• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The Knight in Shining Armor

The Knight in Shining Armor

“I’m so sorry you guys…” Dash said apologetically, as Alex, Pinkie, and Fluttershy all stepped out of the showers they had been provided. Somehow, she had pointed her mouth to the side, and soaked them all while totally missing herself.

“That’s fine,” Alex said, toweling off his face, “I watched that ‘Two Girls, One Cup,’ video a whole bunch. That was much worse, and I didn’t even take part in that one.”

“What’s that?” Pinkie asked, “It sounds fun.”

“It’s not.” Alex said seriously, “Don’t go searching for it on the internet.”

“That what?” Pinkie asked.

“Never mind,” Alex said, turning to Fluttershy, “You get it all out of your mane?”

Sadly, Fluttershy had gotten the worst of it, something that would haunt Dash for the rest of her days.

“Yeah, I think so,” She said, quietly, obviously a bit frustrated with her now frizzing mane.

“Hey there, everypony!” Applejack called, trotting over to the four of them with two mares behind her, “Why’re y’all all wet?”

“Long story…” Dash laughed nervously.

“She puked on us!” Pinkie giggled, not put off whatsoever.

“An’ that’s why yer’ hair is so flat?” She asked, looking to Pinkie, and her straight mane.

“Oh! Whoops!” She said, sticking her hoof in her mouth, and puffing a bunch of air into her mouth, making her mane explode into its usual mess.

Looking down to her hoof, Fluttershy decided to give that a try.

Sticking her hoof in her mouth, she copied Pinkie perfectly, but when her cheeks filled with air, nothing happened.

“Hello everypony!” Luna said, in her previous form once again, sporting the pancake Cutie Mark, “I’m sorry Rainbow Dash coated you with her breakfast!”

“Uh… Who is that?” Dash asked.

“Oh, they’re the Princesses,” Applejack explained, “They’re just layin’ low.”

“Wow,” Fluttershy said, mesmerized by the two, “You two are beautiful!”

“Yeah!” Pinkie agreed, “I wish I was into mares!”

“Pinkie!” Fluttershy, Dash and Applejack said together.

“Oops! Sorry!”


“Well, THAT was an interesting afternoon,” Spike said as they headed for the beach. They had run into Applejack, and been asked if they wanted to go with them to the amusement park, but they declined as an amusement park was no place for a lady.

“I agree,” Rarity said, completely unfazed by the earlier fight she had gotten in to, “I don’t normally lose my cool like that.”

“I can tell,” Spike said, beating around the bush, wanting to have a serious talk with her about it, “So… Listen.”

“Yes, darling?” She asked, batting her eyes at him.

“Um… Let’s get a drink,” Spike said, pointing to one of the various Buckstars they had passed since it had a patio, and would be relaxing to sit for a bit.

Going inside, they each bought a drink and took them outside.

“So, what was it you wanted to talk about, Spike?” Rarity asked.

“Well, it’s about that fight,” Spike said slowly, wanting to find the right words, “You were a bit aggressive.”

“Well, I think aggressive is a bit strong,” Rarity answered, “It was an argument between ladies.”

“Rarity, you pulled back so hard that when you hit me in the nose, it started to bleed,” Spike explained, “And you didn’t even turn around!”

“…Did I really?” She asked, a bit awe-struck.

“I’m not crying or anything over it,” Spike said, “I just thought you could have handled that situation a bit better.”

Rarity bit her lip, “Well, I assure you that those out-of-character moments are rare, Spike.”

“I wouldn’t call it out-of-character,” Spike sighed, knowing this would get to her.

“What ever do you mean? She asked, recoiling, “Would you suggest that I lose my cool so often?”

“Rarity, when you got that unlimited funds card from the Princess, I thought you were going to have a stroke,” Spike shrugged.

Rarity frowned, “I’m not THAT bad… Am i?”

“You can be?” Spike said, wincing lightly.

Standing up, she turned away from the table, “Um, would you excuse me?”

“Sure, I guess,” Spike said, seeing that she was a bit troubled by this sudden news from him.

Watching her walk off the patio, Spike sighed and leaned back, looking at the sky. Maybe he shouldn’t have told her. She would worry about this, and probably apologize endlessly, and then go out of her way to act differently, only leading to numerous awkward moments.

Looking around, Spike realized that he lost her.

Maybe he should go talk to her, apologize for dropping this ton of bricks on her, and tell her it’s not as bad as he’s making it out to be.

Sure, that’s what he’d do.


“Once again!” Luna shouted as they all got off the drop of doom, “That was enjoyable!”

“Says you…” Alex grumbled, his stomach lurching, “I don’t wanna throw up myself today.”

“I could do it!” Dash said, “I’m all out of puke!”

“Wonderful!” Luna beamed.


“Princess, you just need to land a ring on a bottle!” Pinkie explained.

“That should be simple!” She said, picking up a ring in her mouth, and giving it a toss toward the empty soda bottles. The ring hit between a few, and just bounced around, not landing.

“Dang,” She said, “One more!”

Throwing another, there was the same result, with a miss.

“Again!” She said frustrated, biting another and tossing it.

This time, it landed on the center bottle perfectly, but it bounced off.

“WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?” Celestia shouted uncharacteristically in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

“Calm down, Princess!” Pinkie giggled, “Let me do it!”

Picking one up, Pinkie tossed it to the middle bottle perfectly. Then tossed another, and another.

Celestia gave her a dark look.

“Pinkie, do you like bananas?”


“Hey, where you going, pony?” The large pony said, cutting off her escape from the ally she had walked into.

“Excuse me,” Rarity said, not flinching at his size, “I have somepony to get back to.”

“Oh, I think you can stay for a few minutes,” He grinned, bearing his disgustingly yellow teeth, and breathing his putrid breath in her face.

“My goodness!” Rarity said, turning away from him, “What is it with bad-guys and horrid breath? Alpha’s breath was fine! You could take a lesson from him!”

“Hey!” He shouted as she turned back to him, and gasped, “That’s right, I’ve got a knife, and I want all your money!”

“Oh, dear,” Rarity said slowly, “Bleeding would simply ruin my coat!”

“What?!” He shouted, shocked that ruining her coat was her only concern, “Give me that!”

Reaching forward, he snatched her purse from her, and dug through it, looking for anything of value.

“Hey! Don’t you know it’s rude to go through a ladies things?” She scolded, before increasing her volume, “Give that back!”

Jolting forward, and pressing the flat end of the knife into her chest, he growled quietly, “Shut it, and nopony gets hurt.”

Gulping, Rarity decided to simply do as he said. She had proven that just because she was a lady, didn’t mean that she couldn’t handle herself, but this was a different situation entirely, and she didn’t want to turn around and get stabbed, after narrowly surviving her encounter at Haven Station.

“What’s this card?” He asked, levitating her unlimited funds card out of her purse.

“Oh!” She said quickly, not wanting him to get his hooves on that, “That’s a… Feminine hygiene product.”

“No, wait… I know what this is!” He said, his eyes going wide as he pressed the knife a bit harder into her, “You’re trying to keep me from all this money?”

Rarity didn’t answer as her pulse quickened.

“Maybe I’ll just take this, and—“

“Hey Susan!” Spike shouted from behind them, “Why don’t you pick on somepony your own size?”

Looking over to Spike, he growled, “Take a walk, or the mare gets it!”

“You must feel tough, pointing that knife at a defenseless pony,” Spike said, puffing his chest out, “Why not point it at somepony your own size? Or are you not enough of a man?”

Bearing his gross teeth, he took the knife off of Rarity, and brandished it at Spike, “You wanna fight, right here?”

“Sure,” Spike smirked, shocking Rarity with his self-confidence in this situation.

Running at him, the pony tried to hit Spike in the shoulder.

Instead, Spike ducked under the knife, and gave the Pony an uppercut, that knocked him out cold as he fell on to the ground in a heap.

Rarity gave him a shocked expression.

“Twilight dragged me along to ALL of these dumb self-defense classes,” Spike shrugged, returning to his normal self, “Good thing I pulled it off, right?”

Grabbing her things, Rarity ran over to Spike and gave him an odd look.

“I mean, he was also pointing a knife at you,” Spike said seriously, “And worst case, I got stabbed, and you didn’t, which is really all that mattered.”

Not waiting a second, Rarity threw herself into him, giving him an adrenaline-filled kiss, that surprised him.

Spike returned the passion instantly, but was a bit confused to be honest.

Pulling back, she gave him the most risqué look he had ever seen from her. She wasn’t smiling; she didn’t look really scared either. It was just an animalistic connection she felt to him.

While Rarity considered herself a progressive pony, and believed firmly in the equality of the sexes, there was no greater fantasy to her, then to be saved by a handsome stallion, that protected her from somepony that meant her harm. And that pony, was Spike. The pony that worshiped the ground she walked on, and would go to the ends of the earth to protect her. He was the stallion she had dreamed about as a filly.

How things had changed… Less than a year ago he was a baby dragon. Of course, since his transformation, he had matured tremendously. He didn’t have the personality of a young teenager anymore. He was having serious conversations with her, instead of just tolerating her somewhat fanatic attitude. He wasn’t making stupid jokes or doing anything too juvenile anymore. And the big one… He was willing to take a knife for her, just so she would be kept from harm.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, and standing up to kiss him sweetly on the lips once again, she pulled back and smiled warmly, “My knight in shining armor.”

Smiling, Spike stroked the side of her face as she pressed into his hoof affectionately, and looked up into his eyes.

“I love you, Spike.” She said, smiling earnestly, fighting back tears, “I love you so much.”

Spike blushed heavily while keeping his confident stance.

“I love you too, Rarity,” He said, giving her a soft kiss once again, “You have no idea how happy you make me.”

Sighing dreamily, she leaned forward and rested the side of her head on his.

“I’m so sorry about today,” She whispered, “I promise, I won’t do it ever again.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Spike said back to her, “You wouldn’t be the mare I love if you didn’t get into a fight over clothing every once in a while.”

Giggling, she finally pulled back from their embrace and looked over to the unconscious robber, “What should we do with him?”

“I have an idea,” Spike smiled.


“Lovely,” Rarity said, looking up at the streetlight, where Spike had hogtied the pony, and wrapped him up in a conveniently placed rope, attaching a note to his chest that read:

To whom it may concern:

I’m a real lousy pony, and I tried to rob a poor mare. However, I was stopped by a handsome pony, and tied up here, like I deserve!

Yours Truly: Jerk-Face

“Let’s go to the beach now,” Spike smiled, as Rarity took position right next to him “I wanna see everypony.”

Nodding, Rarity simply walked with him and enjoyed his company. It was pure bliss for her.


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