• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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“Can you believe that this place has a library and a pool?” Alex asked, floating on his back happily, his wings spread out in two feet on both sides of him, “I swear, we should get one of these ships.”

“How much’ll that cost us?” Dash asked, resting in an inflatable duck ring, with large black sunglasses over her eyes, “Us royal captains don’t make as much as you’d think.”

“Well, you could always use your… assets to bribe the dealer.” Alex giggled childishly.

“Ha.” Dash said, “And I’d bet that you’d eagerly sit in the corner with the camera and a cleanup rag, watching us.”

Alex burst in to laughter at the accusation, “You know me so well, sweetie.”

The two floated silently in the pool for a few more minutes, before a loud voice echoed through the room, through a set of speakers placed in the ceiling.

“Could the two of you head back to bridge?” Derpy’s voice said to them, “I think we found a way to break free of the spell!”

“Awwwww.” Both of them said at the same time.

“Could you break the spell in like- half an hour?” Alex called back to the intercom.

“We sure can’t!” Derpy said happily, surprising Alex at the response.

“Huh. I didn’t think she could actually hear us.” He said.

“Nope! I can hear you!” She giggled.

“Derpy, throw that switch!” A voice called in the background.

“Yes sir!” She said enthusiastically, cutting off the intercom.

Both Alex and Dash sighed loudly.

“Why does everypony have to face their dark sides as soon as I start relaxing?” He said to his fiancée.

“You’re always relaxing,” she returned, kicking her way over to the edge of the pool “The dark sides would never come out if they had to wait for you to be up and about.”

“You’ve got a point there,” He chuckled, turning himself over in the water, and flipping his wings to lift out of the water.

“Hey, watch it!” Dash said, as his flapping wings coated her with all of the water that had just covered them.

“Sorry,” He said, giving one last controlled flap to reach the edge, “Besides, I know the perfect spell to dry you off.”

Dash went wide eyed, “Don’t. You. Dare.”

With a wicked smile his horn began to glow, and a massive gust of warm air began blasting over her body.

Dash tried to shout something over the sound of the air ripping past her body and through her hair, but simply wasn’t louder than his spell.

After a good fifteen seconds of ‘drying’ Alex stopped the spell, and watched with glee as Dash’s coat… poofed.

“You son of a bitch.” Dash whispered, her coat just about as fluffy as it could possibly be, “Do you have any idea how long this is going to stay this way? Even if I have a shower?”

“I think it’s cute,” Alex said, walking forward and stroking her puffed out cheek, “…Are you putting air in your cheeks to make them look bigger?”

She visibly blushed as her cheeks flattened a bit.

Smiling, he lowered his head to her level, and kissed her softly.

Closing her eyes, Dash exhaled out her nose as she pushed in to him, forcing him to take a step back to accommodate for her sudden showing of affection.

However, because of the kiss, Alex wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings.

Then, with a sudden burst of magic to his chest, he was shoved backward, and toppled into the pool once again, landing at the very bottom.

Wasting no time, Alex broke the surface of the water, and shook his head disapprovingly at the mare.

“Don’t expect me to sit in the corner with a camera after that kind of behaviour!” Alex laughed.

“Makes no difference to me,” She shrugged, her wings glowing black, as her coat and hair flattened out back to their normal style, “After all, you’d be the one missing out on your favorite snack.”

Alex burst out in to laughter once again.


Twilight, having cast a number of spells on herself to keep her heaving under control, headed downstairs to meet with Pinkie and her dark side, who had been waiting for over ten minutes now.

“Sorry!” Twilight apologized again, as she came down the staircase built into the wall, to the lower level of the building, “I must have eaten some bad hay, because I’ve been hugging the toilet for the last couple days.”

“Oh.” Sorrow said simply, feeling the energy of new life coming off of Twilight’s body.

“So you really are facing your dark side…” Twilight said, tilting her head at the mare flopped on Pinkie’s back, “But why is she out here with you?”

“Well, it’s not that simple...” Pinkie shook her head, “See, I accidentally made two dark versions of my self.”

Twilight tilted her head and narrowed one eye, “How did you accidentally do that?”

“Well, I went in to this magic pool in the Everfree forest… and I kinda multiplied myself.” Pinkie laughed nervously, scratching the side of her head, “It’s a long story- Anyway! Now there’s two different copies of me, and one is trying to turn everypony in town against each other!”

“What?! How is she doing it?” Twilight asked, looking to Sorrow for an explanation.

“She’s using a spell that allows her to control one or two ponies at a time,” she began, sighing dramatically, “All it takes is some exchanged words for two ponies to not want to speak to each other. And that’s her endgame.”

“That’s terrible!” Twilight said, looking up the stairs as Alpha began descending the stairs to join her, “Who has she controlled so far?”

“Everypony!” Pinkie shouted out, “Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and I think even Rainbow Dash for a minute!”

“Everypony?” Alpha asked, catching on to the conversation instantly, “I mean, neither Twilight or I have had anypony controlling us. Why is that?”

“She is our dark side, sure,” Sorrow said quietly, “But she’s not a monster. Neither are we.”

“Why do you say that?” Twilight asked, before huffing loudly and closing her eyes, obviously feeling her stomach lurch once again.

“You… don’t know?” Sorrow asked, a little surprised.

“Don’t know what?” Twilight returned, having gotten control over her body once again.

“Pinkie… do you remember how you found out that our little sister, Marble was going to be born?” Sorrow asked.

Pinkie instantly lit up at the happy memory, as it came flooding back to her.

“Oh yeah!” She said happily, her smile widening as she recounted the tale to her friends, “I was in my room playing with these really cool blocks that had the alphabet on them! When I heard some glass break in the bathroom! So I ran down the hall to see what had happened when…”

After Pinkie said this, she went uncharacteristically silent for several seconds, leaving her two friends to wonder if she had had a stroke.

“Uh… Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

“Oh… uh, sorry Twilight.” Pinkie said, scratching her chin as the truth sunk in to her brain.

“You were saying?” Sorrow asked.

“Um…” She hummed, bobbing her head back and forth, “Well, it turned out that mom had smashed her favorite mirror on the floor when she ran in to the bathroom.”

Again, silence filled the room.

“How in Equestria did that tell you that your mother was pregnant?” Twilight laughed, looking to Alpha as he blinked several times in bewilderment.

“Uh… she was… running to the bathroom to… throw up?” Pinkie finished, wincing as she looked at the blank expression on Twilight’s face.

“What?” Twilight said, looking to Alpha as a shiver ran down her entire body, “That’s- no! I just… ate something bad for me! There’s no way I would be that careless! Right Alpha?”

“I don’t know.” He said quietly, looking to Twilight, bewildered, “There… hasn’t been anypony else, has there?”

“Don’t be stupid.” Twilight shook her head, looking nervously back to the dark Pinkie, “This is all just a big joke… right?!”

“I can feel the baby.” Sorrow said quietly, ignoring Twilight’s question, “She’s going to have a lot of magic inside of her.”



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