• Published 9th Feb 2016
  • 14,894 Views, 1,899 Comments

The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S1 CH 4. Talk and walk

The earth pony gulped as she slowly walked down the steps into the dungeons. She'd only been down here a few times in the past, but it had always been with her brother and during the day. Now the hallway leading to it was dark and the torches did little to remove the feeling of unease. Even though she knew she was in no danger, she couldn't help practically tip hoofing as she walked.

Then she made it down to the bottom layer and she froze in place. There were dozens of cells. Last time there had only been a few ponies locked away, namely for minor things. Most were just sleeping whatever had put them here off. But now each and every cell was filled to the brim, four or five ponies in each. A few looked up, but barely glanced at her.

“Shiny?” she called out.

“Twiley?” his voice came from down the hall. She galloped forward, soon turning to one of the prisons and gasping, a hoof going up to her mouth.

“Shiny? You're... you're... playing poker?” she asked, cocking her head to the side. Six ponies were in the cell, sitting at one of the tables and dealing cards to each other. They even had little poker hats on. He waved.

“I've been down here for years, Twily. It gets boring.”

“It hasn't even been a month,” she said flatly. “But, okay, boring makes sense. Sorry I haven't come to visit you, I--” Her eyes widened. “Oh mom and dad must be panicking by now.”

He blinked. “Wait, what? You haven't sent them a message? How could you not send them a message!”

“I-I've been busy!” she said defensively, adding it to the list of things she had to do.

He frowned. “Oh, I've heard. What is this about you joining Nightmare Moon? Becoming her bard?”

She sighed and then yelped. She couldn't help but notice almost all the cells had eyes on her. “It's... it's not how it sounds. Really.”

“Celestia will come back and over throw her, Twily. If you've--”

“Maybe, but that's besides the point,” Twilight said quickly. “I am NOT serving her. Well, I am, but... it's a long story. I'm trying to get to the bottom of all of this.”

He got up and moved to the bars. Some of the glares from the guards leveled off, but most were still aimed at her. “Bottom of this?”

“Yes. Exactly who she is and what her intentions are. I've found out so much, Shiny,” she said softly. “But that's not what's important. I'm writing this out.”

He scowled. “You're writing a BOOK about this? This isn't the time, it's--”

“It's the perfect time! Ponies are out there right now, afraid. They don't know what's going on, they don't know where the princess is. They don't know if they're in danger. I'm learning what's going on. Celestia is alive, but... I don't think she'll be coming back. And ponies aren't in danger. Well, they might be imprisoned, but she doesn't want to hurt or kill us. She wants...” She blinked and lowered her gaze. “She wants us to love her. To adore her. It's... kind of sad, really. In a lot of ways she's like a little child throwing a tantrum.” She took a deep breath. “And I can get this information out to ponies. Let them know what's going on. Remove the fear, give them the knowledge. Let them know EXACTLY who she is and what she wants.”

For a moment there was silence. Then she felt something hit her flank. “Ow!” She looked down and saw the remains of a sandwich. “Who--” Then another. Followed by an apple core, and a pillow.

“Get out of here, moon lover!” a voice yelled out.

“Hey, knock it off!” Shining yelled, stomping a hoof, but the others ignored him. Twilight let out a shriek as more things were leveled at her, fortunately nothing too big. She turned and raced out from the cells, being peppered by garbage the whole way. She finally made it up the steps and out of the cells, the refuse falling off her with every step. She could still hear them yelling.

“Get out of here!”


“Go back to your false queen!”

Her eyes were filled with tears but she struggled to keep them in, to hold them back. She kept her face low as she walked out through the halls, passing the servants and guards who barely looked at her. Not that there were very many. A lot of ponies still tried to avoid the palace. She made her way towards the garden entrance, taking a deep breath as she stepped outside and felt the cool night air. Of course, it was always cool night air. They couldn't have cool day air anymore.

With that, she felt the dams break. The tears began to flow and she charged forward, running into the garden and away from the castle. Away from those angry ponies. Most importantly, away from the Nightmare. She ran and ran, racing through the mazes and all the plants until she couldn't run anymore.

Then she fell down to her knees and sobbed, covering her face with her hooves and cried like a filly. She wasn't a traitor. She didn't want to serve Nightmare Moon. She wanted to be writing books, talking with fans, working with her editor. She wanted to run away, leave this castle forever and pretend none of this ever happened.

But she couldn't. She... could control Nightmare. Not very well, but she seemed to be able to stop her from doing things that were too bad. Even worse, she didn't know if others could. She had a unique position to give ponies all the information they needed to feel safe, to be safe. To help them understand what was going on. Even if it meant they hated her. The princess listened to her. Who knew? In a few months, she might even be able to convince her to release Celestia. Or years. Or decades. Or...

She sobbed again, so hard it shook her entire body as she laid on the ground, unable to keep the pain in any longer. She wanted to go home. She hated it here. She was just an earth pony, a simple earth pony. She wanted to write her stories, like her mother. That was all. She wasn't supposed to be some kind of bard for the princess.

She was so caught in her pain and suffering she didn't notice until her sobbing stopped that there was a soft, gentle warmth on her side. She slowly looked over and saw a little yellow pegasus with a pink mane standing over her, a wing gently holding her. The mare eeped and pulled back. “I... I'm sorry... you just... you s-sounded so...” She kept speaking, but the words got so quiet and soft that Twilight couldn't even hear them.

“I'm sorry?” Twilight said, smiling at the mare as she wiped her eyes. “I... I'm sorry. I just... I was so...” She took a slow, deep breath. “Stressed. Very, very stressed. Are... you here to see the princess?” She received a soft squeak in response. “I'm sorry? I can't hear you.” She moved a little closer and caught something out of the corner of her eye. She glanced up and froze.

A massive monster towered over them, making her words lock in her throat. It had wings, claws, a massive tail and big teeth. It was... in the midst of singing opera?

It took her a moment to realize it wasn't a beast at all, it was some kind of statue. A weird amalgamation of all kinds of different creatures in one. She shook her head and then looked back to the pony. Though the statue still kept trying to draw her eyes. “I'm sorry, what was your name?”

The mare mumbled. Twilight moved in closer. “I'm sorry?”

“F-Flutter... shy...” she whispered so softly that Twilight could only just make out the words. She gave a comforting smile, though she couldn't help feeling a nagging feeling that she'd heard that name before.

“Ah, hello Miss Fluttershy. My name is Twilight Glow, a pleasure to meet you.”

The mare gasped. “T-Twilight Glow? T-the Twilight Glow?”

The earth pony blinked and nodded. “Err... yes? Are you a fan?”

“Ohhh! I've read all your books on Fuzzles the bunny! They are just so adorable and cute and help me whenever I have a bad night!”

Twilight blinked a few times and cocked her head to the side. “Fuzzles? Wait, the...” She bit her lip. She'd written a few filly and colt stories, the Fuzzle series. They hadn't really been a big hit, but they'd done moderately well. She only really worked on them on the side, though, since they weren't very stressful. “Really? I uhhhh... I'm happy you liked them.” She couldn't help but feel the mare was a little bit older than the target audience. But then, who was she to judge? She wrote the things and a fan was a fan regardless. “Are you here to see the princess?”

“Oh... ummm... n-no. I'm... here with Rainbow. Did... did you escape?”

“Escape? No,” Twilight said with a shake of her head. She then paused and looked around. “Wait. Here with Rainbow? Who's Rainbow? And why are you out here in the middle of the night? Well... I guess it's always night now. But still.”

“We're... ummmm... here to rescue Rarity... sorry...” the pegasus said, shuffling her hooves.

Twilight blinked a few more times. “Rarity isn't being held prisoner here. She's helping to design the new--” She paused. “Wait, rescue? Oh... oh dear. That could--” She shook her head and smiled. As troubling as it was to imagine somepony trying to do a rescue operation right now, if this Rainbow was anything like Fluttershy, there was nothing to worry about.

Of course, mere moments later she heard a loud battle cry(for there was nothing else it could possibly be called), followed by the shattering of glass. Twilight gulped. “Oh. Oh no. That's... not your friend by...”

There was a nod from the mare.

“Oh buck.” She turned and raced towards the castle, already she could hear things breaking and the screams. Buck buck buck!

Author's Note:

And so begins the meeting of more friends and a bit of foreshadowing. You'll all be happy to know that the rough outline for the series following the first season was finished last night.

It was bucking huge. It's looking like this story will be extremely long so I'm doubtful I'll finish it anytime soon. Buck, the first season alone looks like it'd take 2-3 months of pure dedicated writing just to finish, not even counting breaks. And there's bound to be 6-8 seasons by the time the story is done. And that's with the majority of it from Twilight's viewpoint. But hey, as long as people LIKE the story I see no reason why I'd toss it aside and the premise is fun enough I think it'll be fun to write.

As an aside, this'll probably be the second to last 'short' chapter. I finished these all a while ago and while I'll try to make more short burst chapters, chances are they'll end up being longer since, well... I write longer now. Oops.

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