• Published 9th Feb 2016
  • 14,894 Views, 1,899 Comments

The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S4 CH 16: Crash Course

“Twilight!” Cadence said, trotting towards her with a great smile on her face. “Sunsh--” The words died in her mouth.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybu…” Twilight trailed off, stopping in mid hop. She stared at the alicorn. “Is… something wrong?”

“Your… eye…” Cadence said.

“Oh. Oh. Right. I uhhhh… right. Err. Right. Eh… heh heh,” Twilight said sheepishly. “Err, yeah. I uhhhh. I guess… I maybe should have been a bit more specific in my letters.”

“Is… it an infection?” Cadence asked, though the look on her face showed just how worried she was.

“I’m afraid not,” Twilight said before giving a soft sigh. “It’s not a big deal, really. I mean, it is but compared to everything else it’s not really that big. Frankly I’m just thankful to be alive and wow when I say it like that it does sound worse, doesn’t it?”

Cadence just stared at her, her mouth gaping open. “Oh Twilight…”

“I’m fine, really,” Twilight said. “There are ponies who… well. Who got off a lot worse than I did.”

“Twilight, the suffering of one pony does not nullify the suffering of another,” Cadence said. “Even if it is lesser. When did this happen?”

“The Crystal Empire,” Twilight said. “When I got hurt and was in the hospital for a bit? Then. Did you uhhhh… get my letters?”

“Some of them,” Cadence said. “You didn’t mention how severe the injury was. Especially compared to… well… the rest.”

Twilight nodded. “It has been a… trying time as of late. I was actually hoping to talk with… with…” She had to pause for a moment to yawn. “Sorry, I didn’t really get much time to sleep on the train. I got distracted.”

“A good book?” Cadence asked, cocking an eye.

Twilight gave her another sheepish smile. “Did Spike tell you?”

“He mentioned it,” Cadence said before shaking her head.

“Where is he, anyway?” Twilight asked. “And where’s Shining? I didn’t expect him to run off on his own like that.”

“Shining needed to talk with him real quick about… something,” Cadence said, averting her gaze for a moment. “So I was supposed to help you get settled in. Are you okay? You look exhausted.”

“I can sleep after,” Twilight said before giving a light yawn. “As tired as I am, apparently there was a sonic rainboom, this weird journal I need to figure out, some mare named Hope I need to find, the best big brother in the world is marrying the best foalsitter EVER--”

“D’awwww,” Cadence said with a small grin.

“And for some reason you two are having everything up here rather than in Canterlos,” Twilight said with a light chuckle. “So I don’t think sleep is something I could do now. There’s a list.”

“Oh Twilight, if foalsitting you has taught me anything it’s that there’s always a list,” Cadence said in a playful, friendly tone.

“And so long as we stick to the list, everything should be fine,” Twilight said. “I hope you don’t mind if we talk about a few things first, though? I mean, before I get started on helping with the--”

“Before you go and take a nice, long nap and THEN can help with the wedding preparations?” Cadence asked with a knowing sirk.

“Awwww…” Twilight said.

“Twilight, there will be charts to organize and lists to make once you’ve woken up,” Cadence said before she turned and started walking away. “Besides, you’ll need your strength for when you face Shining.”

“Huh? Why?” Twilight asked. “Is he okay?”

“… Twilight, dear?” Cadence said. “You’re missing an eye. Just how long HAVE you been up?”

“Ummmm…” Twilight said. “I… woke up… at…”

“The fact it’s taking you this long to answer me tells me that it has been too long,” Cadence said with shaking her head. “Come on, let’s talk so you get get all this out of your head. Though I am this close to fetching some milk and cookies and tucking you in myself.”

Twilight gave a light snort. “Don’t you think I’m a bit old for that now?” she asked before trotting after her.

“You’re never too old for enforced self-care from the ponies who love you,” Cadence said. “Though, admittedly, I did think my foalsitting days were behind me.”

“Sorry,” Twilight said. “So, I guess we should start with the obvious. What have you two been up to? Last thing I hear you just left Canterlot right before the attack. Then I find out you’re getting married? Up here? What happened?”

“Well, that’s just it. I don’t entirely know,” Cadence said. “It was all so… strange. Right before the attack, there was just this… well… a…. hmm.” She glanced around the town, occasionally waving at the passing ponies who nodded or waved back.

“Yes?” Twilight asked.

“This feeling,” Cadence said. “I just… I knew I belonged here. Or… no. I felt I belonged… north. I just had to go. Right then. I tried to hold it in, but I couldn’t. I just… felt like I couldn’t ignore it. I told Shining and well… next thing I know, we’re on a train out of Canterlot. Barely a word to your parents.”

“And you just arrived here?” Twilight asked.

“Nope, we were trying to go further,” Cadence said. “We actually got stranded for a bit. When everything collapsed, welllll… suffice to say, it was a whole… thing.”

Twilight gave another light yawn before nodding. “A thing? How?”

“I’m trying to think of an interesting way to say we walked for a really long time,” Cadence said. “Ran into a few interesting ponies, a sea serpent as well. Quite charming. But mostly it was just walking. We weren’t sure what happened until we got to civilization again and heard the news.”

“Oh,” Twilight said with a light snicker. “Sounds…”

“Boring? Compared to what you went through? Yes,” Cadence said flatly. “I miss being able to fly. But then we arrived at this town and well… when we found out what happened we wanted to come back. We heard you’d gotten hurt and that apparently Spike had saved you. But everything was so chaotic and we couldn’t get a train. If we’d known just how hurt you’d been, well, we’d have walked.”

Twilight gave a small, sheepish smile. “Yeah. Uhhhhh… sorry I didn’t give all the details. I just didn’t want anypony to worry about me.”

“Twilight,” Cadence said.

“Yes?” Twilight asked.

“Things like this just make us worry more,” Cadence said. “After everything you’ve been through recently, you should not even worry about worrying about us. We’ve been fine. Especially in comparison. In fact, I, well. Hmmmm… Have you ever just felt like… you belonged somewhere? Like all your life you were looking for something but you didn’t know you were looking for it until you found it?”

Twilight started to shake her head, but then stopped. She slowly shrugged. “I… think… possibly. Just kind of… subtle, right? Something you didn’t even think mattered until suddenly it was just there? Now you can’t imagine not having it?”

“Exactly,” Cadence said. “I’ve felt like that. Like something was calling me. Almost like my cutie mark was telling me, but I don’t have one now so I thought… I don’t know WHAT I thought. But… then I came here. Before I knew it the crystal ponies were flocking to me. I don’t know why. I’d never even heard of a crystal pony before all this. But suddenly it was like… it was like I was home. Like I belonged. Like they were my ponies and I had to protect them. It felt like everything in my life had led to this point. More and more of them kept arriving and before I knew it, this small town had nearly doubled in size.” She came to a stop and motioned around them.

Twilight looked around and realized they were in the town square. On the map the town had seemed so small, yet now it was already bigger than Ponyville. Many of the buildings had likely been made recently, with many more in varying stages of construction. “So you just decided to hold the wedding here?”

“Yes,” Cadence said, standing up a little taller and her wings spreading slightly. “It just feels… right. I think these ponies are my destiny. I think they’re the reason why I became an alicorn to begin with. What my cutie mark was meant for. Even if I don’t have my magic anymore, I can’t abandon them. I won’t abandon them! Oh! I’m sorry, Twilight. I didn’t mean to imply you were asking me to! I just… sometimes feel overwhelmed by it. I haven’t felt like this since… I can’t remember when.”

Twilight stared at Cadence, mouth slightly agape. She hadn’t seen her like this since Nightmare Moon had risen. She seemed to have purpose. Drive. A light to her eyes that had been missing for so long. She seemed to almost radiate with love once more.

She had direction.

“I wouldn’t ask you to,” Twilight said, unable to keep the awe out of her voice at seeing the old Cadence she had once known. “Princess Cadence, Protector of the Crystal Empire. It does have a nice ring to it. Or… would have.”

“Perhaps once,” Cadence said with a small smile. “But you know what? I think I am happy being Cadence, friend to the crystal ponies. They’ve… already been through so much. Sombra, the destruction of the Crystal Heart, losing their homes, this new era. Even if whatever destiny I once had is no longer possible, I still want to help these ponies however I can. Return that light they once had. Even without my cutie mark.”

Twilight faltered slightly before giving a light sigh. “Cadence, that’s… also one of the things I need to talk with you about.”

“Their light?” Cadence asked.

“Sombra’s, actually,” Twilight said.

Cadence went still for a moment before glancing around. “I… hope you understand a topic like that would be best discussed discreetly. After all they have been through…”

“I know,” Twilight said. Her horn glowed and she lifted the book from her saddlebag. “This is what I read on the way here and why I didn’t get any sleep. Read the first page and I’m sure you’ll understand why I need to talk with you about it.” She opened the book and held it out to the alicorn.

Cadence slowly read it and the color drained from her face. She gave a curt nod before looking back up to Twilight. “Lets retire to my room for now, shall we? I imagine there’s plenty we need to talk about.”

Twilight nodded and closed the book before returning it to her saddlebags. Tired as she was, at least she knew she wouldn’t be bored.


“So, where are we going?” Spike asked, slowly following behind the unicorn. “Twilight’s going to wonder where we are, you know.”

“I know,” Shining said with a light chuckle. “But this is important, I assure you. I’ll need to talk with Twily about it after, but I felt I owed you first.”

“Owed me?” Spike asked.

“I may not, technically, be a member of the royal guard anymore,” Shining said. “However, I have many friends there. Friends who’ve told me quite a bit about you. A while ago I asked them to keep an eye on you since you came under my little sister’s care.”

Spike gulped, a little nervousness starting to fill him before he poked his claws together. “Listen, whatever you feel you owe me, can we just call it even? I uhhh… haven’t been the best with being owed things. Besides, Twilight has done way more for me than I have her.”

“Ah, here we are!” Shining said, ignoring him. He shoved open the door of a bright, colorful building before dragging Spike inside. “Two donuts, extra sprinkles!”

“Wait, what?” Spike asked before glancing around. The building seemed to be a small donut shop, with a few tables and a bar at the front. A dull crystal pony stood behind the counter and gave a quick nod.

“Coming right up!” he said before dashing off to grab the order.

Shining dragged him to one of the corner booths and finally let him go before sliding into the booth. Spike slowly slid into the seat opposite him, confused as ever. “What?” Spike asked again. “You dragged me off for donuts? That’s it?”

“Kind of,” Shining said before giving a light sigh. “How to say this… Spike, a lot has been happening in Canterlot.”

“That’s an understatement,” Spike said with a light snort.

“My little sister has been at the forefront of it, again and again,” Shining said, ignoring Spike’s comment. “Unfortunately, I have not been able to be there for her during a lot of it. First being imprisoned, then well…”

“Nightmare Moon?” Spike asked.

“Exactly. Losing my position makes it even harder. But I’ve tried to always have those I could trust keep an eye on her. Keeping her out of trouble is an impossibility, even if Nightmare Moon wasn’t so close to her. Twilight has always had a uhhhh… inquisitive mind. Thank you,” Shining said when the donuts were brought over. Spike didn’t hesitate to take a bite out of his. “She always has to put her nose where it really shouldn’t be.”

“Mmmm hm,” Spike said. “I bet she has a minor in it.”

“Journalism, actually, but close enough,” Shining said with an exhausted sigh.

“What was it like growing up with a sister like that?” Spike asked.

“Ehhh,” Shining said with a shrug. “It gave me motivation, at least. Twilight is incredible in some ways, an absolute disaster in others. She would have been in wayyyyy more trouble. Luckily, she did have the coolest big brother ever to keep her safe and away from the stove.”

“Must have been nice,” Spike said.

“I’ll admit I was a little wary of her taking care of a dragon,” Shining said. “I’ve learned a bit about dragons, you know. After all, as a member of the royal guard it was my duty to be ready should they ever attack.”

Spike cringed and gave a nod before biting into his donut. He hoped this wasn’t going to turn into a ‘stay away from my sister’ talk.

“So, I have to say, it came as quite a surprise to find out that the one helping to keep little Twily safe WAS a dragon,” Shining said.

Spike nearly choked on the donut, hacking and coughing before pounding on his chest. “W-what?! Me?! I haven’t kept her safe! If anything, she’s been keeping me safe!”

“Oh, she definitely has,” Shining said. “I’ve heard about that as well. But that’s just Twily being Twily. You, on the other hoof? I wouldn’t have seen this coming. So… I wanted to thank you.”

“Is that what the donut is for?” Spike asked. “I haven’t really done anything. She’s saved my life like… at least four times. I’ve never really saved her life. Even when we got captured by Sombra, all I did was stand there until it was almost too late.”

“I’ll admit I don’t know the full story,” Shining said. “But from the rumors my sources could find you WERE responsible for saving her.”

“All I did was get her helmet off,” Spike said. “Even then I couldn’t break free of it until she was almost killed. It was mostly Nightmare Moon if anything! If I’d been better, she might not have even gotten hurt. If anything--”

“Spike,” Shining said before shaking his head. “Don’t do that to yourself.”

“Do what?” Spike asked.

“Tell yourself ‘what if’,” Shining said. “Whenever those we care about get hurt, we always have those thoughts. I’d… be lying if I said I didn’t have those thoughts myself. Every single time my little sister gets hurt I ask myself ‘what if I had done things differently’. I wonder how it would have turned out if I’d not been open in my attacks on Nightmare Moon. If I’d been stronger. If I’d paid more attention. Even if I’d gone and helped Moondancer on that fateful night. Every time she gets hurt, every time she puts herself in danger, every time she ends up beaten or battered from her time in the castle? I ask myself those questions more and more. That’s not even counting all of the things that Cadence has been through. But the fact is, we’re just ponies. Well, dragon in your case. As much as we want to bear the world on our shoulders, many of us can’t. We can only do what we can. It doesn’t make it easier, but it does help direct ourselves where we need to go. As much as I hate it, I can’t be there for Twilight right now. Even if Cadence didn’t need me, Nightmare Moon isn’t something I can help with. I’m not even a royal guard anymore. You, on the other hoof, didn’t have to stand up and help. But you did. So I mean this, from one grateful big brother to baby dragon. Thank you.”

Spike blinked a few times before stuffing the rest of the donut into his mouth and nodding. “Oh… uhhh. You’re welcome. I think you’re blowing what I do way out of proportion though. But does… this mean I can get another donut? Cause these are pretty good,” Spike said before nervously chuckling.

“It’s the crystal flake sprinkles,” Shining said. “And sure. But there’s something else I’d like to talk with you about. I uhhh… well. You know, it sounded a lot less silly earlier when I was talking with Cadence about it. But, errr…”

Spike cocked his head to the side and stared at the unicorn with bewilderment. “What?”

Shining gave another soft sigh and idly poked his hooves together, a little red going into his cheeks. “Right. Well, just remember this was Cadence’s idea when I suggested I should try and give you something more personal for all you’ve done.”

“What?” Spike asked before quickly shaking his head. “Oh no. No no no. Ummm, I’m good without gifts, okay? The donuts are fine. Really. Let’s stick to donuts, okay? Last time I got a gift it just, well, it didn’t end well. I--”

“It’s not that kind of gift,” Shining said before lifting a hoof to his forehead and lightly rubbing it. “Ugh. Cadence is much better at these kinds of things. If I could, I’d just make you an honorary royal guard or something. But I can’t really do that anymore. But, errr.” He took a slow, deep breath and lowered the hoof to his chest. “Right. I’m just going to say it. And know you don’t need to accept it. I mean, I’m sure it’s a little… weird, hearing from a pony. But, err… so I heard that, as dragons go, you don’t really have much of a family.”

“Yeah?” Spike said, nervously poking his claws together. He wished he’d just get on with it! “I’m not sure what that--”

“I’d like for you to be the best stallion at my wedding,” Shining said. “Best dragon? Whatever the term would be.”

Spike blinked a few times, his mouth falling open. “I… what?”

“Right, silly, huh?” Shining asked, looking away and lightly tapping a hoof on the seat. “I mean, err--”

“I accept!” Spike said, barely resisting giving out a little squeal of delight.

“Err… really?” Shining asked. He then all but collapsed back in the booth. “Oh, of course. Right. Heh. I uhhh, totally knew you would.”

“Of course! But, ummm, one question?” Spike asked.

“Yes?” Shining asked.

“What… exactly does a best dragon do?” Spike asked. “I mean, I know what a best dragon does at a dragon wedding. But I don’t think you really have a hoard of treasure for me to guard.”

“I… what?” Shining asked before shaking his head. “Oh. Ummm. It’s mostly just somepony who stands there, holds the rings, maybe gives a speech, plans the bachelor party. Don’t worry about most of that, though. I’m also planning to ask Twilight to be my best mare and I imagine she’ll do the speech part and carry the rings. It’s uhhh… well. It’s mostly meant as a symbol of honor. Usually done by family or really close friends. And I can’t think of anypony I’d want to have doing it more than the pony who has been keeping an eye on my little sister while I can’t. Err, even if you’re… not… a pony.”

“Oh,” Spike said. “Well, thank you very much. I will happily accept! Err… so I guess I’ll do the… bachelor party, then? How does that work?”

“Oh, gosh, no,” Shining said with a light chuckle. “I don’t plan on having one. As chaotic as things have been there’s no time to worry about that.”

“Oh now now, we can’t have that!” a voice said, sending a chill down both their spines. “A bachelor party can’t be ignored on such a grand occasion!”

“Uhhhhh…” Shining said nervously.

“Dis… cord?” Spike asked.

“The one and only,” Discord said before appearing in the middle of Shining’s donut, only a few inches tall and using it as a cushion. “In fact, this sounds like JUST the perfect opportunity for a bit of fun. Doesn’t it?”

“Uhhhhh…” Shining said nervously. “I don’t know about… that. Cadence needs me to--”

“Nonsense,” Discord said before chuckling. “Just leave everything to me. Why, they won’t even notice you’re gone. Oh, this is going to be SO much fun.”

“What?” Spike asked. “Gone? But we just--”

Before he could finish the sentence, however, Discord snapped his fingers, causing all three of them to disappear.


“That’s… a lot to take in,” Cadence said softly.

“I know, right?” Twilight said before giving another soft yawn. “Imagine. If we could actually help the shades. Not just those from before, but the ponies who were…” She trailed off and glanced around before shaking her head. She tried not to think of new ponies who had been trapped in those forms. Or the ponies they had left behind. “Maybe we could even help Sombra.”

“I doubt a pony like him can be helped,” Cadence said. “I’m honestly surprised you, of all ponies, want to try.”

Twilight glanced at the book for a moment before sighing. “Admittedly… a part of me doesn’t.”

“Oh?” Cadence asked.

“Sombra is… a monster,” Twilight said. “Perhaps not the kind of monster he thought he was, but certainly a monster of some sort. A part of me wants to bury him in the deepest, darkest dungeons possible.”

“Honestly, I feel that is where he belongs,” Cadence said. “Even now the crystal ponies shudder at just the mention of his name. If he were to… if he appeared again, I am not sure what ponies would do. Not to mention I’ve heard nothing good about these ‘umbrum’ aside from their magic turning ponies into shades.”

“Perhaps,” Twilight said before flipping through the book. “But… I think there is a pony in there. Even if he is a monster, I want to believe he can be something else. Who knows? Perhaps we can help him be that.”

“He tried to take your life,” Cadence said.

“I only said we may be able to,” Twilight said. “It may be impossible, I don’t know. But I still want to try. I used to believe there was good in everypony and… I’m not sure I want to entirely give up that notion. Just because it’s hard to find that rainbow in a pony’s heart doesn’t mean it’s not worth looking for. Besides, it’s not like he’s the first thing to try and take my life and if we can help save the shades, I think at least trying to help Sombra as well isn’t a bad cost.”

“Have you ever considered taking a class on self preservation?” Cadence asked in a dry tone. “It may be a subject you finally managed to not get an A in.”

“Hey, I know plenty about self preservation,” Twilight said in a haughty tone. “I’d just do better in class than live application.”

Cadence stared at her for a few long, annoyed moments before a smile formed on her lips. “You truly were the best filly I ever babysat, weren’t you?”

“Only because I had the best foalsitter,” Twilight said.

“Well, if you really want to try then the best foalsitter may be able to help you with this project,” Cadence said before turning around and walking to her dresser. “I think I may have what Hope is looking for.” She pulled open the top drawer and reached inside, rummaging around before pulling out a small, brown jewelry case. She opened it and then held it out to Twilight. “This.”

“It’s… beautiful…” Twilight whispered, staring at the necklace within. A small, crystal heart shimmered, the light flowing through it and making small rainbow-like projections. It reminded her of Cadence’s cutie mark, when she’d had it. “You’ve never shown me this piece before.”

“It would have been reckless for me to before. There are few like it,” Cadence said. “It’s a dangerous, if powerful, artifact. I’ve never told you how I became an alicorn, have I?”

“No,” Twilight said, her voice filled with annoyance. “Though I did ask you six-hundred and fifteen times while you were foalsitting me. Wait, are you finally going to tell me?”

Cadence gave a nod before smiling at her. “Considering all that’s happened? I think it’s time I did. It’s not that long, though. When I was a filly, I was… found. I don’t remember where I was before then, but I was just a pegasus. Confused and lost. Earth ponies took me in and began to raise me as their own once they realized they had no idea where I belonged. It was nice, for the most part. I was happy. Unfortunately, my new home came under the eye of a powerful unicorn. Prismia. She was… difficult. A bit of a bully. Dangerous. She hurt a lot of ponies.”

“Was she evil?” Twilight asked.

“Hurt,” Cadence said before giving a saddened sigh. “A hurt, broken soul. But a powerful unicorn. She cast dark magic that stole the love of all in my new home. Leaving them broken, hollow husks. In the end, I had to confront her. At that time? She was wearing this necklace.”

Twilight took a small step back, her eyes wide and locked on it. “And you just keep it there? In your dresser? Is that safe?”

“It is now,” Cadence said with a light chuckle. “This necklace enhances the power of those who wear it. Unfortunately, it has other effects. It can… amplify the emotions of those who don it. If those who wear it can keep themselves calm, happy, allow the love in their heart to spread? It will shimmer like this.” She slowly drew the necklace out and moved to put it on her own neck. She then paused before instead holding it out to her.

“What?” Twilight asked. “You want… me to…?”

“Yes,” Cadence said. “I think you can handle it. And if you want to meet this Hope, she will likely come looking for it. But be warned. If you keep your heart good and pure, filled with love, then it will remain brilliant. But if you allow negativity inside, hate, anger, resentment, jealousy? It will amplify those emotions and lose its brilliance. I’m sure you can imagine why Nightmare Moon must never know about this.”

Twilight nodded before reaching out a hoof for the necklace… before shaking her head. “Maybe I shouldn’t wear it.”

“Oh?” Cadence asked.

“I have a lot more negative emotions than I care to admit,” Twilight said with a sheepish smile. “But I don’t understand what this has to do with the shades? Why would she be looking for this?”

“A lot of reasons,” Cadence said before letting the necklace drop back into the case and closing it, then offering it to her. “The shades are… mmm. I’d almost call it like a disease. One that targets a pony’s soul. At least, that is what the crystal ponies have told me. It drives them into darkness and then takes everything from them until they feel nothing. Until they almost are nothing. My village… was on that path, I believe, before I stopped Prismia. More importantly, I believe she was on that path. The mare she was with the necklace and after it were like two entirely different ponies. Now? I believe had I not saved her then, she would have eventually become a shade. Her heart was almost empty then, but I was able to fill it. It takes a strong, pure heart to wield such a thing without being corrupted by it. But now, more than ever, I am certain I know its origins.”

“You do?” Twilight asked softly before, nervously, taking the case.

“The umbrum,” Cadence said. “Perhaps Sombra himself. A relic that offers power, but pierces any weakness in the wearer’s heart to take from them everything. Perhaps it was meant to aid Sombra. Or perhaps it was meant to help corrupt more ponies and bring them under the umbrum’s influence. It may even predate him, perhaps a relic used by the umbrum before him. I couldn’t say. But if Hope is coming here, looking for something to aid her in saving the shades, I don’t know what else it could be. More importantly? If you truly think that somepony can save Sombra, after everything he’s been through? I think you may be one of the few ponies who can handle that necklace.”

Twilight nodded before gulping and eyeing the case. “So, the negativity… it amplifies it? But if I can keep my heart filled with love, it stays like a rainbow?”

“Indeed,” Cadence said.

“I… I’ll try it,” Twilight said. “But you’ll take it off if it comes to it, right?”

“I can’t,” Cadence said. “Only the pony who’s wearing it can remove it. But I can tell you if you need to take it off.”

Twilight nodded before, slowly, opening the case. “If I try doing anything weird, let Rainbow know about this, okay?” She pulled the necklace out and then wrapped it around her throat. She closed her eyes and waited. “What’s it doing?” she asked, readying herself to tear it off at a moment’s notice.

“Glowing at beautiful as ever,” Cadence said. “Just like the heart of the one wearing it. You always were a good filly, even if you did tend to be a little rambunctious at times.”

Twilight gave a chuckle before reaching down and holding the gem in a hoof, raising it so she could look closer. “Well, how could I be anything else with the world’s best foalsitter keeping an eye on me? Still, I’d best not keep it on much and definitely not unsupervised. I’ve read enough books to know that you don’t wear the possibly corrupting magical artifact for too long. ESPECIALLY if it seems like a good idea to.”

“How does it feel? I mean, since well…” Cadence said before motioning towards her horn.

“Oh! Right,” Twilight said before looking up. “Honestly? A little stronger, but I can’t really… say. I actually wanted to ask you about that. When you became an alicorn, how long did it take you to uhhhh… get used to…”

“Magic?” Cadence asked. “A few months. Why? Are you already teleporting around? Mastering aging spells?”

“No,” Twilight said. “In fact, all I can do is lift some things.”

“Wait, really?” Cadence asked. “Odd, I’d have imagined as talented as you are you’d already know dozens of spells. You WERE the only earth pony I knew to make it into the advanced casting classes. A lot of unicorns can’t even do that.”

“That’s just it,” Twilight said before rubbing her horn. “It feels… weird. I thought I’d know how the magic works. How hard could it be, right? Except… it just doesn’t. Work, I mean. I’ve practiced all kinds of things, but it’s almost like… half the magic isn’t there. If that makes sense? Or like pieces of the magic are missing.”

“Really?” Cadence asked. “Your horn looks fine to me, though.”

“As far as I can tell, there’s nothing physically wrong with me,” Twilight said sheepishly. “But… well… perhaps it’s just a mental block of some kind.”

“The nature of you becoming an alicorn is also quite… unique,” Cadence said softly. “And uhhh…”

“Incomplete?” Twilight said.

“Yes,” Cadence said. “It’s possible that the magic is just… struggling to properly balance itself.”

“Or isn’t all there,” Twilight said. “Like having only one wing.”

“Possibly,” Cadence said softly. “Perhaps you should try to find a personal tutor before you worry too much.”

“I technically have one now,” Twilight said softly, averting her gaze.

“Oh? Anypony I know?” Cadence asked.

“Err, I doubt it. Just a, uhhh, friend of mine,” Twilight said. “Trixie Lulamoon. She’s--”

“The stage magician?” Cadence asked, her voice flat and unamused. “You’re kidding.”

“You’ve heard of her?” Twilight asked.

“Of course I have,” Cadence said. “Everypony who was in Canterlot that day heard of her. Twilight, she is not an adequate tutor for a partial alicorn. What would possess you to let her be your tutor?”

“Errr, wellll…” Twilight said sheepishly. “She did kind of offer and I mostly ignored it…”


“Welllll… errrr, you see…” Twilight said before poking her hooves together. “She uhhhh…”

Cadence glared at her before, slowly, she started to smile. “She gave you homework, didn’t see?”

“She told me to do a report,” Twilight said sheepishly.

“Don’t ever change, Twilight,” Cadence said with a light chuckle. “But do please find an actual tutor. Maybe Moondancer.”

“She’s got enough to worry about,” Twilight said. “I’ll see about finding a proper mage. Promise. I’m sure Trixie could teach me about stage magic, though. If nothing else.”

“Thank you,” Cadence said. “Well, at least the necklace is still bright. Do you feel any different?”

“A bit embarrassed, but nothing--” Twilight’s words were cut off by a crash and a scream.

Cadence didn’t hesitate, turning and galloping out the door with Twilight right behind her.


“Stop screaming!” Lightning yelled at the screaming mare while she tried to wipe off the blood. A pony crashes through one little glass window and suddenly everypony is panicking. There wasn’t even that much blood, just a few cuts. Sure, her wings hurt but once she got the glass out they’d be fine.

“Are you okay? W-what happened?” the mare asked.

“I’m fine, I’m--”

“Lightning!” Rainbow’s voice came, making her cringe. “Are you okay? What happened?”

“Nothing major,” Lightning said before turning towards her, standing up as straight and steady as she could. “Just a minor flying accident. I--”

“You’re covered in glass,” Rainbow said, hovering lightly in the air over the shards. “What happened?”

“I uhhh… I had a small backdraft when I was attempting to do the sonic rainboom,” Lightning said. “They aren’t easy to--”

“Spread out your wings,” Rainbow said, her eyes focused on them and some of the color drained from her face.

“What?” Lightning asked. “They’re fine.”

“Then spread them out,” Rainbow said, crossing her hooves.

Lightning gulped before, very slowly, she spread them out. She let out a low hiss of pain before giving them a little flap and sending a few pieces of glass scattering to the ground. “They’re fine, just a little cut up and--”

Before she could stop her, Rainbow landed on the ground besides her. “Lightning, what in Equestria are you doing? Shadowfang!”

“It’s fine!” Lightning said before nearly taking a step back and only stopping when she heard a piece of glass crack underhoof “I’m fine. I just had a little mis--”

“This isn’t a LITTLE anything!” Rainbow snapped. “We’re getting you medical attention and then--”

“I don’t NEED medical attention!” Lightning yelled before flapping her wings and taking to the air. “I’m FINE! I--” She let out a pained grunt when her left wing locked up entirely, a sharp pain shooting through it. She tried to correct herself, nearly flipping upside down and plummeting at the glass. She had only a moment to close her eyes and brace for impact.

However, she was instead snagged out of the air before she could hit the ground. Rainbow carried her back outside, dropping her carefully as she could on the grass. “You are NOT fine,” Rainbow said before brushing some glass off her own uniform. “Shadowfang! Ugh, where IS he? I thought you were resting?”

“It was a small miscalculation,” Lightning said, trying to keep her temper in check. She didn’t need the coddling. “I was practicing the sonic rainboom and I just made a small mistake. I--”

“Rainbow!” Shadowfang yelled before skidding to a stop by them.

“About time!” Rainbow snapped. “Where were you?”

“Getting help,” Shadowfang said. “There’s a medical pony on the way. Lightning? Are you okay?”

“I’M FINE!” Lightning yelled. “Will everypony STOP fretting over me like I’m some kind of ROOKIE?! I’m the best flier any of you have ever SEEN! I don’t need a medical ANYTHING! I just need to get back to PRACTICE!”

Rainbow stared at her for a few moments, her eyes wide. Finally, she shook her head. “Lightning Dust, I was wrong,” she said firmly. “You are NOT doing the sonic rainboom at the wedding.”

“What?” Lightning asked, going entirely still. “I… I can figure it out. I’ve done it once, I don’t--”

“It’s not about you figuring it out!” Rainbow yelled. “It’s just… Lightning, you’re going to get these cuts looked at and make sure your wing is okay. Until then? You’re grounded. Once you’re better? I… I don’t even know right now. But you are NOT flying until you get the okay. Got it?”

Lightning stared at her, her mouth falling open. She couldn’t believe it. They were going to ground her? But she was the best flier they had. One little mistake didn’t change that.

“What happened?” Cadence yelled before she and Twilight came galloping over.

“Flying accident,” Rainbow said before glancing at the two. “We’ve got it handled. There’s a lot of glass inside, though, be careful.”

“I’ll go help make sure nopony else gets hurt,” Cadence said before heading into the building.

“Flying accident?” Twilight asked.

Lightning stared at the other pony, her eyes locked on the necklace around her throat for a moment.

“Right, meet our student,” Rainbow said. “Twilight Glow, meet Lightning Dust.”

“I’m fine,” Lightning said before tearing her eyes away from the necklace to look the mare in the eyes. “They’re worrying over nothing.”

“You’re bleeding,” Twilight said softly before shaking her head. Her eyes glowed green for a moment before she took the necklace off and chucked it into a small carrying case, then tossed it into her saddlebags. “Oh wow, Cadence wasn’t kidding. That really does go negative fast.”

“Huh?” Rainbow asked.

“I’ll explain later,” Twilight said sheepishly. “Is everypony is okay? When we heard the scream, well, we worried about the worst. Surprised my brother isn’t here yet.”

“I’m fine,” Lightning said for what felt like the hundredth time before trying to spread her wing out again. If she could just get some lift before the medical ponies got here then--

“Finally,” Rainbow said, her eyes locking onto a crystal pony galloping towards them. On their saddlebags they had the symbol for first aid. “Shadowfang and I need to keep an eye on Lightning, make sure she’s okay. We’ll be back as soon as we can to help clean up, promise.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Twilight said. “I’ll help take care of this. Just make sure nopony is hurt.”

“Of course,” Rainbow said before glancing back to Lightning when the crystal pony reached out for her wing. “Come on, let’s get you taken care of.”

“I’m fine!” Lightning yelled, trying to pull her wing back from the medical pony.

“You are nowhere even approaching fine,” Rainbow said. “Once your wing is tended we’re going to have a long talk. A very, very long talk.”


“Please stay still,” the medical pony said before she reluctantly let him grab her wing. “I need to remove the glass and examine these lacerations. Please stop moving so much.”

Lightning growled, but grudgingly gave in. She didn’t need this, she could work through the pain. She wasn’t some weak willed little filly who needed to be coddled. She let out a low hiss when a small shard of glass was extracted from her wing.

She was fine.


This did not seem to be as fine as Gilda first suspected. Even she could tell that something was up when she walked into the medical tent. Ash was muttering under her breath while she worked, occasionally throwing strange things into her cauldron. No laughter. No giggles. No amusement. She seemed entirely focused for once, though on what the griffon couldn’t say.

Red, on the other talon, looked like she hadn’t slept in days. Her mane was frazzled, she had bags under her eyes and she had definitely been crying. She was desperately flipping through books, only to shove them away and grab different books to flip through.

Worse, neither seemed to even notice when she and Thorax walked into the tent. Gilda glanced towards the liquid in the cauldron, a dark purple, and tried to pick out some of the words Ash was muttering.

“Root? No, no, it’s not about rooting. Shadows. Grounding? Yes, no. Can’t… maybe if I…”

Gilda just cocked her head to the side before glancing to Thorax. “Uhhhhh… maybe this is a bad time,” she said.

“I told you something was up,” Thorax whispered.

“So you were right,” Gilda said back before, slowly, walking towards Red. “Red? Red Heart?”

The pegasus didn’t look up, instead continuing to flip through her book. Gilda reached out a talon and tapped her shoulder, making her shriek and turn around. She then let out a sigh of relief. “Gilda? What are you doing here? I’m very busy right now, can this wait?”

“What’s going on?” Gilda asked. “Is it the captain?”

“What? No! The captain is fine! She’s going to be fine,” Red said.

“No she’s not,” Thorax said. “I could feel it. I can practically taste it. Or not taste it. What’s going on?”

“Taste it?” Red asked. “How can… oh… oh right. Changeling. It… I… Gilda, Thorax, you two should go and clean your tents. The captain isn’t… she’s n-not going to be happy if you fail her inspection.”

“She’s not going to feel anything,” Thorax said. “Is she?”

“What’s going on?” Gilda asked, despite herself hoping that this was just another bit of pony over reacting.

“It’s not… just… don’t worry about it,” Red said.

The sound of the tent flap could be heard behind them and when they glanced back, Smooth stood in it. For the first time in ages, she was in full uniform. She even had the hat. Gilda couldn’t remember EVER seeing her in the hat.

Now she was beginning to worry.

“Who the buck is that?” Smooth asked before trotting over to stand in front of Red. “Because that is NOT the captain. Thorax, will you stop saluting? This is no time for jokes.” Thorax, grudgingly, lowered his hoof.

“That’s the captain,” Red said before wiping her eyes. “S-she’s just--”

“She told me my daily reports were PASSABLE!” Smooth yelled. “MINE!”

“Oh sweet Celestia,” Red said softly.

“As what, kindling?” Gilda asked.

“Exactly!” Smooth said. “What’s going on? What in Equestria kind of potions did Ash feed her?”

“None yet,” Ash said.

“She’s not… it’s not a potion,” Red said. “Not a medication. It’s not… the captain is… she’s…”

“Red Heart,” Smooth said. “I do not do this lightly. So please understand just how important this is when I do it. I am officially ordering you, as your commanding officer, to tell me what in Equestria is going on with the captain.”

The tent went silent, even Ash looking up with wide eyes and nearly dropping her laddle. “Did… did Smooth Tongue just… give an order?” the earth pony asked softly.

Red stared, her mouth open before finally shaking her head. “She’s… the captain is… shadifying. Shading. She’s becoming a shade.”

“A what now?” Smooth asked. “Wait, like a… one of those… dark ponies? The ones disappearing in the light? THOSE shades? She can’t be a shade! Who’s going to run the outfit?”

“You will,” Lavender said from behind her, making all of them jump and whip around to see the captain standing in the entranceway. Gilda couldn’t help but shudder when she realized that the unicorn’s back legs were partially see-through for a moment when the light touched them. “Just like you did before I came here, First Lieutenant Smooth Tongue.”

“What?” Smooth asked, staring at her. “Oh no. No no no no! You saw what you came into, this place was a mess! A disaster! It--”

“Was functional,” Lavender said, her voice calm and relaxed. “That will just have to do again.”

“How are you so calm about this?” Smooth asked.

“She’s not,” Thorax said gently. “She’s not feeling… anything… anymore, are you? Captain?”

Lavender glanced towards him before shaking her head. “Very little. It is probably for the best. It wouldn’t do for my last day with all of you to be one where I was quaking with fear.”

“There has to be something we can do!” Smooth yelled, almost pleading. “Y-you can’t just leave me with that paperwork! I don’t deserve this!”

“And none of us deserve to have Smooth in charge,” Gilda said. “No offense.”

“None taken, I’m with you on this one,” Smooth said.

“It’s not a choice,” Lavender said.

“But what if… if we… if… if…” Smooth said, struggling to come up with something. Tears welled up in her eyes.

“The world is filled with what-ifs, Lieutenant,” Lavender said. “Let us focus on what is. My orders stand. I will perform a full inspection at noon. At sunset, you will take over as commanding officer of the Badland Mooners, until and unless somepony else is sent to replace me. Red?”

“C-captain,” Smooth said softly. “D-don’t go. Please don’t go. We… we need you.”

“H-here you go c-captain,” Red said before holding out a small packet of papers. Lavender took them in her magic and began to flip through them.

“This place won’t last a week without you,” Smooth said.

“You’ll do fine, Smooth,” Lavender said without looking up from the papers.

“You can’t honestly believe that!” Gilda snapped before she could stop herself. “She’s Smooth! The camp will burn down in a week!”

“If it burns, it burns,” Lavender said before nodding and levitating the papers back to Red. She turned and then left the tent, seeming to flicker out of existence for a moment when she stepped into the light, only to reappear a moment later.

“She can’t mean that,” Smooth said softly before walking to the entranceway and watching her leave. “Can she? It’s a joke, right? It has to be.”

“She didn’t even glare when I yelled at her,” Gilda said softly. “She’s… she’s really going… isn’t she?”

“T-there’s nothing we c-can do,” Red said softly before wiping her eyes. “T-they tried to… to stop it. B-but… but… It’s like… like she was h-hollowed out. E-everything that happened. All they could do was… was delay it.”

“Ash? There has to be something, right?” Smooth asked. “Some kind of potion, something? Anything?”

“I am TRYING!” Ash yelled.

“Well try harder!” Smooth yelled back. “Do YOU want me in charge?”

Gilda shook her head and glanced to Thorax. Or, at least, where Thorax had been. Great, now he was running off on his own. She really hoped he wasn’t going to start crying. She did not want to deal with a crying changeling. She definitely wasn’t going to cry like some sentimental pony. In fact, she wasn’t even upset. She just… was worried about having Smooth in charge. That was all.

She quickly made her way out of the tent and caught sight of Thorax running into the mess tent. It looked like the news would be spreading quickly afterall.

Gilda took a deep breath and started after him. She didn’t know why they were worrying so much. This was a pony problem, anyway. And ponies were obnoxious about that kind of stuff. Even when things were impossible they found a way. There was absolutely no possible way they’d just let this happen. None.

None at all.

They didn’t back down from dragons with claws bigger than their entire bodies, this couldn’t be any different.

Gilda wished she could make herself believe that when she walked towards the mess tent.

Author's Note:

Twilight... REALLY needs to get better about warning people about her eye. Just... seriously. This is a MAJOR problem. I mean, sure, when it happened a lot of ponies had been turned into shades. And nearly died. And a 'dragon' attack. And Moondancer was almost killed. Then she became a half unicorn. Then... Okay, so maybe in comparison it wasn't the BIGGEST thing in the world, but come on! Also, seriously. Girl. Get some sleep.

On the upside, at least she now knows what Hope is coming for. After all, what are the chances that there would be TWO amulets that amplify the powers of their wearers AND corrupt them? In full seriousness, I do wonder if they were going to be canonically connected when the writer wrote about Cadence's 'origins'.

Also, dang it Discord...

On the upside, now everyone gets to see the process of shade-ification. If curious, the captain was offered leave when they realized what was going to happen. She chose to spend her last day on duty. Married to the job, that one.

Original works

Comments ( 10 )

Before he could finish the sentence, however, Discord snapped his fingers, causing all three of them to disappear.

That can't be good.:rainbowderp:

“The umbrum,” Cadence said.

Now Cady isn't that kind of a stretch?:trixieshiftright:

A small, crystal heart shimmered, the light flowing through it and making small rainbow-like projections. It reminded her of Cadence’s cutie mark, when she’d had it.

Because a description like this would seem to indicate it comes from the crystal ponies. Unless of course you think the Umbra and the Crystal Ponies are related somehow...:twilightoops:

Poor Lightning Dust. This isn't going to end well isn't it? And here I thought the Alicorn Amulet breaking had left Lighting Dust with it's power or something. Maybe she just wasn't controlling or angry enough for it to take affect?:unsuresweetie:

If curious, the captain was offered leave when they realized what was going to happen. She chose to spend her last day on duty. Married to the job, that one.

I'm going to miss captain Lavender. She is such a awesome pony.:fluttershysad:

What could pooooooossibly go poorly with discord? :P And the crystal ponies ARE connected to the umbrum... insofar as Sombra is part umbrum and crystal pony. It is, admittedly, a bit of a stretch. But Cadence *really* didn't like Sombra BEFORE she found out about Twilight's injury. Now she's even more willing to blame them for this.

As for Lightning Dust... wellllll... I can't say how it will end. Here's hoping well enough. Rainbow wouldn't be happy to have her first student go south. v.v

“Come on, let’s talk so you get get all this out of your head. Though I am this close to fetching some milk and cookies and tucking you in myself.”
Twilight gave a light snort. “Don’t you think I’m a bit old for that now?” she asked before trotting after her.
“You’re never too old for enforced self-care from the ponies who love you,” Cadence said.

I am in this story, and I do not like it :-).

Now, seriously, does she not have a minor in survival? How to pitch a tent; how to tend to injuries; how to forage for edible fruit, veggies, mushroom; how to navigate; etc. All these book topics on being in the outdoors.

(I'm assuming no practical, fine.)

“She always has to put her nose where it really shouldn’t be.”
“Mmmm hm,” Spike said. “I bet she has a minor in it.”
“Journalism, actually,

...Is there a P. Pony Ponison or something in this world?

I’d best not keep it on much and definitely not unsupervised. I’ve read enough books to know that you don’t wear the possibly corrupting magical artifact for too long. ESPECIALLY if it seems like a good idea to.”

Twilight, have you read the warnings on the Evil Overlord list? ...
Actually, does she have a minor in the behaviors of evil antagonists?
(Perhaps it's called political studies?)

So this is the Alicorn Amulet in this version. Interesting that it was owned by an actual alicorn this time.

Her eyes glowed green for a moment before she took the necklace off

So it's *not* auto-corrupting. It doesn't "correct" your behavior to what it wants. You can stay pure and take it off. Nice.

Still ... looking at what's happening to Lightning ... the insistence ...

The big question: What happened to Cadence? She lost her magic and her cutie mark; lost her ability to fly. An alicorn without any actual magic?

She does, in fact, have a minor in camping and outdoor survival. She did *not* like it, but she does have it. Not sure about P. Pony Ponison. But I hope there is. And yes, she has read that list... and likely made a few of her own. But no, that's NOT the Alicorn Amulet. It's actually something else, from one of the side-stories. The Alicorn amulet is currently possessed by Lightning Dust.... 's trash can. And Nightmare Moon took Cadence's magic.

so that's what made lightning dust so strange. And I'm glad lightning got rid of it.

Eeeee Gilda Gilda Gilda!!!

Intresting, I belived Lavender became a vampire but the Shades beeing that mayor in the story is an intresting thing.

Oh MAN so much STUFF is happening! Dangit Twilight couldn't you have hidden the dang amulet before coming outside? Lightning is 100% going to steal it, and she is just FULL of negative emotions. I am a little eager to see Shining's "bachelor party." XD I feel sad for Lavender turning into a shade, although honestly, it comforts me that the shades lose all emotion and thus don't feel the fear and panic something like that would do to someone with full emotional capacity. Obviously it's still awful and especially for everyone around them, but if you're going to live as a half-existing shadow being, at least you won't be in constant torment about it. Emotional torment is always the worst thing to me. Plus I feel confident Twilight and Hope and Cadence are gonna solve the Shade problem :D Assuming Lightning doesn't BREAK the stupid thing 0.<

I feel bad for Cadence. Because of Nightmare's caprices and immaturity, she has no magic with which to help her with the Crystal Ponies and no Crystal Ponies. And she's still going to try and help them anyway.

If that isn't dedication to duty, I don't know what is.

Just finished an entire reread of this can hardly wait for more

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