• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,534 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Alex turned and faced the two people that had entered his home.

The man, wore a long brown trench coat, had spikey brown hair, and spoke with an accent he could only identify as one from somewhere around Trottingham.

Oh buck yes.

“Doctor?” Alex asked, immediately recognizing him, despite his human form, “Y-you’re here?!”

“Yes well, you can thank Discord for that!” He smiled, “I’ll bet you’re happy to see us.”

“You have no bucking idea,” Alex said, smiling uncontrollably, “I- I need you to take me to Equestria.”

“Look, I know things are bad for Rainbow Dash, but we need to work on a plan,” The Doctor said seriously, “We can’t go charging in head first.”

“It’s not that,” Alex said, “Time here is different for Equestria. One second here, is three there. Discord can do a lot of damage in a short time here.”

“Then… We probably should get going,” The Doctor nodded quickly, “We can’t let Discord’s power progress any further.”

“Is it that bad?” Alex asked, walking over to the TV, and unplugging it from the wall.

“It’s pretty bad,” The Doctor sighed, as Alex grabbed a few cases from a shelf below the television.

“He’s gonna pay for what he did to us,” He said, grabbing a few more things.

“What are you doing?” Derpy asked, as he fussed with a bunch of cables.

“I’m taking this TV and video game with me to Equestria for Dash,” Alex said, lifting the flat screen up, “When I kill Discord, I’m going to sit down with her, and we’re going to do shit all for a month.”

“Kill him?” The Doctor asked, a bit put off, “I hope you’re not serious.”

Alex sighed, “I’ll tell you if I’m serious when I see Equestria, and whether or not all my friends safe.”

Derpy looked to The Doctor sadly, as he gave her the same concerned look back. They had seen Equestria. It was in shambles. And his friends were all… Well, he’d see soon enough.

“How did you guys get here anyway?” Alex asked, placing his games in a box, along with the console, “I thought you couldn’t jump dimensions.”

“I can’t,” The Doctor said, “But Discord can, and the TARDIS can replicate any spell that’s used close to it. So… I guess I can.”

“So, you know how to transport back and forth from the earth?” Alex said, realizing just what this could mean for him in the future.

“I do,” The Doctor smiled, “You aren’t stuck in Equestria now. You can come home whenever you want.”

“That’s frickin’ awesome!” Alex laughed, “Can you take other people besides me?”

“You know, I’d prefer not to,” The Doctor said, shaking his head, “One human in Equestria is enough.”

“One had been pretty bad so far, right?” Alex laughed, grabbing a backpack, and filling it with miscellaneous items.

“I just feel like humans in Equestria would get old pretty fast,” The Doctor shrugged, “It would stop being original.”

“Especially if all of them are omnipotent like me,” Alex agreed, “I’m just glad I’m white, and not all black and red, or neon green.”

“What are we talking about?” Derpy asked, totally lost.

“Don’t worry about it,” Alex said, lifting up the box of his belongings, “Take these.”

The Doctor wasn’t ready for the weight, and fell forward under it, face planting.

“Geez!” Alex said, bending down, “Are you okay?”

“I haven’t actually learned how to walk properly yet…” He grumbled, “I’m not even used to wearing these clothes.”

“I’m fine!” Derpy smiled, picking up the box, “I’ll teach you, okay?”

“That’ll be the day,” The Doctor grumbled, somewhat embarrassed that she could do this so much better than him.

“I have all I need,” Alex nodded, “Let’s get out of here.”

“Perfect!” The Doctor said, jumping up, “Is there anypony you need to say goodbye to?”\

Alex thought about his uncle, and decided to leave a note. He didn’t want to waste an Equestrian hour, explaining his sudden disappearance.

Grabbing a notepad, Alex scribbled something on the paper, and ran to the front door.

“Lets skedaddle,” He said, licking the paper, and sticking it to the door, “Did skedaddle sound alright?”

“No…” The Doctor said, “Let’s stick with, ‘Adventure Ahoy,’ okay?”

“Oooh,” Alex said, nodding, grabbing his backpack and TV, “I like that one.”

Walking out the door, The Doctor frowned at seeing them working so hard, while he could barely walk. So, he walked forward and guided Alex, getting his sense of purpose from that.

“Hey, were you guys naked?” Alex asked, taking them both off guard, “You know, when you came here.”

“Sure were!” Derpy smiled, “But he had a bunch of clothes in the bottom of the ship!”

“Human clothes?” Alex asked, surprised that they would be there.

“Not quite,” The Doctor shook his head, “All the pony clothing became human clothing.”

“That’s weird,” Alex said, shrugging, “You might lose it when we go back.”

“Don’t worry about it,” The Doctor said, “I’ve got a bowtie for next time.”

Alex felt his heart leap into his throat as he saw the TARDIS come into view. It was his ride home.

“Let’s go save my mare,” Alex said, breathlessly.

“Allanzee!” Derpy mispronounced, pushing the door open and running inside.

“We have a few stops to make before we head to Discord, however,” The Doctor said, “There’s a story you need to be told.”

Alex nodded.

“Where are we going first?” Alex asked.

“The Canterlot Gardens.”


Canterlot was a shell of its former self.

The streets were deserted; the buildings were closed and boarded up, And the sky was a horrible shade of pink, as if the city was in a constant state of Twilight, and was unable to transition from day to night.

Everypony had either packed and left, or been influenced by Discord’s magic, forcing them to work on remodeling the castle in his image. They had even used the statues of the Princesses as decoration in his new throne room.

Then, there were the gardens. The most beautiful place in Canterlot.

Only a week ago, it had been luscious and thriving with animal life.

But now, it held several statues, and little else.

“Discord calls them his ‘Amazing Stone Figurines.’” The Doctor said quietly, “Kind of… Messed up.”

Alex growled as he looked down the line of statues: Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and Shining Armor were all standing in proud positions. Alex wondered how horrible it must have been for them, before they were turned to stone like that.

Reaching the end of the line, Alex gulped, as he looked at two slabs of stone with no statues on them. Each of them had a plaque that read the pony it was for.

“Rainbow Dash,” Alex read, “The Element of Betrayal?”

“But that’s not her Element!” Derpy chimed in.

“No, it isn’t,” Alex shook his head, “Do they all read like that?”

“The Element of Deceit.” The Doctor started.

“The Element of Wrath,” Alex read.

“The Element of Greed,” Derpy continued.

“The Element of Sorrow,” Alex said, moving on to Twilight’s, “And, the Element of Magic.”

“What is this?” Alex asked, recognizing each Element having been reversed, “Why is everypony so different?”

“We have no idea,” The Doctor shook his head, “We only just got here ourselves.”

“It’s a good thing I needed to stop by!” Derpy nodded, “I needed to check my mail!”

“Derpy, you never—“

“No mail though!” She said, seemingly unfazed by the world around her.

“Right,” Alex said slowly, “Does the TARDIS know any kind of soft spells, that could cure everypony here?”

“It doesn’t, I’m afraid,” The Doctor said, “You’re going to have to ask Discord to free them.”

“And what are the chances of that?” Alex asked.

“Well, probably pretty close to zero,” He responded, hanging his head.

“I’ll change that.” Alex nodded determinedly, “Where’s Discord now?”

“Oh!” Derpy said, jumping up, “I know! He’s here in the castle!”

“Good, let’s take care of—“

“Not yet,” the Doctor spoke up, “We need to find somepony that can tell us what’s been happening. There might be something we need to get done.”

“Who?” Alex asked, “Everypony we know is incased in stone!”

“Well, I picked up some kind of building inside a mountain when I first got here,” The Doctor recalled, “I’ll bet the ponies inside are hiding from Discord.”

“Do we really need to do this?” Alex asked, obviously impatient with The Doctor and his approach to things, “Just let me explode him already!”

“It isn’t that easy!” Derpy scolded, “If you go running in head first, you could get really hurt!”

“I don’t think—“

“She’s right, Alex,” The Doctor agreed, nodding, “You’ve never had a rival when it comes to magical power. But now you do. Don’t let your past success with magic go to your head.”

Alex sighed angrily, “Fine. Let’s hurry then.”

Neither Derpy, nor the Doctor wanted to say anything. Alex had reason to be angry. Discord had Dash, and he just wanted her back.


“Who’s here?” A voice called to them, as Alex knocked on the door.

“I’m not Discord! I promise!” Alex called through the door, hoping this pony would be trusting enough to talk to him.

“Wait… Is that you, Alex?” He asked.

“Yes?” Alex answered, “Who are you?”

The door opened, and Alex immediately recognized Ramsley.

“Hey!” Alex smiled, happy to see another friendly face, “Are you guys okay? Who’s here?”

“Comet, and the sisters of your friends,” Ramsley said, “One is a princess, I think.”

“If Scootaloo turns out to be a princess, that’ll be the end for me,” Alex laughed, stepping inside, followed by Derpy, and The Doctor.

“Where have you been?” Ramsley asked, “Everypony said that you and Rainbow Dash were sent away in a portal.”

“We were,” Alex nodded, “We went back to my world. But Discord showed up, and brought Dash back?”

“Which is when we showed up, and brought HIM back,” The Doctor said extending a hoof, “I’m the Doctor, by the way, and this is Derpy.”

“Ramsley,” He answered, taking his hoof, “I don’t believe I’ve seen the two you around before.”

“We’re all over the place,” The Doctor laughed, placing his leg back down to the floor, “So, what do you know about what’s happened?”

Ramsley sighed, “Why don’t you three come with me?”

“Thank you,” Alex said, as they followed him.

Ramsley wasn’t sure what they already knew, but he was going to start from the beginning, and get everypony up to speed. If that was his way of helping beat Discord, he was happy to do it.

Alex sighed, hoping that Discord hadn’t already turned Dash to stone. For all he knew, he would never be able to free his friends… and if that happened, he would need Dash there with him. There was no two-ways about it. If he lost her now, he wouldn’t have anything left.


“What are you going to do with me?” Dash spat, hitting a hoof against the cage she was trapped inside, as it hung from the ceiling in Discord’s throne room.

“I’m going to be honest,” Discord shrugged, looking out his window, overlooking Canterlot, “I didn’t plan this far ahead!”

“What do you mean?!” Dash shouted, “You’re the ruler now, and that’s it?”

“I guess it is. But now that you mention it, what should I do with you?” Discord said, turning to her and smiling, “How would you like to be my pet?”

“What?” Dash gasped, “I’m nopony’s pet!”

“Well, you’re a little bit Alex’s pet,” Discord said, placing his open hands close to each other.

“Yeah? Well you’re a little bit butt-ugly!” She insulted back, “Now let me go, and turn back to stone!”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Discord asked, “I still have so much chaos to spread.”

“If you spread any more, I’ll kick your rump myself!” Dash growled.

“Well, you’d better get ready to do it,” He laughed, suddenly pointing to the horizon, “I’m going to be dropping a present on some ponies who have just arrived.”

“Arrived?” Dash asked, trying to get a look out the window, “Hey! At least let me see!”

Rolling his eyes, Discord magically moved her cage toward him, giving her a view of the depressing outside world.

“You see that valley over there?” Discord asked, pointing out into the distance.

“Yeah…” Dash said, squinting, “What about it?”

“Well… They’re about to have a MAJOR problem!” He chuckled, snapping his fingers, with no apparent change to anything.

“What did you do?” Dash asked, looking around the room for some kind of change.

“I just sent the ponies on the train tracks a present!” He chuckled.


Ramsley and Comet sat the three of them down, as the rest of the CMC joined them at the table. They all explained exactly what had happened over the past few days, from the spread of Discord’s power, to the disappearance of their friends.

“So, you’ve all been here hiding?” Alex asked, obviously unhappy with their choice to do so.

“Hey!” Apple Bloom said quickly, “We’re not hidin’! We’re plannin’!”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo agreed, “We’re almost ready to take on Discord ourselves!”

“No, you’re not.” Comet said sternly.

Alex sighed. Why was he here again? He needed to go save Rainbow Dash.

“I know it sounds somewhat pathetic,” Ramsley nodded, “But we’re here to look after these girls. And I couldn’t just leave all these girls behind when our friends went missing.”

“That’s sexy-ist!” Sweetie Belle mispronounced, “We can take care of ourselves!”

Alex cracked a smile at her attitude. Leave it to Sweetie to say the wrong word and make him laugh.

“How far has Discord spread, besides Canterlot, and Ponyville?” The Doctor asked.

“It’s strange,” Ramsley said, giving a puzzled look, “He hasn’t expanded his control whatsoever.”

“Are you sure?” Alex asked, “Wasn’t he supposed to take over Equestria?”

“We have no idea,” Comet said, “But the rest of Equestria has started to mobilize whatever kind of military they have, to march on us.”

“Are you serious?” Alex asked, having not expected such a thing, “We can’t have Ponyville or Canterlot becoming a battlefield!”

“How long do we have until they arrive?” The Doctor asked, wanting all of this resolved before they had a chance to attack.

“Only a few hours,” Ramsley sighed, “They’re riding a train toward Ponyville as we speak.”

“How do you know that?” Alex asked.

“Follow me,” Ramsley said getting up and showing Alex the winding staircase to the top of the base.

All of them walked up the massive stairs to the top of the mountain, and were once again put out by the damage Discord had done, when they looked out at the view they had.

“Do you see that?” Ramsley asked, pointing to a small vehicle speeding along the tracks toward Ponyville, “That’s the train they’re all on. If I had to guess, they’re going to stop soon.”

“Why are they going to stop so far away?” Derpy asked,

“To give themselves a safe zone to coordinate things,” Ramsley explained, “Who knows what’ll happen when they enter the chaos.”

“How do you even know that they’re military?” Alex asked.

“We have some kind of magic here that makes newspapers appear,” Comet shrugged, “It was kinda cool at first, but we get like, ten a day. It’s starting to get overwhelming.”

“I told you!” Ramsley said quickly, “That’s toilet paper if we run out.”

Comet groaned, praying she wouldn’t have to resort to THAT.

“They’re stopping,” The Doctor said suddenly, pointing out as the train visibly stopped, and the littlest ponies he had ever seen filed outside, “We need to move fast, and deal with Discord.”

“Yeah,” Alex nodded, “If we go now, we could probably—“

“What is that…?” Comet asked slowly, as a giant bear suddenly appeared a short distance away from the train, “It’s huge!”

Everypony looked to the window, wondering just what it was that would considered ‘huge’ at such a long distance. And upon seeing it, a few of them actually recognized just what it was.

Alex gulped. He had seen it before. It was something that had almost killed him his first few months in Ponyville.

“It’s an Ursa Major.” Both Alex and The Doctor said at once.

“How did it get there?” Alex asked, before realizing the painfully obvious, “It must have been Discord.”

“It’ll tear them apart,” The Doctor said, knowing just how much danger those ponies were in, “We need to save them!”

“They’re the military!” Alex said, “Can’t they handle it?”

“It’s mostly volunteers, who left to fight for Equestria! They’re all family ponies,” Ramsley sighed, remembering the several articles he had read about it, “The Equestrian reserve has been entirely depleted for this operation.”

“They’re not soldiers then!” The Doctor shouted, “They’re just… ponies! They can’t handle something like that!”

“We need to get down there,” Alex agreed, looking to The Doctor, “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

Casting a spell, Alex vanished from the room, as the Doctor took off down the stairs, intent on getting back to the TARDIS.

“Wait for me!” Derpy called, knocking her head on the wall, before continuing the chase after him.

“Good luck,” Ramsley shouted, looking to the beast from his haven, wishing he could do more himself.


The first thing Alex heard when he appeared was screaming.

The first thing he saw was the crowd running away from the Ursa Major, as it smashed one of the train cars.

Alex swallowed hard, as he kept himself from running away. He never wanted to run in with one of these again…

“You need to get out of here!” A clearly superior military pony said to Alex, “You’re just not tried for this! Nopony is!”

“Help!” A pony screamed, as the two of them looked at the pony that was wrapped in the paw of the giant beast, “I- I can’t get out!”

A young girl was trapped in the beasts grasp, and as far as everypony else was concerned, she was doomed.

“We need to go!” He shouted to Alex once again, “I’m the commanding officer, and that’s an order!”

“Sorry sir,” Alex said, really not wanting to waste the time explaining that he wasn’t in the reserve, “I’ll deal with the monster.”

Alex stepped away from the general, and cast a teleportation spell, yanking the trapped pony from the grasp of the bear, and placing her next to him.

“Run, quick.” Alex said, to which she had no problem complying.

The Ursa Major quickly looked to Alex, and upon seeing that there was nopony else around him, save the general, and the escaping pony he had just saved, the bear ran at him, and tried to hit him with an open paw.

“I don’t have time for this!” Alex shouted, as a beam of energy fired out of his horn, carving up the Ursa’s midsection, “I’m not as weak as I was the last time we saw each other!”

Gasping in pain, the bear staggered back, covering the damaged area on its chest.

Alex had no idea just where he had hurt it however, as the color of its skin didn’t seem affected by his attack.

Stepping toward it, Alex assessed whether or not the beast was done for. He didn’t want to kill it. It was probably just as scared as these ponies were.

They were all victims of being manipulated by Discord.

“Alex!” The Doctor called, running up beside him, “Is it done fighting?”

The Ursa answered that question for him, when it changed from the hurt-stance, to a very angry, and very fast attack.

The beast threw its entire body at them, intent on squishing them like bugs.

Alex was on the ball however, as he cast a powerful wind spell, countering the velocity of the Ursa and sending it flying backward, away from them.

“We need to do something, fast.” Alex said, seeing the Ursa start to right itself.

“I have an idea,” The Doctor said lighting up, “I can send it away from here.”

“Alright,” Alex nodded, “I’ll hold it off.”

Casting a spell, Alex engulfed the beast in a bubble, trapping it from any kind of movement.

The Ursa mercilessly pounded on the barrier he had made, but it didn’t even faze him, as he waited patiently for The Doctor to arrive, and do whatever his plan was.

Eventually, the Ursa calmed down, and simply watched Alex, as if it were committing him to its memory.

“How did Discord get you back?” Alex asked the bear, not expecting a response, “Luna took you away. You shouldn’t be here.”

It growled quietly in response. It didn’t want to incur Alex’s wrath, but it didn’t want to seem like it had totally given up.

“Alex!” A voice called from above him, as he looked up, “Do you see this?”

Alex looked up to the Doctor, and saw a large portal forming below the TARDIS.

“Uh… I guess?”

“Close the shield around the bear, and toss it in here somehow!” The Doctor shouted, “Does that make sense?”

“Can’t you just bring it down?” Alex shouted back up.

“We can’t have the portal too close to the ground, it’ll cause timey wimey problems!” He shouted, “Trust me on that!”

“Okay?” Alex called up, looking back to the bear.

Exhaling, Alex swallowed, and decided to play a game of basketball, by releasing the Ursa from his spell.

When the shield vanished, the bear took no time charging at Alex, just as it had before.

“Good girl…” Alex murmured, charging another wind spell.

Lowering his head to the ground, Alex got himself in the best possible position for the Ursa to get airtime from the blast.


Ramsley, Comet, and the three young girls watch in anticipation as the monstrous beast ran toward the white speck on the ground.

“What’s he doing?” Scootaloo shouted, “It’s gonna—“

Suddenly, the bear was sent flying back again, straight into the air, and into the white bubble, making it vanish from sight.

“Holy crap!” Sweetie said, jumping up, “He did it!”

“He’s way cooler than Rainbow Dash!” Apple Bloom said, grinning inwardly, waiting for Scootaloo.

“He is not!” Scootaloo grumbled, knowing that she was just teasing her.

“Maybe he’ll get his cutie mark in rump-kicking!” Sweetie Belle cheered.

Ramsley and Comet stepped back from the cheering girls.

“Do you think they’re coming back?” Comet whispered to Ramsley, “Or just going right for Discord?”

“I’d say the latter,” Ramsley sighed, “You remember what Alex did to save Rainbow Dash once.”

“Almost got himself killed,” She nodded.

“This is just like that, but about a million times worse, because ALL of his friends are in danger,” Ramsley said, “If you ask me, I think he’d kill Discord if he’s given the chance.”

“I never thought he was the kind of pony,” Comet said quietly.

“That’s Dax!” Scootaloo said, jumping into the conversation.

“I love Dax!” Sweetie giggled.

“Wasn’t he a huge jerk?” Comet asked, remembering what she had been told about Alex’s alter-ego.

“He was never mean tuh us though!” Apple Bloom said, “He cared about us just like Alex does!”

Comet nodded, still a bit confused, but playing along with it.

“Right,” Ramsley said, remembering hearing how Alex had merged with that alter-ego of his, “I just hope he doesn’t jump the gun, and do something he regrets.”

“Well, at this point, I wouldn’t blame him for anything,” Comet said sternly, “Discord has done too much to us all.”


Discord watched where the Ursa had just been, frowning.

“What just happened to the giant bear?” Dash asked, squinting at the area the gigantic bear just disappeared from, “Did those ponies beat it that fast? …Hey! Answer me!”

“I know that magic,” Discord said, confusing Rainbow Dash, “You should too.”

“What magic?” She asked, “I can barely see anything! It just vanished!”

“He got here faster than I thought he would,” Discord said, “Well, no point in wasting time!”

“What are you talking about?!” Dash shouted as Discord exited the room, “Hey! Don’t make me break out of here myself! I’ll do it!!”

Discord closed the door and left Dash in silence.

“Hmmph!” She said, sitting down with her ears plastered to the back of her head, “He’s lucky I’m too tired right now…”


Alex stood alongside The Doctor as he flipped a few levers, and pulled a rope. He looked like he was panicking over something.

“What happened to the Ursa Major?” Alex asked, not getting a response, “What’s wrong with you?”

“I think… I may have sent it to the wrong place,” The Doctor said quietly.

“What does that mean?” Alex asked worriedly, “Is it anywhere it can hurt anypony?”

“Welllll… Maybe.” He said, turning to Alex, and laughing nervously, “Have you seen an Ursa Major before this by any chance?”

“Yeah,” Alex nodded, remembering that day, “Like, nine months ago, an Ursa Major appeared in Ponyville, it almost flattened Ponyville!.”

“Did you find out where it came from?” He asked, as it all started to make sense.

“No,” Alex said, as it all came together for him as well, “It appeared in the Everfree Forest along with a cotton candy cloud… Wait, are you telling me that THAT Ursa Major was the one I fought off so long ago? It was in the future first?”

“I think I am telling you that,” The Doctor said, scratching his head.

“That’s why it was kinda scared of me!” Alex said, as it all came together in his head, “And that’s why it had the cotton candy cloud with it! Because it came from right here, and right now! My mind just got blown!”

“Well, I guess that means I don’t need to start paradox cleanup,” The Doctor sighed happily, “That’s the worst part of this job. There are too many pterodactyls for my taste.”

“I’ll take your word for that one,” Alex said, silently wondering where Derpy had headed off to.

“Where are we going next?” The Doctor asked.

“Canterlot,” Alex said, feeling his heart start to pound out of his chest, “We can’t give him the time to hurt ANY more ponies.”

The Doctor nodded, as he pulled the final lever, bringing the ship back to life.

“I don’t want you to follow me though,” Alex said, as The Doctor give him a look.

“Of course I’m going with you!” He said, insulted, “What, you think you can- can just take him on alone? Hasn’t living here taught you about friendship, and using it?”

“It has,” Alex said, “But I’ve also learned that I’m an angry, somewhat-chauvinistic, selfless asshole.”

“I wasn’t there for that part,” He laughed, “But what does that have to do with anything?”

“It means that I’m not willing to risk anypony else in my fight,” Alex said, turning away from him, “And you especially can’t risk this ship. God forbid it gets into Discord’s hands.”

“And what about—“

“AND!” Alex cut off, turning back, and looking into The Doctors eyes, “You have to take care of Derpy.”

He didn’t answer that one.

“Plus, your ship can’t handle chaotic magic very well, we both know that,” Alex said, recalling the first time he had met The Doctor, “So take her, and get away from Discord for a while, until I beat him, and fix everything, okay?”

“And what if you don’t?” He asked.

“Then you avenge me!” Alex laughed, “Geez, what did you think?”

“Not that, I guess,” The Doctor smiled, as the TARDIS came to rest, and he sighed, “Are you sure about this?”

“Oh yes,” Alex nodded, placing a hoof on his shoulder, “So… if I die here, it’s been fun, alright?”

“Those are great words to leave me with,” The Doctor said smiling back to Alex, as he pulled him into a hug, patting him on the back.

“Where’s Derpy?” Alex asked, looking around for her, “I might as well say goodbye to her, just in case.”

“No,” The Doctor said, “You’ll say hello to her, when you get back.”

Alex nodded, closing his eyes and smiling.


Alex walked to the door, as pushed it open with his head, “See you in a few hours, Doctor.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” The Doctor said, as Alex opened the door, and stepped out.

“Got it.” Alex said, closing the door, suddenly feeling extremely alone.

“I wish Dash was here...”


Dash sat in her cage fuming. She was stuck in here, while all this excitement was going on outside! And why was she being singled out this way anyway? She saw how all her friends were stone… So why leave her in a cage? It probably had something to do with Alex.

“He’s coming, Rainbow Dash,” Discord chuckled, suddenly in the room with her.

“Who’s coming?!” Dash spat, so enraged it actually scared Discord a bit.

“Your little boyfriend,” Discord chuckled, stepping closer to her.

“Alex is back?” She asked, standing up, “I- I need to see him!”

“And you think I’d just… let that happen?” Discord asked, “I’m not a nice guy, you know.”

“Maybe he’ll go easy on you, if you do!” Dash growled.

“Where would the fun in that be?” Discord laughed, “I want Alex at his best!”

“Is all of this just a game to you?” She asked, “Ponies have been hurt!”

“Is it NOT a game to you?” He returned, grinning, “You’re too serious, my dear! Cheer up!”

“Just save it,” Dash sighed, sitting down in her cage, “Alex’ll have me out of here in no time.”

“Well, since that’s the case, I’d better be outside for him to beat me up!” Discord said, prancing over to the door, “I’ll even give you a front row seat, Dashie.”

“What’s that supposed to mea—“ Dash suddenly felt herself be teleported out of her cage, into some kind of viewing area above a blank white room, “Hey! What’s the big idea?”

“He’s almost here!” Discord called from the white room, “Shhhhh!”

Instantly, Dash had a ball gag in her mouth, preventing her from speaking.

“That’s a gift from me, to you and Alex!” Discord called, wearing a goofy smile.

Dash, unable to speak, or remove the ball gag, simply groaned in disgust.


Alex walked determinedly through the gates of Canterlot Castle, feeling his heart sink with every step he took. All around him were brainwashed ponies, destroyed landmarks, and… Well, chaos. It was a horrible thing to see.

Suddenly, he saw somepony he recognized.

“Blueblood?” Alex said to himself, seeing the prince standing next to a small potted tree, “Are you okay?”

“So, you don’t trim at all?” He asked the bush, wiggling his eyebrows, completely oblivious to Alex’ presence, “Don’t tell anypony, but that’s how I like it.”

“Ugh…” Alex said, immediately picking up on the innuendo, “Nopony likes bush these days, come on dude!”

Walking on, Alex ascended the staircase toward the throne room, wondering what it was he was going to see inside.

Pushing the door open, Alex wasn’t greeted with the room he expected to see. He was instead faced with… Ponyville.

“What’s going on here…” Alex said, walking through the door, into his chaos-ridden town.

Turning back to the door he had entered from, he saw that it had vanished, showing only Ponyville behind him as well. Looking around, he also saw several statues placed around him in a circle.

The statues of his friends.







Shining Armor.

Princess Celestia.

Princess Luna.

…Rainbow Dash.

“Do you like what’ve done with the place?” A deep, familiar voice said from behind him.

Turning back to face Discord, Alex showed no expression at the confrontation of his enemy.

“Aren’t you happy to see me?” Discord asked, sitting on a throne, with one leg crossed over another, holding a glass of milk in hand.

“Why are you doing this?” Alex asked quietly.

“What do you mean?” Discord asked, “I’m currently doing a lot of ‘things.’”

“Why did you come to Ponyville, and hurt so many innocent ponies?”

“I didn’t hurt them,” He frowned, “I made them immortal in stone! They should be thanking me!”

“Then, what do you expect to happen to a pony,” Alex asked statically, not breaking eye contact, “When you take their friends and family away from them? What does a pony become?”

Discord scoffed loudly, as the air around him warped.

“What is a pony?!” Discord asked, raising his arms in the air, “A miser—“

“A miserable pile of secrets?” Alex asked, recalling the speech, “It wasn’t by your hand that you were given life. Blah, blah blah.”

Discord threw his drink away, clearly agitated, as the sky reddened to the color of blood, “That’s my speech! How do you know it so well?”

“I was there, you know,” Alex laughed cockily, “I saw the Princesses defeat you, so long ago.”

“Your time traveling friend, I’m sure,” Discord said, gesturing to a blue box flying over them both.

“What is this place?” Alex asked, seeing that it was actively changing with Discord’s moods, and actions, “Where are we?”

“I like to call this my dreamscape,” Discord smiled, making a building disappear, and be replaced by another version of himself.

“I can make whatever I want here,” The copy said, as a large tree was replaced by another Discord.

“I’m the ruler here, Alex,” They all said together.

“Well, you still haven’t answered by question, Discord,” Alex said, “Why are you doing this?”

The extra copies of Discord vanished, leaving the original on his throne.

“I’m here to teach all of you ponies a lesson.” Discord said darkly, as he stood up, “And I’m here to find out if you know the meaning of sacrifice.”

“Meaning of sacrifice, huh?” Alex asked, taking a step forward, “If you think I wouldn’t die for my friends, you have another thing coming.”

“Everypony can talk, Alex,” Discord said, “But is your bite as bad as your bark?”

“There’s only one way to find out, Discord,” Alex said, as the two began circling one another.

“You expect me to move first?” Discord laughed, “This has been too long in the making to just throw away. We need some decent foreplay before we get to the real fight.”

“So what?” Alex asked, “You want to kiss a little?”

“I’ll let you save that for Rainbow Dash,” Discord laughed, as he started amassing energy in his hands, “We should have some kind of back-and-forth, regarding who’s right, and who’s the real evil one here.”

“It’s you, Discord,” Alex said, “There’s no debate. I haven’t hurt anypony, and I haven’t tried to take over Equestria.”

“You’ve hurt plenty of ponies, perhaps even killed some, Alex,” Discord laughed, “And you might not have TRIED to take over Equestria, but if you ask me, you’ve taken it over in a different way… with your heart.”

“Shut it,” Alex said, as the power started growing in his horn, “Are you sure you don’t want to concede and apologize to everypony?”

“I’m more than sure,” Discord shook his head, “You need to prove yourself to me.”

“Fine,” Alex said, “Let’s do it.”

Discord stepped back, and held his hands out on either side of him, “Come get me, then.”

Alex fired his charged blast of energy at Discord, to which he easily countered, knocking away from him. However, he didn’t have time to dodge the sudden second blast, as it came in contact with his face, knocking him into his throne, smashing it under his weight.

“You’re good, Alex,” Discord laughed, standing up entirely unfazed, “Not good enough, however.”

Alex looked at him in shock. That hit should have done some kind of damage! But he was absolutely unscathed.

“It’s a good thing that healing magic is so chaotic,” Discord taunted, “I can do this all day.”

Alex was suddenly thrown into a building, destroying the front wall as he tumbled over himself, through the living room, into the kitchen.

Righting himself, and casting his own healing spell, Alex felt his strength restore, but at immense cost to his magical reserve.

“Don’t tell me you’re done already!” Discord shouted into the house, “Here, let me help you out!”

The house Alex had crashed into suddenly vanished, leaving him standing in a patch of grass, wearing a hideous pink dress.

“Are you serious?!” Alex shouted, looking at the frilly monstrosity on him.

Discord burst into a fit of laughter, and finished the outfit off with a matching bonnet.

“I… I don’t even.” Alex said, running a hoof through the material, “What’s the point of this?”

“Have you ever tried running in a dress?” Discord asked a bit confusingly.


“Good!” He said, sending a blast at Alex.

His first instinct was to fly away, but… You know, he was wearing a dress.

The energy hit him, scorching the side of his body.

“Son of a—“ Alex shouted, as the dress burned from his body.

Casting another spell, the damage was repaired, leaving Alex in normal condition.

“Are you sure you don’t want to just give up?” Discord asked, as the dress vanished from Alex.

“Let me think about that…” Alex said, quickly casting his own spell, trapping Discord in an incredibly tight polka dot dress.

“You fiend!” Discord said, as Alex changed his spell style, and cast a long whip of energy, lashing across Discord’s back, drawing blood.

But, all too quickly, the damage was gone.

“You ripped it!” Discord accused, “I actually start to fall in love with the pattern, and you go and rip it! I thought it looked lovely on me!”

“I did too,” Alex smiled, actually laughing, “Maybe you could be turned to stone in that.”

“Well, it wouldn’t be the end of the world to look fabulous,” He responded, smiling back, “What’s a thousand years, if I’m looking good, right?”

There was a silence for a second.

“Why… Why are we fighting?” Alex asked suddenly, having thought for a second, “You- You’re not that evil.”

Discord frowned. Alex was right. He WASN’T being evil enough.

“Sorry about that,” Discord said, as the dress vanished, “Let’s continue.”

Alex narrowly pulled up a shield to block at the spell Discord threw at him.

“What the hell, dude?” Alex shouted.

Discord didn’t answer, as he started throwing his hands forward one at a time, blasting Alex’s shield repeatedly.

Alex may have been taken off guard by this, but he quickly decided to give Discord a taste of his own medicine, and shoot him with a blast of chaotic energy this time. So, as soon as a break appeared in Discord’s attack, he sent his own chaos magic toward the Draconequus, instead of the usual Harmonious magic.

Discord simply let the energy hit him, as it was absorbed into his body.

“Don’t you remember?” Discord asked, “You can’t use that on me!”

“Shit…” Alex said, wincing. He could already feel his head hurting. The use of so much magic so fast was almost too fast for him.

“I hope you don’t need a breather,” Discord said, “We’re just getting to the good part!”

Conjuring some more harmonious magic, Alex started shooting spears out of his horn, all of which were aimed at Discord’s chest. But, each one shattered on impact, not piercing through.

“Damn it--!” Alex shouted, stepping back, now almost completely out of energy.

“You need to be more creative!” Discord said, “Unless, that’s it for you?”

“I… I need…” Alex stammered, falling down onto his rump, and closing his eyes, “Just a sec…”

Discord frowned.

“What’s the matter with you, pony? Get up!” Discord said, frowning at his lack of movement.

Walking over him, Discord kicked Alex lightly on the side, receiving no response.

Levitating him off the ground by his neck, Alex’s head hung to the ground, Discord as he inspected him, and felt genuinely upset with the lame way this had all concluded.

“You’re not as powerful as I thought you were Alex,” Discord said, looking down at his unconscious foe, “I’m dissapointe—“

Discord was silenced as Alex cast his previous spell once again, sending a massive spear through Discord’s chest.

Alex was dropped to the ground suddenly as Discord staggered back, placing his hands on the spear that had ripped a hole through his chest.

“Wha- How did you…?” Discord asked, panting heavily.

Alex looked up to him. But It wasn’t Alex. His eyes were burning with a familiar emerald fire.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Discord laughed weakly, remembering that color vividly. “Dax.”

Dax looked up to Discord as smiled cockily, “It’s good to see you too, dick face.”

“You’re… Supposed to be- be dead.”

“We’re sharing the driver’s seat,” Dax corrected, standing upright; “I didn’t think I’d get any more air time myself, but, here I am! I guess I’d better enjoy it, huh?”

“Well, you really did surprise me there,” Discord nodded, as his hands dropped to the ground, “I guess I underestimated you.”

“I think you just learned a very important lesson.” Dax said, as Discord cocked his head to the side.

“And what lesson is that?” He asked.

“You don’t take away a pony’s lay. Not unless you want to pay the price.” Dax said, approaching his injured enemy, “You know… I don’t know how Alex kept himself restrained during all your chatting back there. I wanted to slaughter you right there.”

“Love that attitude,” Discord winked, “We probably would have been good friends, you and I.”

“Maybe,” Dax said, “You ARE a bit of an ass like I am.”

Suddenly, Dax’s eyes started to flicker between blue and their original green.

“Well, it looks like I need to stop hogging,” Dax said, “It was nice meeting you, Discord.”

Discord simply laughed, as Alex returned.

“Sorry about that,” Alex said calmly, “Looks like half the brain got knocked out there.”

“So, Alex,” Discord said, coughing weakly, “What’s next?”

“You need to turn back to stone.” Alex said, realizing just how dire the wound on him was, “It’ll save you.”

Discord scratched his chin, as the look of pain faded from his face.

“Hmm…” Discord said, “Actually, I have another plan.”

Alex didn’t even have a second to react, as the injured Discord vanished, and another one appeared from where a tree had been, as he grabbed the pony by the throat.

“W-what?!” Alex said, as his brain tried to catch up with what had just happened.

“You fought well, Alex,” Discord sighed, “But you aren’t able to stop me. Not yet.”

Alex wanted to argue with him, but Discord was holding him a bit too tight.

“Well, I suppose it’s time you join your friends,” Discord said, as he tightened his grip even more.

Alex struggled in his grip, as he felt some kind of wave of energy come out of Discord, and into him. Then, suddenly, it spread like wild fire across his body.

“W-w-what are you d-doing…?” Alex managed, as he started to feel… heavier.

“I’m turning you to stone, Alex,” Discord said, uncharacteristically unemotional, “I’ve taken your magic, and turned it against you, just as I did with the Princesses.”

Alex could only feel his pulse quicken, as he realized just what was happening. He was being petrified.

“N-no…!” Alex coughed, through the tight grip on his throat, “Stop!”

Discord shook his head, “Just stop struggling. It’ll be over quickly. Let your magic do its work.”

Alex shook his head rapidly, as he saw a patch of stone appear on his stomach. His mind raced a mile a minute, as the stone slowly spread through his body. He felt his adrenaline spike, as his previous tiredness was erased entirely.

Wait… Why had he been tired again?

Because he had used all of his harmonious magic in the fight with Discord, right?


But wasn’t Discord poisoning his magic right now, and using it to turn him to stone?


So, that meant, the magic being affected, and used against him, was chaotic magic.

The kind Discord would absorb. And it just so happened to also be the kind of magic that was turning him to stone.

Not wasting a second, Alex casted the strongest chaotic spell he could, he suddenly blasted Discord’s arm with a beam of light that was all absorbed into him.

“Alex, it’s no use,” Discord said, shaking his head, “Your magic is only—Oh no.”

“If- If I’m going down… I’m taking you with me…” Alex said weakly, through the now weakened grip.

“You… You don’t have enough energy, Alex,” Discord said, confident that Alex wouldn’t be able to output the kind of magic to petrify him too, “You might freeze my arm, however.”

Alex growled, as he continued casting spells, trying to freeze Discord before he did himself.


Hey, asshole!


Yeah, it’s Dax! Who else?

What do you want?

Remember what happened when Alpha tried to take Rainbow Dash from us?

I… I destroyed the teleporter with my magic. With that insane chaos…

Exactly! You need to replicate those feelings! You need THAT magic! Remember what Princess Celestia told you?

It’s like multiplying a positive with a negative… The Harmonious magic amplifies the Chaos, making it a thousand times stronger.

You need to do that again! It was your feelings that triggered it last time! Think about our friends!

I’ve already tried… It’s not as powerful as it was that night.

I don’t care! Take our feelings for Rainbow Dash, and use them! Don't be a bitch!


Alex closed his eyes, as the stone made its way around to his back, and started spreading downward.

He would never see his friends again. They were all doomed.

He wouldn’t be able to hang out with Spike, and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders…

No more studying with Twilight.

No more treats from Applejack and Pinkie.

No more suits, or dresses from Rarity.

No more pet sitting for Fluttershy.


Worst of all… He would never get to see her again.

Alex would never take Rainbow Dash out on another date… He would never marry her… And he would never see what their children looked like… And he wouldn’t get to grow old next to her.

He was about to die.

But worst of all, Dash was going to die too.

Her life was being trapped in stone, along with their friends for all eternity.

“No…” Alex said out loud, as Discord spoke up again.

“Just let it happ—“ Discord began, as Alex cut him off.

“No!” Alex shouted, as that feeling washed over him once again, “I’m not letting you do this to us!”

Discord felt Alex’s magical power increase tenfold. It wasn’t something he had been expecting.

“What’s happening to you?” Discord asked in shock, as Alex’s horn started to glow brightly, and leak power into Discords arms, “How do you have the power left to do this?!”

Alex’s mind was racing. So many things ran though his head about his friends, each one being a fond memory that he used to multiply his power. It was over for Discord.

“What is a Pony, Discord? A pile of secrets?” Alex said, repeating the speech Discord had used so many times, as the ground around them started to shake, “No, I don’t think so. A pony, or a person, or whatever you use to describe yourself… Is a culmination of events! My power comes from my experiences. From my friends! And as long as I have those things, I have something to fight for!”

Discord scowled, as the massive amount of energy reached its peak.

“You have nothing to fight for, Discord,” Alex said quietly, “And that is why…”

“You’ll always lose.”

Alex released the spell, and engulfed the two of them in a bubble of pure chaotic energy that cracked the walls of the dreamscape making it start to crumble around them.

Discord absorbed all of this magic almost instantly, as it sent him tumbling back, and dropping Alex on his front legs, the only ones that were still working, as the stone had already enveloped his hind legs, and was now spreading forward.

“Well, it looks like I underestimated you twice, Alex,” Discord said, nodding to him, as the stone rapidly covered his body, “You really have beaten me.”

Alex looked around the dreamscape, as it melted around them, and then to the statues of his friends.

“Is there any chance you’ll free my friends?” Alex asked, as the stone started working up his front legs.

“I can’t anymore…” Discord said, gesturing to his now stone hands, losing more and more of his neck to the spell, “I’m afraid you’re stuck that way.”

“Damn it…” Alex said, as he lost his right leg to the spell.

“Don’t worry, Alex,” Discord said, smiling to him, as the petrification worked its way over his face, locking it in a gentle smile. “I’ll explain everything soon…”

As soon as Discord was completely turned to stone, the bright color of the room vanished, and Alex was suddenly in the throne room, as Rainbow Dash fell from the ceiling, now free of her ball gag.

“Alex!” She shouted, rushing over to him, “What did Discord do to you?!”

“The same thing he did to the princesses…” Alex said, looking to her and smiling softly, “But I’m happy to see you one more time.”

“Don’t talk like that!” She said, her eyes filling with tears, “Just… Use a spell to fix this! You must know one!”

Alex shook his head, suddenly showing his sadness, “I’ve studied magic with Twilight… There’s almost no magic strong enough to break petrification.”

“B-but, Twilight, or the Princesses will know it, right?” Dash offered hopefully, not wanting to hear anything else but something positive, “Right?!”

“No,” Alex shook his head, “Chaotic magic did this… We barely know how it works, let alone how to counter its spells.”

Dash closed her eyes, as the tears from each eye slowed down her cheeks.

“Alex… You promised me you weren’t ever going to leave me!” Dash said, opening them once again, revealing the pure sadness she felt, “Don’t you remember that?”

“I know,” Alex said, trying to lean forward to her, but found himself restricted, as the stone made its way up his neck, “And I’m so sorry…”

“I’m going to smash Discord to bits!” Dash shouted, looking to Discord, and then back to Alex, “Why did he have do this to you?!”

“I don’t know…” Alex said, still lost on that front, “But don’t destroy him. Something isn’t right about all of this.”

Shaking her head, Dash suddenly ended their conversation by throwing herself forward, pressing her lips against his.

Alex simply kissed her back. He closed his eyes, and felt his own tears start to run.

Dash pulled back quickly when she felt coldness on her chin. It was the stone. It was already moving up his face.

Alex saw her broken heart in her expression, and decided that whatever he had to say, he needed to say it fast… Before he was gone, perhaps forever.

“Dash, listen! I love you, and please don’t forget that! But if I never get out of here, don’t run off again like last time!” Alex said quickly, “Stay here, find yourself a nice stallion and—“

“Stop that.” She said quietly, but determinedly, “I’m going to find the spell to fix you, and Twilight is going to use it, do you understand?”

“Dash…” Alex said quietly.

“Do you understand?!”

Alex didn’t say anything back. He just smiled and nodded as much as he could through the petrification.

“And when you’re free, I’m going to give you the best night of your life, got it?” She said, trying to give him a stern look, but failing.

“Okay…” Alex said, his tears running down his cheeks.

“I love you, Alex.” She said.

“I love you too, Dash.” Alex said quietly, as he felt the last of his face be enveloped.

Leaning forward, she kissed him again. But this time, she kissed stone.


The door was thrown open as Twilight and her friends ran inside.

“Where’s Discord?” Twilight said, before getting a real look at the room, “Oh Celestia…”

“Twilight!” Dash shouted, turning around to her, “You need to help him!”

“W-what happened?” Applejack asked.

“Alex was about to be turned to stone, but he froze Discord along with him…” Dash explained, “Is there something we can do?! He- he said there was nothing, but…!”

Walking to the statue of their friend, Twilight placed a hoof on his petrified cheek, and felt her heart wrench.

Twilight hated herself for it, but she shook her head.

“No, Rainbow Dash…” She whispered, as she felt her heart sink, “There’s nothing anypony can do.”

"What about the Elements of Harmony?" Spike asked, "Can't we use those?"

"The Elements of Harmony didn't turn Alex to stone, Spike," Twilight said, her voice cracking slightly, "Equestria has no spells that can free him..."

"Then we had better get to work, Twilight," Celestia said, entering the room along with her sister, Luna, "Because from what I have been told by Discord, something is coming."


Off the Record: Season One - End

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