• Published 9th Feb 2016
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The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S1 CH 21. Trixie

Twilight groaned and felt something gently shaking her. “Go awayyyyy...” she whined.

“Twilight, Twilight!” Spike’s voice came.

She slowly opened an eye. “Nggggggg… what is it?”

“Somepony is challenging Nightmare Moon!”

“Mmmm… okay?” she mumbled, before rolling over.

After a moment her eyes widened. “WHAT?!” she screamed, sitting up and looking to Spike. “What? Who? When? Why?”

“I don’t know, she calls herself the Great and Powerful Trixie and says she’s the greatest magician of all time! We need to go!”

Twilight groaned and slowly rolled over, falling off the bed with a shriek. She was not awake enough for this. “O-okay. Come on, let’s go,” she muttered darkly before stretching and galloping down the hall, the dragon close behind. She didn’t even take time to fix her mane.


It wasn’t long before the two made their way to the throne room and found Nightmare Moon staring down at the very frightened blue unicorn. She was wearing a purple cape and hat covered in stars and looked as if she might wet herself at any moment.

Nightmare Moon looked less than amused. “Answer the question, mage.”

“Y-your highness, I-I never meant any disrespect, I merely--”

“You play your little… act, practically outside our castle doors and brag of how you are the greatest magician of all time, even more than this, how did you put it?”

“W-well, I--”

“How did you put it?”

“E-even more than the… f-false queen… N-Nightmare… Moon...”

Twilight cringed. Oh dear, she could see where this was going.

“And you believed that we wouldn’t hear of this?”

“I-I, well, I-I mean, I just thought that--”

“That we wouldn’t care? That you would mock us in our very home and we would stand idly by?”

The unicorn squeaked, giving a nod. “Y-yes? I, err, t-thought you'd be... too busy. I-I mean, I was across town and... and all...”

“Then you are a foal. However we… are not without our mercy. If the other feats you spoke of hold any truth, then you are a talented mage.”

Trixie perked up. “W-why, thank you, your highness.”

“Any unicorn that could best an ursa major must be quite special indeed. A pony that, while not worth our admiration, is most definitely worth our notice.”

The mare squeaked and the color managed to drain even further from her face. “Y-your highness?”

“So then. You will prove this great besting of the ursa major to us and then, once this task is complete, we will take you on as our second student.”

“Y-your… your highness?” Trixie asked again, the color draining even further from her face. “A… a ursa major? B-but surely you don’t mean to… to bring one here? I-I mean, that’d be dangerous, ponies could be hurt. I-I’d be fine, of course, but--”

“Oh, not at all, little pony.” The unicorn let out a sigh of relief. “You will come with us into the Everfree Forest and we will find one there for you to best.”

“W-what?” Trixie asked with a squeak. “Y-you want me to… i-in the Everfree Forest? With you? An ursa major? With you?”

“Indeed. Is there a problem, mage?”

“W-what? No! No no no! No! J-just, err, I-I could go alone? N-n-n-not make you worry yourself? Eh heh. Can… come back with like… some hair or something?”

“Oh, we have the time, fret not, mage. Guards, have our carriage prepared. We will be departing.” She looked around. “Student, bard, you will come with us.”

Twilight nodded nervously, her eyes resting on the horrified unicorn. This would not end well. No matter how powerful the unicorn was, if she had the capability to defeat an ursa major of all things, she couldn't imagine Nightmare Moon just letting her go.


The carriage slowly flew through the air. It was large, pulled by half a dozen pegasi and was able to hold Nightmare Moon on one side, Twilight, Moondancer and Trixie on the other. She tried to give the blue unicorn a reassuring smile, but the mare looked like she was going to throw up. When they finally landed, she half expected the mare to try and bolt. She hoped she didn’t. She didn’t imagine it would end well for her.

Finally, there was a light thump and the carriage came to a stop. The door opened after a moment and a bat pony stood outside, bowing his head. “Your highness?”

“Thank you,” Nightmare Moon said before trotting from the carriage, the others following quickly behind her. She then stared at the great forest, the trees seeming to reach up into the dark night. Twilight couldn’t be sure, but somehow they managed to look even scarier than last time. She wondered if it was because Nightmare Moon was with them. Or maybe because Trixie was shaking.

“S-so, all I have to do is… defeat the ursa major and I’m, err--”

“You will become my student, little mage. Is that not adequate compensation?”

“I-it’s plenty,” the mare said with a squeak. “A-are you sure you wish to do this, your highness? You, err, surely you have more important things you could be doing with your time? I mean, you are the ruler of all--”

“This is fine, young mage. Now, shall we go?” Nightmare Moon asked, pointing a wing towards it. “After all, it has been long since we have seen a mage who is of quite so much talent. Truly this will be a sight unlike any other.”

Trixie gulped but slowly started walking forward.

“Don’t worry,” Twilight said with a smile. “You said you beat one before, right?”

“W-what? Yes! I defeated the ursa major with ease! Ah… ha ha ha,” Trixie said with a weak smile.

“Then you’ll be fine. Nightmare Moon is a bit intimidating but she will honor her word,” Twilight said with a nod, before leaning in and whispering to her. “Besides, once you do this, I can probably talk her out of taking you as a student. So don’t worry, okay?”

“Y-yeah. The… Great and… Powerful Trixie isn’t… worried. She can handle an... an ursa major with ease,” she said, her voice getting a little higher.

Twilight nodded, a fake grin on her lips. She hoped she'd be able to talk the alicorn down at least. “So you've really managed to tame an ursa major?”

“O-of course I have,” she said quickly, giving a harrumph. “Why, for one as talented as me it was easy! Oh... ho ho ho... ho...”

“Wow. I hear they can grow up to the size of a castle. How did you manage it?”

“A-a castle?” Trixie asked weakly, more color draining from her face.

“Oh yeah, with fangs as big as three or four ponies! I can't believe you managed to best one. Do you mind if after this I get the story? I'd imagine it would be something everypony would just love to hear.”

“My story? What, are you a reporter? Oh, wait, no, you're a... what was it?”

“Bard. I am the bard of Nightmare Moon. Mostly I just record the events of her life and try to stop her from maiming ponies.”

Trixie gulped again. “I haven't heard of a bard in ages. Isn't that term kind of... outdated?”

“Yes, horribly so. But I'm not going to tell her,” Twilight whispered back.

The unicorn sighed, looking around nervously at the trees. Twilight would have been more nervous, but last time she'd come through here she'd been frantic and it had just been her and Rainbow. Now they had the magic of this mystery mare, Moondancer AND Nightmare Moon. She couldn't imagine even a hydra standing a chance, let alone anything else that'd dare challenge them.

Her thoughts were proven true when suddenly a pack of ferocious timber wolves lunged out from the thicket and were sent whimpering and whining back the way they came only moments later, their tails between their legs. “Ugh, such distasteful beasts,” Nightmare Moon said with a shake of her head. “Bard, do they serve any purpose?”

“Oh, yes, timber wolves are very important to the ecosystem,” Twilight said quickly. “I minored in plant/animal hybrids. You see, timber wolves are often responsible for many of the different kinds of plant life spreading around and their own natural magic combined with some of the strange plants around these areas have led to the creation of all kinds of strange and magical fruits, such as the zap apples and grenade oranges. And while both have seen plenty of combat usage, they are also quite useful in a plethora of recipes.”

“A simple yes would have sufficed,” Nightmare Moon said with a roll of her eyes.

“I-I knew that too,” Moondancer mumbled, glancing down towards the ground.

“Nerds,” Trixie muttered with a roll of her eyes.

“We're almost there,” the alicorn said, her eyes going up.

“Are you sure there's one this way?” Twilight asked. “I don't know if there are any in this local area.”

“Indeed. Did you not see the massive caverns when we landed here?”

“Yes? Wait, we're going to those? Why?” Trixie asked.

“Oh, oh, I know! I know!” Moondancer said quickly, then blushed when everypony turned to her. “W-well, I-I do. It's because ursas will often take up residence in caverns such as that. Due to their large size it can be difficult for them to find a proper home so they will take up residence wherever there's space. A large enough cavern is more often than not home to at least one ursa major.”

Twilight nodded. “Yup! Especially in a forest like this. With their diet of mostly plants and water, a thick vegetation area like this is perfect for them. I never saw any caverns, though.” She guessed she'd just been too nervous.

“Not to mention,” Moondancer added quickly. “The plant life of the area is very, very dense. Ursas tend to have a expansion effect on the area around them due to the fact that, when they move about, magic will often fall from their bodies and be absorbed back into the land. The magic inside them is so solid, in fact, that it gives them the appearance of having stars across their body, hence why they are named after the skies constellation.”

“Or rather, the constellation is named after them,” Twilight corrected.

“What? No, that's wrong. They're named after the constellation. All of my research points to that theory.”

“What? No, my research points to the constellation being named after them.”

“But that doesn't even make sense! It's just a big, magical bear, why would they name the sky after it? And what about scorpio and the others? And the star constellations that don't have animal like creatures here?”

“What else would they name them after? Obviously the inspiration for them, and the name, came from the ursas. Nightmare Moon? You made them, right? Which was it?”

Nightmare Moon blinked a few times and just a hint of red came to her cheeks. “We... must admit that it was many, many, many millenia ago that such stars were made. We... cannot remember.”

Twilight and Moondancer shared a look before letting out sighs of exasperation.

“We're here,” the alicorn said before stopping. They came out to a large, empty clearing in front of a massive cave that towered up into the heavens. There was a little sign in front with a picture of a teddy bear being crossed out and the words 'danger' written under it. “Go now, mage. Awaken the beast and prove your worth.”

Trixie gulped and slowly stepped forward, her hooves shaking. “O-of course. The Great and Powerful Trixie is... is not afraid of some... some minor ursa...” She walked to the mouth of the cave, barely a speck when compared to the size of the gaping void. Then, slowly, she thrust her horn forward. A spark formed at the end and was sent hurtling in.

It soon disappeared from view and then a few moments later there was a pop. Trixie held her breath for a moment before letting out a sigh of relief and turning to them. “Well, I guess this cave is empty, there's no need to waste out time with--”

A roar that would have shaken mountains came from the cave entrance, making the mare's ears wilt. She gave a light squeak and turned back. The ground began to rumble heavily under her, alerting her to whatever the thing that was coming, was big. She gave a scared squeak and looked up.

The ursa was massive, at least the size of a house. Its body was a clear blue, with glimmering stars seeming to be speckled all over its body. A great white star was emblazoned across its forehead.

Trixie squeaked and stared up at the creature, her eyes going wide with horror, her mouth falling open. The ursa gazed down at her and let out a roar so powerful it sent her toppling back with a squeak. The magician laid there for a moment before getting to her hooves. “R-right! Don't... don't think this is over. Y-you might be big but I've faced bigger, I--”

Then the ursa's eyes went wide. A purple glow surrounded them and the bear collapsed to the ground, snoring softly. Trixie stared. “T-that's right! That's right! You have fallen before the Great and Powerful Trixie, now--”

“Enough of your prattling, mage,” Nightmare Moon interrupted. “Get on with it.”

“On with... it?”

“Well, yes, that's just the ursa minor,” Twilight said. “The major is probably still inside the cave. Ohhhh, I can't wait to...” She blinked a few times. “Wait. I thought... you didn't mistake an ursa minor for a major, did you?”

“W-what? NO! Of course not! The... the Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't... doesn't make mistakes. She... she always... just... w-wait one moment.” Her horn glowed and she sent out another little orb of light.

This orb didn't go far before it hit the purple body of the ursa major. The creature was already awake, however. And looked less than pleased as it lumbered towards the cavern entrance, every step heavy enough to send Trixie falling to the ground. The unicorn stared up at the massive ursa, unable to stand.

The ursa barely seemed to notice her, its eyes instead falling on its sleeping child. Then it slowly turned its eyes towards Trixie and the mare's blood turned to ice. It let out a roar that sent her skidding along the ground, rolling head over hooves, before lumbering towards her.

“N-no!” Trixie screamed, backing away. “No no no, please, not like this, please! S-stop!”

“What?” Nightmare Moon asked. “But mage, I thought you claimed to have such great powers that even an ursa major could not stand against you?”

“I lied!” the unicorn screamed. “It was all a lie, I'm sorry! I-I'm just a showmare! I do shows! Little fancy magic tricks! That's all I do! I've never even seen an ursa major before today! Not even a minor!”

The ursa lifted a mighty paw, slamming it down at the mare. Trixie screamed. Twilight's eyes went wide and the paw crushed the mare. The earth pony stared with horror, a hoof covered her mouth as dust filled the air and blocked the grisly scene from view.

“S-she's... she's dead,” Twilight said weakly. “She just... she... she didn't even... she...”

“She's fine,” Nightmare Moon said, shaking her head. “Worry not, bard. We are not so merciless as to let this oaf kill herself for her transgressions.”

“Huh?” Twilight asked. The dust cleared and, hovered over the prone form of Trixie, was a great purple shield. A spell her brother had once used. The ursa's paw was on top of it. The ground around the shield had a great crater now, but the young unicorn was completely safe. Although she appeared to have fainted. “You... saved her.”

“Of course. Is she not one of our subjects?” Nightmare Moon asked before stepping forward. The ursa turned to look at her, lifting a paw up to smash the alicorn. “You do not wish to do that,” she warned.

The ursa held its paw aloft, still staring at the alicorn. However, slowly, it lowered itself to all fours and walked towards its child, scooping it up and crawling back into the cave, leaving them alone. Nightmare Moon harrumphed before walking to the bubble around Trixie and making it disappear with a light pop.

Trixie was laying there, her eyes rolled back in her head, mouth hanging open in a silent scream. The alicorn nudged her with a hoof a few times before finally kicking her, hard. The unicorn shrieked and looked around. “W-what happened?”

“You lied to us, foalish mage. And you will suffer for it. Greatly.” Nightmare Moon leaned in, her eyes narrowed. “Daring to mock us with such pitiful magic as your own... pathetic.”

The unicorn squeaked and whimpered, holding her front hooves to her chest in fright.

Twilight gulped, eying them both. Oh dear.


Nightmare Moon eyed the terrified mare, a hoof rubbing her chin. “Now... how to deal with you.”

“P-please, your highness. I meant no disrespect. I merely--”

“And yet you gave it,” the ruler said. “You marched through our streets, riled our ponies against us. Claimed that you could perform feats that even your illustrious ruler could not. And then you come and lie to her face about your actual talents. Now, tell us. Are these the actions of a pony who deserves mercy? Who deserves to be treated with kindness and gentleness?”

She slowly lowered her eyes and shook her head. “N-no, your highness.”

“No indeed. Now, we will not have you whipped or imprisoned.” There was a sigh of relief from the mare. “But for your treachery, we will instead take your livelihood.” She looked to the guards. “Bring Tirek here.”

Trixie squeaked. “My... livelihood?”

“Yes. You will be drained of the pathetic magic you so foalishly bragged of. Perhaps a life without your spells will teach you some humility.”

The unicorn stared, her eyes wide with horror. She was unable to speak for a few moments before she threw herself down before the mare. “N-no! You can't!”

“Oh, but we can. It is well within our rights and power. It is the least you deserve. Perhaps living without your magic will teach you proper respect and how to be humble.”

“P-please, I can change, give me another chance, please!”

Twilight took a deep breath, looking down at the mare, before turning to the ruler. “Your highness?”

Nightmare Moon gave an almost exasperated sigh, before turning towards Twilight. “Yes, bard?”

“If I may make a suggestion?”

“Such as? This mare has mocked us, insulted us, lied to us. What adequate punishment would you deem us give her?”

“Perhaps something less… permanent?” Twilight offered with a nervous smile. “Her words were offensive, but maybe just… ummmm...”

Nightmare Moon nodded, closing her eyes for a moment. “Very well. Then we will not make it permanent.” She glanced down to Trixie. “One year. That is the cost of your foalishness.”

“You’re… g-going to put me in prison for one year?”

“No. I am going to take your magic for one year. In the event that I deem you… worthy and properly humbled after a year, you may have it back.” She glanced to Twilight. “Do you have any objections?”

Twilight shook her head. It was a far more merciful, and bearable, punishment at least. Though she felt her mind spinning again now. She eeped when the door opened and Tirek was led inside. His face was forced into a frown. “Ah, so her royal darkness summons us once again.” He glanced down at Trixie. “One pony this time? Or did you intend to include your guards and servants?”

The blue unicorn stared up at the centaur, her eyes wide with fright. “N-no, please. I-I’ll stop performing! I’ll stop doing magic tricks! I’ll be a farmer! I’ll even be a rock farmer! P-please, don’t take my magic! You can’t! You can’t!” the unicorn screamed, before she turned tail and tried to flee, but before she made it a few feet she was picked up in purple magic and drawn back.

“This is your punishment for your crimes,” Nightmare Moon said. “You will bear it, one way or another. Cease your prattling or we will extend it.”

“No no no no,” Trixie whimpered, struggling in the magical binding as the centaur came closer. “Please, please no. I’ll do anything. I’ll--”

Tirek leaned in closer, opening his mouth. Within a few minutes the deed was done and the blue unicorn’s eyes closed and she collapsed in the magical grip, tears flowing down her face. Twilight closed her eyes and couldn’t watch as the power flowed into Nightmare Moon. Once it was done and she heard the clop clop of Tirek’s hooves walking away, she slowly peered at the collapsed mare.

“Guards, take her to be tended to. When she has awoken, send her on her way,” the alicorn said before getting to her hooves. “We will retire for the evening.”

Twilight eyed the alicorn for a moment, watching her leave, then the guards move into position. She waited a few moments before glancing to Moondancer. She then turned and walked off.


Twilight took a slow, deep breath before reaching out and gently tapping on the door. For a moment, there was silence, then a groggy voice. “Yes?”

“Nightmare Moon? It’s me, your bard. Can I speak with you?”

There was silence, then the door opened a crack. Twilight stepped inside and saw the great alicorn standing in front of her bed, gazing down on the mare. “What is it, bard? Have you come to make more demands?”

Twilight gulped and then shook her head. “N-no. I ummmm… I wanted to thank you.”

The alicorn looked confused. “Pardon?”

“I wanted to thank you for showing mercy on her. You didn’t have to, but you did. You could have easily just… drained her and tossed her aside. But… you listened to me and I ummmm...” She chewed on her lower lip. “Thank you.”

Nightmare Moon stared down at her. “We have already spoken of this, have we not? We told you that we respect your thoughts and opinions. You are my bard and you have served us well.”

Twilight nodded, looking down. “I… also wanted to say… I’m sorry,” she said softly.

That made the alicorn pause. “Sorry?”

“For the library. What I did… I was angry. Seeing books being destroyed like that… it was the wrong thing to do. It was very, very much the wrong thing to do and I expect better from you. But… you also… could have punished me for it. You might have. But you didn’t. You’ve been merciful and...” She was silent for a long moment. “And thank you… for Spike.”

The alicorn went rigid. “Spike? The dragon?”

“Yes, I know about what you… did.”

“We did nothing!” Nightmare Moon said defensively. “We merely allowed you to keep it as a pet, that is all. A foalish notion, but one we have, grudgingly, allowed.”

She blinked a few times, cocking her head to the side. “What? No, I mean the collar.”

“What about the collar?”

“It… didn’t choke him?”

“What? O-of course it would have. We warned him of it, did we not? We are not one to make idle threats. Especially not to one that threatened our kingdom, messenger or not.”

Twilight blinked a few times, her head cocking to the side. “What? But the collar didn’t activate?” The alicorn wasn’t looking her in the eye anymore, either.

“It was never triggered then, that is all. We would not have let the dragon walk around free, baby or not, after what it said. You are thinking too much on this, bard.”


“ENOUGH!” Nightmare Moon snapped, stomping a hoof down. “We will have no more talks of this matter. If you wish to get rid of your dragon pet, that is fine. We have no care for it.”

“What? No! Spike is great, he’s been really useful and I, I ummm… I just wanted to apologize. And thank you. For… being… nice. Now. Nicer. Than before. Less angry. I guess. Sorry.”

Nightmare Moon nodded. “Of course. We have only ever wanted what is best for our ponies, that is all.”

Twilight nodded and then started to go to the door, before pausing. “Your highness? Can you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Return that mare’s power to her? In a year? If she’s… good?”

“Of course we can.”

“Does that mean… the others you drained, you may return their power to them?”

There was a long pause, before the mare nodded. “Should I believe they ever truly swear loyalty to us, yes. But we will not stand by and allow ponies to make constant assaults on our life, just because we have no desire to execute them. Removing their power is merely the simplest means by which to ensure they cease their stupidity. Should they learn… it is possible that one day we may return the power to those who are truly loyal.”

Twilight’s heart skipped a beat. “R-really? All of them?”

“We severely doubt they would all ever prove to become loyal to us.”

“Oh, right. I… ummm… I… thank you, your highness. May… I be excused?”

“Of course.” Twilight almost made it to the door when she heard a soft sigh. “Ummm...”

The earth pony paused and glance back. “Yes, your highness?”

“Thank you. For the apology. We… understand we… had gone too far but...”

“You did… but… so did I. I’m just a little protective of books and I’m sorry.” The other mare didn’t respond and Twilight stepped out from the room, closing it behind herself. She looked towards the door for a moment, before heading down the steps. She didn’t know if it was wise, but a part of her wasn’t feel as scared as she felt she should. She wondered if Nightmare Moon really had meant all that, just how far could she push her? She couldn’t believe she was actually making changes. However, her task was done and she had some new information, which meant she only had one more place to go.


Twilight nervously pushed open the medical room’s door and gave a small smile to the blue unicorn laying on the bed. “Heyyyy...”

“The… the pathetic and useless Trixie doesn’t want to talk to you or anypony else,” Trixie muttered. “She merely wants to revel in her misery and consider jumping off the balcony.”

“There’s a lot of guards here, it wouldn’t work,” Twilight said before cringing. “That’s not… I mean… Trixie, right? I ummm… I wanted to see how you are doing.”

“How does it LOOK like I am doing?” the mare snapped, glaring at her. “I’m pathetic! I’m like… like an earth pony! No, worse than that! I don’t even have earth pony magic! My tricks, my illusions, all of them, gone!”

“W-well, it’ll… just be for a year...”

“Bah! As if that mare will ever return my powers to me. After… after this humiliation I...” She lowered her head back down. “Please, just leave me in my misery. Let me suffer alone.”

Twilight frowned and moved over, reaching out and gently patting her back.

“Do not touch me.”

Twilight yanked her hoof back. “E-eep, sorry. So, ummm, is there anypony I can call?”

“Call? Like who, the press? Want this in some tabloid? The Great and Powerful Trixie, ruined?”

“No, like family? Somepony you could… stay with for a while, maybe?”

There was a long moment of silence before she shook her head. “No. There is nopony. Why would there be anypony?”

“Maybe some friends or--”

“NO! Just leave! I will tend to this myself!” the unicorn screamed.

Twilight cringed and backed away. “T-Trixie. It’s just for a year. If… if you can stay out of trouble, I assure you you’ll get your powers back,” she said softly.

“Go! Just go!” Trixie yelled, burying her head in her pillow.

Twilight watched her, before sighing. She turned and made her way to the door.

“Wait,” Trixie’s voice came up, making the mare pause at the door.

“Yes?” Twilight asked, glancing back.

The unicorn sat up, staring at the mare. “Will... will she really... give me my power back?”

“In a year, yes. I can pretty much guarantee it. Nightmare Moon is a bit of a...” She struggled for the right word. A part of her wanted to say something nasty, but the mare was calming down. Slowly. It didn't feel right. She supposed she should just go with the standard. “Difficult mare at times. She's often... not the friendliest or calmest. But she will often keep her word and tries to work with her ponies. I can assure you, in one year's time if you can avoid taunting her, your powers will be returned.” Oh how she hoped that was true.

Trixie sighed and closed her eyes, giving a nod. “G-good. I... I need my... powers. I need my magic. I can't... I won't...” She shuddered.

“I know it's hard,” Twilight said softly before walking over and patting her withers. “But it'll be okay. In a year your life will be back to normal. Is there anypony you can stay with for the time being?”


“Friends, family? There has to be somepony, right?”

The mare shook her head. “No. Ugh, this means I'm going to have to get a... a common job like some NORMAL pony, doesn't it?”

Twilight frowned, not sure how she felt about the way she said 'normal' pony. But she did nod. “Yes, I supposed you will. Do you have any special skills or talents that will, ahhh, help?”

“Skills? Talents?” Trixie puffed up her chest. “Why, I am the greatest stage magician alive and the second greatest to have ever lived!” She then collapsed back down. “But now I'm just... just some kind of horned earth pony,” she grumbled darkly.

Twilight sighed and rubbed her chin. “I... might know a place you can work. It likely won't be comfortable, but compared to... well, your complete and utter lack of options, it may be your best bet.”

Trixie hummed and glanced over. “What do you have in mind?”

Twilight grinned weakly at her. “W-well... how do you feel about, ummm... apple bucking?”


“Yah gotta be kiddin' me,” Applejack said, glowering at Twilight. “Yah want meh tah hire that mare?” Applejack asked, pointing a hoof emphatically at the door. “Do yah got ANY idea the trouble she went an' caused us down in Ponyville?”

The earth pony gulped and shook her head. “Err, no?”

“Well, let meh tell yah. The lil show she put on here? Yeah, it was jus' the tip of the ice berg. She showed up a few days back, spoutin' off about how anythin' we can do, she can do better. Ended up peevin' half the town!”

Twilight cringed. “And to you?”

“She didn't do anythin' tah me. Ah wasn't around. But apparently she tried tah get Big Mac tah be one of her show stallions, wanted him tah dance on stage!”

Twilight stared, her mouth falling open. “Please tell me you're joking.” She couldn't avoid getting a little pink in her cheeks.

“Eeyup! Even magiced on some feathery outfit ontah him. If yah send her down tah Ponyville without some warnin' the mare's gonna get lynched! An' considerin' some of the stories I've heard, she might darn well deserve it!”

Twilight cringed and gave a nod. This was not what she wanted to hear. But it wasn't like she had a lot of other options. “You need help on the farm, don't you?”

Applejack frowned, before sighing. “Nah. We could always use an extra hoof, but ah ain't sure some lil unicorn is gonna be much use. Especially one like that.”

“What if, err, the crown was able to partially compensate you for what you spend on her?”

Applejack blinked, frown. “Yah mean basically yah pay her tah work for meh?”

“Yes! Sorta.”

Applejack rubbed her chin, then shook her head. “No. Ah don't like it.”

“W-what? Why? It's perfect! She gets a job, you get a pony working for you, it works in every way!”

“It sounds a bit too much like a hoof out. Ah been runnin' that farm for years an' ah ain't never needed the government tah pay for anythin' of mine. It...” She trailed off, before shaking her head. “She really ain't got nowhere else tah go?”

“She really ain't. Doesn't,” Twilight said with a sigh.

“Why can't Nightmare Moon deal with her? This whole mess is her fault!”

“Yes, it is. But I'm not sure if Trixie can last a full year under her eye.”

Applejack groaned and shook her head, before blinking. “Wait, yah want her tah do some kinda government work, right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Well, Ponyville's needed a librarian for a while.”

Twilight tried to process that. “Has... NEEDED one for a while? As in doesn't HAVE one? That's... that doesn't... how can... how has it survived?! How are you ponies living there?”

“It's survived just fine without one of you fancy book pushers,” Applejack said smugly. “But listen. We ain't had one for, well, a bit since before Nightmare Moon came. Now, the place practically runs itself and they've been usin' it more or less as storage an' temporary lodging whenever some fancy hoity toity from Canterlot swings by and needs government lodging. Ah'm sure if yah talk tah Mayor Mare, she'd be more than happy tah set Trixie up there. She'd need tah deal with cleanin' the place up and movin' all the storage an' such. But it'll probably be a lot better than workin' on the farm.”

Twilight blinked, then nodded. “I... I guess that can work. Was she really that bad?”

“Accordin' tah some of the accounts ah've heard, yeah. Ah missed the whole thing or ah mighta hoofed her in the face. Ah mean, what kinda pony goes walkin' inta town braggin' about how they're better than everypony else?”

“A... very confident one?”

Applejack just stared flatly at her.

“... Right. But it's not like she has a lot of options.”

Applejack sighed and gave a nod. “Ah know. Ah'll send a letter back, give everypony a bit of warning. Yah try an' get matters settled diplomatically, okay? See if we can at least tolerate her. How about that mare? How she faring?”

“Trixie? She's... upset. When I told her the idea... she was less than thrilled at the notion of working a farm.”

“... Really. Yah don't say,” Applejack said without a hint of disbelief, making Twilight's cheeks turn red.

“L-listen, I still think if there's no other option it won't be a bad idea. Will you at least consider it?”

Applejack sighed and put a hoof to her face, shaking it. “Fine. Whatever. If yah can't get the library to work, ah'll see what ah can do. But she likely won't be paid much, we ain't exactly rollin' in bits. But we can give her lodgin' and meals if she works hard. Sound good?”

Twilight nodded. “That sounds perfect. Thank you.” She glanced towards the door. “I'd probably best go meet with her again, let her know.”

Applejack nodded. “Well, yah have some luck with that. Ah gotta go get back tah work on the menu.”

“Oh? Is it giving you any trouble?”

“What? Nahhhh. Ah'm workin' on all kinds of fancy dishes from all over the Apple family. This here gonna be a feast unlike any other, jus' yah wait an' see.”

Twilight nodded, licking her lips. “Well, if it's anything like what I've sampled down at your farm, it'll be amazing.”

The earth pony laughed. “Hey, yah go an' get me gigs like this more often, ah'll go ahead an' feed yah whateva yah like when yah come by. Buck, ah'll get yah tah the point we need tah roll yah out!”

Twilight snickered and shook her head. “Thanks, but I'd rather not. I do appreciate it, though. I'm going to go tell her what I'm going to try, okay? Thanks.” She gave one last nod before walking int the room.

“Ugh. So, tell me. Is the Great and Powerful Trixie going to be stuck kicking your little apple trees?”

Twilight frowned. It seemed that with the knowledge her magic would return in the mare's mind, part of her arrogance was returning. “Maybe. We might have something a bit more your speed.”

Trixie blinked, glaring. “You don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie is smart enough to buck trees? Hmph.”

“We might have you work in a library, if the mayor is okay with it. Down in Ponyville.”

The blue mare sat up. “Wait, as a librarian? That is a far, far more suitable job for one such as me. It would be a waste of my time to tend to these trees, far better to leave it to the common, uncultured--”

“I can and will toss you into a wall if you start insulting my friends,” Twilight snapped. “I've done it to bigger mares than you.”

Trixie opened her mouth to object, but the look in the earth pony's eyes made her slowly close it before she lowered herself back down. “I... see. Very well. A job in this library sounds far more tolerable.” Then she sat up, her eyes going wide. “My wagon? Is it okay?”

Twilight blinked. “Your... wagon? I think it's still in the castle lot. I should probably make sure they don't tow it somewhere. Why?”

“Why? Why not? It has all of my earthly possessions in it,” the mare said with annoyance. “I will require a place to set it up if I am to live in this Ponyville.”

“... I'll see what I can do. But the library might have lodgings already.”

“That will be fine. I do not require much. Food, water, bits, a place to store my wagon, the bare essentials.” Trixie dramatically wiped a hoof across her brow. “This year will be a true challenge, a horrible, awful test of my abilities. But the Great and Powerful Trixie will never kneel down and give up due to the work of some--” The words caught in her throat and she shuddered. She then glanced to the side. “Some misfortune from the ruler.”

Twilight smiled, giving a nod. “Okay. I'll go get everything settled. Try to rest, okay?”

The mare nodded. “Of course.”

The earth pony nodded and turned back, trotting out of the room. She hummed and rubbed her chin, before trotting in the direction of the dungeons. She wanted to pay a visit to a certain centaur before she returned to work. And find out if what Nightmare Moon said was true.


“Oh? Come to complain about your ruler?” Tirek asked, glancing up from his book. “Did you perchance fling her out a window this time?”

“Glad to see you, too,” Twilight mumbled as she made her last few steps down the stairs. “Actually, I apologized.”

“Oh? You apologized after she drained that mare? Was it fear, or perchance did you think it would make her relinquish her control?”

“Actually, I felt she was... trying. To be merciful. And after my reaction before, considering she didn't...” Twilight hummed. “Well, things could have gone worse. But they didn't. She's been... rather kind to me, so I wanted to thank her for it and apologize for flinging her. It might have been a bit of an over reaction.”

Tirek chuckled. “You're lucky you weren't flogged, little pony. I'm surprised you apologized to her, however. You know this is how she is, do you not?”

“How she is?”

The centaur glowered at her. “She is a creature of power like I. Do you really believe that one day she will truly grow to care for you? I hear the whispers from above, the things you ponies say about her. She doesn't have your love, affection or respect. She merely has your fear. And she has tasted the sweet temptation of real power. Once she doesn’t get what she desires willingly, she will begin to take it by force. Those who don’t bow to her whims will soon find themselves in the same state as I, enchanted and bound.”

Twilight sighed. “There’d be no point in that and… she sees it.”

“You honestly believe that?”

“What would be the point? She has power. What would she do with more? Nopony cares about how powerful she is, they only care about the things she’s done. And unfortunately, she’s done a lot of horrible things. But she’s learning. Slowly.”

“Power is all that matters, pony. And one day you will learn that. She may be playing nicely, for now, but eventually she will stop. She will decide that you ponies are worth less than what she can just take… then you’ll learn to see things my way.”

Twilight stared at the centaur, before slowly looking off to the side. “I hope that day never comes. Have you been enjoying the desserts I’ve had sent?”

He was silent for a few moments before nodding. “They have proven to be adequate. When I finally manage to free myself from my bonds and take over your little kingdom, perhaps I will have a use for your cooks.”



“Technically bakers. Well, I guess a baker is a type of cook, but I think they’re actually just bakers. I wonder if that werepony is working for them...”

“… What are you talking about?”

“Nothing. Stuff. Just… never mind,” Twilight said before shaking her head. “My life has just gotten weird.”

“Gotten weird?”

“I used to worry if my new book was going to end up getting people offended because I made a villain too villainous or not villainous enough. Or if they’d decide a character who was mostly good was suddenly offensive because they didn’t like some other character. Or… well, things like that. Now I’m afraid if I say the wrong thing, Nightmare Moon may go on a massive purge of all non-pony races. And might succeed. It’s getting a little stressful.”

“Then why not just flee?”

“Flee? No, that’s not--”

“It’s always an option, little pony,” Tirek said with a sigh.

“Nightmare Moon would--”

“Would what? Be upset? Angry? You have flung her against a wall and gotten away unscathed. Do you truly believe she shall hurt you? No. Pony, you’d best leave now.” He smiled coldly to her. “While she is feeling kind. Because if you don’t, you’ll fall deeper into her power. Eventually that option of escape will be lost to you and you’ll have nopony to blame but yourself.”

“But I’m helping ponies now, I’m--”

“So? Allow somepony else to do it.”

“I can’t!”


“I… I have the chance. The ability to. I can’t just--”

“You are a writer, are you not? How is any of this your responsibility? Why should you even care? You have given no oath to protect this lands. So why do it if it frustrates you so?”

She stared, opening her mouth before looking down. “I… I have to. I--”

“No, you don’t,” Tirek said with a soft chuckle. “I’ve already figured out why, though.”

Twilight sighed. “Really? Okay, why do I do it?”

“The same reason I exist, the same thing that Nightmare Moon is reveling in. Power.”

Twilight stared. “W-what? I don’t have power!”

“Oh, but you do, little mare. You have attacked your ruler and remain unscathed. You need merely say the word and she bends to your will. Using nothing but ink and words you have managed to become one of the most powerful ponies in this foalish little kingdom, a true threat to any who would dare turn against you. And you are reveling in it.”

Twilight stared at him, her mouth falling open. “You’re insane. I don’t, why would I want power like that? Why would--”

“Oh, don’t try to fool me, pony. I had been… struggling to understand your motivations for the longest time. To understand why a pony such as you would even wish to be here. To try and be…. considerate of me. But it all makes so much sense now. You, little earth pony, crave power just as anyone else. But unlike me or your ruler, you do not have the strength to take it. Instead you move in close to those who have it. You twist your fancy words to make them slowly bow to your whims.”

“That’s not, I don’t--”

“It’s no insult, pony,” he said with a shake of his head. “In fact, I am most impressed. I had believed myself a master of manipulation, one who could control even the strongest minds. But you, little creature, had almost managed to pull the wool over my eyes.”

“I-I have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re not making any sense.”

“Oh, but I am making perfect sense, little pony,” he said with a laugh. “Or have you even managed to fool yourself?” He put his book down and slowly got up, moving closer. “You’ve said it yourself, you’re protecting ponies. How better to do it than to control your ruler? To manipulate her into properly serving you? And then, when the time is right, replace her?”

Twilight took a step back, shaking her head. “You’re not… making any sense. That’s stupid. That theory doesn’t even make sense...”

“And it makes less sense than some whiny little earth pony who believes her little ruler can be saved? How many hundreds of thousands of your ponies will be drained of their very essence before you will understand?” he asked with a chuckle. “You may not realize what you’re doing, but I can. Eventually you will turn on this mare. Your thirst for power will drive you to it.” He took a step forward, up against the bars. “And then that mare will leave an opening. An opening you will have spent months or even years creating. And then you will take her place. As that is what you’ve been after all along.”

Twilight took a slow, deep breath, before staring flatly at him. “And let me guess, if I aid you, you will give me that power?”

He blinked. “Of course not.”

“The whole imprisoned villain slowly turning the pony from the shadows is an overdone trope.”

“W-what?” he asked, staring at her in shock.

“Tirek. I’m a WRITER. I’ve written dozens of stories where the villains end up trying to turn the heroes against their friends and the like by making up stuff like… that. If you want to try tricking me into aiding your escape or something else silly, you’ll need to try a lot harder.”

He stared at her for a few moments before snorting. “It’s no--”

“It’s no trick, I’m sure,” she said flatly. “I have no want, nor need, for power. I’m merely doing this because I don’t know what Nightmare Moon will do if I stop. And I don’t want to find out I’ve left Equestria in a worse position than before. I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing, all I know is I’m trying my hardest and hoping and praying that I can get everything right. That I won’t mess it up and cause things to spiral out of control. You don’t have to believe me, if you don’t want to. If you’d rather see me as some power hungry mare, trying to manipulate Nightmare Moon for my own ends, feel free. It’s delusional, but what do I care?”

Tirek blinked and stared at her. He then burst into laughter, shaking his head and trotting back to his bed. “Very well, call me delusional. But the time will come, little pony. She will offer you power, true power. And then you will feel the same taste I and so many others have and then you will become just like me.”

Twilight shook her head. “No, I won’t. I only want to help ponies and… this isn’t a power situation. We can’t just blast everything back to normal. Not after all that’s happened. We’d need Celestia for that.”

“Oh? And have you found her?”

The earth pony went silent. She looked away from him before turning and walking towards the stairs, trotting up them with a sigh. She soon heard Tirek’s laughter from below.

Author's Note:

And so begins Trixie's story! So, over the next few days I will post the remaining chapters of the first season of Twilight Glow. That's right. It's done. Once I finish posting it all, I'll give 2 weeks into the start of december, due to the holidays, to finish up the contest. But the time is coming, so if you want to submit something, now is the time.

Sorry took a bit longer on this one, my mind has been.... everywhere lately. Just... ugh.

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