• Published 9th Feb 2016
  • 14,895 Views, 1,899 Comments

The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S2 Ch 2. Tea time

Twilight squeaked when she appeared in the air. She looked around in confusion, before dropping from the air and splatting onto the ground a moment later. “Ow.”

Discord appeared a moment later, holding Fluttershy and gently placing her down. “Now,” the creature said, frowning at them. “Something is going on. What is it?” He sat down, a large chair forming behind him. Glasses and a brown suit formed on him. A notebook and pencil dropped into his hands. Two therapist couches formed under the ponies, tossing them in the air and making the two ponies bounce a bit.

Twilight gulped and stared up at the spirit. “W-well. My name is Twilight Glow. This is Fluttershy. I am Nightmare Moon’s personal bard.”

The pegasus squeaked, nodding.

Discord nodded. “I see...” he snapped his fingers and a table formed between them, with little horn shaped cookies, a tea pot and some cups. He poured them each a cup of tea. “Would you like a trumpet crumpet?” He then began to drink the tea pot, before tossing the tea back, crashing through a wall that had appeared. The cookies trumpeted at them.

“… I’m good,” Twilight said. “Err, I ummm… there’s a book. Now. I guess. Err. I-- WAIT! Discord! Nightmare Moon and Tirek both referenced you! You’re one of the great evils Nightmare Moon defended the world from!”

Discord cocked an eye. “I would hardly call myself a great evil. I am merely a spirit who likes to have fun, how does that make me evil?”

Twilight opened her mouth, then blinked. “W-well, I… don’t know.”

“And you’re taking Nightmare Moon’s views on who is evil?”

“… Okay, valid point.”

“You turn a few ponies into accordions and suddenly you’re evil. So unfair.” He shook his head sadly. He then held out his hand and a book appeared in it. Her book. “I’ve never been one for reading, but I suppose I can make an exception...” He started flipping through it.

Twilight blinked. “What? But--”

“Shush. I am reading. Haven’t you ever heard not to interrupt a pony when they’re reading.”

“Oh, right,” she said. Then paused. “Wait. You’re not a pony!”

He snickered. “Nope. Now shush.”

Twilight sighed and looked around. They were in a weird house. She saw a herd of dust bunnies running off, hiding under the cabinet to avoid a hunting vacuum. However, they were suddenly pounced on by a tribe of feather dusters.

Discord sighed and shook his head. “It’s so hard to keep the house presentable sometimes.” He held out his right hand and a few dust bunnies formed in his hands. He lowered them to the ground and let them scamper off, bounding under the chair.

The earth pony sighed. “Are you done?”

“Nope,” Discord said, shaking his head. “Be patient. If you’d like, you can look around the house.”

Twilight nodded before glancing out the window and seeing the nameless void with little pieces of stone and brick floating about. She shook her head. “I think we’ll, err, wait.”

“Suit yourself,” he said with a shrug.

Fluttershy slowly reached out and took her cup of tea, sipping it a little. Her eyes lit up. “Oh my! Is that… cinnamon?”

“Mmmm hm!” Discord said with a grin.

“And… avocado?”

“Why indeed it is! You have quite the tongue,” Discord said with a grin. “A fine purveyor of tea, I take it?”

“Oh, not at all. Rarity and I just have tea when we go on our weekly spa date. She likes to bring all kinds of teas to try.”

Discord nodded. “Mmmm. Indeed.” His tail moved out, nudging the tray of crumpets towards her. “Go ahead, have one Fluttershy.”

“Oh, umm...” Fluttershy gave them a nervous look, then glanced to Twilight. She timidly reached a hoof out, picking one up with the tip of her hoof and starring at it.

He smiled, but it didn’t make a sound. She took a small bite, then blinked. “Oh! It is quite nice! Is that… hmmm… oh, cashews!”

He nodded. “Of course, only the best for my fri-- guest,” Discord said with a hum.

Twilight blinked and gave him a suspicious glance. She rubbed her chin and narrowed her eyes. Something was up. There was something weird going on. She didn’t know what it was, but there was a draconequus shaped hole in this little event and she aimed to fill it. “Discord, you were trapped in that statue before, right?”

“Mmmm hmm,” he mumbled, flipping a page.

“So… why did you take both me and Fluttershy?”

“She seemed like good company. You seemed a bit more...” A low grin formed on his lips. “Of a royal pain.” He gave a snicker.

Twilight frowned. She was sure there was a joke in there somewhere, but she had no idea where. “There aren’t many records of you, could you tell us about yourself? Who you are?”

“I am Discord and Discord is me,” he said with a smirk. “Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, in direct opposition of the Elements of Harmony.” He paused for a moment. “I think I see the point.” He slammed the book closed. “Now, what shall I do?”

She gulped and stared up at him.

“Now, I could go on a giant destructive spree, spreading chaos and anarchy across the land, but then Nightmare Moon would eventually track me down and it would end in a very annoying and mildly painful fight between the two of us. And as much as I hate to admit it, I can’t say for certain I’d be able to defeat her. After all, she was quite a bit stronger than she was last time.”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah. She has the power of Celestia and Cadence,” she muttered.

“Ah, yes. Three alicorns in one is not quite something I’d enjoy,” he said with a shrug. “I guess I can just annoy her for a bit, cause a bit of chaos,” he mumbled idly, scratching his chin with his tail. “But that isn’t really my style either. Causing a big stir, driving ponies crazy is more to my enjoyment.” He then sighed. “But truly, what is the point?” He tossed the book up and it flew away. “You already have a villain. Where’s the fun in that? ‘Oh, look ponies! Your big, evil tyrant is fighting the big, evil spirit of chaos! Oh well, she won, back to the status quo, good thing we had this hour, hour and a half of something interesting happening! Now, let’s go sell some more mud bricks, or whatever it is we ponies do.’ Oh please, I think I’d rather have tea with Fluttershy,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “Are you enjoying the crumpets?”

“Oh, yes. They’re quite good,” Fluttershy said.

Twilight blinked a few times, then her eyes glimmered. “Wait, actually, that could work!”

“Excuse me?” Discord said, cocking an eye.

“That would do wonders for public perception of her. It might even help break her of her more self destructive behavior that she sometimes seems tartarus bent on pursuing.”

The spirit stared at her flatly. “… No.”


“Spirit of chaos. Answers no. Now drop it while I make more tea, or I will make you tea.”

The earth pony blinked in confusion. “That doesn’t sound so bad...”

“And then drink you.”

“Wha-- oh. OH!” Twilight sheepishly looked away while the spirit picked up the pot and walked off into the kitchen. She then reached for a crumpet. They trumpeted at her, making her draw her hoof back. She then glanced to Fluttershy. “So… err… what do you think?”

“He seems sweet,” the pegasus said, taking another crumpet. It didn’t blast at her.

“Sweet? He’s a spirit of chaos. Have you ever studied chaos magic? I have, I have a minor in it. There’s no way a spirit of it can be sweet.”

The pegasus lowered her gaze. “Sorry… he seems sweet to me...”

Twilight sighed and pinched her cheek. “Ugh. A part of me swears this is all a trick. But… I don’t know. I’m sure when Nightmare Moon finds me she’s going to kill me. Or him. Whichever she can get her hooves on.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “I don’t think so...”

Twilight jumped off the couch and raced to the window. She peered outside and sighed. It was a realm of gravity-less chaos out there. “I think we’re in the realm of chaos. I’m not sure we can even get out of here,” she muttered. “I’ve heard only the bravest of ponies, and mail carriers, dare to travel here. We might be stuck a while...” She wondered if Nightmare Moon would try to rescue them. Before the gala incident she was sure the mare would have. But now?

Fluttershy nodded, taking another crumpet. “You should have one, Twilight. They’re really good.”

Twilight stared at them, then shook her head. “I… think I’m good. Help yourself.”

Discord came back a moment later, the pot piping hot. He poured the steam into his cup, drinking it with a loud slurp, before glancing to the two. “I think I’ve come to a decision.”

“Oh?” Twilight asked.

The spirit grinned. “Oh, indeed. I think I’ll just cut to the end and ignore the whole… going back to stone thing,” he said with a wave of his claw and a wicked smirk.

“What?” the earth pony asked. “I’m not sure I understand what you mean.”

He gave a sigh. “Oh, you little ponies. Need I spell it out for you?” He stood up straight, a gray robe and beard forming on his body. A staff formed in his hand. “I, my little ponies, shall aid you! Fear not, for a spirit of chaos is never early nor late, for he arrives whenever it is most humorous for himself!”

The earth pony just stared for a few moments. “What in the...” Then her eyes lit up. “Oh! You’re referencing Graybeard the Aged from--” Her mouth zipped shut. “Mmmfff!”

He glowered down at her. “Twilight, Twilight, Twilight. You ruin the fun if you just SAY who it is,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “Think about dear Fluttershy.”

“I um, didn’t get it… sorry,” the pegasus said with a little squeak.

Twilight reached a hoof up and unzipped her mouth, coughing a few times, before glaring. “Either way, what do you mean help us? Why?”

The spirit grinned and laid back, before snapping his fingers and suddenly Celestia stood before them. Except she had the face of Discord. Twilight was sure that image would haunt her nightmares for years. “Why, isn’t it obvious, my dear, precious ponies?” he said in a mockery of the princess’ voice, before appearing as himself. “As much fun as spreading my chaos far and wide may be, it will likely end in a less than beneficial position for me.” That grin slowly got wider. “And I believe it would be far, far more amusing to see how far I can push her royal uptightedness. It’s not a full country, but it should still be quite delightful.” He gave a low snicker before leaning back and crossing his arms.

“Now, my little ponies, tell me. What do YOU intend to do?”

Twilight blinked a few times. “Do?”

He grinned even wider, his face splitting in half. “Of course. Surely a pony such as yourself, formerly bereft of magic, must have SOME plans that she requires magic for. Especially from one as powerful as myself.”

Twilight blinked, then shook her head. “I’m sorry. I mean, I’ve studied magic, in fact I--”

“Have a minor in it?”

“Err, yes. But I’ve never really had much use for it.” For the first time, the spirit actually looked confused. And almost a little sad. “Is something wrong?”

“Hm? Oh, nothing at all,” he said with a shrug, sipping his steam. “Just… ruminating. Fluttershy, would you like some more tea?”

“Oh, no thank you. It was quite good, though,” the pegasus said.

He nodded, before glancing towards her again. “Oh Fluttershy, you always did know how to--” And then his words froze, hanging in the air before slamming to the ground and sending shards of ice scattering along the ground. “Fluttershy, what’s that in your mouth?”

“Huh?” the pegasus asked, reaching up to touch her mouth. “Nothing?”

“That. Your teeth,” Discord said through gritted teeth.

The mare blinked, then gasped. “Oh! I ummm, I’m a vampire. S-sorry. Err, i-is that a problem?”

Discord stared, his eyes narrowed to slits and Twilight swore she could see fire in his eyes. “No,” he said coldly. “No it is not. Now, if there’s nothing else for you two, perhaps it’s time we end this little meeting. I’m sure by now her royal mooniness is probably besides herself with worry.”

“What?” Twilight asked. “But--” With a snap of the spirit’s fingers, the world around them disappeared.

A moment later they appeared in the air, landing on the back of something hard, black and warm. Twilight groaned for a moment, then looked up into the face of Nightmare Moon. Her blood almost turned to ice. “Y-your highness,” she squeaked.

The royal mare’s eyes flashed with a plethora of emotions as she stared at the bard, before she shook her head. “Bard. Other pony. Off,” she ordered.

Twilight squeaked and tried to gracefully jump forward. Instead she fell backwards and landed on the stone tile of the throne room. “Ow,” she said with a groan. She looked around and let out another squeak at the sight before her. Battalions of soldiers in full armor filled the throne room. Nightmare Moon was in her full war armor. Dread flooded through her. “Y-your highness!” she said quickly, getting back to her hooves. “We--”

“Silence, bard,” Nightmare Moon snapped. She then turned towards the soldiers. “All of you. Dismissed. Guard the castle, prepare for an invasion from that… creature.”

There were solemn nods. However, once the room was empty, the ruler turned to face her. Twilight squeaked and stared up at her, trying not to feel too afraid as a hoof reached out, gripping the bottom of her chin. Slowly her face was drawn up. Twilight squeaked and stared.

“Did he harm you?” she asked. The words were kind, but the tone was like venom.

Slowly the earth pony shook her head. “No. He… fed us cookies.”

She nodded. “We see. Cookies.” Her horn flared, enveloping the two in magic. She looked satisfied a moment later. “Good. We can… feel him. He’s trying to lower the moon. But his power is feeble compared to ours now,” she said darkly. “He cannot hope to win.” The alicorn turned and began to walk. “Come, bard. We have… much to discuss. Student, you as well.”

“O-of course,” Moon Dancer said, trotting quickly after the mare. Twilight noticed a second later that the unicorn was wearing full body armor as well.

Twilight stared, cocking her head to the side. She then followed after the mare. “What about Fluttershy?”

The ruler glanced back. “She is unimportant. Mare, if we summon you, come,” she mumbled, giving a dismissive wave with her wing.


Twilight gave her a nervous glance, before following after the mare. Oh this would NOT end well.

Author's Note:

For those curious, the mobas are HotS and LoL.
Also for those curious, I'm super disappointed in you guys. How many of you failed magical kindergarden? Rule 15 is that without the magical power of an alicorn, it is impossible to transform eggs into any other substance while inside their shells, as their innate magical power would make such a process foalhardy.

Honestly, it was less that Twilight broke the law, more that she wiped out two kitchens, a bakery, a small mom and pop store and the principle's new car with the 'experiment'.

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