• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,534 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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One More Confrontation

One More Confrontation

Alex stretched in his bed as the rising sun glared through the window in his bedroom, finally crept it’s was over his eyes, as if telling him it was finally time to wake up.

“Stupid sun…” He mumbled, looking over his shoulder to his sleeping fiancé, who was clearly still dead to the world, as made obvious by her almost silent snoring. So, he decided to leave her in bed. She was still a little stressed out from yesterday, and nopony could blame her.

Silently opening the door to their room, he slipped out in to the hall, which was also being illuminated by a clever system of magic mirrors that shone the light from the sky down in to hallway. It was the kind of orange lighting that Alex found himself quite fond of. He would have been happy to wake up more often to see it, but he was so lazy, that he usually slept till noon.

Walking down the stairs to the lobby of the dormitory, Alex passed a small group of soldiers that had been posted to protect the wedding guests, in the case of any surprise changeling retribution.

Alex gave them all a small wave as he walked out the door, and stepped in to the chilly morning air. It was getting closer to winter, and the days were getting colder and colder.

However, once he was outside, and free to go wherever he wanted, Alex realized that he had no idea what he wanted to do. While he was in bed, going for a walk seemed like a really good idea. But, now that he was out here, he was kinda missing his warm bed, and his snoring marefriend.

Off in the distance, however, he heard the approaching sound of the bullet train, as it rolled its way in to Canterlot.

Alex hadn’t figured that it would be in the city yet, as it had been scheduled to take the changelings to the edge of the badlands, shortening their trip massively. It shouldn’t have been back for hours.

So, deciding that this warranted investigation, Alex made his way down to the platform, confident that he would be safe from any kind of surprise attack that could have been planned, as his magic blocker had been removed.

Trotting down the road, he was surprised to see changelings crowded around the train, slowly filing in to the train. It must have been held up somehow the night before, and was only just arriving to take them home. Scanning the group, Alex noticed Alpha standing at the back of the group.

Exhaling loudly, Alex wasn’t sure if he wanted to approach the changeling. His feelings had been what you could call ‘mixed’ after Alpha’s faux-betrayal.

But, all the information he had learned came to him second hand from Trixie and Princess Celestia. So, he decided that he needed to talk with him himself.

Walking in to the station, Alex cautiously approached Alpha, and cleared his throat, causing him to look back at the white stallion, instantly reading with a guilty expression.

“Omega, huh?” Alex asked, as a few soldiers looked back to him, “Congratulations on the promotion.”

“Alex…” Alpha began, scratching the back of his head, “Why don’t we talk in private for a second?”

“I think that would be best.” Alex said, trying to hold back the anger that was quickly bubbling over within him.

“Beta!” Alpha called to the soldier standing next to the train, “Keep up the headcount. We don’t leave until every soldier is accounted for.”

“Yes sir!” He said obediently, turning back to the line of soldiers and his checklist.

Walking in to a small seating room safely out of hearing range, Alex wasted no time getting to his point.

“Was this really your plan from the beginning?” Alex asked, holding back his volume, “To elaborately manipulate your friends, the queen, and that whole army? So that you could save Equestria?”

“Of course it was!” Alpha answered, in a hushed, yet powerful tone, “What else could I have been doing?”

“Maybe you came here undercover from the beginning, and we all softened you… Maybe it was just Twilight that did it. Or maybe you only held off the invasion until we beat whatever it is that we’re going to have to face.” Alex listed, trying to think of more scenarios that he could throw toward Alpha, “You could have told any of us about this invasion, and saved yourself from looking like the bad guy, but you didn’t.”

“Alex, you need to understand this.” Alpha said, looking toward the door to make sure nopony was heading in their direction, “I made it up as I went along. I didn’t know how, or even if I was going to be able to stop the invasion before it was complete. But when I was named Omega, and convinced Chrysalis to allow me to hold that assembly, only then did I have something concrete.”

“Bullshit.” Alex said through his teeth, “You walked me and Dash through the hallway giving us this sob story about the queen, but couldn’t stop to mention that you were with us?”

“There were guards everywhere!” Alpha countered, “I needed the two of you looking like prisoners! If it looked like I was being nice to you, or if you two seemed too happy? Everything would have been ruined! There needed to be complete disconnect between myself, and the ponies of Equestria.”

Alex shook his head, his answers were making a small bit of sense, but so much still made no sense.

“Okay, so maybe you couldn’t tell us,” Alex began, gathering himself for another argument, “But why the hell did you bank on Twilight going ape-shit on you, and knocking out the entire army? That was just plain irresponsible!”

“I didn’t plan on her freaking out,” Alpha shook his head, “It was in the back of my mind, sure. But, my initial plan had been to have you two ‘break out’ of your ropes backstage, so that you could defeat the army, and prove your strength to them.”

“And you couldn’t tell us that either?” Alex asked.

“I was going to!” He defended, “I was going to go back stage for two minutes, and explain everything, where you would then break out, and show them why Equestria needed to be protected, not conquered.”

Alex sighed, wishing that all of his explanations were good enough. But he couldn’t just let it go. So much had been put to chance, and he could have lost somepony he loved as a result.

“I’m sorry it had to happen.” Alpha said once again, making direct eye contact with Alex, “But I played the hand I was dealt, and I managed to save Equestria as a result. Isn’t that worth anything?”

“I don’t know.” Alex answered honestly, sighing as he felt himself come down a little bit, “I just don’t know if I can trust you anymore.”

“God damn it, Alex.” Alpha said, his voice reaching a volume they had both been trying to avoid, “If you can’t trust the guy who risked everything to save Equestria, trust the guy that saved Rainbow Dash from the changelings at Haven Station. Trust the guy who fell in love with the student of Princess Celestia herself. Trust the guy who was banished from the changeling army by the queen, because I’m trying to save the world.”

Alex stood silent. It was true that he had made some reckless choices. But, it sounded like they were largely the result of random chance. If he had been telling the truth about releasing him and Dash on the entire army, then… maybe he had more control than Alex assumed. He did, after all, release Celestia, and capture Chrysalis.

“Okay. I won’t give up on you yet.” Alex said, nodding slowly, thinking about the queen, “Chrysalis was probably really pissed when you went to see her, huh?”

Alpha exhaled happily, secretly overjoyed that Trixie wasn’t the only one who wasn’t pissed at him.

“You wouldn’t believe,” Alpha chuckled softly, “She called me by my name.”

Alex gave a puzzled look, not understanding the weight that such a thing carried.

“Is that a bad thing?” He asked, scratching his head.

“Oh, I guess you wouldn’t know, huh?” Alpha said, feeling rather stupid for thinking Alex would understand such an odd reference, “It’s just considered to be disrespectful to call a soldier by his name, when he currently holds a rank.”

“But, aren’t there like, a million soldiers at the lowest rank?” Alex asked, “How would you be able to tell them apart?”

“Well, the rank gets longer, the lower you go.” He explained, rolling his hoof in a circle as he spoke, “So, a Psi, the lowest of the low, would generally be called something like, Psi Beta Gamma. That would make him… the forty-seventh? I don’t know. That’s just to give you an idea.”

“Sounds like a frat house.” Alex laughed, before another question popped in to his head, “You know… I guess I’ve never heard your real name be used before this.”

Alpha knew this one was coming.

“It’s always been Alpha.” Alex said, looking to the changeling with a raised eyebrow “Would you mind telling me your real name?”

“Well, I guess I’m not technically part of the army anymore,” Alpha said, scratching the back of his head, before sighing, and looking right to Alex, “My—ahem, my name is… Marick.”

“Marick?” Alex asked, frowning slightly while nodding, “That’s a pretty cool name. it’s like being named ‘Phoenix Dirk… Dark.’”

“Well, don’t tell anypony else, alright?” Alpha asked, as Alex gave him yet another confused expression, “It’d rather tell them myself is all. It’s kinda personal.”

“Alright.” Alex nodded, “You could probably make it in to a big romantic thing for Twilight. Oh, did you two work things out yet? Trixie told me you left without seeing her last night.”

“Oh, I haven’t, no.” Alpha said, his expression hardening slightly at the mention of her name, “I can’t face her. Not right now.”

“Oh, come on!” Alex said, “How can you not see her before you go? You and I both know you’re crazy about each other.”

“She’s upset with me,” Alpha explained, “I mean, I used her to my ends. I wouldn’t blame her if she never spoke to me again.”

“Oh come on!” Alex sighed, having heard the angsty teenager stuff enough in his life, “Just tell her, exactly what you told me. She’d be happy to take you back.”

Alpha knew this was true, but, as Alex was about to learn, he was a much smarter guy than he often let on.

“Look, I’m not blind. I know she likes me. I’ve been hitting on her for months, and she’s been happy to receive it.” Alpha explained, turning and looking back to the train, “But I need to leave Equestria right now, and take care of my kingdom. I’m the only one who can do this job. So, if she’s extremely upset with me, then maybe she’ll miss me a little less. The absence from her will be terrible… But, hopefully, she’ll be protected from my absence by her anger.”

Alex’s mouth hung open. That was the most beautiful manipulation he had ever heard of. It was the kind of thing that made him wish he was a little smarter. Who knows what he could get from Dash with a little bit of what Alpha’s got going on.

“Okay.” Alex said, laughing in disbelief at the amazing planning he had done, just as the train conductor called loudly for the last ponies to begin boarding the train, “I… I guess you need to go then.”

“I know.” Alpha nodded, stepping toward the door, “One more thing though.”

“What’s that?” Alex asked, walking behind him as they entered the now empty platform.

“Take care of the Queen.” Alpha said quietly, “I need her to somehow be on my team in the coming future. So please try your best to keep her comfortable.”

Alex nodded, knowing that he was too close to say anything about the Queen they had captured.

“Thank you, Alex.” Alpha said, as he stepped through the door, on to the train, and took a clipboard from Beta, and smiled at the full count, before looking up to Alex, “I’m sorry again.”

“It’s alright,” Alex smiled, “Good luck back at the Hive, Omega. Get them ready.”

“They will be.” Alpha nodded, “And don’t worry, you’ll see me again. I plan on being very present in Equestria as we work together as two united nations."

Alex stepped back as the door suddenly closed to the train, separating the two.

Alpha looked to his side, and watched as Beta walked away, leaving him one final chance to say something to Alex.

Pressing his hoof against the glass, Alpha looked to Alex one final time, and mouthed the words, ‘Look after Twilight.’

Alex nodded to him, and gave him a small smile, returning with his own mouthed words, ‘Good luck, Marick.’

With that, Alex watched as the train began to roll out of the station, and headed down the tracks toward the badlands. It was a little sad. It was the end of a chapter for him and his friends…

But, unbeknownst to Alex, the next chapter was going to be so much better.

Author's Note:

Anyone see that foreshadowing at the end? I don't wanna say that I'm subtle, but people HAVE called me 'sububbletea man'. in the past. Just so you all know.

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