• Published 9th Feb 2016
  • 14,894 Views, 1,899 Comments

The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S4 CH 7. Denial

Twilight paced back and forth, trying to keep her heart from exploding. She wasn’t the only one. There were a dozen ponies crowding the hall, most of who looked anxious. Well, aside from Trixie. Trixie was showing some card tricks to the changelings. Zecora seemed fine as well, but she suspected the zebra mostly came to grab some things from the Canterlot Market and she was finding this entire thing fascinating. She wasn’t entirely sure how to tell if a changeling WAS anxious or not, either.

But everypony else was definitely nervous. Even the guards were watching the door, as if they expected they’d be summoned in at any moment.

Finally, it opened and Moondancer nearly galloped out.

“Well?!” the partial alicorn was nearly bowled over when nearly a dozen ponies yelled at her.

Moondancer yelped and flushed, squirming in place. “I-I’m not entirely sure. It’s a, a good thing though. I think? I mean, she… she said she hates me. But she doesn’t want to. I think. Maybe? I’m not entirely sure. She did this thing that… I don’t really get it but that’s what studying is for. But, ummm, she also told me that… that…” She trailed off, staring at them. A look of guilt came over her face and she lowered her eyes. “I… I don’t know if… if I’m supposed to tell you.”

“What?” Rainbow asked. “Come on! I didn’t take the train all the way up here just to NOT hear what’s going on!”

“I’m with Rainbow,” Bon Bon said. “If she’s sending you off somewhere, we should know. There’s no telling what she has planned.”

“Exactly,” Rainbow said. “If she plans to have you fight like, a swarm of dragons or a pack of timber wolves or--”

“Rainbow, knock it off,” Applejack said before giving a sigh. “Yah say it’s good news?”

“I think so,” Moondancer said before holding up a small key. “She gave me this. I… I think I should go do it now, though. Before she changes her mind. But… I… I want to tell everypony but…” She looked around nervously.

“But if you do you have no idea how she’ll react, right?” Twilight asked. “Best not to risk it. Especially after what… happened. Maybe you can tell us later. You are safe though, right? Not in danger?”

“I don’t think so,” Moondancer said softly before nervously shuffling her hooves a little bit.

“Ohhhh, and she’s doing the nervous hoof dance,” Minuette said. “My favorite. Whatever it is must have her excited.”

Moondancer gave a little squeak before face hoofing. “Nightmare Moon said it’s okay for me to stay around my friends. But I should do this while I can. So, I ummm…”

“Would like some privacy to say your goodbyes, darling?” Rarity asked.

“If… If I could?” Moondancer said sheepishly, nervously poking at the ground. “N-not that I ummm, I mean, I-I really appreciate everypony--”

“Moondancer?” Lyra said.

“Yes?” Moondancer asked.

“It’s okay, I think everypony understands,” Lyra said.

“I don’t!” Chuck called.

Trixie rolled her eyes. “There’s a surprise. Well, I’m all for getting this over with. The less time we spend around little moon tantrum the better. Let’s go meet with this queen so we can head back. If Chuck isn’t tucked in by nine he gets cranky.”

“I do?” Chuck asked.

“You do,” Trixie said firmly before she trotted down the hall. A moment later she came back. “The Great and Powerful Trixie requires directions.”

Twilight snickered before giving one last wave to Moondancer and trotting down the other hall, forcing Trixie to dash after them to catch up.


“HISSSSSSSSS!” Chrysalis hissed at them, glaring angrily at the gathered ponies.

“Nice to see you too,” Twilight said.

“You brought a horde!” Chrysalis said, baring her fangs. “Is this an assassination attempt? Have you come to attempt to end me now, torturer?”

“Torturer?” Rainbow asked. “Twilight?”

“I made her sit through one magic point presentation and--”

“Say no more,” Rainbow said. “On behalf of Equestrians everywhere, I would like to apologize for the horrific trauma inflicted upon you.”

“HEY!” Twilight said.

“It’s not enough, but it is appreciated,” Chrysalis said.

“Stop that! Don’t bond over that!” Twilight said.

“How rude, magic point presentations are a delight,” Trixie said.


“They’re the ideal time to practice card tricks or disappearing acts,” Trixie said quickly.

Twilight just glowered at Rainbow and Trixie as the two hoof bumped and snickered. “There’s a bad influence here, I’m just not sure which one of you it is.”

“I… I like them,” Fluttershy said softly. “T-they’re very relaxing…”

Twilight just sighed and nodded to Fluttershy. She knew her friend meant well, but… well… she also knew that it was as close as the pegasus was likely to get to saying they were boring. “Anyway, moving along. We’ve come to give you an update on your changelings.”

“Hm?” Chrysalis asked before eyeing the four who stepped forward. “You’re… not starved yet.”

“Nope!” Chuck said softly. “I’m learning to do introductions for the Great and Powerful Trixie! She doesn’t feed me much as she really loves herself mostly, but she also really loves it when ponies enjoy her acts so whenever I cheer I get a little.”

“HEY!” Trixie objected. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is NOT self absorbed!”

“She really is,” Chuck said happily. “But she’s nice, too. She’s taught me a lot. Has lots of books that read to me and lets me even try her hat sometimes and all kinds of different outfits as her ‘apprentice’. Sometimes I can be a showmare and sometimes a showstallion and sometimes neither! It’s a lot of fun.” He then glanced to Sap, letting him go next.

“I ummm… I’m honestly terrified,” Sap said gently. “The yellow one… she has tamed Discord.”

“… Wait, what?” Chrysalis asked before looking to Fluttershy. The pegasus cringed.

“I… I haven’t tamed Discord,” Fluttershy said softly. “He’s just one of my best friends. He’s really a sweetie once you get to know him.”

“She also picked up a tree,” Sap said gently. “A whole tree. With one hoof. Discord has warned me that terrible, terrible things that will happen if I allow so much as a single hair on her head to get bent. But other than that it’s not so bad. Sometimes I’m able to come to their tea parties and a full but slightly weird tummy is better than empty.”

“I ummm… I’ve mostly been being fed by Chitin,” Fang said gently. “I don’t know how but… yeah. The farming ponies are… scary. I think this one doesn’t like me.”

“I never said I disliked you,” Applejack said nervously. “I just don’t rightly trust you. What? Why is everypony looking at me like that? I’m trying, okay!”

Chrysalis just stared at her four changelings before glancing to Chitin. “And you? Chitin?”

“Pink pony is wise,” Chitin said happily before fluttering her strange, glimmering wings. “Pink pony has taught me much. Like these.” She held out a cupcake to Chrysalis.

Chrysalis cocked an eye before sighing and taking it. It looked foul. But all four of her changelings were watching her. She rolled her eyes and took a bite of it, only to pause when she tasted it. Love. In food form. Amazing. She then glanced back to Chitin’s wings. Was that why they were so weird and crystal-like?

“Do you like it?” Chitin asked.

“It’s… passable,” Chrysalis said. She was pretty sure there was a hair inside it that was now stuck in her teeth. Ew.

“Eeeeee!” Chitin said, flapping up into the air excitedly for a moment. “Did you hear that? The queen said I’m ‘passable!’”

“GAHHH!” Chrysalis said, dropping the cupcake and taking a step back. She stared at Chitin, her eyes wide with horror. That was impossible. Had she felt… love? From her changeling? No. It… it had to be the cupcake. That wasn’t… no. Nope. Nope. Changelings didn’t HAVE love to give. It was a… she didn’t know what it was.

Other than feeling wrong.

“You… you dropped it,” Chitin said, staring at it.

“So we did,” Chrysalis said. “It--”

“That’s fine!” Chitin said happily. “I brought a whole baker’s dozen! It’s like a dozen but then you add one more! Cause… reasons! I… I don’t actually get it. Baking math is harder than normal pony math.”

“… Joy,” Chrysalis said softly.

Twilight just smiled before turning to another cell while the rest of them dealt with the changelings. Tirek. He was watching her with an inscrutable look. Or maybe he was watching Spike. She trotted over towards him, Spike following behind her. “Its been a while, Tirek.”

“Pony,” he said. “Spike.”

“Hey,” Spike said sheepishly.

“I… never had a chance to talk to you about what you did,” Twilight said.

“Hm? Whatever could you mean?” Tirek asked.

“Oh, you know exactly what I mean,” Twilight said. “It was quite the dangerous gambit you played there.”

“The risk was more yours than mine,” Tirek said with a light chuckle. “Alas, I only acquired a little of what I hoped. I have no idea how you found out about my little trick, but it was clever how you played along.”

“What else could I do?” Twilight asked, cocking an eye. “Oh, it was clever alright. You really had me going there for a little bit.”

Tirek gave a small smirk and cross his arms. “Perhaps you are correct, I am quite the cliche’d villain in the end. But truly, you must tell me. How did you figure it out? Even if you have unicorn magic now, you certainly didn’t then.”

“Just because I couldn’t cast a spell doesn’t mean I’m dumb,” Twilight said. “Besides, I’ve written enough stories with that kind of thing.”

“Ummm, do either of you mind explaining what you’re talking about?” Spike asked.

“My brother’s medallion,” Tirek said.

“His speech to Nightmare Moon,” Twilight said at the same time.

The two stared at each other before, finally, saying “What?” at the same time.

“Wait, you’re wearing your medallion!” Twilight said. “When did you get it?”

“I am,” Tirek said. “You weren’t talking about the enchantment I placed on it? To drain Nightmare Moon’s magic bit by bit?”

“No,” Twilight said. “Wait, you did what?”

“If you didn’t know about it, how did you STOP it? There should have been so much more in it!” Tirek demanded, his eyes narrowed on her.

“I… didn’t,” Twilight said. “But oh, that’s clever. I really thought you were trying to trick me with a show of ‘Here’s something that was valuable for me once. Now that you think I trust you, release me and then I can turn on you, claim it meant nothing to me and--’”

“You are frustratingly correct,” Tirek said, the ire rising in his voice. “That was my intent.”

“Ohhhh, don’t pout,” Twilight said sheepishly. “I didn’t know about the draining part. That would have caught me off guard.”

“Yet, somehow, you managed to avoid it,” Tirek said. “You are either smarter than you realize or obnoxiously lucky. I am not sure which I detest more.”

“You were going to betray us?” Spike asked, his tone hurt.

“Obviously,” Tirek said.

“But you didn’t then,” Twilight said. “I was there, Tirek. I couldn’t get through to Nightmare Moon. Nopony could. But you managed it. You could have been torn apart if she grew angry at you. So why?”

Tirek gave a shrug. “I merely praised the queen for her choices. Even I was--”

“Oh, don’t give me that,” Twilight said in a flat, unamused tone. “We both know you’re not the type to just praise somepony for being ‘magnificent’. And you’ve known Nightmare Moon longer than all of us. You know she would never share power with you or allow you the opportunity to betray her. You could have escaped and might have even got away. Instead you drew attention to yourself during her most dangerous moments. Why? You didn’t have to help us. But you did.”

Tirek’s eyes narrowed. “You are obnoxiously, annoyingly astute.”

“I’ve made a career out of dissecting and understanding motivations and goals of other ponies,” Twilight said before pausing. “Well, or at least pretending I understand them. Admittedly my track record isn’t always the best but I’ve studied you quite a bit as well. I’ve gone over it quite a few times in my head. The Tirek I was questioning before… he would have left. He would have abandoned us. But you… didn’t. Why?”

Tirek gave a sigh before glancing down towards the end of the cells, where Chrysalis was talking with the changelings. He then glanced back to them before lifting a hand and pointing a finger at Spike.

“Me?” Spike asked.

“Indeed,” Tirek said. “A dragon. The most selfish, greedy, vile creature imaginable. The only thing in terms of power and thirst for power that could compete with me. Despite all that, you gave me a gift.”

Spike blinked and then flushed. “You helped Twilight. I was just saying thank you.”

“Indeed,” Tirek said. “A dragon thanking me with a gift he need not give. For a deed that was already done… on behalf of another creature. Then you turned down great power, obnoxious bard. Finally, when the chance came your little dragon… threw himself at Nightmare Moon.” He reached up a hand and squeezed the medallion around his throat. “If you really must know… I… felt… I owed a debt. I wished to repay. To give a thank you. I thought, perhaps, this was truly my chance to turn things around. That, maybe, power was not the end all I had hoped. That perhaps… love… and friendship were what I was missing all along. I could even… help.”

Twilight blinked a few times before sighing. “And the real reason?” she asked.

Tirek gave a soft chuckle and a smile crept along his lips again. “Annoyingly observant. Very well. I truly do not know. I had intended to leave. I was GOING to leave. When I passed the throne room, I was already plotting my escape. Where I would go. How long I would have until she found me. If I could… wait until she lost interest. But in this case, there is no lie. I was… torn. I had always believed power was all that mattered. But then I saw creatures acting so far… beyond how they should. Not just denying power. But outright fighting it. It made me… curious.”

“Oh?” Twilight asked.

“Equestrian unicorns were said to be the most powerful beings of magic in my home,” Tirek said. “Yet, alicorns stand above them. In some cases, so do strange spirits. I had believed that power could only be achieved by taking it. But… what if power, true power, was gained another way. What if, though I am loathe to say it, what makes equestrian magic so powerful IS the fact you deny it?” He walked forward, wrapping his fingers around the bars and staring down at her. “You denied it. You actively fought it. And now? You are more powerful than ever. Even beyond that, you hold a power over creatures that goes beyond magic. That Moondancer would have died to protect you from what you should have willingly begged for. She released me, knowing I could one day become a terrible blight on ponies and use my freedom to destroy her. In that moment, my curiosity outweighed my own desire for power. In a strange way it even felt… nice. Strange, but nice.”

Twilight blinked a few times, struggling to try and piece the words he was saying into a coherent thought. Finally, she sighed. “You have a really twisted way of thinking about things, Tirek. But you know what? That at least makes sense. So… are you going to try and drain power still or…?”

“No, not yet,” Tirek said. “Perhaps in the future, but not now. I am, how you would say…”

“Playing the long con?” Twilight asked.

“Indeed,” Tirek said. “I want to figure out and understand what it is all of you ponies wield that creates such power.”

Twilight gave a sigh and shook her head. “I guess this at least beats you, well, trying to beat us. No, you know what? Thank you anyway. You likely saved Moondancer’s life. If I can help you in some way to understand all of this, I will.”

“If you really wish to aid me, see if you can get me out of here,” Tirek said before crossing his arms. “Truly, I am reformed. Scout’s honor.”

Twilight just cocked an eye at him.

“Very well,” Tirek said. “I am at LEAST as reformed as Discord.”

“I’m still not sure what he’s up to,” Twilight said. “But I’ll try. Okay? Who knows? Maybe before long you’ll even like us.”

“I do hope you’ll be happy to settle for ‘tolerate’,” Tirek said before pulling his hands back. “Now then. Do I, at least, get a cupcake?”

Twilight gave a light snicker. “Do you actually want one?”

“No, but it is nice to be remembered,” Tirek said.

“Sorry,” Twilight said. “But you will have a certain gift arriving soon. I hope you like apples.”

“Apples?” Tirek asked.

“Apples,” Spike said with a small, sage nod.

“… Am I missing something here?” Tirek asked.

“You’ll see,” Twilight said happily. “Oh, do you need any more books?”

“No,” Tirek said. “The recommendations I’ve been receiving have been sufficient. You know, some of them are a nasty little trick.”

“Oh? Really?” Twilight asked.

“Reading them I would have believed you ponies would be easy to conquer,” Tirek said.

“If we were weak and behaved like us, do you really think we’d still be here?” Twilight asked.

Tirek gave a soft sigh and shook his head. “Annoyingly, headache-inducingly observant. If only I had considered such things before attacking your kingdom. Perhaps you are right. Your bonds are a power all their own.”

“But think of it this way,” Twilight said with a small smile. “Now you can get the inside scoop. Just imagine, one day you may actually like us and find us enjoyable to be around. Imagine how powerful you’ll be then.”

Tirek blinked and gave a small smirk. “A tolerable motivational speaker, at least.”

“I have a minor in it,” Twilight said. “It was taught by a minotaur, actually. Nice guy for the most part.”

“Of course you do,” Spike said before rolling his eyes.


Celestia cocked her head to the side when she heard the lock in the door turn. It wasn’t that she didn’t love her sister. She missed her sister dearly and would have given both wings and a hoof to have her return to her. Every time her sister visited her she felt she was just that much closer to having little Luna back.

But her sister had the absolute worst habit of coming back RIGHT as the story got most interesting. Would Daring Do manage to make it out of that pit of vipers? She hadn’t managed to read this one yet.

Although she stood and readied herself, wondering if her dear sister would be in a happy mood or a--

Then the door opened and she saw her. Moondancer.

Celestia couldn’t breathe. She didn’t dare move a muscle.

She just stood there. Taking in her dear, precious student.

Her ear. Her mane. The single wing.

Moondancer didn’t move, not breathing either. As if she was scared all of this would blow away if she moved too quickly.

“Moondancer,” Celestia said softly.

Her student took a single step forward, tears beginning to fall down cheeks that had felt them far, far too often. “Y-your highness. P-princess…”

Even now Celestia’s heart ached. How long had it been since the two had seen each other? Yet, even now… Moondancer was scared to offend her. To go too far. She could see that desperate look in the young mare’s eyes to run forward and hug her. Oh, how she wished she would.

“You may come,” Celestia said in the measured, calm voice she always had to use around Moondancer.

Moondancer did, then. Slowly walking forward. Staring up at her as if she was a goddess, not a failed teacher. She stopped before coming within reach, though. Instead, bowing her head.

“I am so sorry,” Moondancer said, her voice little more than a sob. “I failed you. I--”

“Never say that again,” Celestia said gently.

“Y-your highness?” Moondancer asked.

“Never say you failed me again,” Celestia said before giving a sigh. She felt so tired, now. She loved Moondancer dearly. She would have walked through fire for her. But now, more than ever, she could see the mare could never stand against Nightmare Moon.

Despite everything that happened, despite all of her failures laid out for the mare to see. Moondancer still looked at her with that same look. The eyes of a pony looking for comfort. For love. To please her. She would be anything for her princess, except the one thing Celestia needed her to be. She would never be her equal. Forever their role would be as mentor and student. Princess and subject. Parent and child.

She had sent a foal to face what she feared most. If only the foal could see at who’s hooves the fault truly lay.

“B-but Nightmare Moon--”

“Nightmare Moon was a problem of my creation,” Celestia said in a soothing tone. “A problem I could not face. A problem I ill prepared you to face. A problem I never, ever should have asked you to.”

“But you trusted me to--”

“Moondancer,” Celestia said before, as delicately as she could, she reached out a hoof and rested it on her shoulder. “I know not when we will see each other again. Or even if. But there is one thing you must take from this. One single lesson you must learn. No matter what happens. One important thing, above all.”

“Y-yes, your majesty?”

“None of this is your fault,” Celestia said. “I created this threat. I released it upon Equestria. I guided you to face it. And I failed to properly prepare you.” She had failed to realize and act on the fact her student would not be ready. Would never be ready. Perhaps if she had had a better teacher. But she didn’t dare say that part.

“B-but… but…” More tears began to stream down Moondancer’s face.

Celestia couldn’t hold it in any longer. She hugged the mare, pulling her close and enveloping her in her wings. “Oh our dear, sweet student. W-we are so, so sorry. We can never, ever tell you how sorry we are for all we have subjected you to. Were we to spend ten thousand years locked away, it would not be enough for the crimes we have committed both on you and our sister.”

“W-what?” Moondancer asked. “B-but I had the elements! I-I couldn’t use them! I couldn’t… I saw you. You used all of them, by yourself. You--”

“Only in that one moment,” Celestia said softly. “Before that, my sister and I had both wielded them. We had always stood together to hold them, bearing them. Even in that single moment… A part of my sister was still there to help me. Not in form, but in spirit. One pony wasn’t meant to wield them alone.”

“T-then if I had been a better friend--”

“Moondancer,” Celestia said delicately. “Please. Please, just this once. Please stop blaming yourself. This was my mistake. My error. You’ve never been the pony at fault for this.”

“But you--”

“I am a pony!” Celestia said so fiercely that her student cringed. “I am sorry. But I am a pony. A mere pony. I have great power, longevity. I have more magic than most. But I am still just a pony. I make mistakes. I have made countless mistakes. I have fears, I have worries. I panic, I trip, for goodness sake Moondancer, I have to use the restroom sometimes. I am just a pony. I am just as flawed as anypony else. How I wish that wasn’t true, how I wish I could be the perfect ideal pony that you see when you look at me. But I can never be that. I can only be the best me I can be.”

“Y-your highness,” Moondancer said softly, sniffling a little. “B-but you’re so… so…”

“Good? Pure? Kind?” Celestia asked. “I was not always this way. I have been angry. I have lashed out. I have made poor judgments. I have yelled at ponies. I have lived well over a thousand years and made so many, many mistakes during that time. I have learned from them. But all that makes me good, all that makes me loved, all that ponies see and revere? It is made on the backs of so many, many mistakes. My sister was my greatest, but there are so many that come close. You, my dear Moondancer, were never one of them. The only mistake I made was how I treated you. How I taught you.”

“W-what?” Moondancer asked, giving the softest whimper. “Y-you wish I wasn’t your student?”

“I wish I had been a better teacher and mentor for such a wonderful student,” Celestia said softly. “I wish I could have been everything you needed. I wish… I wish I could have found you sooner, before this pain was inflicted on you. I wish, I so desperately wish, I could have been better for you. I wish I could have known how to fix what was done to you. You deserved a better teacher than I could be. For that, I will be eternally sorry.”

“You… you were an amazing teacher, princess! I… I was just…”

“You were brilliant, Moondancer,” Celestia said gently before, slowly, unwrapping her wings from the mare and smiling down at her. “You have never been anything but a student I took great pride in. Even now you make me more proud every day. I only wish that I didn’t need to cast this burden off onto you.”

“It’s not so bad,” Moondancer said gently. “She’s really not so--” She was silenced by a hoof to her lips.

“Please, do not lie to me, my precious student,” Celestia said softly. “You have never been good at it. Tell me the truth. Just this once, tell me how you truly feel.”

Moondancer stared up at her for a few moments before giving a soft sob and then finally burying her face in her mentor’s withers. “I-it’s so h-hard. S-she hates me. She hates me s-so much. S-she mocks me, she h-hits me, she attacks me, s-she threatens me. E-every mistake, n-no matter how s-small, and she calls me a foal. I-I can never m-make her happy. T-then she… she apologizes a-and for a l-little bit she is… is a-almost nice. B-but then she starts again. T-then she just… s-she hates me s-so much. I-I just… I want to leave but… but… I-I can’t… l-leave. I-I can’t l-leave Twilight behind. I can’t l-leave Spike behind. I-I can’t a-abandon them. I… I know I can… I can d-draw her anger towards me a-and protect everypony but I-I’m so scared all the time that she’s going to… to do something terrible. She’s l-letting me have my friends back b-but what if it’s just some game? G-give me what I want so she can… s-so she can t-take it back again later? It’s all just… just a game to her. A terrible, a-awful game. I-I don’t want to play anymore. I want to w-wake up from the nightmare and just… I want to be happy.” She gave a few soft, pathetic whimpers before whispering in a soft, broken tone. “I miss you… so much...”

Celestia nodded, slowly reaching a hoof up to wipe the tears from her eyes, though it was a useless effort. More tears soon came. She gently hugged the mare once more, letting her cry out all she needed to. Gently her hoof began to stroke the mane of her protege before she lightly started to hum a soft, soothing melody. Her student had been so brave for so long. Endured so much.

She didn’t know how long they stood there, the gentle humming mixing with her student’s sobs until the latter finally faded. When Celestia gazed down she couldn’t help but smile.She gently leanws forward and pressed a gentle kiss on her sleeping student’s forehead. “Please, my student. Just be brave for a little while longer. I believe they may be a light at the end of this tunnel yet. I vow I will make it up to you then. Somehow.” For now, though, all she could do was slowly lay down and read her book, letting her exhausted student rest and hoping she would have sweet, happy dreams.


“Soooo, ummm, about Tirek…” Spike said softly, the tired dragon barely keeping his eyes open as she carried him up to her room.. “How much of that do you think was true?”

Twilight gave a small shrug as she continued her ascent to her room. She was tired, she’d had a busy few days and, frankly, she just wanted to rest. She didn’t want to have to try and decipher the motivations of more powerful, ancient creatures. It was so much easier when they were just stories in books. “No idea. I can’t say for certain how much he was lying during that. I don’t think even he really knows what he wants right now. I hope he can be better, though. I think he has potential.”

“You don’t think I’m… weird, for a dragon, do you? All those things he said before?” Spike asked.

“Not particularly,” Twilight said. “You’re nicer than any dragons I’ve ever heard of. But I’ve never met a dragon before, so I can’t honestly say. I wouldn’t put too much trust into the things he says, anyway. I’m pretty sure he’s just about always trying to find some way to play every creature around him. I… hm?” She stopped outside her door when she saw a note taped to the front.

“What is it?” Spike asked, glancing up from his position.

“Looks like they’re getting the mail services back in order,” Twilight said with a sigh. “Don’t know why they felt they needed to leave a note. How much mail could I--” The words died in her throat when she pushed the door open and saw her bed almost buried in letters and packages. “… Okay then.”

“… Do I have to help with that?” Spike asked softly.

Twilight shook her head. Her horn glowed for a moment and she picked him up, gently carrying him to his bed and tucking him in. “No, you’re fine. This won’t take long.” She then closed the door and walked to the bed, gathering everything up and placing it gently on her desk.

The letters were easy enough. Some fan mail, some hate mail, some ‘Why did you do THAT’ mail. Oddly mundane, she hadn’t gotten stuff like that in a while. Some small packages. She opened those as she got to them. “Awwww…” she mumbled softly. Somepony had done a little hoof paint drawing of Fuzzles the Bunny. Even if it wasn’t her favorite series to write, she could never NOT adore such things. She had a wall covered with such things back at her old home.

Twilight cocked her head to the side when she got to a large book shaped package. It said ‘Twilight Glow’ on the cover, but it looked like they had misspelled and crossed out her last name the first time. The only signature was a half-sun with little sparkles drawn drawn around it. She put it to the side for now, she’d open it when she had more time to read, the last thing she wanted was to open a book and then forget to read it because she was too busy. After that there was some more fan mail, a few letters from Gilda saying she should come check on the snails soon. She really wished they’d remember it was SLUGS, not snails. Either way, she imagined that was Gilda’s way of trying to subtly come talk with her when she had a chance. She wondered if something had happened to Thorax. Ohhhh. A breakthrough with changelings would be amazing.

However, she finally came to a letter from her brother. Best for last, she supposed. She hoped whatever it was explained where he had been lately. She opened it up and began to read.

After a few moments she let out a squeal and started dancing around. “Eeeeeeeee!”

“W-what?” Spike asked, sitting up and staring at her. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong!” Twilight said giddily. “For once, something is so right! My brother! He and Cadence are FINALLY getting MARRIED!”

Author's Note:

And so the opening act comes to a close. Whew. Very Moondancer focused, but I hope you all enjoyed. And absolutely NO foreshadowing. Nope. None. Not a single bit... Hee hee. Go ahead, post your theories below. I can't wait to hear them. :) Wedding soooooon.

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