• Published 9th Feb 2016
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The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S3 CH 14. Undercover

Chrysalis stared at the gathered subjects before her. Four of her changelings, bound in collars that made them unable to shift. Then their ‘captors’. A blowhard magician, a hyperactive pink pony, a pony who she was pretty sure had legs that could buck over a mountain and a pony who was so timid she was actually hiding BEHIND one of the changelings.

Her hive was doomed.

“These are the best you could select?” the queen asked, her lack of confidence in the selection leaking from her voice.

Twilight coughed into her hoof. “Err, I assure you. All four of them are quite capable and talented individuals. Additionally, they all DID volunteer to help.”

Chrysalis shook her head. This was doomed to failure, she didn’t know why she believed, even for a moment, that this earth pony would or could aid them. She then glanced to her subjects once more. Fang. Chitin. Sap. Chuck. They stared at her as if she was a goddess. No, to them, she more or less was. The embodiment of the hive made flesh.

This would likely be the last time she saw any of her hive alive. Her eyes narrowed. Perhaps one final burst, one final rebellion. The way Nightmare Moon felt for Twilight was a love of sorts. If the earth pony was taken captive, then…

Of course, there were two more problems with that thought. At the foot of the stairs were two other ponies she recognized, pegasi who she had fought once and failed against. On top of that, Moondancer was here and she was distressingly aware of how powerful that little unicorn could be.

No. She’d play along. For now. Perhaps a better opportunity would appear eventually. “Ahem. Very well. Subjects, hear the words of your queen and obey,” she said firmly, her voice nearly booming through the room and making the changelings stand at attention. “Know that the four of you have a very important, special duty. One that the hive depends on for success. You are to serve these ponies and see if you can gain love. Willingly, without harming them.”

The changelings nodded and she gave another soft sigh. This whole thing was nothing more than a waste of time. But perhaps when this failed she could find some way to maneuver it into getting more of her subjects freed and a second chance at rebellion. The four would at least be willing sacrifices. She glanced to Tirek, who seemed almost amused while he watched her. Smug centaur. “If you can live in harmony with these ponies, as unlikely as it sounds, there may be a future for our hive here afterall.”

“We won’t let you down!” they said in unison. Four perfect duplicates of each other. The ponies would never learn to love them. How could they? She watched them turn to leave, knowing they’d follow her orders. They’d obey the ponies until, finally, the died of starvation. Then that stupid earth pony would come down with another plan, likely another presentation, and then more of her hive would be sent off to die. Maybe, somehow, a new opportunity would present itself.

The queen walked to her bed and collapsed onto it, closing her eyes. She just felt so tired all of a sudden. Dealing with ponies was exhausting, how did they do it?

Tirek asked her something, but she ignored him. She was tired. She just wanted to sleep and not think about the stupid earth pony who talked as if she knew everything. Twilight didn’t know anything. What difference could one little earth pony make?


“Moondancer? Ah, right. Was that the name of that dance they put on after Nightmare Moon appeared?” the bartender pony asked while he cleaned a glass with a rag.

Radiance shook her head before downing her apple juice with a hint of spicy cinnamon in a single gulp, then slammed the glass down. “No. Moondancer. Firedancer’s OTHER daughter, the younger sister.”

“Ohhhhh. Her. I’m sorry, missy. I haven’t heard anything about her since she went off to Canterlot a few years back. Last I heard she was teaching Princess Celestia to dance.”

Radiance choked on her drink, or would have if she had any left, her head shooting up. “Teaching dance? Preposterous!”

“I’m just telling you what I heard.”

“I see… and what if I was to...” Radiance slowly reached a hoof into her over sized trenchcoat (that she had purchased all on her own after leaving the studio) and pulled out a few bits. “Perhaps… leave a sizeable tip?”

“I’d… say… thank you?” the stallion said, staring at her with a confused look.



Radiance sighed and tossed the bits on the counter before turning and walking out of the bar, lowering the fedora over her head. She’d find somepony who--

“Are you Radiance?” a voice asked from behind her. She turned back to see a pegasus staring at her. No, wait. It wasn’t just any pegasus. She could make out the slight sharpness to the teeth, the small hints of claws. This pony was a werepony. Even the way their slightly brown coat glistened and the bright white of their mane told her that this pony was likely one who turned into a leporine of some sort.

“Yes?” she asked. “How do you know my name?”

“I heard somepony cosplaying as a poorly done Shadow Shade was going around asking about Moondancer. My name is Dancinghoof, I’m--”

“A werebunny?”

“An old friend of Moondancers,” the mare said, her eyes narrowing. “Can you not say that so loudly? How did you even know? You’re not one, are you? Is it that obvious that I am?” the mare asked, the panic starting to rise in her voice while she looked left and right. Fortunately, nopony seemed to be listening.

“What? No. I am just incredibly keen and aware of the--”

“Just keep your gob shut, okay? Listen, you’re not going to find what you’re looking for here. You should just go, before you end up causing trouble.”

“No, I cannot! I shall not leave until I have turned over every stone, every rock, every tree, every hedge in my pursuit of the story of where Moondancer got her cutie mark! I will stay up all day and all night if I must in order to gain the answer!”

“It’s always night,” Dancinghoof said with a roll of her eyes. “But really? Moondancer’s cutie mark? That’s all you’re here for?”


“Fine. If I tell you the story, will you get out of town before you ruffle any more feathers? The fire you started with Firedancer already sounds like it might turn into a lynching at this rate.”

“Hmph. I haven’t even started a fire yet, though!”

“Come again?”

“Err, we mean, indeed! If you tell me the story of her cutie mark, I will leave immediately,” Radiance said with a firm nod. Though she found herself considering the pleasure she’d receive burning a certain dance studio to the ground, that could wait until after. Show that unicorn what she felt about the ‘true princess’.

“Fine. Just come with me. Luna give me strength,” the mare muttered before turning to walk down the street.

“Happily!” Radiance trotted besides the other pony. “So, my disguise isn’t that obvious, is it?”

“Honey, you couldn’t be more obvious if you were three times as tall and had a great neon sign over your head.”

“I find that unlikely. Rarity told me this outfit is exactly the kind of thing a reporter would wear while investigating a case.”

“Well, your friend Rarity sounds like she reads too many books.”


Rarity stared at the small stack of bits on her counter. Was it really okay to accept them? She glanced to the shade who was lingering in the corner of the room. “It… was okay to give her that advice, right? I mean, it’s not like she’d need to know what reporters wore during an investigation for bad reasons… right?”

It was a few seconds before she realized that it wasn’t actually the shade, but rather one of the ponyquins that had been left in the dark. That was odd. Where had her shade gone? Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t seen the creature since yesterday.

“Right. I’m probably overthinking it,” she muttered, before returning back to staring at the bits. “I hope...”

Author's Note:

And another chapter bites the dust, boom boom... Only one more to go and this little arc is finished. And definitely won't end on a stunning reveal that Moondancer is secretly Celestia's daughter. That's not for another 4-5 seasons, at least.

All in all, enjoy, please keep reading and sorry for all the delays. Real life and all that, it can be a slobber knocker.

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