• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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'Paying' the Price

“Paying” the Price

“You and I have a lot to talk about.” Twilight said sternly, having not moved an inch from where she had landed.

“Well- I’m a little busy,” he said waving his hoof over her shoulder, gesturing to the princesses, “Can we discuss this later?”

Twilight, still perched on Alpha’s chest, looked over her shoulder toward the royalty across the table, giving the two princesses a glare that made their hearts freeze.

“Oh, don’t worry about it!” Celestia said quickly, looking to Alex and the new pony next to him on the table, “Luna and I were looking forward to meeting your new friend!”

“Indeed,” Luna agreed quickly, “We’ll give him a tour of the castle!”

“You don’t need to leave,” Twilight said, slowing looking back to face Alpha, “I’ll take the two of us somewhere nice and secluded.

Alpha’s ‘gulp’ was loud enough to be heard by everypony in the room.

“Have fun kids!” Alex called, waving his arm at them as a massive bubble wrapped around their bodies, and teleported them to some unknown location.

“I’ll bet he’s in trouble!” Dash laughed, jumping off the table and stretching her wings happily, “I sure have missed these babies!”

“You should give Chet lessons on using them!” Alex said, pointing to the white wings on his uncle.

“Oh! I totally should!” She said, a huge smile crossing her face as her wings flapped involuntarily, “But, I can’t right now! I need to go find Shining Armor!”

“Oh, he should be doing his rounds right about now,” Celestia said, looking at the clock, “In the—“

“Right wing of the castle!” She said, remembering the schedules perfectly from her time here, “Got it!”

In an instant, she had zipped out of the conference room.

After she left, the only sound left in the room was Chet, as he panted loudly from his place on the table.

“So…” Luna coughed, looking to Alex with a touch of curiosity, “Who might this be?”

“Of course!” Alex said, sliding himself off the table, “This is Chester! Pretty much the only family member I have left.”

“Just- just call me Chet.” He panted, not daring to look at the source of the voices, “Why is everything so cartoony?”

“I beg your pardon?” Celestia asked, having no idea what he was referring to.

“Don’t worry about him,” Alex laughed, knowing he would get over it eventually, “But, would you guys be interested in teaching him some things about Equestria with me? I mean, at least until Twilight is done murdering Alpha.”

“Well, I suppose. I’ve got my entire afternoon cleared for this meeting.” Celestia said, looking to her sister, “What do you think?”

“Hmm…” Luna hummed, placing her hoof on her chin as she looked at the terrified stallion in front of her, “Does he know how to walk?”

At first, Celestia was going to laugh at the ridiculous question, before she realized that it was incredibly valid.

“He does not.” Alex shook his head, his smile widening, “He should get it pretty quick. It only took me a few minutes all those years ago.”

“Legends say that foals used to start running only a few hours after their birth,” Luna said, speaking up on the topic, “Although I can’t imagine a baby running under any circumstance.”

“Well, whatever it is,” Alex said, reaching forward and patting Chet on the shoulder, “I’m sure he’ll find some way to do terribly at it.”

“Shut up, kid!” Chet grumbled, truly unaware of the company he was in, “I’ll get this horsie shit down so fast your head’ll spin.”

Finally gaining the courage to look around the room, Chet managed to lift himself up in to a sitting position on his butt, despite the discomfort. Following that, he inspected everything around him. He looked at the walls, the ceiling, the table he was on, the artwork scattered in all of those places, and then finally, at the two regal sisters who stood at the end.

“Uh, nice to meet you guys…” Chet said, reaching up to scratch his forehead, only to wince as his hoof made contact, “Christ. You weren’t kidding when you said horse.”

“Why would I have been kidding?” Alex laughed, casting a spell that would lift Chet off the table, “Do you want me to put you down here?”

“Uh, sure.” Chet nodded, a little bit of timidity showing in his decision, “Just don’t drop me!”

Alex rolled his eyes as he levitated his clearly panicked uncle off the table, and brought him down to the ground, allowing Chet to extend his new legs, and land soundly on the ground, standing upright on his own.

“Hey!” Chet said happily, “This is easier than I thought!”

“It’s really not so bad,” Alex said, remembering the exact same thought pass through his head, “Now, when you walk forward, just imagine you’re crawling on all fours back on earth. Your body knows what to do, but if you start to overthink it, you can still easily trip out.”

“Okay…” Chet said, looking at the floor and squinting, before suddenly looking up at the two princesses, “I’m sorry, I didn’t get your names.”

“Oh, my apologies,” Luna said politely, “My name is Luna. The Princess of the Night.”

“And I’m—“

“Celestia.” Chet said, frowning at the realization in his head, “I’m so sorry! I was so- so crass a few minutes ago! I didn’t mean any disrespect to you two! I was just so—“

Celestia blinked several times, saying nothing.

“Crass?” Alex laughed, “Have you been reading the dictionary?”

Luna gave Chet an expectant look, making him panic even further.

Chet growled, “Jeez Alex, would you can it?! Uh, with respects, of course.”

Neither of them could take any more, as they both exploded out in to laughter. His attitude reminded them both of Alex a great deal, and they found it hilarious.

“Uh…” Chet said, tilting his head, while paying very close attention to his balance, “Did I do something wrong? Why are you two laughing?”

“You don’t need to be so serious around us, Chet.” Celestia said, a broad, comforting smile now spread across her face, “We were nothing more than commoners once.”

“Exactly!” Luna agreed, breathing deeply as she calmed down from her laughter, “My sister gorges on cake just as she did when we were children. She even still belches from time to time!”

“Luna!” Celestia said instantly, a small embarrassed blush creeping up on her cheeks, “You don’t need to tell them that!”

“We have something in common then,” Chet laughed, really surprised at the attitudes of the Equestrian royalty.

While laughing at the exchange, Alex looked over to the knocked over chair where Alpha and Twilight had sat, and wondered just how things were going between the two. She had been pretty devastated when Alpha walked out on her… he was probably getting his ass kicked at this very moment.


“Twilight, I’m sorry…” Alpha said for the fifth time to the mare, as she stood with her back to him, “How could I ever face you after all that I did?”

The two stood in the library in Ponyville, where she had teleported them to ensure privacy in their conversation. She had yet to find the courage to say anything to him, however. And it was clear that he was mistaking that uneasiness, for seething anger.

“Chrysalis had an entire army behind her, and for some reason that I truly can’t understand, she trusted me to carry out the invasion,” Alpha continued, hoping that she wasn’t so angry that his words were being ignored, “So I bet everything on Celestia capturing Chrysalis, so I could then try and convince the army to pull out, and go home.”

“And what about my dark side coming out?” She asked, “Was that part of your plan?”

“No.” He said instantly, shaking his head despite her looking away from him, “But… If it hadn’t come out, I don’t know that my plan would have worked.”

“What would you have done if they hadn’t pulled out?” Twilight asked, remaining still as she looked at the wall, “What if Canterlot had been captured?”

Alpha exhaled. He was afraid his answer would only upset her more.

“Well, if they hadn’t pulled out… the anti-magic machines would have left me with only one option,” Alpha said slowly, his heart leaping as Twilight looked over her shoulder to make eye contact with him, showing her tear filled eyes to him, rather than the rage he expected, “I would have found you, and taken you as far from Canterlot as I possibly could.”

Twilight turned her body around, as she sniffled and rubbed a tear from her eye, preparing herself to ask the toughest question she had, “Did you… did you consider her offer to become an Omega?”

“Twilight…” Alpha began, before she shook her head.

“Please. I need to know.”

Alpha closed his eyes, and he spoke the truth.

“I did. It was my opportunity to be accepted by my people once again, to be a hero to what remains of my family…” He admitted, looking at the floor, “But, then I thought about all of you. All the ponies who took me in, even though I had tried to hurt you back at Haven Station. You accepted me, and welcomed me in to your circle.”

Twilight stood in silence, giving him no indicator of her feelings toward his confession.

“The main argument in my head for becoming Omega, had been that I needed to stay loyal to the hive,” he said softly, looking up to her eyes, “But every time I tried to rationalize betraying Equestria,my thoughts were always on you. I thought about how you let me stay in your house, and how kind you always were to me… I remembered the first time I ever saw you, and I remembered holding you through your chaotic episodes, because I didn’t want you to be alone.”

She smiled, despite the tears leaving tracks down her cheeks.

“Twilight, I could never, ever betray a mare a care so much about.” He said, shaking his head and smiling at her, “That’s why I couldn’t see you after the wedding… I was convinced that you hated me for—“

“Shh.” She said, closing the gap between them, “Sometimes, I think you’re the smartest pony I’ve ever met. But then you go and start thinking that I’d ever hate you?”

He only nodded, as she stepped closer to him.

“You’ve taken care of me since you came back in Alex’s place.” Twilight beamed, lifting her hoof to his face and rubbing his cheek, “You protected me in the Crystal Kingdom, and from Nightmare Moon… Your idea of helping me though a hard night was to hold me in your arms… And when you put your butt on the line to save Canterlot from ponies just like you? I realized just how much I cared about you.”

Seeing her tears mixed with her elated expression, Alpha closed the last of the distance between them, “Twilight… I’ve wanted to tell you something for the last month… but I was worried that you might not feel the same way- or that I’d scare you away by being too direct, or maybe just by saying it too soon. But after all of this, I’ve really found myself confident—“

“Shh.” She said, pressing her hoof against his lips, “I love you too.”

And then she pulled his head down toward hers, and gave him the kiss that she had been dreaming about every night for the past three months.

And for the first time in weeks, she felt like she could accomplish anything.



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