• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,534 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Applebuck Season - Part 1

Chapter 4
Applebuck Season – Part 1

Applejack stood on a hill, overlooking Sweet Apple Acres. Next to her, was her brother, Big Macintosh. The two had been getting ready for their biggest harvest for weeks, and the time was finally here.

Applebuck season

“Boy howdy!” Applejack said, looking over the massive orchard in front of her, “We’ve got our work cut out for us! That there’s the biggest bumper crop a apples I ever laid eyes on” Applejack said, eagerly awaiting the challenge.

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh began, “It’s a good thing I wasn’t hurt by that cart.” He said, thinking back to the week before, and the garbage wagon incident. “I can’t even begin to think how crazy things would have been if I had been hurt, and wasn’t able to help with the harvest.”

Applejack frowned, not happy with her brother’s lack of faith in her. “Well, I guess we’ll never know,” She said, confidant that it wouldn’t have been a problem, “But I’m sure it would have been fine.”

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh said, rolling his eyes at his sister’s arrogance.

“Come on, big brother,” Applejack said approaching the orchard, moving past their little disagreement. “Let’s get started.” She said with a smile.

Alex, Twilight, and Spike, walked through the marketplace in town, finishing one of her usual long to-do lists. The group had been at it for hours, and as a result, Alex and Spike were exhausted, while Twilight kept moving, showing no sign of slowing down.

“Alright…” Twilight said, muttering to herself. “Check. Check. Check,” She continued, looking down the list. “I guess that’s everything!” She said smiling.

“Great!” Alex said, looking in has saddlebag at the various items that had been purchased. “Does that mean we’re headed back now?” He asked, sounding like he was going to fall asleep at any moment.

Twilight smiled. “Sure, if you want to skip the trip to Sugarcube Corner, we can head back now.” She said, waiting for his usual response.

“Oh!” Alex said, suddenly feeling awake and craving a cupcake. “Um, we don’t need to skip that trip!” He said, trying to sound as casual about it as possible. “I’m in no hurry to get back! I just wanted to… Read a book!”

Spike and Twilight giggled his lame cover-up. Alex was absolutely in love with the sweets in this world, and the two loved to tease him about it. He didn’t mind though, as the teasing usually ended with a trip to Sugarcube Corner.

“Alright, let’s head over…” Twilight began, being cut off by a slight vibration in the ground.

Alex looked down at the ground, then over to a café table not far away, where he could see a glass of water vibrating. He couldn’t help but laugh at the cliché moment.

“Stampede!” Everypony heard Rainbow Dash call from the sky.

The vibration started to grow stronger and stronger, until a large group of cows were visible on the horizon, headed straight for the town. As they grew closer, the shaking of the entire town grew stronger.

“HhHeEeYyY!” Pinkie said, grabbing Alex’s attention with the strangeness in her voice. TtTtHhHhIiIiSsSs mMmMaAaAkKkeEesS MmMyY VvVoOoiIicCcCEeEe SsSoOouUunNndDd sSsiIilLlLlLyYy!” She said, as her voice reverberated from the quaking.

“Pinkie!” Alex called to her, “I don’t really think this is the time!” he shouted over the yelling of the other ponies.

“Everypony calm down!” The Mayor of Ponyville called to the panicking ponies.

“But Mayor,” Rarity said dramatically. “What ever shall we do?”

“Look there!” Rainbow Dash called, pointing a hoof toward the stampede.

Quickly moving toward the stampeding cows, everypony saw Applejack and Big Macintosh preparing to herd the cattle away from the town.

“You know what to do Big Mac!” Applejack shouted to her brother, who was on the opposite side of the stampede.

The two quickly went to work. Big Macintosh ran up to the front of the stampede and moved beside the cow in front. He quickly got himself into the position he needed to be in to help Applejack when she got herself into place.

Making sure that there were no stray cows, Applejack lined herself up, and then jumped onto the back of a cow. Pulling out her lasso, she threw the rope around the cow in the front of the pack.

Knowing this was his cue; Big Macintosh pushed himself into the side of the leading cow, as Applejack pulled in the same direction with her lasso. However, this didn’t go the way they had expected. The two ended up using a little too much force, which caused the cow at the front of the herd to lose her balance, and collapse.

The next fifteen seconds were udder chaos. Cow after cow tripped over one another, causing the ground to shake even more violently than it had before.

Unfortunately, in all of the craziness, Applejack didn’t have enough time to get herself clear of the collapsing herd, and ended up having her back left leg landed on. It was the single most painful thing she had ever experienced. It was even painful enough that she started losing consciousness. But, it was still worth it. Ponyville was safe, and that was all that mattered.

A couple hours later…

“Applejack…” A voice called to her from a distance. “Applejack…” It called again, getting closer to her. “Applejack!”

Opening her eyes, Applejack found herself in the hospital, with a doctor. She couldn’t remember for the life of her why she was here. “What happened?” She asked, still a little groggy.

“There was an accident with a stampede a few hours ago,” He explained, expecting her to have a foggy memory at first. “One of the cows landed on your leg during their collapse. You had several fractures because of it.”

Now she remembered.

“What happened?” Applejack asked quickly, “Is everypony okay?”

“You were the only pony who got hurt in the stampede.” He explained to her, much to her relief.

Sitting up, she looked at her leg; it wasn’t too bad. She assumed they had already used magic to fix most of the damage. It was however, still bruised, and giving off a dull ache. She knew what this meant, unfortunately.

“Now, I want you to stay off that leg for a while,” He said to her sternly. “Your friends told me that you’re in the middle of a very busy harvest. So, I checked with your brother, and he told me he’d be able to handle it on his own.”

“Why of all the…!” Applejack stopped herself, before she started shouting. She couldn’t believe that he didn’t think she’d be able to do it on her own, but he thought that HE could. “So…” She said, calming herself down, “How long am I stuck here?”

“You can go right now.” He said to her, “But you have to promise me that you`ll be easy on that leg. It won`t be able to take much stress.”

Applejack smiled; at least she wouldn’t be stuck here. She knew she’d go crazy. Slowly getting herself out of the bed, she winced as her back leg touched the floor. Hopefully that would go away soon.

“Now Applejack,” the doctor said to her, “Be careful.”

“Yessir.” She said to him as she walked toward the door of the room. “Thanks again.”

He simply nodded as she left the room.

As Applejack made her way out of the hospital, she couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed. She knew nopony would tell her she did a bad job or anything, but she still didn’t like that she wasn’t able to do a better job.

“I hope today doesn’t get any worse.” Applejack said out loud, to herself.

“Just as long as we don’t end up on the moon, right?” A brown pony with a black mane said to her in what she thought was a Trottingham accent.

“What about the moon?” Applejack asked completely confused, and a little startled at the pony that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

“Oh… You probably wouldn’t know…” He said slowly, “It was… just a thing… On the moon… With-a-Plasmavore” He finished quickly. “Applejack was it? Nice to meet you, I’m the Doctor.” He said extending a hoof.

“Doctor… Who?” Applejack asked extending hers to meet his, while waiting for his name. However, after the shake, he simply winked at her, and turned the corner and headed off in another direction.

Applejack frowned at the odd encounter, but moved on. She may have been out cold for the past few hours, but she felt completely exhausted.

Opening the front door, Applejack was surprised to see a crowd of ponies gathered in front of the hospital, cheering for her as she walked out. She couldn’t help but blush at the attention she was receiving, it was at this point that she stopped being embarrassed, and allowed herself to feel a little proud for what she had done.

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Alex were all at the front of the crowd, trying their best to show her their support.

As Applejack walked toward the crowd, everypony started to cheer louder. She felt like she was going to start tearing up. But, she quickly stopped herself. Not wanting to look like her leg was causing the tears.

After a couple minutes of everypony thanking her, and telling her to get well, the crowd started to disperse, leaving only the main group there with Applejack.

Twilight took a couple steps forward to meet Applejack halfway. “How’re you feeling AJ?” She asked the slightly limping pony.

“I’m fine,” Applejack replied with a smile. “Just a bit sore”

“You did a great job!” Spike said.

“It was the best rodeo show I’ve ever seen!” Pinkie told her.

“Things could have ended so badly…” Fluttershy added.

“You were marvelous darling!” Rarity said.

“I couldn’t have done it better myself!” Rainbow Dash admitted.

“That was… just… Awesome.” Alex finished simply.

After everypony had their chance to congratulate her, Twilight finally spoke up. “Well, you need to make sure you rest.” She said, “Big Mac said he could handle the Applebucking, so you could heal properly.”

Applejack frowned, she wasn’t sure if he WOULD be able to do it. But, worst case scenario, he wouldn’t finish in time, and she would have to go out there herself and get it finished. Which wouldn’t be the end of the world. So, she decided to let Big Mac try his best. After all…

What was the worst thing that could happen?

Yes. I said Udder Chaos.

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