• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,534 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The Best Night Ever - Part 6

The Best Night Ever – Part 6

Fluttershy walked straight for Blueblood, determined to get his attention, and win this game. She was going to be assertive, just like her friends always told her to be! This would be a story they would tell for generations, about the time Fluttershy picked up a Prince!

“Well heya!” A voice said from beside Blueblood, as he looked over at the dressed mare next to him, “Ah’m Applejack! Nice tuh meet ‘cha!”

“Of darn…” Fluttershy grumbled.

“Hello there…” He said, worried what mare was after him this time, “Do you need something?”

“Ah’d like tuh spend some time with ya’!” She smiled, “That alright?”

Blueblood looked her over, as he had with the other two girls.

Very attractive.

Somewhat muscular, more so than him even.

And a voice he would love to hear begging him for more.

“Alright,” He said, hoping this wasn’t a mistake, “What did you have in mind?”

“We could do some dancin’,” She offered, “Maybe try some food.”

“I don’t dance, and the last pony I saw eating, burst out into a simply vile display,” He said indignantly, “What else would you like to do then?”

Applejack scratched her head, there really wasn’t much else to do at this place besides those two things.

“We could… Uh… Get to know each other?” She offered.

He smiled, “That would be something I would be happy to do.”

She cocked her head, curious to the meaning.

“How’re we gonna do that?” She asked, genuinely curious.

“Well, follow me,” He smiled, gesturing up the staircase next to them, “I have something you may like.”

It was probably her somewhat ignorant state of mind that kept her from realizing just what he meant. So, she trotted off with him, hoping that he was going to take her a quiet place to talk.


After searching high and low for Sweetie Belle and her friends, Rarity and Spike returned to the dance floor, to enjoy some of the music, and each other’s company.

“I can’t believe those three,” Rarity said, glancing around once again for the girls, “Where could they possibly be hiding?”

“Well, with all the time they spend in the castle these days, they probably know every little hiding place around this place,” Spike said, “Scootaloo really lucked out.”

“I simply don’t know what I would do if I found out that I was the great-granddaughter of Princess Luna herself,” Rarity said, somewhat jealously, “However, I would never wish to take the place of young Scootaloo. It’s fantastic that she’s got herself a family now.”

“Totally,” Spike nodded, “I heard she gets a bunch of extra food sent to the orphanage too, so they can all eat a better.”

“How sweet of her,” Rarity smiled, looking back to Spike.

“Well, she still lives there,” Spike said, “So it’s probably made her pretty popular with the kids there.”

“I’m surprised she hasn’t moved into the castle,” Rarity said, quite confused, “I know I’d jump at the chance.”

“Scootaloo is just about the furthest thing from royalty I can think of… Besides maybe Rainbow Dash,” Spike laughed, “And she wanted to stay in Ponyville with her friends.”

“I suppose that makes sense,” Rarity nodded, “I suppose I wouldn’t leave Ponyville for a chance to live with royalty either.”

“That’s because of me,” Spike grinned, “Not all those lame friends of yours.”

“Spike!” She scolded, “My friends are the most important things in my life!”

“Second most important thing,” Spike said confidently.

She gave him a look, giving a small smile, “You certainly are confident, aren’t you?”

“Am I wrong?” He asked.

“No,” She shook her head, kissing his cheek, “You’re wonderful, Spikey.”

“You are too, Rarity-y.” He said, rubbing her cheek with his hoof, “Is it okay for me to kiss you in front of all these royal ponies?”

Normally, she would have cared. But things weren’t normal anymore. They were so far from normal that she barely cared about her image anymore. She just cared about him.

“It is,” She smiled, allowing him to lean in, and kiss her lips.

It wasn’t a crazy, make-out session. It was gentle, yet somehow passionate enough to make her wish for it to last longer than it did. But, they were interrupted when a dancing couple next to them bumped into them.

“Oh, we’re sorry!” Rainbow Dash said before realizing who they had hit.

“Alex?” Spike asked.

“That was you two?” Alex laughed, “What were you doing to make you stop moving?”

“Got caught up in a conversation,” Rarity said calmly, showing no sign of the feelings she was experiencing right now, “How has the night been for you two?”

“Great,” Alex smiled, “Lots of dancing, talking, stargazing.”

“Sounds like you’ve been busy,” Rarity nodded, suddenly remembering something she had wanted to tell Alex, “Would you like to trade partners for a while?”

That was a bit surprising to them all.

“Uh, sure,” Dash said, thinking it would be amusing to dance with Spike for a while.

“Don’t take advantage of me though,” Alex joked, “I’m a delicate flower.”

“Mmm, yes,” Rarity said, playing along, “Those are two words that describe you perfectly, Alex.”

“Thanks!” He said, flashing a smile.

Walking over to her, he bowed politely, as walked forward, and gestured for him to take the usual dance position.

“Uh,” Alex said nervously, feeling like he was going to get in trouble for having a slow dance with her, “I don’t know…”

“My goodness,” Rarity sighed, “You’re not some schoolcolt, that’s too afraid to dance with a girl, are you?”

Looking over his shoulder, he saw Spike dancing with Dash no problem.

“Come here, Alex.” She said, pressing the side of her head to his, waiting for him to lean forward so they could dance.

Deciding to give up being a chicken, finally got in position, and they started to sway back and forth to the music.

“Aren’t there any fast songs at this thing?” Alex asked, feeling like he had been slow dancing the whole night.

“The dancing is more of a formality,” She explained, “It’s here, simply for ponies to come and have a dance or two, before moving on to the other events being held within the gala.”

“You sure know a lot about this thing,” He said, nodding.

“Well I should hope so,” She laughed softly in his ear, “I’ve been dying to come since I was a filly.”

“Perks of being friends with the Princesses personal student,” Alex said, thinking about how much influence Twilight had had on all of them.

“Indeed,” She nodded, before moving the conversation on, “So, Alex, how are things with Dash?”

“Awesome,” Alex answered, loving how the night had been with her so far, “Just getting better and better.”

“That’s good to hear,” She said happily, wishing nothing but luck for the two.

“How about you and Spike?” Alex asked, “Moved on to anything fun yet?”

“Fun, you ask?” She said, trying to pretend she had no idea what he was talking about, “What ever do you mean?”

“Come on,” He said, pulling back, and looking her in the eyes, “Spike’s been acting different around me since we got back from our vacation.”

“He has…?” She asked, surprised that Alex could see any kind of change from him, “How would you say he’s been different?”

“Well,” Alex said, thinking for a moment, as he started to dance with her again, “It’s nothing huge. He’s just been so… confident.”

She could understand why.

“A bit happier, more excited to be going to see you,” Alex listed, “And then there’s you.”

“Me?” She asked, not thinking she had been different whatsoever, “How would you mean?”

“You aren’t treating him as a younger pony anymore,” Alex said, smiling to himself, “Something changed, and now you’re treating him like a man.”

Thinking to herself, Rarity had more than once let Spike take the lead, and be the boss. Of course… She loved it. She absolutely loved it.

“Does that automatically mean that we’ve engaged in something?” Rarity asked.

“I know the changes,” Alex explained, having an ace up his sleeve, “Because both Dash and I went through them.”

Rarity audibly gulped.

“It’s okay,” He said softly to her, “I’m not going to make you say anything you don’t want to.”

She kept quiet still.

“But you two are perfect for each other, Rarity,” Alex said, “You’re lucky.”

“Thank you, Alex.” She said, “For more than you know.”

“What does that mean?” Alex asked.

“Spike told me something a few week ago,” She explained, thinking back to their conversation, “There was a defining moment between Spike and myself.”

“What was that?” Alex asked, still lost.

“When that horrible unicorn came to town, Trixie,” She continued, smiling to herself at the recollection, “She turned my hair a horrible shade of green.”

“Yeah,” Alex smiled, “I remember that.”

“And do you remember what you said to Spike when I ran off?” She asked.

“I told him to chase after you,” Alex nodded, now remembering the event perfectly, “Girls love to be comforted.”

“Very true,” Rarity agreed, “When he came to me, and told me that my hair matched his spines, and how great that was… That was the moment it really became clear to me.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Alex smiled.

“I don’t know how things would have been without you here, Alex,” She said, pulling away from him as the song ended, “Thank you for everything.”

He smiled and nodded to her, “I’m sure you two would have gotten together at some point.”

“Me too,” She smiled, as Spike walked back over to them.

“Alright, Alex,” He said happily, “Hooves off my women!”

“Woah,” Alex said, backing up, “I don’t want any trouble.”

“I’ll see you later,” She said, as the two walked off the dance floor.

“How was it?” Dash asked, walking beside him.

“It was nice,” Alex said, turning to her, “How was Spike?”

“He was awkward,” Dash said honestly, “Asking me about the weather, and sports teams.”

“That sounds like Spike to me,” Alex laughed, “Come on, let’s get back to the dancing.”

“Yeah!” She said, happy to be continuing their normal night.

“Maybe we’ll take another trip out to the balcony in a bit,” He said, hoping she would agree.

“Sure, I could do a bit more making out,” She shrugged, as a few miscellaneous ponies around them scoffed.

“Snobs,” Alex said under his breath to her.


Blueblood sighed as he sat on his bed, watching Applejack stare out the window in awe.

“What is it you’re so absorbed in?” Blueblood asked, wanting to move their time along, “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable on the bed?”

“What’s in that tree out there?” Applejack asked, not looking away from whatever kind of tree it was.

“It’s a Zap Apple tree,” Blueblood sighed, knowing the exact one she was referring to, “It’s always ripe for some reason.”

“Really?!” She asked in surprise, “Ah’ gotta get out there and buck!”

“You wish to buck outside?” Blueblood asked, considering the possibility of nailing her on the grass without being seen by anypony.

“Where else is there?” She laughed.

“I suppose we could—“

Before he could finish, she was gone out the door.

“Wait for me!” He called, his voice cracking a bit.

Applejack ignored him as she made her way down a side staircase and out into the courtyard. Big Mac was gonna get a real kick outta her seeing a ripe Zap Apple tree at this time of year!

Walking up to it, she looked at the purple colored tree and smiled. She would have to ask Celestia to cast whatever spell she had used on that tree at her farm, so they could harvest those apples all year long.

“What are you doing?” Blueblood panted, finally catching up to her, “Is this quick bucking going to happen, or what?”

“Quick?” She asked, looking somewhat offended, “This is gonna’ be a long n’ hard buck.”

“…It is?” He asked, gulping.

“Ah’m gonna pound ‘em mercilessly!” Applejack said proudly.

Blueblood took a step backward, trying to think of an escape plan.

“And when Ah’m done,” She announced, puffing out her chest, “Those fruits’ll fall right off!”

Not needing to hear another word, Blueblood turned tail and ran for his life. No pony was going to be bucking him so hard that his fruits fell off!

“What’s up with him?” Applejack said to herself, before shrugging, not really caring at this point. She was going to get herself some Zap Apples!

Facing backward to the tree, she lifted herself off the ground, and hit the tree trunk, as an electric shock ran through her system, making her leap away from the tree.

“What’s goin’ on?!” She shouted, inspecting the apple closely, noticing that the coloring was off, “Dagnabbit! It’s jus’ been painted! This ain’t ripe at all!”


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