• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Riding Home - Ignorance

Riding home – Ignorance

Twilight sat down next to Rainbow Dash and Alex, as they spoke pleasantly to one another.

“Did you find the princess?” Dash asked, looking away from Alex to Twilight with a smile, “She looked like she was in a hurry.”

Twilight nodded, returning the smile with one of her own, “She’s just a little stressed. Celestia is the same with everything going on. But after a few minutes, I had her cheered up.”

“That’s good,” Alex spoke up, leaning forward to look at his old roommate, “I can imagine that everything going on in the world has got them both of them on edge.”

“Just leave it to Discord to cheer them up,” Dash said dismissively, leaning back in her chair and kicking her legs up in to the back of Pinkie’s chair.

“Hey!” The pink pony called, feeling the bump on her back.

She was largely ignored, however.

“I’m still a little nervous about what’s coming for me, but everypony else has gotten through just fine.” Twilight said, relaxing in her chair as she tried to put all the negativity out of her head.

“Hey, Twilight,” Alex said, earning her attention as she looked over to him, “So, I’m curious. What do you plan on doing once we save the world?”

“Me?” She asked, scratching her chin, humming lightly as she mulled it over.

“Well, I want to ask everypony else, but figured I’d start with you, since Dash and I were just on the subject.” He said, as she gave him and curious look in return.

“What do you two plan on doing?” She asked, giving herself another moment to consider her possibilities.

“Us?” Dash asked, rolling her head to the side of her leaned back seat, “Well, we were debating whether or not we should get married before we’re done with all this business. So, if we’re not already, we’ll get hitched when all is said and done. Then, maybe travel a bit… nothing too exciting though!”

“You said it,” Alex laughed, shivering slightly at the thought of getting into even more life or death situations after they survive the one they were currently in, “I’ll be happy to see every museum in Equestria if it means that I’m not going to get killed by a giant bear, or corrupt politician.”

“And, after that… we’d like to have a baby,” Dash said a little quieter, hoping to keep her cool.

Really?!” Pinkie boomed, jumping up and turning around in her seat, “Oh my gosh! Can you imagine a little Dashie, or a tiny Alex?”

“I would like to see that.” Twilight giggled at the mares reaction, “What would a kid coming from you two even look like?”

“Well, best case they would take my hair, and Alex’s coat,” Dash said, brushing her bangs out of her eyes.

“Can you image how bad they’d look with a cyan coat and black hair?” Alex laughed, “I’d probably just put it up for adoption.”

“And how would you pull that off without me knowing?” Dash asked, not really upset by the remark, but rather playing into the fantasy.

“Easy,” Alex waved his hoof dismissively, “Take it while you’re asleep.”

By now, Alpha, Applejack and Trixie had made their way over to the group of ponies, and were laughing along with the crap Alex was spewing. But, before long, they all realized that the future was something they were curious about, in regards to one another.

“So, Twilight.” Alex said again, “Where do you see yourself in a few years?”

“Well…” She said softly, glancing to Alpha for a second before looking away and blushing slightly, “I’m going to go back to my old job! Running the library, and studying friendship!”

“Why on earth do you need to do that anyway?” Alex asked, a suspicious look on his face, “Study friendship? Let’s be serious here. You had no friends, so Celestia sent you off to make some with the pretence of it being some kind of school assignment.”

“One of our scouts talked about there being a princess of friendship mentioned by Celestia,” Alpha said, drawing everypony’s attention, “But, I mean, obviously that hasn’t happened.”

“Princess of friendship?” Alex laughed, being the cynic Dax made him to be, “Ha! The day that happens I’ll eat my horse shoes.”

“Well, ah don’ know about y’all,” Applejack said, moving past the strange place they were at in the conversation, “But ah’m plannin’ on goin’ right back to apple buckin’!”

“As do I,” Rarity agreed, before catching herself, “Well, obviously I don’t plan on bucking apples. I plan on going back to making dresses! All I need to do it get my boutique rebuilt!”

“You wouldn’t believe how much paperwork they want you to file just to get construction underway,” Spike said, poking his head into the conversation, “I’ve been working toward it for weeks!”

“And I appreciate you for doing it,” Rarity said, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek, “Perhaps you’ll get your cutie mark in filing for zone permits.”

Pinkie leaned further over her seat as she decided that now was the best time to take her turn, “After we save the world, you’ll never guess what I’m going to do!”

“Throw a party?” Twilight asked.

“Wow!” Pinkie called, absolutely dumbfounded with Twilight’s guess, “How the heck did you know?!”

“Just a guess,” Twilight shook her head, laughing.

“I’m gonna throw the most amazing, super-fantastic-party! It’ll be the biggest one in the history of Equestria!” She beamed, her energy almost too much to contain within the train car, “I’ve already got a quote on five-hundred piñatas for the event!”

“Piñatas?” Trixie asked, “Why on earth do you need five-hundred of those?”

“Because they’re fun to hit with sticks, silly!” Pinkie laughed, “Don’t worry, I’ll have five-hundred of plenty of other things too!”

“Thank goodness,” Trixie closed her eyes and laughed lightly.

“Hey- where’s Fluttershy? And Chet!” Pinkie asked, looking around the car, realizing that everypony was around them, but their shy friend was still missing.

“I think she went to take a nap in the front car. Chet was there already.” Dash said, recalling her heading in that direction, “But you can bet she’ll go back to looking after the animals.”

“What about you, Trixie?” Twilight asked, the blue mare, “I mean- I guess I don’t even know if you’re going to be staying in Ponyville for much longer.”

“Oh, I’ll be here to the end, I promise,” Trixie said with a confident smile, “I have a feeling that you’ll all be needing the Great and Powerful Trixie in your corner… what about you, Alpha?”

The changeling was taken off guard by her question, but recovered in a spectacular way.

“Lots of kids.” He said, as everypony broke in to laughter aside from Twilight.

“That is a conversation for another time,” Twilight said, stone-faced enough to make the situation even funnier.

“Not the motherly type, Twilight?” Rarity asked.

“I’m not saying that!” She said defensively, “I’m just—“

“She’s just afraid,” Dash finished for her.

“No!” Twilight argued, her cheeks lighting up as her friend teased her further, “I’m just- not at the point in my life where I want to have a child!”

“Tick tock, Twilight,” Pinkie said, “You’re not getting any younger!”

“You sound like my mother…” She huffed, crossing her arms and frowning.

“We’re just teasing you, Twilight.” Dash laughed, “You can take as long as you like to have a foal.”

Eventually the laughter died down, and everypony seemed to move back on to their own conversations, which included Twilight and Alpha sitting down together.

“I hope you aren’t offended that I’m not wanting any kinds or something… I don’t really know the social dynamic of changelings, so-“

“Look, you can take as long as you need before we need to start discussing that,” Alpha said, “For now, let’s just enjoy each other’s company. Talking about kids is a huge step.”

“Thank Celestia…” Twilight closed her eyes and sighed, smiling, “I won’t be having a foal any time soon, just so you know.”

“That’s just fine with me.” He said, thanking his own gods that she hadn’t been in love with the idea. He had no idea what being a father even meant.

The two both laid back and relaxed. Life was complicated enough right now. The last thing they needed was more complexity.

Unfortunately for the both of them, they perhaps weren’t as careful as they should have been after Aries was defeated.


An hour was spent ‘celebrating’ in Alpha’s quarters.


And something new had begun as a result.

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