• Published 9th Feb 2016
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The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S1 CH 11. Tell me your story

Tirek stared at the little pony. After a few moments he burst into laughter, covering his face with his hands. After a few more moments the laughter died and he stared. “You’re… serious.”

“Ummm, was I not clear?”

“Why would you wish to know my story? Isn’t that ruler of yours far more interesting?”

She nodded. “She is. But I’ve never seen magic like yours, it has to come from somewhere, right?”

He snorted. “Why not ask her?”

“I will. In fact, I want to find out everything I can about you, for when I write a book about you. Err, if that's okay,” she said with a big smile. “And who better to tell the story than you, the one who lived it? Besides, it’ll be good to know how you viewed the situation.”

He stared at her, before cocking his head to the side. “Pony. Are… you mad? Why would you wish to write a book about me?”

“Because I don’t know you. I’ve never even heard of you and I doubt many ponies have. But… they’ll want to know who you are. What you want. Why you… do what it is you do. Nightmare Moon may be using your powers now, but there’s no telling what the future will hold. And if ponies know who you are, they won’t be as scared.”

“Oh? Is that what you think? Do you think they won’t be scared of me, if they know who I am?”

She nodded. “They’ll be less scared. So… please?”

He just laughed and shook his head. “Very well, silly pony. If you want to know who I am. I am a prince from a far off land. Or, at least, I was, before my brother betrayed me. I was taught magics there and, during my lessons, I learned of you little ponies. It was there I attempted to drain their power. Unfortunately, my plan backfired and my family discovered what I was trying. They imprisoned me in my room. When I grew older, I attempted to come to your land and drain the ponies of their magic. My brother betrayed me to your princesses and I was captured, imprisoned until now. Does that satisfy your curiosity, little pony?”

She frowned and shook her head. “No, it doesn't. Come on, Tirek. There has to be more to it than that. How long have you been sealed away?”

He laughed and smiled at her. “Me? Long before even you princess of the moon was locked away. It took both of them to defeat me. Were I… as strong as I had once been, your Nightmare would have fallen beneath me. But these long years have… weakened me.”

She nodded, taking more notes. “Okay. Can you tell me what you want, then?”

“Is it not obvious? I want power. You little ponies, so full of magic, but you barely even use it. Nowhere near your potential, at least. For you to have it is a waste.”

She nodded, taking a few more notes. “So your goal is power, then?”

“Of course.”

“And then what do you intend to do?”

He blinked a few moments. “What?”

“What do you intend to do?” she asked, looking up at him.

“I intend to drain every ounce of power from all of you ponies. From the weakest to the strongest, even your princesses.”

“Okay. And what do you intend to do with that power?”


“You have to have some goal, right?”

“Power is its own goal! I will drain this power and then become the ruler of all the world! I will go to other countries and drain them!”

“Okay? But what then? What do you want to use the power for? There has to be a reason, right? That’s what ponies are going to want to know.”

He stared at the infuriating pony, a frown on his lips. Finally, he nodded. “Ahhhhh. I see. Yes, there is a goal. Once I have drained every last ounce of power, I will rule. I will conquer all of the world, Equestria and beyond. All will kneel before me, from the weakest to the greatest.”

She blinked and gave a nod. “Okay. I see. So… like Nightmare Moon then. Thank you. So what can you tell me about your kingdom?”

He blinked a few times, his mouth falling open. Finally, he frowned. “It is ruled by my father and mother.”

“Are they both centaurs, like you?”

“No, my mother is a gargoyle. As is my brother.”

She gave another nod, taking notes. He didn’t seem to be resisting as much now at least. “Okay. And did they teach you how to drain magic like that?”

“Hm? No. There was a… teacher there. A hermit. He had great power and taught me magic. He was the first I knew, who captured one of you… ponies and tried to drain their power. I betrayed and imprisoned him and tried to drain the power for myself. It backfired and… infuriated my family. I said I wasn’t there, but they didn’t believe me.”

Twilight gave another nod. It was going so much smoother now. He seemed confused and occasionally had a thoughtful look on his face, but he answered her questions. After she’d gathered a large assortment of information, she closed up her notebook and tucked it away. “I think that’s enough for today, I’ll see what I can find in our records and then come back later to ask some more. Is there anything you need?”

He cocked his head slightly to the side. “Need?”

“Yes? Anything you want? Perhaps some books, comics? Even some toys? I imagine being locked away in a cell all day is boring.”

He stared and then burst into laughter. “Stupid pony. You do know one day I will be free. Your princess thinks she can control me. But I will break free of these bonds, one way or another. Then you will all kneel before me, drained of your powers.”

She shrugged. “Maybe. And if that time comes, I’ll be able to give ponies the information they need to not be scared of you. Or… at least, not as scared at they can be be.”

“Is that what you think to do with Nightmare Moon? You think if you tell people who and what she truly is, they won’t be scared? They won’t be terrified? Even as she tears you apart and drains every dissenter who dares to speak?”

Twilight blinked a few times and lowered her eyes. “Yes. There’s… only so much we can do now. So much I can do. But… I know I can do this. I can help ponies. I can stop them from being scared. And… if I can do that… I at least have to try.”

He snorted. “You’re wasting your efforts. She is just as much a monster as I. She will tear your country apart and then you will be left with nothing but terrified masses and helpless ponies.”

She closed her eyes and nodded. “Maybe. Maybe she will. But… maybe there’s still some good in her. Maybe there is still a part of her that… isn’t a monster.” She glanced towards her back. “She hasn’t killed any of us yet. Though I feel she’s wanted to. And… there’s no telling what she’ll do to the others. But… maybe there’s still a chance. Maybe we can learn to adapt. Maybe… maybe we can cope.”

“You can’t cope with creatures like us, pony. You’ll learn that eventually. She’ll destroy you and everything you are trying to protect. And then your other ponies will still know nothing but fear.”

She nodded. “Maybe. But… at this point, I can only hope you’re wrong.” She turned and started trotting up the stairs. “I’ll see if I can find some books or something I think you’ll like, okay? Let me know if there’s anything else you’ll want.”

Tirek snorted before trotting back to his cot. Ponies were such stupid creatures. He looked forward to the day he could escape this prison and drain every last one of them. That earth pony would be one of the first. He wondered if she’d write a story about that. The fall of her world.


Twilight took a slow, weak breath while she stood outside the throne room. After a few moments she worked up her courage and pushed the door open, stepping inside.

Nightmare Moon was on her throne, talking with Moondancer. They both paused and looked over to her, the former’s eyes glaring. “What do you require, bard?”

“I… I wanted to talk with you. I wanted to ask you something, your highness. If… that’s okay?”

“We have always allowed you to speak, bard. Even at times you did not deserve it. Tell us what you need.”

She took a nervous step forward. “I wanted to know. If… is...” She chewed on her lower lip. “What you did to the others. Draining them of their power. Is that what… you intend to do with Celestia?”’

The princess stared for a few moments before bursting into laughter. “Oh. Wouldn’t that be ironic?” The mare shook her head. “No.”

“Oh, that’s a relief.”

“It would be redundant at this point, would it not?”

Twilight froze. “I’m… sorry?”

“Our previous throne warmer has already given us her power, in one way or another. Did you not wonder how we returned without any weakness or exhaustion? How we were so strong? Surely you must have though Celestia would have put up some fight, were she to try and stop us?”

Both ponies stared at her, their mouths falling open.

“Oh? You believed the two of us had fought and we had just so overwhelmed her?” Nightmare Moon asked with a laugh. “No. When the time came, when we appeared before our sister, there was no fight. She merely watched us, submitted to us. Said that her ponies would stop us, somehow. We suppose she believed that her faithful student would defeat us,” she said before giving another laugh, drawing shame to Moondancer's face. “She always was an optimist. But no, when we fought we defeated her. And our powers were always similar. Draining them, or at least bending them to our will was… simple. In fact, even now they...” She paused and then frowned. “That is none of your concern. All you need to know is that her power already resides within us. Now, bard, it is time for you to prepare as well.”

“W-what? Why?”

“Soon, visitors from other nations will come to pay tribute to us. And then we will decide how to deal with them. We hear our sister had grown… gentle in her years. Allowing all manner of beasts and creatures within our borders. If they will not accept their new ruler, however, then they will be... removed.”

Twilight gulped and gave a slow nod. She didn’t know who these ponies would be who were coming, but she hoped they were lucky.

Author's Note:

Guess who's back? So, finished the Val story(where did you come from?), finished my second book of the year, published a new book(available in both purchasable and free version, so please check it out from my page) and so, without further ado... Twilight Glow is back! :D
Hope you're all excited.

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