• Published 9th Feb 2016
  • 14,894 Views, 1,899 Comments

The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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For years to come what happened in that library was spoken of in hushed whispers. Some spoke softly about a young librarian cursing the dark Queen out in old Equish after denting her helm with well wielded hardback. Others said that the very books themselves flew off their shelves to batter their attacker, and some whispered that a mighty monster, a fearsome Thesaurus, rose up from the deep archives to do battle with her.

None of these compare, though, with the true fate of Nightmare Moon. The alicorn had only a moment to look up in confusion when a sound eerily similar to the banshees wail of the north echoed through the room, before pain shot through her ear and the ruler of Equestria, eternal ruler of the night, defeater of Celestia, bringer of the darkness and matriarch of the moon was hurtled up against the back wall by her ear.

Pain shot through her and after a moment of dazed confusion, she readied herself again, but was too slow. More pain shot through her ear and she shrieked, only barely stopping herself from vaporizing the pony when she realized who it was.

"OW! OW! RECEASE MINE EAR TRAITOROUS BARD, HOW DARE THEE LAY THY TEEH UPON OUR DIVINE FORM, HOW--" Nightmare paused when Twilight did let go of her ear and the immortal rule who had stared into a mad spirit of destruction’s eyes leaned back, away from the flaming rage she saw in those eyes. Almost literally. She was fairly positive her mane was smoldering.


Nightmare's mouth worked, and the ruler was abruptly struck by something she was not used to, an inability to speak properly. "We, it told lies of our, it was, it praised our sister about our imprison, I, we just, we own the contents, and the others, they were, they--"


Nightmare Moon struggled to find the right words, staring into depths that were far more deep and deadly than Tartarus itself. “But… but they are… o-our books,. W-we own--”


Nightmare Moon recoiled, backing up against the wall and, with a terrified squeak realized she had nowhere to flee. This was just her bard, she knew she shouldn’t be scared. But there was something primal to the young earth pony’s movements. One that spoke of death and destruction to all who failed to yield before her. For the first time in a while, the alicorn knew true fear. Not of failing, not of her ponies hating her. But for her very life. She knew it was preposterous. There was no way such a small pony could do anything to harm her. Though the pain in her ear and the fury in the mare’s eyes told her otherwise. She gave a pitiful whimper and lowered herself down.

“YOU!” Twilight screamed, turning on the librarian. The mare whimpered.



“W-we have a list, w-we can r-regain them. N-nothing of… of true value was lost and--”

“EVERY BOOK HAS VALUE!” Twilight roared, the windows in the library shook and outside, the guards fled for their lives, to echo stories of the final moments of Nightmare Moon’s life.

The alicorn was slowly beginning to regain her confidence when the mare turned back on her, eyes alight with a fire Celestia’s sun could only hope to match. “And you...” she said in a whisper that would have traveled for miles in the silence of the library. Even the books seemed to be shaking now.

Nightmare Moon had thought the yelling was the worst of it. She was wrong. “W-we… we are sorry. We have… mis stepped?”

“MIS STEPPED?!” Oh heavens the fires lit anew, somehow transcending their earlier brilliance. The alicorn let out an indignant squeak as she was grabbed by the ear and dragged out from the library, bodily thrown out. “AND DON’T YOU DARE SHOW YOUR FLANK HERE AGAIN UNTIL YOU LEARN SOME RESPECT FOR BOOKS!” There was a long ,slow breath before the final threat. “Or I swear your ear will be the least of your worries.”

Nightmare Moon stared at the mare. She was at least twenty percent sure she could take her. But a hundred percent sure she did not want to risk it. With no other choice, the alicorn did something she hadn’t done in ages.

She turned tail and fled.

The librarian's stared at the mare as her breathing slowed from seething pant to angry snort and finally settled onto normal after a short jog, but rapid jog.

The fire in her eyes dimmed, and she blinked, looking around. "I… what happened? I think I, wait, did I? Oh." She paused, taking in the scene before her, namely the pile of ash and rather impressive dent in the wall, as her brain slowly processed it's short term memory. "...Oh." Very slowly, she tilted over and curled up, covering her head with her fore hooves. "I am so dead."

Twilight rocked back and forth for a few minutes and, once she realized there weren’t any guards coming to arrest her, she looked up at the librarian. The other mare eeped and ducked down. “I ummm… need some history books...”

“Just take them! Take whatever you want don’t hurt me!”

The earth pony sighed and trotted towards the book cases, giving a sad look to the burnt remains of so many tomes of knowledge.


“Hi Tirek!” Twilight said chipperly as she trotted down the steps.

“If it isn't the warden,” the centaur muttered, still reading his book. “What do you want?”

“I brought some new books.”

The centaur gestured towards a stack near the cell door. “You know where the old ones are.” He then glanced to his notebook and pen, humming. “Bring me anything good?”

“Oh, I managed to find an old tome on the ascension of the donkey emperor. I also found a few tomes about centaurs, though not many. Sorry.” She slid the new books in and took out the old. “How are you feeling?”

The centaur sighed and gave a shrug. “As well as can be expected, for living in a cell.” He eyed her suspiciously. “And yourself?”

“I think I threw Nightmare Moon into a wall hard enough to leave a dent and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be executed now. It's a long story.”

Tirek paused and looked over to her, closing his book. “Come again?”

“It's... a long story.”

“I have nowhere to be,” he said, sounding interested.

Twilight sighed and then smiled. At least he seemed interested. She told him everything over the next few minutes before nodding. “And then I got these books and brought them down. So ummm, if you don't see me again, you'll know why. I--” She paused. “Are you laughing?”

He covered his mouth with his hand and shook it, though light guffaws could still be heard. “What? Of course not, stupid pony. Your... heh... little display of... snicker... princess hurtling is hardly something I would care of. I assume you managed to get some nice... hee hee... air?”

“I don't know. Maybe?” she said with a shrug, before glaring at him. “You're not making me feel any better, you know.”

“Oh? Is it my job to make you feel better?”

“Well... I... no. I guess not.”

“Then I fail to see how that's my problem,” he said before looking through his book again, the corner of his mouth still curled in a small grin and the occasional snort breaking through.

She sighed. “Of course. Was there anything you'd like to tell me?”

He paused for a moment. “I did find that parfait you had delivered to me to be quite appetizing. I would not object to those coming more often.”

She blinked, before giving a nod. “Sure! I'll let them know before I... well... disappear.”

He chuckled and shook his head. “If she has not already executed you, I imagine she has no intention to. I imagine the stories of the great warrior bard have already spread throughout the castle as it is. Perhaps next time you could just defeat her with a book?”

“Ugh, no. Have you ever seen the warrior book exhibit? They don't even let you read those books, and they're all dented, too.”

“... Come again?”

“Nothing, don't worry about it,” she said with a shake of her head. “I'll have more sent, okay? I'll, hopefully, see you later.”

“Of course, bard.”

She sighed and trotted up the stairs, giving a soft sigh of annoyance. She wasn't sure who was worse anymore. Him, or Nightmare Moon. He was emotionally exhausting, her physically. She wondered if all despots were that way. Maybe next tyrant she meets will be mentally exhausting. That's what she needed, somepony who was completely crazy and impossible to figure out. She made her way up the stairs and started her way towards the kitchen.


Twilight frowned when she walked into the cafeteria. Something was wrong. She couldn't put her hoof on it, but it just felt off. She didn't see anypony else, though she could hear clatters from the kitchen so she knew they were there. Food was still on trays as well. It seemed the whole place had cleared out in a hurry. She wondered if one of the cooks had gone on another rampage.

She trotted to the kitchen. “Hello? I--” She froze at the sight of Nightmare Moon, head buried in a large jug of chocolate ice cream.

The ruler of all Equestria slowly raised her head, the ice cream smeared across her face. “B-bard.”

Twilight squeaked, staring and frozen in fear. She knew she was going to die. Well, suspected she was. But not so soon. “Y-y-your highness.”

“We, err, w-we were just... leaving,” the mare said, quickly turning and making her way towards the back exit. She paused after a moment, though. “We... we are sorry for our... disreputable treatment of the books. It... will not happen again.” She then fled out the door.

Twilight stared, cocking her head to the side. Sorry? She sighed. “Well... she's changing for the better at least. I think. I hope.” She waited a few minutes after the mare left for the staff to arrive and she smiled to one of the cooks. “Can you ensure that more parfaits are sent to Tirek? And other desert items.”

“Of course, Lady Twilight.” She then paused and eyed her. “Is... is it true you threw Nightmare Moon through a book case and then out the main window of the library?”

The earth pony sighed and shook her head. “It's going to be one of those days...” She then turned and trotted out the door. She couldn't help but notice most of the staff was staring at her with looks of mixed fear, awe and respect.

She needed to get out of here.


“So she burned a book? In front of YOU?” Shining asked, struggling to hold back his laughter as her parents and Cadence didn't even try to hide theirs.

“It's not funny! It was very traumatic! All that knowledge, gone in an instant! Wasted!”

He shook his head and laughed. “No, no, frankly, I think she got off light. I remember that cadet who always turned his books in soaking wet. He still can't walk by garden stores without breaking into a cold sweat.”

Twilight rolled his eyes. “He was just being over dramatic.”

“I don't know, considering where you--”

“So she's not mad?” Cadence asked, interrupting the stallion.

“I think she's more... upset. I don't think I actually hurt her so much as just surprised her. But she burned them! Books! So many innocent, beautiful, defenseless books. How could she?”

The ponies shrugged. “Still, she didn't kill you for it, or have you whipped. That's a step in the right direction,” her mother said. She then gave a light snort. “So you actually flung her?”

“Gahhh! It's not funny!”

“Oh, I disagree, I think it’s hilarious,” Shining said with a smirk.

Twilight rolled her eyes again. “All of you suck. Every last one of you.”

Cadence snickered. “Oh, you know we’re just kidding. How is your book coming along? Is it going well?”

“Oh, it’s going better than well. I think I’m about half done. It’s actually been getting a lot easier since, well...”

“What?” Shining asked.

“Nightmare Moon is being a lot less demanding lately.”

“Probably because you flung her into a wall.”

“Before that,” she snapped. “She’s been very… mellow, even. Calmer than before. I still come to see her during court and occasionally she’ll call me to monitor some event or another, but for the most part she doesn’t seem to do much. She spends a lot of time with Moondancer, but that seems to be more her just training her.”

Shining frowned. “How is Moondancer holding up? She’s always been a very talented unicorn, I’d hate to imagine how this is affecting her.”

Twilight sighed. “I think she’s doing better? I saw her excited to do her homework the other day. Is that normal?”

“Only for you and her,” the stallion said with a roll of his own eyes. “Only mares I knew who squealed with delight when they realized they forgot to do an assignment.”

“I think it’s adorable,” Cadence said with a smile. “Remember how happy she was when she realized she still had that twenty page paper due? She’d been moping for days because all her other homework was done.”

Twilight buried her face in her hooves. “Ugh, all of you are evil. Every last one of you.”

Velvet nodded, chuckling into her hoof. “Now you two, stop picking on Twilight. So, dear, where’s that little dragon friend of yours? Don’t you usually bring him with you?”

“Oh, he’s back at the castle right now, he--” She blinked a few times. “Oh.” She frowned and did some quick mental calculations. “We’re… from the inn to the shop I sent him was… Canterlot is about… oh dear.”

“Dear?” Velvet asked.

“I-I need to go I’m so sorry I can’t believe I left Spike behind! I’ll come back to visit later I swear!” she shrieked before galloping off, leaving her family behind, stunned.


“Here you go, darling,” Rarity said before dropping a box of glimmering jewels in Spike’s claws. “Make sure to hang these up over there. One every few feet. They don’t need to be in alignment, though, they’re supposed to be the stars. So just make sure close, but not too close.”

“Okay!” he said happily. He let out a yipe as suddenly when he was grabbed and pulled into a tight hug by Twilight who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

“Oh my gosh Spike I’m so sorry I thought something bad might have happened are you okay how are you feeling any pain anything?”

“What? No,” the dragon said, his cheeks burning red. “What’s wrong? Why would you think I was in trouble?”

“I went into town and I completely forgot I left you behind. Has the collar tightened or...” She blinked a few times and stared at his throat. “Where’s… the collar?”

“What? That old thing?” Rarity asked, giving a shudder. “It was absolutely dreadful, didn’t go with his scales at all. I removed it when he started assisting me. Didn’t he tell you?”

Twilight blinked a few times, her mouth falling open. She didn’t spend much time, or any really, examining his neck. His head had always partially hidden it as well. “So… it’s been gone for days?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Rarity said with a shrug. “I have it around here somewhere. Was it important?”

“What? Yes! Kinda. Nightmare Moon put it on him and… and it didn’t do anything?”

Rarity’s head shot up. “W-what? Nightmare Moon? Spike, why didn’t you tell me?”

“Huh?” the dragon asked, his cheeks going red. “O-oh… you just, ummm, seemed kind of… excited to take it off and… err...”

“Oh dear. Do you think she’s noticed?” Rarity asked worriedly.

“Probably?” Twilight said, still looking down at Spike. “It didn’t… do anything? No magically choking or anything?”

“What? Why would it do that?”

“The magic on it, it was supposed to… well...”

Rarity blinked and cocked her head to the side. “There was no magic whatsoever on that collar, I assure you. I wouldn’t have removed it so simply had there been, that would have been dangerous.”

Twilight just stared at the dragon, then Rarity. Finally she shook her head. “No. Thank you. That’ll… that’ll be fine. How about you two just keep working, I’ll see you around. And umm, Rarity, you can keep the collar. Thanks.”

“Oh, it was nothing, darling. Really. I didn’t even know that it was… well… that. Spike, darling, you should tell me things like that. I’d hate to think I got us in trouble with Nightmare Moon.”

“Eh, she’s fine,” Spike said with a shrug. “So, just hang these up?”

“Oh, yes, make sure to hang them all up. This room needs to sparkle for the dance.”


Twilight frowned and stepped into her room, finally collapsing on her bed. Her head was pounding and she felt nothing but confusion.

She’d worked so hard, focused on so many different things. Yet she still felt as if she was no closer to figuring Nightmare Moon out than when she first met her. She put a hoof to her face and groaned.

She should be dead by now, or at least being whipped. But the mare had completely let what happened slide, or at least seemed to be. If anything, Nightmare Moon seemed scared of her. Not just forgiving, but actually scared. She couldn’t imagine why, she had a whole country to force to do her whims now, Twilight was pretty much obsolete.

But yet here she was, her misdeeds being ignored completely. She wished some part, any part, of the mare would make sense. She sighed and looked to the book.

At least she knew enough to write the book, for now. It might not mean much, but it would hopefully be enough.

Author's Note:

And so more things happen! Wooo!
You know, one day I might have to go back and write a side story detailing Nightmare Moon's thoughts during all this. But I don't wanna spoil too much.... hmmmm...
Special thanks to Duelist925 for helping me with initial scene. Was a fun one.
This'll be last chapter for the week, so enjoy. Gala is coming soon.

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