• Published 9th Feb 2016
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The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S2 Ch 24: Magic kindergarten!

Glow stared at the two humans, a frown on her lips.

She was not sure this was going to work, at all. She knew all about magical spells and how they operated. She could, in theory, teach a class on unicorn magic. She could probably teach a pony how to use it, even. If they had some basic understanding of how magic worked.

But neither of them had ever USED magic. Magic was something that was developed over a life time of practice and hard work. It was a muscle that needed to be trained and harnessed, developed. Would they even be able to use magic? Would the bodies they’d have be able to? And what if they could, but it was only weak magic, what if they didn’t HAVE the abilities of their Equestrian counterparts? She didn’t know anypony who had tested the transfer in the other direction. For all she knew they only got the body, not the magic, of their counterparts.

Even worse, what if they didn’t even get that? Equestria was incredibly magical. This world wasn’t. What if the ‘transformation’ only occurred BECAUSE of the magic inside her? What if they STAYED human? What if they did succeed, and had all the power needed, and could use it, but then Nightmare Moon decided to take it? There were so many things that could go wrong. And if any of them did, then she’d be dooming these two generous humans who offered to aid her. For the thousandth time, she pushed those thoughts away. There was no time to focus on what could go wrong now. She had to focus on doing what had to be done to save everypony.

“Okay. Now, I want you to close your eyes, and imagine a kind of… energy, flowing through your body. It starts at the feet, and flows up, through your entire being, all the way to your hor-- forehead.”

The two nodded, closing their eyes and focusing.

She’d have given anything to have the two with horns, so they could fully practice. But there was no way to do that here. They’d have to keep practicing.

“Now, imagine all this energy bursting out of you, like a magical spray of water, blasting through. Throwing your energy itself, in a direct form, at whatever you desire. While the beam, itself, will be straight, the target will be whatever you focus it on. Direct it at. It will be difficult at first, but… well, if you were going to be there for long, it’d be second nature within a few days.”

Once again, the two tried. Though she had no idea if they would be able to do it. She tried to focus on the basics. ‘Blasting’. The most simple spell a combat pony could do. What she wouldn’t give to have Moondancer with her. That mare could probably have taken on Chrysalis herself. Or Rainbow, that mare was tough. She’d have probably flown up and then crashed into the giant bug, crushing her. Or Applejack. Now there was a mare she doubted would lose to some giant changeling.

“Imagine the energy flowing out, through your entire body. Slowly gather it, and push. Magic is a complex science, but the basic principles are simple. Just push, from your ho-- forehead.”

She was just a writer. Being an earth pony wasn’t so bad, if she had trained for combat. Maybe joined the guard. But she hadn’t. She spent most of her days writing new books and stories. Well, and keeping Nightmare Moon under control. Ish. As best she could. She wasn’t a fighter. Her only real weapon was her brain. She was stronger and had more stamina than a lot of unicorns and pegasi, but not enough to actually fight.

“Now. Focus on forming a kind of… dome, from the magic you’d be gathering. Envision it as a small, thin wall made of a very powerful material.”

“Like steel?” Shining asked.

“Exactly. Just imagine it like that...”

For days she trained them, and with each one she felt more and more dread. They’d go to their classes, then come back to practice and try to learn, to envision something they had no basis for. She admired their dedication, their strength. They didn’t complain. Didn’t object. They had no way of knowing if what they were doing would even mean anything, but they still tried their hardest and didn’t give up. How could she not admire them for it?

And they were doing it for her. For her people. She could see so much of her brother and his old friend in them. The kindness. The generosity. The ponies she depended on. And she prayed to the stars above it wouldn’t be in vain.

She tried so hard to block it out until the moment came. Sparkle’s device sprang to life, alerting them it was time. That it was finally time. They all had classes…

But when night fell, they would step in and head across the portal. And, if they were lucky, save Nightmare Moon.


The drive was much, much, MUCH smoother with Shining behind the wheel. However, the moment they arrived, Glow instantly felt a small burst of dread. There was that girl again, Sunset. Her arms were crossed and she was standing outside the portal.

Glow got out of the car first, making her way towards the girl and readying herself for a fight. She’d be bucked if she was going to allow some brat stop her from saving her home.

“I’m sorry,” Sunset said, making her pause and almost stumble over.


“I said, I’m sorry. You were right. I was wrong.” She pointed a thumb at the portal. “I’ve been testing it every day. I knew now that it was active, you’d come back. So… I just… I wanted you to know I was sorry.”

Glow blinked a few times, staring. Finally, she spoke up. “You… are? Really? Does that mean you’ll help?”

“Yeah. I’m coming with you,” Sunset said, giving a small smile. “It’s the least I can do. After all… its my home, too. And we’re all friends here, right?” she asked.

Glow felt a small warmth spread through her heart. She couldn’t believe it. This girl really WAS Celestia’s student. She could finally see just a bit of Moondancer in her. “Yes, we are. Okay everypo-- body! Are you ready?”

Cadence and Shining nodded. “As ready as we’ll ever be. We--”

“Wait, ready? What are all of… your entourage doing?” Sunset asked, her voice clouded with suspicion.

Glow smiled. “They’re coming with us, to try and--”

“Oh HECK no!” Sunset snapped, shaking her head.

“E-excuse me?” Cadence said. “We’re here to help, we--”

“And how are you going to help?” Sunset asked, glaring.

Shining spoke up. “Well, our alter-egos had magic, so it is likely--”

“No,” Sunset said, shaking her head. “Dear heavens, what did you almost do?” she asked, glaring at Glow. “They can’t go through.”

Glow gulped. “But they--”

“Are not ponies. They don’t know the first thing about being a pony. They’d have to spend the first few minutes learning how to walk! Let alone doing magic. They could have gotten killed.”

“B-but they--”

“I’m coming with you, not them. I’m sorry, but this is for your own good.”

“The two of us can’t just--”

“Did you forget? I was Celestia’s prized student. More importantly, I WAS a pony. I have experience. I can get you to Nightmare Moon, and help you alert everypony. But I can’t do it AND keep all of them safe at the same time.”

Shining flushed. “I-I don’t need someone to protect me. I can--”

“You really can’t,” Sunset said, shaking her head. “Listen, I get it. She comes here, makes those sad eyes, apparently lectures people and has a mean right hook, you want to help her. To be the hero, that’s fine. But this is just going to get her and you all killed, or worse. I have experience. More importantly, I have the power you need. You know how good I had to have been back there, Glow. And I won’t go if they go.”

Glow stared at the other girl. Sunset, or her two friends? She glanced to Sparkle, who looked just as confused and worried. Finally, she turned to Shining and Cadence. “I… I’m sorry to ask this, especially after all you have done for me, but...”

“No, she’s the better choice,” Cadence said with a sigh. “And she’s right. We’d likely just get in the way.”

“What? But we were going to be awesome!” Shining objected, before Cadence elbowed him in the side. “Ow! I mean, yeah, you’re probably right. Just… stay safe. Okay, Twily?”

Glow nodded and took a deep breath. She then turned to face Sunset, giving a weak smile. “I’m ready, I think.”

“Okay. And your plan?”

“Alert Nightmare Moon. Its been a few days, she’d have to be back by now. And… once I do… hope she’s not been drained enough Chrysalis can stop her.”

Sunset nodded, before reaching out her hand. “Come on, then, lets go.”

Glow nodded and took the hand before the two stepped into the portal together.

Author's Note:

And so, Sunset steps up to the plate and agrees to help. And, alas, it looks like Cadence and Shining won't get their chance to try out their magic. Oh well. I'm sure there will definitely never be any opportunity for them to do that and the entire premise of them learning was just a waste of time to fill time. Yup. Definitely.

Y-you all believe me, right? I'm totally just a hack who has no idea how to write a story right. :scootangel:

Also, psst. Commissions are still open, so please feel free to drop me a request if you're looking to have your story told!

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