• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,534 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Home in Each Other

Home in Each Other

The day had passed instantly.

It had truly begun with Alex wanting to ask her a question. One very, very important question. But, before he had the chance to ask, she moved toward the manager of the Wonderbolts, Comet, to immediately remove herself from the consideration to become a Wonderbolt, for the second time.

Of course, Comet wasn’t as pleased as she thought she was going to be that day. When she was told that Dash was returning to join the team, she thought it too good to be true, expecting Alex to arrive any day and take her home. But, as the time dragged on, and he made no appearance, Comet allowed herself to get excited. Something she regretted doing, after today.

After all, Dash had made a name for herself while she was a Captain of the guard. She had used her amazing flying abilities in several situations throughout Equestria, and had shockingly, almost progressed past the best of the best fliers in the world. It was truly baffling that such a pony existed, but wanted nothing to do with the Wonderbolts to her.

And although she had come close again, she had been rescued. Just as before, by her lover falling out of the sky, and passionately kissing her in front of an audience.

So, after Dash had one again broken the heart of Comet, she paid a visit to her friends, who were all waiting patiently for her to resign from the Wonderbolts.

Of course, none of them knew what had changed between her and Alex. The most they could tell, was that he had confronted her, been enveloped in a massive black ball, and then started kissing her.

None of them knew the specifics, but were all able to get the gist of it.

So, between Dash and Alex, they explained what had happened with her dark side, and how false memories had been written in to her mind, in an effort to convince her that she had slept with Speed. But, in fact, when the time actually came for her to cheat on Alex the first time, she was able to keep Speed away from her, by almost ridiculously, associating an itch with cheating on him.

Twilight was truly impressed that Dash had used Daring Do’s tactic to save herself and Alex from a terrible future.

Strangely, however, Pinkie wasn’t anywhere to be seen. But, Dash knew that they would have their moment. Pinkie wasn’t the kind of friend you could just replace, and she would hunt down the party pony if she needed to, so that they could make amends.

But, beyond that, the day ended for the two of them.

Alex wasted no time returning himself, and his companion to Ponyville, to the house they once shared. Both of their chests free of any weight, so they could spend time with one another, and Alex could find his moment to ask her.

Neither one of them were sure what the rest of the day would be filled with, but when the time came, it was all so natural for them.


Time had slipped past the two of them.

Their hearts, and bodies had once again been joined, after such an agonizing time apart, as they lay together closer than they had either ever been.

It was like sitting down by the fire, after being caught in a blizzard. Neither dared to move, or even speak. They were so lost in the others essence, that nothing needed to be said.

His coat was slightly coarse, but completely bearable.

Hers was soft, and smelt of roses and vanilla. Just as it had on the hillside so many years ago.

Pressing her cheek in to his chest, she sighed at the heat radiating from his chest. It could be a hundred and twenty degrees and she’d still cuddle up against his warm body, to feel each pound in his chest, and savor each second like it was the last they would ever spend together.

Slowly, she opened her wing that wasn’t pressed against the bed, and draped it over his midsection, making sure that she was as close to him as she possibly could be. Her relatively small frame compared to his however, kept her from reaching very far across him.

Alex had never considered using his wings as something to embrace somepony with, but took no time replicating her motions, as he extended his gray wing, and placed it around her entire body. It was amazing how good the small action felt to the two of them.

Slowly raising a hoof out from under his wing, he brushed across her cheek, causing her to open her eyes, and give him the kind of warm smile that not only made him forget to breathe, but also caused his heart to skip several beats. It was a dream come true to be here with her like this again.

Dash felt her own heart melt at the look of pure bliss that he was showing her. His happiness set her own chest on fire. The two were equal in this embrace, in both emotional, and physical state.

Staring at her like this… it made him wonder what would happen if the world were to end this moment. If the world caught fire, and needed to be saved. Would he leave her to extinguish the flame, if it meant leaving this moment with her?

No. The world would wait for them.

Still, the thought progressed in his mind, and he began to think of this ultimate enemy coming for them. The being that scared Discord himself. Should he worry about losing her to that opponent? What if one of them were to be hurt, or killed in their final confrontation?

Pausing, and staring in to her rose colored eyes one again, Alex felt a surge of confidence.

He was strong enough to destroy Equestria, if he so felt like it. So, what chance would a deity have, if it had that goal in mind?

One word.


“Alex?” Dash asked quietly, having felt his body tense up, “Are you alright?”

“Oh, sorry,” Alex said softly, giving a single nod, “Just thinking about everything that happened. I stiffened up a bit I guess…”

“Just relax,” She whispered, softly stroking his chest as she leaned her head forward and planted a soft kiss on his lips, before leaning back and looking in to his eyes, “We have all the time in the world to worry about what’s coming.”

“You’re right, Colors.” Alex smiled, leaning down, and taking her in to a slightly deeper kiss, that allowed them to express their feelings with a little more than just their eyes and words.

After a few moments, they separated, and they once again returned to gazing back and forth at one another.

Inhaling slowly, Alex caught the scent of her usual perfume, and almost felt himself go back in time to the night they finally became friends, on the hillside. He remembered comparing her scent to her eyes… and falling in love with her a little bit. And even though it was four years later, and the two had progressed so far beyond friends… he still felt her burry herself deeper into his heart.

“I love you, Dash,” Alex said suddenly, feeling as if he needed to say it again, despite the fifty times he had already said it today, “I don’t think I can ever say it enough.”

“Alex, I know you do.” Dash shook her head, her expression still one of slight sadness, “You could never tell me, and I’d know.”

Alex only nodded, as he elicited another smile out of her, with one of his own.

They stayed in blissful silence for a few more minutes, before Dash suddenly perked up, and remembered something from earlier today, when she had just been freed from her dark side.

“Alex,” She asked, squinting for a moment, “What did you wanna ask me, before I ran off to talk to Comet?”

“Oh,” Alex said quickly, leaning back for a moment, as he gathered his thoughts, and considered his options on how he could go about this.

If he were going to marry her, it would need to be after something really romantic. They could eat a fancy dinner, he could take her back to the hill just down the road from Sugarcube Corner… and then he could get down on a knee… or two? Regardless, he’d finish the night with showing her the ring, and solidifying their future together.

“Alex?” She asked, unsure of what to make of his stunned expression.

Or maybe he could take her dancing! Then they could fly to their special spot a few kilometers away from Ponyville, and he could give her the ring there, just as the sun set, and the stars were coming out.

Dash cleared her throat, as she gave him an expectant look.

Finally catching up with her, he realized that the problem he was faced with now, was how he could get away from this conversation without her being suspicious. He needed something believable, but not too farfetched. Something that would line up with the events of the past few months…

“I want you to marry me.”

Dash’s expression changed to one of pure shock. It was not what she had been expecting.

“I- I stayed in Ponyville, alone, after you told me about the whole Speed thing… And then after that, I went back to earth.” Alex said, not sure if he was shocked at his letting the truth slip, “But I felt the same in both places. Like shit.”

Dash still stared at him, completely bewildered.

“But here I am, with you… And I couldn’t give a crap where I go now.” Alex finished, sniffing, making sure that he didn’t start to cry on her again, “I’m home with you, Rainbow Dash. And I want you to be my wife.”

Her heart jumped at the word ‘wife.’

“So… What do you say?” Alex asked, giving her a hopeful smile.

“What else would I say, you dolt! Of course I will!” She smiled, pulling his face to hers, as they shared an incredibly passionate kiss, which eventually led to her rolling him on to his back, leaving her on top of him.

Sitting up, she gave him a seductive smile, as she spread her wings out, and beat them once powerfully.

Alex suddenly gave her right wing an odd look.

“Dash, what’s that—“

Instantly, a beam of chaotic energy shot from the tip of one of her center feathers, and burned a small hole in the headboard of her bed, only a few inches above Alex’s head.

“I can use magic now?” She asked, looking at her wings, expecting something else to happen. But, when nothing did, she gave an impatient huff.

“Maybe it only works when you’re about to… you know…” Alex alluded, as she quickly caught on.

“Let’s try again then!” She said excitedly, greedily taking him in to another kiss, as he silently groaned to himself.

He should not have said anything. No sir.

At least she was going to marry him! So he could at least say that he came out on top today.

Well… figuratively, anyway.


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