• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,534 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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A Brand New (Re)Start

Alex looked up at the ceiling in his bedroom, unable to sleep after the long day of explaining his new life to Chet. There was simply too many things going through his head to get to sleep. For instance, his Uncle was now begging to be brought along with them on their return to Equestria. Not for long, of course. Just long enough to see where Alex had been living all these years.

Both Twilight and Dash had been excited by the prospect, but Alex wasn’t so sure.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to show this secret side of his life to his uncle, he just had a feeling that it would be a little bit more of a traumatic experience than he expected… Although, to be fair, all of the girls that came from Equestria settled in just fine on earth, so maybe Chet would be just fine.

Perhaps it was just the circumstances that were causing him to have so much pause.

Alex looked over his shoulder to his sleeping fiancé and smiled. It was strange to him that she was acting so completely normal here. Her hands were pressed up against her chest and chin just as her hooves would have been in Equestria.

“I need a drink…” Alex muttered to himself, turning away from Dash and getting out of his relatively small bed.

Sneaking down the stairs, he went in to the kitchen and pulled out a coke, and cracked the tab.

Idly walking toward the back door, Alex peered out over the field behind his house, and felt a strange surge of nostalgia, taking him right back to the night his parents passed away. The night he had walked himself in to the woods, and started a new chapter in his life.

Suddenly, he felt compelled to make his way back out there, and relive some of the feelings he had experienced so many years ago.


It took Alex about fifteen minutes to get his shoes and coat, and make his way back to the clearing in the woods, genuinely enjoying the trip, as he breathed in the crisp night air, and fondly remembered his parents.

“And here we are.” Alex announced to no one, as he reached the large field, and looked around for a moment, surprised that the edges of the field were so far away, “Its way bigger than I remember…”

But, then something caught his eye.

Another light.

It was on opposite side of the field to him, and it looked painfully familiar.

Wasting no time, Alex used a magic spell to teleport himself to the door, and was truly shocked to see that it was indeed the exact same as the one he had stepped through so many years ago, when he first arrived in Equestria. The only difference was, that it was in a different place.

Reaching out his hand to touch the edge, he stopped himself, and wondered if it was a good idea to go through without telling anyone.

But, his brilliant mind deduced that he was in no danger, because when he went back to Equestria, he could just teleport himself back to earth, with a simple spell.

So, wasting no time, he held his breath, and stepped through, being blinded by that same light again, until darkness washed over his eyes.


Before Alex even had a chance to open his eyes, he was aware of his situation. He remembered vividly walking through the door, and returning to cartoon world. His head was much clearer this time than it had been the last time.

Stretching, he opened his eyes, and yawned, only to realize that he wasn’t in the field in Equestria. He was in some kind of room. It was made up in a black and white, modern look, with all sorts of sketches of dresses pinned up on the walls.

He was certainly in a cartoon… but everything looked a bit different.

Reaching up to scratch his face, Alex was shocked to see that he had a real hand. And not only that, but his hand reached his face abnormally fast, as if there was less distance between the two of them.

Sitting up, he instantly saw his reflection in the mirror on the other side of the room, and he gasped.

His head was huge!

“Oh, you’re awake!” A familiar voice came from the door way, as Alex snapped to the source, and went wide eyed, “Are you okay, Calvin? I just found you snoring on the front steps of the store downstairs, so I brought you up here with my dad.”

Alex’s eyes were narrowed at the large headed girl, briefly wondering why she called him Calvin, as he tried to work out what had happened. He must have been in a completely different dimension from Equestria. He must have been brought to this new world instead.

“So… Do you need anything?” The girl asked, once again making Alex give her a puzzled look.

“What’s your name?” He asked slowly, as she gave him an embarrassed look.

“Oh, sorry, I totally forgot!” She laughed, “My name is Blythe.”

“Your voice,” Alex began, trying to work out a mystery in his head, “You sound a lot like my girlfriend.”

Blythe gave him a raised eye brow as she grinned, “Is that a line? Are you seriously hitting on me?”

“Oh no!” Alex shook his head quickly, “You have an incredibly similar voice to my future wife. Like, it’s creeping me out a little bit.”

Suddenly, a small purple dog ran in to the room, and jumped its paws up on the girl’s leg, trying to get her attention.

“That dog looks like Twilight with those colors…” Alex muttered.

“Yes, Zoe?” She asked, turning to the dog and smiling.

“You told me that we’d try on dresses for the International Pet Fashion Expo!” The Dog said clearly, as Alex grunted loudly, getting the attention of the girls back.

“And the animals talk?” He asked, “Well, that’s one similarity...”

“You can understand me?!” Zoe asked, running, and jumping on the bed, her tail wagging rapidly, “That’s amazing!”

“I didn’t know there was anyone else that could talk to animals like I can!” Blythe said, shocked that he was acting so nonchalant about hearing Zoe, “That’s amazing!”

“Okay, that’s cool and all, but why does she sound like Princess Celestia?” Alex asked.

“Oh, Princess you say?” Zoe giggled, tossing her hair to the other side of her head, “Well, I can’t argue with you on that!”

“Okay, so let me get this straight.” Alex said, holding his hands out in front of him, “You’re a dog that sounds like Celestia, looks like Twilight, and acts like Rarity.”

“What on earth are you talking about?” Zoe asked, looking back to Blythe with a worried expression, “I’m Zoe!”

Twisting on the bed, Alex removed the blanket, only to realize that his pants had been removed, leaving him in his boxer-briefs.

“W-where are my pants?!” He asked, covering himself instantly.

“Oh, over there… on my hope chest,” Blythe said, giving him a sly grin, “I didn’t peg you for a purple underwear guy, Calvin.”

“C-Calvin?” Alex asked, giving her a truly puzzled look, as he located his pants “Why do you keep calling me Calvin?”

“Well that is your name, isn’t it?” Blythe asked, tilting her head, “Calvin Klein?”

Reaching forward, she attempted to move the blanket.

“It’s written all over your underwear—“

“You’re doing Back to the Future!” Alex shouted, backing up and covering himself further, “And you’re not my mom!”

“Yeah well,” Blythe shrugged, “It’s April 1st, and this chapter isn’t canon.”

Alex pointed his finger at her for a second, before nodding.

“Thank goodness!” Alex said, dropping his finger and laughing, “Now I won’t get in trouble for thinking that your big head is kinda sexy.”


Author's Note:

I gotta do at least one April fools. Come on.

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