• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

  • ...

Chapter XIII: The Price of Purpose

Chapter XIII: The Price of Purpose

Previous Chapter Recap: Twilight Sparkle and Captain Jack have gone their separate ways for now; leaving Twilight bewildered as to how such a thing helps their situation. Laying low and simply attempting to learn as much as she can, Twilight struggles with the possibility of taking this slow or remaining stagnant. With so much to do, how can she calmly sit around and play pretend with nightmare guards? What is the aim of her companion, Applejack? Is she destined to repeat the mistakes of Canterlot if she were to stay in Ponyville?

I'm sorry Twilight... I know it might be confusing now, but I've still got things I gotta take care of before we can leave. I felt... perhaps, ya might learn a thing or two from being in that place. I hope ya don't hold it against me, but I can't trust myself protecting ya, not with what I must do. Magic is a scary thing Twi... I'd be lying if I didn't admit it to myself.

Applejack stood now in the treatment room of the affected ponies who'd been admitted under-diagnosis in relation to dream magic. Her expression was solemn, as if she had an underlying understanding of the situation, but tried to convince herself otherwise. Her eyes were focused on the tiled floor in particular... to which she saw a remnant of black essence writhe and soon dissipate. This caused her to squint. I'd be lying... "Rarity; looks like she already left." Applejack glanced over at Sassy Saddles, "She let ya know about this Sassy?"

Sassy Saddles shook her head. "Ah, no Ma'am. I can't say I have the faintest clue of where Lady Rarity might've departed to. She seems to be all over the place as of late, here and there, yet nowhere. So very strange."

As the tiled floor returned to its pristine white, Captain Jack eyed it still... solemnly. More than I already have.

How come these circumstances are what forced her to Ponyville? Twilight was silent and doe-eyed, as she observed what portion of the campus grounds she could. Ponies trekked merrily between their destinations, uncaring for the drama in which they were deeply entrenched, albeit unknowingly. A passive, quiet, frustration stirred within her. Was this her life before Moondancer? Before Captain Jack? Before the dreams? Was life truly so good amidst her prior simple existence? So many questions caused her heart to steadily race. Her dream of friendship... the reality was it couldn't be achieved in these circumstances. Equestria needed to wake up...

"Ah... Purple?" The kind, feminine, accented voice inquired from behind. "Are you ready to go?"

Twilight glanced back at Saffron Masala blankly. "Yes." Equestria was fast asleep.

Both Twilight Sparkle and Saffron Masala were adorned in small cloaks, depicting the Princess' eye.

As Saffron Masala and Twilight Sparkle traveled down the seemingly endless corridor of doors, a ceaseless rhythm of hoof trots echoed with them. The silence was beginning to leave Saffron uneasy. "S-So uh, Purple?"

Twilight glanced over at her, smiling wide and attentively. "Yes?"

Saffron Masala raised both brows at her. "What has brought you into the Nightmare Guard?"

Twilight Sparkle peered ahead blankly again. "I had a dream, or perhaps a nightmare. I hope the Nightmare Guard will somehow teach me more about how to make sense of these occurrences. Though I am unsure."

Saffron Masala blinked a few times before smiling earnestly. "A-Ah I see. That is quite intriguing." She glanced hastily towards the carpet then back towards Twilight Sparkle. "What was the dream about Purple?"

Twilight Sparkle glanced back over at her with a blank stare, unreadable.

Saffron Masala flinched before showing a hint of nervousness. "Is... Is something wrong Purple?"

Twilight Sparkle kept that expression, then smiled warmly. "No." She glanced down towards the carpet, "I assume my thoughts hadn't grasped how to appropriately respond to you, Saffron. It is a good question." She glanced upward, "It was a world I hadn't thought about before. But... it was so beautiful. It took the loss of my very first friends to understand how much I want it." She smiled wider, fondly as if lost in remembrance. "I'd love nothing more than to see it realized." She frowned looking down, "But time and hard work is a necessity. It's been a long time since I felt any form of such driving motivation... I believe I hadn't felt it since I was a filly."

Saffron Masala squinted at her, further intrigued. "Ah, perhaps there is more to such a vague description?"

Twilight Sparkle glanced over at her again, tilting her head in confusion. "Vague? Oh, forgive me." She smiled, "Present there was a dividing contrast between both my old life and the desired world. A variety of diverse equestrian races were present, beyond the strifes of the Sub-Species Act. The timing of the dream was I believe approximately 3 hours after the final hour of week 4 leading into the Sun Days. The mood depicted was one of positivity and acceptance amongst one another, presenting perhaps a mirror of Princess Celestia's age of rule."

Saffron Masala stared blankly at Twilight, before nervously chuckling. "A-Ah. I see I see. You are a very interesting suitemate." But as the two trotted, some discussion could finally be heard further down the hall, which lead Saffron to a wide smile. "Ah it looks like we are coming up on our turn here Purple. The classroom is not too far off now! As your suitemate, it is my job to assist you with mandatory in-processing as well."

Twilight nodded briefly, "Thank you Saffron." However as the two arrived at the turn which lead down a staircase to a lower level, they were met by three other individuals. Twilight's eyes widened in shock, realizing further, two were entirely different in race. One of the creatures had a slender draconic body, yet a chicken's head with curled in wings along the back of each of its arms. It wore a red scarf and sunglasses. The other was a diamond dog, brutish in appearance despite the fact he wore slacks and a brown vest. The third was a pony, with a very peculiar coat. Her coat had patches of various colors, bright and joyful colors. Her eyes were the same yet her mane was completely white. She hadn't seen such a colorful pony since Captain Dash... which caused her heart to sink subtly. She also didn't fail to notice the three all wore necklaces with butterfly pendants on them. Twilight was left standing in awe as she uttered, "Ah... apologies for being an obstacle."

The creature in glasses chuckled. "Obstacle... now that's an intense word."

The colorful pony raised a hoof to her forehead in the form of a salute. "It's okay Ms. Obstacle."

The diamond dog grumbled at her. "Puny ponies are not obstacles for us."

Meanwhile Saffron Masala remained silent, yet cautiously curious as she stood off to the side.

The creature in glasses tossed the two a slight wave as they continued past them. "See you ponies around."

The colorful pony tossed them a wave as well. "Yes see you obstacle pony. Always remember to be kind."

The diamond dog grumbled as he continued with the other two, "Try not to get crushed."

Both Twilight and Saffron watched them depart, whereas Twilight watched a bit longer. However, with a nudge from Saffron, she glanced back to her before proceeding down the steps. She'd never seen either of those creatures before in person. "Saffron, might you have met those creatures before? Are they Nightmare Guards?"

Saffron nodded, "Um yes... but they're trying to become members of the Fluffy Heart Brigade Unit? I am not too associated with them but I know it is a very special group." She blinked a few times at Twilight, "I'd hoped maybe you'd know more about them Purple." As they continued down the steps, she shrugged absently.

Twilight frowned at Saffron as they trotted. "I apologize for my ignorance. I will ensure to research them."

Saffron gasped slightly as she shook her head at Twilight, "No no Purple. It's fine... don't worry about it!"

Twilight nodded to Saffron, still frowning. "Very well. I'll tone down my worry to an acceptable form."

Saffron frowned then back at Twilight tiredly, before smiling at her earnestly. "Let's just get to class." Saffron Masala wrapped a hoof around Twilight, before pulling her close as they'd reached the bottom of the steps. She absently looked at Twilight, as her eyes saddened however in realizing Twilight's focused expression. She recognized it, both the focus... as well as the fear laced deep within. I-Is she afraid? What troubles you suitemate?

Twilight's own thoughts stirred with heartache as within her mind... a flash of Moondancer appeared. As she noticed Saffron's hoof around her, that image of Moondancer took her back to the moment in which she held out a hoof to her. That familiar voice rang out in her head again. Dearest Twilight... you know this song and dance, please listen to me. But Twilight squinted, as defiance soon graced her features. No... I don't. I don't know.

The three Fluffy Heart Brigade hopefuls proceeded down the corridor until they arrived at a single room.

The creature with sunglasses lead the way as she opened the door, proceeding inside absently as her two companions followed in suit. She made her way to a drawer, getting on one knee as she opened it to reveal a series of books. "That purple one must've been new because I've never seen her before. I see all the ponies around these parts." She seemed slightly intrigued, "That one didn't have a mark either. How odd... how odd."

The multi-colored pony smiled brightly. "Very odd, since your special talent involves your unique insight!"

The diamond dog glanced over at the multi-colored pony. "Baha! Do not say special talent, we no ponies."

The multi-colored pony glanced over at the diamond dog, smirking. "Oh yeah duh. Heh, we're not ponies."

The diamond dog squinted at her in both confusion and annoyance. "Shush! You is a pony! Pony legs, pony head, puny pony body.... pony special talent." He pointed to her flank, which was a large black pot that oozed the colors of the rainbow in similarity to leaking porridge. "Like all ponies, you limited in what you do."

The multi-colored pony glared at the diamond dog. "I'm... not... a... PONY!"

The diamond dog glared right back at her, fiercely. "You IS a pony!"

The multi-colored pony snapped, "I'm NOT a pony!"

The diamond dog snapped right back! "Is a pony!"

The multi-colored pony growled, now placing a hoof to her necklace. "NOT A PONY!"

The creature in sunglasses sighed. "My dear beloved companions. I'll leave you both here to reflect on your actions for a good while. Would you like that? Would you like some quality time to reflect on your behavior?"

Both the diamond dog and multi-colored pony frowned, as they each lowered their heads.

After she'd finished grabbing her book, she shut the drawer. She smiled gently at it, satisfied she'd found it before glancing at each of them and adjusting her glasses. "Good boy, good girl. Focus... and get along." She rubbed the head of each of them separately, ruffling their hairs some. "Now let's hurry along and get back to class. There's still much to observe and learn before we can be full-fledged Fluffy Heart Brigaders."

Both the diamond dog and multi-colored pony nodded as she walked out, speaking in sync. "Yes Ma'am!"

Saffron Masala and Twilight Sparkle both stood outside a pair of grand wooden double doors. Further from them, a more open space was present, perhaps one of many lobbies which helped act as a checkpoint between the many corridors upon the grounds. Saffron Masala seemed fairly nervous, as she had a hoof on each of Twilight's shoulders and eyed her up and down. "Purple... um, typically our instructor is very patient and kind with us. But today-" she glanced over at the door where a very childish voice echoed from within. "Well let's just say I know of this temporary instructor. Keep your head low Purple, and everything will be okay. Okay?"

Twilight looked blankly at Saffron, before smiling at her innocently. "Okay."

With this, Saffron opened one of the grand doors before proceeding inside, Twilight Sparkle following in suit.

Twilight as she proceeded inside, only became more doe-eyed. At the front of the classroom was a grand board, displaying notes for the class with the use of barrier magic being written upon with guided telekinetic dust. It was a technological feat she didn't know was possible, but it seemed the Princess' reach for resources was far and wide, that was undeniable. There was a large assortment of students within this room, at least fifty. They consisted of pegasus, earth ponies, and unicorns... even fillies and colts were present, all adorned in the same short black cloaks. "W-Wow..." Twilight was stunned, frozen for the moment. "This is astounding."

At the front of the class upon the podium was a small pegasus filly with a curly blue mane and pale pink coat. "And that's why power is so important class! To find your use in this world for the Princess should be your primary goal in life!" She chuckled giddily, before glancing over at the door and then motioning a hoof over. "Oh why welcome new students! We were just in the middle of discussing the importance of discovering your potential as the Princess' subjects, and utilizing that purpose in life to truly cement her reign of power. Please! Take a seat so that we may continue!" She smiled wide and blinked a few times at them innocently.

Saffron Masala nodded nervously at the podium, before nudging Twilight fondly. "C-Come Suitemate."

Twilight whom was still preoccupied staring at the board, soon nodded to Saffron and smiled back. "Okay."

As both Twilight and Saffron began making their way towards the aisles, many ponies watched them merely out of curiosity. Whereas some were particularly fascinated with Twilight. Particularly, a white pegasus whose face was marred from numerous burn scars on the right side. Her mane was a pale turquoise shade, deeply curled as it reached down to her shoulders. She watched Twilight with an inquiring expression. She absently overheard comments in the background regarding Twilight, and her surprisingly awkward appearance.

Two earth ponies sitting side by side in the row in front of that pegasus, spoke to one another in a hushed manner. "Don't you think her colors are pretty similar to the alicorn's? She's really pretty, almost like a doll."

The opposing earth pony responded. "Yeah she seems very gentle and quiet, that expression doesn't suit her wild mane. It's so professionally done... I wonder how much bits it was. She probably comes from royalty."

The first of the earth ponies sighed and leaned a hoof on her cheek with a sigh. "Ah, privileged... she must've lived such a spoiled life. Wish I was born into such a family." She groaned, huffing. There was a slight pause, before that pony's eyes widened and she gasped lightly. "Whoa whoa whoa! Wait... did you notice her flank?"

Her friend shook her head. "Huh no? What about it?"

The first continued to peer, "It's... it's blank."

Her friend's eyes snapped wide. "Wait? She's a blank flank?" She peered back at Twilight, "Whoa..."

The pegasus' face darkened as her head lowered, before she slammed her hooves atop her desk and rose. "Blank Flank!? Do you think this is some kind of game!? Some kind of stupid social experiment!?"

Suddenly everypony paused within the classroom, particularly Twilight and Saffron who were now a quarter of the way up the steps leading through the aisles. Saffron frowned worriedly, looking at that particular pony.

That pegasus remained risen, her golden eyes focused solely on Twilight. "Say something.... Blank Flank."

Twilight looked passively at that pegasus, almost as if in wonder. She didn't seem troubled at all by her reaction, as she glanced down in deep thought amidst the silence. "A blank flank... yes, that is what I am."

Many gasps spread throughout the classroom, a common whisper among many being, "But she's so old."

The pegasus continued virulently, sneering almost in disgust. "You think you're something special? This isn't a game. This is real life! Ponies who come in here wishing to become shields of the Princess' rule, and you can't even take the time to figure out yourself!? What do you have to offer? I'll tell you what; nothing you're aware of!" She glanced at the rest of the class, "Is that what you want having your back? Some pony who can't even take the time to discover what she's good at? What her own special talent is!? Some unpredictable blank slate!?"

Saffron Masala grimaced, before looking down desperately at the podium. "T-Teacher! Please! Stop this!"

But the filly at the podium looked on in intrigue, "Daaah! But it's so fun! This is important to the topic class! So new pony!" She looked directly towards Twilight. "What can a Blank Flank pony offer the Princess?"

There was now a drawn on silence as Twilight stood in the middle of the steps, head still lowered.

Saffron Masala glared in both anger and hurt due to the reaction of their instructor.

But Twilight soon broke that silence, "The Princess... has been desperate as of late. That is no secret to anypony here. Changes are coming, and they are necessary to the Princess' strategy. She realizes now that she cannot remain the same. She realizes that to claim victory over those who oppose her, she must alter the rules." Twilight squinted, "Or maybe, throw the rulebook out entirely. Equestria has changed and she needs an open book; a blank slate." Twilight looked directly towards that pegasus, "I am that shameful blank slate of society."

The pegasus snarled and squinted fiercely at Twilight. "Not good enough!" She immediately and swiftly looked at the filly at the podium. "Instructor Cozy! Allow me to duel this Blank Flank! Put her words to the test!"

Many eyes went wide and gasps once again echoed throughout the room.

Saffron Masala swiped a hoof fiercely, snapping at the pegasus. "A-A duel!? Have you lost your mind! This, this is not acceptable! My Suitemate has done nothing to deserve such treatment! S-She has never even received training!" She once again desperately looked to the podium, "Instructor! You cannot possibly allow this!"

Instructor Cozy lightly tapped the top of her podium before frowning in slight concern. "Mmmm, well... it iiiiiiis unorthodox and pretty immediate." She giggled, "Oh but it's all so exciting! Besides! If this Blank Flank is truly an open book. Perhaps this will be a good show of if her potential use to the Princess is in combat! I allow it!"

Saffron Masala began to tremble, in both disbelief and utter shock at the situation, unable to say anything.

But Twilight Sparkle continued to peer at that pegasus as she responded, "I-It's okay. I accept too."

Saffron swiftly turned to face Twilight, grabbing onto her. "W-Wait, Purple! Please... this, you don't have to!"

Instructor Cozy giggled from the podium, "Oh but she does! As an open book, we must utilize her in what ways we can and experiment with her to find her use for the Princess! This is a good starting point to begin!"

The pegasus locked eyes with Twilight, straightening her posture, with a deathly cold stare.

Twilight remained content, unaffected by her expression, as she stared right back... curiously.

Many of the students all began breaking out into discussion and gossip, regarding the two.

Meanwhile a particular yellow earth pony with a puffy brown curly mane looked upon Twilight in worry. His tail began to tremble rapidly in place before he snatched onto it. "Oh no... not again. I hope she'll be alright."

Another pegasus with her hooves crossed and higher up the aisles also had eyes fastened on Twilight. She bore thick black-rimmed glasses, a tan coat, and pitch-black mane. Over her Nightmare Guard uniform, she also wore a green maroon scarf. She focused sternly on Twilight, with masked thoughts. "Hmmmm.."

Back in the more prestigious districts of Ponyville, both Diane and Trixie continued to await Rarity's return.

Then as all the lights within her home flickered, in a moment, everything went pitch black.

Both Trixie and Diane wore looks of surprise, before Trixie exclaimed, "What in the Princess' name!?" She raised a hoof as from her horn, exuded a crackling crimson sphere which soon expanded, creating light.

There standing in the dark was Lady Rarity.... still washed in utter black and bearing an appearance not many were familiar with. Her expression was strained, her eyes wide and obsessively focused. "Dears..."

Trixie yelped, before falling to her rear, whereas Diane looked at Rarity seriously, saying nothing.

Lady Rarity soon turned her head towards Twinkleshine on the couch.

Diane's eyes snapped wide as she immediately sprung forward towards Rarity.

Trixie blinked in confusion before she found herself suddenly flung towards the back wall from an explosive force. Her expression turned into one of both shock and rage, "What!?" In an instant, she poofed with a teleportation spell before getting slammed forcibly against the back wall, disappearing entirely.

Meanwhile Diane's hooves were crossed as her cloak flailed from the explosive force yet she still kept her gaze quietly and calmly focused upon Rarity whom stood not far off, still eyeing Twinkleshine. With eyes half closed, her tail began to shake vibrantly, as shadows from all directions, began to lash out at her violently. With swift and precise movements, Diane dodged, first with a tucked rear leg jump at a shadow that attempted to knock her off her hooves. Diane's tail never stopped shaking, as she landed and then strode upon floor like butter with a swift spinning turn to leap back from her current position, in which a shadow wearing the face of a dragon tried to swallow her whole. Diane jerked her body to the side forcefully, utilizing her two front hooves in a spinning motion to acquire momentum; dodging midair two shadowed blades attempting to penetrate her.

Rarity slowly pressed forward towards Twinkleshine, eyes still wholly wide and locked on her. Her magic continued to aggressively and hungrily lash out at Diane in the background, whereas as she'd reached the couch, she leaned herself down, soon pressing her hooves gently against each of Twinkleshine's cheeks. "I did not plan for this darling, do forgive me for being so hasty in my process." She grinned, "But I need to know."

As Twinkleshine remained sleeping soundly, only a few seconds after Lady Rarity placed her hooves upon her cheeks... did Twinkleshine awake into a violent and writhing agony. Her cries broke out as if she were flooded by a sea of pure pain. Her body tightened, convulsing before being forced down by Rarity's magic. Drool ran down the side of her muzzle, as she continued to cry out and writhe as desperately as she could.

However soon Diane, whom was still dodging, went into a dashing roll which would land her directly parallel of Rarity at her side. As another nightmarish monstrosity emerged from the dark in the form of a sobbing pony, it hurled itself at Diane as if a magical blast in its own right. Diane merely held out her hoof, as the entity could not penetrate or break the blockage of Diane's hoof, instead, it split and spread futilely, letting off a ghastly wailing noise. As it dissipated from its failure, the way was clear for but a second, and Diane leaped.

Lady Rarity kept her hooves upon Twinkleshine, grinning at her eagerly.

Twinkleshine continued to cry out in agony, as now her eyes slowly rolled to the back of her head.

And Diane immediately upon reaching Rarity, embraced her in a tight hold, whispering in her ear. "Rarity."

Lady Rarity's eyes snapped wide, as near instantaneously, her violent shadows all broke form and fell upon the floor like splashes of water. Yet they washed away with ease, actually retracting back into the mare. As if nothing had happened at all, the house was completely normal. Lady Rarity's gaze was now fastened upward.

Diane continued with half closed eyes, now a gentle smile upon her muzzle. "That was close silly."

Lady Rarity's eyes went from shock to pain as she immediately shoved Diane away. "D-Diane!... What, what happened? I... I" she began to tremble, as she looked at the couch and Twinkleshine, who was now back to being fast asleep, though trembling with more the expression of a filly having a terrible nightmare. She looked down at herself, then appeared increasingly frustrated, gripping her chest angrily. She bit her lower lip, as her brows curled inward and her eyes were laced with a hidden anxiety. "I cannot wash it away. I cannot... r-revert."

Then poofing back into the home, accompanied by two nightmare guards was Trixie. "Trixie has returned!" She grinned, her horn radiating a crackling red as she looked ahead with fierce anticipation. "Eh?" Trixie's expression dwindled down to one of confusion as she now saw the house was entirely normal. Trixie lowered her head then, groaning. "Oh but of course, Trixie isn't surprised at this point! Trixie will just stop expecting any sense of logic to spending time with the Nightmare Guard!" She turned, stomping off and going on a tangent.

Diane looked at Trixie depart with little concern but showed hint of relief in her wellbeing.

Lady Rarity knelt back down near Twinkleshine, looking at her trembling with a deep pain in her eyes. Her eyes were filled with disbelief, and disgust. She'd done this... this was nothing near sophistication or control. After a moment of reflection, she looked back towards the ground muttering. "Diane... please gather the nearby guards in the area with Trixie and have them come here. We must move more quickly from now on."

Diane looked down at Rarity with half-closed eyes, then smiled softly. "Okay." She proceeded on to the front door, before glancing back at Rarity. "We'll be waiting for you on the outside when you're ready... Rarity."

Lady Rarity wrapped her front hooves around herself, appearing pained. Please... let me keep it intact. As her thoughts dwelled on ones of comfort, her sister popped in her mind. Just... for a little while longer.

Both Captain Jack and Mjolna trotted side by side, her lieutenant having been waiting for her the entire time at Nightmare Moon's castle. The two now trotted back towards the main town of Ponyville, further from the Nightmare Guard grounds. Mjolna began bouncing around Captain Jack, "Captain! Will new recruit be okay!?"

Captain Jack glanced over at Mjolna. "Ah shucks, well it's her first day. I'm sure she'll be alright." She looked more seriously back towards the town. "It'll give us some time to clear the way of any further trouble."

Mjolna continued to bounce, as she tilted her head to the right. "What trouble would that be Captain!?"

Captain Jack paused... peering at Mjolna blankly before smiling earnestly. "Mjolna, thank you."

Mjolna blinked a few times, confused as she muttered. "Erhm... what for Captain?"

Captain Jack chuckled, before wrapping a hoof around her and grinning ahead. "For being you." Try not ta get yourself into any trouble Twilight. I promise... I'll be as quick as I possibly can for ya. Just keep yer head low.

Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle and the scarred white pegasus, stood across from one another on a large white platform. In the background, one could see this was behind the campus grounds, and there were numerous platforms. Standing on the outskirts of their particular platform were multiple students, all looking on in curiosity. More particularly, Saffron Masala looked on in deep anxiety, "S-Suitemate, please! Rethink this!"

The pegasus stood ways away from Twilight. "I'll make quick work of a fraud like you, Blank Flank."

Twilight continued to look at the pegasus passively, blankly. "Why do you dislike me so much?"

The pegasus tossed a transparent flute up and down in one hoof, before looking eagerly at Twilight. "Because... I know you don't belong here." She squinted at Twilight, before holding the flute to her muzzle.

Twilight's eyes fastened on the flute, particularly a pale turquoise and white stone located within its center.

Instructor Cozy now sat in a high chair overlooking the platform. She glanced around giddily at the rest of the students, and then particularly at Twilight and the pegasus. "Now remember you two, play rough, play hard, and play like your life depends on it! Cause well... it does!" She clapped her hooves, "When one pony is encumbered to the point they can no longer participate, the duel will be called!" She now made a grand gesture in regards to the platform, "This platform is interchangeable to be advantageous to different ponies and species. The tiles can move, and react to different sorts of magic spells! Even weather ones! So please experiment to your advantage!" She glanced down and over at Twilight, "New Blank Flank pony, you also have the right to choose yourself a weapon. Afterall, as a Blank Flank, you're an open book right!?" She giggled.

Twilight Sparkle blinked a few times, before looking to her far-right at the edge of the platform in which she saw a rack of multiple supposed weapons among other abandoned objects. She poofed, instantaneously appearing over at the rack and looking over everything available. Many of the weapons were in worn shape, and some weren't even weapons. However, her eyes widened at two items in particular, which she took hold of with telekinetic magic. An old Canterlot lance with a broken blade, as well as a magic limiter ring. An item utilized to often imprison unicorns. She poofed back to her prior position, overlooking her items curiously.

The pegasus burst into laughter, "A lance!? You're not a pegasus, and you have no weather stone!"

Twilight ignored her insults, before placing her magic limiter over her horn, making it tight and snug. In the following moments, Twilight felt a jolt run through her entire body as violet crackles sparked from her subtly, and sent her trembling and falling to her knees for but a moment. She breathed heavily. "O-Okay, ready."

Many ponies looked on curiously from the sides, particularly the tan pegasus with black-rimmed glasses. A magic limiter ring and a broken lance from the Canterlot Guard? What could possibly be going through her head?

Saffron Masala shook her head, as she closed her eyes and lowered her head in frustration.

Instructor Cozy smiled wide and glanced back and forth between both Twilight Sparkle and the pegasus. She raised a hoof, "It seems both ponies are now ready to commence dueling! On my mark! Get ready.... get set!"

Twilight remained passively focused on the pegasus across from her, holding her lance at her side.

The class all looked on in anxiousness as they remained also with silent anticipation.

The pegasus raised her flute back to her muzzle, looking at Twilight... still just as eagerly.

Instructor Cozy then swiped her hoof down in exclamation, "Go!"

Twilight Sparkle broke off into an immediate sprint, racing towards the pegasus across from her.

Saffron Masala screamed out to Twilight Masala once more. "Suitemate!"

As she ran, her horn sparked once again as her body jolted due to the magic limiter, and she stumbled... but she did not fall. Twilight kept going. I don't know what troubles you so much. Twilight peered directly at the pegasus as if attempting to reach her as desperately as she could. But Twilight saw what nopony else could... across from her was a pegasus filly standing alone in the black, bearing the same colors as her adversary. Yet this filly bore no ill will towards her, it only eyed her tiredly. Momentarily, that filly's image flashed to one of Captain Dash, and finally, turning back to pegasus who stood before her now, as she was. But I will reach you....

Comments ( 21 )
Comment posted by earth deleted Jan 1st, 2020

I don't understand anything.

Not only references are far gone from the memory, your writing became even more confusing and chaotic.
Recap tells nothing, but feelings and helps nothing.


Very understandable. I realized realistically there's probably not many readers of the story left seeing as I hadn't put out a chapter for a literal year. I also haven't been practicing, so I wouldn't be surprised to see my form of writing severely dwindled. I couldn't really come up with a way to recap the entire story without muddling everything even further. But I do want to finish this story, and have dwelled on the plot for quite some time. So I do want to finish it, but it'd probably be best for older readers to wait until I'm finished if they still hold any interest left, so a fresh start would be less painful. Which will most definitely be awhile sadly.

I humbly disagree with what was posited about this being too chaotic; perhaps it's because my memory is usually pretty solid when it comes to remembering fics, or otherwise, but I fell right back into this. I'm more intrigued than ever to see this have life breathed into it once more, and I'm definitely excited to see what you've built up will lead to. I think the style you've presented fits the overall tone we have seen at this point in time, where things look like there's no defined easy resolution, but there's still a resolute attitude being depicted that shows we're leading somewhere definite. I'm not quite sure what else to say, but I definitely haven't lost faith, myself.

So I should be worried that the recap was enough for me?

I haven't really had a problem with understanding or following of the story. The recaps, while yeah, have been somewhat vague, but if you read the last chapter and remember enough of it it does enough to jog your memory of the last chapter. what i think you are having an issue with is what i had towards the beginning when i first started reading this story. I would over-think/over-analyze it while trying to read and follow the plot line. try and just read it while only paying attention to the bigger plot points and the rest just follows into line. At least that's what has been working for me.

I did read previous chapter.
All i could remember after it was Twilight met Moondancer, she is failed test, she is probably possessed and Canterlot is... Teleported somewhere? Nightmare realm? Rarity is going crazy and close confidant of nightmare moon, Dash is guard and Twilight fought her as kinda alicorn, and Applejack guard too, she saved Twilight and made her a guard as well, but AJ, RD and R are three generals, pinkie is crazy super soldier-whatever, and that literally all i can put together.
Yet i barely understand why characters act like that and what are those many fovs talking about.
Oh, yes. And this is one of Starlight's universes, one with Nightmare Moon at power.
Seems like a lot, but barely helps.

I fell right in to it with the recap. Glad to see it continues!

I just find it funny how hard Twilight is disassociating with reality, a truly interesting chapter, I'm gonna have to read up the story again I have vague memories on what's going on and the recap while it gave me refresher it also feels vague and unnecessarily vague. can't wait to see how this fight/encounter unfolds.

The diamond dog snapped right back! "Is a pony!"

The multi-colored pony growled, now placing a hoof to her necklace. "NOT A PONY!"

The creature in sunglasses sighed. "My dear beloved companions. I'll leave you both here to reflect on your actions for a good while. Would you like that? Would you like some quality time to reflect on your behavior?"

For some reason, I'm getting flashbacks of The Dazzlings. I'm okay with this.

You've described a few ponies in this chapter, but I'm not sure which ones are canon ponies and which might be OCs.

Yeah the avoidance to name ponies is getting really confusing as more get Introduced namelessly. Coat, hair, and race descriptions are hard to keep in mind when different ones are introduced off and on.

Dude it takes me three years before I move a story to the hiatus/canceled shelf and even then that shelf notifies me when there's an update. Don't know about everyone else but I'm not leaving even if you do lol.

If I've waited so long for any possible update to Night's Favoured Child since it's last chapter that left on a cliffhanger back on the 21st of Aug 2014, then you're story isn't leaving my sights.

Love this and hope it keeps going! It took me a while to get into it, but it's gotten better.

There were more mistakes in this chapter than usual, but the writing was better than most of the chapters too.

Meanwhile a particular yellow earth pony with a puffy brown curly mane looked upon Twilight in worry. His tail began to tremble rapidly in place before he snatched onto it. "Oh no... not again. I hope she'll be alright."

Don't worry, Cheese, she'll be alright! And the pegasus too, probably, since Twi put on that ring.

I've had this in my read later list for... quite a while now. Still waiting for it to get finished...

Re reading this and it still had me fully engaged with the story.

I just hope Twilight eventually reveal the truth to AJ she would want the brightest star to dim.

And well I hope midnight and Twilight get along at some point cause it seems their relationship is a bit counter productive.

Oh um is this going to continue ?

Dead story. :(

That was an awesome read!

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