• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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“Okay, so let me get this straight,” Chet said, as he turned in to the mall and drove toward the library, “You fell out of a blimp?”

“Yes.” Alex nodded, “Could barely use my wings yet either”

“You know, every time you mention having wings, or a horn, or being a damn horse… I have to fight calling you a bullshitter, you know that?” Chet asked.

“I know, I know.” Alex exhaled, rolling his eyes, “But these girls we’re picking up will be able to back me up on it. They’re both originally from that world.”

“And you’re one hundred percent sure that you haven’t just been drugged out of your mind?” Chet asked.

“Yeah, you got me.” Alex said sarcastically, “I smoked some crystal meth, and now I can shoot lightning out of my hands. I’d recommend it to my kids.”

Chet just grumbled, his entire being still fighting the reality of their situation, despite Alex using that magic right in front of him. Maybe he was the one going insane. It was sad when that was the most likely answer to your scenario.

“Are you sure they’re still in here?” Chet asked, “I mean, you dropped them off hours ago. Would they have wandered off?”

“I don’t think they would have left for too long,” Alex answered, looking through the windows of the building as they drove up to the front doors, “Twilight is too responsible to let them get lost. She’d insist that they stay here until they get kicked out.”

“Who are the girls that came with you again?” Chet asked.

“Twilight, and Rainbow Dash,” Alex answered, as Chet fought the urge to laugh at the odd name, “Again, you know her as Sarah.”

“I thought she cheated on you!” Chet said, frowning at his nephew, “How did you end up with her again?”

“She offered me lots and lots of sex, to be perfectly honest.” Alex said, completely straight faced.

“Well, I can’t get on your case for that one,” Chet chuckled, seeing that Alex was lying, “What’s the real reason though?”

Alex laughed, “I’ll let her tell you.”

Pulling in to the nearest spot to the entrance, Alex and Chet exited the van, and walked together in through the door silently, neither wanting to sound like a lunatic by continuing their discussion.

“Morning Chet.” The librarian said, as she pressed her large arm against the desk and leaned toward the two men, “Aren’t you lookin’ mighty fine tonight.”

“Thanks a lot Heidi,” Chet laughed, knowing the women was just joking around, “If you were just seventy years younger, the two of us could have really gotten along, if you know what I mean.”

“Seventy! Ha!” She laughed, reeling back in her seat, “I wasn’t even alive seventy years ago, you rat bastard!”

Chet laughed as he put his arm around Alex, “I’d be happy to offer my nephew to you though.”

Looking to him, her eyes went wide as she seemed to lose all laughter in her, “Well I’ll be, Alex! How long has it been?”

“Four… uh, well, I guess a little over a year?” Alex asked.

“Well it’s great to see you getting along!” She smiled, reaching under his desk and pulling out a card, writing his name on it, “Here, take this. Take some books out! And don’t worry about any late fees. I know your father had a lousy way of forgetting his books.”

“Thanks,” Alex said politely, reaching forward and taking the card from her hand, surprised that it wasn’t more effort to get a library card, “I’ll try not to be a delinquent… or I’ll just wait till amnesty day.”

“Good plan.” She said, leaning back in her chair, causing the back to creak loudly, “What brings you two here anyway?”

“We’re looking for a couple of girls,” Chet answered, looking over his shoulder and seeing nothing immediately, “Real funny hair colors.”

“I know the two,” She said, pointing to the back corner of the building, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone read comic books that fast in my life.”

Alex was pretty sure he knew who she was referring to.

“Have they caused you any trouble?” Alex asked, curious if the two had remained inconspicuous as he had asked.

“They got in a loud conversation for a few minutes, but things died down and they went back to reading,” She answered.

“Well, we’d better go check on them,” Chet said, lightly pulling Alex in the direction of the two girls, “We’ll say goodbye before we go.”

“You’d better,” She said, pointing at Chet, “I wouldn’t want to have to chase you down for that goodbye kiss.”

Chet just shook his head as he and Alex turned and walked away from the large women.

“Where do you know her from again?” Alex asked, having forgotten that piece of information over the past four years.

“How’d you forget that?” Chet asked, releasing his arm from Alex’s shoulder as they rounded the corner, and spotted the two girls in the corner, “She’s been working here since your dad and I were in high school.”

“Has she always flirted with you like that?” Alex asked, hoping that this women hadn’t been hitting it up on guys that weren’t even out of school yet.

“No way, it was me flirting with her back then,” Chet laughed, remembering all the times he and his brother had faux-flirted with the women to get a signature from her on some paperwork for school, “We both took a work experience program at school, and she got us both tons of credits by saying we had worked here at the library.”

“Sounds like you and my dad were a couple of shits.” Alex said, cracking a smile as Chet laughed himself.

“You can say that again!” He said, trying not to let himself get too upset by the thought of his deceased brother, “After a few years, she just turned the tables on us, and started acting like that toward us.”

“Well, that’s pretty cool.” Alex said, as they finally reached the table, and silently waited for either of the girls to notice them.

Alex looked between them, and wasn’t surprised to see Twilight nose deep in what looked like the biggest book the library held. Across the table, Dash was engrossed in a binder of yellow sheets, scanning one quickly, before moving on to another, and then another.

Alex cleared his throat, and Twilight looked up to them, and Dash continued reading.

“Oh, Alex!” Dash said still staring down at her pages, not even registering Chet’s presence, “You could read about some of the battle tactics the Changelings have used before! It’s really interesting!”

“Battle tactics?” Chet asked, raising an eyebrow, as Dash shot up and looked at the man.

“Oh… uh…” She mumbled, looking to Alex, “It’s nice to see you again… Mr. Mackenzie…”

“How’s it been going since we last saw you?” Twilight spoke up.

“It’s been going well. And, Chet’ll do.” Chet answered, giving Dash a serious look, “So I guess the two of you didn’t break up then?”

Dash gulped. Why did he have to get right to the elephant in the room?

“Alex told me to ask you why you got back together with each other.” Chet said, his eyes drilling in to hers.

Dash looked to Alex, only to see him give her a quick wink, and wiggle his eyebrows, a sign he hoped she would understand.

“Well,” She said, rubbing her chin with her fist, as if it were a hoof, “I… I just… I just offered him so much sex, you know?”

Chet tried to keep a straight face, but he couldn’t seriously stay mad at a person who could supply him with an answer like that.

“Okay, you win,” Chet smiled, pulling out the chair next him and sitting down, “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to know the real reason.”

Dash looked expectantly to Alex, “Um, what should I say?”

“Tell him.” Alex said, leaning against the end of the shelf, “All of it. I’m sick of sounding like I’m crazy.”

Dash looked to Twilight, who shrugged at her eye contact.

“Okay, well, here goes…” Dash said, clearing her throat, and looking right to Chet, “I was possessed by a manifestation of the darkest side of myself. It was powered by chaotic magic, and it managed to manipulate me, and my friends, in to thinking that I had cheated on Alex. However, after he left earth the last time he visited, he forced that side out of me, and he managed to defeat it, with his own chaotic alter ego.”

Chet dropped his head on the table with a ‘thud’.

“Jesus.” He muttered, “It’s real. Oh man. It’s all real… Christ…”

“And then I asked her to marry me.” Alex said, as Chet slowly lifted his head and looked back to his nephew.

“You... you’re engaged?” Chet asked, as his face contorted in to one of pure confusion.

“Yes I am.” Alex nodded.

Chet sighed, and laid his head back on the table. The world was spinning right now.

“And just to be clear,” Chet said from the table, “You girls are horses?”

“Ponies, actually.” Alex corrected.

“Oh good.” Chet said, starting to laugh, as his volume began to increase more and more, until it sounded like he had just been told the funniest joke on earth.

“Chet, are you okay?” Alex asked, placing his hand on his uncle’s shoulder.

After a minute, Chet finally managed to quiet himself down, and place his chin on the back of his hands, as they rested on the tabletop.

“I just don’t know what to say to you guys right now…” Chet said, exhaling and looking past them all to the wall, “Alex has been gone for a year, he bangs a horse, and wants to get married to her.”

“Pony.” Alex corrected.

“Right right…” Chet muttered, “I really do wonder what your dad would think of all this.”

“He’d be reacting the exact same as you, Chet. You know that.” Alex said, grabbing a chair for himself from the table next to theirs, and sitting down next to his uncle, “But there’s something that I need to clear up with you, on the time I’ve been gone.”

“Oh?” Chet asked, “What’s that?”

“For every second that passes in this world,” Alex began, looking to the girls quickly, before switching back to Chet, “Four pass in that world.”

Chet didn’t process that information right away. At first, it didn’t even seem like that much of a difference. But, as Alex continued, the cogs in his head began turning a little faster.

“I haven’t been gone for a year, Chet.” Alex said slowly, hoping that his uncle wouldn’t freak out, “It’s almost been four for me.”

Chet’s eyes widened. That wasn’t something he expected to hear, despite the huge amount of insane information he had heard today.

“I’m almost twenty two.”

For once, Chet was speechless.

“If I were to stay in that world… in ten years for you, I’ll be over sixty years old.” Alex said, placing his hand on Chet’s back.

“So… If you keep living there… You’d die before me?” Chet asked, blinking quickly, not having wanted to hear this either.

“Um…” Alex hummed, scratching his chin, “I think I could probably keep my body going for a few hundred years on this kind of magic. So maybe not.”

“Alex might even be able to cast an immortality spell on himself, if he were willing to learn it.” Twilight said, thinking that it would help the conversation along.

“Shh!” Dash pressed her fist against her lips.

Twilight silenced herself.

“I just… I can’t believe this.” Chet said, sitting up and leaning back in the chair, “I really, really can’t believe this.”

“I know it sounds crazy, but it’s the—“

“I can’t believe this.” He said again.

“Look, what exactly can’t you believe?” Alex asked, figuring that any question could easily be answered, “I’ll fill you in, no problem.”

“Well, I’m just having a hard time believing that… well…” Chet sighed, before looking to Alex sadly, “You’re banging a horse.”

Alex made a fist and felt himself shake a tiny bit.

“I’m only going to say this one more time, Chet…” Alex said, looking at him with a deadly serious tone, “I’m banging a pony!

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