• Published 9th Feb 2016
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The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S3 CH 23. Rage

Moondancer wondered if she should just summon up some popcorn at this point. It wasn’t like her attempts to aid the Princess of the Night were doing much. Heck, at this point she was probably doing more to ensure that Nightmare Moon didn’t just murder the crystal ponies, often catching them before they could fall to their deaths or stopping them from being impaled on the rather spiky portions of the castle. It wasn’t like it was really their fault, the moment any of them had their helmets removed their fled as quickly as they could. A shame she was finding grabbing the helmets directly seemed to be impossible, the crystals in them resistant to magic.

Actually, now that she thought about it she was probably doing plenty. Her horn glowed and she redirected two ponies Nightmare Moon sent hurting into a flatter part of the wall, where they crashed and then dropped to the ground. The ruler then turned towards the large, ornate double doors blocking their way. She blasted it open with such ferocity that one of the doors flew across the throne room, embedding itself in the wall. The other fared only slightly better, hanging partially on the single hinge that had stayed attached valiantly.

The dark unicorn was sitting on the throne, his eyes wide and locked on the door embedded on the wall with a look that made Moondancer suspect he hadn’t quite expected to receive such an introduction. She didn’t blame him, though.

Nightmare Moon was practically crackling with dark magic, her horn aglow and each movement she made radiated with an almost awe inspiring pressure that threatened to crush them all. “Sombra,” the alicorn said. “So we’ve found you at last.” Her head then turned towards the other two in the room, a single crystal pony and a baby dragon, wearing the same helmets as the others.

Wait, dragon?

Moondancer’s eyes went wide. “WAIT!” she yelled. “Nightmare Moon! Don’t!”

The alicorn froze before glancing back. “Explain yourself.”

“I think that’s Spike and Twilight,” Moondancer said.

Nightmare Moon’s head whipped around so hard that the unicorn swore she heard a crack. However, before she could continue, a loud, ominous laughter filled the chamber.

“Your student is correct,” Sombra said, his smile wide and flashing his razor sharp teeth. “Your precious bard and her little dragon are now obedient and loyal subjects of the King of the Crystal Empire.”

“We see,” Nightmare Moon said. “Then your end will be swi--”

Sombra’s hoof came down and spikes of black crystal rose from the floor in front of Twilight. The earth pony leaned forward, her throat pushed to the edge.

The alicorn went entirely still.

“Now then,” Sombra said. “Shall we discuss my terms?”

“Let our bard go, Sombra,” Nightmare Moon said. “We swear, if you hurt so much as one hair on her head, the suffering we will make you experience will be immeasurable. Our rage, our anger will be unrelenting. You, your kingdom, everything you have ever cared for will be turned to dust.”

“Perhaps,” the unicorn said, adopting a mock saddened face. “But then she’ll be dead. Besides, it’s not like I could expect anything else, now is there? When the great Nightmare Moon decides you are her enemy, what happens? You end up banished, tormented, imprisoned, destroyed, dying or dead. If it comes to that, I suppose I will have to take satisfaction in knowing I hurt you as much as possible before my end.”

Nightmare Moon let out a growl, her wings slowly spreading out, the pressure from her magic making the room quiver.

“Uh uh!” Sombra said quickly. “One more spell and she goes. Twilight, you have your orders.”

“Yes, Lord Sombra,” Twilight said, her voice echoing out from the helmet.

“Twilight!” Moondancer yelled before taking a step forward. A spike of dark crystal rose up, suddenly, narrowly missing her face.

“You’re not important here, Student of the Night. Don’t think I won’t take great pleasure in tearing you apart. This is for her,” Sombra said. The door creaked shut behind the pair and, slowly, he smiled. “Now then, your highness. If you would be so kind as to end your magics so we could discuss this like calm, reasonable ponies?”

“You’re no pony,” Nightmare Moon said bitterly before her horn went dim. A moment later the lights in the room began to dim as well, revealing dozens of shades in the shadows.

“I am at least a fitting replica of one,” Sombra said before getting to his hooves. “If Nightmare Moon casts any spells again orif she moves towards you without my permission, take the plunge, Twilight. There, now that the orders are given, surely you will behave? Unless you’d like to test it? I mean, I do have two hostages now, but I hear you’re not quite as keen on the dragon one so I’m not sure how well it’d work if the first is lost. I was originally hoping to have your student as a… test, but alas. It seems she managed to escape my clutches. Until now, at least.”

Moondancer looked between her friend and the unicorn. How could he do this to her? Didn’t he know what would happen if he followed through with this? If something happened to Twilight it wouldn’t just prove a disaster to him, it could prove a borderline armageddon event. He was holding a match over the mother of all party cannons. There wouldn’t even BE a Crystal Empire when she was done, it’d just be a crater. If only she hadn’t been so stupid as to send Twilight without her.

“We will tear you to pieces,” Nightmare Moon said through gritted teeth, her gaze furious enough that if it could it would have left nothing but a few scorch marks and possibly bound his very soul to the palace.

As it was, he merely laughed. “Perhaps, one day, you will. For now I expect you’ll be on your best behavior.” He trotted down to Twilight and then reached out, rubbing the top of her helmet and nudging her neck ever closer to the crystal shards.

Moondancer cringed and couldn’t help but notice Nightmare Moon flinching at the sight.

“What are your demands, Sombra?” Nightmare Moon asked.

“My demands are simple,” Sombra said. “You leave, never return. My Crystal Empire and your Equestria maintain a truce. No interference. No war. Everypony wins. That’s what you ponies like, isn’t it?”

“That’s it?” Moondancer asked, unable to stop herself. Peace? He just wanted peace? He foalnapped Twilight for THAT?

Nightmare Moon eyed him for a moment before her gaze turned to Twilight. “We see. Leave our crystal ponies, our shades and our territory in your hooves. Very well,” the alicorn said. “Return to us our bard and we will agree to your terms.”

That only made Sombra’s grin grow wider. “No. Do you think me a fool, Nightmare Moon? The moment I no longer hold your precious bard under my hooves, you wouldn’t hesitate to launch an assault. I doubt you’d even wait to leave this room. You leave, she stays. So long as you maintain your end of the agreement, she stays safe. That is what I am offering you.”

“IMPOSSIBLE!” Nightmare Moon yelled, her wings spreading out and a single hoof raised. She stopped, however, when she saw Twilight move a bit closer to the crystal, her neck pushed to the edge. “We will not leave here without her.”

“You won’t leave here with her alive,” Sombra said before trotting towards the alicorn. “Your power is great, Nightmare Moon. Even I cannot argue that. Far beyond even the combined might of the two princesses when you banished me. But the power of the umbrum is mighty as well. We cannot defeat you. But we can make you suffer for it. So it really comes down to which you think is more valuable.” He held up his hoof, a small black flame forming in it. “A small, tiny empire that could certainly never hope to oppose the great Ruler of Equestria.” The flame snuffed out. “For the life of your precious bard, a truly irreplaceable pony, I’m certain. And who knows, in a few decades, once you have proven your willingness to keep to my terms, you’ll be trusted enough to have her returned to you.”

Nightmare Moon grit her teeth, digging her hooves into the ground.

Moondancer gulped before looking between all of them. What would Twilight do in this situation? There had to be some way to save both. There had to be…

Her eyes landed on a few of the shades. The ponies trapped, bound in that state between the umbrum and pony. Lost to the shadows. How many new ponies had been dragged into their ranks, kicking and screaming, in this new attack? She then glanced back towards the door they’d broken through. The battered, beaten ponies who had tried to stand in their way. Then back to Twilight.

How many ponies had their very will stolen by this monster? Just like Twilight was right now?

How many more would meet a similar fate if they didn’t stop this now? Nightmare Moon could defeat this creature. But if it grew stronger, what then? How many thousands, possibly millions, of ponies would fall under his control? Stripped of their very minds? Even now they were no closer to freeing the shades, how many would be trapped in the living nightmare?

Moondancer felt a small crack in her heart when she realized what Twilight would do. If she were here, if she could see the choice being offered. The lives of thousands of ponies versus her own life. A life where she was bound and held captive, a controlled, hollow shell of herself.

She knew exactly what Twilight would do, what she’d want, but there was no way she could do it. There had to be another way. But if she--

No, if Nightmare Moon cast another spell, she’d die. But if she could just free her, then Nightmare Moon wouldn’t have to hold back anymore. She glanced between Sombra and the alicorn again. He didn’t think her important, so perhaps she could use this to her advantage.

“Well?” Sombra asked. “You have your agreement. Do you accept, or does your bard die?”

Maybe, just maybe…

It was their only chance. She just had to get Twilight away from that. It’d just take a second. She had the magic, she just had to be quick enough.

“How do we know you will keep your word?” Nightmare Moon asked.

“You’ll just have to trust me,” Sombra said. “After all, I--”

Moondancer teleported, her horn flashing for a moment before she was across the chamber. She reached out with her magic, trying to grab Spike and Twilight, to push them away from the crystal.

Only for a red dome of magic to appear around them, flickering into existence. Her eyes widened a moment before a black crystal grew from the ground at her face. She tried to roll out of the way, but it was too fast, the razor edges of the crystal slashing across the left side of her face and shredding her ear to pieces. She let out a scream, stumbling back and clutching it, the blood spilling down the side of her face.

“You didn’t really think I’d make it that easy, did you?” Sombra asked. “Though, I was hoping you’d try. It is so nice to see everything go perfectly to my expectations.”

It felt like the whole world was spinning and, worse, she couldn’t even hear anything out of her right ear. The pain was almost unbearable, yet all she’d managed to do was hurt herself. Sombra lifted a hoof, his gaze focused on her. “A valiant attempt, student. But the only one who can save her, now, is Nightmare Moon. Only my magic can move through that barrier.”

Moondancer cringed and felt the tears flowing down her face. She had to do it, didn’t she? Was there really no way to save them? She slowly opened her eyes and stared at Twilight and Spike. Trapped.

So many lives were waiting for them. If only she’d been stronger. Faster. Smarter. If she’d predicted a barrier like that.

“We…” Nightmare Moon said, her hoof grounding into the ground and the anger clear on her face. Yet still she didn’t raise a hoof to him.

But she had to.

There was no other way.

“Do it!” Moondancer yelled.

“Student?” Nightmare Moon asked.

“You’re the only pony who can stop him!” Moondancer yelled.

“You think we should sacrifice my bard?” Nightmare Moon asked, the ire in her voice only rising.

“Oh, of course she does,” Sombra said with a light laugh. “Once the bard is gone, all that remains is the student. Then it--”

“Don’t listen to him!” Moondancer yelled. “Don’t do it for me! Do it for Twilight!” Her heart felt like it was being torn apart with every word, but she had to say it. “Think of every single thing Twilight has done! Every moment she has been by your side! Every speech! Every written word! The way she has dedicated her life to helping so many ponies! What would she do if she knew she was being used as a tool to enslave and hurt others? How much pain do you think it would inflict on her, how much do you think she is hurting right now, if any part of her is aware? Nightmare Moon, you know Twilight. Don’t let her final act be the one that leads to more pain and suffering! She… she deserves so much better!”

Nightmare Moon didn’t move, looking between all of them. Finally, she shook her head and lowered her eyes. “We… cannot. We… I… cannot… We won’t… we…”

Moondancer tried to get to her hooves, but the moment it did she felt as if the world was spinning underhoof and she collapsed to the ground again.

Sombra merely laughed. “You waste your time, Student of the Night. She will--”

“You already made one mistake!” Moondancer yelled. “You asked for me to be here, to stop this, to--” Her words were cut off when more shards of crystal erupted around her, slashing into her body. She let out a scream, barely managing to shield her face.

When they retracted she lay in a pool of her own blood, struggling to keep her eyes open. Watching helplessly when Nightmare Moon looked between the two of them.

Moondancer lifted her head one last time, her eyes locking on the pair of prisoners. “Nightmare Moon. If you truly love your ponies… then save us.”

Sombra gave a low growl and lifted his hoof once more.

“Enough!” Nightmare Moon yelled.

Sombra glanced to the alicorn. “Oh? Finally made your choice?”

“We have,” Nightmare Moon said. “Our student is a foal.”

Moondancer closed her eyes and just clutched her bleeding, deaf ear. If only it was her there. If only Twilight was here, not her. Then she knew the alicorn wouldn’t hesitate.

“She is clumsy, oafish, borders on talentless,” Nightmare Moon said. “Despite all of this, she is correct. We cannot, no matter how much we long to, sacrifice our kingdom for the sake of one pony. No matter how precious she is to us.”

“W-what?” Sombra asked, taking a small step back and the smile falling from his lips. “You can’t be serious. You’re going to just let her die?”

“We have no choice,” Nightmare Moon said before her eyes narrowed on him once more. Tears flowed from them, but she didn’t waver. “Twilight Glow, if you can hear us. Know that we are sorry.” She lifted a hoof into the air and took a step forward.

Moondancer opened her eyes and stared at Twilight. It felt as if time was slowing down, as she watched the earth pony’s head pull back, readying to lunge onto the crystal.

Then Spike turned. “NO!” the dragon yelled, shoving the helmet off his head. He leaped into the air, wrapping his claws around the helmet on Twilight’s face and shoved her back, taking it off with him and pulling her head back, away from the blade.

Twilight went entirely still, her eyes wide and confused. “W-what? What’s--”

“NO!” Sombra yelled before stomping his hoof. The crystal in front of Twilight grew suddenly, razor edged shards flying at her.

Twilight shrieked and, barely, managed to move to the right, trying to pull away from the crystals, but she just wasn’t fast enough. She screamed when shards of crystal slashed across her face, falling to her side and clutching her face, screaming when blood flowed.

But she was alive.

Then it was as if time stopped. The world darkened and the silence became deafening, drowning out the screams. How silence could be so deafening Moondancer couldn’t imagine, but it filled her with terror.


The screams of her student and bard echoed through Nightmare Moon’s head.

Her ponies were freed.

Her gaze met Sombra’s for but a moment, yet she could see the fear in his eyes.


Now, at last, was after. Now was the time for her rage.

Nightmare Moon took a single step forward.

The crystals around the room shattered to dust.

The Ruler of the Night took another step.

Every window in the city shattered.

The Tyrant of Darkness took a third step.

A crack spanning the entire Crystal Castle formed across it.

The Queen of Equestria took one final step, standing before Sombra.

Sombra would experience true terror when the night enveloped him.

But Nightmare Moon’s wrath would not be settled so easily, with the mere destruction of but a single subject. No. “You have hurt MY ponies. You have wounded MY ponies. You have spilled the blood of MY ponies. You have dealth untold suffering to MY ponies. You have stolen, again and again, what is rightfully MINE!”

Sombra tried to look away as the castle crumbled around them, but he couldn’t. He tried to flee, but her magic enveloped him, binding him in place. Though crystal and stone fell to dust, there was no sound aside from the ominous hum of the rage filled alicorn.

“The umbrum is of the shadows,” Nightmare Moon said, her voice cold and seeming to echo through the entirety of the city. “The umbrum is but a peasant who believes it can dethrone a queen. This rivalry, this farce, shall exist no longer.” Her magic enveloped all, finally turning the castle to dust in a single movement and enveloping the ponies, and a single dragon, in small orbs of darkness, lowering them to the ground.

Soon all that remained in the air were Nightmare Moon and Sombra. She stared into his eyes. “The night. The shadows. The darkness. It is our domain. It is MY domain. And it shall be challenged NO LONGER!”

Sombra gave the softest whimper when he felt her magic washing over him. Enveloping his magic. But he was just the beginning. She used her magic to climb across his own, traveling deep, deep under the ground. To the umbrum itself.

Then the connection was gone. Like a wounded animal severing its tail to free itself from a predator, it cut itself off entirely from Sombra. The unicorn let out a soft gasp, his eyes going wide. “W-what? What did you--”

Nightmare Moon didn’t answer. She tossed him aside like the useless sack of wasted potential he was. Her horn stopped glowing and the shades appeared.

Darkness enveloped them all once more and she reached her magic through them. The umbrum thought it could steal her subjects again? That it could use them to harm her once more? No. It had taken her by surprise, its theft unnoticed until it was too late. But now she would tear it apart. Piece by piece. Her magic traveled along the shades themselves, finding their connection towards the umbrum, trying to find her way to it.

Again and again the umbrum severed its bonds, hacking at its own power in a desperate bid to keep her away. Surrendering not just Sombra, but the shades themselves to her. Bleeding out shadows of magic while it struggled to keep itself just out of reach.

Nightmare Moon let out a furious, angry roar as, despite all of her power, the umbrum drifted just out of reach, hiding from her. It had nothing left. No shades. No Sombra. Nothing.

It was powerless.

But, somewhere, it was still alive. Despite her fury, despite her rage, despite her need to destroy something, it had escaped her.

Her shades were hers once more, but it wasn’t enough. She needed more. She…

She would unleash all of her rage. She looked around at the confused ponies, casting off their helmets. Staring at her with awe and wonder. Then her gaze turned towards a brilliant, shining heart. The Crystal Heart.

Her eyes narrowed once more as she gave her silent order to the shades. Her shades. Forcing them to take all of these ponies, her ponies, away from the Crystal Empire. As well as the dragon.

All except for three. Her gaze turned towards the two wounded mares, whimpering on the ground. Bloody and hurt. Sombra, broken, staring with horror. Then she glanced up at the Crystal Heart.

She shattered the heart to pieces, letting the remains drop to the ground. The Crystal Empire, or at least what remained of it, followed suit a moment later. As the clouds of thunder and snow began to close in on the rubble and destruction left in her wake, she stared into his eyes. “M-mercy,” he said, fear in his voice.

Nightmare Moon reveled in the moment he finally understood what he was dealing with. What he had threatened. What she would take from him. “The only reason you still live,” she said, her voice wrapped in barely restrained rage. “Is that you are my sole connection to the umbrum. Perhaps this world’s only remaining one.”

“I will repair that connection.” The clouds overhead swirled in a violent display of natural might and danger. She lowered her head to his own, their noses nearly touching.

“Then I will have my vengeance.”

With those final words the four ponies vanished, leaving nothing but the ruins of the once Crystal Empire and the shattered remnants of the Crystal Heart in their wake.

Author's Note:

Don't... threaten... Twilight... Nightmare Moon does not handle her rage very well. 😅 Unfortunately, I don't think this has really been enough for her. If she gets her hooves on the umbrum...

Also, I was invited to do an interview / Q&A thing this saturday. Link here if you want to ask me any questions.

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