• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,534 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Boast Busters

Chapter 8

Boast Busters


Alex sat outside the library, enjoying the sun. Even though he was still on the fence on whether this world was real or simply in his imagination, everything was still going great. He had finally fixed things up with Rainbow Dash, and the two were getting along amazingly. He hadn’t spent much time hanging out with her yet, but she had offered to teach him to fly. Something he was both excited, and nervous about. Nervous about the flying part, and excited for the Rainbow Dash part.

Even though a few days had passed, the whole night remained fresh in his mind. He was happy that they had taken that time to get to know one another. They hadn’t exchanged much information, but he was still happy to have the opportunity to start again with her.

However, as memorable as all that time was, there was still one part of the night that stuck out in his head. The end of it.

When the two had been staring into each other’s eyes, Alex felt something he hadn’t felt before. A kind of… Spark. A feeling he could only compare to how he felt for his ex-girlfriend back on earth. Only, this feeling was much stronger.

Something about her seemed to click with him. The way she listened to him, the way she laughed, the way she lost her ability to speak properly when he embarrassed her. And, of course, the way Rainbow had started to ramble on about them sleeping together.

Alex knew that she hadn’t meant anything by it. But, the way she had stumbled over the words made him smile every time he thought about it. She could be so cute.


That was never a word he thought he would associate with a pony. But, to be fair, the ponies in this world were MUCH more attractive than they were in his world. Her brilliant eyes, her rainbow mane, her smile…

Before Alex could think about her anymore, he heard some kind of commotion coming from the center of town. It had been gradually getting louder, and he had only just noticed it.

Deciding to take a break from thinking about Rainbow Dash, Alex headed off to see what all the commotion was about.


Rainbow Dash lay in her bed in staring at the ceiling. She had replayed the night she and Alex had spent together over and over in her head.

From her apology, all the way to her telling him that she would like to SLEEP with him.

Sighing, Dash rolled over and buried her face in her pillow. How could she be so stupid? Alex probably thought she was an idiot. They had barely made up, and she was already propositioning him.

Still. He HAD accepted her invitation to flying lessons yesterday. Which was a good sign, right?

Yes. It was.

Clearly, Dash hadn’t totally ruined the way he thought of her.

The two had decided to start his flying lessons tomorrow. And she was excited for it. These lessons gave her a good excuse to see him. And, hopefully, he’d be really bad at flying. So she could spend as much time training him as possible.

“I wonder if he’d want to--” Dash said out loud, before being cut off by cheering coming from down below her.

Happy for a distraction, Dash quickly got up, and decided to go check out what all the commotion was.


Alex walked into the thick crowd that had gathered in front of a stage that could only have been built within the last few hours.

“Who did this?” Alex asked a pony who was standing beside him.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie!” The pony responded excitedly.

“The what-now?” Alex asked confused,

“Shhh!” The pony said to him, “She’s coming!”

“Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” The deep blue unicorn announced to the crowd from the stage, earning several cheers. “Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!”

Alex frowned at her attitude. This pony had an ego. Enough of one to speak of herself in the 3rd person. Looking around, Alex spotted Rainbow Dash fly down from the sky and land beside Twilight and the rest of her friends, so, he decided to head over towards them.

Twilight and her friends were annoyed by the way Trixie was acting. She obviously thought she was better than everypony else.

“Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic doesn’t make one better than the rest of us!” Rarity said to Twilight, who was looking concerned.

“Especially when you have me around being better than the rest of of… of” Rainbow stopped upon seeing Alex, “Um.. Uh, I mean… Boo!” She said, turning her head to hide her embarrassment at the stutter he had caused.

“Well, well, well, it seems we have some neighsayers in the audience! Who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie?” Trixie said to the crowd. “Do they not know that they're in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria?”

“Just who does she think she is?” Rarity said, angry at her attitude.

“I’m pretty sure Twilight here is…” Alex began, before getting a purple hoof pressed against his mouth

“Please don’t Alex!” Twilight said desperately. “I don’t want anypony to think I’m a show off!”

“But… I don’t think anypony will--” Alex was again cut off, but by Trixie this time.

“You think this pony here is more magical than I? The Great and Powerful Trixie?!” Trixie said to Alex, as she turned to look at Twilight.

“Oh no!” Twilight said, laughing nervously. “No magic here! He doesn’t know what he’s saying!”

Alex rolled his eyes. He was a little disappointed that Twilight wouldn’t stand up and stop Trixie from boasting so much.

“As I thought,” Trixie said smugly. “I’m sure The Great and Powerful Trixie’s reputation precedes her enough for you little ponies to know of her victory over the great Ursa Major!”

Several ponies murmured to each other in confusion about what it was that she was talking about.

“Allow me to fill everypony in then,” Trixie said using her magic to illustrate the story she was about to tell. “When the ponies of Hoofington were being attacked by an Ursa Major, and had nopony to turn to… the Great and Powerful Trixie arrived, and with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest, and saving the town!“ Trixie finished, showing a small version of herself chase a bear into a cave with her magic.

The crowd was impressed by this. A couple of younger pony’s even got up and started shouting about how amazing Trixie was.

“Trixie truly is the most talented, the most magical, the most awesome unicorn in Ponyville!” A young orange pony said to the audience.

“No!” A smaller blue pony cut in, “In all of Equestria!”

“How do you know?” Spike shouted at them, “You didn’t see it! Besides! Twi…” Spike was cut off by a zipper going over his mouth, courtesy of a modest Twilight.

“Don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie?” Trixie said to the crowd. “Well then, I hereby challenge you, Ponyvillians… anything you can do, I can do better,” She challenged. “Any takers? Hmm? Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest equine who has ever lived!?”

Applejack growled. She wanted to get up and show her just what she could do, but her leg was still hurt from the accident, so she wasn’t able to show Trixie up. Nudging Rainbow Dash, she gestured for her to take Trixie up on her challenge.

Getting the idea, Dash walked through the crowd in front of her toward the stage. She was going to shut Trixie up. Right here, right now.

“Alright!” Rainbow Dash announced, walking up on the stage. “Let’s see you do this!”

Launching herself into the air before Trixie even had a chance to say anything, Rainbow gunned straight toward the towns windmill a short distance away, and did a few loops around the rudders. Following that, she headed straight up, punching holes in several clouds on the way up. Then, she stopped dead in front of the sun, casting her shadow on the crowd. She wasn’t finished yet. Next, she went straight back down, back through the holes she had made in the clouds, causing the moisture from the clouds to follow her down. Finally, in her last move, she went back around the windmill several times, while still being followed by the water from the clouds. Then, she zoomed right back to the stage, and stopped dead. A moment later, she was hit by the moisture that had been following her, causing a rainbow to appear over her head.

“They don’t call me RAINBOW and DASH for nothin’!” Rainbow said triumphantly.

Alex couldn’t believe what he had just seen. Rainbow was amazing. She DEFINITELY belonged with the Wonderbolts. Standing up on his hind legs, he cheered as loud as he could, making sure that she could hear him over the rest of the cheering crowd.

Looking in Alex’s direction, Dash smiled, happy to see him being so supportive of her.

Trixie didn’t like the reception Dash was receiving, so, she decided to cut it short.

Focusing her magic, she cast a spell that made the rainbow that Dash had created with her trick start to spin around her.

Being taken off guard by this, Dash wasn’t able to get out of the way of the cyclone that Trixie had turned her rainbow into. The multi-colored cyclone quickly picked her up and started twirling her around the stage, and eventually into the air.

When the cyclone finally came to a stop, Rainbow landed face first on the ground in front of Alex. She was very dizzy, and VERY embarrassed.

“Are you okay, Colors?” Alex said, lowering his head to her level, which was still on the ground.

“Yeah…” Dash said righting herself, avoiding his gaze.

Deciding that Rainbow Dash hadn’t had enough, Trixie cast a spell causing a small black storm cloud to appear above Dash, zapping her rump with a small bolt of lightning.

“Yee-oww!” Dash squeaked as she was struck, causing Trixie and most of the audience to start laughing.

Alex growled at Trixie. This was unacceptable. He wished he was further along in his training so he could take her on...

“What we need is another unicorn to challenge her!” Spike said to Twilight, “Someone with some magic of their own!”

“Yeah!” Dash said angrily, “A unicorn to show this unicorn who's boss!”

“A real unicorn to unicorn tussle!” Applejack added.

Twilight didn’t like this one bit, she was going to have to go up there. She knew she could trounce this pony in her sleep, but she didn’t want her friends to think she was sinking to Trixie’s level. “Uh… Well…” Twilight began, before being cut off by Rarity.

“Enough!” Rarity said, stepping forward. “Enough, all of you. I take your hint, but Rarity is above such nonsense. Rainbow Dash may behave like a ruffian, but Rarity conducts herself with beauty and grace.”

Trixie smiled cockily. “What’s the matter? Afraid you’ll get a hair out of place in that rat’s nest you call a mane?”

Rarity immediately narrowed her gaze. Trixie had crossed a line. “It. Is. On.” She said walking onto the stage. “You may think you're tough with all of your so called powers, but there's more to magic than your brutish ways! A unicorn needs to be more than just muscle! A unicorn needs to have style!”

Pulling one of the curtains off the stage with her magic, Rarity spun it around her, cutting it, decorating it, and tailoring it perfectly to her. When she finished, the curtain was replaced with a beautiful dress that was being worn by her, along with a done up mane.

“A unicorn is not a unicorn without grace and beauty.” Rarity said confidently.

Trixie simply smiled to herself, and started casting another spell.

“Rarity won’t let Trixie get the best of her!” Spike said to the ponies around him. “She’s strong, she’s beautiful, she’s…”

Before Spike was able to finish, Trixie used her spell, and changed Rarities hair from the usual Purple, to a sickly green.

The crowd gasped, staring at her in awe.

“I need a mirror! Get me a mirror!” Rarity said desperately. “What did she do to my hair? I know she did something terrible to my hair!”

“Nothing!” Twilight said, non-convincingly.

“It’s… Fine!” Rainbow Dash lied.

“It’s gorgeous!” Applejack agreed.

“It’s green…” Spike said, earning a glare from the three girls around him. “…What?”

“No!” Rarity cried, “Not green hair! Such an awful, awful color!” She said through her tears, as she ran from the stage heading toward her home.

Leaning down to Spike, Alex whispered in his ear. “Girls like it when you try to make them feel better.”

Immediately getting the idea, Spike quickly thanked Alex, and then ran through the crowd, following Rarity.

Looking toward Trixie, Alex decided that he would try his best to show her up, even if he was guaranteed to lose. Taking a step forward, he cleared his throat loudly, getting Trixie’s Attention.

“Does somepony else DARE challenge the Great and Powerful Trixie?” Trixie said, realizing that it had been Alex that had gotten her attention. “You again?”

Looking him over, Trixie quickly noticed Alex’s lack of a cutie mark. “No cutie mark?” She asked, confused. “Haven’t found your special talent yet? Or are you just completely useless?”

Looking him over again, she decided that he wasn’t ALL bad… Stepping down from the stage, she walked over to Alex, looking into his eyes with a sultry gaze.

“Then again,” Trixie began with a wicked smile. “You’re pretty cute… I’m sure the Great and Powerful Trixie could find SOME use for you” She said walking past him, running a hoof over his wing softly.

Alex was completely stunned, was she coming on to him? That was NOT something he had expected. He didn’t know there were THESE kinds of ponies in this world. Still. Trixie was the last pony in Equestria he would want to do that kind of stuff with. So, he responded with a simple, “I’ll pass.”

“Are you sure?” Trixie said, leaning in to whisper in Alex’s ear. “Maybe I could show you my SPECIAL talent.”

“He said he’ll pass!” Dash shouted, earning a lot of confused looks from the ponies around her. “Not… Not that I care!” She said quickly.

Seeing the adamant look on Alex’s face, Trixie sighed and started heading back to the stage. “Your loss.” She said with a wink. “The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn’t just go around offering free pony rides, you know.”

“Why?” Dash spoke up again with a smirk. “Do you normally charge for them?”

Glaring at Dash for a moment, she turned her attention back to Alex, with a much more serious demeanor. “You wish to challenge Trixie? Good. Show me what you’re made of, stallion.”

Alex was only able to take a few steps toward the stage before Twilight cut him off.

“I’ll face you.” Twilight said, deciding she didn’t care if her friends thought she was a show off, Alex wasn’t ready for this kind of fight. “He’s only a student to magic. I’m his teacher.”

“Is he now?” Trixie said, raising her eyebrow. “Fine. After The Great and Powerful Trixie beats you, maybe he’ll see who his teacher SHOULD be.”

Deciding to finish this quickly, Trixie went first, so she could quickly scare this pony off. However, hearing that this pony was a teacher, she decided to use one of the most powerful spells she knew.

Focusing all of her power into her horn, the ground started to shake.

At first, nopony knew what was going on. But it quickly became clear as the entire stage started to float into the air.

Levitating the entire stage, Trixie was confident that this spell would scare Twilight off. She had raised the stage a good 40 feet off the ground when she finally stopped raising it.

Then, Switching her focus, Trixie started to only levitate herself and Twilight, causing the stage to fall back to the ground, and smash to pieces. Luckily, she had dropped it far enough away from the crowd, to ensure that nopony was hurt.

Then, slowly bringing the two of them back to the ground, she shifted her focus again and started levitating all the pieces of the broken stage, and organized them on the ground in their appropriate sizes.

The crowd cheered as she finished. Nopony had ever seen THAT kind of magic, and they had a hard time imagining Twilight topping it.

Gasping for air, Trixie took a moment to breathe, and then smirked at Twilight. She may have almost knocked herself out, but she had won. She was sure of it.

“It’s okay to run away.” Trixie said panting. “Trixie understands.”

Trixie’s massive levitation spell HAD been impressive. But Twilight knew she could top it. After thinking for a moment, she came up with the perfect spell to win this.

Twilight closed her eyes and focused every ounce of energy she had into her spell. Levitating herself into the air, she closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, her purple eyes had been replaced by a solid white light.

The crowd watched in awe as a purple aura exploded out of Twilight. Magical bolts of lightning shot out of her in random directions. Each bolt caused a magical change. Trees were turned into flowers, flowers were turned into apples, and apples were turned into cake, only to name a few.

Deciding to get to the main event, Twilight shot a powerful bolt of magic, at the organized pile of rubble Trixie had made, sending it soaring into the air. Then, as each piece of wood fell back to the earth, a bolt shot out of her and hit the piece of wood into place, which started happening at an incredibly fast speed, filling the area with non-stop claps of thunder.

At first, nopony knew what she was doing. It just looked like she was zapping each piece of wood individually, making them land next to each other. However, after a few seconds, it became obvious. She was rebuilding the stage. It only took her about a minute to finish her task, and when she did, she lowered herself back to the ground.

Then, just to top everything off, a bolt of energy shot out and turned Trixie into a potted plant.

Closing her eyes again, the purple aura that had surrounded her quickly started to fade. Then, with one last bolt of energy, she turned Trixie back into a pony.

Knowing that she had won, Twilight turned to the crowd, and got just what she had expected.

The crowd was silent. Twilight frowned; they thought she was just like Trixie…

However, she was surprised, when the audience erupted in cheering. Trixie had been nothing compared to Twilight. And the crowd wanted her to be sure of it.

Looking back and forth frantically, Trixie managed to stammer out a question. “W… Where… Where did you learn that?”

The crowd quickly quieted down to listen to Twilight’s explanation.

“Actually,” Twilight said, remembering her entrance exam for the gifted unicorns school back when she was a filly, “I always just kind of… knew it…”

“What?” Trixie shouted. “You’ve always been able to do THAT?!”

“Well, I haven’t always had that much focus,” Twilight explained, “Princess Celestia has taught me to focus enough to control that spell.”

Trixie stood slack-jawed. “You’ve been taught by… The Princess?”

“Oh, did I forget to mention that?” Twilight said with a bit of smugness in her voice.

Having been embarrassed enough; Trixie stood up, and simply walked away. Keeping her eyes glued to the ground, not wanting to look at anypony. She had never lost before. And it didn’t feel good. Since she was still in such a state of shock from being transformed into a plant, she couldn’t find any ‘last words’ to say before she left.

As soon as Trixie was out of sight, the crowd exploded in cheering once again. All of Twilights friends quickly ran up and joined her on the stage.

“I… I can’t believe you did that!” Rainbow Dash said, still in awe of what had happened..

“That’ll show her not to mess with Ponyville folk!” Applejack said, smiling.

“Have you always been so good with magic?” Dash asked.

“Well… Yeah…” Twilight said modestly.

“Then why didn’t you come forward sooner?” Rainbow asked.

“I didn’t want you guys to think that I was showing off…” Twilight explained. “I saw the way you reacted to her… I didn’t want to look like her…”

“Twilight,” Alex said speaking up, “You stood up for us. We would never think negatively of you for that.”

“I guess I don’t know what I was thinking…” Twilight said with a soft smile.

“Heck, we even put up with RD! And you’re WAY better than her!” Applejack said.

“Hey!” Dash said with a smirk, “It’s not my fault I’m the best!”

As the conversation about Dash’s superiority continued, Alex couldn’t help but wonder how Spike was doing. He hoped that the advice he had given him had been worth it. Rarity had been a complete mess when she ran off in tears. Hopefully he had managed to make her feel a little better.

Deciding to go check on Spike, Alex quickly excused himself from the group, and headed off toward the Carrousel Boutique.


After walking a short distance, Alex saw Spike heading in the opposite direction of the Boutique, walking towards him.

“Hey Spike!” Alex called, running forward to meet Spike. “How’d it go?”

Looking up at Alex, Spike said nothing. He simply had a dreamy expression on his face.

Upon seeing Spikes face, Alex immediately understood why Spike was so happy. There was lipstick on his forehead. She had kissed him!

“Woah! Spike!” Alex said with a smile, “What happened?”

Coming out of la-la land, Spike finally spoke up, “It was great! Just like you said! She was so happy!” He said with a dreamy smile. “But, let me start from the beginning…”


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