• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,534 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The Show Stoppers - Part 1

The Show Stoppers – Part 1

There'll probably be a few errors in the writing, just toss me a PM or put a comment, I'll fix them up right away.


The girls had finished their sleepover at the castle without any more incidents. They went to bed, woke up and had a filling breakfast, and then went back to Ponyville with Luna as she transported the leftover food to Scootaloo’s orphanage.

After that, they had all gone home, expecting to spend the rest of the day to themselves. But they got an important message from Applejack, telling them that they needed to stop by the farm as soon as they could. So, since Luna had been spending the day with her, she decided to come along for the trip, and see what was so important for them to see.

“Are Alex and Spike coming to this… meet up?” Luna asked.

“I think so,” Scootaloo said, “Applejack probably stopped by the library, the same as she came by the orphanage.”

“Wonderful!” Luna smiled, “I need to return his Eye-Pod to him.”

“Hey Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle called as she rounded a building, “You on your way to the farm?”

“Sure am!” Scootaloo smiled.

“I am as well!” Luna said.

“I saw Alex and Spike on their way there a few minutes ago, so they’ll probably get there first,” Sweetie explained, “I hope Apple Bloom waits to tell us the surprise.”

“Me too!” Scootaloo agreed.

“Then we’d best hurry!” Luna said, picking up the pace with her two friends.

The three ran down the road together, hoping not to miss any important news. But, luckily for them, they encountered Alex and Spike before any of them reached the farm. But, instead of slowing down and walking with them, they simply continued, wanting to be there first at this point.

“What’s with them?” Alex asked.

Spike shrugged.

“…Wait a minute…” Alex began, placing his hoof under his chin, “I think they want to learn the secret before us!”

“Those scoundrels!” Spike said, his eyes widened.

“Hop on my back, I can get us there in no time!” Alex instructed.

Spike complied, and hopped on his back.

Lamely flapping his wings, Alex hovered a couple inches off the ground, and started moving forward barely faster than running pace.

They motored down the path as the buildings from town became more and more scarce, until they were surrounded by apple trees.

“We’re almost past them!” Spike called as they inched forward past the girls.

Luna looked to their competition, and frowned.

“This will not be our day of defeat!” Luna called, as she levitated the two girls on to her back, and took to the air herself.

Alex and Spike watched in defeat as Luna greatly overtook them.

“Should we teleport or something?” Spike asked.

Alex sighed and shook his head, “I’ll probably get us half stuck in an apple tree.”

“They win this round,” Spike said, “But as soon as you stop sucking at flying, we’ll win for sure!”

Alex couldn’t even disagree with him.


Princess Luna and her companions had arrived a few minutes ago at the farm, and were now just waiting on Alex and Spike to catch up. At first, winning that race seemed like the best thing for them to do. But, when they realized they now had to wait for the losers to catch up, they got pretty bored pretty fast.

“We’re here!” Alex called, now flying at a snail’s pace, with Spike collapsed on his back panting himself.

“Why are you tired?” Scootaloo asked Spike, “You were just lying there!”

“I’m always tired,” Spike said generically.

Alex exhaled quickly and set himself on the ground. He them followed it up with lifting Spike up, and dropping him on the ground.

“Why are we here?” Alex asked.

“Ah don’t know!” Apple Bloom said to them, as she turned around and shouted behind her, “Why are we here again, sis?”

“Ah have sumthin’ to show y’all.” Applejack said as she exited the barn.

“Oh boy!” Everypony said in unison.

“Oh!” Applejack said, seeing the Princess standing with them, “Princess Luna! What brings you here?”

“I’m merely spending the day with Scoot-ah-loo,” Luna explained, “Just pretend I’m not here.”

“Uh… Alright,” Applejack shrugged.

“So…Where’s the surprise?” Alex asked, really hoping that it was far away or anything.

“It’s pretty far away,” Applejack confessed, as Alex groaned, “Hey! If yer gonna whine, you can stay here!”

“No!” Alex said righting himself, “I’m sorry!”

“That’s what ah thought!” Applejack laughed, “Come on, y’all!”


They followed Applejack for a good ten minutes, as she led them through a maze of trees and bushes. Every now and then, she would stop, and plant a small wooden post out of her saddlebag, and place it in the ground, so they wouldn’t have trouble retracing their path on the way back.

“How much further?” Apple Bloom asked, feeling her legs start to ache a bit.

“Jus’ a bit!” Applejack said.

“I feel like all this walking doesn’t make it worth it…” Alex sighed.

“What was that?” Applejack called.

“Nothing!” Alex laughed nervously.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, they finally arrived at the location that Applejack had been leading them to. And what she showed them was… Underwhelming to say the least.

“It’s yer very own clubhouse!” She announced, smiling to the frowning ponies behind her, “Don’t thank me all at once…”

“Oh, thanks!” Alex feigned, looking at the very destroyed treehouse.

“It’s… great…” Spike managed, through his disappointment.

“It used to be mine when I was a filly,” Applejack explained, “It sure hasn’t been used in a while.”

As if it was on cue, a board fell from the roof, and landed on the ground with a loud ‘bang.’

“It uh… Just needs some TLC!” Applejack laughed nervously.

“Does that stand for tender loving care?” Scootaloo asked, “Or total lost cause?”

“Applejack!” Apple Bloom whined, “We’re supposed to make THIS our clubhouse?”

“Well, maybe y’all find yer cutie marks in… House keepin’!”


“So, what’s the plan exactly?” Scootaloo asked the group, “Work together… or what?”

“Ah think ah can clean this place up right quick!” Apple Bloom announced, “But y’all need to help me!”

A quiet groan passed through everypony, even Princess Luna.

“Would it be more prudent for me to order some guards to fix it for us?” Luna asked, hoping everypony would agree with her.

“We can’t!” Sweetie cut in, “What if we’re supposed to be Cutie Mark carpenters?”

Luna sighed, there wouldn’t be any cheating then.

Alex looked back and forth, and realized that he REALLY didn’t want to have anything to do with this fix up effort. He had been feeling exceptionally lazy today, and wanted nothing more than to lie down, and do nothing. In his defense, he had had a pretty busy couple of days.

“Hey guys…” Alex said, as everypony looked at him, “I was supposed to do something with Colors today; I just didn’t expect this to take so long.”

Spike gave him a wry look, he remembered Alex saying he had nothing to do today.

“That’s fine!” Scootaloo smiled, “Go have fun with her, we’ve got this.”

“Yeah…” Spike said, looking at Alex with narrowed eyes.

“I don’t know how long I’ll be, but I’ll try to be quick!” Alex said, casting a spell and teleporting himself away.

“Alright girls!” Apple Bloom called, “Let’s get to work!”

Spike shook his head, he wasn’t really upset with Alex… He just wished Alex had given Spike an excuse to leave as well.

Luna sighed. She knew Alex was lying as well. And had ALSO wished that he had given her a ‘get out of repairing free’ card.

A Few Hours Later

Alex felt guilty.

The girls had all started working on the house right away, but he had made up an excuse, and ran for the hills, leaving both Spike and Luna at the mercy of the fillies.

He personally had no hope for the conversion of that tree house into anything useable. It was basically falling apart.

But now, here he was, walking around town, doing nothing at all productive. Maybe he should have stayed behind to help…

“Hey, Alex!” Pinkie called from the front steps of Sugarcube Corner, “What’s goin’ on?”

“Nothing much,” Alex shrugged, walking over to her, “What about you?”

“I just finished making a batch of cupcakes!” Pinkie smiled, “Do you want to try one out?”

“Na…” Alex sighed, “I don’t deserve a cupcake.”

“Why?” Pinkie asked.

“I kinda ditched some friends, so I wouldn’t have to work hard…” Alex admitted, as Pinkie shook her head disapprovingly.

“Alex, that’s not very polite you know!” Pinkie scolded, “Listen here, why not take my cupcakes over there, and offer to help out?”

Scratching his head, Alex quickly decided that this would be the best course of action.

“Sure, why not?” Alex asked, as Pinkie ran back into the bakery quickly.

Looking around, he noticed a piece of paper pinned to the side of the building.

‘Ponyville School Talent Show: Showcase your talents for all to see!’

Alex read it over, and thought about the girls giving this a try; they were in the school that was hosting this competition.

“Here, Alex!” Pinkie called from inside the house, as a box flew through the door.

Alex narrowly caught it with a spell before it hit the ground.

“Nice catch!” She said, trotting out of the house.

“Thanks, Pinkie,” Alex smiled, “I’ll take these over and apologize!”

“Good boy!” She giggled, “If you guys run out, just let me know, and I’ll make some more!”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Alex said as he headed away.

Now, all Alex had to worry about, was not eating the cupcakes before he could show everypony this poster.


Alex flew himself up over the trees in the orchard as he looked for the tree house.

He would have teleported, but things had a tendency to be left behind when that happened, and he didn’t want to lose these cupcakes for anything.

Finally, after ten or so minutes, Alex managed to spot the group of ponies working away below him.

Flapping down, he approached them all, and dropped the box of treats on the ground.

“What’s that?” Spike asked, looking the box over.

“These are from Sugarcube corner,” Alex said, “My plans with Dash fell through, so I grabbed these, and came back.”

“That’s awful kind a’ you!” Apple Bloom said, “But we’re jus’ about done now.”

Alex looked at the tree house and felt his jaw drop; they had totally fixed it up!

“H-how did you do it so fast?” Alex asked in awe, “Did you do it, Princess?”

“Actually, it was Apple Bloom that coordinated the job!” Luna explained.

“Wow…” Alex said, not expecting that answer, “Oh! I got something here you three should see!”

The three girls walked toward him as he levitated the poster he had been holding up to them.

“What’s this…?” Sweetie asked, reading the poster over.

“A talent contest?” Scootaloo asked.

“Bein’ hosted by the school!?” Apple Bloom finished.

They all looked to each other, this was it!

“This is how we’re going to get our Cutie Marks!” Scootaloo Cheered.

“Finally!” Sweetie chimed in.

“But… what’re we gonna do?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Let’s brain storm!” Scootaloo said, “If everypony chips in, we should have something amazing in five minutes flat!”

45 Minutes Later

“Okay,” Alex said, reading over the massive list that they had accumulated of what was going to happen in the show, “It’s a rock opera, with Scoots on lead vocals, Sweetie on set design, and Apple Bloom on choreography.”

Everypony nodded.

“We need fabric from Rarity for costumes, that’s you, Spike.” Alex said to him.

“Sure thing!” Spike nodded.

“Princess, could you get a fan from Mr. Breezy?” Alex asked.

“Of course,” She answered.

“Great!” Alex said, “Now, I hope none of you think this is presumptuous of me, but I think that since only you three can be IN the show, Spike, Luna, and myself should all play supporting roles.”

“Duh!” Sweetie said, rolling her eyes, and making Alex feel a bit stupid, “Of course that was going to happen!”

“So,” Alex asked, “What would you guys like to do?”

“Well, since Karate is JUST like dancing, I could help Apple Bloom with some of her stuff,” Spike suggested.

“Perfect!” Alex said, “What about you, Luna?”

“Um…” She said, thinking to herself, “I could use magic, to enhance the visuals of the show!”

“Special effects!” Alex said nodding, “Great idea!”

“What about you?” Scootaloo asked.

“Come on,” Alex said, grinning, “I’m going to be the director!”


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