain Dash! I mean, whoa, am I really that much better?" Tantabus glanced down at one of his hooves in curiosity. I wonder why Dash was super paranoid about me, is this why? Am I so bad I can do anything now? Tantabus trotted hurriedly over to the edge of the house he was standing upon as he looked over the vastness of Canterlot City happily. This is what the world is like!? And I can do anything!? Be anything!? No more jerks to push me around!? No wonder Dash is such a chicken, I can rule anypo-

"Who are we!?"

But it seemed something else a little more important was going on down below, as a mare's sudden chant caused Tantabus to lose his train of thought, and glance down in that direction. What he saw was a mass crowd gathered before the train station, before realizing that he'd taken himself back near where the briefing was happening in realization. O-Oh, look it's Dust. He glanced up as he realized too that the snow had stopped a little while ago, before looking back to the crowd and the pony who'd asked that question. He ran a hoof through his ethereal mane in amusement, smirking as he quietly observed all of them. To think I would've had to deal with that, heh heh heh..

Lieutenant Dust's gaze immediately drifted towards the white hooded figure in the back in question, thrown off by her. "What?" But as she stood there, the crowd began to glance back towards the outspoken individual also, when even more abrupt voices cut in.

Another anonymous white hooded pony spoke out towards Lieutenant Dust. "The Celestial Defenders!"

And the first hooded figure returned to speaking. "And what do we say!?"

Lieutenant Dust continued to look about the crowd, perplexed about what all this was.

Corporal Cloudchaser and Specialist Flitters, much like Dust, also looked to the hooded figures within the crowd.

When even another anonymous one spoke out. "Never forget!"

Followed by another, "Never surrender!"

And a last, "The Celestial Defenders will-"

Before they all spoke in absolute sync in a proclamation of unity. "ALWAYS REMEMBER!"

And all of the hooded figures leaped in an instant, landing upon the train platform and surrounding the lieutenant.

Specialist Flitters cried out to her superior in shock. "L-Lieutenant!?"

The crowd all began to back up worriedly from the train station platform as they witnessed the scene play out.

Lieutenant Dust glanced around at them as she became fairly serious. "Are you all announcing yourselves as traitors to the princess?"

One of the draped mare's lowered her hood, revealing a sky blue unicorn with split segments of gray and sapphire in her mane. Her eyes locked onto Dust with determination as she frowned in disappointment. "And are you announcing yourselves as traitors to Equestria!?"

The nightmare guards all began to surround the individuals, as they themselves prepared to offer aid to the Lieutenant.

Corporal Cloudchaser and Specialist Flitters grabbed their lances, fastening them in the direction of the mysterious assailants.

Lieutenant Dust continued to look troubled by them however, as she glanced over at the two remaining of her squad. "Flitters! Cloudchaser! Go warn Captain Dash! We don't know how many of these traitors are already around the city!" She returned to fastening her gaze on the blue unicorn who stood before her, defiantly. "Just who are you guys? Do you really think you can make a difference here?" Lieutenant Dust leaned her head back with a smirk as she appeared a bit amused by it all. "Are you that crazy to believe in such things?"

The blue unicorn placed a hoof over her chest. "I am Minuette, leader of the Celestial Defenders." She closed her eyes and smiled earnestly, "I remember the days where the sun hung high in the sky and the night was just a peaceful solace, filled with dreams." She opened her eyes wide and smirked right back at Lieutenant Dust. "If fighting for that to return is crazy? Then I'd rather be a mad mare!"

Lieutenant Dust's expression became quite cold as she continued. "Your friends will pay the consequences of your decision." She glanced around at each of them, particularly a yellow one who seemed hesitant before looking back to Minuette. "You ready for that?"

Another sweatdrop slowly rolled down the side of Minuette's head as the unicorn gulped with a nerovus chuckle. "W-Whatever happens, I know my friends will do their best to spread word of what you all are doing, and I will do my best to buy as much time as I can."

Lieutenant Dust leaned her head back again with a cheeky smirk as she scoffed. "Hah! You got spunk, I can admire that." But the pegasus raised her hoof as more of the guards in their area began to surround the assailants. "We'll make this quick, Minuette."

And Tantabus continued to watch the situation unfold as he was laid on his belly, both his forehooves on his cheeks while he kicked his hind legs back and forth. He had a pleased smile, as through his eyes he could see the tension, fear, angst of the citizens, guards, and these newly arrived assailants well up into the air. For him it only meant more magical power, even if he didn't understand it. But he wasn't complaining, why would he? As long as he was free to do whatever he wanted, he might as well let the ordinary ponies help do things for him. And while the negativity in Canterlot only continued to rise, Tantabus' ethereal mane only continued to flow, and pulse, endlessly. He stood to his hind legs with a smile, appearing amused. "Well, back to finding that pony then." As he disappeared again, fading into shadow.

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