• Published 9th Feb 2016
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The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S3 CH 22. The Frozen North

For the first time that day, Moondancer was so very, very thankful that she had had a light breakfast and no real opportunities to eat during the attacks. Because what little she had was now making its way out of her stomach and across the snowy mountains of the frozen north.

Moondancer had teleported before, yes. Of course she had. Great distances, in fact. But due to the nature of the attack, the teleportation used was far shorter distance than normal as well as far, far, far more turbulent. She’d lost count of how many times they had teleported after the fifteenth. Still, she had to give Nightmare Moon credit, it wasn’t just anypony who could rapid fire teleport not just herself, but another pony such great distances. Granted, she supposed it came from having the might of three alicorns and who knew how many other ponys.

“Sorry,” Moondancer said for the umpteenth time, though Nightmare Moon didn’t respond. The princess seemed more focused on the distance than her struggling student. She supposed it benefited her this time. Odd, she hadn’t expected to be so pleased to be ignored.

Slowly she stood back up and cast a quick mouth cleansing spell to clear what she could from her mouth, leaving her with the light taste of mint. She then turned towards the direction the princess was staring.

The frozen north was a barren, harsh wasteland. Mountains surrounding a cold, vast, empty plain. The weather harsh and uncontrolled, so dangerous only the bravest of weather ponies even considered trying to adjust it.

Yet, in the center of the plains was a city of crystal, with a massive pillar that towered over the plains. The city itself was untouched by the snow and weather. “What is that place?” Moondancer asked.

“The Crystal Empire,” Nightmare Moon said. “Or, at least, it was once.”

“What?” Moondancer asked, shivering lightly in the cold. “But I’ve never even heard of such a place, it-- wait. No. You mentioned it in your journal, but--”

“It is a place that, long ago, faded into obscurity. Vanishing from this world. When the umbrum retreated into their dark depths, they took it and their… hmph… champion along with them,” Nightmare Moon said. “I would be more surprised if you had heard of it.”

“I-I-I see,” Moondancer said, her teeth starting to chatter. Great, first throwing up in front of Nightmare Moon and now freezing her hooves off. Well, at least she was certain that Nightmare Moon couldn’t think any less of her.

However, almost as soon as the chattering started, the cold seemed to vanish from her and she was enveloped in a soft, warm glow. “Is that better?” Nightmare Moon asked.

“Yes, it is,” Moondancer said, lifting a hoof and looking down at it. “Thank you. Your highness? Why are you… err…” She eyed the queen for a few long moments. The Ruler of Equestria was furious, she could easily tell that. Her back straight, hooves digging into the ground, a tension on her body that seemed so taut that the alicorn could snap at any moment and likely wipe not just her out, but this entire mountain range. It felt like she was standing besides an unstable arcane array that had been overcharged and already shattered every balancing gem.

Yet the queen had never treated her so kindly.

“So, Twilight is there?” Moondancer asked.

“Most likely,” Nightmare Moon said. “We wouldn’t put it past the umbrum to have placed her somewhere else, however. It took all of its efforts to capture her and paid dearly for its actions.”

“Dearly?” Moondancer asked.

“Indeed,” Nightmare Moon said. “We have already grievously wounded the umbrum.”

Moondancer felt her spirits rise. “Wait, you have? Then this shouldn’t be too hard, right? If it can’t stop us then--”

Nightmare Moon’s horn stopped glowing for a moment, removing the light that illuminated the area. From the darkness, shades appeared. Dozens of them. They started to move forward, only to disappear when the glow began again. “No,” the alicorn said. “It will not be so simple. They know we are coming. While the umbrum cannot hope to fight us directly, it is far more crafty than mighty. Even we have been unable to free the shades from the curse of the umbrum. The crystal ponies have also likely been ensnared by their dark, foul magic.”

Moondancer gulped and gave a small nod. “I see. Then what’s the plan?”

“We will negotiate with their… representative,” Nightmare Moon said. “You will ensure we are not tricked again.”

“Tricked?” Moondancer asked, before her eyes went wide. “Wait, is that where you were? Why we couldn’t contact you?”

Nightmare Moon paused for a moment before nodding. “Indeed. The umbrum attacked us. We were… reveling in its destruction. We failed to realize that it was merely a distraction. We would not have believed it would allow itself to be so grievously wounded for such a thing, but truly it was wiser than we believed. It has likely been planning this attack for weeks, if not months. Waiting for us to leave Canterlot.”

Moondancer nodded. “I see. So it-- wait. So why did you leave, anyway?”

“Now is not the time for that,” Nightmare Moon said. “Our bard awaits us. Are you well enough to travel again?”

“Huh?” Moondancer asked. “But what if why you left is--”

“Student,” Nightmare Moon said. “We are only barely, just barely, containing our desire to reduce this so called empire to rubble and dust. The only thing that dwarfs our bottomless rage at this assault on not just ourselves, but our very reign, is our love for our ponies. Now is not the time for this discussion. Are you prepared?”

Moondancer looked back out over the fields of snow and the strange crystal palace. Very slowly, she nodded. “Let’s go save Twilight.”

Light enveloped the pair before they disappeared, leaving only a few small scorch marks, silent shades and the remains of Moondancer’s teleport sickness.

Besides one last fleeting prayer from the unicorn to keep her dearest friend safe.


Nightmare Moon appeared on the edge of the city, the snow only a few inches behind her. Moondancer appeared besides her almost an instant later. It was far more temperate here, so the alicorn dismissed the warming spell she’d cast on her student.

Her focus then shifted towards the wall of ponies blocking her way. Wearing strange armor and helmets that made their eyes glow in green slits. Nightmare Moon glanced around at them. “Pathetic,” she said. “Do you truly believe you can stop us? We are not here for you, we come for your leader, not his weak minded soldiers. We come for Sombra.”

The ponies stared at her, not answering. Instead, they charged straight at her.


Sombra watched from his vantage point overlooking the city, his eyes focused on the distant queen and her student. Amusing, at least. He’d hoped to have Moondancer under his sway as well, but the two he’d captured would have to be enough.

So far, the Queen of Equestria had reacted exactly as he’d expected, as his spies had informed him. He’d hoped the umbrum could have held her back longer, but it was no matter. Nightmare Moon was here and she was doing exactly as he expected. Scattering his soldiers with the ease one might swat a slow moving fly. Moondancer was impressive in her own right, able to face three or four of his soldiers with ease. Her magic was incredible. But when you compared it to a pony who easily vanquished entire battalions with ease, what importance was she?

Everything was going according to plan. He turned and trotted back into his castle, making his way to his throne. There was no real point to even trying to stop the Tyrant of the Night, all it would do was delay the inevitable. Her power, as it was now, was ridiculous. Even if he could do more than imprison the crystal heart, he doubted he could do more than annoy her for a short while.

But this battle wouldn’t be of magic, it would be of wits. Only if everything went wrong would he even consider facing her in battle. If it came to that and those ponies managed to exhaust her just a moment, allowed him just an extra second of time, he would sacrifice every last one of them. No matter how powerful she was, she was still just a pony. With weaknesses just like the rest of them. He climbed to his throne and sat down to wait.

Eventually she would fight her way to him and he would be pushed to the breaking point. Or, so she would believe. But he doubted she realized just how predictable she was.

Because, in the end, everything came down to one pony. His eyes fell on the earth pony and dragon wearing his helms.

For so long as he held them, even Nightmare Moon couldn’t fully strike at him. Unless she desired to see her oh so precious bard meet a quick, violent end.

Sombra froze for a moment when suddenly the dragon sneezed, causing a little smoke to rise out from the helmet. He waited, but nothing more happened. He sighed and closed his eyes, once more reaching out to the umbrum, informing it of what was coming. Though its wounds were grievous, they would heal. All they needed was time and then they would be able to wash over Equestria like a tidal wave. It could take decades, but it would be inevitable.

Time that the bard would buy them.


Spike reached up under the mask and rubbed his eyes. Ugh, the mask was all burned and spit covered now. Ew.

All hail King Sombra.

He quickly stood back at attention, awaiting orders from his glorious liege. He was--

Wait, what? King Sombra wasn’t his liege. Why would he--

All hail King Sombra.

Yes, he was a loyal dragon of the Crystal Empire. He served King Sombra… didn’t he? He was supposed to. Wasn’t he?

Don’t move unless ordered.

Don’t tell me what to do.

Spike wanted to groan, but he stayed silent and at attention, as his king demanded.

Wait, a king wasn’t the Dragon Lord, was he?

Again his head ached.

Author's Note:

Another chapter doooone! Actually, almost finished with the grand season 3 finale. Hoping to finish the initial draft today or tomorrow.

Also, I was invited to do an interview / Q&A thing this saturday. Link here if you want to ask me any questions.

If you'd like to help support me and my writing, please take a look at my Patreon which offers early access chapters as well as monthly voting to determine which of the series will be written next. Alternatively, full copies of my books can be purchased through amazon on my author page. If you'd like to support me directly I now have a ko-fi page.

Finally, if you would like to talk more about the series or talk to me directly, please feel free to join my discord server. I also now have a twitter page where I announce news and releases.

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