• Published 9th Feb 2016
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The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S1 CH 2. Write me a story

Twilight walked around the mare, nodded as she went. She could hardly believe the attention to detail. Why, if she didn't know better she'd think the old mare's tale of Nightmare Moon had somehow come to pass. She snickered at the preposterous idea. “Okay, you really must work on the horn. It's a little too long. She's the younger sister, remember?”

“You... you dare to mock our horn?”

“I do love the voice though. And the 'our' thing. Nice touch.” The alicorn bared her fangs and Twilight gasped, reaching up to grab her lower jaw. “Oh my goodness! How did you get these done? These are PERFECT! It will be a great way to set her apart from a standard pony! I wouldn't flash them too often, they--”

“CEASE!” the mare yelled finally, spreading her wings before her horn glowed and sent the earth pony flying back, pinning her to the wall.

Twilight gasped, cringing as her body ached. “O-ow... why... a-ahhh...” She was suddenly staring eye to eye with the mare.

“You dare to treat your princess in such a manner? The ruler of all of Equestria, mistress of the night and raiser of the moon?”

Twilight gulped, a very bad thought starting to form in her mind. Then the doors burst down. “Nightmare Moon! You're under arrest!” a very familiar unicorn in full armor yelled. Her big brother, Shining Armor. “Twily? What are you doing here? Let her go, you fiend!”

Nightmare Moon paused and then slowly turned back to the stallion, gazing down at him. “Yet another one of you soldiers wishing to perish at our hooves?” she asked, cocking an eye.

The earth pony gulped and let out a little squeak as she was dropped to the ground. “W-what's going on? She's not... she's a--” A barrier appeared around the alicorn and the terror let out a little chuckle.

“Your princess fell before us. You believe you shall do better?” Her horn glowed and a beam shot out, melting through the barrier and then striking Shining. The stallion toppled back, collapsing to the ground with a pained yell.

“Big... big brother...” Twilight said, staring at her unmoving brother's form. “H-how... he...” She then looked to the alicorn. “You're... you're the real... Nightmare... Moon. But you're just an old mare's tale. You aren't real. You can't be real. You're just a... you're just a story!”

The princess chuckled and slowly walked towards the prone form of her brother. “We are far more than just a story, child.”

“NO!” Twilight shrieked, racing forward. “Please... please don't... don't hurt my brother. He's just, he was--”

“Hurt?” the mare chuckled and slowly picked up the prone pony, before he disappeared. “He will learn to serve us as all others will. Until then, he shall live in our dungeons.” She then looked down at Twilight. “You, on the other hoof. You have a lot to answer for. Poking and prodding your ruler as if we are some kind of... thing to be prodded.”

Twilight squeaked, her ears going flat. “I... I thought... I thought you were an actor. F-for my book. I thought you were just... I didn't think you were real. I'm sorry!” She slowly backed up, gesturing wildly at her book with a hoof.

The mare frowned and then slowly closed the door behind herself. Her horn glowed as the book slowly flew through the air to her side. She flipped it open and cringed. “Such... interesting script. We see that there have been some changes in the last thousand years.”

Twilight nodded with a nervous gulp. She was going to be banished. Or imprisoned. Or imprisoned where she was going to be banished. Or executed while imprisoned at where she was banished. “I uhhh... c-can explain... some of the words if you like? Or... read it to you?”

“WE CAN READ!” Nightmare Moon roared, before flipping a page. “We can read very well!” She then pointed at one of the words. “And what does this word mean?”

Twilight moved over, slowly. She then gulped. “That is carriage. As in the--”

“We know what a carriage is! The spelling and letters of this time are... slightly different from our time.”

Twilight nodded rapidly. “Y-yes. Of course. I uhhh... just take your time,” she said softly, gulping nervously as the princess read her book. She wished she hadn't published it now. She never imagined when she had that meeting that one day her very LIFE would depend on it being good. Even worse, it was being read by the main character. Who she occasionally had to explain words to.

No, even worse than worse, after a few hours, she was starting to get a cramp in her leg. Hungry too. “Can... I... g-go down to the kitchen?” she asked softly.

“You wish to flee your princess?!” the mare demanded, glaring at her.

“N-no... I uhhh... I'm just hungry. Y-your highness is... v-very pleasant company.” She was going to die. She knew it. So going to die.

Nightmare Moon nodded. “Very well. We shall go to the kitchen!” she boomed, before getting to her hooves and shoving open the door. “Come, bard.”

Twilight nodded, before pausing. “Wait, bard?”

“Do you not twist words into stories that are most delightful to one's ears?”

“I uhhh... try. I guess bard works. I'll be a bard.”

“Good. Truly thou has spent much time on these words. I do like your... Moony character. She is very well made.”

Twilight nodded and hoped the mare felt that way after she got to the war.


Twilight nibbled on the pastries. She never would have imagined the kitchen had so many cakes, donuts and other sweets. She never would have imagined Celestia having such a sweet tooth. Normally she wouldn't have eaten so much, but she figured it would likely be her last meal, so she figured she could splurge a bit. Earth ponies like her normally worked it off anyway.

The room suddenly got colder and the alicorn tensed up. “What... is this...”

“What, errr... i-is what?”

“A WAR?! You slander us and accuse us of raising an army to dethrone our sister?!” the mare yelled so loudly that the forks and spoons on the table toppled to the ground.

“N-no, I was just--”

Nightmare Moon slammed the book onto the table and glared at her. “You were just what?”

“T-there aren't any... r-real records of it. I-it was just thought to be a myth,” Twilight said weakly, staring up at the angry mare. “I uhhhh... kind of... expanded a bit. It's fiction, you understand? I mean, there's a book out right now about Princess Platinum being a vampire hunter. It's just... made up.”

The alicorn balked. “That's preposterous!”


“Princess Platinum would have never hunted vampires!”


“Chancellor Puddinghead was the resident vampire slayer.”

“O-of cour-- wait, what?”

Nightmare Moon's wings flared out. “Very well then, young earth pony. We will tell you the story. Rather than this... fiction. The story of how we fought our sister!”

Twilight blinked a few times and her mouth fell open. “W-wait, you'll tell me the story? The FULL story?” she asked, before gasping. “Wait here one second!” She then galloped from the room.

Nightmare Moon stared, but after a moment Twilight dashed back in, a pen and paper in her mouth. She skidded to a stop at the table, dropping them on it. “Okay, go!”

The alicorn frowned. “We were... angry. Enraged at how the ponies were ignoring us. We went to our sister again and again, but she ignored us. Made excuses. Pointed out a... few small cases. We tried to argue. But she ignored us each and every time. Finally, we had had enough! We rose up and called on the power of the night! We fought our sister! Intending to trap her, to ensnare her with our very power!”

Twilight gasped.

“Our battle raged for nigh on ten minutes.”

Twilight gaped. “Wait, could you repeat that? Do you mean ten days?”

“No, minutes. Our rage was powerful and our sister did not wish to fight us. We, on the other hoof, wished to strike her down once and for all. Finally, our sister unleashed the Elements of Harmony on us, binding us in the moon.”

The earth pony just stared, looking at the mare. “That's IT?”

The princess blinked. “Why... yes?”

“But that's so... that's so boring!”

“Excuse us?”

“Well, here, look.” Twilight pointed at the page. “The reason I did the war is because that was the most common theory, for the story at least. A battle between sisters, hundreds fighting and killing each other. With no hope of victory, the elder sister turned to the Elements. But just a ten minute fight? That's so... sudden.” She then blinked. “And... you were banished for a thousand years?”

Nightmare Moon nodded. “I dreamed of my vengeance every day since. Before I wanted to kill her, now I--”

“Wait. Wait wait. Were you trying to kill Celestia?”

“Why, yes. Why did you think we said strike her down?”

Twilight's mouth fell open. “You... you killed Princess Celestia?”

The mare blinked and then shook her head. “No. At the time we admit we were quite... rash in our decision. Our desire for vengeance. To be free of her shadow. Death was... not what we wished this time. Instead we trapped her in--” She paused. “Why are you taking notes?”

“This is the first documented rebuttal from Nightmare Moon,” Twilight muttered. “I could make an entire book series on this, probably. I can see how it went now. The pain and damage in your heart made you seek the death of Celestia. She decided she couldn't fight her own sister to the death, so a thousand years banishment to let you cool off was given.” She paused. “A thousand years? That seems a bit... extreme. No offense.”

Nightmare moon glowered. “You wish to write a... book on my ordeal?”

Twilight nodded. “Of course. A chance to get your side of it. It--” She blinked a few times and realized what she was doing. She squeaked and shook her head. “N-never mind. Sorry. Inspiration can strike at the... oddest times.”

The alicorn nodded. “Very well. But that IS how it happened. None of this war. We would have never done this to our citizens. We wish only for them to love us. To worship us. To kill them and hurt them in such a manner is just... not an option.” She paused. “To fear us, however. That is to be permitted.”

Twilight nodded. “Uh huh...” She couldn't help herself taking more notes. “You can keep reading.”

Nightmare Moon glowered a bit. She had the oddest impression the mare was... ignoring her at times. In a manner most annoying. But slowly she went back to reading the book.


Twilight sighed as she laid in her much tinier bed besides Nightmare Moon's much larger, spikier bed. It had been days(or weeks, or months. The lack of sunlight made time hard to gauge properly) since the new ruler had taken over and things were slowly settling. A little.

The ruler was spending much of her non-book reading time quelling rebellions, though there hadn't been many yet. The defeat of Moondancer and lack of a raising sun had sent most ponies into worried, but cautious states. She had no doubt that dozens of small rebellions were being formed as it was.

Still, the castle was slowly returning to some semblance of order. Moondancer had managed to get most of the staff and guards to return(though Twilight had a sneaking suspicion the latter were here more to protect ponies FROM Nightmare Moon than to guard her).

The writer, unfortunately, hadn't been allowed to leave. Nightmare Moon was still reading the story and was, truth be told, a dreadfully slow reader. The thousand years away had likely not helped her skills. To be honest, Twilight was amazed the mare could read at all. The alicorn was getting better, though. She was also the only mare who tended to be around the ruler at almost all times(namely because most other ponies tended to leave the room the moment she appeared).

She'd managed to get her hooves on a few papers from the outside world, but there wasn't anything about her. Just about the new tyrant holding the world captive. She made sure to hide said papers before the ruler could banish the poor ponies who wrote them.

However, probably the worst thing of all was one tiny little thing.

Nightmare Moon snored like a foghorn. She couldn't take it much longer. She did not write all these books so she could become the tour guide to some time shifted ancient ruler. She needed her own room. Now she just had to find a way to ask for it.

She glanced to the book. There was only a few chapters left. Maybe she could just wait it out. Then she could go home. But the snoring. The horrible, horrible snoring. She didn't think she could take much more.

The princess let out a wheeze that sounded like a tractor gurgling a bucket of nails. She sighed and gave up.

“Princess!” Twilight said firmly.

“Hmmm?” the mare asked, slowly opening an eye.

“I... I ummm... I... I want to go home!”

“... No, bard.”

“Oh, okay then, I just... n-no! This is it!” Twilight snapped, stomping a hoof down. “I need some privacy, my own room and--”

“Very well,” the mare said with a shrug. “You may have your own room.”

“And I-- wait, really?”

The mare nodded. “Of course. I know not why you insisted on sleeping in here, anyway.” She then closed her eyes and drifted back off.

Twilight just stared, her mouth falling open. She just wanted to scream. Technically she hadn't been told she had to sleep here. She just had been too afraid to ask to leave. Could she have really just left at any time?

She face hoofed and got up, trotting out of the room to find a guard. Someplace, anyplace without the snoring was all she wanted.


Twilight yelped as the book was slammed shut.

“What happens in the end?” Nightmare Moon asked.

“It's open ended,” the earth pony said softly. “You know, so the reader can imagine how it changes. How it goes.”

“That's stupid,” the mare said, before looking down at the book. Then slowly she looked back up. “We... want to have a happy ending.”

Twilight nodded. “I suppose you can imagine it as--”

“No. You will write us our story.” She pointed towards the notepad the earth pony had been taking notes on. “You are a bard, yes? You will write our story for all to know.”

Twilight blinked a few times before looking down at the notepad. “W-wait, you can't be--”

“You wrote this story with just an old tale, correct? Now you have all of the information you need. You will tell our story. Let ponies know who we are. Why we are here. Why they should... trust us. Love us. Revere us.”

Twilight gulped and looked up at the mare. She felt incredibly small now that the great alicorn was staring down at her. But, slowly, she nodded. “I'll... I'll get started on an outline. I'll need to ask you some questions, okay?”

“Ask us whatever you desire.”

The earth pony nodded and took a deep breath. This was going to be... interesting.


Twilight grinned happily as she put the last line in her four page outline... as well as her five-hundred and seventy-six side-report for references. It had taken her two weeks, but she now believed she was ready to start the story properly. It had all the most important information. For one, it had Nightmare Moon's side of the story(as well as a bit of stuff she added to try to make her side more relate-able to the modern pony). However, she'd also put the most important information of all.

What Nightmare Moon had done when she returned and what she planned to do. What happened to all those ponies who opposed her, what they had to fear, what they had to prepare for. What happened to Celestia. She knew that information would make ponies buy and read the book and give them immeasurable comfort to know they weren't in real danger. Or, at least, not too much. It would give them hope.

She just had to get approval from the ruler. She took a deep breath and trotted towards the throne room.

“Please, you've won,” Moondancer said, lowering her head.

Twilight stopped outside the throne room, peering in. Moondancer and Nightmare Moon were alone, the latter on the throne and the former on her knees.

“Let them go. I was the one who fought you, not them. They've suffered enough.”

Nightmare Moon merely chuckled. “Your precious friends will remain our prisoners until we deem otherwise. You are our student now and will learn to accept that.”

“Please! They're innocent, I was just--”

“Begone,” the mare said with a harrumph. “Be thankful we don't have you banished or imprisoned as well.”


“WE SAID BEGONE!” the mare roared, sending the unicorn toppling back.

Moondancer gave a little sob, but slowly crawled out. She didn't even look at Twilight as she passed. Slowly the earth pony stepped inside. “Your highness?”

“Ah! Bard! We have been waiting for your return!”

Twilight looked to the two orbs by the princess. One holding the broken remains of the Elements, the other holding Moondancer's friends. She gave a nervous smile. “I uhhh... I finished the outline. It awaits your approval.”

Nightmare Moon smiled and her horn glowed, picking up the papers from Twilight's back. “Finally, bard. I wondered how long...” She trailed off as she went through it. Slowly her eyes narrowed and as she read through it she only seemed to get more annoyed. She finished and then threw the papers down. “NO!”

Twilight blinked and then looked at it. “W-what's wrong?”

“Our jailer! You intend to make her... liked. Benevolent. Kind. Compassionate. She was none of those things! Our sister was a cruel tyrant who ignored us!”

Twilight sighed. “But ponies know her as this. I... know you have a history with her and--”

“You will write her as we say! You will unveil the hateful, cruel monster that she was!”

The earth pony stared at her notes, before shaking her head. “W-what? NO! I will not!”

“You would disobey us?”

“Of course. Nopony will want to read that. You can't just... demonize your sister. I get it, you had troubles with her. But it's not simple. Everything you've told me about just how much went into your decisions. I want to show that. If I just make a... story about how horrible Celestia is, nopony would want to read a thing like that.”

Nightmare Moon stood up at her full height, her wings spread out. “You will write as we say, bard. And they will read it. We will MAKE them read it! We rule now, we will make the laws! Those who ignore our story will be imprisoned!”

Twilight blinked, her mouth falling open and, for the first time in a while, she felt anger. “W-what? No. You can't be--”

“Yes! All will know my story and they will love me! Or they will suffer and--”

“NO!” Twilight screamed, stomping a hoof down. “I am not writing something like... like that! I am not writing something you FORCE ponies to read! Stories are supposed to inspire, give motivation, feeling. Make ponies go through emotions so strong they can barely believe what they're reading is just a book! They are supposed to lift ponies up or bring them to pits of sadness, to awaken in them new feelings. To give them something to believe in, to try to be. To imitate. To love. They are not something that should be... should be FORCED down ponies throats just so you can act superior!”


"FINE!" Nightmare drew back, surprised by the vehement vitriol in the small mare's voice. Twilight felt herself sliding her front hooves forward, her anger bubbling forth out of control. "Go ahead! Do it! Banish me! Tartarous Gates, why stop there? Why don't you banish my brother? Everypony who stood against you when you first arrived? How about you just banish everyone who doesn't kiss up to you and pretend to love you the way you like? Banish the whole world while your at it! Then nopony can argue with you, stand against you, or speak out in any way! Then nopony around you will talk about your sister ever again! You can rule your kingdom, rule the world, all alone! Forever!"

Silence reigned in the throne room as Nightmare Moon slowly drew her wings back, staring at the fuming, panting earth pony. “We... we merely wish... we merely wish for ponies to show gratitude for all that we've done. We--”

“What have you done?” Twilight asked, still glaring up at the ruler.

“We... we make the night and--”

"Celestia made the night. AND the day. AND she listened to ponies. AND she didn't FORCE them to do things. She LET them make their decisions. Ponies WANTED to listen to her. What have you possibly done to make anypony WANT to be around you?" Twilight asked, stomping her hoof down with every 'and'.

Nightmare Moon stared at the mare, unable to contain the small bit of fear in her stomach at the pony's harsh words. “We... we did much, before. But you ignored us and--”

“We? WE ignored you? None of us were ALIVE a thousand years ago! We never even met you! You get one chance at this, ONE! One chance to make an impression on ponies and try to be an sort of anything to us. And all you want to do is throw your tantrums and force us listen to your hate clop about Celestia? You're a princess, try acting like it. Or not, see if I care. Banish everypony. Because like this, you're never going to have anypony who can really stand you. You'll be nothing more than that monster that ponies tell their foals about at night. The one who they will pray night and... well, night, for Celestia to come and defeat.”

Nightmare Moon stared at the panting mare, before slowly lifting a hoof up to her chest. Slowly, she lifted up the notes again and held them before her eyes. Gingerly, she held them out again. “... … … We... are sorry,” she said weakly. “We... approve of this... story. We will not force ponies to read it. We will... allow them, as they please. Will... you tell our story?”

Twilight blinked and slowly took the pages back, before nodding. “Yes, I will. It won't be only what you like, but I will try to keep it as honest as I can. But I won't ignore one side of the story, either.”

“Of course. You are the bard, we will not interfere.”

Twilight nodded and turned to walk out. She then paused. “Ponies won't like your trophies.”

Nightmare Moon paused. “Our trophies?”

“The Elements are fine. But holding Moondancer's friends hostage. Ponies will find out. That's not something Celestia would do. Or a kind, benevolent ruler.” Nightmare Moon didn't respond, so Twilight walked out of the room and closed the door.

She fell to her knees, her legs weak as jelly. She couldn't believe she just yelled at the princess. Oh buck she was going to be executed for sure. Eventually. She had to look down just to make sure she didn't wet herself. Heck, she'd actually cursed at a princess. Cursed! How was she not in the dungeon already?


Twilight gulped as she was escorted to the throne room. She was going to be put in jail. She knew it. She was soooo going to jail. She looked to the guards on either side of her. They looked as nervous as she did. The probably didn't even want to get her, but they had to. It had been a few days since her outburst and now she was here again. The door to the throne room was opened and, to her surprise, Moondancer was waiting there as well, before the throne.

The earth pony gulped and slowly stepped forward, besides the other mare. Well, at least wherever she was going to be imprisoned she'd likely have company. The princess looked down at them.

“Now, Moondancer. I have taken your... request, to heart. Bard, you may take notes.”

Twilight blinked a few times. Wait, she was here as the bard? She eeped, looking around for a pen and paper. Moondancer gave a nervous smile and floated a pair over.

“Now, we are a... merciful ruler. We wish to show compassion to those in our care. Now, we cannot and will not speak of our predecessor. But, so long as you have decided to give your loyalty to us...” Her horn glowed and slowly the orb containing Moondancer's friends was lowered from the throne. “We will release your friends. If you swear your loyalty to us. Your rebellion will be forgiven as the... short sighted mistake it was. But only once.”

The unicorn's eyes widened. “You... will? This isn't a trick?”

“Yes. We came here to rule, not to torment. We would rather you came to love and adore us, not fear and loathe us. As such, mercy must be granted for those who make... foalish decisions. Would you not agree?”

“Yes! Thank you princess! Thank you! I swear myself to you!” The bubble popped and the five ponies within spilled out on the floor, once again pony sized. Moondancer ran forward and hugged them in a pile. “Oh thank goodness!”

Twilight watched, a hoof covering her mouth. She couldn't deny being just the tiniest bit jealous of their friendship. Not that she needed anything like that. Her brother was the only friend she needed and she really needed to visit him in jail soon. She took down a few notes as the mares walked out from the throne room.

She really hoped they didn't try to fight again later.

“Now, there is one more... thing, we desire of you, bard.”

Twilight looked up. “Hm?”

“We have granted a pony the opportunity to design our castle. A... Miss Rarity. She is a common pony, but one apparently of high tastes from a neighboring town. You are to aid her.”

“Aid her? But I know nothing about designing!”

The ruler nodded. “We wish for our castle to show this... ruler that ponies wish to have. That they would love. You will help her create one from your... stories.”

Twilight blinked and then slowly nodded. “I... suppose that can work. I'll do my best, princess. Is uhhh, is that all?”

“Yes. You will find her in the main hall, awaiting your arrival.”

The earth pony nodded before giving a bow, then trotting out.

She hoped she was up to redesigning the castle with this Miss Rarity. Writing a story about that ruler was hard enough, she'd hate to see what would happen if the castle failed to meet her expectations.

Author's Note:

And so on that note the story is complete! I'm sure most can see where this would eventually go. And so the second story of my three short stories is now done. :D
It's been more popular than I expected(yay!) and considering that, I might come back to add more to it as time goes on. For now though, ending where I wanted, with the seeds of Twilight's new life planted firmly in the ground.
Starting tomorrow, I'll begin the third and final short story.

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