• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A Multitude of Worlds

Author's Note:

Finally 700 Chapters. Feels great reaching the lucky seven and only having 300 Chapters left until the big 1000. Not as long as the usual milestone chapters but it has some equally important parts to the others. Usually, this would be where I would say I'd take breaks. But that's similar to Ash's father.

It'll happen one day. Just not soon. Then again, I have a lot of free time on my hands so daily chapters are a given. Thanks for sticking by either way. This chapter has a striking surprise that's only a one-time thing but it'll always exist in the background.

The endless and grandiose world of Pokemon.

A world filled with mystery and wonder. Teeming with creatures who will always form new possibilities with their limitations being never-ending as they never cease to amaze and delight all. There are Pokemon who soar through the heavens above, swim through the all-blue oceans, roam the verdant lands, lurking within the cosmos themselves and even beyond other dimensions and populate the entire planet. Rather planets and universes to be exact. Giving, expressing and creating life. Anywhere you care to look, they will be there.

Which brings us to a young man from Pallet Town named Ash Ketchum. Alongside his partner Pikachu, he travels the world in pursuit of the ultimate goal. Aiming to become a Pokemon Master. With the help of his friends from different worlds, nations and regions such as Twilight Sparkle and her assortment of friends, this is no doubt a journey that was certainly lengthy but enjoyable nonetheless.

This timeless journey has branched off in many paths. Far too many to name. Some are small in scope while others are grand enough to be known across the world. But the concept of family and friendship still remains even in those events and they certainly will now and forever.

And this is one such journey.

Holon Region. Near the Holon Desert. Holon Grasslands. Nightfall.

Ash, Fluttershy, Applejack, their Pokemon and their newest travel partners Heike and Delta Treecko, were making their way through Holon to reach Settlement Oscar. But there were other locations they had to pass. They were almost done with the grasslands as they were right near the Holon Desert.

But for now, they were going to rest before advancing. It was getting late. Luckily, Heike's comically large backpack had sleeping bags and a tent for them to use. He opened his bag, revealing the objects as he pulled them out. "There! This'll keep us steady and comfortable for the night."

"You've got everything in that bag?! Awesome!" Ash admired Heike for his assortment of objects.

"Always come prepared." Heike set everything up. "I never regret getting this super large backpack. Never heavy either so that's a bonus."

"First day here wasn't so bad, was it?" Applejack stretched her hooves, walking into one of the tents. "Holon's pretty good so far."

"Yeah. Wonder what everyone else found everywhere else?" Ash took his gloves off with Pikachu finding a comfortable spot to rest. Audino sat down near the tent as she felt as if she would take too much space. She laid next to a tree, resting her head.

Sceptile also went up one of the trees, choosing to stay there. He found the trees sometimes comforting as he rested his head on the leaves. He would also keep a lookout along with Audino's exceptional hearing. They could call things for the night and continue their journey from there.

Treecko slept on Heike's stomach and gained some warmth once the bags covered him and his trainer. Ash, Fluttershy and Applejack found their warmth eventually too. With everything being extra comfortable for them, they could doze off peacefully with the atmosphere of the night skies sending a calm aura.

Approximately 20 minutes had passed and everyone was peacefully asleep. Nothing could disrupt this silent night in the Holon Region. Until Ash's Aura picked up on something. Rift Energy. His eyes slowly opened as he looked through the tent, spotting Rift Particles moving through the air as they were visible even from this angle. He blinked for a moment before then looking out of the tent, spotting more of them flying by.

"Hm?" He mumbled before getting up. Ash chose to investigate this. Anything Rift-related was always up for investigation and intrigue.

"Pi...?" Pikachu, who was asleep next to Ash, saw and felt his trainer wake up. His eyes opened as well, seeing Ash leave the tent. "Pika?" Pikachu then followed.

"Hey, buddy...See that?" Ash came to a halt with Pikachu jumping up to his shoulder. Pikachu soon saw what his best friend had seen. Flowing Rift Particles that were all moving in one direction. They gave off a beautiful view with their purple and blue colours, however, something was amiss.

Ash knew this. He's had too many experiences with Rift Energy for his Aura to sense something off. The energy was flowing somewhere near the desert and right within the Holon Grasslands. Seeing where it was flowing, Ash and Pikachu followed.

The only one who could hear their footsteps was Audino and the only one who had the energy to keep one eye open with this was Sceptile. Audino grumbled, hearing footsteps fade in the distance. Sceptile's singular eye had been opened to see Ash and Pikachu leaving the scene. But he understood why once seeing the Rift Particles fly across the area.

And they weren't the only ones heading for it. Along the way, just near a riverside of these grasslands, Ash and Pikachu ended up meeting with Twilight and Espeon who were also on the move. "Oh! Ash! Pikachu!" Twilight came to a screening halt.

"Hey, Twilight! Eve! Great to see you both. How's your journey treating you?" Ash asked, wondering what Twilight and Eve had seen once the group had split up across Holon.

"Oh, it's not too much." Twilight twirled her hair with her magic. "I got to touch a machine that controls the magnetic storms in the weather and see some other Delta Pokemon, that's to be expected. But right now, I'm focused on this. All of these Rift Particles in the air."

"Yeah. I didn't see them before but now we're close to them. By the way, where's Starlight?"

"Asleep. Ash. If these are here, then there are only two things to think about. What it could do?"

"I hear ya...This stuff's super unpredictable." Ash put his serious face on whilst watching them fly to the riverside. "It could've done anything to the Holon Region for these past few years."

"Good or bad. But, you don't have to worry about that, Ash Ketchum." Twilight put on a smug face of absolute confidence before having a sparkle in her eye. "I've grown to know more about the RIft and found some small, but effective countermeasures."

"Espeon." Espeon also put on that smug face, agreeing with Twilight.

"You have?"


"Precisely. It started with managing to imprison Lucien and Sienna in that prison of Aura and it later went off to when we made another prison of Aura that's sitting in our base at Pyrestar's world. All meant to capture the Rift when the time comes. Thanks to Aura, there's no problem that we can't overcome. I learned that from you." Twilight winked.

"Awesome! So like...you can do anything with it?!" Ash gawked.

"I mean...I didn't mean it like that." Twilight then brought it back down, shrugging. "It's still new. Point is, if we keep using Aura and pushing it to new heights, we can almost do anything as much as the Rift can."

"Hm...New heights, huh?" That word stuck with Ash. He was always about pushing himself to new heights. But it was mainly with Pokemon Battles. Pushing them to instances such as Rift Energy, while they've been done before, never to the full extent.

That's when he went straight for the riverside with Twilight and the two Pokemon following him. Ash was ready to try and push himself with Rift Energy. Although, that could result in some more Delayed Aura Ataxia, which was never a fun experience.

"What are you planning, Ash? I know that look in your eye by now."

"I've got a great idea! Come to me, staff!" Ash then held out his arm, summoning Sir Aaron's staff as it enlarged into his grasp. The Aura was already flowing from him as he and his friends stopped by the riverside. There, they saw all of the Rift Energy flowing out and into the river.

Most definitely, this was the source of it all. So many of the particles littered this riverside, giving it a bio-luminescent glow. Beautiful, but unpredictable as always. Ash stood before the riverside, glancing at the staff afterwards. Rift Energy within the river was too risky as it could do anything. There was no telling what it had done so far. Twilight waited for Ash's idea, just to see what he had planned.

Ash's idea involved going along with whatever would come next. He aimed his staff at the riverside, with the intent to free the riverside of Rift Energy. "Here goes..." He closed his eyes. But of course, he had some help. Doing it by himself was risky for his body. Twilight had sent out Togekiss, who also had access to Aura to keep him safe.

"Togekiss." Togekiss emerged, placing her wing on Ash's back. Ash felt Togekiss' contact as he felt at ease with this addition of Aura. Twilight watched as Ash started connecting with the Rift Energy inside of the Aura, preparing a magic shield in case anything were to go wrong.

However, Ash soon felt something off about this. Or rather familiar. This riverside had something within it. And it wasn't a Pokemon. His Aura could feel the familiar sense of a sort of entryway. A gateway to be exact. Ash and Togekiss gasped as they both felt the gateway. "There's a gateway down there..."

"There is?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Let's see if I can show it." Ash scrunched his face, putting some more effort into it. He would try and reveal the gateway instead of ridding the Rift Energy now that he knew a gateway existed here. Gateways were very useful after all. The staff and usage of Aura allowed manipulation of the water itself.

And there, the water had been morphed to form an open hole. With this open hole, the gateway could be found. It was unlike the other gateways in which it was at a different angle. Even different from the gateways that existed in the skies. Wherever this led to must be dizzy to pass through. Ash could finally stop as he had already made the hole. He took a deep breath with Togekiss being there to hold him. Ash held his head as one other major difference from this gateway was the feeling it gave him.

Ash couldn't help but hear multiple voices flow through his ears, most likely from what was beyond the gateway. However, he wasn't too sure. The more he heard the voices, he could feel further Rift anomalies.

"Which part of Equestria does this lead to?" Twilight wondered, approaching the gateway. "Maybe somewhere underwater?"

"I don't think it leads to Equestria..." Ash said, shaking his head. "There's something else there..."

"No? How do you know?" She asked.

"I felt some pretty weird stuff through that gateway." Ash stood up tall with Togekiss letting go. Twilight promptly returned the Jubilee Pokemon, thanking her for good work as always. "That's a whole bunch of talking."

"Voices?" Twilight went a bit closer to the gateway, hovering over the riverside and placing her ear next to it. But, unfortunately, she couldn't hear those multiple voices coming through. "I don't hear anything. Maybe my Aura's not as big as yours..."

"Then...Time to find out what's inside!" Ash was already eager to check out what could lie beyond that gateway. He tightened his gloves, thinking of the exciting possibility as he jumped in headfirst. "Let's go!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu did the same.

"Ah! Hey! You two!" Twilight held her hoof out, trying to use her magic to hold them. But it was too late. They had already passed through. Twilight Sparkle could only groan, knowing that the two of them wouldn't stop when it came to something new and exciting. "Come on, Eve..."

"Espeon." Twilight and Espeon followed after them either way. They've come this far. Plus, while she wasn't as active as Ash and Pikachu, her intrigue about everything Rift-related was still there. Thus, she would've investigated it either way as she and Espeon jumped in after them.

Within the gateway.

Upon entering it, they weren't instantly transported somewhere. Instead, they were freefalling. They were fully within the gateway and the rest of its inside. There was no other area to a familiar world. The exit was still above them thankfully. Twilight opened her eyes, seeing as how they were still moving inside of the gateway.

"W-Wait! Where's the next location?!" Twilight wondered, seeing how they weren't anywhere in Equestria. Ash's hat almost flew off with him holding it firmly. Pikachu flailed in the air along with Espeon, feeling as if there would be no bottom. They've never been this long within a gateway before. First time for everything.

However, this ethereal area did have a bottom. Ash stuck a landing on the surface that resembled the rest of the gateway so it was hard to say if he was standing on air or something solid. Either way, he could stay mobile with control. Pikachu also landed safely as there was no hard impact at all. It all seemed safe with Espeon following afterwards.

Twilight kept it safe, gently descending with her wings flapping. She was relieved that no one had been harmed, including herself. Then again, it was hard to tell if anything ethereal could be painful to touch "Hah...That's a relief. But...what gives? Where's Equestria?"

"No clue," said Ash as he was just as lost as Twilight. "This is pretty weird though..."

"Something was definitely wrong with this gateway if this is the case," Twilight uttered. This gateway was all too different from the others. From the way it was positioned, the voices that Ash could hear and the fact that it lead to nowhere else was bizarre.

Pikachu and Espeon stood side by side, looking for anything that could indicate the purpose of this gateway. Otherwise, this would just be a vacant and meaningless gateway that served no purpose. Completely hollow and full of hot air. But, much like everything Rift-related, the unpredictable nature of it would show itself.

And it started with the appearance of the entity itself responsible for everything that has happened and the cause of this long journey. The Rift. Ash, Twilight and their Pokemon raised their heads, witnessing the Rift manifesting at the top of this gateway.

"The Rift!" They shouted.

"I'm surprised you managed to find this gateway of all places. Then again, I'm not that surprised at all. Those particles were a good enough guide."

"What is this place?" Twilight demanded to know. "And why is it so...empty?"

"Ah, this place...Call me lazy if you want, but the gateway that you passed through is a gateway of previous events far predating your world's meeting. And this area is just the full view of well...other worlds."

"Previous events?" Twilight repeated.

"Otherworlds?" So did Ash. "You mean the other Pokemon Worlds and uh...what's the name of your planet, Twilight?"

"It's-" Twilight froze for a moment, unable to answer to that properly. "Huh...I don't know."

"Then again, I wouldn't say lazy as I've done this before. It was only the first time that I ended up leaving one gateway behind, not bothering to erase it. It stuck afterwards, leading to this new habit. And my, it was worth it, giving me a good reminder of other worlds I've been to and for others to find."

"Which worlds?" Twilight asked. "And...why leave it here for us to find?"

"I suppose one of those answers...would have to be the sheer scope of things. You young ones have no idea how little you all seem compared to everything else. Allow me to show you."

The Rift would then show them this scope. Something they weren't ready for. It had used its overwhelming cosmic powers to originate another ethereal force. This time, right at the top, a silver orb was materializing. The unveiling of this orb had all four eyes on it.

And an image was forming within the orb. A symbol. The symbol of what seemed to be an 'S'. And another symbol showed. Two more to be exact as they filled the orb. Speaking of more orbs, the Rift made more of them appear all over the place rapidly, revealing so much to Ash, Twilight and their Pokemon.

Different individuals could be seen through these orbs. Many had striking appearances that differed from each other. These were unlike anything they had seen before. Soon, all of the beings within these orbs showed themselves for Ash, Twilight, Pikachu and Espeon to admire.

"W-What is this...?" They both uttered. Their eyes met with all of these different individuals. Some were big, some were small. Some were adorable, some were intimidating, depending on how they were looked at. One had wings while another had the symbol of a phoenix on their helmet. Truly a stellar sight as more were beginning to show up.

"The worlds I've been to in the past. I told you, didn't I? The scope of everything is far greater than you can imagine. Believe me. All of these universes, I've had my fair share of entertaining experiences with them, no doubt. Some have lasted longer than others. And the gateway you see before you is the result of one gateway being used constantly. I just so happened to keep it around. And now it has come to you all."

"Pika...Pikachu!" Pikachu gasped, promptly pointing at the visage of the blue entity shaped like an animal that was hard to distinguish and a pink creature identical to that of Jigglypuff.

"Pikachu...You recognize some of them?" Ash translated.

"Pika!" Pikachu did. Somewhere in his memory, he recognized two of them.

"But no one has ever made it this far. Except you four. You're proving to be troublesome, you know that? Much like those who have come before you..."

"You scared?" Twilight taunted the Rift. Prior to all of this, she would've been intimidated by the Rift. But as time went on, that was no longer the case. "But changing the subject...you've been trying to stop us from reaching Jirachi this entire time. Some honour."

"Why would I need honour? I can do whatever I want. Make any rule I want with no exceptions. You can continue to try and find Jirachi. That won't stop me from taking every chance at doing what I can."

"We'll still beat you there." Ash stamped the staff. "I made a promise that we'd end up reaching Jirachi before you change everything. And we're gonna keep it that way until it's all over. And I promised that I'd help you. Lucien. Sienna."


"I think not. There's no point in trying to restore what can't be restored. I am fully the Rift at this point. You could say I'm a lot like Ghetsis. I'm too far gone at this point."

"That's not what I think." Ash thought otherwise. "I'm not giving up hope on you. I promised your parents when I was knocked out. I'll bring you back to them. As two."

Ash and Rift stared each other down. For a moment, glowing eyes could be seen within the Rift. One eye resembled the eye colour of Lucien and the other resembled Sienna's eye colour, showing that they were indeed the Rift in one form. Ash's Aura also emanated from him and the staff, threatening the Rift. The Rift could feel a sting as it had backed away a bit.

"That Aura of yours has gotten far stronger than it should be. Even in the original timeline." The Rift then made the orbs disappear afterwards once it felt the sting. "Then again, so much and yet so little is different in this new timeline. To think that a good chunk of them wasn't under my influence. For the most part."

"How different?" Twilight questioned.

"For starters, why do you think you all have the same eye style? I did some tweaking for that along with other things. And you, my little pony. You've grown past your parallel selves. And your human self is walking on that path as well. Frankly, everyone in your world is changing. All of this is getting me so excited. It was worth putting these worlds together."

"You might have done something amazing by putting them together and allowing us to make new friends, but you've also endangered a lot of us with what you've brought over," said Twilight. "Even if things might reset at the end, you're just going to let so many destructive forces roam about?"

"Ah, that's not my fault. It's mainly the fault of Ghetsis and a few others. What comes next, don't pin it on me. It's the power that you all have with the Pokemon themselves. Which I'm not worried about. Even with that Aura of yours, Ash Ketchum, whether it be an outburst, nothing is going to stop me from doing what I can. Aside from Arceus at best."

"Outburst..." Ash said to himself. The Rift had given him an idea with those words. "Okay! How about this then? I promised I'd get Lucien and Sienna back. And you're right here too. Can't waste my chance, ya know!" He then held the staff out, having a new approach.

"What are you-" The Rift had been cut off once Ash had utilized his Aura onto the staff. And by doing so, he managed to release an outburst of Aura that made his body tremble. But it was worth it as the pulse had managed to reach Rift in seconds.

The Rift felt a greater sting from Ash's Aura as it caught it off guard. So off guard that for the first time in what could be forever during its creation, it felt genuine pain. The Rift had been blown back with parts of it being disintegrated as well. This outburst was stronger than expected, and its strength showed once Ash got on his knees. The ethereal area of the gateway had also been dissolved slightly with the Rift letting out a cosmic scream.

"Ash!" Twilight rushed over to him, seeing him drop to his knees. "W-What was that?! Are you okay?!"

"I was hoping to try and see if I could find them in there. Guess I didn't think it would do that..." Ash didn't plan too ahead for this. His goal was to reach Lucien and SIenna by showing them as two separate individuals. But it backfired yet succeeded as the Rift howled.

"A-ASH KETCHUM...!" The Rift roared, stammering on its words for the first time. He tried retaliating, however, the Aura was permeating its ethereal body, causing it to twitch uncontrollably. It was even crumbling with cracks in reality forming. That Aura was more effective than expected. "YOU...!" The Rift then chose to leave, giving a foreboding roar at the end of it.

Ash and Twilight stood there, taking in his warning. From how he worded it, something worse was coming soon. But it wouldn't be from the Rift. It barely is nowadays. However, Ash showed no fear while Twilight had some worry emanating from her. She quickly snapped back.

"Ash...that was amazing! You managed to hurt it!" Twilight applauded his amazing effort.



"I didn't mean to hurt it..." Ash regretted harming the Rift as his Aura was far too powerful for him to master yet. He hasn't gotten there yet. "I messed up my chance there. Guess I gotta wait for another one soon..."

"Well...This might get more out of control. Ash. We need to do something. Phione's all we have right now." Twilight pondered, sitting for a moment. "Maybe we can ask help from those other worlds? They've experienced the RIft too, right?"

"I don't know. They've probably forgotten all about it. Right now, it's just our worlds working together to do what we can. No need to worry, Twilight." Ash stood up. "You can't let a bunch of creepy words keep you panicking."

"You're still so calm even after what had just happened. You're right." She chuckled, glad that she had Ash here to give her courage. "I'm not afraid as I was before. Let's just get out of here and keep going. Holon's still fresh after all."

They would end up leaving this area and return to the Holon Region. But the memory that they made here, while brief, stuck with them.

Universe 11. The Solar Empire. Canterlot Palace. Day.

"The Rift's been harmed," Daybreaker spoke. She felt it. From her universe, far from Universe One and the Pokemon World, she felt the Rift being damaged. Daybreaker quickly left her throne room, heading elsewhere. Ghetsis and Empress Twilight followed.

"The Rift has been damaged? How's that possible?" Ghetsis questioned.

"Something like that should be invincible." Empress Twilight chimed in. And how do you know that?"

"Because of the Supernova." Daybreaker led them to the room where her ultimate weapon, the Supernova could be found. Daybreaker approached the gigantic weapon, placing her hoof on it.

"That thing? How?" Ghetsis had more questions.

"Remember? Rift Energy from both of you had been stored here. And with the Rift being damaged, no doubt anything related to it would've felt at least something. This makes me curious. What could have the capability to harm it?"

"It has to be Aura. Or at least some other cosmic force...Was it Cosmos?!" Empress Twilight gasped, thinking that Cosmos might've been involved.

"Whatever the case...It's proof that it's not invincible. Nothing is after all. Everything has a weakness. And whatever caused the Rift to feel harm...I feel somewhat at ease." Daybreaker cackled suddenly.

"At ease?" Ghetsis repeated.

"Right. I suppose I never told you this. But I share a burning resentment to the Rift. No pun intended." Daybreaker laughed before putting on a serious expression. "I told you of how I once met the Rift. All of that amazing power that it was capable of was something to marvel at, no doubt. I related it to something akin to that Discord or Cosmos. Possibly greater. And once I knew of this, my one encounter with the Rift led me to try one thing."

"And that is...?" Empress Twilight leaned in.

"I requested the revival of my little sister, Luna. It had the power to do so. Nothing was holding it back at all. And yet...it didn't. It only left, claiming that it had another world parallel to mine that it wanted to experiment with. How frustrating...!" Daybreaker's more agitated side showed.

Her already blazing mane had intensified, letting out the roar of the sun while also heating up the area. The scientists in this room felt hot from Daybreaker's rising heat. They also felt thirsty in mere seconds with their lab coats melting away in seconds.

"It will pay dearly for taking that chance of happiness away from me. That is why I built the Supernova. This weapon here will be the one to rival that of the Rift's overwhelming power. And once I have all of the power that even surpasses the Rift, I will bring Luna back to me. We'll be sisters together once more. But for that to happen, the Rift must pay." Daybreaker's hooves suddenly melted the floor below, leaving burning hoofprints.

Ghetsis and Empress Twilight learned something new. Daybreaker's vengeance against the Rift and her goal to bring back the Luna of her world. And with the knowledge of the Rift being harmed, Daybreaker saw an opportunity that couldn't be ignored.

Holon Region. Holon Grasslands. Day.

Jumping back out of the gateway were Ash, Twilight, Pikachu and Espeon. Twilight held them up with her magic as they were back to the real world. Meeting them there were Sceptile and Audino who followed Ash and Pikachu here.

"Whew...That was something." Ash chuckled.

"Right...It's a good thing I'm ready to call it a night." sighed Twilight. "I'll let Starlight know everything in the morning. You should do the same to everyone else."

"I hear ya. Where are you heading, Twilight? I gotta check out whatever place it is soon, ya know."


"Starlight, Eve and I are going to a place known as the Holon Pyramid. It's somewhere in the Holon Desert. Weird how we haven't seen it yet from this distance..." The Princess of Friendship squinted her eyes. "But anyway, Ash. You might be in larger danger than before with what happened back there. I'm positive the Rift's not too happy with you."

"I for one think you did well, boy." Sombra decided to show himself. Fitting as it was nightfall, appearing next to Ash. "To think that you could injure a cosmic force and show no fear. Perhaps you're not as pathetic as I thought you were."

"Uh, thanks." Ash took that as a compliment. Everything Sombra said was passive-aggressive. "But...I wish I didn't have to hurt it. I gotta reach the Rift...No. Lucien and Sienna for real. We can work something out maybe."

"Cosmic forces are beyond that." Sombra shook his head. Aside from perhaps Discord who I'm surprised you managed to befriend. But the Rift seems to be far looser than Discord is. I suggest you forget reasoning with it and seek its destruction. That entity brings nothing but trouble."

"No. I'm still gonna try." Ash persisted. "If it's gonna be stubborn, then so will I."

"And no one's more stubborn than you." Twilight nudged him, knowing that Ash's stubbornness was unmatched. Sombra rolled his eyes, hiding back in Ash for the time being. "Well, see you soon at the pyramid. I'd better get to Starlight now. Take care!"

"Espeon!" Espeon and Twilight bid farewell for now until they would meet up at the pyramid located at the Holon Desert. Ash and Pikachu then waved farewell to them as well.

Sceptile and Audino gazed mainly at the gateway that was at the riverside. It was still there and had yet to vanish. Ash also looked at it, wondering what would happen now. The Rift was most likely furious at him which could only lead to unwarranted issues.

That's when he thought back to the people and other strange beings that were seen within the gateway and the orbs that showed them. He still didn't know much of what to make of them. Ash would leave it for now, as the water from the river eventually hid the hole once more.

As for the Rift, within its realm, it could feel the Aura still. It was the equivalent of an itch that just wouldn't go away. Only this itch was on the same level as a burn. It tried using its power to erase this pain, however, it was so grand that not only was its focus thrown off, but the Aura remained for the most part.

The Rift was suddenly forming some sort of a face. The two eye colours that respectively belonged to Lucien and Sienna showed themselves once more. And now, so did a mouth. The Rift was showing more of itself under this pain. Its ethereal cosmic body couldn't help but continue rippling uncontrollably.

Ash had made serious progress with this. And this infuriated the Rift. It knew that Ash had succeeded at something so crucial and unexpected. The thought of him being able to do this was inconceivable. The Rift then created a projection of Ash, allowing it to view him for a second. It had then obliterated that projection via its own fury.

It was safe to say that the Rift showed some disdain to Ash Ketchum.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 700 End.

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