• Published 9th Feb 2016
  • 14,895 Views, 1,899 Comments

The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S2 Ch 12: Tea time

Fluttershy gave a soft little hum, flying around her cabin and feeding all the little animals. She gave a light giggle when a squirrel raced across her back to jump off her flank, into a small net. “Oh, that was marvelous, Almond. Ponies will be absolutely thrilled to see your performance,” she said happily.

Now, she wasn’t entirely sure about the idea of Trixie having her friends used as ‘extras’ in her performances, but she’d always had such trouble saying no. And lots of ponies seemed so excited by them, as did some of the animals. How could she deny them such a pleasure?

She glanced to the clock before humming and heading outside. She glanced around for a moment before flying up to the roof and landing quietly, slowly inching over to the small ‘bat cave’ she’d had installed. Inside were a dozen or so vampire bats sleeping soundly, as well as a few vampire fruit bats. She let out a soft, content sigh before sliding in a small platter of assorted fruits and closing it up.

While it was true she’d lost a few clients since she came out as a vampire, she’d become pretty much the number one choice for any vampire with a pet. She did wonder why so many of them seemed to have vampire fruit bats as pets, it oddly felt a little cliched.

The vampire pony flew back down to the ground and turned, trotting into her cabin and walking towards a small table. With practiced ease, she set up the tea, small pastries along with the sugar cubes. She poured two cups before glancing at the clock. It was a bit early, so three, two, one annnnnnd--

With a light poof, Discord appeared across the table from her, sitting in one of the chairs. “Oh, Fluttershy, you always are so impeccable at setting up these little get togethers.”

“Oh, it’s really no trouble at all. I’ve been looking forward to your next visit. I’ve made some new treats I’d love to share with you.”

The spirit gave a light laugh, before reaching out and gripping his tea in his hands. A very small, red dressed wrestler made of sugar appeared and pile drove into the tea. “Mmm, I always do enjoy a bit of sugar Kane in my tea. Now then, you mentioned new treats? If you’ve made them I’m sure they must be spectacular.”

“Oh, I do hope so,” she said, before placing three plates on the table. One had crusts, a second had small sandwiches(without crust) and the third had small, pink orbs. “They’re called blud balls. They’re made with a mix of blud berries and flour. Now, I know they’re a bit mundane but--”

“Mundane? Nonsense!” he said, before picking one up in his claws. Simple pastries? He supposed they WERE mundane and simple for a lord of chaos. But--

And then Fluttershy smiled and picked one up. His eyes narrowed slightly when he saw her sink her fangs into them, sucking out the sweet core from the small holes. “Ah. I see you’re still a vampire pony… hm? Now, who was it again who turned you?” he asked in his sweetest voice before his hand turned into a vampire fruit bat as well, biting into and sucking the confectionery into an empty husk.

“Now Discord, you know I can’t tell you that,” she said in a soft, scolding tone. “It was an accident, these things happen.”

“I’d hardly call killing a pony an accident,” he grumbled. “And I would know, I’m the spirit of accidents. Speaking of--” He snapped his fingers.


Nightmare Moon blinked, cocking her head to the side and staring at her quill. The tip had snapped off in the middle of her writing a royal decree. Why did this keep happening?!


“I know. But they’re very, very sorry about what happened and I’ve long since forgiven them. Being a vampire pony isn’t so bad.”

“Well, yes, because the sun is sleeping,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “But what happens if the sun DOES come out, hmmmm? All of a sudden it’s night night Fluttershy!”

“I’ll hardly burst into flames in that event,” she said with a light snicker. “You know that. Besides, I don’t need the sun. As long as I have my friends, I’m more than happy to be a vampire.”

He gave a sigh, then shrugged. “I do suppose at least this will allow you to live forever. I guess we’ll be buddies eternally then, hmmmm?” he asked with a light laugh before picking up one of the crusts, tying it into a knot and then tossing it into his mouth. Within a few moments he had the knot undone and then swallowed. “This at least solves that conundrum.”

“… Oh. Huh. I hadn’t really thought much about that.”

“Oh? You’ll love it, Fluttershy. Trust me. I’ll be able to show you everything! Wonders even the princess hasn’t seen. Why--” He snapped his fingers and the two appeared overlooking a strange planet that seemed to be made of fur. “For example, the universe’s biggest furball. Or--” They disappeared and appeared on top of a strange, warm surface surrounded by tall, black trees that towered into the heavens. “The universe’s biggest cat. I call her Mittens.”

“Ummm, Discord...” Fluttershy said softly.

“Or--” The two disappeared again. They appeared high in the air, overlooking a massive dragon that seemed to be waging war on a lot of strange, flying creatures that looked oddly like furless diamond dogs with wings and lots of armor. “Why does anything I show you have to actually exist? Or--”

The two appeared on a planet that, as far as Fluttershy could tell, was made of socks. “Where all those lost socks end up. Or even--”

“Discord!” Fluttershy said, staring at him, her entire body shaking.

“Oh, right.” He snapped his fingers and the two reappeared in her cabin.

The vampire pony let out a sigh of relief, leaning back in her chair and closing her eyes. “I… I appreciate it. Truly, I do. But… could… we please do baby steps? I mean, I never thought I’d… be…”

“Immortal? Oh, yes, it’s quite fascinating. There’s only a hoofful of us who can and we...” He trailed off, looking at the mare. His frown only deepened. “Although… that does open up a conundrum.”

“Huh?” she asked, staring up at him.

“Why, all of us other immortals have great and incredible powers. Nightmare Moon has her moodiness, Tirek can absorb magic. I, of course, am the one and only spirit of chaos. Now what about you? A vampire IS impressive, but it’s hardly the embodiment of disharmony.”

“Oh, that’s okay. I’m really happy the way I am.”

“But you could be so much happier. I know!” He snapped his fingers and a plastic horn appeared on her head. “How about Princess Fluttershy? I could--”

“No,” Fluttershy said, reaching up and knocking the horn off. “I’m fine. Besides, being able to turn into a bat is plenty.”


“Discord, I’m happy. Really,” she said, giving him a soft smile. “I don’t need power or anything like that. I have everything I need already. My home, my friends,” she said, before reaching out and petting Angel on the head. The small bunny just glared at Discord. “Food, shelter, companionship. The most important things for any pony, vampire or not. So… I’m happy. But thank you for your concern.”

Discord let out a low growl, before sighing. “Fine, fine. I do wish you would let me do something to help you, though. It really is quite-- I know! Perhaps I could give you some blood? You vampire ponies do like it so, yes? And I imagine mine must be incredible.”

Fluttershy just stared at him, going pale. “I’ll… pass.”

“Are you sure? This is a once in a--”

“I’ll be honest. I don’t… like blood. I’m used to it, but… I still don’t...” She gave a light shudder. “Blood isn’t very… nice. It’s… to get it you have to hurt a pony...” she mumbled, lowering her eyes. “And I hate that. I try not to do it when I can, but… even if I get it from a blood bank, somepony still had to suffer for it. And I--”

Discord laughed, shaking his head. “Nonsense! I’m the spirit of chaos, no? Do you think something like a bite or blood could hurt me?” he asked, before popping off his right hand, fireworks flying from the end. “Oops, wrong one.” He then popped the hand back on, then popped off the left and glanced inside. A small flea circus was performing and Fluttershy could hear the music from across the table. “Huh. I was wondering where that went. Oh, my favorite part, the flame eater.”

“Err, Discord...” Fluttershy said softly.

“Right, right. Maybe if I was to--”

“I don’t want your blood. I don’t want ANYPONY’S blood,” the pegasus said firmly, before shaking her head. “Listen. I appreciate the offer but--”

“Oh, very well. What if I was to make it so you never needed blood again? I could make you NOT a vampire again, would you like that?” he asked, a small grin forming on his lips. “It wouldn’t be… too hard for me,” he lied. “No major side effects.”

Fluttershy stared at her tea for a long, long time. Finally, she shook her head. “No.”

“No? But--”

“No. Discord, I appreciate it. I really do. And… maybe in the future I’ll accept it. But...”

“But what? What possible reason could you have for wanting to--”

“How would you do it? Make it so I never needed blood again?”

“Why, that’s simple. I’d merely infuse a bit of my magic into--”



Fluttershy sighed and shook her head again. “No. I appreciate it. I really, truly do. But this isn’t really… bad. You know, there are a lot of advantages of being a vampire.”

“Like, what, free meals delivered in the form of vampire hunters?” he asked, before snapping his fingers and one of the small sandwiches scuttled up his arm and into his mouth.

“Oh, hardly. That’s only happened three times so far and they were absolute pleasures to talk with once they put the stakes away.”

“Err, come again?”

“For example, I feel a lot stronger and faster than I’ve ever been. I’ve been able to get at this really, really bad knot in Harry’s back that I just wasn’t strong enough before to do,” she said with a shake of her head. “And I’m able to get all my chores done in half the time. I’ve actually been able to extend the number of pets I can manage at once because of it. On top of that, flying as a bat is pretty delightful. It’s… different than doing it as a pegasus. Finally… well...”


“Ponies depend on me. They need me, in a way.”

“They… need you?” he asked, frowning. “What do you mean?”

“There have been more vampires. More ponies, now. Those who have a lot of doubts, and fears. Ponies who...” She trailed off and shook her head. “Media hasn’t always been very nice to vampires. A lot of ponies are scared they’ll be evil, that they are evil. And...”


“And I’ve done a lot of good like this. That’s why I haven’t been trying to hide what I am. I… don’t like being well known but… a lot of ponies have come to me. To ask me for advice, or what it means, or what it’s like. They come to me because I’m like this, because they don’t know and… I guess… because I’m not very scary,” she mumbled gently. “For example, those vampire hunters.”

“Yes, about those...” he asked. “Who were they again?”

“Oh, just a few fillies and colts who were scared,” she said with a small smile. “They had all these preconceptions I had to help them understand. The truth was, they were just upset mostly at themselves and were projecting it onto vampires. One of them had a sister who was a vampire, another had an uncle. The last it turned out her mother had been turned, the poor thing. But in the end, we’re no different from anypony else. And… I don’t want to undo that. I may not have asked to be this, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad, or wrong. I’m a vampire now, and there’s nothing wrong with me for being it. It just means I’m different. And I think you, of all… spirits, can appreciate that.”

Discord stared at her before sighing. He rolled his head on the table, making it land in front of her. “Fine, fine, you win. I won’t turn you back. It’s probably for the best, anyway. At least this way the two of us can have these tea parties forever.”

Fluttershy gave a small nod. “Of course. And while I’m not sure how I feel about living forever… well… As long as I have a friend by my side it won’t be bad, I’m sure.”

The spirit laughed, his head disappearing and reappearing on his shoulders. “No, no, I suppose not. Though, are you sure you wouldn’t like a small nibble? It--”

“I’d really rather not. Imagine what it could do to me.”

The spirit hummed and rubbed his chin, stretching it out like taffy. The he urked, his hair standing on end and shooting out, embedding in the walls. “Oh dear. Oh, oh dear. Perhaps you are right. Well then, in that case, how about we just enjoy our tea, yes?” he asked with a smile.

“I’d like that,” she said happily, sipping a bit more of her tea.

Author's Note:

I'll be honest, I thought a lot about it. And if Fluttershy would, given the option, magically fix the issue. And frankly, I don't think she would. She's pretty strong in a lot of ways. And I imagine she'd do a lot of good like this. That and deals with Discord always have... unintended side effects. Friend or no.

On an unrelated note, today I intend to do my first real stream! So if you like watching passable writers get their flank kicked in dead cells, please feel free to come view it later.

Also, sorry I haven't been responding as much to comments! I just want you all to know I AM reading all of them, and they mean the world to me! I've just been kind of... well. Burning the candle at both ends, so to speak. But do know they mean so much to me and give me a lot of strength to write this story.

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