• Published 9th Feb 2016
  • 14,857 Views, 1,899 Comments

The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S1 CH 12. Representatives

Rainbow blinked and glanced up, cocking her head to the side. It was so late, what had woken her up? Then again, she supposed it was always late now. What with the moon and all. Still, she had been having the best dream ever.

Then a light knocking came from her door. Well, at least now she knew what woke her up. “I’m coming I’m coming!” she called before getting to her hooves. She scratched her side before trotting through her house, making her way to the door.

Outside was pegasus. She couldn’t tell much about him. Aside from the fact he had the most AWESOME uniform on. It was black and purple, with a skull over the cutie mark and lightning bolts separating the colors. He wore yellow goggles and had a dark blue mane. “Hello, mind if I come in?”

“A little, who are you?” she asked, cocking an eye.

“Shadowfang, a pleasure,” he said, bowing his head. “Member of the royal Shadowbolts, Equestria’s new top fliers.” He stood up, flashing her a smile. She couldn’t help but notice his teeth were quite sharp. “You’re Rainbow Dash, correct? I’ve heard you’re one of the greatest fliers of all time.’

She had been concerned at first. A little wary. But that made all of it shut off. “Well, duh! Come on in!” she said, grinning. “Just call me Rainbow. So, Shadowbolts, huh? Never heard of them.”

“We’re new. Nightmare Moon has requested the greatest fliers in the world to become members of it. And after we heard about your stunt… well, punching out her highness, while not the smartest thing, is pretty brave.”

Rainbow chuckled and then glanced to her back. “Yeah… still… wouldn’t do it again. After what happened to me and Twilight...”

“Still, that took gumption.” He looked around her house, scratching his chin with a clawed hoof. “So we’ve been looking for young fliers like you. Fliers who can help motivate ponies and have that awesome attitude, as well as the skills to back it up. We’re trying to get at least one from each major town and city as well. So, Rainbow, what do you say. Think you’d be interested?” He turned towards her and lifted up his goggles, revealing yellow eyes. “Now, I’m not saying you’d be just any flier, either. How does Captain sound?”

“YEAH!” Rainbow said, pumping a hoof into the air before letting out a little sqwee of delight. “Sign me up! What do I have to do?”

“I just need you to fill out some paperwork, that’s all. Captain,” he said with a nod before pulling some papers out of his uniform and placing them on the table. “Happy you came around.”

“Are you kidding? You came to the best flier this side of the Wonderbolts,” she said, trotting towards them and pausing. “Wait. What’s… happening to the Wonderbolts?”

He paused. “Many… of them are joining us as well. Consider it a re-branding.”

“Wait, so I get to be a captain, a professional flier AND I get to fly with members of the Wonderbolts? Sign me up!” She took out the pen and started writing. “This is going to be awesome!”

“Of course it will be, Rainbow. A pleasure to have you with us.”


Fluttershy groaned softly, rubbing her forehead. Who could be coming to visit her at this hour? She hoped it wasn't anything too bad. She trotted down stairs, giving a soft yawn as she walked. “Who is it?” she called out.

“Is this Fluttershy's cottage?” a voice asked.


“I have an animal emergency.”

The pegasus went into full alert. She opened the door, revealing a red bat pony with a black cape. He looked very pale and, clutched in his hooves, was a small little vampire fruit bat. “My little pet has suffered a nasty tummy ache and I heard you were the absolute best at dealing with hurt animals.”

“Oh dear oh dear oh dear,” Fluttershy said, her eyes locked on the poor thing. She trotted towards her kitchen. “Hold on one second and I'll see what I can do. Come in, come in,” she said quickly.

The bat pony grinned, flashing a pair of sharp fangs. “Thank you, Fluttershy. You're far too kind. Come along, Artemis.”

The pegasus paused and glanced back. Strange. All of her pets suddenly darted into their homes and were hiding. She couldn't imagine why. Even Angel was hiding inside with the other bunnies. She'd never seen him frightened before.

Vampire fruit bats weren't that scary, were they?

“Oh, I didn't catch your name?”

“Nightwing. I'm new in town. I just flew in from Trotslvania.”

“Oh? That sounds nice. I've never been there but I hear it's very nice.” She trotted over and deposited a fresh cup of hot apple cider in front of the bat. “Now, tell me what's wrong?”

The bat gently leaned forward and sipped the drink, before looking up at her. “Squeak squeak squeak.”



“Oh, you poor, poor dear. Don't you worry one little bit, I'll have you fixed up right as rain.”


Rarity sighed before she put on a small red ribbon with a gentle pink dress, the third dress. Three of her ponyquins were now covered, the other three were uncovered. She rubbed her chin, eying it nervously. “But does it really... work?” she asked herself. She shook her head and sighed. “Ugh, what time is it?” she said before looking to the clock and cringing. “Oh dear.” She turned and trotted off. “I do miss the sun. It was so much easier to tell when it was dark. Not to mention a tad less chilly.” She flipped off the switch and glanced back at her seven ponyquins. She then trotted down the hall.

She came back a moment later, her head cocked to the side. She flipped the light back on. Six ponyquins. Definitely six. She flipped it off a moment later. Seven now. Confusion etched on her features before she flipped it on and off, again and again. Still the seventh seemed to appear. “What in the...” She flipped it off again and looked for what could possibly be making that shadow. But there was nothing there. Just a blank wall. She turned it off again.

It was definitely there. Just turned towards her dresses. Waiting there. She frowned and turned it on one more time, then off again. “What in the--”

It moved! She let out a shriek and jumped back. “Who are you? What are you doing there? What do you want?!” She flicked the light on again and it disappeared. She let out a sigh of relief before shaking her head. “No. No, Rarity. No. You're just... you're overworked. That's all. It has been a long night, you're tired, you're just... that's all.” She turned and started towards her room, though she didn't turn the light off this time. She hummed and started performing her nightly rituals, cleaning her face and applying her mask before, finally, sliding into her bed with a gentle sigh. “A nice, refreshing night's sleep. That's what you need. Not like there's any other kind of... time to sleep these days,” she muttered. She switched off the light.

There was a ponyquin across the room, illuminated gently by the moon's glow from the window. She quickly turned her bedside lamp on. It disappeared. She flickered it off and on a few more times, each time the ponyquin appearing and disappearing.

There was a pop and her light went out. She tried flickering it back on, but it refused to move. The ponyquin turned and started walking towards her. She let out a nervous squeak when it came closer. Her horn glowed, casting a little light to the hoof of her bed.

The creature walked closer, not disappearing in the horn's glow. It looked pony... except it wasn't. Its body was a pale gray, as if it was made of smoke. Its eyes were empty and white. There were no facial features. No mouth, no nose. Its pale, white eyes stared at her, before slowly reaching a hoof out towards her.

Rarity screamed.


Twilight tried to avoid screaming when light trumpeting filled the room suddenly.

“Bard, there is no need to be so nervous,” Nightmare Moon said, casting her eyes down on the mare. “You are in our court, you are safe.”

“S-sorry, your highness. I just wish...” She squeaked, covering her mouth.

“Wish what?”

“Wish my... friends were here.”

“Oh, do not fret. If your friends are to be trusted, they will be fine.”

The earth pony blinked. “Wait, what?”

“Announcing Sir Gorda of Griffonstone!” a voice yelled.

Her eyes were quickly diverted to the entrance where a finely dressed griffon stood, wearing bright purple garments. He harrumphed when he trotted forward. He didn't bow, however, instead trotting towards Nightmare Moon with impudence. He gave a scowl of disgust. “So you are the one who has usurped Celestia? I must say, I'm hardly impressed. I expected the great tyrant that took over these lands would--” His beak was clamped shut with magic. Nightmare Moon stared down at him.

“You are in the presence of the ruler of Equestria. We will forget your... outbursts once, out of kindness for the treaties the one we replaced created. However, we will not forgive it a second time. Speak to us in such a way again and we will snap your wings like dry twigs.”

The magic disappeared. The griffon stared at her, before ruffling his feathers and pulling himself up to his full height. “L-listen here you over inflated pegasus! I am a representative of Griffonstone and I will NOT be spoken to in such a manner! If you do not cease your tongue, we of Griffonstone will bring war down upon your people and you--” He let out a shriek as he was lifted into the air by his wing.

“We did warn you,” Nightmare Moon said.

Twilight opened her mouth to object, before cringing. “Y-your highness, perhaps--”

“NO!” the ruler snapped. “Bard, cease. This... creature is not of our lands and we owe him no such protections as we do our ponies. Or would you prefer that we send our wrath against the ponies of our land, over this buffoon?”

“Put me down this instant, you... you overstuffed moon bag!”

Twilight stared at the griffon and looked away. Oh no. She heard the sickening crunch a moment later, followed by the scream. Then another crunch, then two more. When she looked back, the griffon's wing had been folded neatly up, the bones snapped in the movement.

Nightmare Moon stared down at the griffon. “If you and your ilk will bring war down on our ponies, then we will destroy you and burn your lands to cinders. If so much as one of your soldiers steps a single misshapen talon in our lands, every last one of your kind will feel our wrath, down to the smallest chick.” She then dropped the sobbing griffon.

“Y-your highness,” Moondancer said, glancing up at her. “About... what we spoke of?”

Nightmare Moon sighed and rolled her eyes. “Very well. If you step talon in our lands again, we will purge you. However, we will, in our infinite mercy and kindness, maintain the trade agreements between our lands for the time being. We would advise your kind to find a new representative. One without so crass a beak. Remove this thing from our sight.”

A few unicorns quickly raced forward, one of them making the griffon drink from a jar. The others delicately held his wing in their magic before hauling the griffon off. She was relieved to see that they were at least trying to keep the griffon's injury from worsening.

After a few moments the doors opened again. “Introducing Representative Tswana of Zebracorn.”

Twilight cringed, before turning to the zebra mare walking inside. Nightmare Moon gazed down at the mare.

“Maiden of the stars, I greet thee,” the zebra said, bowing her head respectfully.

Nightmare Moon chuckled and gave a nod. “Ah, a proper guest. Fret not, zebra. We remember our time a thousand years ago. You and your kind were always friends to our night and we have not forgotten. We have looked over the treaties and trade agreements between our people and they will remain, as well all travel.”

“We thank you for your generosity,” the mare said with another bow of her head. Twilight just sat there, stunned, only barely noticing the sigh of relief from the zebra.

“Is something wrong, bard?” Nightmare Moon asked while the zebra walked away.

“W-what? No! That was just so... quick and, err...”


“You're... honoring... agreements?”

The mare cocked an eye. “Indeed we are. The griffons...” She rubbed her chin. “Have their uses. There is little to be gained at this point to wiping them out. But if the time comes, we shall do so without regret. The zebras have always been our friends and have done well to know their place. Along with the bat ponies, they were the few of our tribes that listened well to the ruler of these lands. A shame they have sought new pastures outside of our lands, but with that mare ruling these lands, we cannot blame them for making such decisions.”

She blinked. “W-wait, so they were... your friends before you became Nightmare Moon? They listened to you?” Twilight's eyes moved to Moondancer for a moment. She wondered how much of these decisions to honor agreements were thanks to her.

Nightmare Moon blinked and then slowly her eyes lowered. “They were... better than many of the others. But the zebras were never quite as... interested in the world of the other ponies. While they were more loyal than most of our subjects, they were often...”

Twilight cringed. “I... I see,” she muttered, checking that off her list of hope.

“But, be it as it may, zebras are still pony and even if they are no longer part of our kingdom, they will always be our subjects. One day, now that our sister is gone, they will return to the safety of our wing and find us ready.”

Twilight nodded nervously, before glancing towards the doors as more diplomats entered. To her relief, it wasn't a blood bath. In fact, many of them were treated with poise and dignity she didn't expect from the ruler. She made a mental note to send Moondancer a fruit basket for this, she had no doubt the mare was involved. It likely helped that most of the others showed her proper respect. Even the yaks, who she had always heard were foul tempered, were proper guests.

Then the dragon's representative came. When she heard it announced, she'd expected the windows to be opened and just a head to pop out.

Instead, a tiny little purple dragon, only a foot or so tall, came walking down the carpet. He was positively adorable, with little green scales on his forehead. He had a small bag and was covered in dirt.

“Sir... Spike... the baby dragon,” the announcer called.

The dragon gulped and poked his fingers together, staring up at the mare. “I... errr...”

“Yes, dragon?” Nightmare Moon asked, staring down at him. The poor dear was trembling.

“I… I ummmm...”

“Well?” the ruler of the night asked, annoyance begin to form on her features. “Spit it out, lizard.”

“I-I bring a message from the Dragon Lord.”

“Oh? We wonder if We know this one.”

“Lord Torch.”

“No, we’re afraid not. A shame. Well, what does he have to say?”

He gulped and took a slow, deep breath. “His… his lordship… he has decried this usurping of the throne as a sign that Celestia is weak, that Equestria has fallen. My kin will wage war upon your lands if you do not relinquish these territories to us immediately,” the dragon said before pulling a small scroll from his backpack.

Nightmare Moon merely chuckled, gripping the scroll in her magic. She pulled it over and then cocked an eye. “Oh dear. It seems he really, truly does wish to wage war upon us. We were expecting some… minor requests, enough to save face for himself. Alas.” She gave another chuckle before the scroll burst into flame. “We suppose there’s nothing that can be done about it. We’ve always wanted a Dragon Lord’s head hanging over our throne. If this… Torch wishes to die by our hooves, then we shall abide him. If he feared our sister, he will learn there is so much more to fear now.” Her eyes then fell on the dragon. “Tell us, young one. Why were you sent to deliver this message?”

“W-when… when the Dragon Lord speaks, we must obey.”

“Oh? But why you?”

He gulped and lowered his eyes. Twilight could see the fear in his eyes. “Because… because I… am… expendable and… and he believed you would… kill the messenger.”

She nodded. “Oh? Well, he was correct.” Her horn glowed and picked him up. “Unlike those griffons, there’s no need for civilities with war already upon us, now is there?”

Twilight stared, her eyes going narrow as pinpricks. While the dragon had brought an awful message, it hadn’t been his decision. Unlike the griffon, he’d just been tossed aside. He didn’t deserve this. “Wait!” the bard called out.

Nightmare Moon cocked an eye and glanced down. “Yes, bard?” she asked, holding the dragon in her grip as he struggled.

“We… we can...” She tried to think of some excuse, some reason. “He could still be useful! He might have information about the dragon lands!”

The ruler chuckled. “You believe they would send a child into my clutches so simply, while yet giving him information I can use against them?”

“M-maybe?” she said, staring up at the frightened dragon. A new thought clicked into her mind.


“But even if they didn’t, there could still be a use for him?”

“Oh? And what use could this creature pose?”

“A pet.”

“What?” Nightmare Moon, Spike and Moondancer all said at once, staring at her as if she was mad.

“He could be your pet! He’s just a young dragon, right? He’s too young and weak to be any kind of threat or use at this point. But he’s still a dragon! You could keep him as a pet, teach him to properly obey you. Imagine what the other countries would think about that!”

Nightmare Moon snorted, looking down at the dragon. “Why would we care about such a creature, pet or no?”

Twilight shuffled her hooves together. She had to do something. “I-I could keep him as a pet?” she asked, her voice getting almost whiny.

The alicorn turned down on her. Now she absolutely stared at her as if she was mad. “You wish to keep this… thing as a pet?”

Moondancer’s mouth had fallen open and she just stared.

“Yes! A pet! Me, please?” she asked, gulping nervously. “I-I’ll take good care of him. I’ll keep him out of your way and make sure he doesn’t cause any problems or anything. I promise.”

Nightmare Moon snorted, looking down at the dragon. She then smiled, before dropping the dragon on the ground. After a moment, a black collar formed around his neck, encrusted with a moon symbol. “Very well. Dragon. From now until my bard tires of you, you will serve her. If, at any point, she deems you unsuitable for being a pet… this collar will choke the very life from you. If you leave her side for more than a few minutes, it will do it as well. Have we made ourselves clear?”

The dragon just stared up at her and nodded, before scampering over to behind Twilight. She let out a sigh of relief. Nightmare Moon nodded before looking towards the guards.

“That is the last of the representatives, your highness.”

“Good. Then there are the other matters to attend to. Bring in the nobles we summoned.”

Twilight blinked a few times. Nobles? She urked and looked around, but there was no sign of Tirek. Yet. However, when the ponies entered the room she couldn’t help but notice how nervous they were. One stood forward, a white unicorn with a blue mane.

“Your highness. My name is Fancy Pants, a pleasure to meet you.” He bowed politely.

Nightmare Moon cocked an eye. “Is this truly the best our kingdom has to offer?” she asked with a sigh. “Very well. The reason we have summoned you here is to discuss the Grand Galloping Gala.”

Twilight barely managed to suppress her sigh of relief. After the day’s ordeals, something so simple and mundane was a relief. “Of course, your highness. We, errr, have already purchased our tickets and cannot await the festivities.”

Nightmare Moon nodded. “Of course. And this gala will be the grandest we have ever held. It will be the largest. Accordingly… the size of the guest allowances has been… doubled.”

There was a low choking from the nobles. “W-we… we see,” Fancy said, before nervously adjusting his monocle. “Why, this is marvelous news! I assume this means additional tickets will be available for purchase?”

“Indeed. As those who have supported the crown for such an extended time, we knew that we should be generous and allow our most loyal subjects the benefit of an early--” The lights in the room flickered. The alicorn smiled, her teeth being shown to them as she turned to gaze towards the door.

In the doorway two ponies stood. The one on the right was like nothing she’d seen before. It looked like a pony, but it was covered in fur, with large glowing yellow eyes, massive fangs and long claws extending from its hooves. The other was a very pale unicorn in a blood red cloak. His eyes were slitted and his mouth was partially open, revealing small fangs.

“Ah, my newest subjects have arrived.” There was that ‘my’ again. It always sent a chill down Twilight’s back. “And that must mean...” Slowly the lights in the room dimmed until a third pony seemed to pop into existence besides them. It had white, hollow eyes and a body that was gray like smoke. It had no nose or mouth.

“We… we don’t believe we have ever… met such creatures,” Fancy said nervously.

“Oh? A shame. Please, introduce yourselves.”

The cloaked pony stepped forward and bowed his head, spreading out a pair of bat wings from under the cloak. “My name is Redfang, your highness. I have come as representative of the vampire ponies, at your behest.”

The furry one stepped forward, scratching behind his ear. He then bowed politely. “I am Kneading Pin, your highness. I have come as representative of the wereponies, at your behest. Oh! And I brought snacks! If, err, it pleases you. From my bakery!”

The last one stepped forward and bowed its head, though no voice came out. “Ah, allow me,” Nightmare Moon said. “That is Cloak, representative of the shades. It is very happy to meet you.”

“T-the… the feeling is mutual,” Fancy said. The nobles quickly stepped aside as the three bowed their head.

Twilight stared, her mouth open. She couldn’t believe it. “V-vampires… vampires are real? Werewolves? SHADES?” she asked.

“Mmmm? Indeed,” Nightmare Moon said, before glancing to them. “We imagine our sister has worked long and tirelessly to hide them from the masses, in order to make ponies believe that such things do not exist.” She got down from her throne and stepped forward. All three bowed to her obediently. “But they have long served our realm and we refuse to make those gifted by our moon hide forever...” She then paused and her eyes turned towards the shade. Twilight couldn’t be sure, but she thought she almost saw… remorse in those eyes. “Or those who… suffer alone in the darkness. We imagine you will wish to tell more stories about such creatures, yes?” she asked, turning towards the bard.

Twilight squeaked, before quickly nodding. “Y-yes!”

“Good. Then ask them whatever questions you like.” She then turned back towards the nobles. “You may leave, if you please. Our business is done here. You may speak with our representatives to discuss any additional tickets you wish to purchase.”

Twilight watched them go, her eyes narrowed. She had no doubt that Nightmare Moon had that planned. Allowing them to see the creatures would have rumors spreading within a few hours. Everypony would KNOW that such creatures existed, or were at least suspected, soon. Before the official release.

And the nobles would have to be careful about it. If it caused a panic or disharmony, it would be laid at their hooves, as they were the only ones that knew.

“So, the tasks I’ve assigned you are complete?” Nightmare Moon asked.

She was brought back to attention when she realized they were talking.

“Of course, your highness,” Redfang said, bowing his head. “They are being monitored as we speak. We live to serve you, as we always had.”

Twilight could feel claws on her back and realized Spike was shaking. She gulped and then. “I-I… err… if I could… I think I might need to turn in my new… pet soon. And I’m feeling quite tired as well. But, err… if I could ask our guests a question?”

“As you wish,” Nightmare Moon offered.

“Where, errr, have you been? I mean, creatures such as yourself… how long...”

“Your highness, if you would allow me?” the vampire asked. The alicorn nodded. “Lady… Glow, was it?” She nodded, a little concerned he knew her name. “We have existed in this realm for the last few thousand years.”

Her heart hammered. “W-what? Impossible!”

“Truly? If you didn’t see us now, would you not think a pony crazy for mentioning us?”

“But… but that’s… ponies would know. How do you exist?” she asked softly. “I-I’ve read books, I’ve--”

“Most of that is… not quite true,” the vampire said with a smile. “Well… some of it is. The original works were fairly accurate. But I still have no idea where the ‘we burst into flames at the sight of the sun’ came into being. While I’ll admit we do get far weaker, it won’t kill us. It merely makes us like normal ponies. And I assure you, there are plenty of vampires who are very religious.”

“And… the blood?”

“Yes, we do require it for sustenance. Or fruit juice, though blood is preferred.”

“But… but that’s bad! What if you hurt or kill somepony?”

He cocked an eye. “Truly? Well, dear bard, we require SOME blood. We are hardly the monsters of legend that drain ponies dry. In fact, many of us gain our sustenance from our family or friends. That’s the thing about blood, for ponies such as yourself, it is not exactly in limited supply. We just have to be careful and, at times, ensure a hospital is nearby.” He then gave a sigh. “Of course, on occasion mistakes will happen. A vampire will go too far. But it is a rare occurrence and our population is quite small.”

“Small? Really?”

“Indeed. In all of Equestria there are likely only a few hundred of us. Maybe just under a thousand.”

Her eyes went wide. “W-what? So few? But that's... you're practically extinct!”

“We are graced with living for many, many years. Far longer than most ponies, so even a few of us could flourish if need be. On top of that, many of us... hesitate when it comes to turning another.”


“Indeed. There are many who would accept our life, if it meant an eternal life. But... even our eldest is less than a thousand years old.”

She blinked a few times, looking confused. “But... I thought... vampires didn't age?”

“We don't. But there are many, many other ways to die. But there are many ponies who... would likely not do well with a life such as ours. Who would end up...” He rubbed his chin. “To put it... in more simple turns. I am sure you have heard the legends of great vampires that stalked the night?”

“Well, I mean, I've heard some old ones. That's where the Hoofula stories came from.”

“Exactly. And there were also the great... purges,” he said sadly, his eyes glancing to Nightmare Moon. “Those can become a necessity when those who are gifted with our abilities are not worthy of them. Ponies who are selfish and cruel, who want only power and seek out other, like minded individuals to spread this too. Once the princesses allowed us to become hidden members of Equestria, we agreed to work tirelessly to ensure that only those willing and who we believe will use this gift wisely would be given it. Sometimes there are mistakes.”

“What happens then?” Twilight asked.

“They are brought before the princess and she determines their fate. Fortunately, Celestia was a--” He froze and his eyes widened. “An okay ruler, but nothing like our wise and benevolent Nightmare Moon. With her at the throne I imagine we will have a new time of prosperity.” He then glanced back to the werewolf. “Now, I believe it's your turn?”

“Hey,” Kneading said with a wave of his clawed hoof. “Yeah, we've been around a long time, too. Like, forever almost. Don't live as long, but being a werepony is pretty cool. I've been one about six years now? Most of us are pretty chill. Some of us can be jerks though, same as anypony.”

She nodded. “So, errr, you run a bakery?”

“Oh yeah. Best cinnamon rolls in Manehatten! Most of us have to have jobs, getting all fuzzy doesn't pay the bills. Well, for some of us it does, but that's something else entirely.”


“Nothing. But yeah, sadly, the stories about us are a little more... true. Full moons make us go a bit... wild. The stronger ones of us? They can usually keep us in control. That's why we have packs. Outside the full moon, though, it's pretty awesome. As long as we don't get pissed, then we might transform too. Well, or scared. But any of that, really. Just need to be really careful when going through traffic, you know?”

She nodded a few times, her mouth open slightly. “And... when things go wrong?”

“Got a whole herd of ponies in the royal lines ready to deal with us. For the most part we don't have more incidents than any other ponies. I mean, I don't know if you've noticed but like... well... we can be pretty strong and all but...” He motioned her closer.

She blinked and leaned in. “Yes?”

He shifty eyed and whispered in her ear. “Some of these ponies? They can do magic,” he said, before bursting into laughter.

She stared at him flatly. “You're... kidding.”

“Nah, not at all. We may be big and tough when we transform, but we aren't the smartest thing. One good well trained unicorn can take us down with the right spells. I've heard of some that managed to take down entire packs all by themselves. Far as I know, the vampires don't fare much better.”

Redfang glanced off to the side. “W-while I will acknowledge that. Yes. The magic of the Equestrian Special Forces has managed to deal with quite a few vampires over the years, I believe our own politics and safeguards are enough to keep most issues from ever occurring. And nine out of ten vampires who go rogue we end up capturing on our own.”

The werewolf just snickered. “Oh, don't mind him. Vampires have always been a bit fussy and got sticks up their butts the size of an alicorn's horn.” He chuckled for a few moments before the grin evaporated and he turned towards Nightmare Moon. She looked less than pleased by that remark. “N-not to, e-err, i-imply that her royal highness would... err...” The glare he received made him squirm in place and quickly lower his gaze. “M-my apologies, y-your highness.”

“What about the shades?” Twilight asked quickly, trying to change the subject.

Nightmare Moon turned towards the creature and gave a sigh. “The shades are... a curse. Ponies trapped between our world and a realm of shadows, placed there by the umbrum. They cannot touch our world, only appearing in our shadows. Neither living nor dead, they are trapped. Their memories stripped, their minds broken.”

“If they aren't... I mean, why haven't I ever seen one before?” she asked softly.

“You likely have. The shades are often on the edge of your vision. When a light flickers out, they may be in there, watching you. But they are lost, for now, and we have never been able to free them. Those who do see them are often deemed... mad.”

Twilight shuddered at the thought of these creatures always watching over her. “I... see,” she whispered. “And... you can speak with it?”

“Indeed. They are creatures of the night, unwilling or not. And they are as much our children as any other pony, lost though they may be. And it can understand you. It just cannot speak with you.”

She stared at it. It nodded its head. She shuddered. “I-I see. I errr... I-I think I'm going to go take care of my new pet. I'll, errr, I'll ask more questions later, okay?” She then turned, flipped the started dragon onto her back and galloped out of there. For a moment she felt guilty that she left Moondancer alone with all those... things. She rolled her eyes and then popped her head in again, loathing her guilty conscience. “Err... would it be okay if Moondancer assisted me?”

Nightmare Moon cocked an eye. “If our student wishes to, she may.”

“Yes please!” Moondancer squeaked, teleporting across the room and then darting out the open door. Once they were both outside they bother shared a look.

“So...” Twilight started. “Is it odd that I still don't find Nightmare Moon any scarier?”

“I think I'm about capped out on fear for her,” Moondancer mumbled, before glancing to the dragon.

The earth pony groaned and then glanced back to Spike. “Can you walk?”

“O-of course I can!” the dragon said with a snort before leaping off her and landing roughly, falling over onto his face. “Ow.”

“Are you okay?” she asked, reaching out to touch him. He smacked her hoof away.

“I'm fine!” he said before standing up. “Y-you know, I would have been fine, I didn't need a pony to--”

“Oh don't you even start with that!” Moondancer snapped, thrusting a hoof into the dragon's chest. “Twilight just stuck her neck out for you and if it wasn't for her, yours would be broken right now.”

Twilight squeaked. “M-Moondancer, you don't need to--”

“No. I have had it. Ponies are always talking bad about you behind your back and I'm sick of it,” Moondancer snapped, glaring down at the dragon. “Do you have any idea how much trouble she risked? Do you see those marks on her back? That's from the LAST time she stuck her neck out to help somepony! She risked it AGAIN so she could save your butt. And I am not going to stand by why you act all ungrateful, understand?”

The dragon stared up at her, meekly poking its fingers together. Then, after a few moments, he began to cry.

Neither pony expected that and they shared confused looks. Twilight blinked a few more times before reaching out and pulling him close, letting him cry into her chest. “Shhhhh. Shhhhh. It's okay. It's all okay. Nopony is going to hurt you, I promise. Okay? You're safe now. I'll keep you safe, I promise. Nopony is going to hurt you,” she said and gently pet his scales back.

He sniffled and after a few moments, he nodded. “I-I'm sorry...”

“It's okay. You've had a... very rough day. I know none of this could have been easy for you.” She kept soothingly rubbing his head. “So, what is it that dragons eat, anyway?”

“Ummmm... gemstones really...”

Twilight blinked a few times, mouthing the word a few times, before looking to Moondancer. “Err... do you think you could get me some... like, actual gemstones?”

“Uh huh. Rubies are my favorite.”

She cocked her head to the side. She'd heard tales and stories, but she didn't know they were true. They actually ate them. She'd assumed it was just a myth. “Well... okay then. Ummm, Moondancer, can you see if you can find some gems for him?”

The mare nodded. “I will. Meet you in your room?”

“Please,” Twilight said before gently guiding the dragon towards her room.

“I'm sorry,” Spike said again.

“It's fine. You've had a tough day.” Her chest was still wet, but it didn't burn. At least the stories she'd heard about dragons spitting acid was probably not true. Would tears and snot be acid in that case? She'd need to look into it. She then looked him over and cringed. He had a thin layer of dirt over his body. “Did... errr... did you walk here?”

“A lot of the way. A dragon dropped me off about a day's march from here and then I had to walk the rest of the way,” he mumbled. “B-but I wasn't scared or anything! The dark is fine!”

She nodded, eying him with a cocked eye. “I see. So then, Spike. How about I give you a bath first, then I'll take a shower?”

“I don't need a bath!” he said defiantly.

“Are you sure? I've got bubbles. Lots and lots of bubbles.”

He frowned and eyed her suspiciously. “How... many bubbles?”

“Come on,” she said with a smile, guiding him to her bathroom. She started filling it up with hot water before glancing to him. “So... why were you chosen?”

“I told you. Expendable,” he muttered.

“How... ummm... old are you? Aren't you still just a...” She looked him over. “A baby dragon?”

He blinked and then mumbled softly under his breath.


“Yeah, I am, so what?!” he yelled, glowering at her. “Just because I'm a baby doesn't mean I can't do something like this!”

She cringed, giving a nod. “O-of course. But what about your parents?”

“My parents died years before I was hatched,” he muttered. For along moment he was silent, then spoke up again. “They sent me because I'd been here before, too.”

She turned back. “What?”

“My mom, she worked with the princess. So the princess had my egg for a while before she returned it to the dragon lands.” He crossed his claws. “It didn't exactly make me the most popular around. Especially after all this started.”

She blinked a few times before she started adding the bubble bath. “I see. That's... I'm very sorry to hear that.” She gently picked him up in her hooves and then set him in the tub. He yelped.

“It's cold!”

“What?” she asked, touching the water. It felt pretty warm to her.

“It's cold!”

She sighed, before turning on the water to max heat. “How's that?”

“... Better,” he mumbled. After the water warmed up he began to relax and sit in the tub. “Ummmm...”


“Are you going to give me some privacy?”

“Huh?” Pink flooded her cheeks. “Oh! Right, sorry,” she said before shaking her head and trotting off. She rolled her eyes. Just because he was a baby didn't mean he needed her to help wash himself, she was sure. She stood outside the door. “So... you had no pony back home?”

“Yeah. Wanna keep rubbing it in?”

She cringed. “Sorry.” She tapped the ground nervously, listening to him scrub. “I’m sorry you had to leave home. I’m sorry you… can’t go back. But I’ll do my best to keep you… taken care of, I guess. Here. You just need to be careful, okay?”

He snorted. “Careful? Why?”

“If Nightmare Moon… If you make her mad, then she might do something horrible to you. You’re not a pony, her punishments for you might include death.”

There was silence from the other room for a few moments before there was a light splash. “Yeah? So what. I’m not scared of anything like death! I’m a dragon! We laugh in the face of death! Ha ha ha!”

“Well, I don’t want you to die! I want you to live a long, happy life. With friends and family and ponies who care about you, so just be careful, okay?”

There was another long silence before he spoke up again. “Why do you care?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” she asked. “You’re just a child. There’s… no reason at all you should have been caught up in any of this. There’s no reason any of us should, but… and you were… abandoned, on top of it.”

There was a long silence before he sighed. “You know… the Dragon Lord will come. He will burn these lands to the ground. We’d heard stories of your princess, but if she was really so weak to--”

“Don’t,” Twilight said firmly. “As… much as I hate to say it, if you Dragon Lord even did manage to… destroy Nightmare Moon, which I seriously doubt he could, he’d likely be seen as a hero. But if he feared Celestia, then he has so, so much more to fear now. You have… no idea what she’s capable of. She’s powerful and dangerous. And your Dragon Lord just unleashed her on himself.”

There was another snort. “Bah! The Dragon Lord fears no pony!”

Twilight glanced towards her desk, where her book was laying splayed open. “He’ll learn to… oh, how he’ll learn to.”

Author's Note:

Bet you all thought I forgot about Spike! Well, here, a second chapter in one day because I'm feeling generous...

That and I'm waiting for energy to come back in FF BE and FF mobius.

... As always, please take a look at my books. Most are available for free, so any feedback on them are appreciated. Tah tah for now! More coming soon.

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