• Published 9th Feb 2016
  • 14,894 Views, 1,899 Comments

The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S1 CH 23. Gala

Twilight couldn't stop her hooves from shaking as she stared into the large mirror Rarity had set up for them. Her heart was hammering and it was all she could do to not try and flee out the door as she stared. “Tonight is going to be horrible,” she mumbled.

“Well, aren't yah jus' a barrel of good wishes?” Applejack asked with a cocked eye. “Ah mean, yah are probably right. But yah can't jus' go out an' say it like that.”

“I can think of a thousand things that can go wrong tonight,” Twilight muttered, shaking her head. “Millions, even.” She cringed as Rarity applied some sort of spray to her mane and brushed it.

“Dear, it can't be any worse than this mane. Do you even brush it?”

“Of course I brush it. Sometimes. Usually. But listen. Nightmare Moon is going to... well... there's no telling WHAT she's going to do!”

“Nope!” Rainbow said as she looked at herself in the mirror, combing her mane back. “But come on, it's a party. She's hardly going to throw everypony out on the streets.”

“Oh, if only that was the worst of it,” she muttered with a roll of her eyes. “What if somepony decides to publicly snub her? Or insults her? Or--”

“Then they deserve whatever they get,” Rainbow said with a shrug, before looking over. “Listen, I get it, you want to keep everypony safe. But someponies need to get smacked upside the head once in a while. We've all had months to learn about her and, more importantly, how to deal with her. If, after all this time, they decide to cause some giant scene, that's THEIR problem and what happens to them is their fault. Besides--” She ruffled her mane a little. “-- it's not like she'd kill them. Probably just send them to the dungeons for a bit or drain their power. They'll live and learn to not be so dumb.”

Twilight groaned and put a hoof to her face. “Easy for you to say. You'll be hanging out with the Shadowbolts all night. I'll be up front. With Moondancer at Nightmare Moon's side, greeting everypony.” She gave the student of the ruler a pitying smile.

“I... I think you'll both do fine,” Fluttershy said softly as Rarity proceeded to tend to her hooves. “Y-you're always so... good at handling her. I think you'll keep anything too bad from happening.”

“But what if--”

“Listen, Twi,” Applejack said with a shake of her head. “It's been months in the makin'. Whatever is gonna happen, is gonna happen. We got food, we got entertainment, we got guests. Ain't a whole lot about it we can do now. Working yourself up into a froth over stuff yah can't fix any more than yah already have isn't gonna do any more than make yah miserable, yah understand?”

Twilight gave a sigh before nodding. “Yeah, I know. I just... I just feel so helpless right now.”

“Well, you may feel helpless but you look absolutely stunning,” Rarity said with a nod, before glancing at her four friends. “And there, all finished. Girls, we are ready for the gala.”

Twilight nodded and sighed, a hoof to her head. “I guess we'd best make sure everything is ready. Is everypony feeling okay? Everything in order? Rainbow, the Shadowbolts have any issues? How about you and Shadowfang?”

Rainbow cringed. “Yeah. Not... yeah. Listen, I'll just avoid him, okay? We're talking now but... I'm still pretty mad about him lying about that.”

“But no drama during the party?”

“I'm not one for drama anytime,” Rainbow said with a roll of her eyes.

“Except for busting down doors and punching out princesses,” Rarity mumbled. “Right?”

Rainbow's cheeks turned red. “Fine. MOST times.”

Twilight nodded. “Just don't punch anypony else in the face. Pinkie, any problems on the party front?”

“Nope! We've had a few ponies say they won't be able to attend, but we should still have a packed house and I have back ups if things go poorly!”

“Back ups?”

“Yup! DJ Pon-3 is going to be here, so if anything goes bad she's got some ponies who can fill the seats!”

Twilight nodded. “Applejack, food?”

“Ah got more than enough food tah feed a whole army of ponies,” Applejack said with a nod. “With enough backup tah ensure that there isn't any problems if we got any issues. Even got mah big bro tah haul up some extra hooves in case we need it.”

“Okay. And, uhhh... about... Trixie?”

“She won't be showin' up if that's what you're worried about. She's back in Ponyville still workin' the library. Bit of a lazy bones but she's slowly comin' around. Kids love her magic tricks, at least.”

Twilight blinked. “What? Magic tricks?”

“Yeah, she knows a buncha sleight of hoof. Does lil shows for the kids. A lot better than her 'anythin' yah can do ah can do better' act at least.”

“Ah. Well, good. Rarity, designs?”

“Everything is spotless. I have dozens of backup curtains and table cloths. If there's any spills or disasters, it will be fixed immediately.”

The earth pony took one last deep breath and looked to Moondancer. “Nightmare Moon?”

The unicorn's horn glowed and she gave a nod. “Still in her room. We can go get her at any time.”

“And finally, Spike?”

“Hm?” the dragon asked, sitting on one of the desks. “What?”

“If you feel tired will you be able to make your way back to the room without me?”

The dragon blinked and then gave her a glare. “I can take care of myself, ugh.”

Twilight nodded. “I know, I know.” She looked to Fluttershy. “You'll ensure all the animals are taken care of and if anyone goes into the garden there isn't any trouble?”

“Oh, oh dear. They pets are absolute dreams, I couldn't imagine them causing any problems. But of course I will,” she said with a nod. “Just take good care of Nightmare Moon, okay?”

“Yeah, maybe try to...” Rainbow trailed off. “So, I'll see you guys around! Bye!” the mare called back before racing off.

“What? Rainbow! I just got your mane right and... ugh,” Rarity said with a sigh. “I don't know why I try sometimes.”

“Bye bye!” Pinkie said before hopping off.

“We'd best go as well. Twilight?” Moondancer offered, holding out her hoof.

“Right. Good luck, girls. Let's do our best.” Twilight grabbed the mare's hoof and, a moment later, the two disappeared. They appeared outside Nightmare Moon's door a moment later. “That... is way better than when shades do it. Are you sure it's okay?”

“Yes. The protections allow me in and out,” Moondancer said with a nod. “I brought you, so it should be fine.” She trotted forward and tapped on the door.

It swung open and wild winds lashed out around them, making the two recoil. Lightning flashed in the background, illuminating the dark alicorn standing in front of them. “Ah! Our student and bard! We have waited long for you!”

Twilight squeaked and hunched down. “Y-your highness?”

“Yes?” Nightmare Moon asked, the winds still flowing around her.

“Can you turn that down? It's a bit... over dramatic!”

The winds and lightning stopped a moment later. “Truly? But is this not a grand gala for which we should make the largest of entrances?”

“Not... really? It's just a gala. Well, it is grand, but scaring everypony half to death isn't really a great idea.”

The mare blinked a few times before giving a solemn nod. “Very well, as you decree. Now then. Shall we depart to meet with our masses?”

Twilight blinked and then looked the mare over. Now that the winds had died she could see a few things. One, the other mare's tail kept twitching and her hoove's occasionally tapped. She was swaying, gently, from side to side as well.

She could barely believe it. The princess seemed to be very, very excited. She was even grinning. Not a cruel, wicked grin. But a grin of actual mirth. “Your highness? Is… everything okay?” Twilight asked.

“Yes! Everything is quite grand! Shall we?” Twilight half expected the mare to say ‘let’s go let’s go!’

Twilight nodded and then quickly turned, leading the mare towards the stairs and down deeper into the castle. They took up position in front of the massive statue of the ruler. Twilight on her left, Moondancer on her right. She held her breath as the massive doors to the castle were opened, allowing the masses inside.

The earth pony closed her eyes, dreading what was to come. She heard the gasp and her fears were realized. Nopony was showing. They were all going to make a mockery of this and Nightmare Moon, ruining her night and sending her into greater despair. There should have been a great line of guests trying to filter in already, and many who would come to the princess and--

She heard the stampede of hooves and opened her eyes. The crowd outside was just as large as would have been expected of a normal gala. In fact, it could possibly be larger. On top of that, ponies were already making their way forward, kneeling before Nightmare Moon.”

“A pleasure to meet you at last, your highness.”

Twilight blinked, her eyes going wide. Ponies were lining up to meet her. They weren’t snubbing her. But then a new fear assaulted her. Surely one of them was going to PUBLICALLY snub her and attack her verbally. Do something to set the mad ruler off and cause a bunch of problems, possibly causing the entire gala to fall apart.

But they weren’t. Ponies kept coming up, one by one, bowing their heads and talking of how beautiful the night was, or how their dresses were, or mild, safe chit chat that nopony, even the most oversensitive, could find offensive or rude.

“Twilight, you’re gaping,” Moondancer whispered.

Twilight eeped and quickly closed her mouth, glancing up to Nightmare Moon and then back to the crowds. One by one the ponies were coming and, one by one, they were then heading to the main party. Smoothly, without any incidents or troubles. She let out a sigh of relief and wiped her brow.

“R-right. You seem to have this handled. Do you mind if I go check on the rest of the party?” she asked Moondancer.

The unicorn nodded before glancing up at the alicorn. “Yeah. I don’t even think she’s noticing us.”

“Thanks,” Twilight whispered before turning and trotting off. She let out a sigh of relief as she made her way back towards the main chamber of the party.

Her heart stopped when she saw one of the curtains in the hall was torn. It looked like somepony had tripped and accidentally ripped it partially off. It was a--

Then it was wrapped in a glow, deftly unclicked and a fresh, new curtain was put in its place. Twilight blinked and glanced down to Rarity who was in the midst of straightening it, before glancing over. “Oh, Twilight! Are the greetings over already?”

“Huh? No, I ummm, I just wanted to come check on everything. Have there been any issues?”

“Oh, just disaster after disaster,” Rarity said with a sigh. Twilight couldn’t help but feel a little bit of relief. “First Coldtongue accidentally spilled some punch on Lemonburst’s dress, but fortunately I was able to quickly take care of it before it could stain. Then there was this curtain and someone spilled some soup all over one of the statues, but one of my assistants are cleaning it up now. Then there’s just, so many of these dresses are from last season. Can you believe it? The greatest cultural event of the year and half these ponies couldn’t even get something that properly sticks with the times.” She gave a shudder. “I have half a mind to drag them up to where I have the emergency dresses and make them change.”

Twilight blinked. “Wait, that’s it? I thought you said disaster after disaster?”

“I did! Doesn’t that all just sound so horrible?”

The earth pony stared, before shaking her head. “Not… really?”

“Hmph. Well, to each their own, I suppose. But there hasn’t been anything that will end this fabulous evening if that’s what you’re worried about. In fact, a few ponies have asked Pinkie if she could host their own parties.”

“That’s wonderful, I guess,” Twilight said softly, scratching her chin. “Really? Nothing else? No major disasters? No floods? Exploding tables? Wild animals?Nothing?”

“Not that I’ve seen, no.”

Twilight nodded. “Well… uhhhh… I guess I’d better go get inside and check on the others, then,” she said softly, before trotting towards the party, a feeling of unease still flowing through her. Something big was going to happen tonight. She could feel it. Something horrible and awful.

The main party seemed nice enough and--

“Well well well, if it’s not the bard.”

Twilight blinked and looked over. She gasped at the sight of the mare before her, dressed in a flowing emerald dress. “Printing? Printing Press? What are you doing here?”

The unicorn brushed her mane back. “You didn’t think I’d miss out on an event like this? Especially when the tickets got so cheap?” she asked before stepping forward and scowling. “It’s been a long time.”

Twilight recoiled slightly, lowering her gaze. “I-I know. I’m sorry, I just--” She let out a gasp as she was pulled into a hug. “W-what? I umm… you’re not mad?”

“Oh, I was furious, for the longest time,” the mare said with a sigh before pulling back. “One of my favorite clients just up and disappearing, joining Nightmare Moon’s side? Abandoning her glorious career to become a bard? Horrible. Such a waste of talent.” She then reached up and patted her head. “Then I talked to your parents.”

Twilight cringed. “That bad?”

“Oh yeah. You’re a complete and utter idiot. I mean, trying to keep an alicorn under control, doing it all on your own? Well, not on your own anymore judging by what your brother said. You really have a pet dragon?”

“More like an assistant. Printing, I--”

“Don’t,” the unicorn said with a sigh, lifting a hoof. “Let me guess. ‘Printing, I’m so sorry I haven’t contacted you in so long. You’re the best agent a mare could ask for, but I didn’t want to draw Nightmare Moon’s attention to you in case anything too bad happened to me. Because I’m an idiot who has to do everything herself or, gasp, the world will stop making sense!’ Something like that, right?”

Twilight lowered her eyes and nodded. “Y-yeah. Something like that. I never meant to ignore you.”

“Twi, it’s fine. You’re one of my best writers. Still are,” she said with a smile before reaching out and flicking her forehead. “But you’ve always been a bit too sacrificing. I’m not even surprised you’re doing this. I’m just annoyed you didn’t tell me. Please tell me you’ve been working on some great work?”

“Well… ummmm… I actually just finished a book about Nightmare Moon. It’ll be… interesting. It should help ponies to finally understand who she is and what she wants. Why she is the way she is and… what she plans to do. I’m hoping it’ll help calm them down and stop anypony from doing anything too rash.”

“Mmmm. Already have a publisher?”

“Nightmare Moon was the commissioner.”

“Heh, so she went straight for the best. She truly is evil. Other than that, anything else?”

“Well, I’ve been working on a book for Tirek. He’s uhhh… the spirit that’s being used to… steal pony’s powers.”

“Oh? I’m sure ponies would love to hear about him, too.”

Twilight smiled. “So… you don’t think… well… I’m ruined?”

“Well, you were for a while. Honestly, when this whole ordeal came around there were all kinds of different stories going about. The appearance of vampires and wereponies and… all manner of other things has made it go a bit more wild since. To be blunt, you’re old news. I’m sure your affiliation with Nightmare Moon will come out eventually, but you’ve always been popular enough that your real fans will still give you a shot. Buck, I know some of your fans who would have still read your works if it came out you WERE Nightmare Moon.”

Twilight snorted, shaking her head. “Really? And who in their right mind would think that?”

“Well, the tabloids were a bit… out there at times.”

Her face fell. “You’re not serious.” She paused a moment. “You’re bucking serious. WHO? Why? What would… that doesn’t… I don’t even have wings! Or a horn! How could I… that’s… nopony actually bought it, right?”

“Eh, some did. There were also a few papers claiming this whole thing was just Celestia being tired of the whole raising the sun and moon thing and is just taking a few days vacation. That… story stopped quickly once a month passed.”

Twilight groaned and put a hoof to her forehead and shook it. “Yeah, I’d imagine so. Did ponies really believe this was… well, that? Some kind of prank?”

“I think it was less believed, more hoped. I’ll be honest, it still kind of seems so… odd. That there was a second princess and… well...”

Twilight nodded. “It’s not that odd. I mean, there have been records of Luna dating back all the way for millenia. It’s just… not something most of us talked about. Most ponies just never cared or worried about it. I… can’t say I blame them. I’m right here in the midst of it and I still never thought this would happen.”

“Really? What about the book you wrote about it?”

Twilight groaned. “It was just that, a story! Stories don’t happen, they’re just… things! Make believe! Fiction is supposed to be just that, fiction. Wild, unbelievable! And yet… yet here we are. With the main character of my book holding Equestria in her grip.”

The mare nodded. “And… Celestia? Have you heard anything about her? I’d heard stories that she had… well...”

“That she what?”

“Some ponies claimed to have seen her. Or rather… felt her. That she is… dead,” the mare said weakly. “That her spirit now haunts Equestria.”

Twilight stared, before shaking her head. “No, I don’t think she is. She’s… being held captive somewhere. I think. I can’t begin to imagine where. Maybe Tartarus? I don’t know. But I’m pretty sure she’s not dead. Nightmare Moon has seemed pretty… interested in keeping her and others alive. I think she’s using her for something.”

“Where could she possibly contain Celestia?”

“I don’t know. Tartarus is the only place I can think where an alicorn could be held. You’d need to be able to suppress and hide magic very well to do it, otherwise ponies would know.” She paused. “Well… I suppose the moon could work as well. It’s so far away...”

Printing gave a sigh. “I see. Well… I guess it’s too much to ask that she be hidden here somewhere. I just wanted to see you though, Twi. I know you’ve been working really hard, but just know I’m still here for you. When you decide that you can’t take being around that… queen anymore, let me know, okay? I’m always looking forward to your next work.”

Twilight nodded and gave a smile. “Of course. Are you going to be here long?”

“Not really. This… isn’t really my kind of thing.” She then paused and looked around. “Did you know you’ve got DJ Pon-3 down there? I can’t believe it!”

Twilight nodded. “I’d heard. I should probably go check on them to make sure it’s all okay.”

“Well, have fun. Call me sometime though, I mean it. You’ve got my number, use it. Don’t disappear on me again.”

The earth pony nodded. “I will. As soon as I figure out this Tirek story, you’ll be the first one I call, okay?”

“Good. Now, if you don't mind there's a cute guard I saw a little bit ago and I think I need to go track him down. Tah tah,” the mare said before trotting off.

Twilight sighed and looked around. It didn't look like a massive disaster. In fact, everything seemed fine. It--

Then she caught sight of Applejack walking towards her. Twilight's eyes widened. The mare looked worried, frantic, scared, upset! Something horrible must have happened. She quickly trotted forward. “Applejack? What's wrong?” she asked once she was close enough.

Applejack blinked and looked up. Then smiled. “Hey, Twilight. Yah enjoying yourself?”

“Kind of. I'm just doing the rounds. Is something wrong? Was there a mistake in the food? Was cheese added to some lactose intolerant meal? Peanuts served to the Brussel's family for whom they're deathly allergic as everypony knows? It turns out all of the eggs had gone bad? A horrible case of food poisoning from the soup?”

Applejack blinked and cocked her head to the side. “Twi? Yah okay?”

“Yes, of course I am. Why?”

“Well, it ain't nothin' wrong with the food. It's the crusaders.”

“The who?”

“Mah lil sister's club. The little scamps got an invite an' they keep runnin' off for one thing or another. Big Mac is supposed to be keepin' an eye on them, but, well, yah know how it can be. Ah'm worried it might be a bit much for him. Ah ain't seen 'em in--” The words trailed off. “Ah ha. Ah shoulda known.”

“What is it?” Twilight asked, looking around frantically. She then caught sight of three little fillies sitting over at the Shadowbolt table. The little pegasus filly being tossed in the air. “That's them?” She then caught sight of the hulking red stallion sitting in one of the chairs that seemed almost comically small for him. “That's them.”

Applejack nodded. “Well, ah guess it's all okay then. If Rainbow is givin' Big Mac a hoof then ain't nothin' ah gotta worry about.” She then glanced to the earth pony. “Yah okay? Your eye is doin' this... twitchy thing that Grandma Smith's does whenever Winona finds her way into the pig pen.”

“What? No! I'm fine! Calm and happy and fine!” Twilight said with a nod. “I'm going to go talk with them and make sure everything is okay. Okay? Okay.”

Applejack gave a shrug and turned to trot back towards the food preparation caverns.

Twilight trotted to the table and listened as the ponies talked. Or rather, Rainbow talked. “So, there I was, racing as fast as I could, cutting through the air like a knife through hot butter, my heart pounding, sweat glistening and then... I did it. A sonic rainboom. BOOM! Rainbows shot out everywhere and I exploded!” she said with a big laugh.

“Wow...” the three little fillies said, staring up at her in awe. A few of the other Shadowbolts at the table turned to Twilight and two of them glared at her, though another two bowed.

“Lady bard,” one of them said.

“Hmmm? Hey, Twilight!” Rainbow said with a grin, raising a hoof. “What brings you over?”

“I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. Wasn't any trouble and--” She was pushed aside as a pony came forward, walking right up to Rainbow.

“Y-you're Rainbow Dash, right?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah,” the pegasus said with a grin.

“Can... can I have your autograph?” the mare asked.

“Of course,” Rainbow said with a big grin, signing the paper before the pony moved onto the other Shadowbolts, getting their autographs as well. Once the pony was gone she looked back to Twilight. “Trouble? Why would there be trouble?”

“Well, I'd heard about...” Twilight glanced to the kids and motioned.

“What, the crusaders? Nahhhh, they're just fans. And the Shadowbolts always have time for fans. Right?”

“That's right,” another mare said with a knowing nod. “Still telling that sonic rainboom story, huh? You know, you don't have to try and impress us. You're an amazing flier even without it.”

Rainbow's cheeks turned red. “I'm not making it up! I can do it! I just... don't know how I did it the first time. But I'll get it eventually.”

The mare chuckled and shook her head, before glancing to Twilight. “I'm Spitfire, nice to meet you. Did Nightmare Moon send you?”

“What? No. She's still up above, greeting ponies. I just wanted to come and make sure everything was okay. Have there been any issues?”

“Everything is cool, Twilight,” Rainbow said with a chuckle. “You worry too much. We're probably gonna go out and put another show on in a bit, if you wanna see come on down. Okay?”

Twilight nodded. “Right. I ummm... I might. Thanks. I'm going to go check on some more things though. Thanks.” She turned and trotted towards the dance chamber.

She froze in the entrance and quickly decided the whole event was worth it just for this. DJ Pon-3 was playing her dance club music while disco balls and colored light filled the room with different colors. However, the main guests of the party were the nobles and upper class who had come in large dresses designed for ballroom dancing, not this.

Many of the nobles were off to the sides, watching the dance floor with a mix of horror and unhindered interest and amusement. Though those on the floor were trying to dance with the beat. A few tried to ballroom dance to the quick music, though they were failing spectacularly. Still others attempted to club dance as if they were in an actual club, though their dresses and outfits made the whole ordeal almost impossible and occasionally they'd knock each other. Twilight was forced to lift a hoof to her mouth to keep her laughter suppressed at the sight.

“Twilight, it's horrible!” Pinkie said suddenly, appearing in front of the mare as if out of thin air.

“Gahhh!” Twilight shrieked, stepping back. “Pinkie, how did you, where did you, what?”

“It's absolutely horrible!”

Twilight perked up. “What? What's wrong? Has something gone bad? Is there a bunch of ponies using this party as a means to get out a decade long feud? Is the DJ sick and going to have to leave early, leaving us without music? Did you run out of chairs meaning some ponies are going to have to sit alone and end up being shamed and causing a rift?”

“None of that!” Pinkie said with a shake of her head. “You're! Not! Dancing!”

The earth pony stared. “What. I'm not... plenty of ponies aren't--” she let out a shriek as she was dragged into the crowd by her hoof, her eyes wide. She was surrounded on all sides by dancing ponies as well as Pinkie. She couldn't imagine how the pony seemed capable of being everywhere at once, in front of her, besides her and all around her. But, after a few moments she realized she had no choice. She began to dance.

Well, she began to lightly bob her knees to the music. “There, happy?” she asked Pinkie with a sigh.

“Come on, Twilight! You need to have some fun! Lighten up, it's a party.”

“Pinkie, I'm not... I don't... I'm not here for the party. I'm just trying to monitor everything, that's all.”

“Just a few minutes, okay?”

Twilight gave a small nod, though she couldn't help looking around nervously. Something was bound to go wrong, this was too important an event for nothing to go wrong. She yelped as there was a sudden scratch in the record. Panic rose in her. The music was going to stop and--

And a new song started playing. The earth pony just stared at the happy pink pony as the two danced. In the crowd she could see that plenty of ponies were smiling and at least seemed to be having fun. She couldn't imagine how everything wasn't crashing around them by now. Though she began to smile and relax a little bit and by the time she managed to make her way out of the dance pit she couldn't deny feeling a tiny bit better.

“There, all good?” Pinkie asked with a grin and followed her up towards the main room.

“Better, at least,” Twilight said with a sigh. “Guess I was just worrying about-- Fluttershy!” The earth pony galloped off towards the little yellow pegasus who had peeped into the dining chamber.

Pinkie sighed and rolled her eyes. “Oh you silly mare.”

Twilight skidded to a stop in front of the pegasus. “Fluttershy? What's wrong? Why are you here? Did a bunch of rats escape and now they're in the castle running about? Or wild bears? Or moose?”

The mare stared at her, mouth open. Then she gave a little gulp. “I... no? I... I just needed... some cabbage... I was going to ask Applejack for some.”

“That's it? No disaster? No problems? No catastrophes?”

“Ummm... no? Should there be?”

Twilight blinked and shook her head. “No. I... I guess not. I just... sorry. Never mind. Have ummm... fun. Fluttershy.” She turned and made her way towards the snack table. She chewed on a cabbage roll and looked around. Most ponies seemed so happy and relaxed. She'd expected ponies to be in a near panic. Sure, it was obvious not everypony was comfortable, but they seemed to be making an effort to not cause a scene. She suspected the angry, touchy alicorn upstairs had something to do with it. She then grumbled and took a slice of cake, nibbling on the edge of it.

Everything was going amazingly well, she honestly probably didn't have to be here. She wondered if Tirek was--

She nearly dropped her cake. Her talks with Tirek, Nightmare Moon and Printing Press ran through her mind. Her heart began to hammer and she turned towards the dance floor.

By the stars. She knew where Celestia was.

Author's Note:

One chapter to go, and it's going to be a fun one. Hope you're all excited! And yeah, I make a lot of mistakes. sorry! I'm doing my best but self editing isn't perfect sadly. Hope you're all enjoying the story regardless. And yes, as this is only the first season, I fully expect the story to get incredibly long.

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