• Published 9th Feb 2016
  • 14,895 Views, 1,899 Comments

The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S2 Ch 9: Holiwhat?

Nightmare Moon paced back and forth through her empty throne room. She couldn’t understand it. It didn’t make any sense. It had started as just a few, but now? There were dozens. The longer it went on, the more and more ponies seemed to be… afflicted by such dreams.

Romance seemed to be in the air, and it wasn’t a small amount of it. It had started with many dreams and nightmares about love and rejection, but over time it had only gotten worse and worse. Pony after pony seemed to be succumbing to fit-filled nightmares about their crushes tossing them aside or worse, while others enjoyed pleasant dreams of love and companionship.

Were it just a few, she wouldn’t have even noticed. Such dreams occurred all the time. But the fact it was most dreams had her concerned and worried. Perhaps some kind of romantic disease? She’d seen kingdoms once affected by supplies tainted with love poisons, she couldn’t imagine what a full outbreak would do to her kingdom. Perhaps it was Discord’s doing. That vile spirit manipulating her ponies again… She wouldn’t put it past him.

She’d need to deal with this immediately and, as such, had called her two most trusted ponies to her side. They would be here soon and, together, she was certain they could put this to rest. She froze and listened, before she disappeared in a flash of magic, only to appear sitting on her throne when the door began to open. She sat tall and strong, her wings folded to her back and making herself as imposing a sight as she could.

The guards motioned them inside before closing the door, leaving the three alone. Twilight and Moondancer slowly advanced, bowing their heads respectfully to her.

“Good, our ever… faithful bard and student. We have grave news. It seems there is a grave threat invading our kingdom. Were it just a few minor incidents, we would assume it was coincidence. But it has occurred far too often for it to be anything but an attack on our kingdom.”

“Your highness?” Moondancer asked softly, standing rigid and nervous. “What kind of threat?”

“Tell us. Are you two familiar with love poisons?” she asked softly.

“O-oh no. I-I took a class on it,” Twilight whispered softly. “During potion making. They’re incredibly dangerous and have led to the complete destruction of kingdoms. What happened?”

Moondancer gulped. “If there’s a love potion epidemic, that could be a disaster. Especially now, of all times.”

The mare nodded. “We believe it to be so. Lately, the ponies of our kingdom have had their dreams plagued by all manner of… of such things. Dreams of love. It is a sheer focus unlike any we have seen in ages past. So many dreams focused entirely on attaining ones… ‘special somepony’. It can only be caused by an epidemic of… what?” she asked.

Twilight and Moondancer just stared at her, aghast. Finally, the two stared at each other and couldn’t stop themselves. They burst into laughter.

Nightmare Moon stared at her subjects, aghast. How could they not be taking such an issue seriously?


“Oh dear. She didn’t know about Hearts and Hooves day at all?” Rarity asked. “But it’s less than a month away! Oh, the poor thing. Now hold still.”

Twilight nodded, before going perfectly still while her friend took a few more measurements. “Yep. It was… well. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe she hasn’t noticed.”

“Well, how often does she leave the castle?”


“And it’s not as if anypony is going to risk decorating the place without her say so.”

“Double point.”

“And, as cruel as it feels to say, it’s not like anypony desires to be her… special somepony.”

“Ouch. But triple point. No, I suppose it’s not something that would come up. And now...”

“And now we’re going to do a ball in celebration of this… romantic event,” Twilight said with a shake of her head. “Frankly, I don’t see the point.”

The unicorn gave a sigh. “Truly? Don’t you have a special somepony you’d want to spend the day with?”


“… Err… darling. Forgive me if this is too personal, but… have you ever gone on a date on Hearts and Hooves day?”


“… Oh dear, darling. Have you ever actually… gone on a date?” the mare asked, staring.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I’ve always been a bit too busy for that. Besides--”

“Oh darling, no! Everypony deserves a little romance in their lives, it--”

“Isn’t something that interests me in the slightest.”

“But your books! I’ve read quite a few of them now, darling. And you’ve had more than a few passionate… moments within them. How could you write of such things and NOT have experienced some yourself?”

The earth pony rolled her eyes again. “It’s fantasy. Make believe. I also write about a talking rabbit that has a magical wrist watch, but that’s hardly realistic,” she said flatly. “While I may not have experienced it myself, I’ve done enough studies on romance to understand the basic principle behind it. And I’m really not looking towards any myself. Were it up to me? I’d spend this Hearts and Hooves day up in my room and reading a good book. Or finishing up the outline on Tirek’s. I’ve almost got it ready to begin, I think I’ve gathered all the information I need to give ponies a good, clear view of who he is.”

Rarity sighed, shaking her head. “But darling, it’s Hearts and Hooves day, everypony--”

“Sometimes a pony just doesn’t want it, or need it,” Twilight said with a shrug. “If I ever find a pony who means that much to me? I’ll worry about it then. Until then, I’ll be spending this event trying to keep the princess from murdering… whoever comes to this event. We don’t even have a theme yet,” she said with exasperation. “We don’t even know what KIND of event it’s going to be! We just know we have to do something and her highness doesn’t want to be shown up by Celestia.”

“Did Celestia ever even host a Hearts and Hooves celebration?”

“Not that I can recall. All the more reason for Nightmare Moon to demand it be spectacular. Also, I think she was kind of embarrassed that she didn’t know about it, so she’s trying to over compensate,” the earth pony said with a shake of her head. “If she wasn’t so...”


“Yes, it would have been really funny. I still can’t believe we laughed at her. It was just… I mean… it was so silly! You should have seen her,” Twilight said with a snicker, covering her mouth. She let out a shriek when suddenly she had garments tossed over her and they began to be fiddled with.

“Mmmm, quite. I can imagine.”

“I mean, she thought this was a plague. Some kind of dark magic set on destroying Equestria. She just looked so serious and… well. I’ve since promised to alert her to any and all holidays coming up. Last year it wasn’t such a big deal, since with everything going on, everypony had more important things to worry about than the major holidays. But… normalcy is slowly returning. I am not looking forward to Nightmare Night. I don’t know how to break that one to her.”

“Oh dear… I don’t… imagine it will be quite as celebrated anymore..”

“When the nightmare is real? No, I imagine not.” Twilight shook her head and sighed. “I don’t think anypony even mentioned it last year, but I doubt that’ll keep happening. I’m still hopeful we can avoid an incident when they happen… It’s… not going to go over well.”

“No, I imagine not. Have you come up with any ideas for this event?”

“Nothing,” Twilight said with a shake of her head. “Maybe we could do some kind of… something?” she offered, before sighing. “Nothing. I can’t think of anything. It doesn’t help that most of our… well...”

“Most of our most romantic stories and tales involve the sun, no? Two ponies bathed in the light of Celestia’s Glory, their hearts warming and--”

“Yes, yes,” the earth pony said, rolling her eyes again. “Or when the sun sets, or rises. And that’s fine, or would be, if Nightmare Moon would just let us do something to the moon to-- That’s it! I know EXACTLY how to make this celebration something everypony remembers!” she said firmly, her eyes glimmering.

“Perfect. Oh, right, and what you said as well,” Rarity offered, before the garments lifted off her. “This dress will be ready with plenty of time for adjustments. Now then, when you see Moondancer, please tell her to come see me as well? I take it you have a new plan?”

“Of course! And yes! I’m going to go talk to her highness. I know EXACTLY what she can do to warm everypony’s hearts.”


Twilight cringed back, recoiling from the ruler. The stained glass windows across the room had shattered, casting shards of glass across the ground. Why did she think this would be a good idea?

“YOU WISH US TO RAISE THE SUN?!!” Nightmare Moon roared, her voice making the stones of the hall rumble.

“I-I didn’t mean the sun, I merely thought, f-for a special event, if you were to--”


“Y-your high--” Twilight’s words were cut off by the magic gripping her, tightening and cutting off her throat. Her eyes widened with shock and terror.

The ruler stared at her with burning, hate filled eyes. “You are a foal to ask such a thing. Did you really believe we would do such a thing? That we would allow ANYPONY to convince us the sun was a good thing?”

“N-not the sun, just the--”

“No! We have heard enough. Perhaps the first whipping was not enough.” Twilight’s eyes widened and her blood turned cold. “We will not be--”

“YOUR HIGHNESS!” Moondancer’s voice echoed through the room. A small ball of light hovered over her throat, quickly dissipating once the two turned to her. “Twilight was NOT talking about the sun, she was merely using it as an example,” she said firmly. “She wouldn’t dream of asking for the sun.”

Nightmare Moon dropped the earth pony, roughly. The annoyance and anger were clear on her face, however. “Very well. Speak, bard. And I wouldn’t be so sure, student. We are able to see all of your dreams. And we know how many of you dream for the sun.”

Twilight groaned from her position on the ground, shaking her head. The threat from her ruler still lingered in the air and she couldn’t help feeling tension on her back. Still, she tried to keep herself calm when she spoke. “Ahem, as I was saying. The moon has been there for ages now. But it doesn’t move. To celebrate this occasion, perhaps you should set a cycle for it. Like… err. Like days of old...”

“Like the sun and moon? We would not--”

“It doesn’t need to be the same. But it’s just… there. Full moon all the time. It doesn’t move. Ponies appreciate the notion of it sailing across the sky. The midnight meeting when the moon is at its highest and you can almost see clearly. The crescent moon, with its gently, beautiful sliver of light. The ceaseless full moon is… nice. But it’s unchanging. It would be useful for ponies, both as a way to keep ponies happy, to help return some normalcy to their lives and--”

“You wish for us to hide and… shift the moon back as it once was?” she asked with a snort. “To only show parts of its glory at a time?”

“Yes,” Twilight said firmly. “You don’t need to bring the sun out, but having the moon fly across the sky again? It would do wonders for ponies to see. And it would be an incredible morale booster for this event.”

Nightmare Moon growled, before shaking her head. “We will not. Our moon has been hidden for far, far too long, and we will NOT allow it to be lost again. The moon stays where it is.”

Twilight gave a sigh, before nodding. “Very well. I’m sorry for angering you, your highness.”

The ruler hmphed before looking to Moondancer. “And you. I see you have managed to learn the Royal Canterlot Voice spell.”

“O-of course, your highness. That book was quite useful. Thank you.”

“Hmph. And what suggestion do you have?”

Moondancer gulped and gave a nervous glance to Twilight. She then nodded. “A dessert competition.”

“… What?”

“A dessert competition. Hearts and Hooves day is filled with ponies getting all kinds of sweets and treats for each other. Host a banquet a few days before, at which have a great tasting of different treats from across Equestria. Afterwards, make the winner the ‘Royal choice of Equestria’ or some other title. It’ll boost their sales tremendously and, on top of that, it’ll be a good publicity stunt. And by having it a few days before hoof, you avoid the issue of making ponies give up any of their own hearts and hooves day plans, and avoid any unnecessary hurt feelings.”

The alicorn stared for a few moments, before nodding. “And… is there enough time? For such a grand event?”

“If we move quickly, there will be,” Moondancer said firmly. “With your approval, I can get the announcements out to all corners of Equestria by tomorrow. Within a week or so, it’ll be the talk of the country.”

The ruler nodded, eying the two. Then she gave a wave of her wing. “Perfect. You have served us well, student. Make it so. Bard! Aid her in whichever way she is required. You are both dismissed.”

The two bowed their heads, before turning and heading out of the throne room. Twilight sighed once the door closed behind her. “She’s not ever going to be willing to raise the sun, is she?”

“Nope,” Moondancer mumbled. “It was a good attempt to slowly warm her to the idea, though. Sorry it went over poorly.”

“It was a silly idea. Even if I got her to agree to raise and lower the moon, well...”

“Exactly. But we’re not going to stop, are we?” the unicorn asked, smiling to the other mare.

“Nope. Never,” Twilight said with a matching smile. “What kind of party will it be?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Likely something more formal than the gala. I wanted to talk with Rarity about some ideas. She seems the type to enjoy those kinds of parties.”

“Of course. She wanted to see you as soon as possible, anyway. She wants to start work on your dress as soon as possible.”

Moondancer nodded, staring ahead. Finally, she gave a soft sigh. “You know I’m not… really jealous. I just...”

“I know… you miss Celestia… right?”

“Yes. She was busy, but… she really was an incredible mare. So warm and loving. I wish… I’d give so much just to see her again. Just another second...” Moondancer mumbled softly.

Twilight nodded, glancing off to the side. Wishing so desperately she could tell her friend where the ruler was.

“On the up side, you should get a break, now,” the unicorn offered with a smile.

“A break?”

“Yes. I should have all of this well in hoof. I’ll talk with ponies, get everything going. You can deal with your Tirek book and nothing else for a bit.”

The earth pony almost stumbled. “W-what? But I’m--”

“Overworked. We’re all overworked these days. But just focus on one thing, okay? The castle won’t burn down if you take a weeks off and let me handle all of this.”

Twilight nodded and then sighed again. “Fine. I should be able to get Tirek’s book out...” she mumbled. “Well… the short version.”

Moondancer snorted. “Knowing you, the ‘short’ version will put many encyclopedia’s to shame. Just relax, okay? I’ve got this. And if I need you… well. I’ll come bother you. But for now? I’ll handle everything.”

“Okay. Good luck,” the earth pony said, before turning and trotting down a different hall.

The unicorn watched the other mare go, before giving a soft sigh. Well, she had a lot of work to get done, now. She just had to hope that nothing went wrong. She felt a small glowing warmth inside her.

This was her time to shine. To really show what she could do.

Author's Note:

And, for the final posting this week... We have... HEARTS AND HOOVES DAY! WOO! So, the next arc is actually going to be NOT Twilight focused, as she works on the book. Instead, we're going to have some of the stories of the other members of the cast! Hope you're excited to see a bit more about what the world is like, now!

Also, the discord is now up, as posted in my blog. Please feel free to join if you'd like to chat with us over here. In the the mean time, please enjoy and look forward to more upcoming works.

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