• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,534 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Harsh Memories

Sorry I've been so slow, just REALLY busy these couple months. It'll pick up soon. Also, not super-edited. I'm sure I'll get around to fixing it.

Harsh Memories

Dash groaned as she sat down on the floor of the throne room, inside the castle.

She, Luna, and Twilight had spent that last five or six hours scouring the entire kingdom from top to bottom. The two girls had no idea where to look next, but the Princess herself was pretty sure what this meant for them. She was going to need to have to ask Alex to use his chaotic magic. It was the same magic Sombra was versed in. Still, she wasn’t sure exactly what spell he would need to use… She really should have had Celestia talk to them about this a little more.

“Captain,” Luna said solidly, looking to Dash where she rested.

“Yeah?” She murmured, her eyes closed.

“Would you please retrieve Alex for me?” Luna asked, “I believe we’ll need him to complete this search.”

Dash sighed. She WANTED to take her time, but she knew that Cadance was running on low batteries. So, she had to get up, look all over the kingdom, just to find her boyfriend, and drag him back to the castle. And since she hadn’t seen him during her search, she knew he would be impossible to find.

“It could take a while… Don’t you have some spell to get his attention?” Dash asked hopefully, “Or maybe you could just help me look. I mean, you know this place better than me.”

Luna nodded, Dash was right on both accounts. She COULD have used some loud spell to summon him, but with the state the ponies were in right now, they needed peace and quiet.

On the second count, Luna did know the layout of the kingdom perfectly. She had lived here for a year with Bolt. But that didn’t mean she would know where he was.

“Alright,” Luna nodded, “I’ll help you. Besides… There’s a place I would like to visit.”

“Perfect,” Dash smiled, standing up, “We’ll head there first, then look for Alex. But let’s be quick.”

“Of course,” Luna agreed, suddenly more melancholy than she had been so far here.

The two walked out of the castle, and Luna immediately led them right, toward a part of town neither had bothered to go explore. It was mostly abandoned buildings, and a massive pile of rubble, something Dash had simply overlooked, not giving it another thought.

“What’s over here?” Dash asked, wondering what it could be that Luna was going to see.

“Beyond the abandoned slums, are the ruins of the hospital where I gave birth to my foal.” Luna explained simply, making Dash feel like a complete ass.

Of course, how could she have forgotten? She had been there when it collapsed! She watched Luna’s lover die right in front of her… And she saw Dax save the foals life.

The rest of the walk was in complete silence, as Luna and Dash were both lost in their own thoughts.

Luna thought back to the amazing times she had had with Bolt, and how she had even considered leaving royalty behind for him and their child… It hurt to think of that.

Their child.

Luna was supposed to be a mom. She was supposed to raise her child, alongside her husband… But, neither of those things ever came to fruition. Sombra had taken all of that from her.

And while she really wanted to be angry right now, she simply couldn’t muster it. All of her focus was keeping herself from crying in front of Rainbow Dash.

Sure, time had passed. She had moved on with her life… But this kingdom had brought back so many memories, it was hard keeping her composure all the time.

The only saving grace… The only light in all that darkness, was Scootaloo. A filly that was so much more to her than an orphan. Sure, she hadn’t raised this girl from her birth, but that didn’t change a thing. She was family now. Between Luna and Celestia, that girl never had to worry about lack of guidance, or protection.

Luna smiled faintly.

Dash, on the other hoof, thought back to the massive impact this place had on her character.

It was like baptism by fire. She and Alex had only been back together for a few weeks, when the Doctor suggested this trip. So, expecting it to be a fun, relationship building adventure, Dash agreed to go.

They watched the Princesses defeat Discord, they watched their transformation from mares to royalty, and they even saw Luna and her lover running around in secret. It was fun…

But, when they saw the fall of the Crystal Empire, the game changed.

Bolt was stabbed along with his child. Luckily, Alex had been there, ready to save the child… But not both. That was what hurt her the most.

“Dash?” A voice suddenly asked, as she looked up from the ground, seeing Alex standing in front of the rubble.

“Alex, what are you doing here?” Dash asked, looking up, and being surprised that they were now at the rubble of the hospital.

“I… I came to reminisce.” Alex said, not knowing if that was even the right word to use for this situation.

“Perhaps you mean mourn,” Luna suggested, giving him an answer he could use, “That is my reason as well.”

Dash looked around, expecting to see Alpha with him. But, perhaps Alex asked for privacy here.

“Are you okay, Princess?” Alex asked, knowing he had much less to be sad about next to her.

“I am,” She nodded.

The silence that followed was horrible for everypony present. But at the same time, it felt like it needed to be that way. For Luna, it had been such a massive amount of time, that she had almost forgotten what it was like to be with him. And yet, at the same time, there were so many timeless memoires she could never forget.

For Alex and Dash, they experienced heart-wrench for Luna, and genuine pain themselves recalling his demise. It was the worst thing either of them had ever experienced, and while Luna had much more cause to be upset, they were close behind her.

“Let’s leave her…” Dash suggested, gesturing away from Luna, “This is hurting me a bit.”

Alex nodded quickly. He wasn’t feeling like this any more than she was, and a bit of positivity between them might perk him up a bit.

Being left alone, Luna spoke softly to the air, almost inaudibly.

“My love… I hope you’re at peace,” She spoke, her voice straining as so many memories flooded back to her, “I should have been there with you…”

Luna closed her eyes, hoping that by some miracle, she would get a sign that told her he was listening… But of course, there was nothing.

“But our daughter made it,” She whispered, a tear coming to her eye, “And it may have taken me some time, but I found her.”

Again, nothing but silence, and the quiet conversation between Alex and Dash could be heard.

“I may have missed her life by a few generations, but-but I’m making up the time,” Luna continued, chocking up, “She is my- our daughter, and she will be raised, albeit a thousand years later.”


“I miss you,” She squeaked, feeling rage build up more and more within her, “But I will avenge you. Sombra will suffer.”

She didn’t need to hear some kind of answer on the wind to know what he would tell her.

Don’t risk your life.

Don’t throw away everything you have.

I love you too.

No matter how much time had passed, he was still there in her heart. That would never change, no matter how long she lived.


“Alex, we need to find this… Crystal Heart, and fast,” Dash explained to him, remembering her previous interaction with Princess Cadance, “The Princess is weak, and Sombra could get back in here at any moment.”

“Where do we find it?” Alex asked, hoping it would indeed be that easy.

“No clue,” She shook her head, “We’ll need to find it ourselves.”

Alex looked around idly.

“How about… up there?” Alex asked, pointing to the top of the castle, where there was obviously some kind of room, or space.

“Well, I didn’t check,” Dash frowned, mulling it over in her head, “I guess it’s as good a guess as any.”

“Let’s take a look then,” Alex said, instantly taking off.

“Hey!” Dash called at him, following behind quickly, “Don’t find it without me!”

Quickly reaching their destination, the two found a large circular room with several openings. It was obviously a place that was supposed to be accessible, but had been sealed off at some point.

But, regardless, it was empty.

“Dang!” Dash huffed, giving the room another look around, “This would have been such a perfect place!”

“Oh well,” Alex shrugged, “It wouldn’t have been any fun if it were that easy.”

“Come on,” Dash said, spreading her wings, getting ready to take off, “Let’s go check out some more of the castle!”


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