• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,534 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Bridle Gossip – Part 2

Chapter 12
Bridle Gossip – Part 2

I was up late finishing this one, so if there's any huge grammar error, or missing details, just send me a PM letting me know. I'll fix it up.


Alex found himself in too many awkward situations in this world.

After his explanation of how he was currently a human, Twilight hadn’t said a word.

Alex would have spoken up himself, but he had been too transfixed on her floppy horn. He knew what he could compare it too, but he decided against it. For all he knew, someone was reading his thoughts.

But, either way, he was a human right now.

At least he still shared the cartoon look of this world. It would probably be more of a shock to her if he was his original high-definition self.

In his current form, he was taller than Twilight. He had seen ponies that were this size in his world. But they were generally the smaller variety.

Then, suddenly, he remembered the whole Discord thing.

“Oh!” Alex said suddenly, causing Twilight to jump slightly. “I saw Discord again!”

Twilight knew this was an odd situation, but, if Discord had something to do with it, then she had to hear him out. No matter how odd he looked right now.

“He came to me while I was asleep,” Alex explained, “He didn’t say much, but he told me that this was caused by his most loyal followers… Whatever that means.”

“Do you think he could have been referring to the zebras?” Twilight asked.

“I REALLY doubt that,” Alex said, “Discord was talking about an entire group. Not one zebra.”

“Hey Twi,” Spike said entering the room, “What’s taking you so—“

Spike froze. He was just a surprised as Twilight had been.

Alex REALLY hoped that he wasn’t going to have to do this with everypony he ran in to.

“It’s me, Spike.” Alex reassured, “Something happened to me too. Just like Twilight.”

“B-But, her horn just got floppy!” Spike stammered, “You’re a completely different creature!”

“Yeah…” Alex said slowly, “I have no explanation for that.”

Suddenly, out in the main section of the library, came something that sounded like a high pitched raspberry.

Everyone turned to look out the door, and saw Pinkie with her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

“Ith a pursthe!” Pinkie said, spraying spit toward Twilight and Spike.

“A purse?” Spike asked, scratching his head, “How could it be a purse?”

“A C-urth!” Pinkie annunciated.

“I’m afraid I’d have to agree,” Rarity said, walking through the open front door.

Spike could feel his heart break as he looked at Rarity. It was like she only had a handful of giant hairs on her body that hung down and covered her like a curtain, blocking her vision completely.

“I hate to say I told ya’ so Twilight, but I told ya’ so!” A high pitched voice came from Apple Bloom, who had walked in behind Rarity, and was followed by Fluttershy.

Everypony looked at Apple Bloom oddly, until she turned to the side. Revealing a miniature Applejack standing on her back.

“It’s a curse I tells ya’!” Applejack said in her new high pitched voice.

“But… Fluttershy seems fine!” Twilight said desperately.

“Yes, there doesn’t seem to be a thing wrong with her!” Rarity said, jealously.

“Fluttershy… Are you okay?” Twilight asked, walking out from Alex’s room.

Fluttershy shook her head.

“Is there something wrong with you?” Twilight asked again.

Fluttershy nodded.

“Would you care to tell us?” Twilight asked, confused at her silence.

Fluttershy shook her head again.

“So… You’re not gonna tell us?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy nodded.

“Yes you’re not? Or… Yes you will?” Twilight asked, still completely lost.

“Good gravy girl!” Applejack squeaked, “What’s wrong with you?”

Fluttershy sighed, her silent strategy was beaten.

“I don’t wanna talk about it…” Fluttershy said in the deepest voice any of them had heard.

All of her friends gasped, as she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Twilight walked out from Alex’s room to confront her friends. And, as soon as she was out the door, a very human Alex walked out the door behind her, causing all the girls to gasp in shock.

“What in tarnation is that?!” Applejack asked, slightly panicked.

“Oh, that’s Alex.” Twilight said, “This is what happened to him. It’s just like what happened to us.”

After Twilight finished speaking, everypony remained silent.

Alex decided that he was sick of the silence. “I’m a human right now! This is how I used to look!”

“I think he looks nice!” Apple Bloom said.

“Thank you!” Alex said, happy that somepony was okay with this. “I promise. It’s still me. I just look a bit different!”

Finally, the mood eased, and everypony started talking about what could have caused their ailments. The general consensus was that they were cursed, no matter how hard Alex or Twilight tried to convince them otherwise.

“Hey… What’s that noise?” Spike asked.

Everyone quieted down to listen. And, sure enough, there was some kind of humming off in the distance.

The best Alex could compare it too, was a dive bombing airplane. But what could cause that kind of sound in this world?

Looking out the window, Alex immediately understood.

A crashing Rainbow Dash might be responsible. A crashing Rainbow Dash that was headed straight for the Library.

Everypony moved out of the way as she approached the door, well, everypony except Alex, as he was still watching her approach.

So, when Dash came careening through the door, she hit Alex, and took him with her straight into the back wall of the Library.

“Ow…” Dash said, rubbing her head, as her wings started flapping rapidly again, “Here we go again…”

Alex groaned. She may have been a small pony, but crashing into him still hurt, and having her basically sitting in his lap wasn’t helping either.

Seeing that Dash wasn’t in control of her wings, Alex decided to help her out, and wrap his arms around her midsection, keeping her wings clamped down.

Looking back to Alex, Dash raised an eyebrow.

“Uh, you guys?” Dash asked to her friends in front of her. “What is this, and why is it holding on to me?”

“That THING, is me Colors.” Alex said to her, acting offended.

“Alex?” Dash said in complete shock. “What the buck happened to you?”

“Hey!” Twilight scolded, putting her hoofs on Spikes ears, “Watch your language!”

Dash rolled her eyes. “So-rry.”

Twilight glared at her again before taking her hoofs off of Spikes ears. She then went back to the previous conversation she had been having about Zecora with the others.

Dash shifted. If wasn’t exactly comfortable sitting on Alex’s lap while he kept her wings in place. But, it was better than flying around uncontrollably.

“So, Zecora got you too?” Dash asked casually. “Let’s hope we find a cure for this… I liked you better as a pony.”

“Ouch,” Alex said, “You sure know how to hurt a guy’s feelings.”

“Yeah,” Dash laughed, “I can tell how broken up you are about it.”

Alex and Dash continued talking, oblivious to the conversation their friends were sharing.

“This wasn’t a curse!” Twilight said angrily, “Alex said that—“

“So Alex had a dream,” Rarity said from behind her hair, “That doesn’t prove the innocence of that striped fiend!”

“Rarity please…” Twilight began again, before being cut off by Pinkie attempting to talk, even though nopony understood what she had said.

“Let’s just GO talk to her, and sort everything out!” Twilight said, as her horn wobbled. Earning a snicker from Spike.

“We’re not goin’ anywhere NEAR Zecora!” Applejack squeaked, causing Spike to laugh a little louder.

“What’s the worst that could happen?” Twilight asked.

“We could get cursed…” Fluttershy said in her deep voice, sending Spike into all out hysterics.

“Spike!” Twilight shouted, over his laughter.

“W- Well, I’m sorry!” Spike said through his snickers. “But, look at you guys!”

Alex and Dash both quieted down and looked at Spike.

“There’s Hairity! Rainbow Crash! Spitty Pie! Apple Teeny! Flutterguy!” Spike laughed harder as he listed each name. However, his laughter stopped short as he looked at Twilight, then to Alex, then back to Twilight.

“What can I even do with you two?” Spike sighed, “Talk about a buzz kill.” He said, gesturing to Twilight.

“Spike!” Hairity scolded.

“Beeth theriouth!” Spitty spat.

“How did you know that was my nickname?” Crash whined.

Flutterguy sighed deeply.

“Twilight,” Apple Teeny said, ignoring Spike, “You need to find a cure for this, and fast!”

“I’ve looked…” Twilight said dejectedly. “But, I don’t have anything in this entire library!”

“Well, there was that one book…” Spike said, pointing to a book with the label ‘super naturals.’

“I already told you, Spike!” Twilight said, slightly annoyed, “That book is a bunch of mumbo jumbo!”


“No buts!” Twilight said quickly.

“I guess we’re stuck this way…” Flutterguy said.

“How dreadful!” Hairity complained.

“But… How am I supposed to become a Wonder Bolt, if I can’t stop flying?” Crash asked.

Pinkie tried to respond, but only spat a large amount of spit all over the room.

“We ARE going to fix this,” Twilight said, “I’ll have to write and ask Princess Celestia to help.”

“Hey…” Spike said, “Is it just me? Or is Apple Bloom gone again?”

“I thought that her and Apple Bloom were going somewhere,” Alex said from under Crash. “Although, she didn’t look too happy about it… In hindsight, I probably should have spoken up.”

“We’d better go after them then!” Twilight said, realizing that this was the perfect opportunity to go see Zecora. “We don’t want our friends getting hurt!”

“Well… I don’t know…” Flutterguy said timidly.

“Perhaps we could just… forget about them?” Hairity joked.

A moment of awkward silence passed.

“Fine!” Hairity said, realizing that this may not be the best time for jokes, “Let’s get this over with.”

And with that, the ponies started filling out the door one by one.

Hairity, then Spitty, then Crash, who was now giving Alex a ride, as he used his legs to keep her wings from going crazy again. Next out the door was Twilight, then Flutterguy.

Spike stood at the door and watched the ponies walk away from the Library, and was surprised when Flutterguy turned around to face him.

“Are you coming Spike?” Flutterguy asked in a surprisingly caring way, considering the voice she had.

“Uh… Sure!” Spike said excitedly, as he ran out the front door. Unfortunately, Spike was stopped in place by a magic aura before he was able to make it very far.

“I think you should stay here Spike.” Twilight said as she levitated him back through the door.

“B- But!” Spike stammered.

“No ‘buts!’” Twilight said adamantly, as she placed him on the floor. “The Everfree forest is no place for a baby!”

Spike sighed and sat down on the floor. “Okay…”

It hurt Twilight to make him feel this way. But she just couldn’t get past his size and age.

“I’m sorry Spike,” Twilight said earnestly, “I just… can’t let you.”

Spike didn’t say a word. He simply stood up, and walked up the stairs behind him toward his room.

“I’m sorry…” Twilight said again.


Apple Bloom walked toward the Everfree Forest with her older sister stuck on her back.

“Why are you goin’ back in here?” Apple Teeny angrily, “I thought you learned yer’ lesson last time!”

“I’m going to ask Zecora if she can help!” Apple Bloom said, “Alex said it himself! Discord is the cause of this!”

“Oh no! Apple Teeny said. “Take us back to the library now!”

“I don’t think so!” Apple Bloom said to her miniature older sister.

“I‘m your big sister, an’ you’ll listen to me!” Apple Teeny argued.

“You’re forgettin’ one thing,” Apple Bloom said smugly, as she dropped her sister on a nearby branch, “I’m the big sister now!”

“Apple Bloom!” Apple Teeny squeaked, “Get back here!”


“I simply cannot believe that we are back in this dreadful forest!” Hairity complained.

“It’s better than being stared at by all the ponies in town…” Alex said, still feeling all the eyes that had been on him.

“I think I preferred all the stares…” Hairity said.

“Quit complaining!” Crash said as she carried Alex, “At least you don’t have a million pounds on your back!”

“Hey! I’m only like, half that!” Alex complained, “Besides! I like riding around with you like this! We should do it more often.”

“Speak for yourself,” Dash said. “Next time you’re carrying me.”

“Fair enough.” Alex laughed.

“Um… Does anypony hear that?” Flutterguy said from the back of the group, stopping all the conversation.

Everypony listened for what she had been talking about. And, after a second, they all heard it.

“Help me!” A squeaky voice called from a nearby bush, almost too quiet to hear.

“I know that voice…” Crash said as she approached the talking bush.

Suddenly, Apple Teeny jumped out from the bush and landed next to Alex on Crash’s back.

“Get outta my way!” Apple Teeny said, as she got in position to Applebuck Alex’s hip. “I gotta get to Apple Bloom!”

“Just what do you plan on doing?” Alex asked, stifling his laughter, “Kick me off?”

Applejack’s eyes narrowed as she smiled, “That’s exactly what I plan to do!”

And with that, Apple Teeny kicked Alex right off Crash’s back.

As soon as Alex was off, Crash immediately lost control of her wings, and flew off.

“Yee-haw!” Apple Teeny shouted as she headed toward the sky.

“I’ll stop them!” Alex said as he tried to focus and bring them back. However, as soon as the spell started to cast, he felt a scorching hot heat in his head.

“Alex, stop!” Twilight shouted, “You don’t have a horn, remember?”

Alex immediately stopped. He remembered what she had told him about that mysterious stallion. He died because he used magic without a horn, so, he would have to lay off until he could be transformed back into a pony.

“Let’s follow them!” Twilight said, “I’m sure Applejack will have no problem steering Crash—Err, Dash toward Zecora’s hut.”


Spike huffed. This wasn’t fair. Why should he not be allowed to go?

He was perfectly grown up.

But here he was, completely alienated from the group because he was a baby dragon.

Was that another kind of that ‘racism’ that Alex had mentioned?

Na, Twilight just didn’t want him getting hurt, which, he really couldn’t blame her for. It was almost like the situation that Apple Bloom was in with her sister... So… All he had to do was prove that he was able to handle himself!

That was it! He would go out and help them! Then maybe Twilight would let him come out more often!

Of course, proving himself wasn’t the only way that he would be allowed to come along… If his wish were to come true, if the one thing his heart desired were to be his, he would be able to go with them in a heartbeat. But, it was never going to happen. So, he decided to forget about that, and focus on proving himself to Twilight.

And with that thought, he got up, and hurried out the door. They had quite the head start, so he would have to hurry!


The group followed Crash’s from the group, until they finally saw her start circling something that was just in front of them.

“It must be just ahead!” Twilight said as she picked up the pace.

“Carthful!” Spitty said, “Youpth couthd gethed curthed!”

Twilight ignored the comment as she hurried forward.

Alex walked behind the group, taking this time to appreciate his human form. He was able to snap his fingers, scratch an itch, run his hands through his hair. You really don’t realize how much you miss hands until you lose them. Reaching into his pocket, Alex was surprised to find his IPod.

Pulling it out of his pocket, Alex was even more surprised to see it still had power. There was so much he could do with this thing! Where could he start? After a moment of consideration, he got an idea.

“There it is!” Twilight said as they passed through a thick bunch of trees.

Everyone walked up behind Twilight.

“…Maybe we should just go home…” Flutterguy said timidly.

“Absolutely not!” Hairity said, “I haven’t come all this way to NOT get my hair fixed!”

Twilight slowly approached the window and looked in.

Inside, stood Zecora chanting loudly, in a language none of them could understand.

Twilight couldn’t help but be frightened by it.

Spitty started attempting to form words as she had before, however, she was still unable.

“Pinkie!” Hairity called, “Calm down!”

“Dang!” Alex said loudly, causing all the girls to turn and face him. “I can never get that one pig! And now he’s laughing at me!”

Alex stood, playing on his IPod, oblivious to the odd looks he was getting.

“Uh… Alex?” Hairity asked, “Is this really the time?”

Alex clicked the button on the top of his IPod and slipped it into his pocket, “Oh! Sorry!”

Spitty approached the window, then started breathing quickly, as if she wanted to say something. So, she did the next best thing. She looked at Flutterguy with the saddest eyes she could muster.

Flutterguy sighed, then took a deep breath, and started singing Spitty’s song.

“She’s an evil enchant—“

“Seriously?” Alex cut in, “This again? This is racist! Stop singing this right now!”

Flutterguy looked at Spitty and shrugged.

Spitty sighed, and then let out a very depressed raspberry.

“You know… If you ask me, we should go in and demand a cure for this!” Hairity said boldly.

“We could just ask.” Alex said, “Demanding will just cause a fight.”

“What do you think Twilight?” Hairity asked, “You’ve been silent this whole time!”

“That place does look kinda… evil.” Twilight said after a moment of silence, finally starting to believe what everypony had been telling her,

“Are you joking?” Alex almost shouted, “Please tell me this is a joke!”

“Well… Those masks… The chanting…” Twilight said slowly, “What else could it be?”

“Listen to yourself!” A voice called from behind them. “How could you think she’s evil?”

Everyone turned around. It was Spike.

“What are you doing out here Spike?!” Twilight said angrily.

“That’s not the issue right now!” Spike said in a serious enough tone to silence Twilight, “You think she’s evil? Come on Twilight!”

Everyone remained silent.

“We’re going to go in there, and we’re going to ask her if she knows anything about this!” Spike instructed. “She’s a little different! That’s all!”

Twilight remained silent. He was right. How could she be so stupid? She would have barged right in and probably made herself look like a complete foal… She was happy that Spike showed up when he did… But she wasn’t happy that he left the way he did. Either way, now wasn’t the time to scold him.

Alex sighed happily, backup had arrived just in time.

“Thanks,” Alex said to Spike, “I thought I was the only sane one left.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Spike said, “Sometimes Twilight can lose sight of reason.”

“At least you restored some order,” Alex said, “Anyway, let’s get in there.”

Alex, Spike, and Twilight started heading for the door, but they stopped when they realized that they weren’t being followed.

“You guys are coming too.” Spike said flatly,

The three girls sighed, then started to follow behind them.

“Oh wait,” Twilight finally spoke up, “One more thing.”

Twilight’s floppy horn glowed. For a minute no one knew what she was doing. But, it soon became clear as Crash and Apple Teeny were lowered to the ground.

“Good job Twi!” Apple Teeny said happily, “Now point us at the door, and send us in! We’ll deal with her!”

“We’re going to talk to her,” Twilight said, “Be nice!”

Apple Teeny scoffed, as Twilight levitated her on to her back.

“Alex, care to help Dash out?” Twilight said, still holding Crash in place.

“Oh yeah!” Alex said happily as he jumped on her back, and wrapped his arms around her midsection.

“You’re going to lie on my back?” Crash whined.

“Eeyup.” Alex said simply.

“Let’s get this over with then!” Crash said as she walked forward, and straight in through the front door.

“Can you cure us please?” Crash asked simply.

“Why have you come into my room?” Zecora asked, “Are you friends of Apple Bloom?”

“We sure are!” Spike said as he looked around the hut.

“I’ve sent her out to collect quite a lot,” Zecora rhymed, “So that I may make your cure in this pot!”

“Our cure?” Everypony said in unison.

“It sure is!” Apple Bloom said from the door.

“Is this everythin’ you needed Zecora?” Apple Bloom asked.

Zecora looked in the basket, and then nodded.

“So, what caused all of this to happen to us?” Twilight asked.

“Do you remember those leaves of blue that I mentioned to you?” Zecora asked.

“The flowers that we were standing in yesterday? Twilight asked.

Zecora nodded.

“It’s the plant that does that!” Apple Bloom said. “They’re called Poison Joke!”

“I know that name!” Spike said, “I read about them in that book Twilight refused to read!”

“What do they do?” Alex asked.

“They play jokes on ponies!” Spike explained.

That all made sense to Alex. Discord had said that they were affected by his most loyal subjects. And something like a bunch of practical joke playing flowers seemed to be right up his ally.

“So, we got pranked?” Crash asked.

Spitty spat all over the place, while making angry noises.

Crash had had enough of all this explanation. She just wanted to be cured.

“So… Do we drink that stuff?” Crash asked, slightly disgusted by the bubbling liquid in the pot.

“Nope!” Apple Bloom said, “You just gotta wash yerself in it!”

Crash wasn’t sure if she liked that more, or less…

“No matter what it is, I simply must be rid of this horrible hair style!” Hairity said dramatically.

“It will be a moment, if you will just wait,” Zecora said to Hairy, “Then you’ll be rid of the hair that you hate.”

So, everyone stood around patiently while Zecora mixed in the final ingredients, and got the potion to the temperature she wanted it.

“All you have to do, is soak your head,” Zecora explained, “Then you’ll be cured, just as I said.”

Everyone looked back and forth nervously. None of them wanted to go first.

Finally, after a few moments of silence, Hairity stepped forward.

“Alright, let’s do this!” She said confidently.

Taking a step forward, she decided to go for all or nothing, and outright dunk her head in the cauldron.

Everyone watched in anticipation as a white ring made its way down her body, and fixed her mane and coat, returning it to the way it used to be.

Pulling her head out, she was soaked, but happy to be normal again.

Spike stared at her with wide eyes. When rarity’s hair was wet, and actually hanging down past her chin, she was even prettier than when her hair was done up, which was really saying a lot!

Rarity noticed Spike’s staring, and winked. Causing him to blush lightly.

Following Rarity’s being cured; everyone lined up, and took their turns, having their ailments removed.

Then, finally, after everypony else had been fixed, Alex was the last remaining one.

“I guess it’s my turn… huh?” Alex asked nervously.

“We don’t have all day!” Dash said as she stretched out her wings, happy to have them back to normal.

Alex sighed, it was fun while it lasted… But, he needed to be able to perform magic so he could get home. So, he walked over to the pot, and readied himself to dunk his head. However, he had one last thought before he did it. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his IPod, then placed it on the table. He wanted that to stick around. He was sure he could find some magic spell to charge the battery.

Walking back to the pot, Alex took a deep breath, and then dunked his head in. He could feel the ring work its way down his body and return him to his pony form. As much as he was going to miss his hands, he knew that magic could more than make up for it.

Alex pulled his head out, then looked at Dash. “Better now?”

She winked, “Much.”

Once Alex walked away from the pot, everypony walked toward Zecora and started continuously thanking her for helping them, and apologizing for assuming she was evil. They were happy to be back to normal.

During all the commotion, Spike took the opportunity to look at one plant in particular that Zecora had. He recognized it from the same book that had mentioned the Poison Joke. What had the name been? After a moment of thought, Spike remembered what it was called.

It was called Hearts Desire.


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