• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Rest and restorations

Author's Note:

It's Season 7 Time.

Universe 1. Equestria. Canterlot Castle. Late Afternoon.

After the invasion had ended, everyone had a celebratory party at the castle once they received their medal. Most of Equestria was damaged thanks to the invasion so some massive cleanup would be needed.

At least, that would be the case, if Discord didn't already sort that one. With one simple paw movement, he restored Equestria, erasing all previously done damage to every landscape, city, town and village out there. He also did add his own little flair to it.

Ash was currently holding on to Sir Aaron's Staff as he was now the rightful owner of it.

"So what can you do with the staff now that it's yours?" Scootaloo asked. "Can you shoot beams out of it?"

"Can you fly?" Sweetie Belle questioned.

"Can you teleport?!" Apple Bloom raised her voice.

"Don't know what else it'll make me do. But I'm gonna focus on getting rid of Delayed Aura Ataxia for everyone. So that anyone can past it, ya know."


"Oooh...Can you do a cool pose with it though?!" Scootaloo asked.

"Sure thing!" Ash obliged as he decided to pull off the best pose that he could with this staff at his disposal. "Wish I had that cape right about now..."


"You're not gonna seriously carry that big thing around with you all the time, are you, Ash?" Twilight and Pinkie Pie walked up to Ash.

"Well, I gotta look after it until I'm done using it, ya know," Ash replied to Twilight while posing. "I can keep it strapped on my back the entire time."

"If you can, you could shrink it and make it big whenever you want! But...can Aura do that?" said Pinkie Pie.

"It'd be pretty nifty." Ash looked at the staff. "Carrying it around all the time's gonna be a bit of a hassle though."

"You're in luck. There's a spell for that." Twilight nodded. "One use of it and you can grow and expand it anytime you want."

"Really? Yes! Thanks, Twilight!"

Meanwhile, in the space where Chrysalis was, the Changeling Queen and the Changelings themselves were getting looks of awe in their new forms. Especially Chrysalis.

"So you've always had this?" Celestia pointed her hoof at Chrysalis.

"Apparently. I could've discovered it at any time, but all of that magic just seemed to unlock it for me."

"Oh. How would you have unlocked it then without all of that magic?" Luna asked.

"Well, If I showcased my love for all the things I cherish. My subjects or rather children, Ribombee, the rest of the Fairy-Type Pokemon Ash and so forth. Though, there's a not lot I've had enough time to love over the years."

"Hm? Did you say, Ash?" Luna's ears shot up after that.

"Yes. I love Ash." Chrysalis nodded with an innocent smile, unaware of what she was really saying and how it affected Luna considering her own pull towards Ash.

"I see..." Luna narrowed her eyes.

"Now that we've attained such a form...I'm not sure where we can go next?" Chrysalis pondered.

"Well, you're free to do anything now," Celestia replied. "The skies the limit! Or in this case, other worlds."

"Oh! I could visit the Pokemon World actually! That sounds entertaining!" Chrysalis gasped, sparking up an idea after hearing Celestia's words. "Those Pokemon Battles certainly look fun. I mean, they can be highly volatile from what I've seen, especially with Reshiram and Zekrom, but seemingly fun."

"That reminds me. What of Reshiram and Zekrom? They're just standing out there." Luna looked to Celestia.

"Reshiram and Zekrom are aiming to return to their own worlds to restore balance. But thanks to Ghetsis, that's going to be a bit difficult. Which is why they will be sticking around for a while and help to restore balance in other worlds that Team Plasma has infiltrated. Plus...we may have to establish something new for scenarios such as this."

"Something new?" Both Luna and Chrysalis said.

"Right. Oh. Twilight! Cadence! Pyrestar! Can you three come here for a moment?" Celestia called for the three alicorns as they immediately brought themselves over here via teleportation.

"Yes?" They each spoke.

"Good. You're all here. I was just thinking of establishing a little thing. Or rather, something big. Something that goes past even our world." Celestia and the others huddled together.

"Like?" Twilight uttered.

"With all of these universes and alternate worlds, most being conquered and under the Empress' control, there's no telling how many more of them are out there and are probably unaware of what may come next."

"Oh yeah...Ash mentioned something about a Princess Fluttershy when he was unconscious!" Twilight then recalled a moment with Ash after the whole Delayed Aura Ataxia incident. "She was already aware of the gateways and otherworlds actually. She wants to do the same thing. Help other worlds."

"Then that's one brilliant sign. We'll need to warn and help other worlds that have either been conquered or are next in line for Ghetsis or Empress Twilight. In whatever way we can. If we can come in contact with that many worlds, that is. The other me has already chosen to inform her Equestria about the Empress' defeat. And what of Ghetsis?"

"Well, Ash freed Pyrestar's world from Ghetsis. So that's also a start. Not sure where everypony else there may be at." Twilight shook her head.

"My world is free?!" Pyrestar gasped before smiling. "Oh thank goodness...Ash kept his promise after all."

"We'll discuss this later tomorrow. Right now. Everypony should get some rest." Celestia offered. "What of the Flurry Heart of the other world, Cadence? Having two daughters who are essentially the same pony in the same world must be something, isn't it?"

"Well...There's no harm in raising two daughters, is there?" Cadence squeed.

"Wait. Are you actually planning to take care of both of them at the same time?" Luna snapped her head over to Cadence.

"More like foalsitting in a sense. There's a lot she never had the chance to experience thanks to the Empress in her world. I think I should let her experience what she's missed out on. Especially with all the Pokemon. She still has her own world and the Crystal Emp- or the Crystal Kingdom as it's known now. She can't leave her subjects behind can she?"

"Oh." Twilight, Luna and Chrysalis each nodded.

"Sounds like a swell decision. But are you sure you can take care of both of them?" Pyrestar asked.

"Positive. I mean, when everything's said and done, she'll have to return to her own world which...not sure if I'm ready for that. But she has her own parents out there somewhere. The Empress turned them to stone and locked them away in parts unknown. They weren't even in the dungeon from what she told me. I'll have to look into that too if I want her to meet her real parents again.

"Then take care of her as if she was your own." Celestia nodded. "I mean she technically is but...you know what I mean."

"Right." Cadence chuckled afterwards.

"Have fun getting along with your days. Especially during summer. We'll need it." Celestia separated the group huddle. "I'll speak with my other self in the otherworld tomorrow as well. And then after that, all the time in the world with Cobalion."

Meanwhile with Applejack's group.

"James." Applejack approached James and Team Rocket with Apple Bloom by her side. "Thanks for paying back that debt."

"Hm? Oh yes!" James nodded, crossing his arms while bending over a bit. "Well, I had to eventually. Plus, your sister was just very convincing.

"Ain't I?" Apple Bloom gave an innocent smile. "I mean, I heard you and James were pretty good friends after that whole Jess...Jez...Je- that Jessie doppelganger problem!"

"Ah, We ain't friends..." Applejack shook her head along with James. "Paying debts don't make friends, sugarcube."

"Mhm." James nodded as he and Applejack knew that they have two completely different occupations. Considering James' role as a Team Rocket Member. They were mostly mutual towards each other.

"Oh come on! Ya could!" Apple Bloom pulled the two of them closer to each other by putting her hoof around James' leg and Applejack's neck. "We could all be pretty good friends, right?"

"Uh...Maybe." James scratched his hair.

"Eeh..." Applejack shrugged while slightly chuckling.

"Hey." Jessie then tugged on James' shirt, pulling him close. "Don't get too attached to them. We might not stick around this colourful place for long. Even if the food here is so delicious~!"

"I know, I know." James nodded. "But you have to admit, their company is appreciated. Especially Zecora's."

"Mm-mm." And Meowth could agree with that as he also nodded in agreement.

"Ah, maybe we can't get too close." James turned to Apple Bloom. "But, I appreciate the kindness."

"Well...Can you at least hang out with us a few times?"

"You can find me at the Pokemon House mostly." James pointed his thumb at himself. "Until we leave there that is."

"Oh. Wait, where are you gonna go to after that? Do you have a secret base somewhere?" Apple Bloom tilted her head.

"Secret base? Ah!" Jessie gasped. "Now I know what we're missing! The boss hasn't sent us a base yet! Zecora's Hut wasn't even ours let alone one giant house of Pokemon!"

"We had one in Alola but it ain't Team Rocket property anymore!" Meowth exclaimed.

"Hmm...That is a bit of an issue..." James put his hand on his chin. "Where to go after that? We could contact the boss as soon as possible then!"

"What about your mansion? You're super-rich, aren't you?" Apple Bloom said.

"Ah, well...I could go there but..."

"He doesn't wanna bump into her again." Applejack answered Apple Bloom's questioned, referring to Jessebelle.

"Ooh..." Apple Bloom understood with a small nod. "But there's more right?"

"Ah, I do have a few summer homes out there but...I don't feel comfortable heading there. Especially not with what mommy and daddy assigned me to. You understand right, Applejack? Apple Bloom?"

"Not fully." Applejack replied. "I'm kinda known for being homesick and everything but, I gotcha. Must be tough having to deal with that. You've been running from that Jessebelle for years now?"

"Only when she ends up finding me. Frankly, I'm glad it doesn't happen every day." James chuckled. "And it's even better she hasn't arrived at this world yet."

"If she shows up to this world I'm gonna..." Applejack grizzled her teeth before Big Mac stopped her from saying anything vile that could pass through Apple Bloom's innocent little ears.

"We should get going now, shouldn't we, James?" Jessie gave a suspicious grin.


"Yes. We have work to do. It was fun having this chat but Buh-bye now! We'll see you back at the Pokemon House!" Jessie whistled.

"Right, right!" James nodded before sliding away with Team Rocket. "Fluttershy will appreciate it if we clear things up at the Pokemon House while we were gone."

"See ya there!" Meowth waved.


"Those four are pretty strange, aren't they?" Applejack twisted her mouth while narrowing her eyes.


With Adagio

"Adagio!" Running over to their big sister was Sonata and Aria. They had just returned from Undella Town and rushed over to Canterlot as soon as they could.

"We heard what happened!" Sonata came to a screeching halt as Adagio put her hoof out, stopping Sonata before she crashed into something. "Are you alright?!"

"Perfectly fine. And I'm feeling fairly accomplished with myself." Adagio smirked while showing off her medal.

"You got a medal? Seriously?" Aria was a bit confounded by this.

"Wish you had one too?" Adagio laughed. "It suits me and my beauty doesn't it? Don't you agree?"

"Well yeah. It suits you!" Sonata exclaimed.

"But how did you manage to earn one? What did you even do during that whole invasion?" Aria asked.

"She helped to weaken the Empress by using the Magic Siphoning Jar," Celestia said whilst walking up to Adagio's group. "And with the assistance of Sunset Shimmer, of course."

"It was my idea in the first place." Adagio looked away.

"Really? Like all of the magic?" Sonata leaned in.

"Well, no, unfortunately." Sunset shook her head. "We were shooting for all of it, but it didn't quite happen."

"Would've taken everything if I had another go at it." Adagio flipped her mane as Krickett had revealed himself.


"Wait...Does this mean you're heading back to the human world, Sunny?" Sonata pouted, knowing that Sunset Shimmer was only staying behind because of the invasion and this was her original home. She couldn't let it be invaded at the end of the day.

"Hehe...Well..." Sunset laughed nervously while rubbing the back of her mane. "I did say that but...Being back here has been a lot of fun actually but, I did make a promise to my friends back at the human world and everything. But I'd also have to leave my new friends here."

"Who said you can't come back and see your friends again?" Celestia said. "You're always welcome back here, Sunset Shimmer."

"Really! Oh! That's a relief! Well, you can see come in and out of both worlds at any time. Plus, you can come over to the human world like before and we can hang out even more."

"But being in the human world makes my legs sore..." Aria sighed.

"But the food there is something!" Sonata nodded. "Well, it's not as good as the Pokemon food but still.

"Wait...You're talking about the Pokemon food the humans eat. Right?" Aria snapped her head to Sonata, hoping that she didn't take her words out of context.

"I don't know....they're both pretty good." Sonata gave her response, revealing that she eats both human and Pokemon only food.

"What about you, Adagio? I mean, you kept your own promise at the end of the day." Sunset asked the pony-siren hybrid.

"I...don't know. I didn't think I'd ever make it here of all places." Adagio pouted before shifting her eyes to the side. Despite everything that has happened, she never expected her life to lead to this place. She went from being an enemy to some of Equestria and eventually helping save it from a greater threat. Her life had taken a turn for sure. "I could just stay at Ponyville with my you two. But I want to do more..."

"Well..." Celestia smiled before looking down at Adagio. "You can always become my student."

"Huh? HUH?! You're serious?!" Adagio pulled back after Celestia's suggestion.

"Mhm. You're still getting adjusted to being a pony. Especially with that horn of yours. I can teach you a thing or two, or even more if you want."

"Yes! Yes please!" Adagio nodded as she was willing for that. But then she quickly calmed down before clearing her throat, acting calm and collected. "I mean, yes. That'd be nice."

"Lucky! You get to have a unicorn horn and everything!" Sonata moaned. "How come we got stuck as Earth Ponies?"

"Better luck next time." Adagio chuckled, feeling pompous of herself before she ceased her laughing, looking over at Aria for a bit. "But actually...I did see something on your months ago, Aria."

"Hm? Like what?" Aria asked.

"Wel, it was during that Canterlot Tournament thing. When you were um...scolding me. I saw wings just flash on you for a bit."

"Hm? You did?" Aria looked at herself. "I didn't know that."

"You didn't see it?" Adagio leaned forward as Aria shook her head. "Nor feel it?" Another question that just prompted Aria Blaze to shake once more. "Did you at least see it Sonata? You were there too."

"Uh...Nope." Sonata denied it as well.

"Tch. I know I didn't fabricate or dream it." Adagio scoffed.

"Wait. Are you saying that I could be a pegasus?" Aria pointed her hoof at herself.

"I mean, maybe." Adagio shrugged. "All I know is that there's something there. Just like Chrysalis and all the changelings, there's something hidden inside of you. Makes me wonder if I always had this unicorn horn in me, to begin with."

"Wait. So If I scold you will I get something? Ooh! I bet I could be an alicorn!" Sonata squeed with glee.

"Don't push your luck." Adagio lowered her eyes.

"Having wings appear around Aria suddenly isn't unheard of," Celestia spoke.

"It's not?" The Dazzlings looked to Celestia.

"Centuries ago, it's been said that there were ponies of old who were able to tap into the magic of other pony races. Mostly alicorns from what's been told. There's not much else I can say but many deem it to be fables and stories for little foals."

"Oh wait!" Sunset gasped. "Is that what that is?! S-Sometimes, mostly in the human world, I end up growing wings all of a sudden. Even when I became that She-Demon way back then!"

"That could be a case of it." Celestia nodded. Aria then looked at herself, realizing that there was a chance that she could be a pegasus. And if that was the case, Aria could do many things she could never do as an earth pony. And that made her excited for the future. "But anyway. I'm feeling tired myself. I think a long night sleep will do me well."

"Mhm." Adagio and Sunset nodded in agreement. Unlike Sonata and Aria, they were tired out of their mind after all that chaos that had just occurred.

With Starlight's group.

"So, Starlight. How do you feel now?" Twilight went up to her student.

"I feel...A bit perplexed actually. Didn't think I'd make it this far. I mean? An invasion? Parallel worlds? Giant Dragons?!" She cackled a bit. "My heart's still racing from all of that."

"Mhm." Goh, Thorax and Trixie agreed.

"Trixie will have a story to really tell to her students. Ooh, maybe a school play will do the trick." Trixie said.

"I feel pretty good about myself right now. My back still aches from everything that's just happened though." Thorax nodded.

"I'm starting to get used to all of these high octane events," Goh spoke. "I can't imagine how Ash went through so much of this over the years."

"Yeah. I feel pretty comfortable with everything now," said Starlight. "There's a lot I want to do now before this all comes to an end. Maybe become a Pokemon Professor myself!"

"Really?" Twilight turned to Starlight with widened eyes. "Wow. That's a pretty big decision. I was thinking of something else."

"Like what?"

"Well...I mean, one day, I was gonna do what Celestia did to me. Send you off somewhere to make new friends. But, it looks like you've already made your decision. Do you want to be a Pokemon Professor here or..."

"Well, anywhere is fine. You have your own lab as a Pokemon Professor and Spike and I are just your assistants. I could have my own lab somewhere out there. But where?"

"Where?" Twilight then turned around, thinking of all the possible places where Starlight could become a Pokemon Professor. Just then, Discord appeared around her neck in a smaller size.

"Stuck on choices, are we?" Discord said, startling Twilight.

"No. I mean...well kinda. It's not too important, Discord." Twilight shook her head.

"I don't know. All of this Pokemon nonsense seems important to me considering how much it's changed our world. Just a few months and she's already shooting for big things."

"Um...I'm right here. I can hear you." Starlight spoke.

"I know that, Discord." Twilight shoved Discord aside. "Starlight's already made her decision. I just need to make mine."

"Sure. That would mean she'd have a lab somewhere out there in Equestria. Or maybe even the Pokemon World if she wants to. That still counts as sending her away, doesn't it?" Discord created a small-size model of both worlds in his paw and a mini Starlight Glimmer figure.

"Oh!" Twilight gasped as she was starting to have those usual thoughts about overthinking things.

"Guys!" Starlight exclaimed. "I can just have a lab in Ponyville just close to Twilight's lab! I'm not ready to leave just yet!"

"...You're not?" Twilight and Discord both said.

"No!" She shook her head.

Oh, good! 'Cause I'm not ready for that either!" Twilight sighed. "That reminds me...we still have Jirachi to find cause I'm definitely not ready for the other departure."

"Hm. Well, looks like you truly have things sorted out. Darn it. I was hoping you would send her to my realm for her own lab. We could've been roomies too. Way to not pick up what I was putting down." Discord snapped his fingers in defeat.

"Wanna head home now?" Twilight looked at everyone.

"Sounds good to me." Starlight and everyone nodded. Home is the best place to be right about now. Whether at Ponyville, Pallet Town, the Changeling Hive etc.

Universe 30. Another Equestria. Within a roundtable room.

Over at an alternate universe, the now defeated Empress Twilight Sparkle sat on a roundtable with a scarred eye, thanks to Zorua. To patch up this eye, she was given a stylized eye patch that had her Cutie Mark on it. And sitting with her were her allies.

Daybreaker. Princess Starlight Glimmer and Nightmare Rarity. They were all in top condition. Mostly because they weren't at the invasion when it was playing out. The atmosphere was different with a hint of awkwardness in it. Mostly for the Empress and Skyblue Shine.

The Empress' allies were aware of her loss and couldn't help but have various expressions on their faces. Ranging from surprised to smirking.

"Well. Isn't this something. You lost." Princess Starlight said. "You never lose. Right?"

"I wasn't supposed to lose." Empress Twilight growled with her one healthy eye looking at her fellow alicorn. "It wasn't supposed to be like this."

Hahahahaha!" Just then, echoing throughout the roundtable room, Daybreaker started cackling uncontrollably. "Oh, that's a shame. Haha!"

"Daybreaker?" Nightmare Rarity turned to the flaming alicorn.

"But, you're still young after all, Twilight. You'll have to get used to taking major losses." Daybreaker was the one giving off the cocky smirks. "Take my advice, why don't you? But...I suppose you've already received it. And still failed in the long run. Don't worry. Even if you never underestimated them, it was clear that you were missing something in the end. Especially most of your magic and the little protege, Luster Dawn that you still haven't found yet. Not to mention that your main world is in shambles. How perpendicular all of this turned out to be."

"Daybreaker!" Skyblue Shine didn't appreciate the slander to her Empress. "Refer to her as Empress! And don't you-"

"Leave it, Skyblue Shine." The Empress halted the android while narrowing her eyes. She knew that talking back to Daybreaker would just end up in an endless cycle.

"Well, after that, I believe it's time the adults took over for a bit." Daybreaker flipped her blazing mane.

"What do you mean by that?" Princess Starlight asked.

"Don't worry, Twilight. I'll show you how it's done. I'll personally deal with that Universe myself." Daybreaker offered while walking up to the Empress. "With my years of experience, things will be a bit different."

"So it is your turn is it?" Nightmare Rarity raised an eyebrow.

"We don't take turns. I am already planning something myself anyway." Princess Starlight nodded.

"Hmph. Well, get moving." Daybreaker turned around before opening up a gateway. "This world is truly a threat like no other. But it's nothing we can't stop, is it?"

"Not at all." Nightmare Rarity shook her head. "And if I were you, Empress. I'd call for Cosmos. That would be an easier decision, wouldn't it?"

"Tch." The Empress simply kissed her teeth as Daybreaker passed through the gateway along with Nightmare Rarity and Princess Starlight opening their own gateways, returning to their original worlds.

"What do we do now Empress?" Skyblue Shine asked. The Empress mainly stayed quiet. She already had something brewing in her mind. Something that she wanted to make sure would play out perfectly without any flaws whatsoever.

But most importantly, she wanted absolute revenge on Princess Celestia.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 469 End.

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