• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The Horrible Unknown

The Horrible Unknown

While everypony was happy with the defeat of Nightmare Moon, and the return to normality from the few nights of terror, Rarity was still in a very different place from her friends.

While she put on a strong face, fooling everypony, including Spike, on the inside, she was in a constant state of turmoil.

The state Nightmare had left her in was less than stellar, and while she knew it wasn’t the entities intention to put her in this place, she couldn’t help but hate her for it.

Nightmare had invaded her body, intent on taking over Equestria, and destroying the sun. But, after only a single night, Nightmares mind had been tainted by Rarity, and her counterpart, Avarice, changing her from an evil mare, into a staggeringly good one, that chose to be absorbed into Rarity’s soul, rather than return to outside world and hurt others.

It was a truly selfless act that Rarity wished she could ever replicate herself, should she need to save somepony dear to her. However, at the same time, she had been the executioner. The one who killed the hero, Nightmare.

Rarity sighed, wishing she could stop thinking about this. But, she simply wasn’t able to. Every thought led back to square one, no matter how hard she tried to change the subject in her mind.

“Rarity!” Spike called from the entrance of their new, temporary housing, up to the master bedroom, where his marefriend currently was, “Twilight is waiting for you!”

Exhaling, Rarity pushed herself up from the bed and looked at the pillow she had just been pushed in to, and sighed at the massive amount of makeup that had come off of her face while she was crying… She couldn’t go see Twilight right now. Not in this state. She had simply lost track of time, and needed to clean herself up, and get into a cheerier mood.

They had decided to test her new magic, now that Avarice was absorbed, and her chaotic abilities were unlocked.

Mastering chaotic magic would be the first step to preparing for war against whatever it was that Discord had been talking about.

“Rarity?” Spike called, his voice getting closer to the room.

Panicking, Rarity levitated a cloth over to her face in an effort to clean the smeared makeup off before Spike could see her, but it was a futile effort. He entered the room only a moment later, and almost gasped at the broken-hearted expression written across her face.

“Rarity, are you okay?” Spike asked, rushing to the side of the bed as quick as he could, “You look terrible!”

While Rarity would normally chastise him for such an observation, he was completely right. She looked as if she hadn’t slept in days, and both of her cheeks had streaks of black running down them.

“I simply- fell asleep on it is all,” Rarity shook her head, trying to deflect the real situation from coming to light.

“I’ve seen you fall asleep on a pillow before, Rarity,” Spike sighed, walking over and sitting next to her on their bed, “You were crying.”

She was found out. But, to be perfectly honest, she was happy to be.

“Is this about Nightmare, and Avarice?” Spike asked, running a hoof along her cheek, “Because we need to talk about it if it is.”

There it was. The offer she wanted. The offer she needed. But, she wasn’t very good at articulating this need to him.

“It’s nothing.” Rarity shook her head, hoping he would see through her cowardly stupidity, and force her to talk.

“Rarity, you just went through a horrible experience,” Spike said softly, soothing her burning chest with his caring tone, “And if you’ve been hiding something from me, please tell me.”

Rarity closed her eyes, and started to cry once again.

Spike could see that she wasn’t ready to talk to him just yet, so, instead, he wrapped his arms around her, and laid back on the bed, holding her close to his chest.

Rarity was overwhelmingly happy to have him taking such good care of her, but still wasn’t sure if she was going to really be able to have this conversation with him.

“Just let it out, Rarity,” Spike whispered in her ear, as she cried her makeup on to his coat, “We can go see Twilight tomorrow.”

Nodding into him, she kept going.

“I love you.” He muttered, kissing her messy mane.

She didn’t respond, but, at the same time, she didn’t need to.

Every ounce of her feeling toward him was told right now, as she pushed in to him even tighter.

And while he was happy that she was opening up so much about this in front of him, he knew that it was going to take some time before she got over this atrocity.

But no matter how long it took for her to get back to normal, he was going to be right there next to her, the whole way.


Alex sat with Dash in the library, waiting for Rarity’s arrival, so they could go over the new chaotic powers she held.

However, it was starting to get late, and they were beginning to realize that she wasn’t going to be coming.

“How has Rarity seemed to you, since the incident?” Alex asked Twilight, Dash, and Alpha, who all sat with him at the large table.

“She’s been okay,” Twilight said, scratching her chin, “A little quiet maybe.”

“Kinda like her mind is off in another world,” Dash added, having seen the very same attitude.

“Well, who could blame her, right?” Alpha added, happy that he would never have to go through such a transformation.

Silence filled the room once again, as they all listened for the familiar sound of crunching grass outside, to signal approaching ponies.

“Who do you think will be next?” Dash asked, biting her lip, hoping she wasn’t going to have as hard a time as her friend, “Because… I’m a little nervous about it.”

“All that was supposed to happen, was Rarity had to fall asleep, and then accept herself,” Alpha paraphrased from what Discord had told them all, “Nightmare complicated issues. But that won’t be happening again.”

“it should be much easier for you, Dash,” Alex said comfortingly, seeing that she was a little nervous about the possibility.

“How long do you think it’ll be until the next one of us goes?” Dash asked next, feeling equally terrified at this question.

“A day, or a month.” Twilight answered her, “Nopony knows. Not even Discord.”

Dash audibly gulped, as she stood up from the table, “I’m going to head home I think. You coming, Alex?”

“I don’t think Rarity is coming, right?” Alex asked, turning to Twilight and Alpha.

Twilight shook her head, “No, she isn’t.”

“Well, in that case, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Alex sighed, standing up and stretching, “I’m pooped.”

“Goodnight!” Twilight called, as the two headed out the door, and closed it behind them.

Silence filled the room for a few moments, before Alpha spoke up.

“Are you scared?” He asked, looking to the shocked purple mare.

“What do you mean?” She asked, feigning ignorance at his question.

“All of your friends are going to chance, and you’re going to change with them,” Alpha said in a concerned tone, “Have you been feeling different since Rarity came back to us?”

Twilight was afraid to answer the question.


Rainbow Dash paced back and forth in her house, thinking over and over about who was going to be taken next by this mysterious force. While she tried to put on a strong face, nothing horrified her more, than facing all of the dark feelings she held within herself.

She had tried to sit herself down and anticipate everything she was going to face against herself, but she couldn’t do it. There was far too much she held inside. And she knew it.

When she finally had to face this thing, she was going to do it herself, and keep it a complete secret. Nopony would hear a breath of her innermost thoughts.

She was so much worse than Rarity or Alex had been.


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