• Published 9th Feb 2016
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The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S4 CH 1. Advisor

“Mmmmm, nope, too plain,” Discord said before snapping his fingers. The simple, mundane chair transformed into a gem encrusted, golden throne. “Nope, too gaudy.” He snapped his fingers again and the chair turned into a giant clown chair, with the tongue acting as the chair. It winked at him. “Nope, too messy when it drools.” He snapped his fingers again and the chair turned into a reclining sofa. “Ehhhh, a little too therapeutic for such a prestigious role.” He snapped his fingers one last time and a crystal chair with a white backing appeared, the top portion holding an etching of his face. “Ahhhh, perfect.” He then turned and took a seat, grinning as he sat in it.

After a few moments he sniffed the air. “Is someone cooking toast?”

“Errr, Discord, errr… sir? Spirit?” the guard said nervously. “I think the chair is… burning… you…”

“Oh, huh,” Discord said before sighing. He snapped his fingers again and the chair disappeared, replaced with the mundane wooden one. “Very well, I suppose this will have to do.”

“Ah, good,” Nightmare Moon said. “Are we comfortable, then?”

“Mostly,” Discord said before snapping his fingers. “You, pony, get me a sparkling cider now, chop chop.”

The guard just looked between the spirit and his ruler, the latter of which was looking more and more like she was about to turn everything in the room to ash. He wished he could go get the drink just so he could try to be out of the blast zone.

“Delightful,” Nightmare Moon said before yanking the chair out from under the spirit. To her annoyance, he didn’t fall, instead just lounging in the air. “Pray tell, Discord, what makes you believe that it is at all permissible for you to be within our presence? Please, enlighten us as to why we should not turn you to a smoldering pile of ash where you stand?”

“What?” Discord asked, a look of shock on his face. “How can I possibly do my job if I’m not here? Well, I suppose I could do it long distance but--”

“JOB?!” Nightmare Moon asked, cracks forming across the windows to her new throne room. She cringed, quickly repairing them with a spell. After her recent demolition of the room, she felt a little more keen to avoid destroying it. Blunt trauma renovations were not the sign of a good ruler. “What job?”

“Oh, as your newest advisor, obviously,” Discord said. “Look, I even made a business card.” He snapped his fingers and a squirrel appeared in front of her, lightly chewing on a walnut. On its side read ‘Discord, Advisor to the Stars and Certified Royal Mischief Maker’.

“You are not my advisor!” Nightmare Moon yelled before getting to her hooves and starting towards him. Her horn glowed with dark magic for a moment and he let out a yelp when he was grabbed in her power. “In fact, you are nothing but an insignificant annoyance who I will promptly, and giddily, destroy now.”

Discord urked, struggling against the magic holding him. He shoved at it, but it only pushed him down further, driving him to the floor. “I-I see. P-perhaps… I-I was wrong,” he said weakly. “I guess… there’s… someone else you’d prefer for that… role?” With a great deal of effort he snapped his fingers. A moment later Tirek appeared a few feet to his right, yelping before plummeting to the ground.

“Ow,” the centaur said. “What in the--”

Nightmare Moon paused before releasing Discord. A moment later Tirek was enveloped in her magic before disappearing, banished once more to the prison. “Very well. I see your… point. When we desire your… advice… Discord… we will call for it. But, until then you will be gone from our sight and not sully our kingdom. Are we clear?”

“As you wish, your highness,” Discord said before lifting up his hand once more.

“Wait,” Nightmare Moon said. “The Elements of Harmony. Where are they?”

Discord’s grin grew wider than ever. “Ohhh, I could tell you if you want to know, but only this very moment. If you really, truly, absolutely want to know?”

Nightmare Moon turned to eye him, a wide grin forming on her lips and showing a hint of her fangs. “We very much do.”

“Very well,” Discord said. “They are, currently, in a location where they will be best for keeping Equestria safe.”

Nightmare Moon froze, her eyes narrowing on him. “And you wish to keep them safe? Why do we find that hard to believe?”

Discord just grinned at her.

Nightmare Moon gave an annoyed sigh. “Very well. If you should ever think to use them against us, know we will not hesitate to destroy you along with them.”

“Oh, I’d never dream of it, your highness. As if I could possibly use them. Why, it would take at least two ponies with a positively sickeningly lovey dovey relationship to do that. So then!” Discord disappeared before reappearing on her head, now only a few inches all. He leaned against her horn. “What’s first on the agenda? War? Destruction? Baby kissing?”

“Perhaps we should start with you leaving,” Nightmare Moon said before gripping him in her magic and flinging him at the wall with a satisfying splat. “Why are you even here?”

“Oh, Twilight asked me to keep you out of the way so she could take Moondancer on a nice, relaxing picnic.”

Nightmare Moon froze, her eyes going wide. “What? She asked you that?”

“Well, no, not in so many words,” Discord said before snapping his fingers. A moment later a small viewing square appeared in front of them, focused on the two somewhat alicorns and baby dragon in a hospital room.

“So, nervous?” Twilight asked from her seat besides the bed.

“What, to get back to working in close proximity to the pony who tried to shatter every bone in my body before nearly tearing my wing off?” Moondancer asked from her position on the bed. “Yes, I am a tiny bit nervous about that. Can’t imagine why.”

“You don’t have to come back,” Twilight said softly, the half-alicorn lightly hugging Spike to her chest.

“Could always run away,” Spike said. “I mean, not that I’m scared or anything. But you two have already lost an eye, an ear and a, uhhhh…”

“We didn’t technically lose a wing,” Twilight said before glancing at the wing she had. “It just didn’t… come right.”

“Yes, I’m incredibly nervous,” Moondancer said. “But she hasn’t told me to stay away. There’s no way in Equestria I’m leaving you to face her alone. Let’s be honest, even if we did try to flee she would tear the kingdom apart trying to find you. She’s already done this to us, who knows what she might do next? The sun raising might be more calm before her next eruption.”

Twilight gave a soft sigh before nodding. “Probably. Well… if running isn’t an option, how about one last relaxing day before we return? I have just the task to take us out of the city for a few days.”

“Starting my return to work with an away mission? Sounds great,” Moondancer said with a smile. “Where we going? Badlands? Dragon lands? Anywhere lands?”

“Ponyville,” Twilight said. “To go check on the changelings. I want to make sure they haven’t caused much trouble and, well… if we can expand this experiment.”

“That does sound nice,” Moondancer said. “Yeah, why not? It’d be nice to see the sun again. Actually seeing the sun. I still can’t--”

The square disappeared and Discord just shrugged. “It gets pretty mushy and bleh from there.”

Nightmare Moon growled, digging a hoof into the ground. “They never mention you. Nor did I give them permission to do such a thing! They were just attacked! Guards, stop their--”

“Well, not by name, no. But who else could keep you distracted while they have fun? And oh, that won’t work,” Discord said mischievously. “They left hours ago. You should get the warning right about…”

Nightmare Moon’s eyes went wide when alarms went off in her head. She let out a growl and lunged at him. “Discord, you foul beast! I WILL TEAR YOU APART!”

Discord teleported a bit away, chuckling softly. “Now now, Nightmare Moon! Careful, your anger is showing!”

“I’ll show YOU angry!” she yelled.

“Is this REALLY the kind of matriarch you want to be?” Discord asked.

Nightmare Moon froze in mid leap, her breathing heavy, wings spread and fangs bared. However, after a moment she paused and slowly retracted. “We… see. Then they are safe?”

“Of course,” Discord said. “If they were in danger even I’m not reckless enough to be within magic’s reach of you.”

“You are playing a dangerous game, Discord,” Nightmare Moon said.

“The only kind worth playing, your highness.”

“… Stop calling us that,” Nightmare Moon said. “Call us Nightmare Moon.” The way he said ‘your highness’ still made her skin crawl. “Know if anything does happen to them, we will tear you limb from limb.”

“I would expect nothing less… your highness.”

Nightmare Moon gave a shudder before she turned and made her way back to her throne, pausing only a moment to throw his chair at him. Annoyingly it slid back into place underneath him.


Twilight tried to keep the grin off her face, though it was hard. She had to play it cool. Play it calm. Play it--

“Soooo, uhhhh, why do you look so excited?” Moondancer asked, cocking her head to the side. “Isn’t this just meeting some changelings?”

“What? Me? Excited? Why would you think I was excited? This is totally a run of the mill changeling examination mission. Nothing exciting, dangerous or secret about it. Nothing at all. Nope, nothing,” Twilight said before picking up her bagel and stuffing it in her mouth. “Mfff ‘alk, eting,” she said around it.

“Subtle,” Spike said with a roll of his eyes.

“Do you know, Spike?” Moondancer asked with a cocked eye.

“Nope,” Spike said. “But it’s Twilight, so I figure it’s some kind of nerdy thing. She probably got tickets to a museum or an eight hour magic point presentation on the uses of book wax.”

“WAXSH?” Twilight said, nearly choking on her bagel before pounding on her chest a few times and grabbing her water, drinking it down. Once she could breathe again she glared.. “First of all, you don’t wax books. Second of all, it’s no tickets to anything. I mean, because there isn’t anything. Because… uhhhh…” She slowly trailed off as the other two just stared at her.

“Should I be worried?” Moondancer asked.

“Not at all,” Twilight said quickly. “Even if you were, I see Ponyville now so it’d be too late.”

Moondancer gave a sigh before glancing out the window. Well, if anypony was going to make sure whatever the surprise was was good, it would be Twilight. Hopefully. Ohhhh, maybe they could go explore some old ruins together or something!

The train came to a stop and, slowly, the pair began to climb off. “So, uhhh, how are you getting used to having a horn?” Moondancer asked.

“It’s very strange,” Twilight said. “Eating is usually a lot less messy, when I remember to use my magic.”

“She tried cooking,” Spike said. “She’s managed to be double banned from ever trying again.”

Twilight’s cheeks went bright red. “I-I mean, I made that pasta and--”

“No, you started to make that pasta and accidentally summoned a weird seventy legged--”

“It wasn’t my fault the pasta just happened to fall in the exact right positions to complete a summoning circle!” Twilight said, her cheeks burning. Spike just cocked an eye at her. “Okay, fine, so maybe I shouldn’t have tried to rush it along with magic.”

Moondancer couldn’t help but snicker when she watched the two. “I don’t know, it’s kind of nice knowing there’s one subject you don’t have a minor in. Two, I suppose now.”

“Oh, I have a minor in cooking,” Twilight said.

Moondancer paused, opened her mouth, then paused again. Finally she just looked at Spike.

“Allow me,” Spike said. “How?”

“Lab partner,” Twilight said. “I aced all of the written tests and was only allowed to help with preparations. The teacher made me promise to never try to make a casserole again, though. He said it was borderline treason and against all laws of ponykind.”

“This explains so many things in the syllabus for cooking 101,” Moondancer said softly.

“Either way, I don’t think that’s something we need to worry about right now,” Twilight said. “After all, I think there’s something far more important.”

“Hm? Like what?” Moondancer asked before following Twilight’s eyes. She went entirely still a moment later, her mouth dropping.

“Hey, Moondancer,” Bon Bon said. “Its been a while, hasn’t it?”

“Guh…” Moondancer said.

“Wow, I don’t think I’ve seen her lock up this bad in years,” Lyra said.

“Buh?” Moondancer asked.

“Ohhhh, she’s doing the nervous hoofdance!” Minuette said. “I always loved the little shuffle dance.”

“Squeek?!” Moondancer said in confusion.

“Aaaaand there’s the squeak, always a classic,” Twinkleshine said. “I think that’s stage four?”

“Which means…” Lemonhearts said before her horn glowed. A moment later when Moondancer tried to take a step back and stumbled, she was caught by a cushion rather than falling on her back.

“I… I can’t be that predictable, can I?” Moondancer asked after a few moments, once her mouth moved again.

“Welllll, no, not really,” Lyra said. “But Bon Bon pretty much said that was exactly how you’d react. Right down to the stumbling and concussing yourself on some luggage if we didn’t catch you.”

“Your uhhhh, wing is showing,” Bon Bon whispered.

“What?” Moondancer asked before yelping. She quickly adjusted her saddle before glancing away. “Err, yeah. So ummm… wait. No! Y-you can’t be here, if Nightmare Moon finds out that—”

“Oh, wow, will you look at that,” Twilight said before coughing into her hoof. “We are running out of time and, silly me, it looks like there is so many things we still have to take care of while here. And I need to go and check up on these changelings. If only there were some ponies here who could take care of these things for us. Oh, wow, here is Bon Bon, an old friend of mine from Canterlot. What a coincidence. We--”

“I think she gets it,” Bon Bon said with a light snicker. “We know you’re worried, Moondancer. But, come on. The only news we’ve heard about you since… you know, was how you nearly died. We just wanna see our friend for one day.”

“Just one lunch won’t hurt us any,” Lyra said with a little wink. “After all, it’s all coincidence we just happened to run into each other today.”

“And let me tell you, it was not easy trying to ensure we all ‘coincidentally’ arrived here today,” Minuette said.

“Sorry about that,” Twinkleshine said sheepishly.

“Well, I’ve got to go meet up with some ponies,” Twilight said. “If anypony needs me, I’ll be at Sweet Apple Acres.”

“For Trixie’s practice?” Lyra asked.

Twilight froze for a moment before blinking. “Wait, what?”

“Errr… nothing,” Lyra said. “Have fun.”

“… I… will,” Twilight said, though she had a small inkling of worry now.


“Now presenting, ummm, for… your… viewing pleasure. I, ummm, I give you the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Chuck yelled before dashing off the stage. He yelped and spun through the air, only barely getting caught in time by Trixie’s magic to stop from landing painfully.

“Much better this time, Chuck,” Trixie said before rolling her eyes. “You almost managed to leave the stage correctly. Remember, exit stage RIGHT. Not right off the stage. Why, in a decade or so you might be ready to present me in Manehatten.”

“Really?” Chuck asked, staring up at her with sparkling eyes.

“… Sure,” Trixie said before letting him go and making him land with an oof. “Assuming the audience is drunk or senile,” she muttered under her breath.

“While Chuck’s announcements can cause a bit of trouble,” Zecora said with an amused grin. “I believe it has pushed your own capabilities to be far less humble.”

“Hey, I am not--” Trixie stopped for a moment before pausing. “Wait, you just said I was getting more talented?”

“Indeed I did, my less-than-mellow magician,” Zecora said. “In fact at this pace your dreams could come to fruition. Telekinesis is a common spell, but mastering it through such constant use will serve you well.”

“Eeeee!” Trixie said, clapping her hooves together. “Really? Ohhhhh, I knew accepting his help would be the right idea. So, what do the rest of you think of my act?”

“It’s unique,” Applejack said. “Not sure I really see the whole point of all the jewels coveringthe practice stage, though.”

“What?!” Rarity asked. “Nonsense! Trixie is representing Ponyville when she goes out on her performances! I refuse to let her stage be anything but as eye catching as the rest of her ensemble! Besides, even if this IS a practice stage, you never know when she’ll need to perform for a crowd too large to fit in the library.”

Trixie preened, standing up a little straighter. “Of course, I would expect nothing less from such a Fashionable and Talented weaver! Speaking of…”

“Everything is coming along just fine,” Rarity said smoothly. “Chuck’s little outfit should be ready in plenty of time.”

“Speaking of having things ‘ready’ in time,” Applejack said. “If you’d just let me and Big Mac take a crack at your wagon, we could probably get it rolling again.”

“I assure you, the Great and Powerful Trixie has her wagon well in hoof and will fix it in due time! The performance, though. What was your favorite part? Come now! It’s not just anypony I let see my grand performances early!”

“Oh, ummm… I liked it when you pulled the gopher out of the hat,” Fluttershy said before giving a light yawn from her perch in one of the apple trees, shaded from the sun’s light. “Ronny seems pretty happy to be on stage again.”

Trixie smirked before pulling off her hat, a little gopher popping his head out. “Yes, Ronny has been an absolutely excellent performing animal for my acts. See, at least one pony here appreciates my performa-- Rainbow Dash, are you sleeping?!”

“No, I’m relaxing and catching some sun,” Rainbow said from her reclined position. “Fireworks were cool. You managed to not light the stage on fire this time, so that’s definitely an improvement.”

“They were kind of scary,” Fang said timidly. He yelped when Trixie glared at him and he quickly backed away. “S-sorry.”

Trixie’s eyes only narrowed before she glanced towards Sap. That changeling was snoring soundly underneath Fluttershy’s branch. Ugh. The dangers of inviting a vampire pony and her changeling to a daytime performance. Not to mention the Shadowbolt.

“I liked the cupcakes!” Pinkie said from behind Trixie.

“Huh? There weren’t any cupc-- grk!” Trixie never got a chance to object before Pinkie seemed to materialize behind her and then stuff a cupcake into her mouth. She coughed and took a step away, wiping her mouth. “I wish you wouldn’t do that! Or at least teach me HOW you do it!”

“A magician can’t reveal her secrets, you know that,” Pinkie said with a giggle. “Be back soon, saw Twilight on the way, try not to panic or anything!”

Trixie rolled her eyes before glancing towards Chuck, Sap and Fang. She felt a moment of annoyance that all three were now sitting at rapt attention and watching the pink pony run off. Even Sap had woken up. She didn’t know what it was about that mare’s cupcakes, but the changelings always seemed to be focused only on them.

“Hey everypony,” Twilight’s voice called out. “Sorry I’m late!”

“Ah, it is of no matter,” Trixie said with a smirk before turning towards the mare. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has been keeping… every… pony… every… every pony… every…”

Twilight blinked a few times and stared at her. “Yes?”

“Twi… Twilight?” Applejack asked.

“Yesssss?” Twilight said. “Is… is it the horn? I-I know I mentioned this! You all read my letter, didn’t you?”

“What the BUCK happened to your eye!” Rainbow yelled.

“Oh. OH!” Twilight said sheepishly. “I… I did mention I got a little hurt in--”

“Twilight, darling, that is NOT a little hurt!” Rarity said a moment before she was practically on her, gripping the alicorn’s head in her magic. She turned it to the left and right. “That scar is absolutely horrible! Not to mention the eye patch is so mundane. Oh dear heavens. What… what happened?”

“Oh, well, there was the whole thing with Sombra, and, err, I guess… maybe… I left out a few details in my letters,” Twilight said. “Really, it’s not that big a deal. I just--”

“Little ponies who live as you do should not say such a lie,” Zecora said. “In no realm is it a small thing to lose an eye.”

Twilight gave a soft sigh before lifting a hoof up to her forehead. “I… I’m sorry. A lot happened, really. With Moondancer losing an ear, the whole weird partial pony mix thing, Nightmare Moon nearly killing Moondancer, everything in Equestria getting torn apart, I just… there was a LOT to cover and some things might have slipped my mind in my letters. I’m sorry.”

“It… it’s going to heal, right?” Fluttershy asked softly.

Twilight shook her head slowly. “I… don’t think so. It might get less tender, but… yeah.”

“Is this why nopony has been able to get a hold of you since… well…” Rainbow asked. “Either of you.”

“Kind of,” Twilight said sheepishly.

“Now, now, everypony,” Applejack said with a small smile. “Let’s give her a little bit of space. I’m sure she--”

“YOU’RE A UNICORN!” Trixie snapped, pointing a hoof at her accusingly.

Twilight blinked a few times before cocking her head to the side. “I… well… kind of… half… what? But… didn’t you… what? Did you even read the letters I sent?”

“Of course I did!” Trixie said, before pausing. “Okay, I glanced at them. The Great and Powerful Trixie is very busy and only has so long to glance at her fanmail. Especially when it is THICKER than she is.”

“Not many things thicker than her,” Rainbow said with a snicker.

“Exa-- HEY!” Trixie said before glaring at Rainbow.

The pegasus responded by getting a hoof bump from Applejack and smirking at her.

“Anyway, HOW? The Great and Powerful Trixie will NOT be outdone by you, a mere author! Your magic may be sizeable, but I will not be pushed to the wayside!” Trixie said, storming over and glaring at Twilight. “I challenge you to a magic duel!”

“U-uhhhh… a magic duel?” Twilight asked. “Why? What?”

“T-Trixie, you can’t be serious!” Rarity said.

“I am entirely serious!” Trixie said firmly. “The Great and Powerful Trixie hereby challenges you! Go on, make my day? What incredible magic can you perform now, hm?! Time travel, age alteration, duplication, teleportation?!”

Twilight squirmed and then, very softly, mumbled something timidly.

Trixie blinked a few times, certain she’d misheard that. “I’m… I’m sorry. The Great and Powerful Trixie didn’t quite catch that.”

“She said she can lift four things at once with magic now!” Spike said before getting between the two of them and glaring at Trixie.

The performer just stared at her before cocking her head to the side. “Wait… what? But I thought you were supposed to be some kind of prodigy or… something? While I did tune out most of the inane things you and Starjumper were saying, it was certainly advanced magic.”

“Her name is Moondancer, first of all. Second, actual magic is hard, okay?” Twilight said, her cheeks burning. “I know all the theories, but it’s like having a muscle I’ve never had before just suddenly pop up! I don’t know how it works, I just know the general equations and principles that allow it to function! Putting them into practice is a lot harder than I thought they would be. I’m sorry.”

“Oh… uhhhh…” Trixie said. “Perhaps, errr, the Great and Powerful Trixie was a little… hasty in her challenge.”

“Yah don’t say?” Applejack asked, giving her a less than amused look. “You really should stop doing that.”

“But the Great and Powerful Trixie is not one to just let her friend wallow in her pathetic failures,” Trixie said proudly. “If you desire to learn true magic, now is the time to teach you. Come, Lamplight, follow me onto the stage.”

“Oh please tell me we’re not doing this again,” Twilight said with annoyance. “You know my name. I KNOW you know my name!” She then nudged Spike, but alas, the dragon was giggling too much to care.

“Step one of proper magic usage is--” Trixie’s words were cut off by a sudden scream. “Why the Great and Powerful Trixie does appreciate the enthusiasm, please hold the cries of glee until AFTER the lesson.”

“Uhhhh, I don’t think that was about you,” Spike said before pointing off towards the Everfree Forest and some fleeing ponies.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack said.

Long, black and spiked vines were spreading out from the trees while above spiked, black clouds were slowly pillowing out from the forest.

“That… that doesn’t look good,” Spike said. “Sombra?”

“I doubt it,” Twilight said.

“Okay, everypony! We brought cupcakes!” Pinkie yelled as she and Chitin came lightly trotting towards them, the pair pulling a wagon filled with cupcakes.

“I… I helped make them myself,” Chitin said nervously. “W-with love.”

If Twilight wasn’t so distracted by everything else, she might have even asked what happened to the changeling’s wings and why they were so shimmery. As it was, all she could do was stare when the vines slowly spread out from the forest, tearing apart anything and everything in their way as they went.

Author's Note:

So I suck at staying away, sue me... :P But yeah, I wanted to get some of this out as I had ideas and some new songs giving me inspiration (Prince whateverer's ghost in the sun making me wanna write more Nightmare Moooooon.)

So, here we are at the beginning of season 4... and it's a doozy. Moondancer gets to see her friends, Discord taunts NMM and takes advantage of their... temporary ceasefire and we learn that Twilight... just... just keep Twilight OUT of the kitchen. Magic is easy, cooking is *hard*. Also, apparently magic is hard.

Also, Trixie has learned that praising local fashionista can help her get more dazzling things. Trixie will use this info to her advantage... but really should also learn to fully read the letters she receives. Even if they are incredibly thick.

Yup, and absolutely nothing else of great import happened here. No foreshadowing at all. Nope.

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