• Published 9th Feb 2016
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The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S3 CH 11. Her silence

Twilight paced back and forth through her room, trying to imagine what they could do with the troublesome artifacts. Spike, helpful dragon that he was, was gathering all of the pieces up and putting them on the floor while Moondancer organized them. Before long, five little shattered piles were laying on the ground.

“Are you absolutely certain these are them?” Twilight asked, glancing to the piles.

“Yep. I don’t think I’d forget the single thing that was supposed to save all of Equestria from… this,” Moondancer mumbled, staring at them. “They’ve kind of been burned into my memory, if I can can be completely honest. There’s nothing here, though. No power, no magic. Nothing. Even if there was, I don’t even know if they’d work now. She’s--”

“Oh no, no no no no,” Twilight said firmly. “We’re not doing that. Even if they do work, the last thing we need is to banish her for another thousand years. Look at the fine mess we’re in now. We can’t just pass the buck onto whatever poor sap exists a thousand years from now,” she said firmly.

Moondancer sighed. “You’re right about that. But… what can we do? We could… give them over to her? I mean, it’s one of Discords pranks, she’d… well...”

“I’ll do it,” Twilight said firmly. “I’ll say Discord gave them to me and--”

“Oh buck no!” Moondancer said, her eyes narrowing. “Even if you are her favorite pony, she’ll tear you apart! Remember when you asked for Discord’s help? She’s STILL furious about that.”

“Well, I’m certainly not having YOU give them to her. If she thought you had anything to do with the elements, then she’d… I don’t know WHAT she’d do to you!” Twilight snapped. “You were supposed to use them the first time, if she thought you were trying again, she--”

“We can’t hide them forever! Even if they do just look like pieces of rock, they’re dangerous. Deadly! Well, not them, but if Nightmare Moon finds them, we’re so utterly bucked,” Moondancer snapped back. “We could put them someplace else. Maybe have her find them.” She nudged one of the piles. “If she finds them like this they… they...” She trailed off, her eyes focused on one of the piles. “That. That one. The blue one. Is… is it glowing?”

“Yes it is,” Spike whispered. “Is that good or bad?”

“Are any of the others?” Twilight asked, her nervousness only growing. They quickly looked over the piles but none of the others had even a flicker of light. “Well… okay then. What does it mean? Which one is blue?”

“I don’t know,” Moondancer muttered. “But never mind about hiding them. That means magic. Nightmare Moon is going to find out. We are so bu--”

The elements then rose into the air, swirling around in a tight circle. A brilliant light enveloped the room, blinding the three gathered. When the light dimmed and they could once again see, the elements were no more.

Instead a thick but narrow golden ring had formed, with five gems inside it. A light purple, orange, red, pink and, of course, a glowing blue one. Spike stared at them. “Well.. that’s… useful?”

“Do we give it to Nightmare Moon now?” Moondancer asked, nudging the small ring. She then frowned. “Wait. Is this a TAIL ring? What in Equestria? Why is it a tail ring? Why are they suddenly the elements of fancy jewelry?”

“Is it not supposed to do this?” Twilight asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe? I mean, they were just a bunch of stone orbs when I found them. You were reading the journal, did it mention much about them?”

“Not really. Just that there were six of them and they’d been turned to stone,” the earth pony said before walking forward and picking it up. “So… this is a good thing, right?”

“I don’t know,” Moondancer said before sitting down. “I wish I could ask Celestia about this. If anypony would know, she would.”

“Well, there’s always one other option,” Spike offered.

“We are not asking Nightmare Moon. She’d kill us,” Twilight said with a shudder.

“Not her. Discord. He brought them here, didn’t he? Or maybe Tirek? They were around during their time, right? If anyone would know, he might.”

The two unicorns stared at him, their mouths falling open. Moondancer was the first to speak up. “Spike. I say this, without any exaggeration. You are a genius.”

Spike blushed and shook his head. “Awe shucks, it wasn’t nothin’.”

“No, she’s right. Discord is perfect! But… err, how do we contact him?” Twilight asked, tapping her chin.

“Wait until it is the worst possible time for him to appear, then bam, there he is?” Spike said with a small hint of amusement.

The earth pony snickered. “We’ll call that plan B. We’ll need to see if we can get him to… pop up. Or maybe we can go to Fluttershy. I know she meets with him regularly.”

“I still think that’s the weirdest thing,” Moondancer said softly. “The two of them are just so different. How can they be friends like that?”

Twilight shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s just Fluttershy, I guess. Sometimes friends are just really different.”

“I mean, I’m friends with you two. And I’m a dragon,” Spike said with a shrug.

“Fair enough,” Moondancer said with a sigh. “You’re way nicer to be around, for the record.”

“We could try calling for him, once we’re outside the castle.”

Twilight sighed, lifting a hoof to her forehead. “Yes. Maybe he’ll even answer. We could--”

The door flung open and Nightmare Moon stood in the frame, her eyes narrowed on the three of them.

Twilight was the first to recover, her eyes locking onto the mare. “Y-your highness, about the ring, we can explain, it just, we were just, it, err...” she said softly, slowly withering under the mare’s gaze.

Nightmare Moon’s eyes wandered to the tail ring for a second before she shrugged. “It is very nice. A trinket from Ponyville, we take it?” she asked, her voice barely controlled. “Congratulations on your new accessory. Between the two of you, you have read every book in the library, correct?”

“T-there are thousands of books there,” Twilight said sheepishly.

“Your point?” the ruler asked, her voice dry and unamused.

“I mean, it’d be impossible. Ish. I mean, sure, we’ve probably read most of them,” Moondancer said nervously.

“Are you looking for suggestions?” Twilight asked. “What subjects? Or if you’re looking for some light reading I’ve always found Shookenlance’s works to be delightful. I think you’d really like Summer’s Myth.”

Moondancer snickered. “Denied Leaf exits stage left, pursued by parasprites?” she asked, before breaking down into a fit of giggles, holding her hoof over her mouth.

Twilight couldn’t help herself, she had to cover her mouth and try to hold it back as well. “I-it is a classic for a reason.”

Nightmare Moon stared at the pair of giggling mares before looking to Spike, who merely shrugged and mouthed the word ‘nerds’ to her. She gave him an agreeing nod. “Moving along, no. We do not desire such things. Our journal mentioned other journals, written by Celestia. We wish to see them. Where are they stored?”

That made the last remains of laughter disappear. Twilight nervously glanced to Moondancer. “Err… I’ve never seen any. Have you?”

“Journals? No,” she said with a shake of her head. “Aside from yours, I’ve never seen any.”

Nightmare Moon sighed. “Truly? Student, I imagine you of all ponies would have read them.”

Moondancer cringed, her gaze lowering. “I-I’m sorry, your highness. But there’s none in the library. I’d have looked at them, if there were.”

The alicorn rolled her eyes. “So she didn’t even trust you with them? Very well. Perhaps they do not even exist at all. Just another lie from our sister.”

Moondancer gave a small, nervous nod. Well, if nothing else she was certain that the ruler couldn’t detect the elements. If she could, she was pretty sure the wall of the room would have been gone. As would the three of them. She gave a mental thanks to them that they changed to a new form BEFORE the alicorn made her appearance. “If you don’t mind me asking, err, your highness, why do you desire to know?”

“We were merely curious. We have decided that, for the time being, until we can locate and rid this world of Discord, we had best focus our energies on other matters.”

Twilight nodded. “You seem to be doing much better now, your highness. Taking it in stride. It’s quite impressive.”

The alicorn stared at her for a long, long moment, taking a slow, deep breath. “We were… furious, to say the least.”


Nightmare Moon had stormed through the halls, her fury burning off her like a fire of dark magic. She would tear him apart, limb from limb. Piece by piece. Turn him to stone, just to chip away at him, then turn him back. An eternity of torment, one to make his years as a statue seem like a simple day at the beach!

How did he even get them out without her noticing? It had to be that Everfree Forest. The way it disrupted her magic.

The only reason she was there was because those two had dragged her there. Moondancer, it had to be. Obviously her sister’s little student had construed a plan to give Discord the chance, tricking both her and her bard into going down there to--

No. No no no. She stopped herself and took a slow, deep breath. Moondancer was HER student. Discord was a master of trickery and deceit. He’d likely been planning this for weeks. Moondancer had failed to use the elements against her once, she would not be foalish enough to try again. Her bard wouldn’t, either. This had to be a plot of the spirit’s own making.

But he could not use them against her. A creature such as him was too chaotic for harmony to exist in him. So why?

To anger her, she supposed. They were unusable by him, so why else but to cause chaos in her mind? To show he could. To make her second guess her own decisions. To send her into a chaotic rage.

She’d show him. She’d maintain control, not allow him to throw her off again. She’d beaten the elements once already, she would do it again if they came near. They were useless now. There was no one who could possibly wield them. Besides, they were just shattered pebbles now.

She would be calm. Collected. In control.



“But a ruler must maintain their composure at all times. We merely spent some time calming ourselves and then knew the path we must take,” Nightmare Moon said firmly, gazing down at the pair.

“I-I see. So you’re… not mad at us?” Moondancer asked, barely managing to avoid looking towards the elements.

“Of course not. You have done nothing wrong,” the alicorn said with a forced smile. She wanted to yell at the unicorn, though she knew to control herself. To maintain dignity and calm. As much as a part of her enjoyed watching Moondancer sweat, she reminded herself that the unicorn was HER student now. Not her sister’s. “Discord is a fool, nothing more. He may have his fun, but the elements cannot oppose us. We have nothing to fear from such acts. While we are aware that Discord struck the moment we were away aiding you, we are also aware that the spirit of disharmony is a tricky, twisted beast. He has likely been planning this for months and, had it not been for you, some other manner would have eventually caused him to act. In the end, these petty attempts at sabotage are inconsequential.” She’d begin by taking away all of his power. Then turning him into something entirely benign and normal. Something where he COULDN’T enact any chaos. Maybe a hamster, make him run in a straight line on a wheel for a thousand years. Yes. That would be an excellent start. In a room painted perfectly off white, nothing at all different to distract him from eternal tedium.

“Thank you, your majesty,” Moondancer said quickly, bowing her head. She couldn’t believe their luck. They were going to live!

Nightmare Moon eyed the student for a long moment, before sighing. “So then. You truly don’t know about any other journals?”

“No,” Moondancer said, shaking her head. “I wouldn’t hide them from you, your highness.”

“We see. Very well then.”

Twilight coughed, staring at the ruler. She mentally weighed her choices, before raising her hoof. “Err, your highness? About the tail ring?” she asked.

“Ah, you desire a grander review? Very well.” The alicorn glanced to the ring, a small surge of delight in her chest at knowing her bard wanted her advice over such an item. “It is quite… extravagant, bard. Though we do not believe it would suit you. It is a bit too sparkly, while you often are more suited to simple, elegant designs. Perhaps show it to Rarity, shiny things seem far more her style. Now then, if there is nothing else you require of us, we have things to deal with. Please, continue as you were.” She then turned and left the room before the other two can object.

Spike stared at the doorway, letting the silence sink in. After a few minutes he finally spoke up. “Seems, err, that the gamble paid off. Nice.”

Moondancer let out a soft groan. “What was that even about?”

“Obviously she wants those journals. Probably to burn them,” Spike said with a shrug. He cringed when Twilight went still. “Err, or maybe she wants to read them? Maybe she’s just curious?”

Twilight nodded. “Hopefully. But Moondancer, you should be careful. Lying to Nightmare Moon is dangerous. If she finds out you hid them from her--”

“Wait, what? I’m not hiding them from her. I don’t know where they are!” Moondancer said defensively, her cheeks turning red. “Why would I?”

“Err… because you’re her student?” Spike offered. “I mean, if she was going to tell anyone, then she’d tell you. Right?”

Moondancer opened her mouth, but, slowly, she closed it. She sat down on the floor and gave a soft sigh. “She never told me about any journals. I don’t know about them. Maybe she stopped keeping them. Maybe she just forgot. Maybe she didn’t trust me with them,” she said gently before shaking her head. “We have more important things to worry about, right? Let’s just decide what we’ll do with this ring. Then tomorrow we can see about contacting Discord and finding out what we can.”

Spike picked the ring up and eyed it. “Why not just toss it in a drawer?”

“It’s a priceless, ancient and incredibly powerful magical artifact,” Twilight said with a roll of her eyes.

“That none of you know how to use,” the dragon said with a sigh. “So it’s basically a paperweight. So...” He walked over to Twilight desk and pulled out the bottom drawer, before dropping it inside. “There, dealt with.”

“That’s not, it doesn’t… ugh,” Twilight muttered, shaking her head. “I guess it’ll do for now, until we can talk to Discord.” She then collapsed back onto her bed, half expecting there to be some other fresh horror. Fortunately, all the bed now held was bedding. And rock dust. She sighed. “I’m going to need to remake my bed. There’s… rock… dust, all over it,” she grumbled.

Moondancer nodded. “Here, I’ll help. It’s the least I could do. Between the two of us, I’m sure it’ll go faster.”


Nightmare Moon stared at Moondancer’s room with a look of annoyance. How did anypony live like this?

There were nothing BUT books in the room. Books and homework. No, worse than that. Most of the books and homework were ones Nightmare Moon had assigned. The few that weren’t seemed to be books written by Twilight. Aside from her furniture and clothing, there was nothing else.

No pictures of loved ones. No letters from friends. No trinkets or odds and ends. The entire room was impeccable. Spotless. Perfect. She could have substituted Moondancer for literally any other pony in the world and there wouldn’t be a need to toss out anything but her clothes. She nudged the bed and shook her head. How could anypony live like this?

She’d searched through the room, used every spell she could to try and find some secret. But there was nothing. It was all perfect. No hint of the journals that her student had to be hiding.

Hoofsteps in the hall made her freeze in place. Her horn glowed and with a flash, everything she’d touched was placed back in its right position. She turned to shadows once more mere moments before the door opened and Moondancer stepped into the room.

The unicorn gave a light yawn before walking to her desk, a book held in her magic. The journal. Nightmare Moon felt a flash of anger. How dare her student steal her private journal that she had told them she could read. The rage died down quickly when she ran that thought through her mind once more. She rolled her eyes at her student. The mare had been running around all day, she had to be exhausted. So why would she be studying now?

Then again, this was the ideal opportunity. Perhaps Moondancer would try to connect this journal with the others. Moondancer sat up suddenly, her horn glowing. Nightmare Moon froze in place moments before a flash went through the room. She realized a moment later the mare was performing a quick scanning spell, checking for anything or anypony, in the room. Fortunately, she was more than capable of concealing herself from the spell, though she doubted her shades would have been so lucky.

She eyed her student suspiciously. A moment later, a small pink light flowed over the doorway. A silencing spell?

Was her student truly so paranoid as to believe that somepony would spy on her room in such a manner? Nightmare Moon hadn’t had the shades spy on her in we… oh. She supposed her student wasn’t truly being paranoid after all. Still, she couldn’t suppress the giddy glee when she watched her student do everything she could to hide what she was planning. Little did she know that her ruler saw all. Whatever traitorous deceptions she was up to, it would soon be--

Moondancer began to cry.

Nightmare Moon froze in place, her shadowy form almost flickering.

The unicorn sobbed, covering her face with both hooves and resting her head on the desk. “I’m an idiot. A stupid, stupid idiot. W-why did I ever think I could do this? Of course it’s her. Of course it’s Twilight. It has to be, doesn’t it? Why did I ever let myself believe I had value? That I had worth? Why did I e-ever let myself believe that I-I was important?” She picked up the journal in her hooves and then shook her head. “No wonder s-she never told me about this. About a-any of it. I’m useless. She had to know. W-why did you ever a-ask me to do any of this if you j-just knew I’d fail?” she asked the book as if she expected it to answer, before tossing it down onto the desk.

The ruler stared at the unicorn, unable to move. The silence spells. Scanning to make sure nopony was here. Collapsing the moment she was behind closed doors. No, this was something she knew far too well. Something she had done herself, so long ago. A lifetime ago. A thousand years ago. Could her eyes form tears like this, they would have. Instead, all she could do was watch.

“Why now?” Moondancer whispered. “Why NOW? I finally thought… I was… I thought m-maybe I was… maybe I could help. Maybe I could make things better. Why does it all have to happen now? It’s not fair. Why did i-it all have to start working when she touched it? Why is she so special?”

She didn’t know what Twilight had done, what had made her student feel so over--

She jerked when she realized she did. How often had she shoved Moondancer aside in order to make space for Twilight? How many times had she made the mare feel small and useless? How many times had she pushed the unicorn into the shadow of the bard?

How many times had Luna hidden in her room and cried tears that she hid from the world, trying to ignore the pain that the love and adoration they had for her sister caused? How many times had she questioned her own value, her own worth? How many times had she believed, just once, that somepony else had appreciated her, only for it to turn out that the appreciation was for her sister?

The words the unicorn sobbed were no longer legible. The alicorn let out a soft sigh before she slowly slid out from the room, under the door. Once she reformed outside of it, she listened.

Not a single sound escaped the room. Had she not been in there, she wouldn’t have heard any of it. Moondancer would have suffered alone. She took a slow, deep breath. She should leave the mare be, let her suffer in silence. Just as Luna had. It was what she wanted at that time. She glanced down at her dark hooves, the hooves of the now ruler of all Equestria.

Slowly, she turned and knocked on the door, heavily. No sound came out. She rolled her eyes and then with a quick movement, dispelled the silence spell.

She could hear the sobs from the other side, but they quickly stopped. A moment later, she knocked again.

“O-one moment! Sorry! I’m just doing an experiment!” Moondancer yelled. It took a few minutes, but the door opened.

Nightmare Moon glanced to the desk, which was now covered in the homework, rather than the neat and clean it had been moments ago. She then glanced to Moondancer, who’s eyes were only a little red and puffy. Had she not known the mare had been crying, she would have never guessed.

How many times had Moondancer done this? How many times had she broken down in her room, hidden from everypony else?

Yet now she didn’t look sad. She looked frightened. “Y-your highness, Is there something wrong? I--”

“You are fine, student. We’ve come to talk with you. May we come in?”

“O-of course,” Moondancer said, stepping aside.

Nightmare Moon moved by the mare and stared down at the trembling unicorn. Why was she so frightened? Was this how the unicorn reacted around her sister? Like a quivering, useless foal who-- NO! She shook her head and tried to knock such thoughts away. Instead, she gently reached out and put a hoof on Moondancer’s shoulder. For once in a very, very long time, she felt she knew what to do. She knew the right thing to do. Even if a part of her loathed it.

She’d have to apologize.

“Student… Moondancer. We have come to apologize.”

“Apologize? You haven’t done any--”

“We both know that we have done many, many things wrong since our arrival here. Our bard has made quite the effort to show us, has she not?” the ruler asked. “As have you, at times.”

“I-I mean, err, that’s--”

“But most of all, we have been unfair to you.”

“To me?”

“To you. We took you as our student. We taught you much of our magic. But we never truly saw you as ours. We saw merely the reflection of our sister on you. We punished you for it. We used it to hurt you. We were unfair.”

“O-oh...” Moondancer said, eyeing her, the suspicion obvious in her gaze.

Nightmare Moon nodded before speaking up once more. “We will endeavor to be a teacher that you can trust in the future. A teacher who will support you and help you grow. Much as our sister did.”

That made Moondancer cringe and quickly wipe her eyes.


“Nothing. It’s nothing. Thank you, your highness. Err, I really appreciate it. But, uhhh, I really need to finish this experiment before I go to bed. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

Nightmare Moon stared at the unicorn, before shaking her head. “No. That is all. We… wish you the best of luck in your… experiment,” she said before she turned and trotted out the door. It closed a moment later and she paused. After a few seconds, that silencing spell went up again.

Why did her student refuse to open up to her so vehemently? Surely the unicorn could see that it was what was best for her. Bah. There was still one way she could find out what her student needed.

She shoved down the frustration, trying to ignore it. Bad enough that Discord stole HER elements right under her nose, but to now have her own student hiding things from her. Especially after she finally decided to start treating her like a student.

She would NOT let this stand! She’d have the mare whipped if that was what it came to! Make her confess all of her--

Nightmare Moon froze in place, slowly glancing back towards the door. Perhaps it would be better if she, too, got some sleep before she made any rash decisions.

Moondancer was her student now. Her true student. Tearing her open would not be the way to proceed. No matter how she longed to.

Worse of all, however, was the distressing fact that she really knew almost nothing about the mare. Despite being her student, she didn’t even know how Moondancer had gotten her cutie mark. She would need to rectify that. She turned and started to walk away from the room. Perhaps it was also time for her student to have a night of good dreams for once.

Author's Note:

And so begins the next small arc... this one will, if not obvious, focus on a bit of Moondancer's past as well as begin to give information on the changelings! With a few... extra things I think people will like. <3

For those curious where I've been, well. Working on a few books, will hopefully have two out soon. And, well, I'm an american. So things have been kind of terrifying and horrific here. Lots of corruption and horribleness coming to light and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I've been fortunate and somewhat shielded from a lot of the worst of it, but it is still terrifying many days and we're trying to get out if we can. For all the people who haven't been as fortunate as me, I truly wish you the best and I hope you'll be okay despite all of... this.

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