• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,479 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The Crystal Kingdom

The Crystal Kingdom

The train roared into the station, announcing its arrival with the squealing of the breaks, and the expulsion of exhaust.

Everypony was slightly put off by the groaning of the train as they exited out in to the cold wasteland. It sounded like it was breaking.

“What’s all that noise?” Spike asked, hearing a particularly loud snap come from their transportation.

“It’s the metal contracting,” Alpha explained, gesturing to the outside of the train, “Because it runs so hot, the metal expands. But, when the engine turns off, and the train happens to be in the frozen north, the metal shrinks in reaction to the drop in temperature.”

“Well,” Spike said, scratching his chin, a bit caught off guard by Alpha’s explanation, “Now I know!”

“And knowing is half the battle,” Alex laughed to himself, fully aware that nopony would get the joke.

“Twily!” Shining Armor beamed, seeing his sister and their friends approaching the end of the platform.

He was dressed completely in protective clothing, to keep him warm during the long wait he had just endured for his sister.

“Shiny!” She called back, running up to him and giving him a quick hug, “How are you doing?”

“I’m fine,” He said quickly, eyeing Alpha for a moment, “But we need to hurry toward the Crystal Kingdom, right now.”

“Why?” Rarity asked, frowning at the suggestion, “The wind will already ruin my hair, hurrying will do me no favors.”

“You don’t understand… there’s something out here…” Shining Armor said darkly, as everypony gave a collective gulp, “But if we hurry, it won’t keep up with us.”

“I vote that we run,” Alex said quickly, knowing exactly what was out there for them, “There might be some resentment toward me out here.”

“Me too,” Dash nodded, on the same page.

“Are y’all sure this King Sombra is so tough?” Applejack asked.

Luna was having none of this. She simply walked past them all in the direction of the Crystal Kingdom.

Nopony said a word. They all now knew the connection Luna held to this place, and all completely understood her feelings toward the situation.

Luna played the situation out in her head. She knew exactly what had to happen to protect the Crystal Kingdom.

Collect the Crystal Heart, and place it at the base of the castle. She just hoped that it hadn’t been misplaced somehow.

Luna was pulled from her thoughts, when a loud rumbling was heard behind her and her companions.

Something dark was coming.

“Everypony! Run!” Shining Armor shouted, as a mass of black smoke started approaching them from behind.

“Oh yes…” A deep voice rumbled, originating from the smog behind them, “Princess Luna.”

“Sombra!” Luna shouted, stopping dead, as everypony passed her, “I will finish you this time!”

There was no response, the cloud simply picked up its pace and headed straight for her.

“Princess!” Shining Armor shouted, running to her aid, “You can’t hurt him like this!”

Luna growled. He was right, and she couldn’t throw herself away just because she was angry.

“Please!” Shining Armor shouted, levitating her off the ground, and throwing her well ahead, just in time for the smoke to come down on top of him.

Everypony else was already through the barrier protecting the Empire, leaving just Luna, and Shining Armor, surrounded by the black cloud that was King Sombra.

“Where is he…?” Luna asked herself, considering returning to help him, “Damn it!”

Suddenly, the black cloud exploded, and Shining Armor was thrown backward into Luna, knocking them both through the barrier, and in to safety.

Luna groaned as her Captain rolled off of her, “Are you alright?”

“I think so,” Shining Armor said, rubbing his horn, feeling the jagged pieces of rock now imbedded in it.

Luna recognized the magic, and knew that Sombra had just sealed Shining Armors ability to use magic. There were a few cases of this back when he first usurped power.

“Let’s get to the castle,” Luna said quickly, moving the group along toward the center of the town, “We must speak with Princess Cadance.”

“Can I just stand here, and marvel for a moment?” Rarity asked, mesmerized by the perfection that was the Crystal Empire.

“Considering the circumstances, I suppose I only require the presence of Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Shining Armor,” Luna said, as they walked to her side, along with Alex and Alpha.

“Actually,” Luna said, glancing to Alpha, “I’d prefer if you stay out of the castle as well.”

“Oh,” He said, nodding quickly, “Of course… My apologies.”

“I’ll stay out here with him,” Alex offered, smiling to Dash, “Just catch me up afterward.”

“Sure,” Dash nodded, as everypony else started heading away from them, “See you in a while.”

Alex and Alpha watched them leave the area, while everypony else started wandering off in their own directions.

“You’d think they’d be more focused on the mission,” Alex said to Alpha, looking as his friends dispersed.

Alpha didn’t say anything. He just sighed and looked to the side.

“Geez, you gotta stop being a sad sack man,” Alex rolled his eyes, a bit tired of the behavior, “You’re here now. This will be your chance to prove yourself to everypony.”

“Don’t you think I have a bit of reason to be so upset?” He asked, squinting at Alex, “I’ve had a pretty shit time recently.”

“That’s debatable,” Alex argued, pointing at him and grinning slyly, “You kissed Twilight.”

“She thought I was you!” He said desperately, thinking back to the night before, “And then I made an ass of myself asking for a kiss from her as myself!”

“For a changeling commander, you sure are… a baby.” Alex laughed, not doing himself any favors in the eyes of his friend, “What happened to the bad ass at Haven Station?”

“When I showed up alive, without having completed that mission, it was less than a hero’s welcome... More like a few months of reticule,” Alpha explained, “And, you know, I lost a wing.”

“Well, I guess you have some reason to be so upset then,” Alex nodded, deciding to be a bit sympathetic, “But don’t worry about Twilight, she’ll put out in no time.”

“Put out?” Alpha asked, as his brain caught up to what he had just been told, “You mean—“

“No, I DON’T mean that,” Alex laughed, being a bit of a dick once again.

“Wonderful,” Alpha rolled his eyes, looking around the kingdom in front of him, “Where are we going then?”

“Let’s go check out the library!” Alex suggested, seeing the massive structure in front of them, “It looks like it could be fun!”

“A fun library?” Alpha asked skeptically.

“Ehh, you’re right.” Alex agreed, having another look around them, “Wanna hit up a strip club?”


Shining Armor was the first in the throne room, immediately rushing to Princess Cadance’s side.

Everypony else was shocked when they saw her. She looked like she was about to pass out. The bags under her eyes told them all they needed to know.

“Shining!” She smiled, her exhaustion almost melting upon seeing her fiancé, “I was worried something had happened!”

“We were attacked by Sombra, but we got away.” He said, trying in vain to hide his horn from her, knowing she would make a big deal out of it.

“What’s that on your horn?” She asked quietly, seeing the black jagged rocked protruding from it, “Did- did he hurt you?”

“Of course not,” Shining reassured, giving her a peck on the lips, “Princess Luna, Rainbow Dash, and my sister are here to help us get rid of him once and for all.”

Cadance looked past Shining, and smiled at her guests in the entrance of the building, “It’s so good to see you all!”

Twilight wasn’t sure if running up and doing her regular greeting with Cadance would be best at this point. After all, she looked like crap… Well, good-looking crap. She didn’t think it was possible for the princess to ever look REALLY bad.

“What’s the story here?” Dash spoke up, wanting to get to work as quickly as possible, “How do we kill this guy?”

“That’s a little forward…” Shining said, grimacing at her attitude.

“I have to agree with her,” Luna said, further depressing the mood in the room, “Sombra got a pass a thousand years ago. He will not get another.”

“Well, I’m afraid we can’t help you there.” Cadance admitted, “We don’t know how to beat him. That’s why you’re here.”

“Another thing!” Dash said, deciding to use her new extensive vocabulary, “Why is everypony so… apathetic?”

“Where is the Crystal Heart?” Luna asked, getting an odd look from everypony in the room.

“I’m sorry, the what?” Shining Armor asked.

“It’s a heart carved out of crystal,” Luna explained, “It’s powers should restore the kingdom to its former glory.”

Neither Cadance nor Shining Armor had a thing to say to her. Neither of them knew what she was talking about. Something that told Luna everything she needed to know about their mission here.

“Alright, I suppose that will be our primary objective,” Luna said to the room, “Find the heart, and use its powers to defeat Sombra. Any questions?”

Nopony dared say a word.

“Good. Please begin your search.” She instructed, as she turned around, and left the room.

“Did I really need to be here for that?” Dash asked, feeling a bit useless after Luna worked everything out, “I could have been sleeping right now.”

“No kidding,” Twilight agreed, “But, we should get to work nonetheless. Just get this trip over with.”

“Totally,” Dash nodded, “Let’s see if we can’t be out of here in like, two hours.”

Needless to say, it took a little longer than two hours.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long, just busy with life.

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