• Published 9th Feb 2016
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The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S3 CH 21. Ring of Scorchero

Fang could do this. He was a strong, powerful changeling who wasn’t afraid of anything. No matter what. He wasn’t frightened. He wasn’t… Okay, no, he was terrified. But third time was the charm, right? Slowly he tip hoofed through the entranceway.

The rooster turned towards him the moment he stepped inside and he felt his heart almost stop. No no. Please no. Alas, he stood no chance. It let out a mighty cry before charging at him.

Fang let out a shriek before he turned tail and fled, trying to escape the wrath of the angry chicken and fleeing the coop “No no no back back AHHHH!” Without anywhere to escape, he took the only avenue open to him. Up. He flew through the air, landing on top of the chicken coop and peered over the edge, down at the fierce, angry rooster.

The rooster gave a light hmph before strutting away, back into the coop.

“Yah got the eggs?” Applebloom yelled up at him.

“… Yes,” Fang called down.

“Are yah telling the truth?” Applebloom asked.

“No,” Fang said dejectedly. “Please don’t be disappointed.”

Applebloom gave a sigh before rolling her eyes. “It’s fine. Maybe the chickens were a bit much for yah on your first day. Yah are a bit…” She paused and glanced back to Granny Smith, who just shrugged. “Buggy.”

“The guardian of the coop is deadly,” Fang said. “Are eggs truly necessary?”

“How about yah go help Applejack with the fence? I’ll do this. That okay?” Applebloom asked the eldest earth pony, who merely nodded. The filly thenhopped the fence and trotted into the coop. Fang cringed when he heard the sound of the great rooster arising again. He then heard a light thump. “Oh knock it off, yah big feather-duster.”

Fang stared down from his vantage point to see the rooster retreat from the coop. Truly, ponies were dangerous, deadly creatures. He lightly flew from the coop and over the fence, buzzing lightly and barely clearing it. His stomach felt like it was sticking to his ribs, but he tried to ignore it.

Oh, there was love here, certainly, but not enough. Applejack, Big Mac and Granny Smith had love for each other, but there wasn’t much to spare for him. Applebloom, on the other hoof, well… she had a little to spare for everypony. Even him. But it wasn’t much and he wasn’t sure how well it would sustain him. Especially if he was doing this hard, menial labor. He was built for cuddling, snuggling and nibbling. Not fighting off vengeful chickens and kicking trees.

His queen gave him an order, he would follow it. Even if he wasted away doing it. For the hive. He trotted a little faster until he caught sight of the older earth pony.

“Hm?” Applejack asked when she caught sight of him. “Done with the chickens already? Where’s Applebloom?”

“She sent me to help you,” Fang said softly. “The guardian chicken did not approve of me entering his lair.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “And Granny Smith?”

“She’s still keeping an eye on Applebloom,” Fang said. He didn’t need to be able to taste the distrust on the earth pony to know how she felt about that, the way she was looking at him. Even if he wanted to hurt her it wasn’t as if he could. The collar prevented it.

Still, she seemed to, somewhat, be trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. He hoped that was progress.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Fang asked nervously.

“I guess,” Applejack said. “Yah sure you’re up to it? This work can be a smidgen difficult. Yah barely touched yer breakfast this mornin’.”

“Changeling,” Fang said softly. “Pony food doesn’t really do much for me.”

“Right, right, that whole love thing,” Applejack said. Now he could taste just a hint of worry from her. That was slightly comforting. “Here, just hold up the boards, I’ll hammer. So, how do yah like the farm so far?”

“It’s peaceful,” Fang said before trotting forward and moving where she told him, holding the boards in place while she hammered. “Mostly.”

“Mostly?” Applejack asked.

“The hammer is loud,” Fang said. How she managed to talk while holding it in her mouth like that he couldn’t imagine. Lots of practice, he supposed. He’d always just shapeshifted into something with hands when he needed to grip something, how she did it she’d never understand.

“Mmm hm, fair ‘nough,” Applejack said before she started hammering a bit more. An awkward silence hung over the air.

“It’s not as scary,” Fang finally said.

“Scary?” Applejack asked before letting the hammer fall onto the ground. “Yah all can turn into anything yah all wanna. What’d be scary?”

“Hydras, crag eels, dozens of other predators,” Fang said. “Especially as the hive’s strength collapsed more and more. The warrior drones were less able to drive off threats every year, so those who slept on the edges of the hive were often at risk of being attacked.” Also, the last to be fed in many cases. He left that part out, though.

“Oh,” Applejack said. “That, uhhhh, that doesn’t sound very nice. Happen often?”

The concern only seemed to grow, sadly there was no love. Strange. Having concern for something she distrusted so. Ponies were so weird. “Often enough.”

“How uhhh… does that love thing work?” Applejack asked.

“What do you mean?” Fang asked.

“You eat from it, right?” Applejack asked. “How’s it work? How do you do that?”

“Well, we feed off it to sustain ourselves,” Fang said. “We can get some out of the air itself, if there’s love nearby. But usually we feed off ponies best who love the pony we’re pretending to be.”

“And, uhhh, if nopony loves you and you can’t shift into something else?” Applejack asked.

Fang gave a soft sigh. “We starve to death. It takes a long, long while though.”

Applejack gave a small, sheepish nod. “That doesn’t sound very pleasant.”

“It’s not,” Fang said. Once more silence reigned and he could feel the awkwardness in the air. “If there is love, it’s like we feed off the energy of whoever is giving the love.”

“Like a parasite,” Applejack said.

Fang cringed. He could feel the sudden rush of dislike from the earth pony, but then he felt the guilt. She wasn’t wrong, though. “It’s what we are.”

“Yah ever try like… willingly getting love?” Applejack asked. “From others? Without invading? Or even loving each other?”

“That’s what we’re doing here, isn’t it?” Fang asked. “Changelings can’t love, though. We’re not capable of it.”

“That’s pretty rough,” Applejack said with a sigh. “Sorry. Ah uhhh, wish ah could help. Just don’t feel right having yah work on the farm when we can’t even feed you.”

Fang gave a shrug. “It is what it is.”

Applejack sighed and then shook her head. “Just cause it is that way doesn’t mean it should be that way. Listen, ah don’t really trust yah, but if yer gonna be on the farm we’re gonna needta figure something out. It’s hard work out here an’ ah can’t have yah starvin’ over--”

“Ah, Applejack!” Trixie’s voice echoed through the fields, making Applejack cringe.

“Put a pin in that and we can talk after,” Applejack said before turning towards the approaching unicorn.

Fang blinked a few times. What was he supposed to put a pin in? The fence? Was he supposed to get pins? Where were the pins? He shrugged and then turned to see the approaching unicorn, only to realize a moment later that Chuck was with her, as was Zecora.

“Just the pony I was hoping to see,” Trixie said before rearing, fireworks going off behind her. Fang at least knew where they came from, he just wished he understood why. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has need of your services!”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “What yah need, Trixie?”

“The library has been positively ransacked by a group of performance actors! The stage, the curtain and even a few of the bookshelves have been positively shattered!” Trixie said.

Applejack stared at her for a few moments, her mouth falling open. “Wait, they were broken by what now?”

“Performance actors,” Trixie said. “Why, those scoundrels even chased us half the way here before we gave them the slip thanks to my magnificent performance!”

“I thought it was because Zecora used that dust powder,” Chuck asked.

“Most performers have assistants!” Trixie said quickly. “And, as the greatest performer it stands to reason that I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, would have the greatest assistant!”

“What?” Applejack asked. “So, wait, yah all are being chased by a bunch of actors? Why? Huh?”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Trixie said. “I’ll deal with them in due time. They apparently want some weird ring or something. The important thing is I need somepony who is capable of repairing the library and I know of very few ponies who are quite as talented as you with the hammer.”

“Uh huh,” Applejack said. “Ah guess I’ll try an’ swing by once ah finish with this fence. But, uhhh, yah sure yah don’t need some help with the rest of it?”

“Nonsense,” Trixie said with a hmph. “I, the Great and Powerful Trixie am more than capable of dealing with a few over enthusiastic performers.”

“Uh huh,” Applejack said before glancing to Zecora. “And how about you?”

“Oh, despite how things may appear, they are not as bad as they may look,” the zebra said with an amused chuckle. “Though I do wish our grand performer here would, ahhhh, have read this particular book.”

Trixie blinked a few times, a confused look on her face. “And what is THAT supposed to mean?”

“It means, dear magician of flash and fire,” Zecora said. “This morning has been quite amusing to see despite how we perspire. While pony tales I rarely pursue, even I can identify the pegasus who Daringly Do. While it had seemed once that it was merely fiction, after today believing that feels like a contradiction.”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“I think she just said she is,” Chuck said.

“I know what she said!” Trixie shrieked before rolling her eyes. “I do not need a translator for my number one assistant and apprentice, thank you very much.”

Applejack just cocked an eye at the zebra, who smiled back. “I would not fret, young Applejack. Trixie may be crass and loud, but most would be wise to her not attack. We will get to the bottom of the item they so desperately cling, once we get an opportunity to ask about this ring.”

Trixie looked between them before giving an annoyed sigh. “Fine. Thank you, Applejack. At least SOMEPONY here is being HELPFUL.” She then turned and trotted away, the other two following her.

Fang watched them leave, confusion on his features before turning to Applejack. He was about to ask, but he realized he could taste the confusion radiating off her.

It was good to know he wasn’t the only one terribly confused by this turn of events.

It only got weirder when, after a few moments, a strange pegasus with a light gold coat, a streaked gray mane and wearing strange garments he couldn’t even identify flew at them. “Hey, you two! Did you see a zebra, a changeling and a really obnoxious blue unicorn come this way?” she asked.

“Uhhhh…” Applejack said, her mouth hanging open. “Are… are you…”

“Listen, I don’t have time for gawking! Did you, or didn’t you?” the pegasus yelled.

“Uhhhh…” Applejack said.

“They went that way,” Fang said. “They left a while ago, but you might be able to catch up to them if you hurry.”

“Thanks, bye!” the pegasus said before taking off.

“Was… that Daring Do?” Applejack asked. “No. No. That’s not possible. Daring Do isn’t… nope. What did Trixie say? Performers? That just… yeah. What?”

“Who?” Fang asked.

“Nothing,” Applejack said, shaking her head. “Jus’ been out in the… moon… too long, I guess. Eyes been playing tricks on me. What were we talking about?”

“The fence,” Fang said.

“Oh, right, yes,” Applejack said, though she kept her eyes focused on where the ponies had run off to. “She ain’t real, she can’t be. Can she?”


Ponies were so very, very strange. Unfortunately, Sap was learning this firsthoof. One moment he was watching the strange, yellow vampire pony talk to the town’s weather pony about some medication for his vampire fruit bat. The very next moment a small group of ponies were running by and just stuffed him into a bag before he could object, only to carry him off.

Still, better than Discord. He hoped this was some weird pony thing that wouldn’t hurt him too much, for now he just laid limp.

“And you’re absolutely certain this changeling is the one the librarian had?” a voice asked.

“Of course it is,” a different voice, the pony carrying him, said. “Why would the town have a second changeling?”

“Why would they have one at all?” the first voice asked.

“I don’t know. Eccentric librarian? She did seem pretty weird. Who talks in the third person like that?” the pony carrying him asked.

“Bah, no matter. Here she comes! Ah, Daring Do, I was wondering when you’d show your face,” the first voice said.

“Caballeron,” a new voice, apparently Daring Do, said. “I don’t know what makes you think I’m going to let you find the last ring of scorchero.”

“WILL SOMEPONY PLEASE TELL THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE WHAT ANY OF YOU ARE DOING?” Trixie’s voice yelled with such volume that even inside the bag it made Sap cringe.

“Ah, the librarian. At least you make your… appearance. Oh,” the first voice, apparently Caballeron said. “Wait, then who is this?”

The bag was suddenly flipped upside down and Sap was dumped, unceremoniously, onto the ground. They were in the middle of a road leading out of Ponyville. Four strange ponies towered over him, while a strangely garbed pegasus stood across the field. Coming down the road were Trixie, a zebra he didn’t know and Chuck. He gave Chuck a small wave before looking up at the four ponies over him. “I’m Sap. Hi.”

The earth pony in front of the group hmphed before turning to Trixie. “Bah, no matter. You! Librarian! Give ME the ring unless you want your changeling friend to be squashed.”

Trixie gave a low groan before lifting a hoof up and rubbing her forehead. “It is too early in the morning for any of this.” She then paused and glanced up to the moon, before nodding. “See? The moon has only barely risen, morning. What ring are any of you talking about?”

“The Ring of Scorchero,” Daring said. “And you can’t give it to him, it--”

“I don’t have it!” Trixie yelled. “I don’t even know what IT is! Listen, I don’t know what silly ring any of you are talking about!”

“You don’t?” Daring asked.

“I’ve been TRYING to tell you!” Trixie yelled, stomping her hooves. “Listen, I understand. Whatever this… street performance is, needs to end now. You’ve wrecked MY library, chased us up and down this town and now it looks like you’ve kidnapped one of the other changelings! While I, as a fellow performer of the arts, can understand the desire to create an interactive display THIS is NOT the way to go about it! What is WRONG with you ponies?”

For a moment there was silence before the four ponies standing over Sap started mumbling to each other. Finally, Caballeron turned to her. “Wait. So you DON’T have the lamp that the Flim Flam brothers made? Fueled by the Ring of Scorchero that we rightfuly stole?”

“Wait, THAT’S what this is about? That heating lamp?” Trixie asked. “Are you all INSANE? You’re doing a street performance about THAT?”

Sap wondered if he could leave now, but he didn’t want to be rude. Even if he was confused.

“This is no street performance,” Caballeron said. “The Ring of Scorchero is a powerful artif--”

“Oh, by Nightmare Moon’s mane,” Trixie said before face hoofing. “I’ve had it. You want the lamp? Fine. It’s all yours. It’s in the castle.”

“Castle?” Caballeron asked.

“Canterlot Castle,” Trixie said before pointing off in the distance towards Canterlot. “Under Nightmare Moon’s guardianship. If YOU want to go get it from her, be my guest. Apparently it has sun power or something.”

Caballeron stared at the castle for a few moments before gulping. “Ah. I see. With the dark tyrant. I don’t suppose, err, that she’d be willing to, uhhh, sell it?”

“You’re joking, right?” Trixie asked with another roll of her eyes. “Good luck with that. As for me, I have a library to go fix thanks to you lot.” She started walking back towards the town, struggling to keep the annoyance out of her voice. “I expect you four at least will help clean up the--”

“We’ll get you next time, Daring Do!” Caballeron yelled before rearing and then turning, galloping away.

“Typical,” Trixie said before glancing towards Daring. “How about you, huh? Going to run off as well?”

“Uhhhh…” Daring said before sighing. “Honestly, I’m trying to decide if the ring being with Nightmare Moon is the safest place for it. I can’t imagine even Ahuizotl would risk assaulting the castle for it. Perhaps it’s time for a plan B…”

“Does plan B involve cleaning up some of the mess you made of the Great and Powerful Trixie’s library?” Trixie asked with a haughty tone.

“Hey, that was… oh,” Daring said sheepishly. “I guess I uhhh… did make a bit of a mess, didn’t I?”

“While your intentions may have been pure,” Zecora said. “The damage left in your wake is not simple to cure. If a hero you truly desire to be and nothing less, you must remember to help clean up your mess.”

Daring gave a soft sigh before nodding. “Fine, since apparently the ring isn’t going to be going anywhere soon.”

“Am I free to go?” Sap asked.

Trixie just shrugged and rolled her eyes again, stomping off.

Sap slowly rolled back to his feet and shook his head. He hoped he could find Fluttershy again. At least ponies tended to be nice enough to give directions.


“Finally!” Trixie said once the library was, finally, put right. She had to give Applejack credit, the earth pony was positively amazing with a hammer. Though she didn’t get why the earth pony seemed so star struck by the pegasus. So Daring Do was apparently in a few books, so what? When your home town had a TRUE celebrity such as her living in it, why worry about some random traveling treasure hunter? Still, if the mare truly did exist, perhaps it was time she did take a day or two to read through some of her books. Once she had her wagon fixed, of course. And properly trained Chuck.

“Sorry about the mess,” Daring said. “I uhhh, thought the changeling was after the ring as well.”

“He can’t even spell ring,” Trixie said before turning towards the basement. “Speaking of, before you go I have one last thing for you.”

“What?” Daring asked. “I didn’t break anything else!”

“Not that,” Trixie said with a roll of her eyes before heading down into the cramped basement. She shoved some of the boxes aside, rustling through them until finally she saw it. The lamp. It took her only a few moments to open it open enough to see what they were all arguing about. Such a strange thing, that silly metal ring. As much as she loathed the idea of not having the lamp for next winter wrap-up, she was certain those pair of nerds could come up with a new solution. As much as she hated to admit it, they were incredibly talented. Compared to trying to manage Nightmare Moon, making strange heat lamps was probably a borderline vacation. Besides,the last thing Ponyville needed was more troublemakers trying to demolish the town trying to get their hooves on this silly ring. She trotted back upstairs and tossed the ring to the pegasus.

Daring’s eyes went wide and she caught the ring around her neck. “What? I thought you said Nightmare Moon had it?”

“Like I was going to tell the pony’s who trashed my library, threatened me and chased me all over town where it ACTUALLY was?” Trixie asked with a light harumph. “The Great and Powerful Trixie was NOT born yesterday.”

Daring stared at it before giving a small nod. “I see. Well, in that case, thank you. The valley thanks you. Now, I’ve got to get back to work on plan A.”

“Yes, yes,” Trixie said before pausing for a moment. Her horn glowed and one of the books were gripped in her magic before being drawn out, in front of Daring.

“Uhhhh, what’s this?” Daring asked before pausing. “’Up your sleeve, a hundred and one tricks to misdirect and amaze your audience’. What?”

“If you’re going to be sneaking around and breaking into random buildings,” Trixie said. “Perhaps rather than fighting the tenants, next time, just try a distraction. Chuck is struggling enough without getting a concussion from strange pegasi who wants to swipe some old ring.”

“Uhhhh… thank you? I think?” Daring said before taking the book and then darting out the door.

“Yah know,” Applejack said. “You’re probably not getting that book back.”

“It’s fine,” Trixie said. “It was the oldest copy and we have four of them already. Now then. Chuck! What did you learn today?”

Chuck blinked a few times, looking between the ponies. He finally just gave a shrug. “Ponies are weird, but librarians are great and powerful.”

Trixie gave a shrug. “Close enough. How about you, Zecora?”

The zebra just gave her another amused look. “With you two I have spent most the day, so of that I have little to say. Strange though it was to flee from characters in a book, happy am I that the library journey I took. Last but not least, your changeling assistant seems to mean no ill will,” Zecora said before glancing towards him. “So then, I believe the proper response is ‘Welcome to Ponyville.’”

“Every day isn’t going to be like this, is it?” Chuck asked with a nervous gulp.

“Hopefully not,” Trixie said before adjusting her hand once more. “Now then, Chuck, we still have a lot of work to do. Thanks to those rough housing ponies I’m going to need to send even more books in for repairs. We’ve still got to teach you to read.”

“So, uhhh,” Applejack said, finally looking away from the door. “That was the real Daring Do, right? She’s real? This ain’t all some weird dream, right?”

Author's Note:

Another chapter, weeee! I don't know why, but I find the idea of Zecora finding Trixie to be amusing and coming along to be hilarious. That and Trixie just loving having a cool potion brewing assistant. I adore their dynamic and it's so fun to write.

Also, I was invited to do an interview / Q&A thing this saturday. Link here if you want to ask me any questions.

If you'd like to help support me and my writing, please take a look at my Patreon which offers early access chapters as well as monthly voting to determine which of the series will be written next. Alternatively, full copies of my books can be purchased through amazon on my author page. If you'd like to support me directly I now have a ko-fi page.

Finally, if you would like to talk more about the series or talk to me directly, please feel free to join my discord server. I also now have a twitter page where I announce news and releases.

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