• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,534 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The Element of Greed

The Element of Greed

Rarity was having a hard time looking around her. The pure white of her prison cell almost perfectly matched her coat, so sometimes she had a hard time telling the difference between herself and the floor. With no light source to be found, there were no shadows being cast. So, it was just her, completely illuminated, and invisible. If anypony were to look at her, they’d see hair, eyes, and eyelashes.

She had lost all concept of time. Of course, it hadn’t been more than two hours. But, it felt like an eternity to her. Being stuck in a room with nothing whatsoever tended to do that.

“I really should change the color is here,” Discord chuckled as Rarity looked up to him, “All I see is hair!”

“I noticed,” She growled, “You let me out of here right now, Discord!”

“Now dear, why would I go and do something like that?” Discord asked, mocking her voice, “I’m here to help you!”

“Is that so?” She frowned, “Please, tell me why that’s the case.”

“Because I have some supplies for you to take to your friends,” Discord explained, “They’re getting pretty hungry in here, you know.”

“What?” She asked, surprised that they would be needed sustenance so quickly, “We’ve only been in here a short time!”

“Well, when you WANT ponies to be hungry, that’s where magic comes in handy,” He said fairly darkly.

“How could you?!” Rarity spat, “You’d starve us?”

“It’s for a good cause!” Discord said, nodding, “So take these!”

Suddenly, a saddlebag with five muffins appeared on her back, and her Element formed on her chest.

“What’s this for?” She asked, looking down at the gem, “Why would you give it back?”

“It’s for the trip, you see,” He explained, knowing that Rarity would be easy to break.

She frowned, and then looked at the food on her back, “These muffins will fix my starving friends?”

“Well, only if they eat the WHOLE thing,” He said, “So make sure they do.”

“If they’re hungry, it shouldn’t be a problem,” She frowned, “Now tell me how to get to them!”

“Walk through this door,” Discord pointed, snapping his fingers as a bright blue rectangle appeared next to him, “You’ll come across them eventually.”

Rarity glared at him, but decided not to waste any time. She needed to get this food to her friends, right away. Walking toward the portal, she held her breath, and hoped that this wasn’t some kind of trap… But really, he could have done anything to her earlier.

Stepping in, she was immediately back in Ponyville, albeit a very chaotic looking one.

“My goodness…” She swallowed, looking around at the damage Discord had done to them, but her mind quickly focused on her goal, get to her friends.


Rarity arrived at the only place she could guess, and that was Sugarcube Corner. But it confused Rarity. Why were her friends unable to eat here? It wasn’t like there was no food here. Ponyville had plenty! But, if Discord was able to make ponies starve… He probably had the ability to get rid of all the food too.

Stepping inside, Rarity looked around the dark room and saw no sign of life. Just the entrance in darkness.

Suddenly, a bumping from above her, made her jump.

“That must be Pinkie…” Rarity whispered, sneaking up the stairs, trying to be quiet, in case it was come kind of… Chaos monster or something.

Opening Pinkie’s door, Rarity gasped at the sight. Poor Pinkie was collapsed on the floor. She had obviously shed a few pounds, and looked like she hadn’t slept in days.

“Pinkie, dear, are you alright?” Rarity asked, rushing to her side.

“Rarity?” She asked weakly, looking up from the floor, “I’m so happy to see you!”

“Don’t speak, Pinkie,” She said levitating one of the muffins out of her bag, “You need to eat this.”

Pinkie’s face lit up at the sight of the food in front of her face as she quickly reached out, and ate the entire thing in one bite, wrapper and all.

Suddenly, she jumped up and shook her head.

“That was the most filling muffin I’ve ever had!” Pinkie beamed as she literally gained ten pounds, “Thanks so much Rarity!”

“Of course, Pinkie,” Rarity nodded, feeling indescribably good at her friends recovery, “Now, I need to get these to our other friends, would you like to come with me?”

“Oh, no,” Discord said from the doorway behind them, “I need Pinkie for something.”

“What?” Rarity asked, her heart sinking, “I- I don’t want to be here alone!”

“Would you grow up?” He asked, really not caring how rude he sounded, “Now, off you go!”

Turning back to where Pinkie had just been, there was nothing instead.

Turning back once again to Discord, he was also gone.

Sighing, Rarity fought back the urge to cry at all. This was all too much for her… She didn’t like being alone like this, even if it was her home town. It was creepy… And she didn’t know what this place held for her.

She wished Spike was here with her…


Alex was right when he said he’d like the attention, and jealously from everyone.

Almost every guy in the gymnasium had been checking her out. It probably didn’t help that Dash stuck her butt out, or heaved her chest up at every opportunity.

“This is fun,” Dash said as they swayed along together to a slow song that had come out while Alex was away, “I love the music here too.”

“It has its ups and downs,” Alex said, shrugging, having heard one too many songs sung by little boys at the dance that night, “I’d like a bit more… Pony music.”

“I’m still surprised no one has jumped out and started singing or dancing yet,” Dash said, still expecting it to happen at any time.

“It’s not going to happen,” He said, confident that a flash mob wasn’t going to jump out at them.

“Hey, Alex,” An old friend of his said, approaching him, interrupting their dance, “Sorry buddy, but could we talk?”

Alex turned to see his friend Dave standing there, giving him an odd look.

“Uh, sure,” Alex said, as he and Dash stopped dancing, as started walking away from the dance floor.

“Oh, but could it just be the two of us?” He asked.

“I guess,” Alex said, looking to Dash and shrugging, “I’ll be back in a minute.”

“Sure,” She nodded as the two guys walked off.

Alex was a bit confused as to why Dave was bugging him. The two had gone separate ways when they started high school. There was no animosity or anything between them, so Alex figured this had something to do with his parents.

“So, what did you want?” Alex asked as they walked into the hallway.

“Nothing, really,” He shrugged, “A friend of mine just wanted a dance with your date, so I told him I’d get your attention so he could.”

“Seriously?” Alex sighed, looking over his shoulder, trying to get eyes on Dash, “I don’t think she’ll like that very much.”

“Why do you say that?” He asked.

“She’s… Not very good at being normal,” Alex said vaguely, “I should probably get back to her.”

Walking back into the gym, Alex was surprised to see her dancing, somewhat normally with another guy, he was proud of her for not making a deal out of it.

Luckily, the song ended pretty quick, and they stopped. Alex knew the guy she was dancing with, and he wasn’t an ass or anything. A bit of a playboy, but nothing more than that. He might have hit on her a bit, but she wouldn’t have had any of that.

Seeing her shake her head no, the guy laughed, nodded, and then passed Alex giving him a nod.

“What was that?” Alex asked.

“He asked me if I was free tonight,” She laughed, “Even though he knew I was with you.”

“I know that guy, he’s nothing to worry about.” Alex said, “Be careful though.”

“Huh?” She asked, tilting her head.

“When everyone saw you dancing with him… I think they got the idea that they could to.” Alex said, seeing all the looks she was now getting.

“I don’t like that at all…” She whispered, glancing around her.

“And not everyone here is as polite as the last guy,” Alex explained, “So be careful if I’m in the bathroom or something.”

“Don’t worry,” She said, “I could beat the crap out of any of these guys here.”

“Well, don’t, please,” Alex laughed, “We don’t want you ending up at the police station or something.”

Dash nodded as she was tapped on the shoulder by someone.

“Hey, wanna dance?” He asked, his voice incredibly deep.

“Um… No, thanks,” She said, looking up at the massive size of the guy.

He simply walked away, giving her a scary look.

“Ponies aren’t like that…” Dash whispered.

“What? Creepy?” Alex asked, “What about that Cuddly Bear guy?”

Dash cringed, remembering the middle aged pony that had wanted to… Spend time with her, during her time at the Wonderbolt training center.

“Let’s just get back to dancing,” Alex suggested, “Everyone will probably leave us alone if we look busy.”

But, they didn’t.


Rarity sighed. She had gone to Fluttershy’s cottage, and then to Sweet Apple Acres, feeding both of her horribly starved friends, just to have Discord take them away from her once again.

But, now she had a problem.

She had noticed that her friends weren’t the only ponies in the town that were hungry. All of the ponies who lived in Ponyville were starving… There was nothing to feed them.

Rarity had considered giving them some of the food she had, but that wasn’t an option. Discord had said that her friends needed to eat ALL of it to be saved. And if she started sharing it around, then nopony would be helped.

Now, Rarity had to go in to town. Where all of these ponies were. So far, she had hugged the outskirts of town and avoided any contact with anypony. But she needed to go to the library, and that would require walking past a lot of ponies.

However, if she kept her bag closed, nopony would be the wiser, and she could go help Twilight, and hopefully Spike.

Gulping, she reached the edge of town, looking straight down the main road. This would be the fastest way for her to reach Twilight and Spike, but knew that it was also be the most populated.

Shaking her head, Rarity decided to just start running, and get this over with.

Powering down the road, Rarity passed so many of her other friends from around town, all of them looking like ghosts. Each making her feel like her heart was breaking.

As she continued, she saw two ponies, shivering, and embracing one another.

Her parents.

And, because she was looking at them, she WASN’T looking at the pony that had started to cross in front of her. And, as a result, she collided with them, and went tumbling to the ground over her, sending the remaining two muffins out of her bag out on to the road without her noticing.

“Oh, my goodness,” Rarity said, standing up and helping Lyra to her feet, “I’m so sorry!”

“It… Alright,” She coughed, “I wasn’t—Is that food?”

Rarity followed her gaze and saw the two muffins on the ground.

“Where?!” A pony called from behind them.

“I need some!” Another shouted, making a break for the food.

Suddenly, it was like somepony had… Well, thrown food into a crowd of starving ponies.

They all ran for it, throwing each other away, climbing over one another… It was a horrible sight for Rarity experience, especially because her parents were in that group, fighting for that food.

Swallowing hard, Rarity focused on the muffins and levitated them out from everypony’s reach.

“What are you doing?!” Her father asked, “Rarity, you give those to me and your mother now!”

“N-no!” She shouted, placing them in her bag, “I need these.”

“What do you mean, you need them?” Lyra shouted, “Look at us! We’re starving! You’re just fine!”

“T-they’re not mine to—“

“Please, honey…” Her mother asked, giving her a painful look.

Rarity swallowed hard. It wasn’t fair… She needed to feed these to her friends. That’s why she got them. And as much as she loved her parents, and the ponies around town, her closest friends had all been in much worse shape than everypony here.

“I can’t.” She said sadly, feeling horrible.

“You greedy piece of trash!” A pony called from inside the crowd.

She wasn’t being greedy. But she hardly felt that way.

She was depriving the ponies in this town something they needed so she could give it to HER friends… It made her feel like the worst kind of greedy. Depriving others, for the sake of her own interests.

Her Element cracked under the pressure Rarity was feeling, and filled with the same black color as the others had.

“I-I’m sorry everypony!” Rarity shouted, using the teleportation spell Twilight had taught her, and vanished from the crowd.

She didn’t go where she was headed, however. She did what Discord needed done.


Alex and Dash were now under a constant assault of people asking either of them to dance, or to come talk with them to catch up… Alex was starting to get annoyed by it all.

“I need to pee…” Dash whispered in his ear.

“Alight,” He nodded, happy to have a reason to get out of there, “I’ll take you one a bit out of the way.”

Nodding, the two of them walked out the gym as people behind them started murmuring loudly.

Shaking his head, Alex and her took a few quick turns in the halls so they wouldn’t be as easy to follow, in case anyone had decided to do that.

“What is with everyone?” Alex grumbled, “This isn’t as fun as I thought it’d be.”

“Well, why don’t we take a break from the dancing?” Dash suggested, “I’ll be quick, then we can go outside for a while.”

“Sure,” Alex nodded, as they crossed into the science hallway, the furthest they could be from the gym.

“I’ll be one sec!” Dash said, running into the bathroom.

“Sure thing,” Alex said as he leaned on the wall across from the bathroom door.

“Hey, Alex,” Courtney said, suddenly coming around the corner.

“What is it with you, and talking to you while my marefriend is in the can?” Alex asked quickly.

“Marefriend?” She asked, frowning before shrugging it off, “I think that we need to have a talk.”

“What do you mean…?” Alex asked, worried just where this was going.”

“I think that we should give ‘us’ another chance,” She said seriously.

“Are you joking?” Alex asked, offended that she would offer such a thing, “Do you see who I’m with?”

“It’s only been three months, Alex,” She said, “I’ll bet you two weren’t dating that entire time either. It can’t be serious.”

“It’s serious,” Alex glared at her, “Just leave it.”

Stepping closer to him, she smiled, “I don’t think I will.”

“What is with you?” Alex asked, “Are you obsessed with me now or something?”

“No.” She said simply, stepping yet closer, “But you’re a lot more desirable when you have another woman on your arm.”

Alex would have backed away from her, had he not been in the corner of the hall, “What are you doing?”

She didn’t say anything as she stepped to within an inch of him.

“Just one more time…” She whispered as she leaned into his face.

Alex was already pressed into the wall as her lips brushed his.

Every alarm was going off in his head as he considered what to do.

Shove her away? Let her finish then get rid of her? Use magic to teleport her away?

“Alex?!” Dash said, stepping out of the bathroom, “W-what are you doing?”

Deciding to take the shove route, Alex pushed the girl away.

“Dash, she came on to me,” Alex said quickly.

“It sure didn’t look like that to me!” She shouted, turning and walking away.

“Sorry sweetheart,” Courtney smirked, “But that’s how it goes.”

“Would you shut it?” Alex asked, touching a finger to her forehead, and knocking her out with a weak spell, catching her limp body, and placing her on the floor.

All of that took about fifteen seconds, and Dash was well ahead of Alex at this point.

“Dash!” Alex called, seeing her open the door to go outside, going into all-out sprint mode just to catch up.

Dash looked around desperately for somewhere to just… go. Normally, she would have flown off, but that wasn’t possible.

Hitting a guard rail next to her in frustration, she felt a tear run down her cheek.

“Dash!” Alex shouted, running out the door, and catching up to her, “Come on…”

“Why are you kissing her? Huh?” She demanded, hitting him on the chest, “Who were you doing that with in Ponyville, huh!?”

“Dash,” Alex said, as she kept hitting him on the chest, “S-stop for a second!”

Grabbing her arm, he pulled her into a hug.

“She kissed me, Dash,” Alex said into her ear, “You know just as well as I do that I have zero feelings for her.”

She grumbled something into his chest, where her face was now buried.

The music outside the school was quiet, but still audible, so, Alex took his arms from around her neck, and placed them on her hips, and slowly start to sway to the music.

“Dash, look at me,” Alex said softly.

Looking up at him, Alex felt terrible at the sight of her makeup running from her eyes.

The music stopped for a moment as something was said by the DJ that neither of them could understand, then, the volume went up, and the song started to play.

Alex smiled, recognizing it instantly.

There's a calm surrender to the rush of day.

“Do you remember dancing to this?” Alex asked her.

She nodded, “We danced to this after you came back, and stopped me from becoming a Wonderbolt.”

When the heat of a rolling world can be turned away.

“I’m glad you remember,” Alex said softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and they stepped over to the grass next to them.

An enchanted moment and it sees me through.

“Alex, you’re not going to stay here, are you?”

“Of course not. You guys are my family now.”

It's enough for this restless warrior just to be with you.

“We… are?”

“Well, not you, Dash,”

And can you feel the love tonight, It is where we are.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re much more important than family.”

It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That we got this far.

“Why do you say that, Alex?”

And can you feel the love tonight, How it's laid to rest.

“Because… Because I love you, Rainbow Dash.”

It's enough to make kings and vagabonds, Believe the very best.

Dash squeaked, and looked at him, her eyes watering, “I love you too, Alex.”

The rest of the song was lost in the kiss they shared.

They stopped dancing as Alex pulled her closer by her waist, and placed his other hand on the back of her head. Then, not breaking the kiss, he lowered her on to her back on the grass, allowing them to continue in a much more comfortable position.

Alex could feel her heart pounding in her chest, just to realize that his was doing the same. It was an intense moment for both of them.

Finally pulling back, Dash looked up to him, looking as happy as she had been when he crashed into her at the Wonderbolt race.

“I love you…” She whispered, her face turning red, “And I don’t care if we get stuck here. I’m just happy being with you.”

“Me too, Colors,” Alex smiled, pecking her on the lips.

“Just promise me, that you won’t go away again,” She said, not wanting to experience it again, “You’re staying with me until I get sick of you, or we die.”

“That’s a nice thing to hear,” Alex smiled, putting his arm under her neck, “Thanks for that.”

They spent the rest of the dance there. But their night had only just begun.


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