• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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At the Mercy of the Strings

At the Mercy of the Strings

“Hey, Twilight, are you alright?” Alpha asked, poking his head in to the bathroom as the mare hugged the bowl and groaned.

“I must have eaten something that didn’t agree with my stomach…” Twilight said, her face tightening as she prepared for another expulsion.

“Don’t you have any spells that could fix you?” Alpha asked, tilting his head.

“I tried, but none of them did anything for me…” She said, taking a deep breath to compose herself, “How long has it been since we went to the Hive?”

“A month? Five weeks?” Alpha estimated, before pausing a moment, “Five weeks on Friday.”

“Is there any chance that you guys have some kind of virus that takes five weeks to incubate?” Twilight asked.

“No, I don’t think so,” Alpha laughed, “You don’t need to worry about having some bug virus inside of you.”

Twilight’s face contorted upon hearing the words ‘bug virus.’

Alpha winced as he watched Twilight start vomiting once again.

“Here,” He said, walking over to her, “Let me hold your hair back.”

“Thanks…” She grumbled between heaves.


The dark figure levitated outside of the library, watching Twilight and Alpha with a measure of curiosity, tilting her head as he comforted her through her throwing up.

“I shouldn’t interfere with an expecting mare.”

With that, she turned her head to the Ponyville spa.

“I’ll have to manipulate Rarity and Fluttershy instead.”


Rarity and Fluttershy sat in large hot tub in the spa, relaxing for the last hour before the establishment closed.

“Go on, Fluttershy.” Rarity encouraged, gesturing to a bottle of soap sitting on the rim of the tub, “Levitate that over here.”

Concentrating on the bottle, Fluttershy flared her wings, causing the item to unsteadily rise from the edge.

“Yes! Now just push it over here.” Rarity continued, “It’s really quite easy once you get the hang of it.”

“Rainbow Dash is much… better than I am at this…” Fluttershy said, her concentration solely on the bottle.

Spreading her wings further, Fluttershy managed to get the bottle half way to her friend, but was thrown off when Rarity began to chuckle.

Instantly, the bottle fell from the air, and splashed in the water squarely between them.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Rarity said, holding her hoof over her mouth, “I was just thinking, you shouldn’t use these spells in public.”

“Why’s that?” Fluttershy asked innocently, her wide eyes blinking slowly.

“Well, we don’t want the boys getting the wrong idea with your wings all over the place like that,” Rarity said, smiling broadly at her now deadpan friend.

“I’ll try not to use my wings so much.” She said flatly.

Rarity only tilted her head and smiled.

“You know, you’re one to talk,” Fluttershy said back, “With the way you talk to every stallion you come across, I’m surprised you’d be giving me advice on the subject.”

“Excuse me?” Rarity asked, all humor drained from her expression.

“You heard me.” She said, “It must kill Spike to see the way you hit on every available guy.”

Rarity’s face reddened. She didn’t even care that it was sweet, innocent Fluttershy saying these things.


Far off in the Everfree Forest, Pinkie sat under a tree, looking up at the ceiling of the cave that held the reflecting pool.

“We can’t just sit here forever…” Pinkie said, looking over to her doppelganger, who sat next to her in the shade, “We need to go and find our third part!”

“No we don’t…” The off-pink mare said softly, blowing her straight hair out of her face as she looked at the ground, “We can’t stop her.”

“But she’s a part of me, isn’t she? Just like you!” Pinkie said, trying to infect the dejected version of herself with some happiness, “I just need to tell her that I accept her!”

“But… you don’t.”

“I’m Pinkie Pie. And if I can accept that you, Sorrow, are a part of me, I’m pretty sure that I can accept just about anything else!” She said happily, “So come on! Don’t you want to be back in my head?”

“I don’t think you’d be as happy if you saw what she was like…” Sorrow sighed, “She wasn’t even supposed to come out.”

“What do you mean?” Pinkie asked, “Maybe I’m just so Pinkie-tastic that I have two sides!”

“Discord said that I was the only one that would be allowed out. But she didn’t like that.” Sorrow said, looking around nervously, as if she was about to be attacked, “And when you walked into that pool… she took all that magic for herself, and split away from you.”

“What?” Pinkie asked, “She just seemed like… another me! Why would you be so scared of another me?”

“She was just acting that way so she could go free!” Sorrow said, biting her lip and lowering her volume.

“Well, then what is she going to do?” Pinkie asked, tilting her head.

“She didn’t like that everypony was ignoring you… so she’s going to make them hate each other.” Sorrow sighed dejectedly, “We should just sit around and wait for her to finish the job. At least we’ll have more attention from our friends.”

“What?!” Pinkie shouted, jumping up from her seated position, “We need to go help everypony! I can’t have her making my friends hate each other!”

“But that’s what you want.” She sighed, unmoving.

“No it isn’t! How could you possibly think that!?” Pinkie bellowed, “Now let’s get going!”

With no resistance, from Sorrow, Pinkie skillfully lifted the mare with her head, and slid her down her neck on to her back.

“Come on! I need to go accept my dark side!” Pinkie announced, trotting toward the exit of the cave.

“Here we go…” Sorrow sighed.


“I don’t wanna talk right now!” Dash shouted, having finally stopped most of the way to Canterlot, on the top of a very large hill, “Not to somepony who think’s I’m just making all this up!”

“Dash, come on,” Alex coaxed, panting heavily as he landed next to her, “You’ve gotta know how this sounds.”

“I know it sounds crazy- but… but it happened!” She said, sighing loudly as she sat down on the tip of the hill, “She was ruthless! She said just terrible things to me. And I can’t even get my own husband to agree with me.”

“Husband?” Alex asked, “I didn’t know we had the ceremony.”

“Sometimes I just like to say it out loud.” Dash huffed, as Alex sat down next to her.

“Well… okay. Let’s say that she really did say that stuff to you.” Alex said, trying to work out the reason all of this had happened, “I know I dismissed it earlier, but do you really think it could have something to do with her dark side?”

“I don’t think so, to be honest.” Dash shook her head, “I mean, we didn’t really see it at all, but she can use magic just the same as anypony else.”

“And it’s not really deceitful to tell somepony to kill themselves.” Alex pointed out.

“If only we could go back and— wait, do you know any spells like that?” Dash asked, looking at him hopefully.

“Like, time traveling?” Alex asked.

“Not quite,” Dash shook her head, “Back when you went missing, right before I went to the Wonderbolt’s training camp, Twilight used a spell that allowed us to see the past! We couldn’t interact with anything, but we could see what happened!”

“I don’t know that spell,” Alex shook his head, “But I might know one that’d do the trick…”


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