• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,534 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Sonic Rainboom

Sonic Rainboom

The next day, things had been awkward for pretty much everypony.

Twilight wasn’t speaking to Alex or Dash, for reasons that nopony knew. She wasn’t really angry, but was still frazzled.

Dash wasn’t talking to Alex, for fear of being discovered.

Alex had been sulking a bit, but quickly made a plan to fix his problems.

Spike and Ramsley went off to catch up.

And the rest of the girls went off and did their own things.

Over the next few hours, a lot of different things happened to the different groups of them, which eventually ended with all them in the stadium, during the middle of the competition, with Alex holding an unconscious Rainbow Dash, flying properly for the first time in his life.

Of course, that was the end. And everypony had a long way to go to get there.

Alex – Flash

Alex sat on the couch human style, with his hind legs up on the coffee table. Last night had been pretty great, besides being kicked by Twilight. However, it had also been eye opening. He hadn’t had the slightest idea that Dash’s parents had such a strange perception of her. And he felt bad for her.

So now, he was waiting for Flash to come downstairs, so he could try to bond with the guy, and perhaps smooth things out enough to come out as her boyfriend.

Everypony had gone out, leaving just the two of them in the mansion.

Spike had gone out with Ramsley to catch up, Rainbow Dash had already left for the competition, Fluttershy had gone out with Firefly, and the other girls had gone shopping. So, this would probably be Alex’s only opportunity to make friends with the man.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Flash made his way downstairs toward the living room where Alex currently sat.

Noticing the eerie silence, he turned to Alex.

“Is everypony out?”

Alex nodded, “It’s just the two of us here.”

Flash nodded, and sat down in a nearby chair.

“So, what’s your relationship with my daughter?” Flash asked seriously, catching Alex off guard.

Alex thought for a moment, perhaps he could just come out and say it right now. Pull off the Band-Aid right here. But, at the same time, he didn’t want to upset Dash.

“We’re friends,” Alex shrugged, “Nothing special.”

Flash nodded, whilst looking Alex over.

“You a good flier?” Flash asked, noting his wings and horn.

“Not so much,” Alex answered nervously, knowing that wasn’t the kind of answer he wanted.

“Well… You have the horn too,” Flash said, “You do magic?”

“Some,” Alex said, scratching the back of his head, “Still learning…”

“Why don’t you have a cutie mark?” Flash pressed, “No talent?”

Alex was about to tell him it was because he was a human, and only became a pony recently. However, that might have had a negative impact.

“Nope,” Alex answered simply, “No idea yet.”

“That’s a bit sad,” Flash said, leaning back and relaxing.

Alex shrugged, “I’ll find it soon, I’m sure.”

Silence filled the air, and Alex could feel the clock start ticking. He needed to keep moving with this. The competition was in a few hours, and he was sure that they’d be leaving sooner rather than later.

“So, what was Dash like when she was a filly?” Alex asked, hoping this wasn’t an intrusion.

“More than I could handle,” Flash laughed softly, closing his eyes, “She was always zipping around.”

“Sounds like her today,” Alex joked.

“I wouldn’t really know,” Flash sighed, “I haven’t seen her in years.”

Alex didn’t respond.

“The girl is such a good flier… why did she leave, when she had a ticket to join the Wonderbolts?” Flash continued, “Her mother told me that it was a maturity thing… It still makes me sad.”

Flash’s sudden openness made Alex a bit uncomfortable, especially since he knew that Dash wouldn’t be becoming a Wonderbolt any time soon.

It made him feel kinda guilty.

“Who knows though,” Flash sighed happily, “Maybe today is the day.”

“Yeah…” Alex said quietly.

“And on top of that, I know a stallion that’s also competing in today’s competition,” Flash explained, “And I’m hoping that I can get the two set up together.”

“Come again?”

Spike – Ramsley

“What ever happened to Tulip?” Spike asked, “You know, the big guy that helped us escape?”

“Oh, he moved,” Ramsley said, “After you gave him that speech about love, he ran off in search of it.”

“That’s sweet!” Spike smiled, “I’m glad I could do that for him.”

“I am as well,” Ramsley agreed.

“Oh!” Spike said quickly, “And what about that creepy dude? Cuddly Bear?”

“Nopony has seen him since you all went home,” Ramsley shrugged, “I assume he got another job.”

Spike shrugged, then tried to think up a new line of conversation.

“How’s Comet been?” Spike asked, taking a bite out of the pizza Ramsley had just bought him.

“Well, she’s been doing better,” Ramsley answered, taking a quick sip of water, “Over the past couple months; she’s been much more popular with the Wonderbolts.”

“That’s good to hear,” Spike smiled, “But… How have the TWO of you been.”

Ramsley rolled his eyes, “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

“I would!” Spike said, hoping to find out how they had been doing as a couple, or if it hadn’t worked out.

“Simply, I have been helping her with locating the old aspects of herself,” Ramsley explained, hoping his words weren’t too big for Spike, “But… nothing has happened besides that.”

“Ohhh,” Spike said, nodding slowly.

“What?” Ramsley asked, “Is that not okay?”

“I just thought you two would have been a couple, that’s all!” Spike explained, “I thought for sure that you two were gonna work things out.”

“Well, for your information,” Ramsley began, not stopping to think, “I’ve tried plenty of times to reinitiate our courtship, but she had so far been… unresponsive.”

“Oh!” Spike nodded, “She’s playing hard to get!”

“Hard to get?” Ramsley asked, not having considered this option, “Why do you say that?”

“Well, that’s how all girls are!” Spike explained, “But listen! I know exactly how every girl can be… And I can help you.”

“You, can help me?” Ramsley asked, trying not to laugh.

“Of course!” Spike said confidently, “Listen, if you follow my instructions, I can get you two together!”

Ramsley squinted at Spike. He wanted to say ‘no.’ Every fiber of his being was screaming ‘don’t do it!’ But… Spike had landed himself one of the most attractive mares he had ever seen. So, maybe he did know a thing or two.

“Alright…” Ramsley said, unsure of this decision, “Teach me your ways, Spike.”

“Perfect!” Spike said jumping up, “Follow me! We need to go get you a big top hat!”

Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

The Girls

“Wow!” Rarity said, looking at another rack of clothing, “Look at how good this dress looks!”

“You should make one that looks like it!” Pinkie said.

“I’m an ORIGINAL mare, Pinkie,” Rarity explained, “I couldn’t just rip off somepony’s work.”

“Oh!” Applejack said, “Look at this one!”

“It’s really nice,” Twilight agreed.

And so the girls kept… Shopping…

Rainbow Dash

Dash looked at the stadium in front of her.

She had come early so she could get reacquainted with the area. Of course, she hadn’t been here all that long ago.

Spreading her wings, she started flapping them, preparing to take off. However, before she had the chance, she was interrupted.

“Would you look at who it is!” The voice said from behind her, “Rainbow Dash.”

Turning around, Dash felt her stomach drop

“T-Tempest?” Dash managed, seeing the large blue Pegasus standing behind her.

“You’ve grown up quite a bit, haven’t you?” He said casually, as he eyed her up, “You look good.”

Dash looked away, hiding the faint blush he had elicited from her.

Tempest was the first boy she ever had a crush on. They had grown up in Cloudsdale together. He had been a few years older than her, and had always been a better flier than her. So, naturally, she had looked up to him. There hadn’t been much in the way of communication between them, besides the odd conversations every now and then. Of course, Dash had loved their few conversations, no matter how short they had been.

He had aged well for himself as well, Dash had to admit. He was muscular, good-looking, and probably, an amazing flier.

“You’re here for the competition, right?” Tempest asked, as Dash finally remade eye contact.

“Yeah,” Dash answered, “I was invited by the team manager.”

“You know Comet?” Tempest asked, “She’s my aunt.”

“Really?” Dash asked casually, “Small world, huh?”

“How do you know her?” Tempest asked.

“Uh…” Dash said, thinking for a moment.

If Tempest was here, that meant that her own parents HAD to know too. So she couldn’t exactly come out and tell him that she had almost become a Wonderbolt already. It was sort of surprising that nopony had heard about her and Alex on the field during the race.

Oh well.

“Acquaintance,” Dash lied, “Met her downtown!”

“Right, well,” Tempest said, pushing the conversation in a new direction, “How would you like to do something after the competition with me?”

Dash immediately flushed. She was flattered, for sure, but she had no intention of doing anything with him.

“No…” Dash said, trying not to sound too obvious, “I’ll probably be pretty tired…”

“Come on,” Tempest pushed, “You’d look pretty good, being out with the winner.”

“Look, I already told—“ Dash said, before catching herself, “What was that last part?”

“Being out with the winner?” Tempest asked.

“You think that… you’re going to win?” Dash asked, cocking her head, “Do you know who I am?”

“Listen, doll,” Tempest said cockily, “Just because you’re cute, doesn’t mean I’m going to let you win.”

Dash was in a foreign situation to her. Normally, it was her that was mouthing off, and being way too overconfident. But hearing this guy talk made her realize that she must have sounded like a major jerk whenever she had this attitude.

“How about this,” Dash feigned a smile, “If you win, I’ll go out with you.”

“That was easy,” Tempest grinned, “I’m glad you got the idea… Some girls can be so slow, you know?”

Dash frowned.

“Well, I’m going to get ready,” Tempest said walking past her, “I’ll see you in a few hours, sweet heart.”

Maybe she was getting too involved in this lie. Maybe it would just be easier to just come out and be honest about Alex… Na. Not yet.

Sighing, Dash briefly looked to him, and then continued her inspection of the field. Her flight plan would be simple. Some loops, some weaves, and a Sonic Rainboom or two to finish it off.

This would be a piece of cake.


“The targets will soon converge,” He said.

“Good,” The Boss said, “You know what to do then.”

“Rain hell down, and see their responsive capabilities,” He smiled.

“Report back afterward, and don’t get spotted.”

“Don’t worry about me,” He laughed, “I’m not about to be spotted by a bunch of Equestrians.”

Spike – Ramsley

Ramsley and Spike stood outside of the manager office, quietly discussing how Ramsley was going to go about picking up the mare they had fought so hard against, just a few months ago.

“Are you sure this is gonna work?” Ramsley asked, brushing his dark purple suit, “This outfit seems ridiculous.”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked, “That’s the same color as my coat! I’ve been told it’s an adorable color.”

“…I think you’ve been lied to.” Ramsley said absentmindedly, before finally looking determinedly up from the suit, “Alright, let’s do this.”

“Now remember!” Spike said quickly, “You need to be cool, and you need to talk to her in SMALL words.”

Ramsley nodded, and started heading toward the door.

“And stop acting so high and mighty!” Spike added, “You do that a lot!”

Ramsley shot him a look, as he quickly knocked on the door.

“Come in!” Comet called.

Ramsley walked into the room, and Saw Comet with her back turned, looking out the window, at Rainbow Dash as she took a few high speed laps around the track.

“Hey, Chaser,” Ramsley said nonchalantly, trying out Spike’s advice about apathy toward women.

“Hey Ram,” She answered happily, still watching Dash.

“How’s it going… Good lookin’?” Ramsley said, following another piece of Spikes advice, by using the most endearing terms he could think of.

“Good looking?” Comet asked, turning around and immediately cracking up, “W-what are you wearing?”

“A… Fancy suit…” Ramsley said, quickly losing his confidence.

“Why are you wearing it…?” She asked, holding back all out laughter.

“For the competition!” Ramsley lied, “Why else?”

Comet bit her lip as she looked him over, “It’s a cute color at least.”

Outside the room, Spike was nodding confidently. It was the CUTEST color.

“So… What did you need again?” Comet asked, grinning.

“I wanted to ask you… if…” Ramsley said, tripping himself up.

“If…?” She asked, looking at him oddly, holding her breath.

“If… I could borrow some tissue…” Ramsley said quietly.

“Oh, sure,” Comet said, biting a piece of tissue out of the box in front of her, and lightly tossing it to him.

“Thanks…!” Ramsley said, quickly backing out of the room.

“Oh, Ram!” Comet called, seeing his fast retreat, “Don’t forget that you and all of your guests are gonna be in the VIP box with me.”

“I already told them!” Ram called, not looking back to her, as he closed the door behind him.

“What was that?!” Spike asked, completely lost at Ramsley’s inability to ask her out, “I thought you were more confident than this!”

“Not when it comes to her, okay?” Ramsley said quickly, “I just need some time to build up my courage… I’ll do it at the game tonight.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if that didn’t happen,” Spike said, earning a sigh from Ramsley, “I thought you said that she had been ‘unresponsive!’”

“Okay, well that MAY have been a lie.”

Spike sighed, “Come on; let’s go work on your technique.”

Fluttershy – Firefly

“So dear,” Firefly said, sipping her drink, “How have things been in Ponyville for you?”

“They’ve been wonderful!” Fluttershy answered, “I’ve made so many wonderful friends!”

“Great,” Firefly smiled, “You did have a bit of trouble making those in Cloudsdale.”

“Everypony was so focused on flying!” Fluttershy giggled, “I was more interested in sitting around.”

“You were a very different pony from them…” Firefly said absentmindedly, “But you seem much more open now.”

“Thanks!” Fluttershy smiled, “I’ve been trying my best to be a more involved mare.”

“That’s good to hear,” Firefly smiled, “And how has Rainbow Dash been? She speaks to us so little these days…”

“Well, since she started dating Alex it’s been…” Fluttershy stopped.

“Pardon?” Firefly asked immediately

Fluttershy didn’t know what to say… She had just revealed the ONE thing Dash had wanted her to keep quiet… And she let it go so easily!

“Is Rainbow Dash dating that white stallion we met yesterday?” Firefly asked in surprise.

Fluttershy nodded slowly.

“Why did she try to keep that from us?” Firefly asked simply, not dwelling on the fact that Fluttershy had withheld that piece of information from her.

“Um… I think it’s the details behind him that she lied over…” Fluttershy said quietly.

“How much is Rainbow Dash keeping from us?” Firefly asked seriously.

Fluttershy looked at the ground, “I can’t say… Sorry…”

That was fair. Rainbow Dash trusted Fluttershy to keep that secret for her. And even though Firefly knew that she could force it out of her by begging, she decided not to. It would just give Dash another reason to just ignore her and her husband.

“Would it be too much to ask if maybe… You’d pretend I hadn’t told you that?” Fluttershy asked quietly, “I think she’s going to tell you tonight…”

“Sure thing,” Firefly said, “However… There might be one problem.”

“What’s that?” Fluttershy asked.

“Do you remember Tempest from when you were a filly?” Firefly asked, “The colt that Dash would always fawn over?”

“I do!” Fluttershy said, “I had such a big crush on him…”

“Well, he’s competing this year,” Firefly explained, “And my husband and I, may have told him to try and… pick her up.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy said simply.

“He’s convinced that after she sees his amazing flying skills, she’ll instantly fall for him.” Firefly laughed, “He’s sure he’s going to win.”

“I don’t mean him any offense…” Fluttershy said timidly, “But Rainbow Dash is going to leave him in the dust.”

Firefly smiled, “I guess we have nothing to worry about then.”

Alex – Flash

Flash had gotten up, and decided to go check out the shopping. And of course, Alex followed him out.

Walking through the shopping district of Manehattan, Alex and Flash had simply chatted about whatever came to Flash’s mind. Alex had tried to steer the conversation back to the pony that was competing in the competition that was going to try and pick up Dash. However, he didn’t want to look to obvious.

Something else that had been happening a lot was that random ponies would approach them, and tell them that they looked cute together. It had happened several times, and Flash was getting annoyed with it.

“What is with these ponies?” Flash asked, fairly irritated, “Why do they all think that either we’re gay, or I’m a mare?”

Of course, Alex had a good idea why they had been getting this attention from everypony. They had probably all been at the entry race for the Wonderbolts… And they remembered Alex making out with a pony that had a RAINBOW mane. So, most of them had just figured that they had gotten the details wrong, concerning the gender of the rainbow pony.

“I guess we just have that aura about us,” Alex said simply, as they were approached by yet another mare.

“I saw that race with you two in it!” She said quickly, “The way you two kissed each other was so sweet!”

Flash recoiled.

Alex sighed, “I think you have us confused with two other ponies.”

“I remember that spot on your wing!” She said, “And you have no Cutie Mark, AND you’re an alicorn.”

Flash eyed Alex.

“I don’t know what to say!” Alex lied, surprisingly well, “It’s just a coincidence.”

Finally accepting that answer, the girl gave a small ‘aww,’ and then headed back to the girl she had been traveling with.

“That mare sure had you pegged.” Flash laughed, “But if that wasn’t you, let’s hope that he’s not the evil twin.”

Alex laughed nervously, the evil twin comment hit a bit close to home.

“Geez, would you look at the time?” Flash asked, looking up at a clock tower, “We should probably start heading toward the stadium.”

Alex glanced up and smiled. He was pretty excited to see her perform again.

“Let’s just grab some food first,” Alex said, walking into a fast food restaurant they had just passed, with Flash in tow.

Entering, Alex walked up to the register, and rung the bell.

Then, the last pony Alex expected to see walked out from the back, dressed in a striped white outfit, with a yellow cap.

“Welcome to McBucks…” He said, looking up from the ground, “What can I get— Oh, great.”

“…Jango?” Alex asked, in shock, “Y-you work here?”

Jango simply growled.

“What’s with you two?” Flash asked, looking between them.

“Get out of here before I kick you out myself,” Jango threatened.

“Don’t get angry at me!” Alex retorted, “You’re the one that pushed ME out of a blimp!”

“What?” Flash asked, “Blimp?”

Walking from behind the counter, Jango moved himself right into Alex’s face.

“I was just doing my job! To protect the Wonderbolts!” Jango growled, “Besides, that reunited you and your friend in the end.”

“It did,” Alex nodded simply.

“You’re just lucky that your evil twin came to rescue when he did,” Jango said, turning around walking behind the counter again.

“I guess I am.” Alex agreed, seeing that Jango really didn’t want to fight at this point.

“Don’t just stand around,” Jango said, “I’m not serving you, so just go.”

“Fine,” Alex said, still watching Jango, “We’ll be late for the competition anyway.”

Flash simply nodded, not wanting these two to get in any kind of fight.

As they walked away from the McBucks, Flash couldn’t help but notice a complete shift in Alex’s persona. He was deadly serious right now. Something had gone on between them… Something involving the Wonderbolts, an evil twin, and his ‘friend.’

Flash really REALLY wanted to ask… But he was kinda afraid of what he would hear.

Rainbow Dash

Dash stood in the dressing room alone. The competition was going to start soon, but her head been flooded with all of the memories she had experienced here.

How many times had she gotten in this dressing room?

How many times had she flown around the track outside?

How many times had she cried herself to sleep in this place?

So much had happened here.

“Rainbow Dash?” A voice said from behind her.

Dash didn’t want to turn around. It was Comet.

“I-I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable…” Comet said softly.

Dash was silent.

Comet nodded silently and then turned around. She hadn’t expected Dash to have forgiven her… but it was worth a try.

“I’m fine…” Dash said, “I’ll see you when the competition starts.”

Comet smiled to herself.

“Alright,” She answered, walking out. She would have stayed behind to talk to her more… But she also didn’t want to smother her.

As soon as Dash heard the door close, she thought back to the first time she had met Comet… It had been just after she came to the Wonderbolt training center for the first time.

Comet had been addressing the trainees, when one of the recruiters whispered in her ear.

Comet had then turned to Dash, and silently looked her over. It had been one of the most nerve racking moments of her entire life. She thought she had done something wrong, and was about to be kicked out.

Instead, Comet had simply gone back to addressing everypony.

Pretty quickly, Dash had figured out that Comet was being informed of her amazing racing stats. That had been why she held on to her so tightly when Alex shown up.

Still, it didn’t matter how much she thought her intentions were worth. Dash couldn’t look past what she had done just yet.


He walked through the streets toward his attack point, the time was coming, and maybe he would get lucky, and everypony would just die here. Every variable had been planned. The Princesses wouldn’t hear word of this until extensive damage had been done to the town. So, it would be up to the bearers of the Elements of Harmony to stop this themselves. However, there really wasn’t much any of them could do, besides the unicorns of the group.

Much damage would be done.

He was sure there would be good news for the boss.

Fluttershy – Firefly

“So…” Firefly said, “What exactly have Rainbow and Alex done?”

“I’ve seen them kiss a lot,” Fluttershy said, figuring that since the cat was out the bag, she could fill Firefly in on the juicy details, just as long as she didn’t say anything too important, “He’s been sleeping with her for the past few days as well.”

“My, Fluttershy!” Firefly giggled, “That was forward of you!”

“Oh!” Fluttershy immediately blushed, “I really mean that they’ve have been SLEEPING together for a couple days now… I don’t know about all that other stuff.”

“They just started recently, hmm?” Firefly asked, grinning, and taking another sip of her drink, “When exactly was that?”

“Since they discovered Princess Luna’s long lost Great-Great-Great Granddaughter I guess.” Fluttershy answered simply.

Firefly almost spat her drink all over Fluttershy, but swallowed so she could speak, “They did… What?!”

“Oh, you didn’t hear?” Fluttershy asked, “Princess Luna, and a young filly in Ponyville are related!”

“How did Rainbow Dash find that out?” Firefly asked in awe.

“Time travel,” Fluttershy smiled innocently.

This time, Firefly DID spit out her drink all over poor Fluttershy.

Spike – Ramsley

“Alright,” Spike said, “She’s sitting RIGHT there… Go get her!”

“I- I don’t know…” Ramsley said quickly.

Spike and Ramsley were in the hallway that led to the VIP box, looking through the clear glass window attacked to the door, at Comet, who was simply watching the various ponies warm up.

“Be a man!” Spike whined, “A few hours ago, you were begging for my help!”

“That’s not how I recall it,” Ramsley answered.

“Well I do!” Spike said, “And I’m the boss!”

Ramsley sighed, “Fine. What do I do next?”

“Go in there, and ask her out!” Spike said, “Chicks dig confidence! And also, don’t burp in front of them.”

Rolling his eyes, Ramsley walked over to the door, “I’ll try not to ‘burp’ then.”

Opening it, he walked in.

As soon as the door closed again, Spike pressed his face against the glass. This was the most fun he had had in weeks.

The Girls

“Ah’ can’t believe how many bags you have, Rarity!” Applejack said, seeing more than a dozen bags floating around Rarity as they walked toward the stadium, “Ah’ don’t think Ah’ve bought that much in mah’ entire life!”

“Then we need to go out more often!” Rarity laughed.

“Where are you going to put everything?” Twilight asked, “I don’t think the stadium has enough room.”

“We’re in the VIP lounge, Dear!” Rarity said, “It’ll have plenty of room.”

“Oh yeah,” Twilight said, “At least we’re not crashing into the place on a blimp this time!”

“Why?” Pinkie asked, “It was so much fun!”

“We have very different definitions of ‘fun.’” Twilight laughed.

“You’ve gotta admit,” Applejack said, “It was pretty excitin’!”

“Even I enjoyed myself,” Rarity agreed.

“Well…” Twilight said, “After we safely got back to the ground, it was pretty fun.”

“Especially when we got to see Alex and Dashie suckin’ face!” Pinkie giggled.

After a few more minutes of idle conversation, they finally arrived at the stadium, and made their way to the VIP lounge. But strangely, when they arrived, Spike had his face pressed against the glass, watching whatever was happening inside.

“Spike?” Twilight asked, “What are you doing?”

“Shhh!” Spike said, “Come look!”

Walking over, they all peered through the large glass at Ramsley and Comet.

“What are they doing?” Pinkie asked quietly.

“I think he’s about to ask her out!” Spike said giddily.

Suddenly they all had their faces pressed to the glass. Everypony wanted to see this.

Alex – Flash

Alex and Flash were about to enter the stadium, when the rainbow pony suddenly stopped, confusing Alex.

“What’s up?” Alex asked, seeing the hard look on Flash’s face.

“What was all that?” He asked, finally having gotten his courage up, “Back at McBucks.”

“Oh,” Alex said, surprised that Flash hadn’t asked earlier, “It was something that happened a while ago.”

“What exactly happened?” Flash asked, determined to know what was going on.

Alex wasn’t sure whether he was allowed to say… Maybe he could, if he just omitted the parts about Rainbow Dash.

“Well,” Alex began, satisfied with his organized thoughts, “My friend was competing in a Wonderbolts entry race… And I was pushed out of a blimp, and landed on her.”

“Why does that sound like a load of crap to me?” Flash asked.

“Probably the blimp part,” Alex laughed.

“So?” He asked again.

“Everything will be explained later… I think.” Alex said, “Just wait, and if you don’t know by the time we leave tomorrow night, I’ll tell you myself.”

This confused Flash.

It sounded like he was involved in all of this somehow.

“Look,” Flash said, “I just wanted to know, because you’re obviously not the pony I thought you were.”

“I’m barely a pony, sir,” Alex said, being more truthful then Flash knew.

“I can see that,” He laughed, “Come on, let’s go see Dash do her thing.”

Walking inside, they followed the instructions they had received toward the VIP lounge, where they saw a group of their friends standing in the hall, looking through a window.

“What’s going on?” Alex asked them.

“Shhhh!” They all said in unison.

“Ram is gonna’ ask out Comet!” Applejack said quickly, not looking away.

“I’m in!” Alex said, lamely flapping his wings, and making his way over to the window.

Flash wasn’t sure what the huge deal was about, regarding those two… But he wasn’t going to be the only pony NOT looking in the window.

Fluttershy – Firefly

“I have a great time with you today,” Fluttershy smiled, as she and Firefly walked through the stadium toward the VIP box they were going to sit in, “We should get together more often.”

“I agree,” Firefly smiled, “Cloudsdale isn’t too far from Ponyville.”

“Maybe I can even bring Dash along with me,” Fluttershy suggested, “Well… If she wants too.”

“I’m sure we could convince her.” Firefly said, “But then again, if she becomes a Wonderbolt… She might be too busy.”

Fluttershy frowned. She felt bad for withholding this from Firefly… But she was sure that Dash would come clean tonight… She hoped.

“Hey look,” Firefly said, “There’s everypony.”

Fluttershy cocked her head, “What are they all looking at?”

“They’re gonna do it!” Pinkie squeaked.

Fluttershy and Firefly looked at each other, then back to the group.

“Flashie!” Firefly said to her husband, “What’s going on?”

“These two are going to kiss or something…” He said, his eyes glued to the window.

“Good enough for me!” Firefly said, walking next to Flash.

“Um… Okay.” Fluttershy said, squeezing herself in.

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow stood in the group of ponies that she was competing with.

The lineup had been pretty simple. Tempest was going to go first, and Rainbow Dash was slated to go second. The other twenty-or-so competitors would go after them.

“You ready to see everypony quit?” Tempest asked Dash confidently.

“And why would everypony quit?” Dash asked.

“Nopony is going to want to go after me, sweet cheeks,” Tempest grinned, “They don’t stand a chance.”

“For sure,” Dash said, “I’m excited to see you blow me away.”

“And when I win that date with you, you’ll be the one doing the blowing!” He laughed.

Dash frowned. This guy was an ass.

Ramsley - Comet

“Why did you come in here alone again?” Comet asked, since Ramsley had come into the room, and started discussing the nice color of the grass on the field.

“The grass isn’t a good enough conversation for you?” Ramsley laughed nervously, sweating more than he ever had.

“Look…” Comet said, “I think I get it.”

“Get it?” Ramsley asked, suddenly short of breath.

“I know why you’ve been acting so weird around me.” She said flatly.

“Y-you do…?” Ramsley said, gulping.

“Yes,” Comet said, “You want your old job back as head of security, right?”

“…Come again?” Ramsley asked.

“I don’t have that kind of control over the security,” Comet said, “The security is owned by the stadium, not by the Wonderbolts, since we just rent the space.”

Ramsley was quiet. He didn’t want to correct her, and make her sound stupid.

“So… I’m sorry Ram.” She said earnestly, “But… I think I can make it up to you.”

“Make it up…?” He asked, liking where this might be going.

“Why don’t I treat you to dinner?” She asked, smiling.

Ramsley looked toward the window, to give Spike a nod of confidence. However, he was shocked to see eight pairs of eyes peering at him.

Turning back to her, he smiled awkwardly.

“I would love to go out with you!” He said, seeing her perk up at his acceptance, “But… To be honest, I never wanted my job back.”

“I know,” Comet sighed happily, “I just needed an excuse to ask you out, since you were never gonna do it for me.”

“That is true…” Ramsley admitted, “I’m not the confidant pony that I used to be, that is for sure…”

“And now everypony is watching through the window, expecting something to happen between us,” Comet said, gesturing behind her.

Ramsley shook his head. “They are quite the group.”

“I can see why you like them,” She smiled, “Block the window.”

Everypony Else

The anticipation had reached its climax, as Comet slowly inched her way toward Ramsley. They all held their breath as he small gap closed between the two. However, just before anypony was able to see anything, Ramsley cast a spell, and covered the window they were peeking through with a large poster that had been on the wall, preventing them all from seeing the one thing they had all been dying to see.

After a few seconds passed, the poster fell, and revealed a very satisfied looking Ramsley.

The collective groan from the group was loud enough to hear clearly in the room.

“Well THAT was a waste of my time,” Flash grumbled.

“At least he did it!” Spike said proudly, “…I think.”

“Good for them,” Twilight said, “She may have locked us all in a dungeon, but it’s nice to see her turn over a new leaf.”

“Ah’ agree!” Applejack smiled.

“Well, if nothing’s going to happen, let’s just go into the booth.” Alex said, “I don’t want to miss Dash just because we all got wrapped up in this.”

“Me neither!” Pinkie agreed.

So, the group filed into the room, each of them giving Ramsley and Comet a knowing glance. Something the two relished in.

“What does the order look like?” Firefly asked Comet.

“First up is…” Comet began, looking at a clip board in front of her, “Tempest… Then Rainbow Dash.”

“Nice and early,” Alex smiled, “I hate having to sit around and wait on this kind of stuff.”

Rainbow Dash

Dash thought to herself.

She had realized something a few minutes ago. Something that was more than likely going to blow her cover with her parents.

Before each competitor went, the announcer would read a small segment about them, introducing them to the audience. Of course, if the guy was going to read anything about her, it was more than likely going to be about her exploits the last time she was in Manehattan.

Sighing, Dash decided to let whatever happen, happen. It was too late now. She sure had gone through a lot just to be figured out so fast...

“Well, it looks like it’s just about my turn to go,” Tempest said walking up to her.

“Don’t break a wing or anything.” Dash said simply.

“Competitor one!” A mare called from the entrance to the arena.

“That’s me!” Tempest smiled, walking away.

“Good luck, Tempest!” Dash called, watching the pony confidently trot out of the room. She was pretty curious to see how far he had come since they were kids. Of course, she wasn’t worried about losing to him in any sense. After all, she had almost become a Wonderbolt herself.

Walking toward the entryway, she watched the crowd cheer as he came out, followed shortly by the announcer telling the audience his name, and a bit of his background. Shortly after, she watched him bolt into the sky, at a rather impressive speed. Well… Impressive for an average pony.

The obstacles that had been set up for him were simplistic. He waved between some clouds, did a few barrel rolls, and even managed to get a streak of color behind him. And then, to finish his act, he started flying laps around the arena, keeping himself rather close to the audience as he went.

His speed increased so much, that he was starting to make some seriously powerful gusts of wind as he lapped. Slowly, he started to tighten his loops, forcing the wind to follow him into a tighter area. Until it was spinning quickly in the middle of the arena, making a small tornado, that once he was satisfied with it, he flew high into the air, and then plummeted right into the center of it, dispersing the wind away, and destroying the tornado.

The crowd erupted into cheering as soon as he landed.

Dash simply nodded. He was good. And he would have definitely been the kind of guy she would have been interested in, had she not already been with somepony that stomped all over this guy.

After the applause finally calmed down, Tempest walked back into the room, with his chest puffed out further than anypony would think possible.

“How did you like that, ladies?” He asked the room, full of now VERY nervous ponies, well, save Dash, “So sweet heart, you ready to accept that date?”

“You’ve gotta give me a chance to try and beat you first!” Dash said, pretending that she was also stunned by his display.

“Give it your best shot,” He laughed, “I don’t expect too much, though.”

“Geez, fine!” Dash said, walking out the door.

Walking through the tunnel, Dash heard a faint rumbling in the distance.

“Is that thunder?” She asked herself, as she reached the field, and looked up. The sky looked clear, so she decided that it must have been the audience.

“Well, would you look who it is!” The announcer called over the speaker system, “We all remember THIS pony!”

Dash cringed. Here it came. The big reveal.

“So, since we all remember her, I won’t waste time by talking about everything she did a few months ago!” He continued, “Whenever you’re ready, Rainbow Dash!”

Everything went better than expected.

Leaning forward, Dash smiled to herself, and then took off.

Everypony Else

“Did anypony hear that?” Alex asked, hearing a deep rumbling.

“Is that thunder?” Comet asked, leaning forward, and looking up at the clear blue sky, “It’s supposed to be sunny today.”

“Maybe it’s something else,” Ramsley suggested, “Who knows what’s going on outside.”

Everypony quietly agreed with him, but they all had a rather foreboding feeling.

Tempest had just gone back in the stadium to a roaring cheer. He had done well, but everypony knew Dash would trump him. Well, everypony except her parents. It was a bit sad that they were the only two that didn’t fully understand her skill.

“Does anypony know what Dash was planning on doing?” Flash asked, waiting for her to come out of the stadium.

“I think she said she was going to rotate some clouds…” Fluttershy recalled, “Evade some obstacles… And finish with a Sonic Rainboom?”

Flash and Firefly both started laughing at the mention of ‘Sonic Rainboom.’

“What?” Applejack asked, looking between them.

“Is she still going on about that ‘Sonic Rainboom,’” Flash laughed, giving air-quotations on the term.

“She was so convinced she had done it, even her friends believed her.” Firefly giggled.

Everypony else looked back and forth. Each of them had heard Dash mention doing a Sonic Rainboom at one point or another, and they all just assumed that she was capable of pulling it off... Could that have been made up? But… at the same time, Dash was a VERY capable pony, and her parents seemed to have a bit of a skewed picture of her in their minds.

“Oh look, there’s Dashie!” Pinkie said, pointing to the cyan pony exiting the interior of the stadium.

“Well, would you look who it is!” The announcer said, as Alex suddenly gulped, hoping he wasn’t about to be exposed to her parents, “We all remember THIS pony!”

Alex cringed, here it came.

“So, since we all remember her, I won’t waste time by talking about everything she did a few months ago!” He laughed, “Whenever you’re ready, Rainbow Dash!”

Everything went better than expected.

“Well, there she goes!” Rarity said, looking following her as she flew around the track, dodging various obstacles around the track in a very stylish manner.

“She looks like she’s doing well,” Comet said.

“Did you expect any less?” Alex asked, not taking his eyes off Dash.

“No,” Comet said softly, smiling.

Flash and Firefly simply watched in awe. Dash was better than they thought she would have been.


“Such a talented pony,” He said, standing on the roof of a nearby building, “It’s a shame…”

Pointing his horn to the sky, he cast the spell as he had been instructed.

Then suddenly, a small rip appeared in the sky miles in the sky, invisible to anypony who wasn’t looking right at it, and thousands of black clouds started pouring downward, toward the arena.

The clouds had almost given him away when their collective rumbling could be heard beyond the spell. But, they quieted down.

“Let’s see what gets done,” He smiled.

The clashes and bolts started instantly, as the storm announced itself.

And now, he was going to sit back, and enjoy the show.

Rainbow Dash

Dash had reached an impressive altitude, as all the clouds surrounding her were spinning in circles. A very difficult maneuver to pull off, but she had done it.

“This is it…” Dash smiled, looking at the ground below her, “Hit the Rainboom… Do a lap… And then stop on the finish line.”

Dash had been so focused on the ground below her, that she failed to notice the mass of clouds above her that had now blocked out the sun.

Perhaps if Dash had taken off right away, or had heard the deep rumbling of the clouds, she could have moved in time. Unfortunately, she simply didn’t.

The last thing she remembered from her place in the sky, was a horrible pain to her back and left wing, followed by a deafening clap of thunder.

It didn’t knock her out… But it stunned her enough to have no idea that she was plummeting to the ground.

Everypony else

“Dash!” Flash shouted, seeing the blast hit her.

“She’s falling!” Firefly gasped.

“Does this damn window open?” Flash shouted at Comet, as he banged on the glass.

“It… It doesn’t,” Comet said in awe, still looking at Dash.

“Nopony could get to her through that storm,” Ramsley said, looking at the now constant blasts of lightning passing by the falling pony, “What’s going on…?”

Instantly, the glass shattered, as Alex ran out the opening, and took off into the sky, flying properly for the first time.

He felt the bolts blast past him and make contact with the stadium ground, and stands. But he didn’t care what was happening below, he needed to help Dash.

Closing the distance, quickly Alex reached out his arms, and started falling himself, so he could compensate for her falling speed. And finally, he had her land on her back in his arms.

Propping her limp head up to his shoulder, he could feel her breath on his neck.

“Thank Celestia,” Alex sighed, as a blast of energy tried to make contact with him, but simply bounced back in the direction it had come. He wasn’t about to let some lightning hurt the two of them anymore.

Alex looked up the thick coat of black that now covered all of Manehattan. The bolts were relentlessly blasting the city around him, doing some real damage to the buildings.

Looking down to the stadium, Alex could easily see black marks covering the ground, even at his high altitude, where he was managing to keep himself airborne fairly well.

Something quickly caught his eye. Something he had initially thought to be a black spot was moving… It was flying toward him.

After some squinting, he quickly realized it was Princess Luna. He didn’t even know that she was here.

“Alex!” She shouted through the claps, quickly reaching him, “Take her to safety!”

“What’s going on?” Alex shouted back, “Who did this?”

“We can speculate on such matters later!” She returned, “Whoever did this, obviously did not know that I can easily manipulate weather!”

“Okay!” Alex shouted back to her.

“Whatever spell you were using to deflect the energy, you need to expand it as far as possible!” Luna shouted again, “Protect everypony until I finish my spell!”

Closing his eyes, Alex transported himself to the ground, where he gently placed Dash on the ground.

At first, he had considered making a bubble to protect the ground from the storm, but it would have been impractical. So, instead, he cast a white sheet of magic as far as he could. Unfortunately, that still wasn’t very far. He barely protected the stadium itself. The surrounding city was still taking damage.

“Alex!” Twilight shouted, running up to him, “Let me help you!”

Casting her spell, the white sheet started to turn purple, and Alex felt like Twilight had lifted a massive weight off his back. Together, they managed to expand the sheet over several blocks of the surrounding city, easily blocking the storm. When it came to this kind of magic, Twilight still had miles on Alex. No matter how fast he had learned.

“Keep it up!” Alex said, “Luna is going to stop this!”

“Luna is here?” Twilight asked, with a clear strain in her voice.

“I-I guess,” Alex grunted.

“How’s Dash?” Twilight asked.

“She’s breathing,” Alex said, “I’ve seen her be zapped by lightning before… But this was a BIG blast.”

Twilight looked down to friend, and saw the strained look on Dash’s face.

“Please hurry, Princess…” Twilight said to herself.

Then, as if on cue, the sky was a deafening blast sounded, as a shockwave emitted from Princess Luna, spreading outward, purifying the black clouds as it went.

Sighing, Alex collapsed on his back, next to Dash.

“A-are you okay, Alex?” Dash squeaked, surprising Alex.

“Dash!” He panted, “You’re… You’re okay?”

“Like you said… I’ve been zapped before…” Dash said, closing the small distance between them.

“Are you sure?” Alex asked, genuinely concerned, “That looked bad.”

“Thanks for saving me…” She said, leaning in, and kissing him.

“Dash!” Flash shouted, running into them, “How are you—“

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Pinkie scolded, “They’re kissing!”

Dash knew she was being watched now, but apparently, she loved kissing in the middle of the stadium like this.

Pulling back, Dash smiled, and then closed her eyes. She was sleepy… And she was safe now.


Dash opened her eyes… Where was she?

“Rainbow Dash!” A Doctor said, “It’s nice to see you’re awake!”

“Aww,” Dash groaned, “I’m in the hospital?”

“Don’t worry, you’re fine,” He reassured, “Pegasi are naturally resistant to lightning.”

“I know,” Dash sighed, “This isn’t my first pony-show.”

“Well, I’ll let your friends know you’re awake.” He said, walking out of the room, “Take it easy!”

“Dash!” Flash said immediately, pushing into the room, “Are you okay?”

“Geez…” Firefly said, somewhat embarrassed, “The Doctor said she was fine, hon.”

“I’m alright,” Dash said, sitting up, still feeling a little tender, “How is everypony else? Did anypony get hurt?”

Flash shook his head, “Your friends kept the storm at bay for the entire town. There were no serious injuries.”

Everypony else quickly filed into the room, cramping it fairly quickly.

“Before everypony starts talking, I’m okay!” Dash shouted, stopping what probably would have been fifteen minutes of useless conversation, “I just want to know what the buck happened!”

Luna, with a comparably small Scootaloo behind her, then walked into the room, and addressed everypony.

“I believe it was some form of terrorism against Equestria.” Luna said, completely silencing the room, “There have been signs of this recently in Canterlot.”

“Terrorism?” Alex asked, “I haven’t heard THAT word in a while... Can we please use some other... Less American word?”

“Are you sure, Princess?” Twilight asked, ignoring him, still stunned.

She nodded, “The clouds were clearly not indigenous to Equestria, somepony brought them here from a place that has storms of that like very often.”

“But… We dealt with the problem so easily,” Twilight said, “What did they hope to achieve by letting loose that storm?”

“Perhaps they were testing us…” Luna suggested, “Or they underestimated us… Either way, this will be investigated, and we’ll see if any of it connects to the threats in Canterlot.”

“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.” Twilight sighed.

“Celestia and the Royal guard are on their way,” Luna continued, “We’ll see what we find out.”

Everypony nodded in agreement.

“What were you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“I decided to bring Scoot-ah-loo for the show,” Luna explained, “It was at her request that I did this.”

“It’s a good thing you showed up at all,” Twilight sighed, “Who knows what would have happened without you.”

Nodding, Luna turned to Scootaloo.

“Scoot-ah-loo…” Luna pronounced sadly, “I’m sorry that our first trip together has ended such a way.”

“It was so cool though!” Scootaloo beamed, “You were so awesome when you stopped the storm ALL by yourself!”

“Well…” Luna blushed, “I just what I was obligated too!”

“Well, duh!” Scootaloo laughed, “You’re a Princess!”

The two stepped out, as everypony else continued talking.

“Terrorism?” Twilight sighed, “We’ve got enough bad guys for right now, if you ask me.”

“It’s just more rump to kick!” Dash said excitedly, punching the air, before quickly recoiling in pain.

“Are you sure yer okay, sugar cube?” Applejack asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“I just need some sleep!” Dash insisted.

“If you insist, dear,” Rarity said, turning to Twilight, and discussing some other topic.

With that, everypony moved on to their own conversations. Twilight talked with the girls and Spike, Firefly spoke to the nurse, Comet and Ramsley left the room… Which left Rainbow Flash, Alex, and Dash.

“So.” He said, now that he was confident in his daughter’s health, and wanting to lighten the mood after everything that just happened. “It seems you two have been keeping something from me, what else happened, besides the dating part?”

“It’s a long story, Dad…” Dash sighed, “I’ll tell you all about it when I get out of here… There are a few things you need to hear about the past few months…”

“Alright,” He answered, “I’ll wait for you to be discharged, but in the meantime… Just how close are the two of you?”

“We’re not THAT close,” Dash said quickly, earning a hard look from Alex.

“We’re pretty close,” Alex corrected.

“And just how close is that?” Flash asked, with a bit of death in his glare, “Not TOO close I hope.”

“Well, it’s not like I’m nailing your daughter, sir!” Alex laughed.

The room went silent, as every pair of eyes went to Alex.

Join us next week, when Alex learns how to NOT speak to your girlfriend’s father, ESPECIALLY when she’s in the hospital.

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