• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,534 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Confessions of a Baby Dragon

Confessions of a Baby Dragon

Alex walked into his room in the library.

The day had finally ended.

He couldn’t recall a single point his life where he had been this tired… He had woken up, gone to Trixie’s magic show, been hit on by her, fought an Ursa Major, kept it away from Ponyville long enough for Luna to arrive, calmed down the entire town, gone home with Spike to wait for Celestia, explained to Twilight what had happened to the Ursa… And that was only the first half of this day.

Alex had scaled a mountain, carried Fluttershy the entire way up, talked to a dragon, pissed it off, almost gotten eaten… Then, he watched Fluttershy pick the dragon up off the ground, and fly it into a wall, making it run off in tears…

Then, of course, he got back from that, destroyed the cotton candy cloud, and met the god of chaos. Then he said goodbye to Twilight, put Spike to bed, and spent a few hours finishing up some other miscellaneous tasks.

And now, finally, here he was, in front of his favorite thing in the world. His bed.

“I’ve missed you,” Alex said in the sexiest voice he could muster. “Did you miss me?”

Walking over to his bed, Alex climbed onto it and got under the covers, then rubbed his face on the pillow.

“Of course you did, I didn’t even come see you yesterday!” Alex said, as he bunched some of his blanket up, and pressed it to his chest. “I promise, tonight will be about the two of us… Nopony else…”

“Uh… Alex…?” Spikes voice said from the door to his room.

“I’m not talking to my bed, if that’s what you were wondering…” Alex said quickly, jumping out of the bed. “I was just… Uh… So, hey, why’re you awake?”

“Oh… After you put me in bed, I didn’t really go to sleep…” Spike said slowly, clearly having something on his mind.

After a few moments of silence, Alex finally asked, “Anything you want to talk about…?”

“Well… I guess there’s one thing,” Spike said.

Patting the side of his bed, Alex gestured for Spike to sit down, while Alex simply stood beside bed.

Silently, Spike jumped on to the mattress.

“So… What’s up?” Alex asked casually, trying to make spike a bit more comfortable.

“It’s about today…” Spike said, not really helping Alex.

“Do you mean about the whole Discord thing?” Alex asked, cocking his head. “Because, there’s nothing to really be worried about, I promise.”

“No,” Spike said, trying to gather his thoughts. “It’s about your trip to face the dragon.”

“What about it?” Alex asked.

“Well, it sounded like it was pretty fun…” Spike said, still beating around the bush.

“Well, that and scary!” Alex said, laughing lightly. “Anyway, what’s this really about?”

“I… I wish I was there!” Spike blurted out, looking away from Alex. “I feel like I’m missing out all the fun stuff everypony does!”

Alex wasn’t sure what to say.

“Everypony always goes off on these adventures!” Spike continued. “The fight with Night Mare moon, The Ursa Major, and going to see that dragon… And I’ll bet it’ll happen again!”

“But… You’re a baby dragon, Spike…” Alex said to him. “I don’t really think—“

“But… I’m not!” Spike said, starting to get upset, “Dragons live for hundreds of years! I’m going to be a baby for a long time!”

Alex stopped to consider this. What Spike was saying made sense, but, it still wasn’t reason enough to be allowed to go with them.

“It’s not just age though, Spike.” Alex explained. “It’s also about how mature you ACT.”

“If everypony has to be mature to go on these adventures, why does Pinkie go along?” Spike asked, completely invalidating Alex’s argument.

“Well… You see… That’s a really good point.” Alex confessed. “But, as mature as you may be, you’re still too small. It’s a lot easier for a baby dragon to get hurt than it is for an adult pony.”

Spike sighed; he knew he couldn’t argue that. This is why he hated being a dragon.

“I know it sucks… But I don’t know what else to say…” Alex said. “How long have you felt this way?”

“A while now…” Spike said. “You and Twilight are always so busy with everypony else, and I’m always stuck looking after the library…”

The more Alex thought about it, the more he realized that Spike was right. On more than one occasion, he and Twilight had gone out to spend time with their friends, leaving Spike alone.

“And it was like this before we moved here too,” Spike said. “Twilight always had some lesson to be at, or she’d be off studying at the castle… AT least we LIVE in the library now.”

Alex could definitely see where Spike was coming from. It must really suck for him sometimes, always being the guy who stays behind.

“I get so lonely here by myself…” Spike said sadly.

“Well… Why don’t you try talking to Twilight about this?” Alex asked. “I’m sure that she’d understand!”

“What’ll she do for me, huh?” Spike asked, “She’ll probably get me a foalsitter to look after me!”

Alex stopped for a moment. “Foalsitter? Why would anypony sit on foals?” he said quietly to himself.

“Alex?” Spike asked, seeing that he had zoned out.

“Oh, it’s probably like Babysitter… That makes sense. I feel kinda stupid.” Alex said out loud, making Spike scratch his head in confusion.

“Wha…?” Spike said, not knowing where that had come from.

“Never mind,” Alex said, quickly. “Listen, just TALK to her. She won’t hire you a foalsitter. But she may let you come out with us a little more!”

“Yeah but… Would she REALLY?” Spike said, still not completely satisfied.

“I don’t see why she wouldn’t,” Alex said, “Just give it a try!”

“Well, maybe when she gets back...” Spike said, with something else clearly on his mind.

“Great!” Alex said, “Is there anything else?”

Spike pondered for a moment. He did have something else, but he wasn’t sure if he should bring it up. He knew that nopony would take him seriously if he asked, not even Alex. Even if it was the entire reason behind his coming down to have this conversation, he just couldn’t say it.

“No.” Spike said, “There’s nothing…”

“You sure?” Alex said, seeing Spikes hesitation.

“I’m sure,” Spike answered dejectedly. “Thanks for listening… “

And with that, Spike hopped off the bed, and left. Leaving a concerned Alex alone in his room.

However, almost instantly, Alex started to feel his fatigue kick back in. Turning around, he extinguished the candles around the room with a quick spell, and then he climbed back into bed, sighing happily.

“It’s okay, we’re together now.” Alex whispered into his pillow, “No more interruptions. I’m all yours.”

And with that, Alex drifted off to sleep.


Spike lay in his bed staring at the ceiling. He had come close to confessing his secret to Alex, but wasn’t able to.

He wanted nothing more than to get someponies opinion on it. But he knew that they wouldn’t like the idea. It was way too extreme.

But, as crazy as the idea was… It was the one thing in the world that he wanted more than anything else. And he wished with all of his heart for it to come true.

But for now, since he didn’t have the courage to talk to anypony about it, he would just have to keep wishing, and hope something magical happened.


Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be up in a day or two.


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