• Published 9th Feb 2016
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The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S1 CH 8. Royalty

Twilight cringed when she slowly put a cloak on her back, letting out a light hiss of pain. It was still better than it had been, at least. She could even sleep on her back, even if it was fairly uncomfortable. While Rarity had to return to Ponyville, a guard and sometimes Dancer had taken over putting the ointment on.

Still, she would have preferred more time off than just one week. But the guard watching her had insisted that she come with him. She slowly moved besides him. “Let's go see her,” she muttered softly. “Are you sure you can't tell me why I'm being summoned?”

He shook his head. “My apologies, Lady Glow. I would if I could, but I was just ordered to come and get you for record keeping purposes. I didn't see what all the excitement was about.”

Twilight sighed and looked around. The place was getting slightly more alive with each day, with more servants being willing to show their faces. Sadly, most of those faces were still frightened. There had been a few more public lashings, but only a hoofful so far. The earth pony hoped that would be it.

Her heart started to sink when she arrived at the doors to the throne room and she saw the guards. Normally they looked so stoic. But today they looked... she swore one of them had been crying. They looked away when she caught their eyes, only reaching out to open the door and then look away.

Then she saw why. Two ponies were standing before the princess. A white unicorn with long blond hair and a very pink alicorn. Prince Blueblood and Princess Cadence. Her heart nearly jumped into her throat and she started to step forward. “Cadence!” she cried, before freezing.

Nightmare Moon merely chuckled from her throne as her eyes fell on the mare. “Ah, bard. We see you have the strength to answer our summons. We do find it quite interesting that you never told us your brother was dating a princess. We imagine such a fact would come up often in conversation. Tell us, are there any other members of royalty dating your family? Perhaps the prince is dating your cousin?” Her voice sounded almost amused, as opposed to the rage the earth pony had expected.

Twilight shook her head, eying the two chained ponies. Both of them had their heads down. She had to give Blueblood credit, she'd always imagined him a bit of a prat from the few times they'd met, but at least he seemed to have a good idea when to keep his head down and mouth shut. Twilight stepped forward besides the throne, opposite Dancer who looked like she was about to throw up. Pen and paper appeared in front of her. All she could do was feel more dread.

“Now that our bard has arrived...” Nightmare Moon said slowly before her eyes scanned over the two and a frown replaced her smirk. “Prince Blueblood and Princess Cadence. The... previous ruler gave you such titles in our absence. We imagine you may have felt power and prestige from these titles. However, neither of you are required anymore. Celestia was weak. We are not so. However, as a... prince and princess, we cannot just let you go. Such... things may lead to rebellion.” The frown on her face darkened. “It would be well within our powers and rights to have you executed. To leave your bloody heads upon the castle gates, so all could know of our power.”

Twilight bit her tongue, feeling the fear rise in her. Blueblood managed to look paler, as if he might fall over at any moment.

“In fact, had we found you weeks prior, that may have been your fate.” Her eyes then fell on Twilight. “However, we are a merciful ruler.” Her wings slowly unfolded. “While it would be simple to destroy you for one such as us, what would be the point? We are strong enough to not fear you. Instead we have decided... to offer you mercy.”

Twilight's heart almost leaped. She looked up at Nightmare Moon, the mare's face in a wide, fanged grin once again.

“We cannot allow you to go free at this time, however. While our power and mercy is great, we have learned that our ponies can be quite... foalish. Were we to release you, they may once again get foalish notions of rebellion.”

Twilight looked between the prince and princess. Neither looked happy or relieved by this news. But she couldn't help feeling giddy. It looked like Nightmare Moon wouldn't be killing them. It was better than she'd hoped.

“As such, instead the two of you will be banished to Tartarus, where you will remain imprisoned for the time being. Your ruler has spoken.” Nightmare Moon's horn glowed and blue fire erupted around the two.

“Wait!” Blueblood said, but in a flash blue fire erupted around them and the two were gone.

Twilight stared, her mouth open in shock. She then looked towards Nightmare Moon. “Your... your highness?”

“You are dismissed,” Nightmare Moon said to the guards before looking down at Twilight. “Yes, bard?”

“They... are they...?”

“They will be fine,” the alicorn said with a shake of her head. “We have... listened to your words, bard. Perhaps you are right. My little ponies are... delicate.” She gazed down at Dancer, who yiped and quickly looked away. “Fragile. Easily broken. Were we to unleash all of our power upon them, surely they would break. But we cannot just allow two who bear royal names to travel freely, now can we?”

“O-of course not!” Twilight said quickly, her eyes wide. “But... they'll be--”

“Released, soon,” the alicorn said with a slow nod. “They are not a threat to us now, but until we are certain that none will try to use them for some... foalish attempt at rebellion, they will remain imprisoned.” She paused. “However, soon there will be no need to keep any of my ponies imprisoned.” The smile returned to her lips. “That is what you desired, is it not, bard? What a... kind ruler would do?”

“What? Yes! Very kind! Good!” she said with a rapid nod, before looking to Dancer and giving her a gesture with her head.

“What? Oh! Right, it's what... errr... i-it'll make ponies happy,” the unicorn said nervously.

“Good. Now, you have seen our deeds, bard. Ensure you remember them when you write your story. Our ponies will need to learn much of our mercy,” Nightmare Moon said with a shake of her head before climbing out of her throne and walking to the door.

Twilight and Dancer shared a look for a few moments. Finally, the earth pony spoke up. “That... that was her, wasn't it? I mean... I didn't just imagine that?”

“That... was her. I'm certain,” the unicorn said softly. “I... I thought for sure that the princess was... well...”

Twilight nodded and felt a small swelling of relief washing through her. “This... this might be it.”


“Relief! Maybe she's calming down. Maybe there is a chance this will all work out in the end,” she said with a small chuckle. “Maybe she'll even let Celestia go.”

Dancer frowned and eyed the door. “I... I don't think so.”

“What? Why?”

“I just...” The unicorn shuddered. “I think... there's something else. Something about how... calm she was. How she watched them. How... I don't know. I just... I feel there's something else. Like maybe she has plans.”

“Maybe she wants to make Cadence her co-rul...” Twilight blinked and shook her head. “Okay, no. That's not happening. Maybe like a student princess? Or a... mayor? A general? I mean...” She then blanched. “Oh. Like... she is with you. Moon Dancer, I'm so sorry. I never even thought about how this must be for you. Being her student and all. Are... are you doing okay?”

The unicorn blinked, then shook her head. “No! I mean, yes. I'm fine. I'm...” She glanced to the side. “It's... terrifying, you know? She's... well... always there. She keeps tossing subjects and... tasks at me. Magics I never even imagined. And then she watches me and...” She shuddered. “It's not so bad, though. I mean, if it was Celestia doing this, I'd probably be so happy. But Nightmare Moon... every time I fail...”

“Does she hit you?”

“No. But she doesn't have to. The way she watches me, I'm so afraid that when I fail, she'll take it out on my friends. They're safe now but...” She looked up at her. “But it's what we have to do, isn't it? If we want to keep others safe then... we have to do this.”

Twilight blushed and looked down. “Yes... we do. I... don't envy you, though. Being her student. I'm lucky to just be her bard.”

Dancer chuckled softly. “I don't know. Sometimes I think you have it worse than me.”

The earth pony chuckled. “Me? Why?”

Dancer blinked. “I'm just her student, Twilight. The things I say... the things I do. Most of them she ignores or doesn't put much thought into. But well... she hangs on every word you say. Everything. She probably holds you up to more scrutiny than any pony in Equestria.”

The earth pony paled, her eyes wide. “W-what? But... but I'm just her bard. I'm not a... I'm a...”

“She talks about you all the time. Or rather... your book,” Dancer said softly, looking off to the side. “The first one she read. The one you wrote about... her. She has high expectations of you. I... I thought you knew.”

“I... I knew a little. I thought... I just... But... but I'm just a writer, I can't, I--” Her eyes widened. “O-oh. Oh dear.”

Dancer nodded. “Why do you think you were the first to be whipped? She... didn't want to execute you, Twilight. So she had to think of another way to punish you. There's a reason your little... efforts have been succeeding.”

“But... but I can't... what if I say the wrong thing? I've mostly just been winging it! What if I DO the wrong thing? What if I send her off on a...” She shuddered and closed her eyes. “N-no. Right. This is just what we have to do. I mean... I... I already knew I was trying to help guide her, right? This just means that... it's a bit more effective than I expected. That's all. That's a good thing. Right?”

Dancer nodded. “R-right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel more... pressured. I know you have a lot on your plate as it is and--”

“No. No, don't. It's fine,” Twilight said with a shrug. “I already was kind of her... advisor. This is nothing new. It's just a little shocking to know it's so effective.” She forced a smile. “I actually need to go talk to some ponies though, okay? So I'll see you around.” She quickly turned and trotted away, even though it made her back sting with each step.

She took slow, deep breathes as she walked, gathering up the information she had. Nightmare Moon was obviously focused on her, that was good. However, that just made her work all the more important. One slip of the tongue, one wrong suggestion and the damage she could do to Equestria would be unparalleled. But it also meant she might be able to guide the ruler to kindness and mercy. Already ponies who might have found themselves facing the axe were instead facing whips and maybe a bit of scarring.

She couldn't help feeling the pressure start to build up, though. She knew there was just one place she wanted to be now, more than ever.

One pony who knew above all else what it was like to protect ponies.


Twilight sheepishly stepped down the steps, looking around nervously when she came past the bars to the cells. A few of the imprisoned ponies looked to her, but most quickly looked away. They didn't throw anything at her, or yell. Most just played their card games or whatever was available.

“Okay, so I kick the ogre in the face!” a voice called out. “Yeah, a thirteen! Eighteen total.”

“You hit it, roll damage.”

“This is all way too easy. We should go back to playing second,” Shining's annoyed voice made her pause. She then trotted closer, her eyes wide.

“Not a chance, I'm not playing that death trap again. Third edition was way better. Besides, we've only got fifth's book.”

“Everything about third was unbalanced! And I have most of second memorized, we could get it working,” Shining objected. “I can probably get my books, too.”

“Yeah, but you could make anything in third! And you didn't die just from walking down the hall!”

“Are you playing Ogres and oubliettes?” Twilight asked flatly when she came to Shining's cell.

The stallion yiped and looked back. He and three other ponies were sitting around a small table, pencils, paper and a small book by them. Her brother looked sheepish. “Y-yeah. We, err, it's been a boring few days and Steeltips here had the new book in his locker and wanted to DM so we--”

Twilight sighed, before giving a small smile. “At least some things never change.”

“And some things change too often,” Shining said before getting up and walking to the bars. “I heard about what happened. About... you.” He gave a soft sigh. “How's your back?”

“Fine. Mostly. It still tinges a bit but... well, it's healing. How are you doing?”

“Still trapped,” he muttered. “I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you...”

“It's fine. I'm just happy everypony isn't yelling at me now.”

He nodded. “Yeah, I gave them a stern talking to after that.” He paused. “Then Moon Dancer came down, too.” He paused again. “Then after the... whipping, about half the remaining guard forces came down and really tore into most of them. It was quite the sight, you should have been here for it.”

She chuckled softly, though the smile slowly drifted away. “I... I'm sorry to say but... I'm not here for good news. Nightmare Moon... she... she found Princess Cadence.”

She almost swore the room got colder and everything just fell silent. “Wut.”

“She found her.”

“CADENCE! Twily, you need to get me out of here, is she okay? Did that monster--”

“She's fine!” Twilight said, shaking her head. “She's okay, I promise.” She decided to leave out the fact the alicorn was currently in Tartarus. “Nightmare Moon's showing mercy.”


“I... I think something I said got to her. After the whipping and... and she's showing mercy. For now, Cadence is just imprisoned. But... she said she'll be releasing her soon. She said she'll be releasing all of you soon. She just wants to finish cementing her power structure first.”

“Cadence is okay?” he asked again, his voice soft and weak.

“She's fine. When I saw her, there wasn't a mark on her. I wouldn't lie about this, Shining.”

The stallion stared down at her and then, slowly, a smile spread on his face. He reached out and ruffled her ears. “Heh. You've got quite the talent, Twily.”

Her cheeks burned. “W-what? I haven't done anything.”

“You've done plenty. If you... got her to not hurt Cadence, you're doing amazing. I wish you'd never been hurt, though. I should be the one out there doing this. It's my job to protect ponies, not yours.”

Twilight nodded, but then slowly reached out and put a hoof on his withers. “I... know. But I'm doing fine. Besides, I learned from the best, right?”

He nodded. “Yeah. You're making us all proud, Twily.”

She chuckled. “Thanks. Besides, it's not so bad. A little whipping is... well, it's horrible. But I'll survive.” She then glanced towards the table, looking between him and it for a bit. “Have room for one more?”

He glanced back and the others nodded. “Sure.”

Twilight smiled. “Great! Fourth edition, right? That was always my favorite. It was just so much fun!”

The room somehow went even quieter than it had earlier. She looked around at everypony. They just glared at her. “What? What I say?”


Twilight shrieked as she fled from the prison, pelted by erasers, pillows and empty card boxes. She didn't know why they were reacting so harshly.

Fourth wasn't THAT bad. Still, she couldn't help feeling a little more encouraged. She was protecting ponies and doing a good job of it, just liked she hoped. It wasn't all working quite as well as she'd like, but it was working. Bit by bit. She couldn't wait to get back to the library and get back to work on her book.

When she arrived, however, she was shocked to see Nightmare Moon and Dancer sitting around a table, books spread out across them. She gasped when she saw the frowny face stickers on some of the books. They were from the restricted section.

Large black chunks of metal were on the table. Nine of them, one of which looked like a crown while the others looked like strange hoofacles. She froze in place.

The alicorn glanced back, her eyes narrowed. “Yes, bard?”

“I... I was just going to work on the book some. I'll... I'll do it in my room.”

“Indeed. You do that.”

Twilight gulped and backed away, before quickly walking through the castle. A knot formed in her stomach and she glanced back towards the library. She didn't have any idea what that was about, but she was sure whatever it was would not be good for Equestria. Possibly not for anywhere.

Author's Note:

Required link to Twilight Glow contest here!
So, after that, I'm sure you are all wondering one thing. Did she REALLY write a chapter just so she could throw in a dnd 4th edition joke?
Yes. Yes she did. :P
In all seriousness, while I don't like it, please don't throw things at people. I still like a bit of it. Besides, if it wasn't for that joke(which was the only thing in this chapter not pre-plotted in the storyline outline), I might have put this off longer! It's also given me the idea to, well, try to put out at least one Twilight Glow chapter a week! ... Hopefully I can keep up to that. It should be fine.
Now, the reason I wanted to make this joke was... because timing! I just finished the player guide to a world I made based on a book series I've been writing and have been running some people through on weekends, so thought I'd post it up on my fimfiction page(Pilalia thing on my main page). I thought about Twilight liking 4th edition and from then on... well, I reallllllly wanted to put the joke in. Considering the meeting with her brother coming up, it just felt right.
Also, I really needed to put a little humor in the story considering how everything is about to get I imagine fairly dark. I wonder how many of my wonderful readers can see where this story is leading? I mean, now that Twilight knows she's having a far bigger impact than she'd initially hoped, everything will work out, right?
... Right?

... I'm sorry for my crazy ramblings. You all have been great and really supportive, each and every one of you have really helped me feel a lot more confident about my abilities at a time where I could really use it, thank you.

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