• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Many Thanks to the Future

Hoenn. Sootopolis City. The Pokemon Festival. Day.

It has now been a few days since the attack of the Dread League had ended. The 15 Demons that had attacked different parts of each world each returned to the Box of 100 Demons. Well, most of them anyway. Thanks to the destruction of one demon, now it was merely a Box of 99 Demons.

Now that the Golden Stairway was completed, the hopes and dreams of everyone who managed to make otherworldly friends would continue. All the promises they made could remain once Jirachi is found. And yet, no one had gone up the stairway yet.

Jirachi was mostly known in Hoenn more than any other region. Naturally, hearing about this made the residents of Hoenn feel a bit proud.

"So, who's going up the stairway then?" Conversation around the stairway started up since its full creation. "Has anyone tried it yet?"

"Ah! I wanna go and see Jirachi for myself! I could make any wish I want!" Eyes lit up as many were already thinking of the wishes they could make to not just one Jirachi but multiple Jirachi. After all, the Rift kept every single Jirachi in existence in that one strange dimension to prevent any easy victories.

But now that the stairway revealed a lot, it was clear that whatever was beyond that white passageway and Galaxy would reveal the whereabouts of Jirachi. Hearing the news and currently hanging around the Hoenn Region was Paul. And of course, he was joined by the Dazzlings along with their mother.

"That's a good question. How come they haven't made a wish yet?" Sonata asked. "You'd think they would've just gone up there once it showed up."

"If that were me, I'd run up those stairs the moment they show up," Aria added. "But I did hear that they passed out when finished it. That's a shame."

"It can't be that simple." But Paul thought otherwise. "It's nearly the end of this festival and not a single wish has been made. So clearly, there's still one problem they haven't gone past."

"What would that be? Do you think someone's waiting for them there? Aside from the Jirachi." Sonata questioned.

"The Rift put the Jirachi in an unknown dimension. So that dimension in itself is unpredictable. It's not that hard to figure out." Paul shook his head.

"Hmm...That's fair. Plus, there's the whole space problem. Aw, but everyone was so happy when they heard about the stairway. Including me. It's gonna be a real bummer if they find out that they can't reach Jirachi just yet."

"That sucks," Aira replied. "It kills the mood a bit, doesn't it? But...I'm not expecting it to be too bad."

"Anyway. You've all got a performance to get ready for. Coloratura's waiting for you." Paul would bring up tonight's performance. Per the deal that they made back at the Tempo Dome, the Dazzlings would perform a song alongside Coloratura.

Paul would simply do his own thing. But Paul had to wonder about what was beyond the passageway. Despite the completion of the stairway, it was clear that it wasn't over yet. That is how it always seems to appear when it comes to both these worlds. It is never over until it is over.


Back at Canterlot, many came to admire the Golden Stairway in all of its glory. It was without a doubt the tallest creation in both worlds since it went far enough to reach the cosmos. And the ones responsible for this were still unconscious after everything that had happened.

Days had gone by and they have yet to wake up, still healing at the Canterlot Hospital. Twilight's family would gather to watch over her daughter, even if they knew she would want them to enjoy the festival while they had the opportunity. After all, they had done so much just to make this stairway possible. There were also Pokemon Researchers who just had to study this stairway. Specifically, the Ranger Union and the cooperation they share with Equestria.

Coming over to visit Ash was Delia. Seeing her son in this state wasn't anything new but for once, it wasn't delayed Aura Ataxia that put her out of commission. The only ones exempt from here were Shooting Star since he was brought back to Pegalysium while Chrysalis was sent back to the Changeling Hive to heal.

As for the Golden Stairway, looking up at it was Rainbow Dash, who was surrounded by Rarity, Spike, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. The only ones that hadn't suffered the same fate as their friends.

"Hmm...So there's something there that's making it pretty dangerous to reach, huh? I thought the stairway was here to make sure we get to Jirachi in one piece."

"It's not the stairway's fault. Researchers at the Ranger Union found out that there's a violent amount of Rift Energy through that passageway. Here." Darkrai explained, revealing what was waiting for them beyond the passageway, aside from the Jirachi. He even showed them the proof in the form of a datasheet which was accompanied by Rift Pulse drawings. The pulses would be plentiful, appearing in greater numbers. "It's as if multiple Rift Explosions are happening all at once."

"Darkrai's right." A researcher walked up to them. "The number of Rift Explosions is outlandish. By far one of the biggest spots of Rift Energy possible. Maybe even more so than the Arcane Sea. If you head in there, well...unpredictability is the crux of Rift Energy, isn't it?"

"Aww...that's not fair." Pinkie Pie pouted. "All this trouble and something's blocking us? The Rift can be a bummer a lot of the time."

"We're not sure how much Rift Energy is in there but from what they told us, it's not safe right now. The suits that will help you breathe in space won't do much either." Nightmare Moon would speak as she was currently in charge due to Celestia's current state. "So stay away until we can get suits that can both help us breathe in space and deal with the energy up there."

"It took us a while to develop Rift-resistant suits for our Pokemon Rangers." The Researchers continued. "But for outer space? And with what's happening through that passageway? We need more time to develop something stronger and more versatile. Apologies for the inconvenience."

"So, we're blocked from even going through...Unless we had Aura. And we have to wait for the new suits to come in too." Rarity said. "But the ones who can generate the most are also unconscious so that's another drawback.

"On the bright side, once they wake up, we'll be ready." Rainbow Dash replied. "I just hope it's soon, ya know. The Rift's probably doing something now and the Dread League are gonna take revenge on us at any time."

"It's a scary thought, isn't it?" Nightmare Moon nodded in approval. "But...with me around, you all have nothing to fear! Let those vampires do their worst and I shall show them that the Moon is mine and not theirs!" She unleashed a booming vice, grabbing the attention of many.

"But...what about all the Jirachi up there?" Fluttershy pondered, worrying about the conditions of the Jirachi. What must it feel like to be trapped in that dimension with nothing to do but float around? The boredom must be exceptionally colossal and the thought of even staying in there for 3 years would drive anyone mad. Were the Jirachi going mad in there? These were questions that Fluttershy needed to know and solve.

Either way, despite the obstacles, the existence of this stairway was enough to keep a smile on her face. And a greater form of joy was waiting for them beyond that passageway.


And of course, the vampires were resting up, using the pods in the chambers. And the ones who needed them the most were Opal Vivacity, Melody Moon and Bittersweet. After being exposed to the Sun unexpectedly, many vampires who helped cause so much trouble during the night were found here.

Now it wasn't just their ruler that needed time to recover but a majority of the vampires needed it as well. From the struggle with Yveltal to the Night of the Pokemon Festival. Of course, this was only for the vampires who would take action and not all of them had done anything that would benefit the Black Crusade.

Fractured Note was among one of them, standing in the chamber as he watched so many of his fellow vampires heal within the pods. That involved his sisters. Opal Vivacity and Merry Dread. Both had blown up on the spot once they realized they had lost and soon returned here, much like every other vampire.

"Yeesh. How'd this happen?" Fractured Note was rather shocked to see the abundance of asleep vampires. "This is the most that we've had to use this chamber as of recently. Have we really been slipping that much? Ah, it's fine anyway. I'd say they did a good job messing up Equestria. But...the Black Crusade might show up later at this rate. Equestria's a real hassle, isn't it?"

"T-They're nothing..." Opal spoke through the pod, slowly opening her eyes. "At the end of the day...we can still overcome them in the end. The Black Crusade will be the prime example of that."

"If you say so, sister. But maybe you shouldn't rely on that new ability of yours. You've forgotten how helpful your standard Curse Magic is."

"Shut up." Opal groaned before shutting her eyes. "I'm going back to sleep...Fix my mane afterwards."

"Right, right. But maybe even everything that happened won't be enough." Fractured Note pondered. "Yveltal also needs some time. But maybe..."

Hoenn Sootopolis City.

The final day of the Pokemon Festival had come. The previous days started off with the continuation of the Dread League and their attacks while later days would be filled with bliss and joy, albeit with leftover destruction. The third week, much like the second week, was definitely the wildest.

The first Dread League attack, encountering Galaxy Master and the Rift up at the Galaxy Tower which was also in space to the rampage of 15 demons that ended with Antimatter. It was a wild three weeks. And yet, smiles would remain even after everything that went down. And that was all because of the hope that they had for the future.

Over at Sootopolis, the closing song for the Pokemon Festival would begin soon. There was already a stage that was set for many to see. It had all the necessary equipment that was needed to elevate the sound and presentation. As many arrived to see the concert, backstage, Coloratura and the Dazzlings were just about ready.

"Remember. This song is meant for both worlds." Baron Albert, who was Coloratura's newest manager, showed the singers the music sheet. "It's fitting for what just happened recently. It's a way for us to reminisce about the past too. Even if it was only 3 years ago."

"Got it," Sonata replied as she, along with her sisters, received their own dresses. Made in the Pokemon World, these dresses fit them perfectly. They were originally made for Pokemon Contests but for musical performances, they could work just as well. Pokemon Contest dresses do tend to have that idol flair to them. "But it's all nostalgic already, don't you think?"

"Mmm...Not really. It hasn't been that long for me to feel nostalgic about anything." Aria shook her head. "Maybe the song will change that."

"Very soon, it will be," Coloratura added while being given the final touches by her Meloetta. "Sometimes, you can feel a sense of nostalgia even if it hasn't been that long. That's how you know it's been a wonderful time for you."

"Well, that's not happening any time soon." Adagio crossed her arms. "These past years haven't been consistent with making me feel happy. So the song won't mean much to me at all."

"Don't be like that." Coloratura laughed. "Once you get into the song, you'll see just how hard it can hit. Music is universal after all. It's the greatest language possible."

"Right, right. It's time for you all to perform. Now. Don't try and 1-up each other. Stay unified. I know this is your first time working alongside each other so please...unity." Alberto pleaded as the time for them to perform had come.

They would get into their own positions as the effects of the incoming song would be backed up by Pokemon instead of practical effects. But there were still practical things here and there. Such as the number of balloons that flew through the curtains. Joining these curtains were Will-O-Wisps.

The spectral flames would fly alongside the balloons in perfect sync as everyone stayed quiet. The curtains opened up, showing the four singers. Or rather, six, since Meloetta, Kricketot and Brionne were involved. The more music the better. Speaking of music, the melody had begun as the wisps would flicker in sync with the beat.

Thank you for being by my side
I can shine more than ever with greater stride

In that one moment of that one time, I could barely breathe
I stood all alone in the heart of darkness

Every time I seek out happiness, I would lose sight of everything once I lose myself
I already forgot when to stop, I guess

"What's the matter?" I heard your voice
At last, I've finally discovered my true "love"

More balloons would fly out, surrounding their feet while Kricketot would be picked up them. And as the music would pick up, so would the Will-O-Wisp effects before showing off different elements from different Pokemon. Brionne would shoot out Water Ballons from her mouth, causing them to become one with the standard balloons, giving everyone a spectacle as Meloetta would then dance on them.

Thank you for always being by my side
I shine more than ever with greater stride
Even when I face a hard time alone, I'll never be afraid
Because at any time, I believe in the bonds that we've made

The music would then explode along with the song, gracing everyone with bioluminescent lights that were stunning to view. Cheers would erupt from this dazzling performance that bestowed their eyes. The Golden Stairway wasn't the only beautiful thing that they would see.

Every time I take a step in this bustling city
The old me is no longer there for me to see

The message in the bound album that symbolizes our thread
Even now, the Tweedia remains unfaded

Thank you for smiling by my side
Just because of that, tears sparkle beautifully in my eyes
Even when I face a hard night alone, I won't be afraid
Because at any time, I believe in the bonds that we've made

Safe to say, it was going extremely well as Meloetta would then grab Kricketot by the arms, forcing him to dance with her. Kricketot, who was mainly the backing instrument, would join Meloetta among the wisps, balloons and bubbles that would not fade or pop.

Rainbow Dash's group viewed this for themselves, having the chance to witness it live. This music was getting them all excited in various ways, even heating up their blood from how exciting it was. The bombastic energy from this concert was broadcasted live for many across the world to see. That way, it wouldn't be limited to just Hoenn. They just wished that the rest of their friends could see this.

Unbeknownst to them, they could. The hospital treated their patients well after all. Ash and everyone would have the chance to view this performance either way. Ash sat up from his bed, knowing the meaning behind this song immediately. How could he not when he's experienced it multiple times? And undoubtedly, all of his friends would know the meaning as well.

When painful moments and bitter memories overlap
They look like petals and make me laugh and clap

Thank you for being by my side
Just because of that, the strength I have will never subside
I'm not alone because no matter when, you are here
In these gallant worlds that we all share!

My wish...
For you...
My wish...

That was all she wrote. Everyone would applaud the performance as they expected nothing less from Coloratura. But the Dazzlings certainly stood out as well along with their Pokemon. The wisps, bubbles and balloons would finally burn out and pop once the song was over.

Just as intended, this song was the representation of both worlds and the wonderful time they've spent together, no matter how chaotic every event has been. But that chaos was also part of the charm. It spoke to everyone. Humans, ponies, dragons, changelings and more. And of course...Pokemon.

Victini, Meloetta and Hoopa even felt a grand sense of nostalgia hearing this song. Being around such wonderful friends certainly made these usually secluded and rambunctious Mythicals remember why they even show up for the Pokemon Festival. It was this sole reason. Never mind all the conflict that went down. The Pokemon Festival itself matched the song perfectly and was the perfect symbol of their happiness. They would have to return to where they came from once it was over. But it didn't leave them upset. It left them with further joy in their hearts. They knew that they could always enjoy the next one and nothing was stopping them from doing so.

Adagio would know what Coloratura meant by that. The song spoke for itself and to an extent, her own singing voice did as well. She got applause and praises from everyone but this time, her reaction to it was different. Usually, Adagio would revel in this, but the song and what it stood for gave her something else to cherish. It was what she had now.

The Dazzlings each had something special that they had ever since the two worlds crossover over. And now, no matter what, they would never lose it.

Paul looked over at the Dazzlings, smiling at them with a proud heart. Aria noticed how Paul cracked a smile, which can be considered rare for him. Once she locked eyes with him, Aria would have back at him with more energy than she usually carries. Paul would raise his hand back once, doing a light wave before turning away.

And though they would have to stay in the hospital to recover, Ash and everyone else felt like moving around and jumping for joy right about now. But perhaps when they're in better condition, they could have that thrilling moment.

Ash, Pikachu and Twilight would look through the window, seeing the Golden Stairway and how it could even back up the song with its existence. The Sun would shine beautifully, piercing through the window and giving light to their bodies. They had a lot to look forward to once it all becomes unified at last. If anything, when they get their wish, it would essentially mean that their adventures would truly take off from here as the journey continues.

Chapter 991 End.

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