• Published 9th Feb 2016
  • 14,895 Views, 1,899 Comments

The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S1 CH 15. Wasn't there

“There she is!” Rainbow yelled, putting on a burst of speed.

Twilight blinked, her mouth falling open. They'd managed to find a trail that, they hoped, would lead them towards the ponynapper. She'd asked why Rainbow didn't just fly after, but the mare said flying in the Everfree Forest was dangerous. She'd made a mental note to come and investigate the myths and legends of it better when she had a chance.

Apparently that time was coming faster than they expected. A light had appeared on the edge of the forest path and, to her amazement, a pony was standing there. The pony was wearing a cloak and seemed to be picking mushrooms. They then looked up, just in time for Rainbow to crash into them.

“Rainbow, wait, you don't know who that pony is!”

“I know exactly who it is!” Rainbow yelled, lifting a hoof up. “You're that necromancer pony, aren't you, the one who lives in the Everfree Forest? Aren't you?”

“Live in the forest I may,” the pony growled, flicking her hood back to reveal a striped face. “But raising of the dead? I say nay!”

“Don't you give me that act! Where's Fluttershy? I--”

“RAINBOW!” Twilight yelled, finally catching up and yanking the pony back by her tail. The pegasus let out a shriek, staring in bewilderment.

“She's the one who took Fluttershy! Just look at her!”

“You have absolutely no proof of that,” Twilight snapped back, before looking back to the mare. “I am so, so sorry. You see, our friend was foalnapped and brought into these woods. My friend is just jumpy and anxious to find her. I hope she didn't hurt you? Miss...?”

The zebra stood up and glowered darkly. “Zecora and of your friend I know not.” She righted her basket and started gathering up the mushrooms that had fallen out. “And I was merely searching for mushrooms to deal with some rot. Had I known such rude visitors would make there way here, I would have avoided the paths, I fear.”

Twilight sighed and shook her head, before glaring back at Rainbow. “Rainbow, apologize.”

“What? No! Look at her! She's all... weird and striped! And she does voodoo! Just look at her, who gathers mushrooms in the dead of night? I bet she's making some kind of witches brew!”

She face hoofed. “She's a zebra, of course she's striped! And it's ALWAYS night, it's not like she can do it during the day anymore!” she snapped angrily. “Besides, potion making is a proud zebra tradition, wild grown plants have far more magical potency compared to naturally grown plants, as well.”

The zebra blinked a few times, eying the earth pony with a new found respect. “Your friend is quite hot headed and quick to rush, but it seems you are one less likely to need to hush. Of the craft of potion making you are aware? I must admit I am shocked, for it is something few ponies can bear.”

Twilight blushed and gave a nod. “W-well, a little. I've only dabbled in it, to be honest. There was a class back in Canterlot. It's such a great skill to learn, since anypony, regardless of innate magical talent, can learn it. Sadly, I only minored in it, so I never got to the point I could do the really special potions. Do the mushrooms here have good properties for it?”

“Much of the life here is filled with the essence of life. Though I admit your friend is partially right, for this forest holds much strife. To live here is to choose a way most dangerously, but if one knows how, they can find it quite favorably.”

Twilight nodded and gave a smile. “I don't see very many zebras out this way, usually they stick to the capital as far as I knew. Especially with... are you fleeing Nightmare Moon?”

There was a long moment of silence, then the zebra shook her head. “The princess of the night gives me very much to fear, but fleeing her is something I dare not do, my dear. For to invoke the pony of the night's wrath, the simplest way is to ignore her which may lead to a blood bath. My reasons for living here are far more benign, for here I live in a home of my own design.”

“She's giving me a headache,” Spike muttered.

“Spike, don't be rude,” Twilight said curtly. “Though I think Rainbow has kind of hit the limit on how rude we can be.”

The pegasus sighed and shuffled her hooves. “Sorry, I just thought you... we need to find Fluttershy.”

Zecora eyed them for a moment before nodding. “If whatever creature whisked your friend away came to this forest, there is one place they are likely to go, if I am to be honest.”

Twilight blinked, her eyes going wide. “Wait, really?”

“Indeed, as there is one place of which a home could be seen, although after so many years it can seem quite lean. The place where two sisters once ruled as one, together they raised the moon and the sun.”

Twilight blinked a few times, then her eyes went wide. “I-I think I know what you mean! The castle of the two sisters, right? I've heard of it, but I've never actually seen it. It's here?”

The zebra nodded. “Indeed it is, though I cannot take you.” She motioned down the path. “But this trail alone should be all you need for a clue. When the path splits in two, go to the right, avoid the left unless you wish for a fright. I give you one last warning to avoid the flowers of blue, but if you should stumble amongst them return to me, for I know what to do.”

Twilight blinked and then gave a nod. “T-thank you! Come on, Rainbow, Spike!” She started galloping down the trail again.

“Are you sure we can trust her?” Rainbow asked, glancing back towards the mare. “You never know with... well, her. I've heard all kinds of stories. She puts curses on ponies and--”

“Don't be ridiculous,” Twilight said with a roll of her eyes. “I'll admit the rhyming thing is a bit eccentric, but she's HARDLY the strangest zebra I ever met. They just have a completely different culture than we do.”

Rainbow snorted. “That's probably putting it lightly.”

She gave a low sigh. “Rainbow. Relax. She seems like a perfectly fine and nice pony.”

“So, you really studied zebra stuff back in Canterlot?”

“Of course!”


“Why not? There's dozens of different cultures out there, each of them more fascinating than the last. If I could, I'd spend my entire life studying all of them! Besides, it gives me a ton of ideas for my stories. My tale of the wandering coyote was actually inspired by an old buffalo folk tale from--”


“And then I spent a three month term studying Saddle Arabia. I've yet to actually meet a jinn, but I really hope to one day. Their powers are--”

“We're here!” Rainbow said.

“Oh thank the stars, I thought this would never end,” Spike said, earning a glare from Twilight. “What? How did you even manage to run and talk, anyway?”

“I am very used to it,” she snapped. “If you'd spent any terms in Canterlot, you'd know how--”

“Oh my gosh she's going off again,” Spike said with a groan. “This isn't fair. This is just cruel!”

The earth pony sighed and shook her head. “Uncultured swine,” she muttered darkly. He just smirked at her.

Rainbow rolled her eyes before pointing up at the castle. “There it is. The... zebra... Zecora was right. All we had to do was follow the path. Are you sure they'll be there?”

“There aren't exactly a lot of places for them to take a pony,” Twilight muttered. “And this is really the best lead we've got. Do you have any other ideas?”

Rainbow looked off to the side sheepishly. “Well... no... not really.”

“Then come on, let's go.” She started trotting forward, giving a nervous glance around. The castle looked very foreboding in the night, towering over them. There were plenty of cracks and breaks in the bricks, as well as rooms that had collapsed on themselves. She knew it was probably her imagination, but she couldn't help but feel that somepony was watching them in the darkness.

Then Rainbow let out a shriek when something dark zoomed past, slamming into her. Twilight turned and saw a bat pony on top of the pegasus. Fortunately, he wasn't on her for long. Rainbow's back hooves shot up and slammed into the bat pony's stomach, sending him flying into the air and then crashing back to the ground. Rainbow was on him in a moment, slamming him back down and twisted his hoof behind his back.

“Who are you?” the pegasus asked.

“Ow ow ow mercy uncle I'm sorry I'm sorry!” the bat pony shrieked, tears welling in his eyes.

“Yeah, no,” Rainbow snapped, twisting a little harder. “Why did you attack me?”

“I-I'm sorry, I-I thought you were coming after t-that mare! I'm sorry I'm sorry!”

Twilight blinked and her eyes narrowed. She then moved forward and grabbed his lips, forcing them up. “Fangs. You're... you're a vampire.”

He eeped and squeaked, going completely still. “P-please don't kill me.”

Twilight frowned. “I'm a representative of Nightmare Moon, her bard. What did you mean by mare?”

He blinked a few times and then the color(what little he had) drained from his face. “R-r-representative of... of Nightmare Moon?”

Rainbow growled and twisted his leg again. “Answer her!”

Tears welled in the vampire's eyes. “I-I'm sorry it was an accident I-I never meant to! I-I was just... I was just going to have a little nibble she was so--”

“WHERE'S FLUTTERSHY?!” Rainbow yelled.

“I-I turned her! I-I didn't mean to but it was, it was an accident a-and she was so nice and--”

“What do you mean turned her?!” Rainbow asked, stomping on his back.

Twilight stepped forward. “Rainbow, stop, you're going to break his leg!”

“He hurt Fluttershy!” Rainbow screamed, twisting it a little harder.

“Then he'll be punished for it! But that's not your job!” She then looked down at him. “Where is she?”

The pony whimpered but, once his leg was loosened, her gasped. “I'm so, so sorry. I never meant to... please. I-if Nightmare Moon finds out, she'll kill me. I-I never meant to... I swear I never meant to. She was just so... I'm so sorry.”

“Where is she?” Twilight asked again.

“Inside,” the stallion said softly. “I... I laid her on the throne. She should awaken soon,” he mumbled softly.


“She'll be one of us. I-I swear, I never meant for this to happen. I just... I just wanted a nip but she was so... please. I'm so, so sorry.”

“What happened, exactly?”

He gulped and nervously looked to the side. “I-I was... we were sitting on the couch. She was so kind. She helped my little friend. T-that was how we were supposed to see her, you know. We were told she was sweet and took care of animals. But... but she was so beyond sweet. She's the nicest pony I've ever met. And... and I... I was just... I was overwhelmed. I couldn't stop myself. I took a little bite. Just... just a little but I...” He closed his eyes. “It was an accident. The bunny jumped on me and I-I lashed out and I-I didn't mean to hit her. I didn't mean to... I didn't r-realize I sent her... until it was...”

“What happened...”

“She hit a corner table. Her head and it... it was... there was so much blood. I tried to stop it, I bandaged her, b-but I... I'd taken more than I should have. I-I wasn't trained in first aid! A-and then... then I...” He trembled weakly. “I couldn't just let her die! I-it was my fault a-and I couldn't wait for permission s-so I brought her here and... and I changed her and I'm so sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen... I'm so, so sorry...”

Rainbow just stood on him, in shock. “You... you killed Fluttershy?”

The vampire flared up, hard, sending the stunned Rainbow off her. He flew up into the air, looking towards the castle and then towards them. Finally he flew away, darting off past the trees. Rainbow growled and flared her wings.

“Rainbow, we need to find Fluttershy!” Twilight snapped.

“But he's going to get away!”

“We can talk with the others later. For now, Fluttershy is more important.”

The pegasus looked back and forth before sighing, her wings going back to her side. “You're right. Come on.” She darted into the castle, shoving the door aside.

The castle was old and derelict, the stones covered in moss and dirt, with the occasional vine managing to snake its way up. Old, forgotten tapestries still hung on the walls in places, heavily damaged and frayed. As they walked, little bugs scattered in all directions, though Twilight struggled to avoid thinking about them.

It was darker, far darker than the moon made outside. She grabbed a stick and held it out to Spike. “Could you?”

He rolled his eyes but, with a single puff, lit it up. Using the new torch, they slowly made their way through the castle. It wasn't long before they came to the wide open throne room.

There was Fluttershy, sitting in the throne. The roof seemed to have partially caved in, allowing a single beam of moonlight to illuminate the mare. She looked breath taking, her eyes closed, body still in the seat. She looked as if she was merely napping, unmoving. Twilight took a step forward, but was shoved aside by Rainbow.

The pegasus flew to her side, reaching out and grabbing Fluttershy's shoulders. “No no no. No please no. Come on, buddy. Come on. This can't be happening. This can't. Come on, Fluttershy, wake up!” she screamed.

“Rainbow,” Twilight started, trotting towards her.

“Don't Rainbow me! This is Fluttershy! She... she's my...” Tears started to form in Rainbow's eyes. “S-she's my best buddy. I-I'm supposed to... I'm supposed t-to keep her safe from things like this. Y-you don't know what... what she's like...”

“Rainbow, it's going to be okay...”

“HOW IS THIS OKAY?!” Rainbow screamed, stomping her hooves down. “She's my buddy and I... and I let this happen to her! I-I was so busy focusing on... on the Shadowbolts I didn't even know she was in trouble! That she needed me! Look at her! LOOK!” she screamed, pointing a hoof at her.

“I-I know,” Twilight said softly. “Oh, I know. She--”

“No, you don't know!” Rainbow screamed again. “T-this... this is Fluttershy. S-she gets scared of her own shadow. I-I've seen her flee f-from a pile of leaves. And... and she's the sweetest p-pony that has ever lived a-and you have no idea how amazing and w-wonderful she is. She never has a b-bad word to say about anypony. She's a-always just so sweet and loving a-and doting to everypony. A-and then she... then she a-always helps them, whenever they need it. W-who ever needs it. Even if t-they're kind of jerks, she's always t-there for them. B-but then... but then she...” The tears welled up in her eyes. “I-I told her not to live by the E-everfree Forest. I-I told her it was dangerous. T-that sometimes... t-that sometimes things come out. And things DID come out. And she befriended them! She made them into pets! I saw her once tame a timber wolf! A-and now she's dead b-because I-I was too busy... too busy having fun and g-gallivanting a-around a-and--”

Twilight slowly moved forward. She reached out and hugged the pegasus. “This isn't your fault. This was a horrible, horrible thing that happened, but you are in no way to blame. We'll get through this. Besides, Fluttershy is... she's strong. I'm sure. In her own little way. And it's not like she's gone. She's still in there. We just need to find out how much of her is... well...”

“W-what are you talking about? I-I've seen the movies! I-if she's a v-vampire, t-that means we need to... w-we have to--”

“No!” Twilight said quickly, shaking her head. “No no no, no. I still don't know everything about vampires or, really, much about them. But I'm pretty sure killing them is not the answer and I know, for a fact, that killing Fluttershy is a hundred percent not the answer. Okay? Okay.”

Rainbow sniffled, wiping her eyes. “R-really? But she's already--”

“Yes, yes she is. But that doesn't mean she's bad! I think. W-well, you saw that pony, right? Did he seem like a heartless, stupid monster?”

Rainbow frowned. “He hurt Fluttershy.”

“Yes, he did, and he was a foal for doing it. But it sounded like it was an accident and... I honestly believe him.” She didn't know if that was true, but she needed Rainbow to calm down before she did something they all regretted. “I couldn't imagine anypony who reacted like that.... I don't think he did it on purpose. I think it all happened so fast and... I honestly believe that Fluttershy, more than any other pony, will get through this. Look at her.” She pointed a hoof to the unmoving mare. “Could you really see her ever trying to hurt anypony? For any reason?”

Rainbow stared and then, slowly, her eyes lowered. “No.”

“Exactly. She's not that kind of pony. I mean, I've only known her a short time, but I... I am certain she's a good pony at heart. So here's what we're going to do. We're going to take her back to her house and clean up. When the others arrive, we're going to send a message back home. I'm going to send one. Then we'll wait. Nightmare Moon can send a vampire here to help us.”

“You really trust her to help us?”

“A... little bit,” Twilight said nervously. “Do we really have any other choice? Would you rather just... leave it like this?”

Rainbow eyed the yellow pegasus and shook her head. “N-no. How long until... she...”

“I don't know. Hours? Days? I haven't exactly studied this. Before a few days ago I didn't even think they were real! Now... well...”

Rainbow nodded and slowly leaned down. “Okay. But... but I'm carrying her.”

Twilight nodded. “Okay. Rainbow... no matter what happens, this isn't your fault. Okay? You know it's not your fault.”

“It's completely my fault,” Rainbow muttered. “Friends look out for each other. I wasn't there when she needed me. I should have been.”

“There's no way you could have been there twenty-four seven. You didn't know this would happen.”

“Let's just go,” she muttered again.

“But Rainbow--”

“We're going!” Rainbow yelled, trotting off as fast as she dared with Fluttershy on her back. Twilight and Spike followed after her, the two sharing a small look.


Twilight slowly moved to sit besides Rainbow, looking over to the pegasus. “The uhhh... the letter has been sent. I think we'll hear from the princess soon,” she said softly.

Rainbow nodded, though she didn't take her eyes off Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus was laying in her bed, her eyes closed. She wasn't breathing, though she looked so peaceful. Twilight could barely believe the mare was, for all intents and purposes, dead.

She reached out and lightly brushed the mare's pink mane back. “It's going to be okay,” she whispered, more for herself now than for Rainbow.

“How can this possibly be okay? Fluttershy is... she's... if I'd just...”

“There was nothing you could do.”

Rainbow didn't answer this time. “What'd you tell everypony else?”

“That Fluttershy was hurt, but she'll be fine. Needs her rest. I promised that I'd take her to see the doctor once... well...”

“Once she comes back to life?” Rainbow asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.


“Why did this vampire even come? They aren't even supposed to be real and then... this?”

Twilight opened her mouth, but then paused. If Rainbow knew that the vampire had likely been sent to spy on Fluttershy, then she couldn't imagine her friend would take that lying down. “I don't know. Nightmare Moon has decided to reveal vampires and other such creatures to the public. Maybe he thought with... him self being revealed like that, it was time to come out.”

“She didn't deserve this.”

“Of course she didn't. But she'll be okay. We're all here for her, right?”

“What will it mean?” Rainbow finally asked.

“I don't really know. I think it'll mean she'll be sleeping a lot during the day, at least, if we had a day. But now... I think it'll make her stronger and faster, maybe?”

“That other pony didn't seem very strong. I kicked his flank easy enough,” she said with a small smirk, before sighing. “She will be okay, though? She'll be... her? Did you ever study any of this stuff?”

“Well… I technically have a minor in occult studies, but… that was all theoretical until now. But I think so. I--”

A gasp filled the room. Both ponies went silent and stared at Fluttershy. Her eyes opened and she looked around, confusion etched on her features. “W-what? Where am I?” she asked softly, starting to sit up but quickly falling back. “A-ahhh...”

“Don't move, Fluttershy,” Twilight said. “Do... do you remember anything?”

The young mare blinked, staring at the roof for a minute. “I... t-there was... a young stallion. He had a bat. His bat was sick and then...” She looked confused for a moment. “I-I don't... know. I don't remember anything after that? Did something happen?”

“What? Oh, err, yes. No. Sorta,” Twilight said with a sigh. “Do... ummm...” She trailed off, not sure what to say. How did you tell a pony they were technically dead?

“I... I hate to be a bother but ummmm... could... I get something to drink? I'm dreadfully thirsty. If that's okay?”

Both the other ponies shared nervous looks. Twilight wasn't sure if she could handle Fluttershy asking for blood. “W-what would... you like?”

“Some... ummm... apple juice.”

The two mares shared a look of relief. Twilight quickly trotted off to get a drink. She could feel the animals eying her when she walked through the house. She couldn’t help but notice that bunny that had attacked them, sitting in the corner with his head hanging. Spike was resting on the couch, snoring softly. “It’s okay,” she said with a smile. “Fluttershy is going to be okay.”

The bunny didn’t respond. Equipped with an apple juice box, she trotted upstairs. She took a deep breath before pushing open the door.

Fluttershy glanced up, confusion etched on her features. Rainbow just shook her head. “Twilight? What’s going on? Rainbow won’t tell me...”

Twilight sighed and put the apple juice in her hooves. The pegasus leaned down and bit into it with her new fangs, ignoring the draw entirely and making both her companions jump. Fluttershy didn’t seem to notice.

Once she was finished sucking the container dry, Twilight took a slow, deep breath. “Fluttershy, do you remember… anything? How do you feel?”

“My head kind of hurts and I feel a little dry. Maybe I need some water...”

“Need something thicker than water,” Rainbow grumbled.

“What?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight took another slow, deep breath. She mentally steeled herself. “Fluttershy. That… pony that came to visit you. Did he seem strange at all?”

Fluttershy frowned and rubbed her chin. “A little. He kept… looking around a lot. And none of the animals seemed to want to be near him or his pet. He was also very pale and… a bit cold to the touch. He seemed very concerned about his pet, though. And he kept staring at me.” She gasped. “H-he’s not hurt, is he? Is--”

“HE WAS A VAMPIRE!” Rainbow screamed, shaking her head. “He was a vampire, okay? Vampires are real and he is one and he bit you and he turned you into one!”

Fluttershy blinked a few times and slowly reached up, feeling her neck. “Oh.”

“What do you mean, oh?” Rainbow asked.

“I… I’m not really sure what to say,” the pegasus said softly. “Vampires aren’t real, though, Dashie. I'm most definitely not one. Next thing you'll say something silly, like I'm a tree.”

Twilight coughed. “A-actually, errr… they… kind of are.”


“Vampires. And you're... kind of one.”

“Oh. I... I see. What… does that mean for me?”

“I’m not sure, honestly,” Twilight said. “I think it means that… technically… you’re dead. But you’re still you!”

“Am… am I going to still be able to take care of all the animals? Who will watch over them during the day? Will I need to hire someone? What if there’s an emergency?”

“Well, for one, there is no day,” Twilight said quickly. “Even if there is, apparently they don’t burst into flame. You just kind of… lose your powers. I think you’ll be able to take care of them just fine.”

“Oh. That’s a relief. They aren’t frightened, are they?”

“I think they’re mostly just worried about you,” Twilight said softly. “If, ummmm… how do you feel?”

“Just tired and thirsty. Oh. Oh dear. Am I going to have to drink blood? I-I don’t know if I can do that,” she said softly, looking a little paler.

“I don’t know, I--” There was a heavy thudding from downstairs. “I… hope that’s who I think it is. Fluttershy, Rainbow, wait here. Don’t move. Don’t panic.” She quickly turned and trotted downstairs again, pulling open the door.

Redfang stood in the doorway, staring at her. “I came as soon as I heard. Nightmare Moon... insisted that I come personally. Where is she?”

“Upstairs. I’ll show you,” she said before trotting back towards the steps. She paused and realized a moment later he wasn’t following her. “Are you coming?”

“I need you to invite me inside.”

“… Really?” she asked flatly. “Why?”

He sighed and face hoofed. “During the great war between vampires and ponies, there were many great slaughters. During the peace talks one of the biggest contributors to the peace was the creation of the bond spells. Each vampire who agreed to the peace accepted these spells and they have since been passed down to all of their generations. A vampire may not enter a house willingly aside from in moments of self preservation or preservation of another, without the express permission of the owner. Now may I PLEASE have permission?”

Twilight’s eyes almost glimmered. “Wait, really? Bond spells? I’ve never even heard of those!”

“Well, of course you haven’t. You’d have to know unicorn magic.”

“I have a major in unicorn magic, though.”

He opened his mouth, then closed it. Then opened it again. Finally he just stared at her. “WHY?”

“Well, you see there’s this whole--”

“Twilight!” Rainbow called down. “Who is it?”

“Oh! Right, err, yes. Fluttershy! Can my guest come in?”

“O-oh. Ummm, that’s fine… I guess...”

“Come on,” Twilight said with a nod.

The vampire sighed and stepped inside. “Anyway. Bond magic is incredibly rare. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out it is no longer practiced in any form. Even when the spells were first created it was very rarely, if ever done. It usually passes away within a few generations. The only reason it still works for us vampires is there is a large amount of magical energy that transfers when we create a new vampire.”

She nodded, trotting up the stairs with him behind her. She made mental notes as she walked. She wondered if she could write a thesis on all the new information she’d been gathering. She could write entire books at this point of all the different things she was learning under Nightmare Moon. Many of them horrifying.

“Sooo, how’s our newest vampire of the night?” Redfang asked nervously. He let out a yipe when Rainbow turned her glare down on him.

“This isn’t funny,” the pegasus said.

“O-of course not,” the vampire said nervously before trotting forward. “So, Fluttershy, was it?”

The pegasus nodded.

“I suppose you have some questions. Would you like me to give you the basics first, though?”

“Please,” she whispered softly.

“First things first. You’re… dead. Technically. If anything has happened to your soul or the like, I’m afraid I can’t tell you. Sadly, most religious texts are quite silent on the topic of vampires. That’s one of the biggest questions I get,” he said sheepishly. “Now, that’s the big thing you need to remember. The sunlight won’t kill you, but it will tire you out. It may be a moot point now, but you’ll also notice yourself getting tired around what used to be daylight hours. I’d suggest trying to sleep then.”

“O-okay,” she said softly.

“Now, you’re NOT a monster, bloodthirsty or otherwise. You will requite a diet of blood, though not enough to kill a pony. It is what we need for nutrition. You can, technically, survive without it.”

She perked up. “R-really?”

“Yes. There are a few ponies that subsist on an almost full diet of fruit juice. However, it is extremely uncomfortable and it is the equivalent of a normal pony trying to survive on nothing but chips and other junk food.”


“Now, I’m sure you have friends and family who can help. It won’t require so much that you’re going to put any of them at risk and you’ll only need to feed once or twice a week. I’d suggest getting a few ponies willing to help you and then rotating them out on weekends. Now, if you’re unable to find ponies willing to help, we can find those who will. Juices and the like will manage to suppress the cravings, but they won’t go away until you feed.”

“W-what happens if she doesn’t eat? Will she eventually turn into a… a monster?” Rainbow asked.

Redfang turned to her and just stared with a flat expression. “Have you ever been so hungry for a sandwich you turned into a monster?”

The pegasus blushed and shook her head. “N-no, but--”

“At most, you’ll likely get a bit crotchety and uncomfortable. Unless you go too long,” Redfang said. “It’s a hunger, just a different type of hunger than other ponies face. You’ll get used to it. Now, the fun things. You will become stronger and more agile. Sadly, the stories of us bench pressing chariots and leaping over buildings in a single bound are not accurate. The fact of the matter is you’ll just become stronger, but likely no stronger than a skilled and strong member of your species. Possibly less. This is caused due to the magic that helps to animate you.”

“A-animate me?” Fluttershy asked softly.

“Yes. Your own innate magical power is what’s keeping you up now, but you’ll also draw magic from others when you drink their blood. That’s why it’s best to get fresh blood if you can, but frozen will still help.”

“What happens if she doesn’t eat?” Rainbow asked.

The vampire took a slow, deep breath. “Fruit juice would help to maintain her for a while, the magic in Equestrian plants is good. But, were she to not drink any blood or juice, she would die. It would be a slow, painful way to go. As would any method of starvation.”

Fluttershy squeaked and pulled her covers up.

“Now, there are rules. Many religious symbols will… welllll… some will effect you, others won’t. It can be a bit hit and miss and I think it depends on the pony and what they believed. It’s really up to debate how that works and I’d really rather not get into it. However, there are spells in all of us that pass down from vampire to vampire. The big one is our inability to enter a building without permission of the owner. Public buildings are fine, of course. But unless your life or somepony else's is in actual danger, you cannot enter a building.”

“Somepony else's?” Twilight asked.

He nodded. “Indeed. I believe that was actually due to Puddinghead. Her idea as she wanted to create some kind of… elite… vampire fighting unit to save ponies. I don’t think it worked, but the spell remains. Now, an important thing. You can die. Your body will heal… most injuries. But excessive damage, something that would kill a pony outright, will likely kill you as well. We heal far faster, but we don’t heal if we’re dead dead. Understand?”

Fluttershy nodded, gulping.

“Now, stronger, faster… oh, and we can turn into bats! That’s pretty fun!”

“What?” Fluttershy asked, her mouth falling open.

“Bats! We can turn into bats and fly around. It...” He paused. “Oh, right, pegasus. I guess that’s not really quite as nice then. Huh. Sorry. Oh, you can also talk to them now. Bats.”

“I could already do that...”

“… Huh. Well, you really aren’t getting much out of this, are you?”


“It’s not your fault. This… really shouldn’t have happened.”

“Yah think?” Rainbow snapped.

“Now, animals will be a bit more frightened of you at first, but pets will normally warm up to you pretty quick. Most are fairly forgiving. Oh! No matter what you do, do NOT turn into a bat near sunrise. If it ever comes back.”

“What? Why?” Fluttershy asked.

A look of horror spread across his face. “You’ll be stuck as a bat. All. Day. Which can be incredibly frustrating. I know far too many vampires who have suffered such a fate. And well… there is no horror quite like having your children find you when you’re tiny, vulnerable and adorable. The tiny top hats are the worst.”

Fluttershy nodded slowly. “I… I see. I’d… like to… be alone for a bit. If that’s okay.”

The vampire took a deep breath before shaking his head. “No.”

“W-what?” she said softly.

“I won’t stay. But one of your friends must. This is… going to be a difficult time for you. And you should not be alone, for your own safety.” He looked to the other two. “Don’t let her be alone now. She needs comfort and companionship so she doesn’t do anything to hurt herself.”

Rainbow nodded. “I’ll stay.”

“I-I won't,” Fluttershy said softly. “I-I just, I'm not feeling well and--” She was cut off by Rainbow hugging her.

“Please. Please,” the pegasus begged. “I... I wasn't here when you needed me. I wasn't there to... I wasn't there to save you. Let me do this for you. Please.”

Fluttershy was silent for a long moment before finally nodding. “O-okay,” she said gently, her legs wrapping around her. “If... if you need to.”

“Thank you,” Rainbow said softly. “I... I really do need to.”

Twilight smiled and watched them, wiping her eyes softly. Se then pulled the vampire aside. “She... will be okay, won't she?”

“The first week will be the hardest,” the pony said with a nod. “Just make sure her friends are nearby and she will be fine. I... am more concerned that this happened at all. He shouldn't have--”

“He shouldn't have been here at all,” Twilight said firmly. “Have you managed to track him?”

“Not yet. But we WILL find him. One way or another.”

Twilight nodded before sighing. “I'm going to need to talk with Nightmare Moon about this later,” she muttered. “A long, long talk.”

“She knows.”

She paused for a second. “She... does?”

He blinked and looked off to the side. “I... shouldn't be telling you this but... she... seemed quite upset that this happened at all. She... may have threatened me if anything more happened to your friends. And... to tell you she wishes you to return as soon as possible.”

Twilight blinked, then sighed. “Of course she did, that's all she ever does,” she shook her head. “For a second I thought maybe she was actually concerned about Fluttershy, but no, just wants to make sure I'm back to work. Probably hoping I found some...” She blinked. “I completely forgot why...” She looked to the two mares. “Ummmm... girls?”

“Yes?” Rainbow asked.

“I... actually did come here for an important reason. I know it's kind of weird but... do you know any party planners?”

The two mares shared a look, then stared at her. “You're... kidding, right?” Rainbow asked.

“No? Should I be?”

The pegasus just gave a chuckle. “Oh, you're in for a treat. Go to Sugarcube Corner.”


“The building shaped like a giant cupcake. Ask for Pinkie Pie. Trust me, if you've got a party in mind, she's the pony to throw it. Why do you ask?”

“I need a pony to plan out the Grand Galloping Gala and--”

“You're going to have PINKIE throw it? Oh, this I've GOT to see,” the mare said with a big grin, before eeping and looking to Fluttershy. “B-but not now. You're still... ummm...”

Fluttershy chuckled into her hoof. “It's fine. I... can't deny that I would like to see Pinkie throw it too.”

Twilight just cocked her head to the side, confusion on her features. “Why?”

“Oh, no reason,” Rainbow said with a shake of her head. “Hey, while you're out, can you do me a favor?”


“Stop by Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack can supply all the juice we'll need for Fluttershy and, well, tell her we'll get her back later. Or the vampires will. Someone will. Oh, and see if she can toss in some sweet apple cider while she's at it!”

“Okay. And, ummm...”

“Sweet Apple Acres is outside of town, head east. Road goes straight to it and there's signs.”

“Gotcha. I'll uhhh...” She glanced to Fluttershy, another flash of guilt going through her. “And I'll take care of all payments as needed. You two... be well,” she mumbled gently before trotting towards the door, the vampire behind her. She grabbed Spike once downstairs and quickly carried him outside, the dazed and tired dragon yawning. Once there, she stopped and looked to the vampire. “Did Nightmare Moon plan this?”

“W-what?” the vampire asked.

“Fluttershy. Did she plan to do this to her? Did she plan to have her be... killed? Is this all just some... game of hers?”

Redfang's eyes went wide. “I-I assure you she did not! Nightwing had always been a trusted member of our society, were I not... seeing the effects first hand, I wouldn't believe it had even happened!”

Twilight nodded. “Wonderful. At least I don't have to yell at her about that, then...”

“Yell... at her?” he asked softly.

“Err, nothing. I... I'm going to head into town. I'll return when I can.”

The vampire nodded and took a step, before pausing. “Lady Bard?”

“Yes?” she asked, her tone mildly annoyed.

“Do be careful. Her highness... has her eyes on you. I may be a creature of the night, but I am no foal. I comprehend exactly what she is capable of should you push her too far. There is... something about the way she watches you. You may be in more danger than any of us.”

Twilight glanced back to Spike, her eyes resting on the collar. “I know. Trust me. I know,” she muttered before she trotted back towards the town, hearing a soft flutter of wings and, when she turned back, he was gone.

Author's Note:

.... Please don't kill me for this chapter... *hides behind Flutterbat.* I swear it's been leading up to this for a while.

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